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HOW TO FIGHT POVERTY WITH BIBLE VERSES Dr. Miriam Kinai *** Published by Dr Miriam Kinai at Smashwords http://www.ChristianStressManagement.com Discover other titles by Dr Miriam Kinai at Smashwords.com *** Copyright (c) 2011 by Dr Miriam Kinai Smashwords Edition License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. ***** HOW TO FIGHT POVERTY WITH BIBLE VERSES How to Fight Poverty with Bible Verses teaches you the awesome Bible verses you can use to pray, say as Christian affirmations and use for your Christian meditation sessions so that you can wage your Christian spiritual warfare against the spirit of poverty and live in financial abundance. *** Regardless of how many times you have unsuccessfully tried to break free from the bondage of poverty, you must not despair and accept to die in paucity. You have to decide to believe that God would like you to prosper since His Word says Blessed be God who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. (Psalm 35:27) Therefore, since Jesus came so that we can Have life and have it to the full, (John 10:10) you have to combine spiritual, mental, verbal, and physical interventions to form your own holistic deliverance ministry to fight poverty and live in abundance. The first spiritual intervention is to pray and ask God to help you become financially free. Understand that even if other humans beings do not have time to listen to what you have to say because of your financial status, God will listen to you For the Lord hears the poor (Psalm 69:33) and He will deliver the needy when he cries, the poor, and the person who has no helper. (Psalm 72:12) In addition, not only does the Lord listen to the poor, but He also Raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap so that He may seat him with princes. (Psalm 113:7-8) We can see a practical example of this when King David sent for Mephibosheth who was the crippled son of Jonathan and told him that “You shall eat at my table” (2 Samuel 9:7) after making wealthy by declaring that “I will restore to you Mephibosheth all the land that belonged to King Saul your grandfather. ” (2 Samuel 9:7) Therefore, even if you have been living in seemingly hopeless circumstances and even if you consider yourself utterly useless like Mephibosheth who asked King David, “What is your servant, that you should show kindness to such a dead dog as I?” (2 Samuel 9:8) understand that God can cause you to be raised like from the oblivion of poverty to the prominence of being seated with princes. Understand also that God can change your financial situation even if you are crippled physically, educationally or materially like He did for Mephibosheth who could not help himself acquire his grandfather’s real estate since he was lame. Therefore, pray because God can translate paupers from poverty to prosperity, and because He also reassures us that For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise," says the Lord. "I will set him in the safety for which he yearns". (Psalm 12:5) So pray and ask Him for the financial freedom that you yearn. As you pray, use awesome Bible verses which are the foundation of any deliverance ministry and Christian spiritual warfare because the Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit that God has given us to fight with. (Ephesians 6:17) We will therefore will call the Scriptures that we will use to fight poverty SWORD WORDS. SWORD WORDS that you can use as personal poverty deliverance prayers include: 1. Remember me, O Lord, with the favor You have toward Your people. Oh, visit me with Your salvation so that I may see the benefit of Your chosen ones and rejoice in the gladness of Your nation and glory with Your inheritance. (Psalm 106:4-5) As you pray, believe that God will help you since having faith in God and in His Word is how you hold up your shield of faith which is one of our spiritual weapons and the weapon that is able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. (Ephesians 6:16) In addition to praying for yourself, ask your Pastor to pray for you and attend Deliverance services so that you can learn different spiritual warfare prayers and receive deliverance from poverty. After praying, put on the helmet of salvation which is another of the weapons of our warfare being part of the armor of God that we need to put on to fight our spiritual battles. (Ephesians 6:14-17) All you need to put on this helmet of salvation is to say with your mouth that “Jesus Christ is the Son of God” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead when He died for our sins on the cross and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) The next spiritual step, which also doubles up as a mental step, is to remove all negative thoughts from your mind so that you can be renewed in the spirit of your mind. To do so, set specific Christian meditation sessions during the day when you can meditate on prosperity scriptures such as: 1. Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. (Psalm 34:9-10) 2. No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. (Psalm 84:11) 3. The desire of the righteous will be granted. (Proverbs 10:24) 4. He sets the poor on high, far from affliction, and makes their families like a flock. (Psalm 107:41) 5. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and it comes down from the Father. (James 1:17) 6. The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not lack. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul … He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He anoints my head with oil and my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. (Adapted Psalm 23) Ensure that you read at least one chapter of the Bible everyday because the Gospel is another of our warfare weapons. Combine reading the Word of God with speaking the Word of God because it is the sword of the Spirit that we are to wield to fight our spiritual battles. Even if you are facing mind boggling debts, do not utter self defeating words of financial death, defeat or destruction as you will be agreeing with the enemy who is trying to destroy you economically. Instead, confess positive Christian affirmations such as: 1. I am blessed when I come in and I am blessed when I go out. (Adapted Deuteronomy 28:6) 2. I trust in the living God who gives me richly all things to enjoy. (Adapted 1 Timothy 6:17) 3. My eyes look expectantly to You, O God and You give me food in due season. You open Your hand and satisfy my desire. (Adapted Psalm 145:14-16) 4. I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted and justice for the poor. (Psalm 140:12) 5. The needy shall not always be forgotten and the expectation of the poor shall not perish. (Psalm 9:18) 6. My sufficiency is from God. (Adapted 2 Corinthians 3:5) 7. My land/business/blog will yield its increase and become profitable. (Adapted Psalm 85:12) 8. He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32) After renewing your mind and your mouth with the Word of God, you have to renew your actions by living right. Be righteous and truthful in all your financial and other dealings because the breastplate of righteousness and the belt of truth are the other parts of the armor of God that we need to put on to fight our spiritual battles. (Ephesians 6:14-17) Other physical anti-poverty interventions that you can engage include breaking all poverty promoting habits such as buying things emotionally or to impress other people and breaking budgets. In addition, position yourself for prosperity by using your gifts and talents to make money. If you are working under terrible circumstances like Jacob did, do not despair. Keep your faith in God like Jacob for he said to his former employer Laban, “I served you fourteen years for your daughters and six years for your flock, and you changed my wages ten times. Unless the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely you would have sent me away empty handed. God has seen my affliction and the labor of my hands.” (Genesis 31:41-42) Therefore, believe that God is seeing your affliction or job stress that you suffer at work and the amount of effect you are putting in and He will help you the way He helped Jacob even though he had to persevere for twenty years under Laban’s treachery and trickery. God helped Jacob to prosper under the stressful conditions he was working in so that when he left employment, he was able to prepare a gift for his brother Esau that consisted of 200 female goats and 20 male goats, 200 ewes and 20 rams, 30 milk camels with their colts, 40 cows and 10 bulls, 20 female donkeys and 10 foals. (Genesis 32:13-15) If you are not able to get a regular job, consider it a blessing in disguise and look into ways of how you can begin making money online. You can do this by blogging to make money, affiliate marketing (or selling other people’s products), becoming a virtual assistant (VA), writing blog posts for other bloggers as a freelance writer or even tutoring online. Even if you are sick or disabled in any way, believe that you can still break the chains of poverty and make money from home by using your computer. Therefore, begin by taking advantage of the world wide opportunity that you have right in front of your eyes and work hard. Work hard even when the going gets very rough and trust that God can fulfill your desires right there in your disadvantaged situation just as He maintained the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness. He rained manna on them, made quail landed near their tents, and ensured that their clothes didn’t wear out or get sick with their feet swelling. Therefore, 1. Trust in the Lord 2. Do good 3. Dwell in the land 4. Feed on His faithfulness 5. Delight yourself also in the Lord And