Trang 1` VANLANG
GROUP ZULU Students: 207QT05255, Pham Ngoc Minh Khôi 207L055791, Dang Thanh Tran ._207TM07213, Huỳnh Bảo Nhi
207TM07499, Nguyễn Lê Quỳnh Trâm
207MA68228, Phan Tuấn Tài 207QT62867, Kwon Yong Se
Year 2023
Trang 2Overview Sciencific basis Research method
Research result and recommendations
Chapter 1: Overview 1.1 Urgency of the topic
Nowadays the globalization trends, business ethics is an important criterion for businesses to do business and a factor in entering the multinational market However, business ethics violations are on the rise From September 20, 2022 to January 16, 2023, the Food Safety Authority of the Ministry of Health dealt with ten companies, including Grand Nutrition, that engaged in false advertising and poor product quality to meet consumer health requirements, or Winpharma Co., Ltd produces fruit flavoring products that are unsafe for consumption Furthermore, ethical issues can arise in other areas of business such as finance, accounting, human resources, and marketing
The research team chose the topic "The condition of business ethics awareness among Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration at Van Lang University" to assess whether the school's knowledge of ethics is sufficient When students graduate and enter the market, they can both ensure profits for businesses without violating business ethics, as some businesses do today Simultaneously, how does this study assess students! ethical awareness in business? Allow the school to influence and timely adjust the curriculum or add more practical subjects so that students understand the imx portance of business ethics and have a better awareness of it Students who understand business ethics will be able to guide and create a business that operates in accordance with ethical standards and avoids future legal problems and negative public opinion
1.2 Goals of Research 1.2.1 Overarching research goal The study's overarching goal is to raise business ethics awareness among Van Lang University students in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
Trang 31.2.2 Specific research goals - Students' perceptions of business ethics at Van Lang University's Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
- Evaluate the current state of business ethics awareness among Van Lang University students in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
- Make curriculum recommendations for each economic major in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, as well as recommendations for the school to adjust and develop business ethics for students in economics in particular and other majors in general
1.3 Research object 1.3.1 Research object Perception of business ethics of students of the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration at Van Lang University
1.3.2 Survey object Student at Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration at Van Lang University 1.4 Research scope
Van Lang University 1.5 Research questions - How do students when they are still in school perceive their professional ethics? - Is the current knowledge that the school equips students with enough reality so that after graduation, students can both ensure profits and not violate business ethics? - How important is ethics in business?
- Influence of business ethics in the enterprise? - What is the student's desire to improve and develop the business ethics course? 1.6 Topic organization
Chapter |: Overview Chapter 2: Scientific basis
Trang 4Chapter 3: Research Methods Chapter 4: Research results and recommendations 1.7 Importance/contribution of the research This study assists the school in understanding the level of business ethics awareness among students at Van Lang University's Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration Furthermore, it assists students in changing their perspective on business ethics standards, improving their sense of responsibility, and striking a better balance between self-benefit and societal benefit The school recognizes students' awareness of business ethics in order to quickly influence and adjust the curriculum to be more appropriate and realistic
Chapter 2: Scientific basis 2.1 Concept of business ethics perception
2.1.1 Notions of perception One definition of perception is the act or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through a collection of experiences, ideas, and emotions Knowledge, focus, memory, estimation, computation, decision-making, and the use of language are all necessary for this process
Perception, in the opinion of Marx and Lenin, 1s an abstract idea It involves bringing objective reality to the human brain in a way that is constructive, dynamic, original, and reality-based There are two types of perspectives: idealist and materialist The physical world cannot exist without consciousness according to the idealistic theory of cognition As a result, they do not believe perception to be a reflection of the real world
Materialists acknowledge that humans have the ability to perceive the world around them while also considering perception to be a reflection of objective reality in the human brain However, materialism is unable to provide a truly scientific solution to the issue of cognitive thinking due to the limitations of metaphysics, technology, and intuition (Pre-Marx materialist viewpoint)
