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1000 sentence building 1

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Trang 1

1 Nobody told me about her sick mother.-> I………2 Tony doesn’t have free time, so he can’t play football with his friends.-> If Tony………

3 What a pity! Ican’t speak English fluently.-> I wish that………4 The temple was built in the 14th century We visited it two weeks ago.-> The temple which………5 People have domesticated cats for thousands of years.

-> Cats………6 “If I were you, Mr Black, I would cut down on your smoking and attend a yoga class,” Dr Cameron said.-> Dr Cameron advised………

7 Emily is sick today, so she can’t go to school.-> If Emily were not………8 “Are you having a wonderful time here?”, the teacher asked me.-> The teacher asked me if………9 It was such a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it

-> The exercise was………10 He is sorry he is not able to speak English well

-> He wishes………11 Tom passed the test easily

-> Tom had no difficulty (in) ………12 The news was very informative I listened to it last night

-> The news………13 The last time we saw the film was 10 years ago

-> It has been………14 A lot of children and old people have to go to hospiatls these days because of the hot weather.-> Because the weather ………

15 She feels unhelathy because she doesn’t slepp enough.-> If………16 The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow My grandma is watching it.-> The weather forecast which………17 He takes part in all of his school activities His health is poor

-> In spite………18 They will send an ambulance to the school in 10 minutes.-> An ambulance………19 I have never met this strange man before

-> This is the first time………20 “Don’t make too much noise, children” he said

-> He told………21 “Let’s help the homeless in the neighborhood.” Maria said.-> Maria suggested………22 I last talked to him five months ago

-> I haven’t………23 Nowadays young people pay more attention to traditional festivals than they did some years ago.-> Some years back young………

24 This is the first time they have experienced the wonderful feeling in space.-> They have never………

25 We should teache young children to care for the environment.-> I suggest young children………26 Drivers and passengers must fasten the seat belt when travelling in cars.-> It is compulsory for………

Trang 2

27 His motocycle is more expensive than mine.………28 This robot can do the housework.

-> The housework ………29 It is too hot now, so we consume a lot of electricity

-> If ………30 The test was too difficult for us to do

-> The test wasn’t………31 “I learn hard so that my parents will feel happy’” said the boy.-> The boy said………32 “Where are you spending your holidays?” Janet asked us.-> Janet asked………33 He couldn’t repair the broken vase

-> The broken vase………34 The flight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours

-> It took………35 We were late for school because of the heavy rain.-> Because it………36 Lan doesn’t have enough money, so she can’t buy a new dictionary.-> Because ………

37 What a pity! I cnanot join you now.-> I wish I………38 The boy whom I told you about is very good at tennis.-> I told you about the boy………39 “Why don’t we spend money on reearch ino solar energy?” Nga said.-> Nga suggested………

40 People produce champagne in France.-> Champagne………41 “I want to be a doctor”, she siad

-> She said that………42 He went to bed early because of his sickness

-> Because he ………43 She doesn’t know the answer, so she cannoy tell you.-> If she ………44 I am not as tal as Peter

-> Peter is………45 People speak English all over the world

-> English ………46 “I want to be a doctor”, she said

-> She said that………47 Many trees died because of the bad weather

-> Because the weather………48 He has been studying English for six years

-> He started………49 I don’t have the key, so I cannot get into the house.-> If I ………50 Japan will gove 200 cheery trees to Hanoi in March 2016.-> 200 cherry trees………

Ngày đăng: 11/09/2024, 21:17


