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YOU ALONE PERSONAL GUIDE FOR LIFE Kim Olalekan Published by Kim Olalekan at Smashwords Copyright 2012 Kim Olalekan This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author and is intended for informational purposes only. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages incurred from the usage of this publication. Smashwords Edition, License Notes. Thank you for downloading this free ebook. Although this is free ebook, it remains copyrighted property of the author and may not reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial and non- commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy at Smashwords.com, where they can also discover other works by this author. Thanks for your support. CONTENTS Dedication Introduction 1. Getting started 2. Lane to your desire life 3. Life significance 4. Plain and precise life 5. Core values 6. Silent killer, self sabotage 7. Response to failure 8. License to live 9. Love; Application tool for survival 10. Unending questions DEDICATION I made this for you because you are human and important. INTRODUCTION I care for you because you are human. I care for you because are important. There are so many things that are important. The most important things to you must be your life and world. If none of these matter to you, get a life and live in the real world. You Alone is not for self centred people. It is for caring and loving people who want explore more good things in their lives and world. There should be map, GPS and computer or any gadget that will display your movements, people movements, your responses, people's responses and your world. I believe you have these three: map; your drawn plans that enhance your dreams, visions, goals and progress. GPS: your brain, intellect that tells you where you are in life, what you want and where you are going. Computer: your heart, central processor, and your body indicate your movement and response to actions of other people. It is good to have all these but still not complete. Internet is incomplete without server, computer is incomplete without operating system. Life is incomplete without guide. Are you living your life anyhow? Do you still feel incomplete with all what you have? Then you need guide that will smoothen and refine your plans, dreams and goals. You Alone is personal guide for life. It is analyses of rights and wrongs, good and bad, love and hatred, winners and losers. So do you know where you belong? Not yet decide? Well you have more than just analyses. You Alone has set of tools that can be used to amend life. You are the engineer of your life, just grab the tools, adjust yourself and start making the change you desire. CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED You are welcome! That's how we are welcomed when we are born. Friends, family and other relatives welcomed us to the new life. We grew up to be children with eager minds. We inquired to many things about life. What is this? Who is that? Why is this? Who is GOD? We never stop asking even as teenager, we inquired to how and why things are done. We never stop asking until we satisfy our eagerness. All answers we gathered together serve as our knowledge about life. GETTING TO KNOW YOU BETTER The relationship between author and reader is cordial. The reader may pause, ponder, preview, reject or accept what he or she read. I will like to know you more than reader; as friend. I want to make this relationship to be mutual but I need your acceptance. If you accept me as your friend, you will be able to understand me. Don't look at me as a stranger or intruder. I will like you to see me as a different person who has bridge the differences between us by accepting you as friend. I'm not intruding into your life, I wrote this because of you. Just for You Alone, because you are unique. KICK STARTER As we grow up as independent men and women, we seek for meaning of our existence. You and I seek for reasons of our existence. The reason we exist is to succeed in all areas of our lives. You may accept this or not. We are not always satisfy with one reason because we had so many desires, dreams, wishes, problems and challenges. How on earth could one reason satisfy all our attributes? That's why we are confused sometimes. This negative force (confusion) forced us to seek for things that will clarify our values because we do not want to be depressed or deprived of life in all ramifications. We seek for positive things that will wipe out the stains of negativity on our minds, so that our minds will be cleared from any negative feelings. If I should know you better, I must understand your weakness. You and I are not much different. We both invested in the bank of weakness. Our weak points count every time we get angry, fear, worry or depress. It will be a lot better, if we boost our investment in the bank of potential. That's why I want to be your friend and partner. You deserve a better life because you are important. Every things in this world abide to the law of attraction and law of motion. Earth is on slope in solar system. Earth rotates on its axis and it's pulled by unknown external force and internal force (its contents; living and non living things). Vehicle is started with kick starter and it is moved by syncromesh of gears in the engine. There are forces that pulled you to do things. These forces may be positive, negative or neutral. They are kick starters that galvanised your actions. They are keys that unlock your potential. If you have