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Method statement for box culvert

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Tiêu đề Method Statement for Construction of Box Culvert
Trường học Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Chuyên ngành Road Connectivity Improvement Project (RCIP)
Thể loại Method statement
Định dạng
Số trang 24
Dung lượng 1,59 MB

Nội dung

Biện pháp mô tả chi tiết quy trình thi công cống hộp bê tông cốt thép, phương pháp thi công đổ tại hiện trường. Biện pháp được biên soạn dựa trên chỉ dẫn kỹ thuật và tiêu chuẩn AASHTO.

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5.1List of main materials used for constructing 7

5.2Technical requirements of the material 7


7.3Removal of Formwork and False-work 13

7.4General Concrete Problems 13

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10.1General Safety Control Plan 21

10.2Safety Control Plan in Excavation of Foundation Pits 22

10.3Safety Control Plan in Formwork and Steel Reinforcement 22

10.4Safety Control Plan in Concrete Pouring 22

10.5Transporting of concrete and mortar 23



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This method statement provides the details of the procedure, the manpower, the equipment, thematerials and relevant documents related to construction box culvert including the quality controlverifications, the measurement verifications, and also the safety precautions and environmentprotection to be implemented for this work

1.2 Project Information

The project road connects Tbong Khmum district to Kratie province of the Cambodia, stretching alongthe northern, to Kratie province The road passes on a comfortable alignment through flat/wavy terrainalong the toe of hilly land Four (4) rather sharp curves along the road are considered non-critical dueto adequate super-elevation of the road way and appropriate signage The traffic on the road is amedium mix of private cars and quite heavy trucks that contribute mainly to the road wear ThePR.377 and PR377A of RCIP are located in Kratie province The length of the PR377 is 35.00 km andthe PR377A is 13.593km The location of the packages is shown in Figure-1

Figure 1.2 Location of Contract Package on CW-3(PR377 & PR377A)

1.3 Project Objective

The objective of the project is to ensure continued effective use of the rehabilitated national andprovincial road network in support of the economic development in Cambodia It will do so byimproving the institutional and technical capacity of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport forroad maintenance planning, budgeting and operations as well as by expanding of strengtheningmaintenance activities

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The project seeks to contribute to cultivating a road asset management culture within the sector by:(i) expanding maintenance of the national road infrastructure nationwide and facilitating interventionsin priority areas, (ii) allocating adequate maintenance funding during the budgeting process; (iii).knowledge building in MPWT on road network management, maintenance technology and contractmanagement; and (iv) private sector involvement in competitive bidding and performance quality.Project is expected to bring significant benefits to local residents in six Cambodian provinces,Kampong chham, Tbong Phmum, Kratie, Mondulkiri, Ratanakiri and Stung treng province; byreduced travel times and cost, less arduous journeys and better connectivity along the national roadnetwork It is intended that the benefits to local populations are maximized, and to ensure that thebenefits are shared by local communities.

1.4 Topography and Climate

The topography in the project area is mainly flat with some hilly sections and the road elevation variesfrom minimum 23.52m to maximum 50.95meter The maximum temperature is around 40°C, theannual temperature fluctuates more than 10°C and from 6 – 7°C in a day In hot weather the absolutehigh temperature may be up to 39°C (in April) By contrast, in January the absolute low temperaturemay descend to 16°C

1.5 Rainfall Records

The available hydrometeorological data such as rainfall are obtained from the Kratie ProvincialDepartment of Water Resources and Meteorology (PDoWRAM) The rainfall station is located at(X=610976, Y=1379728) The data ranged from 1980 to 2019 is considered to conduct frequencyanalysis for hydrologic modeling The 24hr maximum annual rainfall over 3 decades were extractedfor the analysis as shown in Figure 4.1 and 4.2 below From the figure below, it’s clearly observed thatthe highest rainfall over the period was in the year of 1988 with a value above 250mm, followed by theyear of 1982 as the second highest with the precipitation of above 270mm The year 2009 is observedto have above 150mm which was the highest rate over the 10 year after 1992 and it was revealedduring the Ketsana storm In 2001 was noted as lowest rainfall, it’s reflected to the Droughtperiod

Figure 1.5.1 Daily Rainfall Ditribution in Kratie 1980-2019

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Figure 1.5.2 Rainfall Distribution over 1980-2019

2.1 Scope of Works

This item includes works related to the completion of a drainage box culvert such as: Surveying theconstruction area; excavation of foundation pit; construction of foundation layer; construction ofbottom slab, body wall, top slab, backfill material for box culvert and other works

Summary table of new Box culvert

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For the construction of pipe culvert, the Contractor will divide into the construction sections, eachconstruction section will be mobilized personnel and equipment as described following

4.1 Equipment

Plants and equipments proposed as in Table below (they all have verification certificates of safety):

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4.2 Manpower

Workforce to be mobilized for construction work as below:

5.1 List of main materials used for constructing

1 Portland Cement2 Course of Aggregate3 Fine Aggregate

5 Steels

7 Backfill Material8 Other supplies

5.2 Technical requirements of the materiala) Portland Cement

 Cement shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO Standard Specification M85 The useof high alumina cement is not allowed Cement shall conform to Type I unless specificallyotherwise stated in the Special Provisions, or on the Drawings Supply of cement shall be submittedfor approval before use, with respect to origin and quality Subsequent deliveries shall be alsosubject to quality control testing as work proceeds

 Approval of origin and quality shall be given only on presentation of test results showing thatthe cement factory proposed is able to supply a product which will consistently meet the physicaland chemical qualities specified Quality control tests shall be made on each cement delivery, inorder to determine the following characteristics:

+ Specific gravity+ Specific surface by means of air permeability+ Heat loss

+ Hot and cold expansion properties+ Compressive strength at 3, 7 and 28 days

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+ Setting time The Contractor shall provide suitable means of storing and protecting the cement agains dampnessthat shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

 The Contractor shall store consecutive deliveries of cement separately and shall ensure that cementis used in chronological order of delivery

 The Engineer may reject cement which is more than eight weeks old or which has become partiallyset or which contains lumps of caked cement The use of cement reclaimed from discarded or usedbags will not be permitted

b) Water

 Water used in mixing and curing concrete shall be subjected to approval of the Engineer and shallbe clean and free from oil, salt, acid, alkali, sugar, vegetable, or other substances injurious to concreteor steel Generally, water that is suitable for drinking is satisfactory for use in concrete

 Water shall be tested by methods described in AASHTO T26, and shall not contain concentrationsof dissolved solids, chlorides expressed as Cl, and sulphates expressed as S04 in excess of thefollowing limits:

ApplicationDissolved SolidsConcentrations in ppm

 The coarse aggregate shall have a Los Angeles abrasion coefficient, after 500 revolutions, below 35% (AASHTO T-96) and a water absorption capacity < 5 % (AASHTO T-85)

 The aggregates shall include as few as possible of flat and elongated particles The testing forchecking the amount of particles with an incorrect shape shall be carried out either by determining theaverage volumetric coefficient of the aggregate, or by any other equivalent method approved by theEngineer

 The coarse aggregate for use in concrete structures shall not contain any materials that aredeleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the cement in an amount sufficient to cause excessiveexpansion of mortar or concrete, except that, if such materials are present in injurious amounts, thecoarse aggregate may be used with a cement containing less than 0.6 percent alkalis calculated assodium oxide or with the addition of the material that has been shown to prevent harmful expansiondue to alkali-aggregate reaction

d) Fine Aggregate

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 Fine aggregate shall consist of either a sand resulting from the crushing of the rock used for thefabrication of coarse aggregates with a Los Angeles abrasion coefficient lower than 35 % at 500revolutions (AASHTO T 96) and a water absorption capacity lower than 5 % (AASHTO T 84), or anatural river sand The use of marine sand is not allowed

 Fine aggregate shall conform to all the requirements of AASHTO Standard Specification M6

 Concrete mix design results must be reported in writing. The composition and strength of concrete must satisfy the requirements in the following table:

Table 5.2.1: Composition of ConcreteClass of


MinimumCement Content


MaximumW/C Ratio

Slump(mm)Coarse Aggregate AASHTO M 43

Minimum flexural strength


Slump(mm)3-Day7-Day28-Day3-Day7-Day28-DayNon vibrated

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 Bars for concrete reinforcement shall conform to the material properties specified in AASHTO M31M, Deformed and plain billet-steel bars for concrete reinforcement, Grades 300 and 400 Deformedbars shall be of Grade 400, plain round bars shall be of grade 300

Wire and Wire Mesh: Wire shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO Standard

Specification M 32 –Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement Wire mesh shall conform tothe requirements of AASHTO Standard Specification M 55 - Welded Steel Wire Fabric for ConcreteReinforcemen

Bar Mat Reinforcement: Bar mat reinforcement for concrete shall conform to the requirements of

AASHTO Standard Specification M 54 - Fabricated Steel Bar or Rod Mats for ConcreteReinforcement

 Backfill material in accordance with Technical Specifications of Project, as shown on the Drawingsor as directed by the Engineer

6.1 Lab

 The contractor will submit to the consultant a qualified testing unit The profile will be submittedseparately by the contractor The experimental unit will serve the project with the approval of theconsultant

6.2 Experimental Work

Before construction: Contractor will provide full test certificates, origin of all supplier's materials. The material criteria shall conform to the requirements in item “5: Materials” and the requirementsof the technical instructions

At the construction site: All tests shall be conducted in a manner approved by the engineer and shall be conducted in thecontractor's laboratory

a) For concrete mix:

 All concrete used in the Works shall be subject to sampling and testing strictly in the mannerprescribed in AASHTO Testing Specifications T-22, T-23, T-97, T-126, T-119 and T-141 and inaccordance with the requirements as detailed in Tecnical Specifications

 Samples shall be taken from separate batches of concrete selected at random during the placingoperation Two cylinders (minimum) shall be cast from each sample in purpose-made steel moulds

