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Tiêu đề Đề thi khảo sát HSG tỉnh lớp 12
Trường học Trường THPT Anh Sơn 1
Chuyên ngành Tiếng Anh
Thể loại Đề thi
Năm xuất bản 2024 - 2025
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Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.. Like them, children need to learn howto cope with fail

Trang 1


(Đề gồm 13 trang)


NĂM HỌC 2024 - 2025

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Bằng số: ……… Bằng chữ: ………


Giám khảo 1:

………Giám khảo 2:


SECTION A LISTENING (50 points)Part 1 You are going to hear a talk As you listen, fill in the missing information For questions1-15, write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the spaces provided Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided


Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world In the United States, close to 10% of adults strugglewith depression But because it's (1) , it can be a lot harder to understand than, say, high cholesterol One major source of (2) is the difference between having depression and just feeling depressed.Almost everyone feels down from time to time Getting a bad grade, losing a job, having an argument, even arainy day can bring on (3) Sometimes there's no trigger at all It just pops up out of the blue Thencircumstances change, and those sad feelings disappear

Clinical depression is different It's a (4) , and it won't go away just because you want it to It lingersfor at least two consecutive weeks, and significantly interferes with one's ability to work, play, or love

Depression can have a lot of different symptoms: (5) , loss of interest in things you'd normally enjoy,changes in appetite, feeling worthless or excessively guilty, sleeping either too much or too little, poorconcentration, restlessness or slowness, loss of energy, or recurrent (6) If you have at least five ofthose symptoms, according to psychiatric guidelines, you qualify for a diagnosis of depression And it's not justbehavioral symptoms Depression has physical manifestations inside the brain

First of all, there are changes that could be seen with the naked eye and X-ray vision These include smallerfrontal lobes and hippocampal volumes On (7) , depression is associated with a few things: theabnormal transmission or depletion of certain neurotransmitters, especially serotonin, norepinephrine, anddopamine, blunted circadian rhythms, or specific changes in the REM and slow-wave parts of your(8) , and hormone abnormalities, such as high cortisol and deregulation of thyroid hormones

But neuroscientists still don't have a complete picture of what causes depression It seems to have to do with acomplex interaction between genes and environment, but we don't have a diagnostic tool that can accuratelypredict where or when it will show up And because depression symptoms are intangible, it's hard to know whomight look fine but is actually (9)

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it takes the average person suffering with a mental illnessover ten years to ask for help But there are very (10) Medications and therapy complement eachother to boost brain chemicals In extreme cases, electroconvulsive therapy, which is like a controlled seizurein (11) , is also very helpful

Other promising treatments, like transcranial magnetic stimulation, are (12) , too So, if you knowsomeone struggling with depression, encourage them, gently, to seek out some of these options You mighteven offer to help with specific tasks, like looking up therapists in the area, or making a list of questions to aska doctor

To someone with depression, these first steps can seem (13) If they feel guilty or ashamed, point outthat depression is a medical condition, just like asthma or diabetes It's not a weakness or a personality trait,and they shouldn't expect themselves to just get over it anymore than they could will themselves to get over abroken arm If you haven't experienced depression yourself, avoid comparing it to times you've felt down

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Comparing what they're experiencing to normal, temporary feelings of sadness can make them feel(14) for struggling Even just talking about depression openly can help For example, research showsthat asking someone about suicidal thoughts (15) their suicide risk Open conversations about mentalillness help erode stigma and make it easier for people to ask for help And the more patients seek treatment,the more scientists will learn about depression, and the better the treatments will get.

Part 2 You will hear a recording about how the food you eat affects your brain For questions 16-20,decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) Write your answers in thecorresponding numbered boxes provided


16 Each component of the brain has no influence on functioning, development, mood, and energy.17 The fatty acids omegas 3 and 6 can help to lower degenerative brain conditions

18 The food we consume containing proteins and amino acids will affect our feelings and behaviours.19 The human brain, making up about 2% of our body weight, uses up to 12% of our energy resources.20 Having a diet of nutrient-rich foods is crucial for sustained brain power

Your answers:

Part 3 You will hear a radio interview in which two people – called Randall and Aubrey – are talkingabout their college roommates For questions 21-25, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits bestaccording to what you hear Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided

21 Aubrey lived with roommates _

C because she got along fine with them D but they didn’t have fun22 Her apartment included bedrooms and one bathroom

23 One of the things the kitchen lacked was _ A an efficient dishwasher and refrigerator B sufficient space to store one's foodC a place where people everyone could eat D heating and air conditioning

24 Sharing an apartment later on was better for Aubrey because she could

25 Randall says that living with roommates is an opportunity to learn how to .uil A build new friendships d new friendships B budget your moneyC compromise and share D prepare for your future

Your answers:

SECTION B LEXICO – GRAMMAR (20 points)Part 1 For questions 1-12, choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences Write A, B, C or D in the corresponding numbered boxes.

