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Luận văn thạc sĩ Phương pháp giảng dạy tiếng Anh: The effectiveness of application of STEAM education method to teaching and learning English at a primary school in Ha Nam

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  • 1.2. The 000i n (0)
  • 1.3. The objectives of the Study 0... eeeesesseeseeseceseeeseeeseeessecsaeesseeeseeesaeesaees 2 1.4. The research questions of the SfUy............................-.- 56 1+ E+svEssesseersseree 2 1.5. The methods of the Study... cee eeeeseesccesceeseceseeeseeeseeesaeesaeeeseeeseeeeneesaees 2 1.6. The scope of the SfULỈ........................... .- 6 c1 1019119101 ng nh ng cư, 3 1.7. The significance of the Study ....................- .--- Ă G3 11v HH kg ngư, 4 1.8. The 3606ììii.00001.10i) 1 a (12)
  • CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW..................... HH kệ, 6 2.1. Theoretical backgrOunnd......................... .-- - -- ô<< + + + 3+3 1931191 HH vn 6 2.1.1. Second language aCQUISIẨIOTN........................ ..- <6 + x23 E99 E£ EESseEsekerkersreree 6 2.1.2. Teaching and learning in TESOL ...............................-- 5 + + ++£++v+seeEsseeseees 11 2.1.3. STEAM education: principles and component (16)
    • 2.1.4. STEAM education in English language teaching........................... ...- --ô (32)
    • 2.2. Review Of DreVIOUS StUCIES ...........................- -G Ăn ng ng ty 27 (0)
  • CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................... 2c ccc<+ô 32 SIM) 0... on (42)
    • 3.4.1. QUESTIONNAILES 5 (50)
    • 3.4.2. Teachers’ ¡:rx(-.ARẦDDIỘiiiiiiiđdđầạđAO (0)
    • 3.4.3. Pre-test and DOSf-F€SÉS..................... .... -- -- LH HH TH HH ngư 42 4.4.4. Í[TVICW.................... HH TH TH tre 45 3.5. The data analysis ........................- <5 s11 ng HH nưy 46 3.5.1. Data analysis procedure ..............................- 5 (+ ST Hy 46 3.5.2. Analysis of the qu€SIOTTIAIT€.............................-- << + 111v 47 3.5.3. Data ananysis of the interview and the dIary......................... ...- --ôô+ssô<<+<s 49 (0)
    • 4.1.1. Findings from questionnaire ........................... - s5 c5 SE +EE+eeEeeereeeeereerre 52 4.1.2. Findings from the English pre-test and post-teSfS.............................- ---- --ôô 54 (62)
    • 4.1.3. Findings from the interview anaẽyS1S........................ ..- --ô- ô5c series 56 4.1.4. Analysis of teacher's (ẽ14TIâS,.......................... s5 c1 1E 1v vườn 61 4.2. Discussion of the ẨIndITỹS...........................-. .-- 5 5 131119 9 19911 9v vn rưn 64 4.2.1. Teaching and learning English through the STEAM education method (66)
    • 4.2.2. Attitudes towards teaching and learning English through the STEAM (76)

Nội dung


The objectives of the Study 0 eeeesesseeseeseceseeeseeeseeessecsaeesseeeseeesaeesaees 2 1.4 The research questions of the SfUy -.- 56 1+ E+svEssesseersseree 2 1.5 The methods of the Study cee eeeeseesccesceeseceseeeseeeseeesaeesaeeeseeeseeeeneesaees 2 1.6 The scope of the SfULỈ - 6 c1 1019119101 ng nh ng cư, 3 1.7 The significance of the Study - - Ă G3 11v HH kg ngư, 4 1.8 The 3606ììii.00001.10i) 1 a

+ To investigate the effectiveness of application of the STEAM education method in teaching and learning English In a primary school located in Ha Nam.

+ To examine students’attitudes at a primary school in Ha Nam towards the STEAM education method in teaching and learning English.

1.4 The research questions of the study

The following research questions are raised to achieve the objectives mentioned above:

Question 1: To what extent does the STEAM education method improve English language learning among primary students at a school in Ha Nam?

Question 2: What are the students’ attitudes toward employing the STEAM education method in teaching and learning English?

1.5 The methods of the study

In this action research, the researcher utilizes both quantitative and qualitative approaches to fulfill the goals and objectives of the research Four types of data collection instruments will be applied to triangulate the research. They are teacher’s diary, questionnaire, partially structured interviews with teachers and students, and testing evaluations This study involves 38 students from an entire class at a primary school in Ha Nam Their attitudes toward the application of the STEAM education method, as well as their improvement during the action research, will be collected, evaluated, and analyzed.