not started to live the way you desire, get real with life and understand the keys that unlock your potential. If you have started to live the way you desire, welldone, move ahead. If you have started, understand how to manoeuvre your life. Get ready for race. If you are ready for the race loading Initializing CHAPTER 2: LANE TO YOUR DESIRE LIFE A way to a location is aligned on the map. The path to your life must be channelled. You and I are not that different we have both channelled our paths in life. We struggled to pass through these paths in any season. I only know my path in life but i didn't know your path. Lanes to my life are many because I believed that there are many ways I could fulfil my desire. The most common three lanes are fast, middle and slow. Which lane do you pass through? It is probable that you can pass through these lanes. Perhaps you like the fast lane. You should at least know that fast track are for fast people. The main challenge on fast track is fast mistakes. Fast track will give fast access to your life. Inability to avoid the fast mistakes may draw you near fast end. I'm not professional driver, I never stick to the fast lane because I believe my life need to be drive gently. Sometimes I do pass through the fast lane when my morale is high but whenever it goes down, I quickly swapped onto other lanes. My ways are good for me because I believed in it. Your ways will be good enough for you, if you understand your life. NEUTRAL WORLD World is a weird place to live. The past we heard or saw, the present we see or hear, and the future unknown, all challenge our knowledge about life. The world is nothing but a quest to identify oneself. The truth about life is that what we seek day by day and it is the reason we live for. Our reasons may be positive or negative, maybe they will not always be the same because you are unique and I'm different. There is only one difference in the world; good or bad, these duo interchange each other, and sometimes coincidentally unite together. Good and bad are what every living things will experience, and it is what define life or death. Life is neutral because it gives both good and bad. The world is natural and neutral. What determine your life is your response to the world. The current evaluation of your life will determine your value or ratings in the world. How do you respond to the world? How do you see your life? Cheap, expensive, valuable or indispensable? YOUR PERSPECTIVE Much of what constituted article are author's thoughts, belief, ideas, knowledge, experience, assumption and understanding. What constitute you is you and you alone. There is nothing added to you but what you think right now. Your thoughts of good and bad reflected in your actions. You kept on believing in your thought but what you see sometimes might be deceiving. What you be in your heart is what reflect in your actions. There is no restriction to your life, only the barrier you set with your mind. There is no limit to what you could be or do. If your thought failed to influenced your life, you need to scrutinize your ways. What do you do? What do you believed in? What take your valuable time? Answer to these questions will highlight your pathways. Your desire in life are many that you cannot count. One of these is to have a happy life. Happiness does not come cheap. There are links that connect to it. Is your pathways link to happiness? Is your roads tarred with qualities and attribute that will enhanced your life to drive safely to happiness. Smooth highway roads are not built easily. They are built with hard labour and coarse limestone. The reward of your labour is to attain your desire. The reward of your desire is to adorn your life. You alone determine the outcome of your life. What you put into the world, thus you will get back. CHAPTER 3: LIFE SIGNIFICANCE Life as we all know it had several meanings. We all give meaning to life according to our experience and understanding. Generally, life is power and reason of existence. All living was given this power (life), either short or long, and all strive to reason and fulfil purpose of their lives. HOW DO YOU SEE IT How do you see your environment? How do you see people around you? How do you see people far away from you? How do you see yourself? How do you see the world? What can you say about life? There are many things that will evoke your mind, all that matters is how you feel about them. The world is not strange or mystery because we both live in it but it is strange how our feelings and thoughts change. It is strange how our purpose in life change. However, it is never strange that things change, because change is constant in life. It is through change we grow warm with life and transform cold to death. Sadly enough that there is end to this warm life; cold end. What does life signify? Why was life given, when it can quickly be taken back? Is life a test; papers (questions and answers sheets) given to test our abilities and quickly taken back as time runs out? Does it matters how I feel? No! Our feelings and thoughts are not always the same. How do you see it? LIFE AS CONNECTOR TO EARTH As long as we have lived, we were given chances, opportunities, trials, challenges, and we made several attempts. Was all these for nothing? No! Life is not free, if it is, why death? Life is given for a purpose. We all had purposes to live. The main purpose of life is contribution. The reason of our lives is to contribute to the world. Our contribution keep the earth growing or else it would