2.1.2 Notions of business ethics
Trang 5According to Hellriegel et al (2008) and Smit et al (2007), ethics is the set of moral principles and values that guide a person's or a group's behavior in terms of what 1s right or wrong In other words, ethics is the emotion we experience after acting morally right or wrong Both individuals and corporate organizations are impacted by ethics Following the law is not the same as being ethical Most people's ethical standards are frequently included in the law But ethics and laws may differ from one another
Business ethics are the moral principles that govern economic activity (Ahmed et al., 2003) Therefore, business ethics is the people’ participation in economic activity to attain business goals as well as to serve society and the general public The business became more aware of a consumer-based society that was on the rise and expressed concerns about the environment, social causes, and corporate responsibility in the 1970s, which is when the idea of business ethics first emerged The decade was characterized by a greater emphasis on "social issues." A company's interactions with its clients, rival companies, and the government, as well as how it treats its staff and handles the bad press, all fall under the business ethics category Business ethics implemented by an organization with proper management and execution can be a great way to increase performance and profitability (Fatoki & Merembo, 2012) Business ethics is one of the most powerful tools to build, preserve, and improve goodwill and customer loyalty in the digital and globalized era At the moment, managerial decision-making and student business evaluation activities place a high value on business ethics (Crane, 2010)
Business ethics promote long-term success by increasing stakeholder satisfaction, profitability, market share, and expansion Organizations that uphold moral principles can gain a competitive edge It is necessary for the prohibition of unfair trade practices and for business ethics to protect the interests of employees, shareholders, competitors, dealers, and suppliers, among others A business can avoid numerous lawsuits by upholding higher moral standards
2.2 Overview of previous research The attitudes of students toward business ethics have been investigated in a number of empirical studies (Pakistan: Rizvi et al., 2014; Vietnam: Duyen et al., 2012; Quan et a., 2014; Phuong et al., 2020) The next section provides a quick summary of these studies
Trang 6Duyen et al., (2012) found out more than 95% of students are familiar with the idea of ethics and business ethics, but when asked in-depth questions about all facets of the issue, such as observing the law, treating opponents fairly, protecting the environment, and having responsibility for suppliers, customers, employees, and the working environment, the students become less familiar This member's view of business ethics is irrational; they only go as far as complying with the law, and they lack a basic understanding of morality More than 50% of students do not have a proper understanding of business ethics, in particular, there are certain aspects In addition, while there are students who have a high level of awareness in terms of business ethics and sales, this group is very small - only 20% or so on average In the international business community, Vietnam has established itself as a key player that contributes significantly to both Southeast Asia and the global economy Global integration is accompanied by ethical difficulties and corruption If these issues are not properly and promptly resolved, they may have a negative effect on public confidence and confidence among foreign investors in Vietnam Based on age, gender, management experience, and code of conduct, this study empirically investigated the differences in Vietnamese adults’ perceptions of their own personal business ethics The results provide insight into how Vietnamese adults differ in their level of ethical development (Quan, 2014)
Another investigation was done by Phuong et al., (2020) The findings of the study indicate that 97.4% of students are aware of the concept of business ethics However, when asked about it in an interview, they expressed a variety of ethical ideas about how they perceived business ethics in particular circumstances The majority of students have a true understanding of business ethics, but only at this point; only a small minority of students have an irrational awareness of ethical behavior in situations Each person needs to be aware of the law and directed toward more responsible and humane handling in order to practice business ethics
Pakistani business students’ ethical perspectives were investigated by Rizvi et al., (2014) The attitudes of male and female students were discovered to differ to some extent Females were found to have a more positive attitude than males The researchers discovered that taking a business ethics course increases the level of knowledge and information about ethical and unethical business practices, as well as aids in decision-making
2.3 The suggested research model and hypotheses