Action research offers a suitable research design for this study, as it provides a systematic and reflective approach to investigating the effectiveness of educational interventions (Burns, 2010) By adopting an action research framework, the present study will allow educators to examine their teaching practices and make informed decisions based on the evidence gathered throughout the research process (Kemmis et al., 2014) Additionally, action research is particularly relevant in TESOL, as it fosters a collaborative and learner-centered environment in which teachers and students actively engage in inquiry and reflection (Burns, 2010).

1.6 The scope of the study

The aim of the master thesis is to assess the influence of incorporating STEAM education into English teaching at a primary school in Ha Nam, Vietnam The research will concentrate on the fifth grade at a primary school in Ha Nam province, with a specific focus on evaluating how STEAM education affects students' English language learning, engagement, and motivation.

Utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, such as pre-test and post-test assessments, teacher diaries, questionnaires, and interviews with both teachers and students, the study will adopt a mixed- methods approach The collected data will undergo analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics, as well as thematic analysis.

The study will be limited to 38 students in grades five over 11 weeks It will examine the effectiveness of integrating STEAM education into teaching English, explicitly using the existing English language curriculum The results of this research will enhance comprehension regarding the efficiency of integrating STEAM education in a primary school in Ha Nam, Vietnam, and may inform future curriculum development and teacher training programs in the region.

1.7 The significance of the study

The importance of this master's thesis lies in its role in enhancing understanding regarding the effectiveness of incorporating STEAM education into language learning, particularly within the primary school setting in Ha Nam, Vietnam The study aims to provide empirical evidence on the impact of STEAM education on students’ English language learning, engagement, and motivation, as well as on teachers' views regarding the effectiveness of STEAM education in teaching English The outcomes of this investigation may inform future curriculum development and teacher training programs in the region, specifically in language education.

The current study will contribute to the increasing corpus of literature on STEAM education in TESOL by providing empirical evidence on the implementation and effectiveness of STEAM-based English language teaching in a primary school in Ha Nam province This research aims to bridge the shortfall in the prevailing literature by focusing on the primary level of education in a Vietnamese context, which has been relatively underexplored Additionally, the study will offer awareness of the hurdles and opportunities faced by English language teachers and learners when applying the STEAM approach in their classrooms, thereby contributing to developing more effective instructional strategies and materials for TESOL practitioners.

Furthermore, The results of this study might aid in the broader education community's comprehension of the impact of STEAM education in enhancing students’ learning outcomes Finally, as STEAM education continues to gain popularity globally, this study’s findings may provide insights into its effectiveness in a different cultural context.

This study is significant because it has the potential to guide educational policies and practices., promoting innovative and practical approaches to language learning in primary schools in Ha Nam, Vietnam.

1.8 The structure of the study

Aside from appendices and references, the study is divided into three main sections, as follows:

Part one, “Introduction”, explains the rationale, aim, objectives, research questions, scope, methodology, significance of the study, and thesis organization The second part consists of three chapters Literature Review, Research Methodology, Findings and Discussions.

The last part of the study is the “Conclusion”, which summarises the thesis, shows limitations, and proposes pedagogical implications and recommendations for further studies taken from the outcomes of the study

LITERATURE REVIEW HH kệ, 6 2.1 Theoretical backgrOunnd . - ô<< + + + 3+3 1931191 HH vn 6 2.1.1 Second language aCQUISIẨIOTN - <6 + x23 E99 E£ EESseEsekerkersreree 6 2.1.2 Teaching and learning in TESOL . 5 + + ++£++v+seeEsseeseees 11 2.1.3 STEAM education: principles and component

STEAM education in English language teaching - ô, Rationale for integrating STEAM in TESOL

Integrating STEAM in TESOL can enhance language acquisition by providing meaningful and authentic contexts for language use STEAM projects involve hands-on activities, collaborative problem-solving, and real- world applications This approach engages students actively in language production and comprehension, leading to improved language learning (Gulek

& Demirtas, 2005) The practical use of English in STEAM activities promotes language development, vocabulary expansion, and communicative competence.

Incorporating STEAM into TESOL cultivates vital 21st-century skills crucial for students’ success in today's society These skills encompass critical

22 thinking, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and communication (UNESCO, 2015) STEAM activities require students to think critically, analyze information, collaborate with peers, and effectively communicate their ideas in English This integration prepares learners for future academic and professional endeavors.