have been void and barren planet. You alone can understand your world. Your purpose in life may be one or many. What does it stand for? What does your life signify? What do you stand for? What do you believe in? The world gives you acceptance and free will to do whatever you want and move freely wherever you like. The world is expecting more from you. What will you give in replacement for the life you were given? What do you have in store for the world? What do you want to contribute to the world? As we live day by day, we experience change in the world. We adjust ourselves to get accommodate in this world. No matter how we are conditioned in the world, we give to the world either good or bad. Those good things we give provide opportunities and those bad things joined together as evil we fear. We both experienced good and bad; that's why we are happy, bored, angry and sad. Every living experienced these in this world. Those experiences are not what determine or define our lives, they are challenges that query us on what we want to do with our lives. We may never know what we should live for, if there are not challenges that query us of our existence. Most of what challenge people are friends, family, acquaintances, fear or rejection, failure of all kinds, obsessed desires or dreams, success of people around them. What query your existence? What challenge your life? NO ONE IS LIKE YOU Nothing is important more than you. No one is like you. Your life is like a subscriber identity module (SIM) card. Once it is inserted into a phone, it connect to the world; you can make calls, send message, browse the internet and lots more. You are once inserted to this earth, then you can talk, share things, make friends and so many other activities you could do. If you do not exist, your family, friends and other relatives will adapt to those who are available. That's why it is great privilege to be alive. People around you will always notice your existence. Oh! He is a good friend. She gave me present for my birthday. He lied to me. We are both on cruise to Hawaii. She is pop artiste. He is my favourite hero. He is bully. She is naughty girl. That is what we used to remember each other but that does not define life. People can predict the outcome of your life but they will never know what your life will be in the future. Your parent may want you to become a doctor, whereas you are programmed to be a teacher or actor. Something like this has already happened in the world. Some people got master degrees in economics and they are working as DJ. Just for you to know that there are changes in one's purpose in life. No one knows what is best for you. People can choose good things for but they cannot turn that good things to best without your acceptance and conscience. You are all alone to decide what you do with your life. You are not to follow anybody, you can seek advice or help but always follow your heart. If your heart was so consuming that it couldn't differentiate between good or bad, don't follow me or anybody, follow your conscience, it will lead you to success. CHAPTER 4: PLAIN AND PRECISE LIFE Living and non living things are artwork of visions and plans. Everything in this world has plan and process. Everyone has lifestyle and character. Every country has plan and budget they followed. What differentiate individual and country is how effective their plans work. What you followed and practised determines your level and achievement in life. You and I are given free will to act and do as we like and we are responsible for our actions. You have plans and way of life just as I do. Your lifestyle and plans determine how you live right now. You can decide to improve your life or continue as you have lived before. No matter how you live just be true to yourself and make it clear to yourself your reasons and actions. PAST Past is the influencer of present. Without past there won't be any present. Without yesterday, today will not be present. Past is forgone for the present. You and I both had past and we access it in different ways. How do you see your past? A good or bad influence to the present? No matter what past hold either good or bad; it is great influence to the present. Only you can determine what influence you want it to play on your present. You can run away from what you don't want. Also you can attract what you want. Your life is neutral, you can attract either good or bad. What you have attracted in the past determine your present life. PRESENT Present is the deflection of past and reflection of future. Present is future of past and determinant of future. There are lots of happenings in the present. What really matters is what happen in your life. The most important thing to you must be you, all else are commentaries. No one else could care for your life more than you do. The difference between you and other people is you, how you see and act toward things. What you can see clearly and act toward is your present. Your present is an empty space. You can fill it with your dreams and plans. You can make your present great moments. Be aware that your present can also be tainted with sadness and regretful moments. That doesn't make it worse, it makes it interesting that life is not just romance and comedy stories but tragic, epic and action stories. There is no suspense but delay and procrastination to what we should do right now. The present set up stage for you. The world is waiting for your actions. What you got to do with your present is up to you. FUTURE Every time we plan