Addressing these mismatches would likelyinvolve targeted training, practice, and guidance on effectively applying evaluation approaches in their academic writing.5.4.3 Participants' perc
Trang 1tangible application of evaluation skills Notably, these mismatches encompass areassuch as considering elements and the relevance of criteria, personal reflection lackingclear definition and specificity, and the absence of explicitly stated criteria Thesediscrepancies underscore challenges participants encounter in effectively translatingtheir conceptual understanding into specific and well-defined evaluation pointswithin their essays These mismatches pinpoint potential opportunities for targetedguidance, practice, and support to bridge these gaps, facilitating a more seamlessintegration of cognitive comprehension and practical execution in their academic
writing endeavours
Reasons for matches and mismatches in the participants’ perceptions and practicesof evaluation skills reveal a multifaceted landscape in the journey of translatingawareness into application
Understanding vs Application: Matches point to participants successfullytransforming their cognitive understanding of specific approaches into practical
application within their essays Conversely, mismatches underscore the challenges
that participants might encounter in effectively executing these approaches in their
Lack of clarity: Mismatches, such as the need for clearer definition and specificity inevaluations, could be rooted in participants grappling with precisely articulating theirevaluation criteria This discrepancy suggests the importance of refining the clarityof their chosen evaluation methods
Depth of analysis: The observed need for expansion and specification in evaluationssignals that while participants comprehend the approaches, they might facedifficulties in providing comprehensive and elaborative assessments This mismatch
underlines the complexity of transforming conceptual awareness into detailed
analysis.Unconscious omissions: Instances of missing explicitly stated criteria in essays mightarise from participants unconsciously omitting these criteria or not fully recognizing
their significance in the evaluation process This discrepancy highlights the potential
for oversight in the translation from awareness to execution
Trang 2Limited experience: Mismatches might emerge due to participants' limited experiencein composing essays that necessitate thorough evaluation These mismatches couldsignify the need for more practice and guided instruction to effectively apply
evaluation skills
In conclusion, while some matches suggest that participants’ perceptions align with
their application of evaluation skills, there are mismatches that could be attributed to
challenges in applying criteria, providing clear definitions, and translating personalreflections into detailed evaluations Addressing these mismatches would likelyinvolve targeted training, practice, and guidance on effectively applying evaluation
approaches in their academic writing.5.4.3 Participants' perceptions and application of personal motivationThe alignment between participants’ perceived personal motivation approaches andtheir actual motivation in practice reveals significant connections in their engagementwith complex writing tasks Notably, the match between the perception of self-evaluation and improvement and the demonstrated willingness to engage withcomplex and challenging ideas highlights a clear correspondence between theirawareness and their proactive application This indicates that participants’ consciouspursuit of self-improvement effectively translates into their active readiness to tackle
intricate concepts within their writing endeavours Additionally, the match between
subjective evaluations and the willingness to engage with complex ideas underscores
a harmonious interplay between their understanding of subjective evaluations andtheir preparedness to explore intricate concepts, reflecting a consistent alignmentbetween perception and practice
However, the exploration of mismatches between participants’ perceived motivation
approaches and their motivation in practice provides insights into potential areas of
incongruity between their awareness and their tangible engagement with complexwriting tasks The mismatch between the perception of reliance on assessment criteriaand the "moderate motivation in analysis" suggests a potential discrepancy betweentheir perception of the significance of assessment criteria and the extent of theirmotivation to delve into in-depth analysis This indicates that while participants
Trang 3recognize the value of assessment criteria, their actual motivation for comprehensiveanalysis might not fully parallel this awareness Similarly, the mismatch between theperception of emphasizing key elements and the "moderate motivation in analysis"underscores a potential gap between their understanding of the importance of key
elements and the depth of their motivation to thoroughly analyse these elements intheir writing
Reasons for matches and mismatchesThe harmony between participants’ awareness of personal motivation approaches and
their corresponding intensity in practice is reflected in the matches, illuminating adirect correlation between their cognizance and the fervour of their writing efforts.Particularly, the match between perception and willingness to engage with complexand challenging ideas indicates participants’ comprehension of the significance ofdelving into intricate concepts This alignment signifies their recognition of the valuein exploring complex ideas and effectively translating this understanding intomotivated writing practices
Mismatches could arise from varying degrees of motivation for different facets ofwriting, suggesting that participants might prioritize some aspects over others due totime constraints or perceived significance Moreover, individual preferences cancontribute to mismatches, as participants may be driven by certain approaches whilenot displaying equal enthusiasm for others Experience and skill development alsoplay a role, with mismatches potentially emerging from variations in confidence and
competence across different writing components.In conclusion, the exploration of both matches and mismatches reveals a dynamic
interplay between participants' perceptions and their practical engagement with
personal motivation approaches in writing Addressing mismatches entails fosteringconsistent motivation and providing strategies to effectively apply motivation todiverse writing facets This multifaceted analysis contributes to a comprehensiveunderstanding of the intricacies between awareness, intensity, and application in
participants’ writing practices
Trang 45.4.4 Participants' perceptions and application of Intellectual openness and reflection
self-The alignment between participants’ perceptions of openness to diverse perspectivesand their actual practice of limited exploration of alternative viewpoints highlights acongruence between their awareness and their practical engagement Thiscorrespondence indicates that participants’ understanding of the significance ofdiverse perspectives is reflected in their restrained but existent incorporation of theseperspectives in their writing endeavours
The mismatches present a more intricate picture of participants’ ability to translatetheir perceptions into practical actions The mismatch between the perception of
willingness to change viewpoints and the limited exploration of alternativeperspectives suggests that while participants express a readiness to shift theirstandpoint, their practical engagement with diverse perspectives might fall short ofthis willingness Similarly, the contrast between the recognition of the value ofdiverse perspectives and the limited exploration of alternative viewpoints highlightsa potential discrepancy between their intellectual recognition of the value and theapplication of this value within their writing practices Furthermore, the mismatchbetween the perception of willingness and readiness to learn and the lack of self-awareness and consideration of biases underscores a potential challenge in effectivelytranslating their eagerness for learning into the practical realm This discrepancysuggests that while participants aspire to learn, they might encounter difficulties inapplying self-awareness to mitigate biases within their writing
In summary, the analysis of both matches and mismatches unveils a complexinteraction between participants’ perceptions and their practical integration of
openness to diverse perspectives The reasons behind these patterns underscore the
nuanced nature of translating awareness into tangible application within the realm ofacademic writing Addressing these mismatches could involve targeted strategies thatbridge the gap between perception and practice and foster a more comprehensive andinclusive approach to exploring diverse viewpoints
Reasons for matches and mismatches
Trang 5The alignment between participants' awareness of certain approaches and theirpractical application in writing reflects a congruence between cognitiveunderstanding and behavioural engagement These matches highlight participants'ability to successfully translate their awareness into tangible practices For example,the match between perception and practice of intellectual openness and self-reflectionsignifies participants' successful integration of these values into their writingpractices, reinforcing a direct alignment between awareness and application.