STEAM integration in TESOL provides opportunities for cultural awareness and the development of global citizenship Through STEAM projects, students explore different cultures, perspectives, and global issues. They engage with diverse materials, technologies, and artistic expressions, fostering intercultural competence and understanding (Byram, 1997) This integration helps learners develop empathy, appreciation for cultural diversity, and the ability to engage responsibly in a global society.

Integrating STEAM in TESOL enhances student motivation and engagement STEAM activities tap into students' natural curiosity, promote active learning, and provide hands-on experiences that make language learning more enjoyable (Kumaravadivelu, 2006) Engaging students in STEAM projects fosters intrinsic motivation, as they see the relevance and practical application of language skills in authentic contexts.

Integrating STEAM in TESOL accommodates diverse learning styles and multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1983) STEAM projects incorporate visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and interpersonal elements, catering to different learners' strengths and preferences By offering a range of activities and approaches, STEAM integration in TESOL provides a more inclusive and holistic learning experience.

Integrating STEAM in TESOL offers numerous benefits, including enhanced language acquisition, the development of 21st-century skills, cultural awareness, increased motivation, and the accommodation of diverse learning styles By providing meaningful contexts for language use,

23 promoting critical thinking and problem-solving, fostering cultural understanding, and engaging learners in hands-on experiences, the integration of STEAM in TESOL at the primary school in Ha Nam can optimize English language teaching and learning outcomes. STEAM-based English language teaching activities

This section focuses on STEAM-based English language teaching activities The master thesis delves into how STEAM principles and components can be integrated into English language teaching.

Language learning is a cornerstone methodology in STEAM education, providing an efficient approach to incorporating English language instruction.

In this approach, students work on open-ended, real-world projects that require English language skills to research, analyze information, collaborate, and present findings (Bell, 2010) For example, students could engage in a project developing and constructing a model of a sustainable city, where they communicate and present their ideas in English.

Incorporating science experiments and investigations into English language teaching activities can provide hands-on opportunities for language practice and content integration (Juliet E Hart; Okhee Lee 2003) Students can conduct experiments, make observations, record data, and discuss their findings in English For instance, students could investigate the effects of different variables on plant growth, while using English to describe and explain their experimental process and results.

Utilizing technology tools can enhance language learning experiences within a STEAM framework Students can engage in online research, use language learning apps, create digital presentations, or collaborate on shared documents For example, students could use technology to research and present information about a famous scientist or engineer in English.

Integrating the arts into English language teaching activities allows

24 students to express themselves creatively and develop language skills simultaneously In 2006, American scholar Yakman introduced the inclusion of "Arts," representing humanities and arts, into the established STEM education paradigm, thereby introducing the concept of STEAM education. Yakman argued that integrating "Arts" into STEM education could enhance students’ cognitive development, enrich their emotional well-being, elevate their spiritual engagement, foster critical thinking, and refine problem-solving skills, thus nurturing individuals with creative and innovative attributes (Yakman, 2012) For instance, students could create a visual poster or perform a play that highlights a scientific concept or historical event, using English to communicate their ideas.

Promoting collaborative problem-solving activities in English language teaching fosters communication, critical thinking, and teamwork skills. Students can work together to solve challenging problems or design solutions to real-world issues For example, students could collaborate to create an invention or propose sustainable solutions for environmental problems, using English to negotiate and present their ideas.

In summary, incorporating STEAM-based English language teaching activities provides students with valuable chances to enhance their English language skills through meaningful, interactive, and interdisciplinary learning encounters English language teachers at the primary school in Ha Nam can establish vibrant and efficient language learning settings that adhere to the principles and components of STEAM education by integrating language learning, scientific inquiries, technology-driven language learning, artistic expressions, and collaborative problem-solving. Challenges and opportunities in implementing STEAM in TESOL

Challenges in Implementing STEAM in TESOL:

Incorporating STEAM into TESOL demands that teachers possess a comprehensive grasp of both content and language teaching Teachers may necessitate professional development avenues to enrich their understanding of STEM concepts, technological resources, and instructional techniques for language fusion (Brickhouse et al., 2016).

- Resource Availability: Implementing STEAM in TESOL may require access to appropriate resources, materials, and equipment Limited availability of resources can pose a challenge in providing hands-on experiences and authentic STEM-related activities (Bybee, 2013).