Trang 7This study analyzes the level of business ethics awareness of Van Lang University students majoring in business administration and commerce Although they are students, they are all independent individuals, so we can still use Clark and Clark's (1966) Personal Business Ethics Score (PBES) measure to study the dependent variable, which is the business ethics status of students majoring in business and commerce in Van Lang University using the independent variables: age, gender, experts and work experience, the conduct rules
Age (H1) |
Gender (H2) | -
The condition of business ethics
—* Commerce and Business Administration students in Van Lang University
Experts and work experience (H3)
The conduct rules
Cannon (2001) found evidence to support the idea that age is a predictor of ethical development in his empirical research Hyppolite (2003) observed an important distinction in mean P-scores for moral development between older and younger respondents in his research study In particular, older participants outscored younger participants According to Hyppolite (2003), an individual's level of moral growth is projected to rise as he or she gets older According to the results of the previous studies, hypothesis 1 (H1) about age affects students’ business ethics
Similar to the results of studies on age and ethical maturity, Beltramini et al (1984) conducted a study on university students and found that female students are more interested in business ethics issues than male students, partly because women by nature are more interested in business ethics than friends of the opposite sex Onyebuchi (2011) observed similar findings in another survey of university students According to Onyebuchi (2011), female students had higher good behavior than male students Based on the data provided, hypothesis 2 (H2) raises the question of whether or not gender affects students’ business ethics
Trang 8According to the research of Nguyen et al (2013), business administration students who have adequate education and management experience will have a greater level of ethical maturity than students who do not have a degree and do not have management experience With this in mind, the following hypothesis 3 (H3) has been suggested in this study: Experts and work experience have an important role in choosing the view of business ethics within Van Lang University students majoring in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
A code of conduct is one of multiple methods that businesses have for establishing high ethical standards, including government regulation and corporate ethical behavior models (Berkman, 1977; Boling, 1978; Kramer, 1977; and Allen, 1977) This is one of the most frequently used ways in business to increase ethical conduct (Tsalikis & Fritzsche, 1989) Because companies are formed from educated people, and those people are trained in schools and universities, Hypothesis 4 (H4) is that schools need to teach students code of conduct from the time they are freshmen because it will affect the business ethics of Van Lang University business students
Trang 9Chapter 3: Research Method Research area:
Van Lang University Campus 3 area The purpose of the study was to evaluate the level of knowledge currently held by Van Lang University 2023, HCMC students majoring in business administration and commerce
Main methods of study: Using probability sampling Convenience sampling: The study was conducted to assess the current status of business ethics awareness of students of the Faculty of Commerce and Faculty of Business Administration of Van Lang University at the beginning of 2023 This study conducts a survey and collects information from students of the Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Business Administration at Van Lang University includes students in the Ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years who are studying at these two faculties The Faculty of Commerce has 05 training majors and the total number of students in the academic year 2022 - 2023 is about 4105 students The Faculty of Business Administration has 04 training majors and the total number of students in the academic year 2022 - 2023 is about 3654 students
The number of samples is applied according to the formula to determine the number of survey samples of Yamane (1967) with the total number of students of the Faculty of Commerce and Faculty of Business Administration of Van Lang University with the total number of students of the two faculties about 7759 students, the tolerance is +5%, so the calculated minimum sample is 380 students
The techniques of data collections Primary data: collected by surveying students of the Faculty of Commerce and Faculty of Business Administration, Van Lang University, including students in year 1, year 2, year 3 and year 4, including majors in these two faculties The survey is designed to determine the necessary information to build the input data set The survey form is designed with the following contents: information of surveyed people; spirit of cooperation with legal authorities; responsibility to consumers; against competitors;
Trang 103.3The method of sampling and sampling formula This research proposes using the Linkert’s scale and Nominal scale as data upon the research
Likert's scale: The research subjects (Business administration, commerce major’s students)
Question regards the research:
Morality plays a huge part in today's businesses