However, the exploration of mismatches provides valuable insights into potentialobstacles that hinder the seamless translation of awareness into consistent practicalexecution Mismatches might arise from participants recognizing the value ofintellectual openness and self-reflection intellectually but not fully integrating these
aspects into their writing practices Time constraints offer another explanation formismatches, as participants might acknowledge the importance of certain practicesbut prioritize other writing aspects due to limited time Additionally, establishedhabitual behaviours might lead to mismatches, as participants might default to their
accustomed writing habits even if these habits do not fully align with their intellectualcomprehension Cultural and societal factors can further contribute to mismatches,
influencing how individuals engage with diverse perspectives and integrate
self-reflection into their writing.In conclusion, the exploration of both matches and mismatches underscores theintricate interplay between participants’ perceptions and their practical application ofintellectual openness and self-reflection Addressing these mismatches entails
fostering consistent engagement with diverse perspectives, promoting based reasoning, and encouraging self-awareness throughout the writing process
evidence-This comprehensive understanding contributes to refining strategies and
interventions that bridge the gap between cognitive understanding and consistentpractice
5.4.5 Participants' perceptions and application of creative synthesis and confidence
self-The alignment between participants’ perceived roles of research and gathering
Trang 6information and their attempted ability to synthesize ideas within their essaysunderscores a congruence between cognitive awareness and practicalimplementation This correspondence indicates that participants are successfullytranslating their understanding of the research process into tangible efforts to
synthesize information and construct meaningful arguments within their writing.However, the mismatches between participants’ perceptions and their practical
execution offer a nuanced view of potential challenges in bridging the gap betweenawareness and application The mismatch between the perception of developinglogical arguments and the attempted connection of diverse ideas and perspectives inthe essays reveals a potential disconnect between participants' recognition of theimportance of logical arguments and their ability to effectively incorporate diverseviewpoints Similarly, the mismatch between the perception of referring to othersources and the attempted connection of diverse ideas and perspectives suggests thatparticipants might encounter difficulties in seamlessly integrating various sourcesinto their synthesis of ideas Furthermore, the incongruity between the perception of
organization and structure and the attempted connection of diverse ideas and
perspectives highlights a potential gap in participants' ability to employ
organizational skills to effectively weave together a range of viewpoints within their
In conclusion, the exploration of both matches and mismatches highlights theintricate relationship between participants’ perceptions and _ their practicalengagement with research, synthesis, and organizational skills Addressing thesemismatches may involve targeted strategies to enhance participants’ ability toeffectively integrate diverse ideas and perspectives, construct logical arguments, andadeptly organize their writing This comprehensive understanding informsinterventions that bridge the gap between cognitive comprehension and skilfulexecution in academic writing
Reasons for matches and mismatches:The alignment between participants' awareness of creative synthesis approaches andtheir corresponding application underscores a harmonious relationship between
Trang 7cognitive understanding and practical execution These matches highlightparticipants' capability to effectively translate their awareness into tangible practices.For instance, the match between the perception of approaches to creative synthesisand the practical strategies for roundedness demonstrates a successful translation of
cognitive comprehension into practical application
The exploration of mismatches unveils intricacies that contribute to the disparity
between perception and practice Mismatches could emerge from the inherentcomplexity of creative synthesis, where participants might struggle to effectively
weave together diverse ideas and perspectives despite understanding the importance
of this approach Additionally, mismatches might be attributed to the need for furtherpractice and skill development Participants might lack the proficiency to seamlessly
integrate diverse ideas while maintaining logical arguments and coherent structure
Time constraints offer another explanation for mismatches, as participants mightattempt to incorporate diverse ideas within their writing but lack the time to refine
their synthesis adequately Furthermore, resource availability could impact
mismatches if participants face challenges in finding suitable sources or references to
effectively support their attempts at connecting diverse ideas.In conclusion, the exploration of both matches and mismatches in participants’perceptions and their practical engagement with creative synthesis approaches andstrategies for roundedness uncovers a complex interplay between cognitiveunderstanding and effective execution Addressing these mismatches requirestailored interventions that enhance participants’ ability to integrate diverse ideaseffectively, develop logical arguments, and maintain coherent writing structures Thiscomprehensive understanding informs strategies that bridge the gap betweenawareness and skilful application in academic writing
5.5 SummaryThe study's findings illuminate the evolving educational landscape in Vietnam as it
transitions from content-based learning to a more skill-focused approach Thealignment between students’ evolving perceptions and this changing paradigm is anencouraging sign of positive progress It signifies a departure from traditional rote
Trang 8learning towards a pedagogical shift that values and prioritizes CT skills Thisrecognition holds the potential to equip students with the cognitive, metacognitive,
and attitudinal attributes essential for success in today's interconnected global society.The study's analysis of the interplay between participants’ perceptions and thepractical application of CT skills presents a nuanced picture The identification ofboth congruence’s (matches) and disparities (mismatches) underscores the
complexity of this relationship While matches reveal instances where studentseffectively translate their awareness of CT skills into actionable practice, mismatchesshed light on areas where further intervention is needed Factors such as timeconstraints, skill development, and resource availability contribute to thesemismatches, highlighting the importance of targeted training, sustained practice, and
structured support to bridge the gap effectively.Moreover, the investigation extends beyond perceptions and applications of CT to
encompass evaluation, motivation, intellectual openness, self-reflection, and creativesynthesis skills The presence of both matches and mismatches in these realmsunderscores the multifaceted nature of students' engagement with these skills Thesuccessful integration of awareness and practice, as seen in matches, reflects the
potential for impactful learning experiences Conversely, mismatches underscore
challenges that require tailored interventions to enhance skill application.The implications of this research extend beyond the academic realm, emphasizing thebroader significance of addressing challenges and uncertainties in EFL education By
engaging with difficulties, students cultivate essential problem-solving and CT abilities,
nurturing their adaptability and resilience Guided strategies to navigate complexity,encourage independent thinking, and manage uncertainty provide valuable tools forstudents' personal and professional growth
In summary, this research underscores the transformative power of aligning evolvingperceptions with changing educational paradigms The identification of matches and
mismatches in skill application emphasizes the need for targeted interventions to
bridge gaps and maximize skill acquisition The significance of cultivating CT skillsand addressing challenges within EFL education reaches beyond academia, fostering
Trang 9qualities crucial for success in a dynamic and interconnected world This researchserves as a stepping stone for educators, policymakers, and institutions seeking toempower students with the skills and attributes necessary to thrive in the modern
Trang 10CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONThis concluding chapter serves as the synthesis of the CT (CT) findings presented inthis thesis The chapter commences by offering a concise overview of the obtainedresults (Section 6.1) Subsequently, the implications of these findings are expoundedupon (Section 6.2), followed by an examination of the research's inherent limitations(Section 6.3) The third segment delineates the principal contributions made by thisresearch (Section 6.4), while the fourth segment delves into the pedagogicalimplications that arise from these findings (Section 6.5) Finally, the chapterculminates in a concluding reflection.
6.1 Major findingsThis thesis focused on what English-majored students perceived as CT, and how they
actually practice CT in academic writing It aimed to answer the following researchquestions:
1 What are English-majored students' perceptions of the most important
features of critical thinking in English academic writing?
2 What are English-majored students’ perceptions of approaches to features
of critical thinking in academic writing?
3 To what extent do English-majored students practice critical thinking in
their academic writing?In order to investigate the three study inquiries, a survey research design was
employed, which included the participation of 239 students majoring in English Thedata collection process involved the administration of a questionnaire, the collectionof 67 replies to open-ended questions, and the examination of 70 writing samples thataddressed five theme questions The research was conducted at a university inVietnam
The findings of the study indicate that CT is firmly embedded inside Vietnamese
universities, as evidenced by its presence in both policy and practice Although it mayappear unclear at first, CT proves to be a complex and crucial talent within the realm
of higher education
An essential element of higher education in Vietnam entails the obligation to supportstudents from various socio-cultural backgrounds in developing their CT skills.Although the methods employed by universities may differ in fulfilling this
Trang 11responsibility, the present study offers significant findings that can be utilized todevelop efficient approaches for fostering and improving students’ critical thinkingabilities.