Opportunities in Implementing STEAM in TESOL:

Review Of DreVIOUS StUCIES - -G Ăn ng ng ty 27

This chapter provides an overview of the research methodology employed in classroom action research It outlines the research design, methodology, setting, participants, data sources, data collection tools, and data analysis techniques.

Action research provides researchers with a framework to implement tangible intervention strategies, assess their impact, and consequently, gain profound insights into their teaching practices, thereby facilitating meaningful professional growth Subsequently, the study seeks to address the inquiries: How does the adoption of the STEAM education approach impact the English language learning of primary students in a Ha Nam school, and what are the perspectives of both students and teachers regarding the integration of this approach into English instruction? The details of the action research, including its definition, principles, and implementation model, are delineated below.

3.1.1 Definition of an action research

Action research (AR) enjoys recognition across diverse fields, such as management, organizational studies, social work, and healthcare In the realm of education, forward-thinking educational leaders established the theoretical underpinnings of this research approach Nevertheless, in recent years, AR has assumed a pivotal role in enhancing teaching practices and has become a widely embraced methodology among researchers aiming to facilitate school improvement, owing to its remarkable influence on the realms of literature and education.

As per S E Efron and R Ravid (2003), the terms AR and practitioner research are frequently used interchangeably in the field of education Burns



As per Dửrnyei (2009), questionnaires serve three primary purposes: they provide factual or demographic information, behavioral information, and attitudinal information Factual data includes details about respondents’ backgrounds and experiences, while behavioral data pertains to their actions. Attitudinal information encompasses their attitudes, opinions, beliefs, interests, and values.

Questionnaires offer the advantage of swiftly collecting responses from a large number of individuals Furthermore, participants can respond anonymously, which promotes candid answers and enhances the reliability of the results Given the study's 38 fifth-grade participants, conducting individual interviews would be impractical Therefore, utilizing a questionnaire as a research tool is appropriate for gathering data and analyzing the students’ opinions regarding the implementation of Steam education method teaching.

The questionnaire was instrumental in addressing two key research questions In the process of crafting the questionnaires, every effort was made to ensure they were straightforward, allowing the high school students to answer them with ease All the items in the questionnaires (refer to appendix 8) were adapted from previous related studies, employing a Likert scale consisting of five points to evaluate various variables Since the original

40 language was English, the next step involved translating all the items into Vietnamese to guarantee that respondents could thoroughly understand and answer the inquiries This translation process was meticulous, aiming to preserve the original meaning of the English version while using language familiar to children.

The questionnaire comprises eight questions designed to assess students' progress in English competence and their attitudes toward Steam education method teaching Initially, students are prompted to reflect on their positive developments in English skills as a result of Steam education method teaching These items draw upon the theories presented by Stoller (2006), Haines (1989), and Kriwas (1999) which highlight the benefits of Steam education method teaching, including increased motivation, enhanced creativity, collaboration, and the effective utilization of technology These concepts are reflected in questions one to four.

Questions five to seven are adapted from items found in previous studies conducted by Fried-Booth (2002) and Dornyei (2001) These questions aim to bolster students' confidence, reduce anxiety, and alleviate shyness when speaking They are informed by the theories of Stoller (2006) and Brophy (2004) and focus on students' engagement and enjoyment in Steam education method teaching.

Lastly, the eighth question seeks to gauge whether students desire more project-based activities in their STEAM lessons in the future.

To enhance reliability in addressing the research questions, the author employed teaching diaries as a reflective tool for both the research and personal professional development According to Elliott (1991), teaching diaries encompass a range of elements, including "observations, feelings,

41 reactions, interpretations, reflections, hunches, explanations" related to students and teachers Clearly, keeping teaching diaries is a method involving self-observation and self-assessment.

In this study, by maintaining teaching diaries as a teacher, the researcher acquired an intimate perspective on the events that transpired during an English lesson employing two different teaching methods This entailed a closer inspection of how group work activities were conducted in the classroom and how they influenced the students’ learning attitudes These activities align closely with the core practices of language learning in English.

The researcher customized the teaching diaries by adhering to the criteria outlined by Cambridge for young learners (see appendix 6) The diaries were structured into three primary sections: Teaching Objectives, Teaching Procedures and Activities, and Remarks Five teaching diaries were completed after conducting three lessons, all of which incorporated group work activities for the experimental group.

If the lesson objectives were successfully met, it indicated that the group work activities were effectively implemented in the English lessons. Additionally, by making brief notes on the teaching procedures and documenting the events in each lesson, the researcher was able to closely monitor how students participated in the group work tasks and the challenges they encountered during the process This allowed for the analysis and identification of their attitudes and participation The remarks section provided valuable data that contributed to pedagogical insights for teaching speaking through the use of group work activities.