1 The politician sought to himself with the local community by actively participating in charitable events and supporting local initiatives

A ingratiate B explicate C espouse D persevere

2 This project is for the level of this class

A too much really hard B much too really hard C really much too hard D really hard too much

3 Mike decided that election to the local council would provide a to a career in national politics

A milestone B springboard C highway D turning point

4 Teachers have the authority to discipline pupils by of their position as teachers

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A view B virtue C means D way

5 Unlike his friends who also rose to stardom when they were still teenagers, Andy didn’t have any but became even more modest

A airs and graces B beer and skittles C cock and bull D nudge and wink

6 "Why has Dave resigned his job?" "It was my suggestion _ his education."

A why didn't he continue B him to continue C that he continue D he continues

7 The unions their hand in the end and failed to get the pay rise they wanted

A outplayed B overplayed C outdid D overdid

8 When my boss goes on vacation, I have free to make decision and runthe department the way I see fit

A rein B rights C reignD authority

9 She denied the accusation true She felt innocent

A to be B to being C being D of being

Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the

underlined word(s) in the following question.10 The messy state of the kitchen when she came back home appalled her.

Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the

underlined word(s) in the following question.11 Seeking a well-paid job amid the economic crisis is like looking for a needle in a haystack A something that is easy to find B something that costs a lot of money C something that is cheaper than usual D something that is impossible to find

12 Jimmy and Peter are chatting

- Jimmy: “I believe that university education is the best choice for school-leavers.”- Peter: “ Vocational education can be a useful alternative.”

A I couldn’t agree moreB That’s a shame C It’s a good ideaD I don’t quite agree


The market for tourism in remote areas is booming as never before Countries all acrossthe world are active promoting their 'wilderness' regions - such as mountains, Arctic lands,deserts, small islands and wetlands - to high-spending tourists The attraction of these areasis obvious: by defining, wilderness tourism requires little or no initial investment But thatdoes not mean that there is no cost As the 1992 UN Conference on Environment andDevelopment recognized, these regions are fragile (i.e highly vulnerable of abnormalpressures) not just in terms of the culture of their inhabitation The three most significanttypes of fragile environment in these respects are deserts, mountains and Arctic areas Animportant characteristic is their marked seasonality Consequently, most human acts,including tourism, are limited to clearly defined parts of the year

Tourists are drawn to these regions by their natural beauty and the unique culture of itspeople And poor governments in these areas have welcomed the 'adventure tourists',grateful for the currency they bring For several years, tourism is the prime source of

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foreign exchange in Nepal and Bhutan Tourism is also a key element in the economics ofArctic zones such as Lapland and Alaska and in desert areas such as Ayres Rocks inAustralia and Arizona's Monument Valley

Your answers:









SECTION C: READING (70 points) Part 1: Read the passage and choose the best answer Write your answers A, B, C or D in thecorresponding numbered boxes

Responding to children’s mistakes

Promoting children’s self-esteem seems to be one of the aims of modern childcare and education Itgoes hand in hand with a culture in which children are (1) _ praised for the most minor achievements.While this promotion of self-esteem is, rightly, a reaction against sterner times when children were notpraised enough, it also seems to be (2) _ by a fear of how failure will affect children: a fear that if they donot succeed at a task, they will somehow be damaged

However, the opposite may well be true Many scientists spend years experiencing (3) _ failurein the lab until they make a (4) _ They know that (5) _ this process advances scientificknowledge In the same way, children need to experience failure to learn and grow If children have beenpraised for everything they’ve done, (6) _ how good it is, then failure in adult life will be all the morepainful

Life is full of (7) _ and there is no point in trying to protect children from the disappointmentsthat (8) _ them Parents and educators shouldn’t be afraid of (9) _ children’s mistakes, as longas they also praise them when they do well After all, the heroes children try to emulate, the pop stars andfootballers, have all reached the top in the face of ruthless competition Like them, children need to learn howto cope with failure and (10) _ it to their advantage

1 A immensely B enthusiastically C thoroughly D devotedly

3 A concurrent B consequent C consecutive D continual

6 A according to B regardless of C consistent with D depending on

9 A getting round to B looking down on C giving way to D picking up on

Your answers:

Trang 5

Part 2: Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word Write the answers in the corresponding numbered boxes


On 15 December 2008, member states met in Jakarta to launch a charter, signed in November