By utilizing the discoveries and suggestions put forward in this research, highereducation institutions and educators can implement more efficient strategies to assiststudents in cultivating CT abilities throughout their academic journey and beyond.The research functions as a pragmatic manual, providing tactics and interventionsthat may be applied inside educational establishments to empower students asdiscerning thinkers capable of scrutinizing information, assessing evidence, andformulating cogently substantiated arguments
The primary objective is to facilitate the empowerment of students as engagedcontributors in their own educational journey, cultivating a lifelong dedication to CT.This study makes a valuable contribution to the overarching goal of providingstudents with the essential abilities to effectively manage intricate issues and makesignificant contributions to society This study highlights the significance of CT inVietnamese higher education and offers practical suggestions to accentuate its value.It aims to provide a foundation for institutions and lecturers to improve their strategies
in cultivating students’ CT skills
This study explores the perspectives of English major students regarding CT in thecontext of academic writing at a university in Vietnam The present investigationprovides insights into the dynamic educational environment in Vietnam,
characterized by a shift from a content-focused approach to an emphasis oncompetency-based education The results of the study demonstrate a favourable
trajectory in the realm of Vietnamese higher education, as they indicate a
convergence between students’ perspectives and the evolving educational paradigm.This study aims to identify the congruence and incongruence between participants'perceptions and practical utilization of analytical skills The aforementionedinequalities highlight the necessity of implementing focused instruction, maintainingregular practice, and providing comprehensive guidance in order to effectively
address and overcome these gaps
Likewise, the examination of participants’ perspectives and utilization of assessment
abilities uncovers a fluid and evolving terrain Matches indicate a satisfactory
Trang 12congruence between comprehension and implementation, whereas mismatches revealdifficulties in implementing assessment standards, underscoring the necessity forspecialized instruction and support.
This study investigates the views and involvement of participants with personalmotivation approaches in the context of writing The findings of the study shed lighton both successful translations of these approaches and the problems associated withmaintaining constant motivation The implementation of strategies aimed atcultivating long-term motivation and facilitating practical application is of utmostimportance
Similarly, the analysis of individuals' perspectives and active involvement inintellectual receptiveness and introspection highlights a complex interconnection.Matches indicate the successful integration of various viewpoints, but mismatchesunderscore the necessity of ongoing involvement and introspection
The study ultimately examines the participants’ perspectives and actual involvementin creative synthesis methodologies Matches exemplify the successful amalgamationof disparate concepts, whereas mismatches highlight the significance of customizedinterventions for achieving effective synthesis
In summary, this study provides a comprehensive comprehension of the complexinteractions between participants' perspectives and active involvement in differentCT skills within the context of academic writing The congruence betweenindividuals’ perspectives and the dynamic educational environment in Vietnamindicates encouraging advancements, while discrepancies highlight specific areas thatnecessitate focused reforms Ultimately, this research highlights the significance of
developing cognitive abilities and closing the disparity between knowledge and
proficient implementation in order to equip students with the necessary tools forachieving success in contemporary society
6.1.1 English-majored students’perceptions of the most important features of critical thinking in academic writing
When we can see from the quantitative results which corners of the participants'
understanding in the definition of CT in academic writing, that is (1) logical reasoning
and argumentation (2) analysis and evaluation skills (3) personal motivation (4)intellectual openness and self-reflection, and (5) self-confidence and creative
Trang 13synthesis6.1.2 English-majored students’perceptions of approaches to critical thinking inacademic writing
Participants' responses have provided a comprehensive glimpse into their perceptionsand strategies concerning CT in academic writing Themes of systematic analysis,structured approaches, research-based methodologies, and the acknowledgment ofchallenges have woven together to showcase their eagerness for learning andadaptation The culmination of their efforts undoubtedly enriches the depth andquality of their argumentative essay writing In essence, the analysis of these essayshas brought to light an intricate tapestry that encapsulates the synthesis of diverseideas, growth in argument construction, challenges in creative synthesis, and variousaspects of personal development These findings collectively underscore theproactive engagement in cultivating CT skills through their academic writingendeavours The academic exam illuminates the multifaceted challenges studentsface in building arguments, cultivating CT, addressing biases, and maintaininginterest in complex topics It provides a comprehensive view of the existing issues
while emphasizing avenues for improvement and growth in the academic journey.6.1.3 English-majored students ’practices of critical thinking in academic writingBased on the perspectives of CT in academic writing of these English majors, I
designed the open-ended survey questions and created a checklist to assess the abovefive aspects in the participants' essays and answer research question 3 The qualitativedata analysis highlights the significance of analysis and evaluation skills for CT inacademic writing It emphasizes meticulous reading, reliance on evidence, systematic
analysis, and considering multiple perspectives Organizational structure, clarity, and
addressing counterarguments are crucial for well-supported arguments Feedbacksuggests the need for clear criteria, detailed examples, and expanded analysis.Personal motivation, self-evaluation, and aligning with assessment criteria are
important Intellectual openness and self-reflection are valued, but some participantsstruggle to challenge their beliefs Creative synthesis, logical argument development,
and information gathering are essential, but clear instructions and further
development are needed Challenges include language proficiency, coherence,research, creativity, and CT Logical thinking, arguments, and evidence-based
Trang 14approaches are recognized, but difficulties in language, coherence, research, andgenerating ideas must be addressed It can be summed up as follows:
Figure 6.1 English-majored students ‘critical thinking in academic writing
eLogical thinking
sEvidence-based approaches Difficulties in language, coherence, research, and generating ideas must be addressed
(2) Analysis and Evaluation Skills:
Meticulous reading ¢Reliance on evidence
¢Systematic analysis ¢Considering multiple perspectives eOrganizational structure
s®Addressing counterarguments ¢Well-supported arguments
(3) Personal Motivation:
¢Personal motivation
®Aligning with assessment criteria
(4) Intellectual Openness and Self-Reflection:
®Intellectual openness eSelf-reflection
eStruggle to challenge beliefs
(5) Self-Confidence and Creative Synthesis:
eCreative synthesis
6.2 Implications from the studyThe preceding sections have provided a comprehensive analysis of the data, revealing
valuable insights into the implications of CT in academic writing This section serves
as a platform for discussing the implications derived from the data analysis, focusingon their significance for both researchers and educators in the field The identified
Trang 15implications encompass a range of key aspects, including the importance of analysisand evaluation skills, promoting organizational structure and clarity, encouragingpersonal motivation and self-evaluation, incorporating diverse perspectives,addressing language and expression difficulties, fostering creativity and idea
generation, and addressing challenges and uncertainties Understanding these
implications is crucial for enhancing the teaching and learning of CT in academic
writing.First and foremost, the emphasis on analysis and evaluation skills emerges as afundamental aspect of promoting CT in academic writing The data analysisunderscores the significance of equipping students with the ability to criticallyanalyse information, evaluate its credibility, and construct well-supported arguments
By prioritizing the development of these skills, educators can empower students to
engage in thoughtful and evidence-based academic writing.Additionally, the data analysis reveals the importance of promoting organizationalstructure and clarity in academic writing The findings highlight the need for
explicit instruction and guidance on structuring ideas, organizing content, and
presenting arguments coherently By nurturing these skills, educators can facilitatestudents' ability to communicate their thoughts effectively and enhance the overallquality of their written work
Furthermore, the data analysis emphasizes the role of personal motivation and evaluation in fostering CT in academic writing Encouraging students to takeownership of their learning, set goals, and evaluate their progress can significantlyenhance their engagement and investment in the writing process By incorporatingself-reflective practices, educators can empower students to develop a sense ofagency and responsibility in their academic writing endeavours
self-Incorporating diverse perspectives is another crucial implication that emergesfrom the data analysis Encouraging students to consider and integrate multiple
viewpoints enriches their CT abilities and promotes a more inclusive and nuanced
approach to academic writing By exposing students to diverse perspectives,educators can broaden their understanding, challenge assumptions, and cultivate a
Trang 16more comprehensive analysis of complex topics.Moreover, the data analysis sheds light on the challenges and difficulties studentsface in language and expression when engaging in CT in academic writing.Addressing these challenges, such as language proficiency, vocabulary, andsyntactical issues, is essential for ensuring equitable opportunities for all students todevelop their CT skills.
