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Đề bài: ĐỀ KIỂM TRA TỰ LUẬN MÔN: Viết – Tiếng Anh 4– Mã môn: EN33 (Mỗi sinh viên chỉ lựa chọn một chủ đề cho bài kiểm tra tự luận của mình) ĐỀ SỐ 01 TOPIC Write a story about a person who inspires you. What does this person do? Why is it important? How does this person influence you and others? (250-300 words) ĐỀ SỐ 02 TOPIC Think of a person that you know well. Be sure that you feel comfortable writing about him or her. Tell a story about this person. What unusual or exciting experience has this person had! How did he or she intluence you? (250-300 words) ĐỀ SỐ 03 TOPIC Write about an important event in history from the point of view of someone who lived at that time. (250-300 words) ĐỀ SỐ 04 TOPIC Choose a piece of music and listen to it. When you hear the music, what do you imagine is happening? Create a story that describes what is happening in the music. (250-300 words) ĐỀ SỐ 05 TOPIC Think back to your childhood and a time when you were punished for doing something wrong. Write a narrative about that event, including what you did, who you were with, and how you were punished. (250-300 words) NOTES - Introduction : 20 points - Body : 30 points - Conclusion : 20 points - Coherence :15 points - Grammar : 15 points THE END ------------ Một số yêu cầu: + Sinh viên nộp file word lên hệ thống + Ghi rõ mã đề và topic trong bài làm.

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Write a story about a person who inspires you What does this person do? Why is it important? How does this person influence you and others? (250-300 words)


Think of a person that you know well Be sure that you feel comfortable writing about him or her Tell a story about this person What unusual or exciting

experience has this person had! How did he or she intluence you? (250-300 words)


Write about an important event in history from the point of view of someone who lived at that time (250-300 words)


Choose a piece of music and listen to it When you hear the music, what do you imagine is happening? Create a story that describes what is happening in the music (250-300 words)


Think back to your childhood and a time when you were punished for doing something wrong Write a narrative about that event, including what you did, who you were with, and how you were punished (250-300 words)


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- Introduction : 20 points- Body : 30 points- Conclusion : 20 points- Coherence :15 points- Grammar : 15 points

THE END -Một số yêu cầu:

+ Sinh viên nộp file word lên hệ thống+ Ghi rõ mã đề và topic trong bài làm.

Chú ý:

+ Chế tài xử lý đối với bài phát hiện có sự sao chép ( VD: nếu phát hiện sao chép thì bài làm của sinh viên sẽ không được công nhận và nhận điểm 0….)+ Giảng viên có thể trao đổi, nhận xét góp ý cho bài làm của sinh viên trên diễnđàn hoặc buổi Vclass (SV tham gia lớp Vclass đầy đủ để được giải đáp)

BÀI LÀM:MÃ ĐỀ: 01TOPIC: Write a story about a person who inspires you What does this person do? Why is it important? How does this person influence you and others?Introduction:

The person who inspires me the most is my father He is not only a dedicated doctor but also someone who has instilled in me important values such as compassion, perseverance, and selflessness His work in healthcare and his dedication to helping others have shaped the way I view life

Body:As a doctor, my father works tirelessly to care for his patients He has been practicing medicine for over two decades, and despite the long hours and pressure, he always approaches his job with a smile and a calm demeanor What stands out most about him is his ability to empathize with people, making them

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feel valued and understood His patients trust him deeply, knowing that he always has their best interests at heart.

Beyond his daily work, my father also volunteers in rural areas, offering medicalcare to those who cannot afford it This act of selflessness has had a huge impacton me, as it shows that true success is not measured by wealth or status, but by how much you can give back to society His actions inspire not only me but alsomany young doctors who see him as a mentor and role model

Conclusion:In conclusion, my father’s dedication and kindness have influenced me profoundly He has shown me that making a difference in others’ lives is the most important achievement Through his example, I aspire to follow in his footsteps and contribute to the community in meaningful ways

Số từ: 261 words.ĐỀ 2:

MÃ ĐỀ: 02TOPIC: Think of a person that you know well Be sure that you feel comfortablewriting about him or her Tell a story about this person What unusual or

exciting experience has this person had! How did he or she influence you?Introduction:

There are many people in my life who have influenced me, but my best friend, Minh, stands out the most We have known each other since childhood, and his adventurous spirit has always inspired me One particular experience he had taught me a lot about resilience and determination

Body:A few years ago, Minh decided to take up mountain climbing, a sport that neither of us had tried before Despite his lack of experience, he trained rigorously and set his sights on conquering a challenging peak His journey wasn’t easy—there were moments when he faced physical exhaustion and mental doubts During the climb, he encountered a severe storm that nearly

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forced him to give up However, Minh's perseverance and willpower carried himthrough, and he successfully reached the summit.