3.4.3 Pre-test and post-tests

The third research instrument employed in this study included both a pre-test and a post-test These tests served as appropriate tools for assessing

42 and comparing students' English language skills The pre-test and post-test were administered before and after the implementation of three projects, allowing the researcher to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied teaching method Both tests followed the same format, had similar lengths, and presented an equivalent level of difficulty.

The format of both the pre-test and post-test closely mirrored the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) test at the Al Movers level This test represents the introductory level among the three Cambridge English Qualifications designed for young learners These assessments introduce children to everyday written and spoken English, helping build their confidence and enhancing their language abilities The tests focus on topics that are familiar and prioritize the key skills necessary for effective English communication, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

The test structure closely resembles the format of the Al Movers test. Both the pre-test and post-test consist of four sections: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking Here are some examples of the activities that your child will encounter in the exams (Refer to appendix 4).In the Reading section, children engage in tasks that demonstrate their ability to read and comprehend simple English texts For instance, in the Pre Al Movers level, they show their understanding of sentences describing a picture by marking 'yes' or no' As children progress to the A2 Movers level, they learn to read and comprehend longer texts The Writing paper incorporates colorful pictures to make the activity enjoyable and easy to grasp In an example from

Al Movers, children write words and sentences to describe the provided picture.

Listening activities are crafted to evaluate your child's proficiency in understanding basic English words and grammar In tasks like the one from

Al Movers, children select the correct picture to demonstrate their

The pre-test took place at the onset of the study, before the commencement of language learning Conversely, the post-test occurred upon completion of the third project Both tests aligned with the topics covered in the classroom curriculum The study aimed to assess the variance in students' English language learning before and after the application of Steam education method teaching by analyzing the outcomes of these two tests.

The level of difficulty for both the pre-test and post-test was designed to encompass the scoring range of the Al Movers examination Within the pre-test and post-test, students were questioned about the topics they had studied in the first term, specifically "Unit 1: What's your address," "Unit 2: I always get up early How about you?", "Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday?", "Unit 4: Did you go to the party?" and "Unit 5: Where will you be this weekend," as illustrated in Table 1.

Pre-test and DOSf-F€SÉS LH HH TH HH ngư 42 4.4.4 Í[TVICW HH TH TH tre 45 3.5 The data analysis - <5 s11 ng HH nưy 46 3.5.1 Data analysis procedure - 5 (+ ST Hy 46 3.5.2 Analysis of the qu€SIOTTIAIT€ << + 111v 47 3.5.3 Data ananysis of the interview and the dIary .- ôô+ssô<<+<s 49 Students’ attitudes toward participating in the STEAM education lessons

Regarding students' opinions about participating STEAM education lessons, the majority of students indicated that they usually joined in project activities and a quarter of learners said they always work in groups enthusiastically.


Findings from questionnaire - s5 c5 SE +EE+eeEeeereeeeereerre 52 4.1.2 Findings from the English pre-test and post-teSfS - ôô 54 Students’ attitudes toward participating in the STEAM education lessons

Regarding students' opinions about participating STEAM education lessons, the majority of students indicated that they usually joined in project activities and a quarter of learners said they always work in groups enthusiastically.

Students’ attitudes toward participating in the STEAM education lessons

Only a small number of students (18%) reflected that they sometimes took part in activities with their friends to complete their project tasks This showed that less participation in projects made students have lower speaking marks than before.

In addition, all students claimed that they had to attend project tasks because the leader of their group always divided tasks into each member and controlled them too Therefore, nearly 100% of students agreed that they participated in project activities enthusiastically.

From the result obtained above, we can realize that most students had positive attitudes towards attending STEAM education lessons because they also had to take responsibility for their project tasks. Students’ attitudes toward performing the STEAM education lessons

Students’ attitudes toward performing the projects activities in STEAM education lessons

As can be seen from figure, 85% admitted that they were so excited when they did STEAM education lessons There were only a small number of students who were uncertain about the use of STEAM education lessons. None of them found the STEAM education lessons not exciting This proves that the application of STEAM education lessons in learning English makes the lesson more interesting and engages learners to speak in the English lessons.

The results of students’ responses in close-ended questionnaires after three projects indicated the improvement of students’ speaking competence as well as their attitudes towards STEAM education teaching.