The findings also highlight the importance of fostering creativity and ideageneration in academic writing Nurturing students’ ability to think creatively,
explore alternative solutions, and generate innovative ideas contributes to the
development of their CT skills Educators can employ various strategies, such as
brainstorming techniques and creative writing exercises, to stimulate students'
creativity and expand their CT repertoire.Lastly, the data analysis highlights the presence of challenges and uncertainties inthe realm of CT in academic writing Addressing these challenges, such as
overcoming resistance to CT, navigating ambiguity, and managing complex tasks, is
crucial for creating a supportive learning environment Educators can providetargeted support, scaffolding, and guidance to help students navigate these challengesand build their confidence in CT
By exploring and discussing these implications, researchers and educators can gainvaluable insights into the multifaceted nature of CT in academic writing.Understanding these implications enables the development of effective strategies,instructional approaches, and interventions that enhance students’ CT skills and fostertheir success in academic writing endeavours
6.2.1 Significance of analysis and evaluation skills
Emphasizing the significance of analysis and evaluation skills is pivotal in enhancing
CT within EFL university classrooms CT necessitates a deep exploration of ideas,
arguments, and evidence, urging students to surpass surface-level understanding
Fostering these skills is essential for their academic writing proficiency and cognitive
development Emphasizing analysis and evaluation skills aligns with the principles
proposed by Paul and Elder (2006) Analysis involves dissecting complex
Trang 17information into constituent parts, whereas evaluation entails judging the quality,credibility, and relevance of information These skills empower students to criticallyengage with sources, discern argument strengths and weaknesses, and establish well-supported claims (Ding, 2017).
This emphasis has far-reaching implications, particularly in terms of cultivatinganalytical thinking skills By breaking down intricate information, assessingrelationships, and detecting patterns, students can delve into academic tasks withheightened comprehension This process enables students to analyse, synthesize, and
infer information critically Cultivating evaluation skills is equally crucial, enabling
students to appraise argument strength, evidence reliability, and source credibility.These skills allow for informed decision-making, as students learn to differentiatebetween reliable and biased sources
Incorporating such an emphasis can prompt students to question and challengeconcepts, fostering deeper understanding By creating an environment that values
intellectual curiosity, instructors stimulate students to scrutinize content This
strategy allows for open discussions, where probing questions and alternative
viewpoints flourish Encouraging independent thought supports autonomy,
confidence, and deep engagement with subjects Critical thought enables theevaluation of data, exploration of assumptions, and incorporation of multipleviewpoints
Moreover, teaching students to substantiate claims with evidence becomes a
cornerstone By mastering analysis and evaluation, students synthesize knowledge
into well-supported arguments, strengthening the calibre of their academic writing
Delving into different perspectives also amplifies argumentative writing prowess
Evaluating diverse viewpoints enhances argument balance and quality, allowing fornuanced, well-rounded perspectives
Strategies to emphasize these skills encompass Socratic questioning and debatesessions Socratic questioning stimulates CT by posing thought-provoking queries,nurturing analysis and evaluation Debates encourage students to present, defend, andassess arguments, thus honing these skills while fostering active participation
However, challenges emerge, including language proficiency's impact on CT Lower
Trang 18language proficiency can hinder comprehension and articulation, necessitatingscaffold language support alongside CT exercises Cultural factors further influenceanalysis and evaluation, influencing students' approach to critical thought andargumentation Instructors should foster an inclusive environment that values diverse
viewpoints and respects cultural norms
Assessment poses a challenge, requiring the development of authentic evaluationmethods Performance-based assessments, with clear criteria and formative feedback,can more accurately measure analytical and evaluative skills Adequate training for
EFL instructors is imperative, ensuring they possess the expertise to guide students
effectively Professional development should cover analysis and evaluation skills,instructional strategies, technology integration, and sensitivity to cultural diversity
In conclusion, emphasizing analysis and evaluation skills in EFL classrooms greatly
enhances CT and academic writing proficiency By providing the right strategies,support, and training, instructors empower students to think independently, criticallyevaluate information, and excel in their academic endeavours This focus not onlybenefits students academically but also equips them for future challenges that demand
writing skills Personal motivation encompasses the inner drive and enthusiasm that
propel students to immerse themselves in the writing process, while self-evaluationinvolves the ability to critically analyse one's strengths and weaknesses These twofacets are intertwined; personal motivation energizes students to invest effort and takeownership of their work, while self-evaluation enables them to gauge their progressand make informed decisions for refinement
The significance of promoting personal motivation and self-evaluation in EFLwriting becomes apparent when considering its impact on cultivating intrinsicmotivation, which refers to engaging in an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather
Trang 19than for external rewards By imbuing academic writing tasks with purpose andrelevance, educators can amplify students’ intrinsic motivation to participate in thewriting process When students grasp the real-world applications and value of theirwriting, they are more inclined to exert effort and produce meaningful work.Moreover, this approach nurtures autonomy, fostering students’ sense of
independence and control over their own learning By providing opportunities forstudents to choose their writing topics or styles, educators empower them to embracetheir work and nurture a sense of responsibility This autonomy cultivates intrinsicmotivation by allowing students to exercise control and invest themselves personallyin their writing tasks, ultimately fortifying their commitment and sense of ownership.Furthermore, the cultivation of self-evaluation skills through the promotion of
personal motivation in EFL writing reaps numerous benefits It equips students with
the capacity to critically assess their own work, identify areas for improvement, andacknowledge accomplishments objectively This self-evaluation process
encompasses goal-setting and self-monitoring Establishing clear objectives and
benchmarks through goal-setting stimulates students to channel their efforts and
strive for advancement Self-monitoring involves tracking progress, comparing
performance against set goals, and making necessary adjustments This practiceempowers students to orchestrate their learning and actively partake in self-regulation By fostering these skills, the EFL writing education system fosters agrowth mind-set and a commitment to continuous advancement, both of which are
integral to academic prosperity and lifelong learning
Strategies for fostering personal motivation and self-evaluation in EFL writingencompass multifaceted approaches Meaningful writing tasks and topics are pivotal,linking assignments to students’ personal experiences and interests to heightenengagement The provision of choices within assignments furthers motivation andself-evaluation, permitting students to select topics aligned with their preferences Anurturing and positive learning environment also plays a pivotal role By establishingrapport and trust with students and offering constructive feedback and praise,
educators create an atmosphere conducive to self-reflection and self-assessment.Guiding students in self-reflection and self-assessment is another effective strategy
Trang 20Incorporating reflective writing activities allows students to delve into their writingjourney introspectively, while teaching self-assessment techniques empowers them
to evaluate their work against defined criteria.Despite the merits of fostering personal motivation and self-evaluation, challenges
arise, including motivational barriers and demotivation Addressing these hurdlesrequires an understanding of individual differences and preferences, allowingeducators to tailor strategies to individual needs Implementing motivation-enhancingstrategies such as setting achievable goals, offering feedback, and creating a
supportive environment is pivotal in overcoming demotivation Moreover, promoting
a growth mind-set and building resilience are essential Fostering a positive attitude
towards challenges and setbacks encourages students to view them as opportunities
for growth Providing support and guidance in cultivating resilience equips students
with the tools to overcome obstacles and setbacks, enhancing their motivation andself-evaluation skills
In summation, the encouragement of personal motivation and self-evaluation in EFL
writing is paramount for students’ academic progress and holistic development By
infusing tasks with meaning, fostering a supportive environment, guiding reflection, and addressing challenges, educators lay the foundation for students’ activeparticipation, continuous improvement, and growth Instilling a growth mind-set andresilience empowers students to tackle challenges and embrace their learning journeywith enthusiasm Ultimately, these practices contribute to higher-order thinking,
self-critical skills, and a commitment to lifelong learning, positioning EFL students to
flourish academically and beyond
6.2.3 Integration of diverse perspectives