and act in the present we are reward with key to door of future. Everyone has future. Your past is speaker of present and present is representative of future. Your past speaks of how well you are doing till now and your present represent how beautiful your future is gonna be. No one knows tomorrow but we always have plans for tomorrow. There are lots of things we plan to do in the future. There are some important things you need to do for your future. One of these is getting real with your life. The past and present may not be what you like but there are chances in the future. There are chances in the future but you must get real with your life, what you do right now and what you should do in the future. There is no better thing to be than to be yourself. Be plain, precise and REAL. CHAPTER 5: CORE VALUE All living has meaning, reason, purpose and value. Every living has power and weakness. Everyone has power to do one or many things perfectly. Those things you do perfectly advertise your potential and enhance audience to navigate all other attributes you had. There are lots of things that attribute to man's value. The most important things are challenges and achievements, they encumbered all other attributes. Value of a person could change anytime, this is influenced by change of feelings, hobby, interest or social status. Since change is welcome in human life, value of a person could elevate or depress. ATTRACTION AND RELATIONSHIP Every living and non living thing complies with law of attraction. Human are like magnet. Much of what they attract is knowledge. Human are acquainted with facts, news and information of what is happening around and far away. People are of different characters, so interest may differ. Much of what constitute value of a person are interest, hobbies, social status and achievement. All of these are influenced by what he or she value and attracted. Most relationships are based on the values of individual, interests and knowledge. It is by our individual values we approach and relate with each other. The value you give to people and things are the outcome of relationship you've established with them. Relationship is the fastest way to evaluate a person's value. Those who know much about you are your friends, family and co-worker. The way you relate with people are determine by your knowledge, understanding and value. Whatever value you possessed either good or bad, high or low, you are responsible for it. The most important value is your self worth. The most important thing to you must be you. SELF WORTH Deep down inside everyone knows what he or she worth. A real value of a person is most time questioned by that person's conscience. Most time we don't really focus on what happen in the world but what happen inside us. What may concerns you about other people are relationships you established with them; friendship and business relation. The most important thing about you is your worth, your self worth. Self worth played important role in human perception, influence, value and achievement. There are two types of self worth; High self esteem and low self esteem. High self esteem is common among those who have good dreams, hope and achieved success in their individual lives. High self esteem is employed when one has confidence about what is happening in his or her life right now. High self esteem enhanced positive outlook to more fulfilling life and good value for those who portray it. If confidence is used in aggressive and immoral ways, it employed pride and bigotry. In this way, high self esteem will turn down because it attracted strong negative forces. Low self esteem is not long definition to value of a person but shy approach to one's weakness. One of the things that employed low self esteem is self limiting belief. This is most time showed in words uttered by people who have low self esteem. Oh! I can't do that. It is not possible. I'm not up to that. Don't flatter me, I'm not that good. The worst things to do to oneself is to limit one's value and chance to progress. This is common to people who have lost their courage to constant failure to attain their desire and chance to progress. Self esteem determine how you see yourself and other people. Self esteem influence how you value yourself and other people. Your interest, knowledge, belief, achievement and worth, all encapsulate into core value. Core value is a deep personal concept that requires a lot of reflection. Your core value is your personality and destiny. It can elevate or depress. Your destiny is in your hand. So it is up to you what you want to do with it. CHAPTER 6: SILENT KILLER, SELF SABOTAGE Everyone has his or her weakness. Our greatest power lies in our potential weakness. Until we understand our flaws and faults, we cannot understand how powerful we are. Most time we do not focus on our power but mistakes, challenges, obstacles and problems. It is great advantage to challenge yourself before people challenge you with trials, temptation, and problems. We are afraid to challenge ourselves, because we are afraid that our weakness will be blown. And that weakness continue to surface when it is covered with fear. Self esteem is the determinant of human weakness. People with high self esteem do not notice their weakness, they pay people to watch their back. Examples are presidents, governors, actors, actresses, CEOs, MDs and so on. Low self esteem people hide themselves in the society. They disregard their existence by fear of rejection. They view themselves as imperfect