4.1.2 Findings from the English pre-test and post-tests The results of pre-test and post —test

The mean, obtained by summing up a series of numbers and dividing the

54 total by the count of items, serves as an effective method for illustrating the average performance of students in the entire class based on their scores.The table above shows the mean between pre-test and post-test of English skills in class 5B with 38 students Students’ mean scores of average marks were analyzed below.


The average scores of students’ grades

It can be seen that the whole class’s mean of post-test scores increased from pre-test (M = 27.76) to post-test (M= 35.92), which showed that the whole class made progress to their scores after STEAM education lessons. The results also prove that the students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing competence has been improved.

Upon analyzing the statistics, it becomes evident that the researcher observed significant variations in the results of both the pre-test and post-test across four criteria. Comparision of mean scores on pre-test and post - test

1 Reading and writing 2 Listening 3.Speaking

Comparison of average scores between the pre-test and post-test

According to Figure 4, the mean scores on post-test in all categories of all skills increased considerably We are easy to see that students had a great improvement in the score of all skills This showed that learners had a better improvement at through STEAM education lessons.

To summarize, the better results of the post-test lead to the conclusion of the beneficial of STEAM education lessons.

Findings from the interview anaẽyS1S - ô- ô5c series 56 4.1.4 Analysis of teacher's (ẽ14TIâS, s5 c1 1E 1v vườn 61 4.2 Discussion of the ẨIndITỹS - . 5 5 131119 9 19911 9v vn rưn 64 4.2.1 Teaching and learning English through the STEAM education method

As aforementioned, interviews were conducted in order to make clear the selected- response questions in the questionnaire, therefore, the researcher decided to take six samples of students to interview Their responses help the researcher affirm the findings in this research Each interview lasted for about 5-6 minutes.

In the first question “To what extent do you enjoy participating in STEAM activities in English lessons 2”, in accordance with the result from the

56 questionnaire, all students interviewed agreed that they were interested in participating in STEAM activities enthusiastically Student 1 said: “7 like STEAM activities because they are very exciting” and student 2 answered:

“Yes, I enjoy because I can work with my friends who help me so much in doing my tasks We can enjoy some interesting activities together.” Moreover, student 3 added: “1 like learning through STEAM because it is the opportunity to understand more real things and I can have more practical knowledge I can investigate many fantastic topics such as festivals, cultures and sports in the world.” “I like STEAM because it is a new method, we will become more active not passive as the learning tradition Project- based STEAM learning will help us not only be more interesting but fun and exciting”, students 4 said Students 5 and 6 also had the same opinions with four students above but they said more: “Sure, I am fond of participating in STEAM activities in English lessons because I can get more involved in speaking activities and I feel happy when I speak English ”

In conclusion, six students participating in the interviews agreed that they enjoyed being involved in their projects activities This result is similar to the students’ responses in the questionnaire.

In the second question, “Which activities do you like most in STEAM English lessons? And why?” Student | said: “I like working in groups mostly because I feel more connected and closer to ƒriends.”, while student 2 answered: “J am interested in making presentations because I can practice speaking in front of class without hesitation” Moreover, student 3 added: “J like working in groups because I feel comfortable with friends’ help and exchange mutual feedback” Students 4 stated: “J like gathering information for the projects because I enjoy technology and exploring the exciting contents” Students 5 answered: “J like listening to my friends’ presentations because I can listen to my friends as well as practice

57 speaking repeatedly without preparation” Students 6 also highlighted: “7 enjoy making in groups and presentations, which is so exciting because we can learn and help each other”.

All in all, six students participating in the interviews agreed that authentic preparation activities such as working in groups, making presentations were also students’ favorite activities In addition, students also enjoyed gathering data and listening to peer presentations because of different reasons.

Responding the third question, ““What do you think about teachers’ roles in STEAM English lessons?” Student 1 said: “My teacher plays an important role in my successful project The teacher always helps her to gather information and show her how to present well’, student 2 added: “My teacher is vital in my project because she usually advises me how to choose the topics and how to find out the information Moreover, she often encourages me whenever I get trouble” Student 3 answered: “the teacher is very important for me When I do not understand anything in my project, I ask her and she answers me immediately She is very friendly so that I can get a lots of her advice while doing projects Although I have to do the projects myself and with my friends most of the time, the teacher has still stood behind us if we need.” Student 4 stated: “My teacher is very supportive and gives simple and clean instructions However, the teacher often is absent while I do the project so I am afraid of asking her questions and sometimes feel bored with the project” Student 5 stated: “the teacher is necessary but often absent so it is also challenging for me to complete my task alone Sometimes I feel disappointed because I have no motivation I do not know how to do my project, how to search information and I feel shy to ask the teacher like my friends.” Finally, student 6 highlighted: “the teacher is very important, she

58 guides me how to do the task and advises me about my presentation On the other hand, I sometimes feel dissatisfied with the results because some of my friends in my groups do not really work hard It is not fair if the teacher gives them higher scores.”