In the realm of academic writing, the integration of diverse perspectives emerges as
a pivotal dimension, fostering the cultivation of CT skills while championing culturalunderstanding and inclusivity By encompassing a spectrum of viewpoints andexperiences, students are exposed to an array of ideas and beliefs, triggering their
involvement in scrutinizing and assessing diverse arguments and outlooks (Smith,
2019) This exploration of varied perspectives propels students toward critical
Trang 21analysis, dismantling presuppositions, and nurturing a profound comprehension ofintricate subjects (Johnson & Meacham, 2017) Beyond merely honing CT, the
incorporation of diverse perspectives within academic writing extends its influenceto the realm of cultural comprehension and inclusive learning environments
The significance of this practice in the context of EFL academic writing isunderscored by its role in augmenting CT capacities Exposure to diverseperspectives challenges students to scrutinize multiple angles, thereby broadeningtheir analytical horizon through an encounter with distinct cultural, social, and
ideological contexts This exposure underscores their capacity to recognize biases,
evaluate evidence, and construct well-structured arguments, thus bolstering their
analytical prowess (Johnson & Meacham, 2017) It is substantiated that engaging
with diverse perspectives nurtures students' analytical and problem-solving aptitude,fundamentally advancing their intellectual expansion (Mariani, 2020)
Furthermore, the incorporation of diverse perspectives transcends the sphere of CT,
galvanizing cultural appreciation and inclusivity in the educational domain By
integrating manifold cultural perspectives, it challenges ethnocentrism and cultivates
empathy and respect for the gamut of cultural diversity (Smith, 2019) This dynamicnot only contributes to the creation of an equitable learning environment wherestudents from varying backgrounds feel represented and valued but also helps indisassembling stereotypes while fostering cultural competence (Mariani, 2020)
The practice also serves as a catalyst in nurturing open-mindedness and tolerance
Through the exposure to a myriad of perspectives, students are more prone to embrace
alternative viewpoints, thus developing an appreciation for the richness inherent indiverse ideas and beliefs (Banks, 2015) This engagement ultimately challenges existingpreconceptions and biases, ushering in an environment of inclusivity and acceptance
Such engagement has been shown to instil empathy and respect, thereby contributing toa more culturally sensitive society (Kao & Caracelli, 2017)
Intriguingly, the inclusion of diverse perspectives also fuels creativity and innovation
This infusion of varied viewpoints sparks a sense of creativity, urging students to
venture beyond conventional boundaries (Amabile, 2018) As students traverse
Trang 22different perspectives, novel approaches, solutions, and insights emerge, thusfostering original and innovative ideas The synthesis of diverse perspectives in
academic writing nurtures creative thinking skills, equipping students to confrontmultifaceted challenges in their academic and professional journeys (Sawyer, 2012).In the realm of argumentation, the amalgamation of diverse perspectives bolsters
argumentation and counter argumentation abilities Exposure to a spectrum ofviewpoints exposes students to a broader range of arguments and counterarguments.This prompts a deeper analysis and evaluation of different perspectives, reinforcingtheir capacity to construct cogent arguments and effectively addresscounterarguments (Saito & Fujita, 2019) By immersing themselves in such anenvironment, students polish their skills in crafting convincing and well-reasonedarguments (Graesser et al., 2018)
In conclusion, the infusion of diverse perspectives in academic writing presentsmultifaceted benefits for EFL students It nurtures open-mindedness, encouragescreativity, and sharpens argumentative skills Furthermore, it paves the way for
cultural understanding, empowering students to thrive as critical thinkers in a globally
connected world Thus, educators who incorporate diverse perspectives into their
EFL teaching approaches are fostering not only scholarly success but also an
appreciation for the richness of human experience This practice signifies an enduringcommitment to a well-rounded, inclusive, and profound education
6.2.4 Language and expression difficulty resolutionAcademic writing emerges as a pivotal force in nurturing CT skills among university-
level EFL students However, within this context, numerous hurdles linked tolanguage and expression pose potential impediments to these learners’ capacity toeffectively convey their ideas and partake in critical analysis The competency toarticulate arguments and thoughts with clarity and coherence stands as a cornerstoneof academic accomplishment and the fostering of CT capacities Consequently, thepivotal task of tackling language and expression impediments assumes significance
in the domain of EFL academic writing
The significance of this endeavour within EFL academic writing unfolds across
Trang 23multifaceted dimensions, primarily through the augmentation of clarity andcoherence in students’ written output Language proficiency occupies a pivotal rolein precision and accuracy of idea transmission Faltering language and expressionmanifest in vague, perplexing sentences, hindering readers from grasping intendedmeaning The rectification of these impediments cultivates linguistic competenciesthat pave the way for lucid and logically structured expressions (Anderson, 2018).This, in turn, augments the effectiveness and coherence of their academic writing,rendering it a potent tool for conveying ideas.
Moreover, the remit extends to facilitating effective communication, an essentialfacet of academic writing By addressing language and expression challenges within
EFL academic writing, students are bestowed with the linguistic arsenal necessary
for effectively articulating ideas and arguments (Hyland, 2016) This facilitatesprecision, coherence, and scholarly rigor, enabling their work to be accuratelyappraised by both instructors and peers Additionally, honing language andexpression skills empowers students to partake in profound academic dialogues,collaborate meaningfully, and actively engage in the academic community
The challenges entailed in this task underscore the importance of addressingvocabulary limitations Students might wrestle with locating precise words forconveying ideas accurately, resorting to simplistic language use This limitationmight result in language that is repetitive or lacking nuance (Nation, 2013) Tocounter this, educators can provide vocabulary resources and encourage students to
broaden their lexicon through reading, writing, and engaging in scholarly discourse
Furthermore, grammar and sentence structure present another challenge Errors ingrammar and sentence construction, stemming from struggling with grammaticalrules, compromise the clarity and coherence of writing (Bitchener & Ferris, 2012).To surmount this, teachers can offer explicit instruction on grammar rules, guidedpractice, and corrective feedback to enhance grammatical accuracy
Navigating idiomatic expressions and cultural nuances emerges as a critical
consideration Idioms, specific to language and culture, might pose obstacles inconveying intended meanings accurately (Flowerdew & Peacock, 2001) Moreover,
Trang 24cultural variances influence the way ideas are conveyed and understood Instructorscan mitigate these challenges through elucidating idiomatic expressions, sensitizingstudents to cultural disparities, and encouraging adaptability in writing to cater toacademic norms.
Amid these considerations, strategies emerge to address these challenges Vocabulary
enrichment forms a robust strategy, focusing on subject-specific academic lexicon(Coxhead, 2000) Furthermore, explicitly teaching academic language features, suchas hedging and reporting verbs, empowers students to wield the appropriate linguistictools to advance their expression (Hyland, 2016) Furnishing exemplars of well-structured academic texts aids in internalizing effective language usage, promotingsynthesis of learned language features (Swales & Feak, 2012) Integrating languagesupport with content instruction harmonizes language acquisition with academicknowledge (Belcher & Hirvela, 2001)
In summation, addressing language and expression challenges is pivotal in EFLacademic writing Through enhancing clarity and coherence and fostering effectivecommunication, it fuels CT skills and academic success Strategies, ranging from
vocabulary development and grammar instruction to promoting cultural sensitivity,
harnessing technology, and nurturing collaborative learning, form the arsenal throughwhich these challenges can be surmounted The synthesis of these efforts enrichesEFL students’ language proficiency, solidifying their expression and clarity in
academic writing.6.2.5 Creativity and idea generationFostering creativity and idea generation is a pivotal and transformative aspect of
academic writing, particularly in the realm of EFL education Encouraging studentsto think innovatively and generate original ideas not only enhances their writing skillsbut also nurtures CT, cognitive growth, and personal development As stated by
Smith (2019), this approach recognizes the profound impact that creativity has onshaping students’ perspectives, fostering intellectual curiosity, and preparing them tonavigate an ever-evolving academic and professional landscape
In the field of EFL, where students often grapple with language barriers and cultural
Trang 25nuances, promoting creativity and idea generation holds immense significance AsSmith (2019) explains, by encouraging students to transcend traditional boundariesand explore unconventional viewpoints, educators can empower them to not onlycommunicate effectively but also engage with the subject matter in a profound andunique manner The implications of this approach extend far beyond the classroom,as it equips students with the ability to analyse complex issues from multiple angles,propose innovative solutions, and contribute to a global academic discourse.