being. This imperfection, they used to access their plans, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, achievements and future. No matter how hard they tried to get up, their negative mindset draw them back. The present and future are signs that you are progressing in life. Weakness should be seen as yesterday that passed away. If your weakness seems to be what determines your present life, it should seen as fog that clogged the weather, soon the coast will be cleared. If your weakness seems to be roadblock that hinder your future. Then get ready to work, carry your sledge hammer, hit them up, break it off, so there will be no hindrance for your upcoming future. Do anything to free yourself from shackles of low self esteem. Break free from anything that makes you deny your true self. If you can do these, then you have saved yourself from self assassination. Now you can continue to survive. You are born to survive. CHAPTER 7: RESPONSE TO FAILURE Who want to fail? Hell no! No one wants to fail. And yet we fail everyday. Is it all what you plan everyday you fulfil? Don't you ever miss something sometimes? Is it all what you dream of you achieve? We don't want to fail and yet we keep failing everyday. Most people always reject failure and they have failed so many times. Why don't we take time to understand what is failure all about? Failure is the teacher that help to understand our weakness. Failure is the fear aiding our long expectation. Failure must not be avoid. It should be seen as test or entrance examination into success school. If you think I am wrong, why don't you ask yourself why do I fail? Maybe you are weak or too strong to not recognise your weakness. Failure is the beacon that unveil our weakness and fear. Are you afraid to fail? Everybody is always afraid to fail. Maybe you should do something to alleviate your fear. FAKE PHILANTHROPIST Falsity do help when we're weak but not for free. They require freedom and trust. Those who give their freedom and trust to falsity, depend on falsity and built their lives around falsity. Falsity accessories are the leaders that give vision to such people and determine the outcome of their dreams. Just a trial version of falsity may lead to purchase of falsity accessories. You should at least know that falsity does not give freely, it takes away or replaces your good qualities (honour, respect, dignity, integrity, and so on). As we all know that everyone had lied. We all have reason for our lies, perhaps death, shame, punishment or torture. No matter reason you had, falsity should not be seen as perfect solution to your weakness. Falsity should be seen as relieve to your weakness. Purchase the true cure for your weakness. Secure yourself from any weakness that will make you to constantly apply falsity. BORN TO DO IT No one is born to lie. We are all born to survive and live. If you constantly use falsity accessories, they will beautify your life with their ugliness. Your outward appearance to the world may be beautiful but your inner appearance will be pungent. That's imbalance. You may disregard your conscience to satisfy your concept. Soon you'll fall sick. These may cause self doubt, self hatred or hard-heart. To create a balanced life, you must be true to yourself. Whenever you are weak, find cure to your weakness. If you cannot find cure with little time, use something to relieve or prevent your weakness. Continue your search for the cure. If you are determine to secure yourself from any weakness, the cure will evoke. The cure to all weakness is to be true to yourself and understand why you are weak. If you acknowledge these, falsity will have no role to play in your life. You will play falsity and its accessories because you are born to do it Opportunities and chances always disguise like obstacles and challenges. It is until you understand failure, you will begin to see how negative things work with the positive and you can make it work to influence your life. CHAPTER 8: LICENSE TO LIVE Everybody give meaning to life due to his or her experience. Life as we see it, is black and white, good and bad. Those who have experience good thing in life see life as living on valuable experience. And those who have lost so much in this world see life as cruel world. It gets better to know that life can change. Change is welcome in life either positive or negative. There is no such thing as stable life, it is either up or down. The truth is good and bad, positive and negative will come to you and what matter is how you respond to them. In this way, you have your challenges and your world. Your life is your license to live. The disadvantage of life is that it can not be renew if expired. Your life can be immortal, if you can replace it with great things. World is a race where everybody wants to win, this create competition in the world. Always have it in mind that you are the driver of your life. Whether you fast or slow, you are in this competition, it is either you win or lose. YOU TO THE WORLD It is hidden, appearing, appalling, appealing and then recurring randomly, and now it is world. The world is full of great things; fun, entertainment, happiness, prosperity, disaster, sadness, grief, despair, wickedness. Both good and bad, positives and negatives, rights and wrongs, ups and downs, highs and lows, love and hatred, winners and losers, all come together in the world, and that is neutral. life is fair but not free. You can live anyway you like but every choice comes with responsibility. Right now, you had made many choices, some are good that you want do it all over again. Some are bad that you don't want to talk about it, you want wipe it out from your records. These show that you are normal and living human being. Oh! I forgot, everyone wants more than just normal, actually extraordinary. Yes! You can, you are on your own, it's your life and you're host, the world is waiting. What do you really want to give to the world? How much do you value the world not just your life? Remember it's your show and you are the host. BE TOLERANT Shocking prophecy is about to reveal to you. In the next few minutes, things will happen to you, much of which you expect and you don't expect. Some things will affect you, others won't. It's just like that, this is world and it is your turn. So how would you response to these? It is fun, [...]