In short, teachers have played a crucial role in implementing STEAM. These main roles are a guide, facilitator and consultant Besides a teacher needs to know how to manage project activities, support students to learn and assess Clearly students’ scores.

In the last question, “How does STEAM English lessons help you study English” was answered by six participants All six students stated that STEAM had brought for them numerous benefits not only the improvement of speaking competence but other skills.

Student 1 gave examples about improving her speaking skills She clarified “J feel confident in my pronunciation and am not afraid to make mistakes when speaking I found that I could memorize new words faster and easily write them down when the teacher asked me to Moreover, the more confident and active I am in class activities and the more I enjoy speaking English” The interviewee emphasized that lack of confidence in English ability like pronunciation, vocabulary or other skills is an influential factor affecting students to learn English.

In addition, student 2 said: “STEAM has also helped me improve some Skills such as being more confident, not afraid to speak and knowing knowledge when working with teammates But I felt a little nervous because I didn't speak well, so I was still hesitant to speak I didn't have enough time to prepare because I had to study many subjects Moreover, I don't know how to collect information and process it without teacher help” The interviewee seemed not to be ready to change the method study Therefore, the students

59 often felt worried about tasks in each project and gave the reasons for their stress in speaking.

Moreover, student 3 claimed: “7e project gave me the opportunity to have my friends correct my mispronunciation, while studying I felt very comfortable because there were many collage, drawing and singing activities. Besides, this helps me to be more comfortable and not afraid to make mistakes when speaking and writing English” This student also affirmed again that PBL had an important role in enhancing speaking skills And she emphasized the confidence factor helped students not only develop speaking skills as commonly thought but all English skills.

Besides, students 4 responded: “STEAM helps me improve myself, more confident in communication I am no longer shy about collaborating with different friends It also reduces your anxiety and doesn't fear making mistakes” The interviewee affirmed that he reduced his stress so much and he seemed to be familiar with presenting in front of the class.

Furthermore, students 5 and 6 shared their opinions: “Sure, it helps me improve my vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and I can use the computer to search for information and make presentations easily Moreover, I can generate many ideas during the project, which helps me to be more involved in speaking” The students strongly agreed that after three projects they can raise a large number of vocabularies and improve clear grammar Besides, they also have the same opinion with students above about the advantages of STEAM that have a huge influence on studying English.

To sum up, STEAM brought to numerous benefits that helped learners enhance students’ English compentence as well as engage them to study

In conclusion, the answers to the interview questions shows that most

60 students liked STEAM They felt satisfied and excited about speaking English through these project activities Almost all students are interested in project activities such as group work and presentations Besides, children also showed a number of their opinions about teachers’ roles which were supposed to be very important for students in doing projects Finally, a list of views was presented to students’ improvement in English through STEAM The result in the interview corresponded to the answers from the questionnaire and the results from post-test.

The teacher’s diaries provided more precise insights into how group work activities were implemented in the English lesson, helped the teacher to take a closer look at the students’ reflection in classroom In combination with the result from the questionnaire, the researcher could find out the real result about students’ attitude towards group work activities in teaching English. The analysis of teaching diaries indicated some dominant issues that were analyzed according to themes: (1) Lesson objectives; (2) Teaching procedure and activities; (3) Remarks There are three main purposes of teaching diary Firstly, if the lesson objectives were achieved, the use of group work activities in English lessons was applied effectively Secondly, making a quick note about teaching procedure and activities, the researcher could take a look into how group work activities were implemented and combined with other activities in the lessons Then the researcher had chance to analyze the learning process and identify students’ attitude toward the teaching method Finally, remarks provided data which helped researcher figure out pedagogical implication for their teaching to better using group work activities in English lessons.

As reported in the first teaching diary, the objective was set, the

Attitudes towards teaching and learning English through the STEAM

Traditional English teaching methods can create challenges for learners, particularly regarding vocabulary acquisition and speaking skills These challenges stem from various factors, including instructional methods, curriculum design, and the complexity of scientific language Students often struggle with scientific terminology, which exists in both everyday language and academic contexts For example, concepts like "force" in physics can be difficult to grasp, as can more straightforward terms like "piece of light" instead of "photons." Success in STEAM education hinges on students' ability to naturally comprehend and apply specialized English vocabulary relevant to their learning materials and subjects.