This experience was life-changing for him, but it also had a profound impact on me Minh's determination to push through despite the odds showed me the importance of resilience His journey taught me that setbacks are part of the process, but with dedication, we can overcome any challenge Since then, I haveapproached my own difficulties with a stronger mindset, often thinking back to Minh’s mountain-climbing adventure as motivation

Conclusion:In conclusion, Minh’s adventurous spirit and determination have greatly influenced me His ability to face challenges head-on has inspired me to adopt a similar attitude in my own life Through his example, I have learned to embrace challenges and never give up, no matter how tough the road ahead may be.Số từ: 270 words

ĐỀ SỐ 3MÃ ĐỀ: 03TOPIC: Write about an important event in history from the point of view of someone who lived at that time

Introduction:It was the spring of 1975, and I was just a young man living in Saigon, unaware that my life was about to change forever The Vietnam War had been raging for years, and while we had grown accustomed to the distant sounds of fighting, the fall of Saigon was something none of us could have predicted From my

perspective as a civilian, the events that unfolded during those final days of April were a mixture of chaos, fear, and uncertainty

Body:On April 30, 1975, everything changed I remember the streets being filled with people—some fleeing, others too afraid to move The air was thick with tension as we listened to radio broadcasts announcing the approach of North Vietnamesetroops My family and I stayed inside our small house, huddled together, unsure

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of what the future held As the hours passed, the sounds of gunfire and explosions grew louder The South Vietnamese forces had been defeated, and we all knew that Saigon’s fall was imminent.

When the tanks finally rolled into the city, the atmosphere shifted Some people cheered, relieved that the war was finally over, while others, like myself, were filled with fear about what would come next The image of soldiers raising the flag over the Independence Palace is one that I will never forget It marked not only the end of the war but also the beginning of a new chapter in Vietnamese history

Conclusion:Looking back, the fall of Saigon was a pivotal moment in history As someone who lived through it, I experienced firsthand the confusion and fear of those final days While the war had ended, the uncertainty of what was to come weighed heavily on all of us It was a time of great change, one that has left a lasting impact on my life and the lives of millions of others

Số từ: 293 words.ĐỀ SỐ 4

TOPIC: Choose a piece of music and listen to it When you hear the music, whatdo you imagine is happening? Create a story that describes what is happening in the music

Introduction:When I listen to Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata," I imagine a calm yet emotional scene unfolding by a quiet lake The soft piano notes evoke a peacefulnight, with the moon shining brightly over a still landscape But beneath the calmness, a deeper story emerges

Body:As the music begins, I envision a figure standing alone by the lake, gazing at themoon's reflection on the water The night is quiet, and the figure seems lost in thought, contemplating something profound The gentle flow of the music mirrors the calm waters, creating an atmosphere of serenity

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As the melody intensifies, the mood shifts Dark clouds roll in, and the once calm lake begins to ripple The figure now seems troubled, grappling with inner turmoil The music's rising tension reflects a growing sense of unease, as if the person is facing a difficult decision or reliving painful memories The wind picks up, and the lake’s surface mirrors the emotional storm brewing within.Finally, as the sonata slows, the storm begins to calm The figure looks up at the sky once more, and the clouds part, revealing the moon again The night returns to its peaceful state, and though the figure has been through a storm of emotions,there is a sense of quiet acceptance and peace.

Conclusion:In conclusion, Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” paints a story of inner conflict and eventual calm The music takes the listener on a journey from peaceful reflection to emotional turbulence and back to serenity, leaving a lasting sense of resolution and peace

Số từ: 266 words.***ĐỀ SỐ 5MÃ ĐỀ: 05TOPIC: Think back to your childhood and a time when you were punished for doing something wrong Write a narrative about that event, including what you did, who you were with, and how you were punished

Introduction:One childhood memory that stands out vividly is the time I was punished for breaking a window while playing with my friends It was an innocent mistake, but the consequences taught me a valuable lesson about responsibility and honesty

Body:I was about eight years old, and it was a sunny afternoon My friends and I were playing soccer in the backyard In our excitement, we didn’t notice how close we were to the house I kicked the ball with all my strength, and to my horror, it flew straight into the kitchen window, shattering the glass We all froze, staring

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at the broken window in shock My friends quickly ran away, but I knew I had to face the consequences.