The benefits of fostering creativity and idea generation in academic writing aremultifaceted Firstly, it encourages open-mindedness and tolerance by exposingstudents to diverse perspectives and unconventional ideas According to Craft (2020),this fosters a richer intellectual environment where students learn to appreciate thecomplexity of issues and develop empathy for viewpoints different from their own.Secondly, promoting creativity stimulates engagement and interest in the writingprocess As Craft (2020) states, when students are encouraged to think outside the
box, they become more invested in their work, leading to increased motivation and a
deeper connection to the subject matter This heightened engagement results in amore enjoyable and fulfilling writing experience
Furthermore, fostering creativity facilitates the exploration of alternative solutions
and approaches As Craft (2019) suggests, by challenging students to think beyondconventional norms, educators enable them to consider a broader range ofpossibilities This approach is particularly relevant in EFL education, where students
from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds can contribute fresh insights tocomplex problems Encouraging students to explore unconventional connections andrelationships between concepts not only enriches their academic writing but alsonurtures a spirit of intellectual curiosity that extends beyond the classroom
To effectively foster creativity and idea generation, educators can employ a range ofstrategies One effective approach is providing open-ended writing prompts andassignments that encourage students to explore various perspectives and approaches.According to Runco (2014), by offering prompts that do not have a single correctanswer or predefined structure, students are empowered to think critically and engage
Trang 26with the subject matter in a more personalized and meaningful way Additionally,incorporating brainstorming and mind-mapping techniques allows students togenerate a multitude of ideas and connections, promoting non-linear thinking andoriginal insights.
Encouraging free writing and freethinking also plays a vital role in fosteringcreativity As Elbow (1973) suggests, these strategies involve allowing students toexplore ideas without constraints and emphasizing the importance of capturing initialthoughts and ideas By creating a safe and non-judgmental environment, educatorsenable students to express their thoughts freely and explore unconventionalconnections, thus contributing to the generation of innovative and insightful academic
Moreover, integrating visual aids and multimedia resources can stimulate creativity
in academic writing Visual stimuli such as images and videos can serve as powerfulprompts, inspiring students to approach their writing from different angles and
consider diverse perspectives As Kress (2010) explains, by encouraging students to
think beyond text-based formats, educators prompt them to engage with differentmedia and explore a wider range of creative strategies in their writing
However, fostering creativity and idea generation may come with certain challenges.The fear of judgment and risk-taking can hinder students from expressing their
creative ideas To address this, educators need to create a classroom culture thatvalues diverse ideas, encourages experimentation, and views mistakes asopportunities for growth Additionally, providing a supportive and inclusive learning
environment is crucial for fostering creativity As Lambert and McCombs (1998)
emphasize, by promoting open discussions, valuing diverse voices, and facilitatingpeer collaboration, educators create a space where students feel safe to take creativerisks
In conclusion, fostering creativity and idea generation in EFL academic writing is atransformative endeavour that shapes students’ CT skills, nurtures culturalunderstanding, and enhances their overall engagement with learning Byimplementing a variety of strategies and creating a supportive environment, educators
Trang 27can unleash students’ creative potential, preparing them to excel in the complex anddynamic academic landscape while contributing to the advancement of knowledgeand understanding This approach not only empowers students as writers but alsocultivates their capacity for innovative thinking, a skill that will serve them well inall aspects of their lives.
6.2.6 Challenge and uncertainty resolutionAcademic writing presents an intricate and exacting task, often demanding studentsto traverse a labyrinth of challenges and uncertainties Nowhere is this more evidentthan in the domain of EFL education, where the adept handling of these challengesassumes paramount importance, not only for fostering CT skills but also forengendering holistic academic development As underscored by Gupta and Simin(2017), the recognition and resolution of these challenges are instrumental in honingproblem-solving and CT skills Encountering obstacles and uncertainties during thewriting process necessitates a cognitive engagement that fosters higher-order
cognitive skills, enabling students to evaluate evidence, establish logical connections,
and devise inventive solutions This sentiment is corroborated by Gorzycka (2019),
who asserts that grappling with these intricacies incubates intellectual growth The
significance of this process extends further, as Wendt and Courtright (2019) suggest,
by contributing to the cultivation of resilience and adaptability, traits indispensablefor navigating the complexities inherent in academic writing In the context of EFL,where students often grapple with unfamiliar subjects and intricate concepts, the
process of confronting challenges breeds not only academic prowess but also
emotional fortitude This sentiment aligns with Kumaravadivelu's assertion in 2018,positing academic writing as a fertile ground for personal growth and evolution
The implications of addressing challenges and uncertainties in EFL academic writingripple through various dimensions Firstly, students stand to acquire problem-solvingskills that transcend the boundaries of the classroom The ability to confrontadversity, as expounded by Gupta and Simin (2017), serves as a cornerstone for futureendeavours Secondly, the challenges posed by academic writing are instrumental inforging resilience and adaptability, attributes that metamorphose students into
Trang 28versatile learners and adept navigators of complexity A sentiment further echoed byMagin and Helms (2020), who emphasize that these qualities are not only germaneto the scholastic sphere but also wield a transformative influence in professionalcontexts By nurturing a disposition of addressing challenges head-on, educatorssculpt individuals who thrive in the face of ambiguity and who relish the process of
finding solutions amid uncertainty As students inch closer to the nexus of academic
writing and CT, they graduate not only with refined writing acumen but also with atoolkit that encompasses creativity, problem-solving, and emotional resilience
The educational landscape is replete with benefits engendered by addressing
challenges and uncertainties in academic writing The most conspicuous advantage
is the propulsion of independent thinking and decision-making skills, as heralded by
Cottrell (2017) The very nature of navigating these challenges fosters cognitiveautonomy, where students are impelled to scrutinize and deliberate, leading toinformed decisions that steer their writing towards fruition Furthermore, suchencounters galvanize students to unfurl their creative wings, soaring beyond the
conventional and discovering novel solutions to intricate problems This sentiment is
captured by Carroll (2019), as students are encouraged to transcend the prosaic andenter the realm of innovation, a trait that is increasingly pivotal in today's dynamicworld The symbiotic relationship between addressing challenges and nurturingcreativity prepares students for multifarious pursuits, making them architects ofinnovative solutions, be it in academia or industry
Not to be overlooked is the profound influence of addressing challenges anduncertainties on confidence and self-efficacy As Zimmerman, Bandura, andMartinez-Pons (1992) assert, overcoming challenges births confidence, anaffirmation that resonates deeply within the process of academic writing The journeyof surmounting hurdles renders students not only proficient in the mechanics ofwriting but also resilient in the face of adversity This potent combination ofcompetence and tenacity contributes to the development of self-efficacy, a pivotalfactor in shaping academic trajectories Students, fortified with this self-assuredness,are not only poised to excel academically but also to embrace challenges with openarms, embodying the very essence of growth and transformation
Trang 29In summation, the journey of addressing challenges and uncertainties within therealm of academic writing, particularly in the context of EFL education, is atransformative odyssey It cultivates problem-solving acumen, propels creative
ingenuity, and nurtures emotional resilience, all of which cascade into the
development of CT and holistic growth Through this voyage, studentsmetamorphose into nimble learners who possess the prowess to tackle multifariouschallenges and the audacity to innovate in the face of adversity In essence, addressingchallenges and uncertainties in academic writing is not merely a scholasticendeavour; it is a voyage towards personal and intellectual transformation
6.3 Limitations of the studyIn this investigation, we discovered the following shortcomings in terms of content
and methods
6.3.1 Scope limitationsAs stated in the first Literature Review in Chapter 2, CT is included into a wide range
of approaches (Davies & Barnett, 2015), including criticality (Barnett, 1997), critical