2007, to move closer to "an EU-style community" The charter turned ASEAN (11) _ a legalentity and aimed to create a single free-trade area for (12) _ region encompassing 500 millionpeople President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stated: "(13) _ is a momentousdevelopment when ASEAN is consolidating, integrating, and transforming (14) _ into a

community It is achieved while ASEAN seeks a more vigorous role in Asian and global affairs at atime when the international system are experiencing a seismic shift" Referring to climate change

and economic upheaval, he concluded: "Southeast Asia is no (15) _ the bitterly divided,

war-torn region it was in the 1960s and 1970s"

The financial crisis of 2007–2008 was (16) _ as a threat to the charter's goals, and alsoset forth the idea of a proposed human rights body to be discussed at a future (17) _ inFebruary 2009 This proposition caused controversy, as the body would (18) _ have thepower to impose sanctions or punish countries which violated citizens' rights and would, (19) _, be limited in effectiveness The body was established later in 2009 (20)

_the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) In November2012, the commission adopted the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

Very young children can exhibit musical precocity for different reasons Some develop exceptional skill as a

result of a well - designed instructional regime, such as the Suzuki method for the violin Some have a goodfortune to be born into musical family in a household filled with music In a number of interesting cases,

musical talent is part of an otherwise disabling condition such as autism or mental retardation A musicallygifted child has an inborn talent, however, the extent to which the talent is expressed publicly will dependupon the environment in which the child lives.

Musically gifted children master at an early age the principal elements of music, including pitch andrhythm Pitch - or - melody - is more central cultures, for example, in Eastern societies that make use of tinyquarter - tone interval Rhythm, sounds produced at certain auditory frequencies and grouped according to aprescribed system, is emphasized in sub - Saharan Africa, where the rhythmic ratios can be very complex All children have some aptitude for making music During infancy, normal children sing as well asbabble, and they can produce individual sounds and sounds pattern Infants as young as two months canmatch their mother's songs in pitch, loudness, and melodic shape, and infants at four months can match

rhythmic structure as well Infants are especially predisposed to acquire these core aspects of music, and

they can also engage in sound play that clearly exhibits creativity Individual differences begin to merge in young children as they learn to sing Some children can matchsegments of a song by the age of two or three Many others can only approximate pitch at this age and maystill have difficulty in producing accurate melodies by the age of five or six However, by the time they reachschool age, most children in any culture have a schema of what a song should be like and can produce areasonably accurate imitation of the songs commonly heard in their environment

The early appearance of superior musical ability in some children providence that musical talent may beseparate and unique form of intelligence There are numerous tales of young artist who have a remarkable

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"ear" or extraordinary memory for music and a natural understanding of musical structure In many of thesecases, the child is average in every other way but displays an exceptional ability in music Even the mostgifted child, however, takes about ten year to achieve the levels of performance or composition that wouldconstitute mastery of the musical sphere.

Every generation in music history has it famous prodigies - individuals with exceptional musicalpowers that emerge at a young age In the eighteenth century, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began composingand performing at the age of six As a child, Mozart could play piano like an adult He had perfect pitch, andat the age of nine he was also a master of the art of modulation - transition from one key to another - whichbecame one of the hallmarks of his style By the age of eleven, he had composed three symphonies and 30other major works Mozart's well - developed talent was preserved into adulthood

Unusual musical ability is a regular characteristic of certain anomalies such as autism In one case, anautistic girl was able to "Happy Birthday" in the style of various composer, including Mozart, Beethoven,Verdi, and Schubert When the girl was three, her mother called her by playing incomplete melodies, whichthe child would complete with the appropriate tone in the proper octave For the autistic child, music may be

the primary mode of communication, and the child may cling to music because it represent as a haven as a

world that is largely confusing and frightening

21 The word “precocity” in paragraph is closest in meaning to

A strong interest B good luck C advanced skill D personal style 22 Which sentence below best express the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 1?A Children may be born with superior musical ability, but their environment will determine how this ability is developed

B Every child is naturally gifted, and it is the responsibility of the public schools to recognize and develop these talents

C Children with exceptional musical talent will look for the best way to express themselves through making

music-D Some musically talented children live in an environment surrounded by music, while others have little exposure to music

23 The author makes the point that musical elements such as pitch and rhythm A distinguish music from other art forms B vary in emphasis in different culturesC make music difficult to learn D express different human emotions

24 The word predisposed in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _

25 According to the passage, when does musical talent usually begin to appear?A When infants start to babble and produce sound patterns

B Between the ages of two and four monthsC When children learn to sing at two or three years oldD Between ten years old and adolescence