When my parents heard the noise and came outside, they were furious I admitted that it was my fault, expecting the worst Instead of yelling, my father calmly told me that I had to pay for the window with my savings It was a tough punishment for an eight-year-old, as I had been saving for a toy I really wanted Having to give up my savings taught me the value of money and responsibility Ialso had to apologize to my mother for causing damage to the house

Conclusion:Looking back, the punishment was fair and taught me an important lesson about accountability I learned that actions have consequences and that taking

responsibility for my mistakes is the right thing to do It was a moment of growth that shaped my understanding of responsibility and honesty

Số từ: 268 words.*** BẢN THẢO 2ĐỀ SỐ 01 -

Introduction:The person who inspires me the most is my mother She is not only a loving parent but also a dedicated teacher who has influenced the lives of many students Her compassion, patience, and commitment to education have left a lasting impact on me

Body:As a teacher, my mother spends long hours helping students understand difficultsubjects She always goes the extra mile to ensure that every student feels

supported, no matter their background I have seen her spend countless nights preparing lesson plans and thinking of ways to make learning fun and engaging.Her influence extends beyond the classroom She often volunteers at communityevents, offering free tutoring to underprivileged children Her generosity has inspired me to be more giving and to help those in need The way she balances

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her work, family, and community involvement is truly inspiring, and it has shaped my outlook on life.

Conclusion:My mother’s dedication to her students and her selflessness in helping others have inspired me to work hard and make a positive impact on the people around me She is the person who motivates me to strive for excellence and to always put others before myself

Số từ: 254 words.ĐỀ SỐ 02 - Introduction:One of the people who has had a major impact on my life is my best friend, Linh We have known each other for many years, and she has always been a source of strength and encouragement for me, especially during difficult times.Body:

A few years ago, Linh experienced a life-threatening illness that left her bedridden for months Despite the pain and uncertainty, she remained incrediblypositive and determined to recover Her resilience throughout that period was nothing short of inspiring Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she used her time to reflect and grow emotionally stronger

Linh’s ability to overcome such a tough situation influenced me in many ways She taught me the importance of staying positive even when things seem

hopeless Her attitude has inspired me to approach my own challenges with a sense of optimism and determination

Conclusion:Linh's journey of overcoming her illness has left a lasting impression on me Herstrength and perseverance continue to motivate me to face difficulties with courage, and I am grateful to have such a remarkable person in my life.Số từ: 257 words

ĐỀ SỐ 03 - Introduction:

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The year was 1945, and I was just a child when Vietnam declared its independence The atmosphere in my small village was filled with hope and excitement, as everyone knew that this day would mark a new chapter in our country’s history.

Body:I remember the celebrations vividly On September 2, 1945, my family and I gathered around a radio to listen to President Ho Chi Minh’s speech His voice was clear and powerful, and although I was young, I could sense the importance of the moment The entire village erupted in cheers when the words “Vietnam is free” echoed through the air

For the next few days, people celebrated in the streets, waving flags and singing patriotic songs The sense of unity and pride was palpable, and it felt like we were finally taking control of our destiny Despite the challenges that lay ahead, we all believed in a brighter future for our nation

Conclusion:Looking back, being a part of Vietnam’s declaration of independence was an unforgettable experience It shaped my understanding of freedom and national pride, and I will always remember the joy and hope that filled the air on that historic day

Số từ: 259 words.ĐỀ SỐ 04 - Introduction:Listening to Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake” always brings vivid imagery to my mind The music’s graceful yet dramatic tone transports me to a magical world where a tragic love story unfolds

Body:As the soft melody begins, I imagine a beautiful swan gliding across a serene lake at sunset The scene is peaceful, with golden light reflecting off the water However, as the music picks up pace, a sense of tension fills the air I envision a

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prince watching from the shore, mesmerized by the swan’s beauty but unaware of the curse that binds her.

The music crescendos as the swan transforms into a woman, and the prince is caught in a battle to break the spell The struggle intensifies, with fast-paced notes mimicking their frantic efforts to escape the curse Finally, as the music slows down, there is a bittersweet resolution, where love triumphs but at a great cost

Conclusion:“Swan Lake” tells a story of love, loss, and sacrifice through its captivating music Each time I listen to it, I am reminded of the power of music to create vivid emotions and imagery, telling stories that words alone cannot express.Số từ: 268 words

ĐỀ SỐ 05 - Introduction:One childhood memory I will never forget is when I was punished for breaking my father’s favorite vase It was an accident, but the lesson I learned from the incident stayed with me for a long time

Body:I was about ten years old, and I was playing indoors with my little brother We were running around when I accidentally knocked over a vase on the shelf The vase shattered into pieces, and I knew immediately that I was in trouble My father loved that vase, and I felt terrible for what I had done

When my parents found out, they were disappointed but not angry Instead of grounding me, my father made me clean up the broken pieces and later used my pocket money to help replace the vase This punishment was difficult for me because I had been saving up for a toy I wanted, but it taught me the value of being careful and responsible


Ngày đăng: 15/09/2024, 15:40


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