pedagogical (Burbles & Berk, 1999; Giroux, 1988), and postmodern (Atkinson, 1997;Durkin, 2008) However, it was decided to focus on CT Movement aspects based onthe notions of logical argumentation, cognitive thinking skills, and dispositions(Andrews, 2015; Davies & Barnett, 2015; Thomas & Lok, 2015) Because CT is somultifaceted, there have been numerous issues that have required examination.However, given the constraints of this thesis, it is difficult to analyse any singlefeature in depth There is a sense that I have touched on several aspects of CT buthave not gone into great detail on any of them As a result, the framework forcomprehending CT is rather extensive in scope It covers eight critical categories, butit delves further into Logical reasoning and speech Cognitive and meta-cognitiveskills than dispositions and attitudinal development In many ways, I was merelyscratching the surface of these traditions, but I felt it was necessary to acknowledge
them nonetheless
6.3.2 Methodological limitationsThe study has a set of limitations tied to its methodological approaches for addressing
Trang 30the research question Firstly, the use of a survey research design can pose challengesin reconciling differences in ontological and epistemological assumptions Iacknowledge that I may not have a complete grasp of both qualitative and quantitativeresearch methods, which has limited data collection and analysis This constraintstems from my belief that these limitations persist due to the nature of survey research
designs, which inherit limitations from both qualitative and quantitative
methodologies.One significant limitation pertains to the potential influence of extraneous variables,especially concerning the adoption of English academic writing patterns The studysuggests that students might unconsciously incorporate these patterns from Englishacademic writing samples used in their coursework, from the Internet This
unintentional imitation of pre-existing writing patterns, without CT, introduces bias
into the results, making it challenging to determine if the observed patterns genuinelyrepresent the students' writing style This limitation emphasizes the need to considerand investigate these influences further to enhance the research's overall robustnessand credibility
Additionally, despite extensive efforts to address limitations, methodologicalconstraints remain in this study Similar to other survey research designs, it issusceptible to limitations inherent in both quantitative and qualitative research Thevoluntary nature of participant responses may lead to some incomplete or hastilycompleted questionnaires, potentially affecting the study's outcomes Despite myefforts to clarify terminological concepts, participants' comprehension of specializedterminology may still vary, even with explicit explanations This limitationunderscores the challenge of ensuring complete participant comprehension and itspotential impact on response variability
Lastly, the research instruments used may not be the most current or optimized forthis study Observing the writing process, for instance, could provide more preciseinsights The study's assessment of motivation is limited to one element, which results
from that motivation in the analysis process in the open-ended survey question and
the criteria in the checklist These methodological limitations should be
Trang 31acknowledged in the interpretation of the study's findings.6.4 Main contributions of the study
The findings of this research significantly contribute to the understanding anddevelopment of CT in academic writing By delineating the five key aspects of logicalreasoning and argumentation and analysis and evaluation skills, personal motivation,
intellectual openness and self-reflection, self-confidence and creative synthesis, thestudy provides a comprehensive framework for educators, curriculum developers,and institutions to enhance CT skills among students The insights gained from thisresearch have practical implications for designing effective instructional approaches,curriculum development, and supporting students in their academic writing
6.4.1 Theoretical contributionsThis research has made significant conceptual contributions by identifying andhighlighting key aspects of CT in academic writing First, it advances theunderstanding and importance of analysis and evaluation skills By emphasizing the
significance of meticulous reading, reliance on evidence, systematic analysis, and
consideration of multiple perspectives, the study underscores the role of these skills
in fostering CT in academic writing It sheds light on the processes and strategies
students can employ to critically evaluate information, develop well-supportedarguments, and enhance the overall quality of their writing
Another conceptual contribution of this research lies in enhancing personalmotivation and self-evaluation By recognizing the value of aligning with assessmentcriteria, the study emphasizes the need for students to reflect on their own work,assess their progress, and continually strive for improvement It highlights the role of
personal motivation in driving the development of CT skills, encouraging students to
take ownership of their learning process and actively engage with their writingassignments
The research also promotes intellectual openness and self-reflection as essentialcomponents of CT While acknowledging the value of these traits, it also recognizesthat some participants struggle to challenge their own beliefs By addressing this
Trang 32challenge, the study contributes to creating a supportive learning environment thatencourages intellectual curiosity, fosters self-reflection, and enables students toexplore diverse perspectives and ideas.
Additionally, the research cultivates self-confidence and creative synthesis as crucialaspects of CT in academic writing By emphasizing the significance of logical
argument development, information gathering, and clear instructions, the study
empowers students to develop their self-confidence and their ability to synthesizeideas creatively This conceptual contribution encourages students to engage ininnovative thinking, leading to the production of original and well-developed
academic writing.Lastly, the research strengthens the understanding of logical reasoning and
argumentation as fundamental to CT By recognizing the challenges faced by studentsin language proficiency, coherence, research, and idea generation, the studyhighlights the areas that require attention and improvement This conceptual
contribution informs the development of targeted interventions and instructional
strategies aimed at enhancing students' logical reasoning, argumentation skills, and
overall CT abilities.In short, this research provides valuable conceptual contributions to theunderstanding and development of CT in academic writing By advancing analysisand evaluation skills, enhancing personal motivation and self-evaluation, promotingintellectual openness and self-reflection, cultivating self-confidence and creativesynthesis, and strengthening logical reasoning and argumentation, the study offers acomprehensive framework for educators and institutions to foster CT skills among
students These conceptual contributions have practical implications for designing
effective instructional approaches, curriculum development, and supporting students
in their academic writing endeavours
Trang 336.4.2 Empirical contributionsThe empirical contributions of this research provide valuable quantitative results andinsights into the understanding of CT in academic writing among participants Thefirst empirical contribution is derived from the quantitative analysis, which allows fora clearer identification of the specific areas within the definition of CT in academicwriting that participants may struggle with The analysis highlights five key areas: (1)analysis and evaluation skills, (2) personal motivation, (3) intellectual openness andself-reflection, (4) self-confidence and creative synthesis, and (5) logical reasoning
and argumentation This empirical finding provides a quantitative basis for
understanding the participants' grasp of these important components of CT.Furthermore, the research contributes to the analysis of qualitative data, whichunderscores the significance of analysis and evaluation skills By qualitativelyexamining participants’ essays, the research reveals the importance of meticulousreading, reliance on evidence, systematic analysis, and considering multipleperspectives This analysis contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of
analysis and evaluation skills in promoting CT in academic writing.The recognition of challenges faced by students in language proficiency, coherence,research, and idea generation is another significant empirical contribution Throughempirical observations and analysis, the research identifies common hurdles thatstudents encounter in these areas This empirical evidence sheds light on the specificdifficulties that students face and informs educators and institutions about the needfor targeted support and resources in addressing these challenges
Additionally, the research identifies struggles in challenging personal beliefs and theneed for intellectual openness This empirical finding emerges from the analysis ofparticipants’ responses and provides insight into the cognitive and emotional barriersthat students encounter when engaging in CT The recognition of these strugglesemphasizes the importance of fostering intellectual openness and creating asupportive environment that encourages students to challenge their own beliefs
In summary, the empirical contributions of this research offer quantitative results and
Trang 34insights into the understanding of CT in academic writing The identification ofspecific areas within the definition of CT, the analysis of qualitative data highlightingthe significance of analysis and evaluation skills, the recognition of challenges inlanguage proficiency, coherence, research, and idea generation, and the identificationof struggles in challenging personal beliefs and the need for intellectual openness allcontribute to a comprehensive understanding of CT among participants Theseempirical contributions inform pedagogical practices and the development of targetedinterventions aimed at enhancing CT skills in academic writing.