26 According to the passage, which of the following suggests that musical talent is a separate form of intelligence?

A Exceptional music ability in an otherwise average childB Recognition of the emotional power of music

C The ability of all babies to acquire core elements of musicD Differences between learning music and learning language27 Why does the author discuss Mozart in paragraph 6?A To compare past and present views of musical talentB To give an example of a well-known musical prodigyC To describe the development of individual musical skillD To list musical accomplishments of the eighteenth century28 All of the following are given as examples of exceptional music talent EXCEPTA a remarkable "ear" or perfect memory for music

B ability to compose major works at a young ageC appreciation for a wide variety of musical styles

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D playing a single song in the style of various composers

29 The word haven in paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to

A beautiful art B safe place C personal goal D simple problem 30 It can be inferred from the passage that exceptional musical ability?

A It occurs more frequently in some cultures than in othersB It is evidence of a superior level of intelligence in other areas.C It has been documented and studied but is little understood.D It is the result of natural talent and a supportive environment

Esperanto, the pseudonym under which L L Zamenhof first published his Unua Libro in 1887 The phrase

itself means 'one who hopes' Zamenhof's goal was to create an easy and flexible language as a universalsecond language to promote peace and international understanding

B Zamenhof, after ten years of developing his brain-child from the late 1870s to the early 1880s, had the first

Esperanto grammar published in Warsaw in July 1887 The number of speakers grew rapidly over the nextfew decades, at first primarily in the Russian empire and Eastern Europe, then in Western Europe and theAmericas, China, and Japan In the early years, speakers of Esperanto kept in contact primarily throughcorrespondence and periodicals, but since1905 world congresses have been held on five continents everyyear except during the two World Wars Latest estimates for the numbers of Esperanto speakers are around 2million Put in percentage terms, that is about 0.03% of the world's population - no staggering figure,comparatively speaking One reason is that Esperanto has no official status in any country, but it is anoptional subject on the curriculum of several state education systems It is widely estimated that it can belearned in anywhere between a quarter to a twentieth of the time required for other languages

C As a constructed language, Esperanto is not genealogically related to any ethnic language Whilst it is

described as 'a language lexically predominantly Romanic', the phonology, grammar, vocabulary, andsemantics are based on the western Indo-European languages For those of us who are not naturallypredisposed to tucking languages under our belts, it is an easy language to learn It has 5 vowels and 23consonants It has one simple way of conjugating all of its verbs Words are often made from many otherroots, making the number of words that one must memorize much smaller The language is phonetic, and therules of pronunciation are very simple, so that everyone knows how to pronounce a written word and vice-versa, and word order follows a standard, logical pattern Through prefixing and suffixing, Esperanto makesit easy to identify words as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, direct objects and so on, by means of easy-to-spot endings All this makes for easy language learning What's more, several research studies demonstratethat studying Esperanto before another foreign language speeds up and improves the learning of the otherlanguage This is presumably because learning subsequent foreign languages is easier than learning one'sfirst, while the use of a grammatically simple and culturally flexible language like Esperanto softens the blowof learning one's first foreign language In one study, a group of European high school students studiedEsperanto for one year, then French for three years, and ended up with a significantly better command of

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French than a control group who had studied French for all four years.

D Needless to say, the language has its critics Some point to the Eastern European features of the language

as being harsh and difficult to pronounce, and argue that Esperanto has an artificial feel to it, without the flowof a natural tongue, and that by nature of its artificiality, it is impossible to become emotionally involved withthe language Others cite its lack of cultural history, indigenous literature - "no one has ever written a novelstraight into Esperanto" - together with its minimal vocabulary and its inability to express all the necessaryphilosophical, emotional and psychological concepts

E The champions of Esperanto - Esperantists - disagree They claim that it is a language in which a great

body of world literature has appeared in translation: in poetry, novels, literary journals, and, to rebut theaccusation that it is not a 'real' language, point out that it is frequently used at international meetings whichdraw hundreds and thousands of participants Moreover, on an international scale, it is most useful - and fair -for neutral communication That means that communication through Esperanto does not give advantages tothe members of any particular people or culture, but provides an ethos of equality of rights, tolerance and trueinternationalism

F Esperantists further claim that Esperanto has the potential - were it universally taught for a year or two

throughout the world - to empower ordinary people to communicate effectively worldwide on a scale that farexceeds that which is attainable today by only the most linguistically brilliant among us It offers theopportunity to improve communication in business, diplomacy, scholarship and other fields so that those whospeak many different native languages will be able to participate fluently in international conferences andchat comfortably with each other after the formal presentations are made Nowadays that privilege is oftenrestricted to native speakers of English and those who have special talents and opportunities for learningEnglish as a foreign language

Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A - G from the list of headings below Write the correctnumber i - ix

List of Headingsi A non-exclusive language ii Fewer languages, more results iii Language is personal

iv What's fashionable in language v From the written word to the spoken wordvi A real language

vii Harmony through language viii The mechanics of a language ix Lost in translation

Your answers

31 Paragraph A _32 Paragraph B 33 Paragraph C 34 Paragraph D _35 Paragraph E _36 Paragraph F _

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage? Write_

YESif the statement agrees with the informationNOif the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

7 Supporters of Esperanto say it gives everyone an equal voice 8 Esperanto is the only artificially-constructed language 9 Esperanto can be learned as part of a self-study course 10 Esperanto can be used equally in formal and casual situations

Your answers:

Trang 9

Part 5:You are going to read an article in which people talk about their experiences of jobinterviews For questions 41-50, choose from the sections of the article (A-D) The sections maybe chosen more than once When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any


Which person mentions the following?

41 establishing how the interview will be conducted42 the importance of keeping to the point

43 a relaxed atmosphere in the workplace44 an abrupt ending to an interview45 taking responsibility for past errors46 appearing to have rehearsed responses47 preparing inquiries to put to a prospective employer48 awareness of body language

49 revealing what motivates you50 advantages in being honest about your weaknesses

Tell us something about yourself

Being interviewed for a job can be a stressful experience We asked four people what they learntfrom being in that situation


My first interview for a job taught me a great deal I was applying for the position of junior accountexecutive in an advertising company, which involves dealing with clients on a face-to-face basis Itfollows that you have to be good at interpersonal skills, and unfortunately, that’s not the impression Igave Like a lot of people, I tend to babble when I’m nervous The interviewer began by asking meto say something about myself, and I started talking about my hobbies But I got carried away andwent off at a tangent, which made a bad impression The other lesson I learnt was that if you areasked to talk about things you aren’t good at, you really shouldn’t be evasive You could mentionsomething that can also be a strength For example, being pedantic is not always a bad thing incertain circumstances, and you should explain how you cope with that deficiency, but you have tosay something


In my present job, I have to interview applicants, and I can offer a few general tips Firstly, acandidate should not learn a speech off by heart; you will come across as insincere Secondly, it iscrucial to understand what the interviewer wants you to talk about For instance, an interviewermight ask about a situation where your supervisor or manager had a problem with your work Now,what the interviewer is really after is to see how you react to criticism, and the best thing is to saythat you tried to learn from this Finally, don’t try to conceal your real character Many years ago, aninterviewer asked me at the end of our talk if I had any questions I was very keen to get the job, so Iasked what opportunities there were for promotion I wondered if perhaps I had been too direct, but Ilater discovered that employers like you to seem eager and ambitious


I remember one interview I attended with a company that makes ice cream and other dairy products.I turned up in a smart business suit and tie, only to find that my prospective employers were in jeans!They believed in being casual: no private offices, everyone ate in the same canteen, people all usedfirst names with each other I realised I should have done more research Needless to say, I didn’t getthe job On another occasion, as the interview was drawing to a close, I was asked if I had anythingto say I was so relieved it was over that I just smiled and blurted out: ‘No thanks!’ I later realisedthis was a mistake A candidate should decide in advance on at least ten things to ask theinterviewer: it’s not necessary to ask more than two or three questions, but you need to have some inreserve in case the question you wanted to ask is answered in the course of the interview

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Preparation is of extreme importance; things like finding out what form the interview will take Willthere be any sort of written component, for instance, and will you be talking to one person or apanel? And of course, you need to prepare answers to those awkward questions designed to find outmore about your character For example, you might be asked about your most important achievementso far; don’t answer this in a way that makes you seem swollen-headed or complacent, as this willsuggest that you don’t learn easily Actually, it’s not so much what people say that makes them seemarrogant as the way they sit, how they hold their heads, whether they meet the interviewer’s eye, sobear that in mind Another question interviewers sometimes ask, to find out how well you work in ateam, is about mistakes you have made You should have an example ready and admit that you wereat fault, otherwise it looks as though you are the kind of person who shifts the blame onto others Butyou should also show that you learnt from the mistake and wouldn’t make it again

1 His smooth manner didn’t deceive us (TAKEN)


2 Oskar didn’t feel like going out last night (MOOD)

_3 Please excuse Jane’s poor typing as she’s only been learning for a month (ALLOWANCE)

_4 Although she seems to be very courteous, she can also be very impolite (AS)

_5 They arrived at the station with only a minute to spare (NICK)

Ngày đăng: 23/09/2024, 23:32