... answers Substitute your answers Choose the best that will satisfy your inquiry Don't ask why but what's next > Now you have received the guide Remember, you are king, ruler of your life You have chance to choose whatever you like or dislike in this book It is always your choice Be aware that every choice comes with responsibility It's your life and you are all alone to decide what you want, need, like... or bad for you and bad will be bad or good for you Brace up, arm yourself, you will soon be tested If you don't believe me, lose your guard, let everything comes in and see how you will be disturb and confuse It is always your choice to choose Remember good and bad will happen People will make you smile, laugh, angry, cry, and it is cool Be tolerant, ease yourself with people, above all improve your... want you to read this I want to give answers to why people asked many questions You are not the only one that asked many questions I am also confused and asked many questions I got some answers, when I asked why That's why I am concerned about you Did you use why so many times? Did you get your answers? Never relax, if you are not satisfied with your answers Ask yourself, me and people around you You... always seek for something that will benefit us, and do not always seek for good things in others We like to satisfy ourselves before we give to others Your life is not only determine by your feelings, but by how people around you make you feel, because you interact with people at home, work, market, theatre, departmental stores, restaurant and so on So it is until you give love to them, you will begin... QUESTIONS Is there any point of time in your life, you asked why Why me? Why is this happening? Why people behave like this? Why ask why? Perhaps you' re not the only one who asked why Why exist for a reason Why is used to ask what reason things happen What reason do you seek? Why ask why? Why not find the reasons you use why? Fill your eagerness with knowledge Feed your inquiry Perhaps I should make confession... Love is the meaning of life What is your meaning to live? Some people do not know or understand their reason to live They think life is a random occurrence, and it is better to live random as life rolls Perhaps they have been rolling about in ups and downs of life Life is the power to live, and love is the power that gives meaning to life Love is the only application of survival in life So if one wants... will begin to see how they feel about you and how you can pave your ways successfully The act of giving love unconditionally must be practised with people, in the sense of extracting good qualities in people, not mingling with their bad attitudes Life is a neutral world It is until you give love to people, you will begin and continue to receive love from people in your relationships CHAPTER 10: UNENDING... life is good Oh that is so wrong, life is cruel Oh It hurt then and now it's fun it was great then and now it is boring, let just forget about it These are people expressions of their condition in life We don't really know their respond to these condition, what we know is something happened and it is good and bad Another prophecy has come You will be test with positive and negative, good and bad, your... want, need, like or hate Always remember that everyone has a lot of issues to deal with So get over yourself, do something and PROGRESS in it If you like this ebook encourage your friends to download it at Smashwords.com If you have any comment or opinion, send email to kimolalekan@yahoo.com Thank you Email: kimolalekan@yahoo.com Blog: http://kimolalekan.blogspot.com Facebook page: http://facebook.com/kimolalekanwrites... live CHAPTER 9: LOVE; APPLICATION TOOL FOR SURVIVAL Love, so common and yet rare Love is a tool of survival in life Love is combination of affection, understanding, wisdom, patience, endurance and care It's important that one should apply love in all acts of life Those who fail to apply love use hatred and its associates (anger, enmity, egotism, and so on) It's unfortunate that some people do not apply . The reward of your labour is to attain your desire. The reward of your desire is to adorn your life. You alone determine the outcome of your life. What you put into the world, thus you will get. barren planet. You alone can understand your world. Your purpose in life may be one or many. What does it stand for? What does your life signify? What do you stand for? What do you believe in?. operating system. Life is incomplete without guide. Are you living your life anyhow? Do you still feel incomplete with all what you have? Then you need guide that will smoothen and refine your plans,

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