6.4.3 Pedagogical contributionsThe pedagogical contributions of this research provide valuable guidance andpractical applications for educators in fostering CT in academic writing The firstpedagogical contribution lies in the insights it offers into the development of CTskills By examining the various aspects and components of CT in academic writing,this research provides educators with a deeper understanding of the cognitiveprocesses involved It sheds light on how students can develop and refine their CT
abilities, informing instructional practices and curriculum design
The research also contributes by providing a framework for enhancing CT skillsamong students By delineating the key aspects of CT in academic writing, such asanalysis and evaluation skills, personal motivation, intellectual openness, self-reflection, self-confidence, and logical reasoning, the research offers acomprehensive framework for educators to structure their teaching and assessmentpractices This framework serves as a guide in designing curriculum content,
activities, and assessments that target the specific components of CT.Moreover, this research has practical implications for designing effectiveinstructional approaches and curriculum development By identifying the challengesfaced by students, such as language proficiency, coherence, research, and ideageneration, educators can tailor their instructional strategies to address thesechallenges effectively The research highlights the need for clear criteria, detailedexamples, expanded analysis, and further development These insights inform thedesign of instructional materials, teaching methodologies, and assessment tools that
Trang 35promote CT in academic writing.Furthermore, the research supports the implementation of self-regulated learning
strategies and fosters a sense of ownership in students' writing process Byrecognizing the importance of personal motivation, self-evaluation, and aligning withassessment criteria, the research encourages students to take responsibility for theirown learning Educators can leverage these findings to foster self-regulation skills,such as goal-setting, self-monitoring, and reflection, enabling students to becomeactive participants in their own learning and development of CT skills
Lastly, the research informs the development of targeted interventions andinstructional strategies By identifying struggles in challenging personal beliefs andthe need for intellectual openness, educators can design interventions that specificallyaddress these obstacles The research suggests the importance of creating supportiveenvironments that promote intellectual curiosity and encourage students to criticallyexamine their own perspectives It provides insights into effective instructionalstrategies that foster intellectual openness, encourage creative synthesis, and enhancelogical reasoning and argumentation
In summary, the pedagogical contributions of this research offer valuable insights andpractical implications for educators in fostering CT in academic writing It providesa framework, informs curriculum design, supports self-regulated learning strategies,and guides the development of targeted interventions and instructional strategies Byimplementing these pedagogical approaches, educators can effectively nurture
students' CT abilities and support their growth as competent academic writers.6.5 Concluding remarks
The exploration of CT in academic writing has highlighted its immense significance,positioning it not merely as an important aspect but as the foundational bedrock of
success Originating from my reflections as an English language instructor, therecurring question about students’ demonstration of critical thinking sparked mycuriosity Despite delving into previous studies, I found no satisfactory answers,
prompting me to embark on this research journey The research process underwent
several modifications due to inherent constraints, initially focusing on Vietnamese
Trang 36universities as the study's population Alongside the guidance of our supervisors, atthis stage, the study has produced results that directly address the questions we set
out to investigate.Conducting this study with 239 English major students in Vietnam, we delved intothe critical role of CT in crafting compelling essays Utilizing a survey technique
involving questionnaires and writing sample analysis, the study aimed to unravel how
students interpret and employ CT in their writing, addressing prevalent challenges.The identification of five essential themes—Logical Reasoning and Argumentation,Analysis and Evaluation Skills, Personal Motivation, Intellectual Openness and Self-Reflection, and Self-Confidence and Creative Synthesis—highlighted participants'systematic analysis, structured argumentation, and adept integration of diverseperspectives
Drawing insights from the perspectives of CT in academic writing shared by Englishmajor participants, I crafted open-ended survey questions and devised a checklist toassess five key aspects because the amalgamation of participants’ perspectives
illuminates key insights into the landscape of CT in academic writing The qualitative
analysis reveals the intricate interplay of skills and challenges, emphasizing themultifaceted nature of CT in this context Addressing these nuances is crucial for theholistic development of students' CT abilities and, consequently, their proficiency inacademic writing The qualitative data analysis underscores the importance ofthorough reading, reliance on evidence, systematic analysis, and consideration ofdiverse perspectives The organizational structure, clarity, and adept handling ofcounterarguments emerge as indispensable elements for well-supported arguments.Feedback highlights the necessity for clear criteria, detailed examples, and expandedanalysis Personal motivation, self-evaluation, and alignment with assessment criteriaare identified as crucial factors While intellectual openness and self-reflection are
valued, some participants encounter challenges in challenging their own beliefs
Creative synthesis, logical argument development, and information gathering are
deemed essential, but the need for clearer instructions and further development is
apparent Challenges encompass language proficiency, coherence, research,
Trang 37creativity, and CT itself While participants acknowledge the importance of logicalthinking, arguments, and evidence-based approaches, overcoming difficulties inlanguage, coherence, research, and idea generation is imperative.
Beyond theoretical insights, the study's implications extend practically, offeringeffective interventions and support for students encountering difficulties It providesvaluable pedagogical guidance, furnishing a comprehensive framework for
enhancing CT abilities in academic writing Encouraging the use of self-regulated
learning methodologies, nurturing intellectual curiosity, and fortifying logicalreasoning, the study identified core components for curriculum development,emphasizing analytical and evaluative skills, personal motivation, self-evaluation,intellectual openness, self-reflection, self-confidence, and logical reasoning
The conceptual contribution does not merely stop at recognition but extends toactionable insights, shedding light on areas demanding attention and improvement.Recognizing obstacles faced by students in language proficiency, coherence,
research, and idea generation, the study paves the way for targeted interventions and
instructional strategies This groundwork facilitates the enhancement of students’
logical thinking, argumentation skills, and overall CT abilities
In conclusion, this study makes vital conceptual contributions to understanding anddeveloping CT in academic writing By advancing analysis and evaluation skills,enhancing personal motivation and self-evaluation, promoting intellectual opennessand self-reflection, cultivating self-confidence and creative synthesis, and
strengthening logical reasoning and argumentation, the study presents a
comprehensive framework for educators and institutions to foster CT skills among
students These conceptual contributions carry practical significance for evolving
successful teaching approaches, shaping curricula, and aiding students in theiracademic writing pursuits
Looking ahead, future research endeavours could delve into specific interventionsand strategies addressing identified issues, providing students with more targetedsupport Additionally, investigating the long-term impact of improved CT abilities onstudents' academic and professional achievements could offer valuable insights to theongoing discourse on critical thinking in education
Trang 38LIST OF PUBLICATIONS1 Mai Thi Hien (2020) Vietnamese EFL tertiary students’ perceptions of criticalthinking and characteristics of a critical thinker 2020 International Graduate
Research Symposium & 10" East Asia Chinese Teaching Forum, 482-499 University
of Languages and International Studies, VNU: Vietnam National University Press,
2 Mai Thi Hien (2020) Mức độ nhận thức về Tư duy phản biện của SV không
chuyên Anh trường Đại học Tài nguyên và Môi trường Hà Nội Tap chí Giáo duc, Số
đặc biệt Ky 2 tháng 11/2020, Bộ Giáo duc và Dao tạo
3 Mai Thi Hien (2021) Critical thinking practices in non-English majoredstudents in Vietnamese tertiary education 2021 International Graduate ResearchSymposium, 772-782 University of Languages and International Studies, VNU:
Vietnam National University Press, Hanoi
4 Mai Thi Hien (2021) Kỹ năng Tư duy phản biện trong lớp học tiếng Anh —
Nghiên cứu trường hop tại trường Dai học Tài nguyên và Môi trường Hà Nội Tap
chí Giáo dục - Số đặc biệt tháng 10/2021, Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo.
5 Mai Thi Hien, Huynh Anh Tuan, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong (2023) Exploringprioritized features of critical thinking in academic writing among English major
students 2023 International Graduate Research Symposium, 682-691 University ofLanguages and International Studies, VNU: Vietnam National University Press,
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