In conclusion, the statistics proved most students had a positive attitude about STEAM education lessons The result showed STEAM education

66 lessons has been very necessary in teaching English.

It can be seen that data from four data collection instruments (teacher’s diary, pre-test, post-test, questionnaire and interview) were analyzed carefully in this chapter.

Data from questionnaire responses were analyzed quantitatively and frequencies and percentages are calculated straight away for all questionnaire items Besides, the information collected from student interviews were also analyzed qualitatively to support answering the second research question.

Moreover, the researcher took advantage of the software Microsoft Excel to calculate the mean scores in the two pre-tests and post-test The results of data analysis help the researcher answer the two research questions.

As perceived by students and teachers, STEAM education improved considerably the 5” graders’English competence and enabled students to possess more positive attitudes such as increasing interest, confidence, motivation, reducing fear and anxiety As a result, students took part in projects activities more enthusiastically in the English lessons.

In this final part, the study's findings and constraints will be drawn. Some recommendations will also be suggested for further study.

This research is under the investigation whether the STEAM could enhance English competence or not Thirty eight students in grade five participated in the research for eleven weeks in a class chosen by the researcher All the participants had to complete the pre-test to investigate their input of English ability at the beginning before implementing STEAM in the research The students were guided and taught to learn English through using

STEAM for eleven weeks All projects taken according to the content of some units in the "Tiếng Anh 5 (tập một)" textbook jointly edited and published by

Vietnam Education Publishing House (VEPH) and Macmillan (MPPC) were implemented in the second term Taking the post-test was carried out after eleven weeks and the students' proficiency in English was compared with the result of the pre-test to examine changes as output.

Furthermore, the questionnaire was delivered to investigate more about the improvement of English skills and the attitude of the students toward using Steam education method lessons Finally, six students were invited to participate in interviews in order to clarify more students’ attitudes toward the use of STEAM Data collected from tests, the questionnaire and interview responses of the students and teachers were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed to draw findings offering the answers to the questions and meet the aims of the study.

The research results indicate that all four English language skills of students have significantly improved through the implementation of the STEAM education method in English classes Most students absorbed and

68 retained the lessons more quickly, concurrently enhancing their reflexive English speaking abilities during exchanges while working on projects. Furthermore, the study reveals that students engaged in learning English through the STEAM education method exhibit a more positive and enthusiastic attitude compared to traditional English lectures.

Implications Based on the results of post-test, questionnaire, teacher’s diary and interview analysis, the following recommendations are made for teachers as well as students to utilize this tool in effective ways:

As can be seen from the result of the third question in the interview, students’ opinions were presented that the teacher has played a vital role in helping learners implement Steam education method lessons successfully. However, some of the students expressed that they felt stressful and anxious without teacher’s help and they do not know what to do or how to find out information or use technology Then, learners were afraid of asking their teachers questions because of shyness or felt lazy to communicate with teachers as well as friends Finally, children showed their disappointment when seeing the lazy members who could get a higher score than the others in the groups.

In all stages of a project presented in the procedure study part, students need much teachers’ support Therefore, teachers are really essential for students to complete their projects successfully.

To begin with, teachers are guides who help students choose topic selection These topics must be relevant to the given general topics Teachers need give clear instructions for students in order that they understand the way to do projects efficiently Teachers should also guide them how to find out the

69 information for students who are weak at technology.

Furthermore, teachers often encourage and support students, thereby increasing more motivation and confidence for them and reduce their anxiety and stress To create a friendly environment among teachers and students, teachers can usually communicate and take care of learners through social networks.

Finally, it is the fact that it is necessary to be fair in assessing the projects in order to engage students in learning to avoid giving wrong marks. Therefore, working as an assessor through three projects, to evaluate students’ English skill in Steam education method lessons, the teacher not only assesses them in the presenting period but also the whole process The teacher needs to know how to control students’ project activities The teacher listened carefully and gave critical comments on peers’ presentations Finally, through the peer’s evaluation for group works after each project, the teacher knows more about the implementation of each member while working groups From peer’s feedback and evaluation, the teacher can assess a part of the final scores of students.

5.3 Increasing project activities for students

The result of the questionnaire and the responses of the second question in the interview showed that most learners enjoyed participating in project activities and they felt really excited when using STEAM education lessons.

Ngày đăng: 27/09/2024, 01:56