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conforming to AASHTO T-23 and identified as a matched set Each cylinder shall be identified withthe batch and/or lot as directed by the Engineer and a written record made of the location of each batchwithin the structure In addition, for precast concrete, the cylinders shall be so marked that they can bereadily identified with the corresponding structural unit at all times.

b) For reinforcement:

 Samples of the steel lot delivered to the site will be taken for testing at the request of the engineer.The frequency of testing for reinforcement shall not be less than the following frequency: 1 time/ eachtype of diameter/ each batch of steel delivered to the site Additional tests may be required by theengineer

 All rebar tests shall conform to the requirements and specifications of the AASHTO standards

c) For backfill material work:

 Backfill material will be applied on both sides of box culvert at the foundation pit location with thethickness and density of each layer in accordance with the requirements of the technical instructions.After completing each layer, the tightness test will be carried out according to current standards andunder the direction of the engineer

7.1 Reinforcement a) Inspection, Protection and Storage

 Each bundle of steel shall be tagged at the mill with an identifying mill tag showing the name of themill and the melt or heat number The Contractor shall also make available for review, when requestedby the Engineer, a copy of the certified mill test report for each heat and size of reinforcing steelshowing physical and chemical analysis

 Reinforcement for structures shall be handled and stored in a manner that will prevent bending outof the desired shape and the unnecessary accumulation of dust, oil and paint

 All reinforcing steel shall be stored under cover and protected from the weather, and no reinforcingsteel shall be stored in direct contact with the ground nor with water

 Before concrete is placed, the reinforcement to be embedded shall be free of mortar, oil, dirt, loosemill scale and loose rust, and other coatings of any character that would destroy or reduce the bond

b) Cutting and Bending

 Bars shall be cut and bent cold to the dimensions indicated and with equipment and methodsapproved by the Engineer

 Stirrups and tie bars shall be bent around a pin having a diameter not less than two times theminimum thickness of the bar Bends for other bars shall be made around a pin having a diameter notless than six times the minimum thickness except for bars larger than 30 mm in which case the bendsshall be made around a pin of eight bar diameters Hooks shall conform to American Concrete InstituteStandard Building Code Requirements for reinforced concrete (ACI 318), Section 906, or as shown onthe Drawings

 Reinforcement shall conform accurately to the dimensions shown on the Drawings Bars shall notbe bent and straightened in a manner that will injure the material In particular it shall not be

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authorized to straighten back deformed bars which have been previously bent Bars with kinks orimproper bends shall not be used.

 All reinforcement bars shall be sheared; flame cutting will not be permitted unless approved by theEngineer

c) Placing, Supporting, and Fastening

 All bar reinforcement shall be placed, supported, and secured before the beginning of concretingoperations The reinforcement shall be checked and approved by the Engineer before placement ofconcrete begins The minimum spacing of bars shall not be less than 1.33 times of the maximumparticle size of the coarse aggregate Laying or driving bars into the concrete after placement will notbe permitted All horizontal reinforcement shall be supported on metal supports or mortar blocks ofapproved shape with tie wires embedded in them made out of Portland cement and sand in the ratio of1 to 3 by weight Supports that are in contact with the external face of the concrete will all be mortarblocks The use of small stones or wood blocks will not be permitted The reinforcement shall be heldsecurely in place at the exact position and at the exact spacing as indicated on the Drawings by the useof wire ties at bar intersections, supports and spacer blocks

 Wire ties shall be securely tied and folded so that they do not project beyond the planes formed bythe reinforcing bars The adequacy of the supports and ties to secure the reinforcement properly shallbe subject to the approval of the Engineer

 The concrete cover shall be in accordance with the requirements of the AASHTO LRFD BridgeDesign Specifications, Section 5, Table 5.12.3-1, unless otherwise indicated in the Drawings

d) Splicing

 Reinforcement shall be furnished in the lengths indicated on the Drawings Lap splicing exceptwhere shown on the Drawings will not be permitted without written approval from the Engineer, and ifadditional lap splices are used the additional weight occasioned by such lap splices with not beincluded in the measurement of reinforcement for payment

 All splices shall have a lap length of not less than 40 diameters of the bars for tensile reinforcementand 32 diameters for compressive reinforcement or as shown on the Drawings Lap splices shallgenerally be located at points of minimum tensile strength Except where otherwise shown on theDrawings lap splices shall be made with the bars placed in contact and wired securely together

 Welding of reinforcing steel shall not normally be permitted and shall only be done if detailed onthe Drawings or approved in writing by the Engineer Before the Engineer will approve of welding, theContractor shall submit such samples as the Engineer may require for testing and make allowance forthe time elapsing before test results are available

 Welding of reinforcing steel, if permitted, shall conform to the Structural Welding Code AWS Dl.4of the American Welding Society and applicable special provisions and shall only be done whereshown, specified, or permitted by the Engineer Every welder shall possess a welding certificate issuedby an internationally recognized authority acceptable to the Engineer

e) Substitutions

 Substitution of different size bars will be permitted only with specific authorization by theEngineer If steel is substituted, it shall have a cross sectional area equivalent to the design area orlarger

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2024, 10:19
