[...]... Business Formulas 329 The First “Most Expensive Money You Can Borrow” Formula .330 The Second “Most Expensive Money You Can Borrow” Formula 332 The “How Do I Break Even?” Formula .332 xiii xiv QuickBooks 2006 For Dummies The “You Can Grow Too Fast” Formula .335 How net worth relates to growth .335 Calculating sustainable growth 336 The First “What Happens If ?” Formula... of Windows: Windows 2000 Professional For Dummies, Microsoft Windows Me For Dummies, or Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition, all by Andy Rathbone (and all published by Wiley) How This Book Is Organized This book is divided into five mostly coherent parts Introduction Part I: Quickly into QuickBooks Part I covers some upfront tasks that you need to take care of before you can start using QuickBooks I... The standard version of QuickBooks doesn’t include these features This book works for QuickBooks 2006, although in a pinch you can probably also use it for QuickBooks 2005 or 2007 (I’ve got to say, however, that if you have QuickBooks 2005, you might instead want to return this book and trade it in for QuickBooks 2005 For Dummies by yours truly, published by Wiley.) By the way, if you haven’t already... Tens Gravity isn’t just a good idea; it’s a law By tradition, the same is true for this part of a For Dummies book The Part of Tens provides a collection of lists: ten things you should do if you own a business, ten things to do when you next visit Acapulco — oops, sorry about that last one Wrong book 5 6 QuickBooks 2006 For Dummies Also by tradition, these ten-item lists don’t need to have exactly ten... that you really shouldn’t do Out of respect for you, I’m not going to put stuff such as Don’t smoke! next to these icons I figure that you’re an adult You can make your own lifestyle decisions So I’m reserving the Warning icons for more urgent and immediate dangers — things akin to Don’t smoke while you’re filling your car with gasoline 3 4 QuickBooks 2006 For Dummies This icon is a friendly reminder...x QuickBooks 2006 For Dummies Paying for items when you get the bill 161 Recording items and paying the bill all at once .163 When You Sell Stuff 164 How Purchase Orders Work 164 Choosing a purchase order form 165 Filling out a purchase order 166 Checking up on purchase orders ... and, therefore, easier for you to read.) You can even remove the Navigators pane by choosing View➪Open Window List (You can also move the other locked pane, which lists windows and is called the Shortcuts list, by choosing View➪Shortcut List.) Like many computer books, this book uses icons, or little pictures, to flag details that don’t quite fit into the flow of things 7 8 QuickBooks 2006 For Dummies. .. too) do for you, the overworked business owner or bookkeeper ߜ Forms: QuickBooks produces, or prints, forms such as checks or invoices by using the information that you enter into those check windows and invoice windows that I mention earlier So that’s really neat And a true timesaver (See Chapter 4.) ߜ Electronic banking and billing: QuickBooks transmits and retrieves some financial transaction information... by tradition, these ten-item lists don’t need to have exactly ten items You know the concept of a baker’s dozen, right? You order a dozen doughnuts but get 13 for the same price Well, For Dummies ten-item lists have roughly ten items (If the Dummies Man — the bug-eyed, paleface guy suffering from triangle-shaped-head syndrome who appears on the cover of this book and on icons throughout these pages... Using the Other Planning and Analysis Tools 242 xi xii QuickBooks 2006 For Dummies Chapter 13: Online with QuickBooks 243 Doing the Electronic Banking Thing 243 So what’s the commotion about? .243 A thousand reasons not to bank online 244 Making sense of online banking 246 Signing up for the service 247 Making an online payment 247 Transferring . (taxation) QuickBooks ® 2006 FOR DUMmIES ‰ 01_599542 ffirs.qxp 12/12/05 11:44 AM Page i QuickBooks ® 2006 For Dummies ® Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 Copyright © 2006. Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us!, The Dummies Way, Dummies Daily, The Fun and Easy Way, Dummies. com, and related trade dress. QuickBooks for Network Use 374 Setting Up User Permissions 375 Specifying Multi-User Mode 377 Working in Multi-User Mode 378 Index 379 QuickBooks 2006 For Dummies xiv QuickBooks 2006 For Dummies 02_599542