5 Tips onHowTo Manage ConflictWithinYourSalesTeamTo have great sales effectiveness, you have to have a great sales team. Within all teams, whether they are NBA players, the neighborhood little league or the company softball team, there is always opportunity for conflict. The same goes for sales teams. And for independent, results- driven sales people, keeping the team in mind may not be their number one priority. So it’s important that sales leaders know howto effectively manageteam conflict. A certain amount of teamconflict is healthy. It means individuals are passionate and confident in their ideas and work. In a great sales team, you need those individuals who are passionate about both their role in the organization and the product they are selling. But what happens when that passion turns into heated arguments and stubborn battles at work? People become unhappy and productivity is negatively affected. The best results when managing teamconflict come from being prepared, objective and sensible! Here are 5 tips onhowto effectively manageteam conflict: 1. Have a Team Mandate. All members of the salesteam must be moving in the same direction, with the same goals and standards. After presenting and explaining the mandate, give the team an opportunity to process it clearly and then contribute their thoughts. 2. Jobfit. When building a great sales team, skill and experience matter – but so do fit, chemistry and motives. You need to make sure all salesteam members have the right skills and the right behavior for the job. 3. Foster an open, honest, and professional culture. Encourage an environment of respect and fulfillment. Let yoursalesteam feel comfortable expressing themselves, sharing ideas and accepting constructive criticism. The more satisfied the employees, the more productive and effective they are. 4. Get personal with yoursales people. It’s a sales manager’s job to know where the potential for conflict is, and to prevent that conflict from impacting the team’s sales effectiveness. To do this, you need to know each sales person as best you can – their personality traits, behaviors, beliefs and their strengths and weaknesses – so you can best anticipate where problems might arise. 5. Be quick and be sensible. Tackle the problem right away! You’re the manager – the moment you see a conflict spark, get in there and turn the tension into an opportunity for growth and team building. Don’t let workplace problems get the best of you, or your organization. Tags: Training and Development in Business, Interview Tips and Techniques, Employee Assessment Tools Visit us at http://profilesvietnam.com/ or http://blog.profilesvietnam.com/blog for more details . 5 Tips on How To Manage Conflict Within Your Sales Team To have great sales effectiveness, you have to have a great sales team. Within all teams, whether they are NBA. managing team conflict come from being prepared, objective and sensible! Here are 5 tips on how to effectively manage team conflict: 1. Have a Team Mandate. All members of the sales team must. Get personal with your sales people. It’s a sales manager’s job to know where the potential for conflict is, and to prevent that conflict from impacting the team s sales effectiveness. To do