He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:3-4) In addition, since God has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant (Psalm 35:27) ensure that you are also serving God in one way or another as you seek financial independence. This could be by donating a portion of your time or products or proceeds to help others and let them know more about Him. ### ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Miriam Kinai is a medical doctor and a trained Christian counselor. You can visit her blog at http://www.ChristianStressManagement.com or follow her on twitter at http://twitter.com/AlmasiHealth Email enquiries to drkinai@yahoo.com with BOOKS as your subject. OTHER BOOKS BY DR MIRIAM KINAI Christian Spiritual Warfare Series 1. How to Fight Addiction with Bible Verses CHSW101 $2.99 USD 2. How to Fight Feelings of Condemnation with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 3. How to Fight for your Christian Faith with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 4. How to Fight Weakness with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 5. How to Fight for your Business with Bible Verses CHSW105 $2.99 USD 6. How to Fight for your Country or City with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 7. How to Fight for your Children with Bible Verses CHSW107 $2.99 USD 8. How to Fight Infertility with Bible Verses CHSW108 $2.99 USD 9. How to Fight for Your Marriage with Bible Verses CHSW109 $2.99 USD 10. How to Fight being Single with Bible Verses CHSW110 $2.99 USD 11. How to Fight for your Finances with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 12. How to Fight for your Health with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 13. How to Fight for your Job with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 14. How to Fight for your Ministry with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 15. How to Fight for Peace of Mind with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 16. How to Fight for your Self Esteem with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 17. How to Fight Insomnia or Sleeplessness with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 18. How to Fight Confusion with Bible Verses CHSW118 $2.99 USD 19. How to Fight Danger with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 20. How to Fight Death with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 21. How to Fight Despair with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 22. How to Fight Discouragement with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 23. How to Fight Fear with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 24. How to Fight a Foul Mouth with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 25. How to Fight Impatience with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 26. How to Fight Laziness with Bible Verses CHSW126 $2.99 USD 27. How to Fight Loneliness with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 28. How to Fight Temptation with Bible Verses CHSW128 $2.99 USD 29. How to Fight Opposition with Bible Verses CHSW129 $2.99 USD 30. How to Fight Lying with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 31. How to Fight Poverty with Bible Verses (Free at ChristianStressManagement.com) 32. How to Fight Oppression with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 33. How to Fight Pride with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 34. How to Fight for Self Love with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 35. How to Fight Worry with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 36. How to Fight Sadness with Bible Verse $2.99 USD 37. How to Fight Vengeance with Bible Verses $2.99 USD 38. Christian Spiritual Warfare Volume 1 CHSW130 $9.99 USD 39. Christian Spiritual Warfare Volume 2 $9.99 USD 40. Christian Spiritual Warfare Volume 3 $9.99 USD 41. Christian Spiritual Warfare Volume 4 $9.99 USD 42. SWORD WORDS $9.99 USD Christian Sermon Series 1. The Three Levels of Getting Lost $0.99 USD 2. Seed Words and The Powerful Tongue $0.99 USD 3. Your Life is Your Ministry and Your Storm is Your Message $0.99 USD 4. A New Easter Message $0.99 USD 5. Can God Help Me Even If I Am Surrounded By Enemies? $0.99 USD 6. Spiritual AIDS $0.99 USD 7. Why Does God Allow Suffering? $0.99 USD 8. Dr Miriam Kinai’s Christian Sermons Volume 1 CHSE108 $9.99 USD 9. How Badly Do You Really Want It? $0.99 USD 10. A New Christmas Message $0.99 USD 11. Are You A Flamboyant Fig Tree Christian? $0.99 USD 12. Biblical Lessons for Purim from Queen Esther $0.99 USD 13. A Perfect God, Imperfect People, and Perfect Plans $0.99 USD 14. We Are Not Ignorant of His Devices $0.99 USD 15. The Best Spiritual Insurance Policy (Free at ChristianStressManagement.com) 16. Pregnancy and Answered Prayers - The Similarities (Free at ChristianStressManagement.com) 17. How to Prepare for a Dangerous Journey $0.99 USD 18. Yes, God Can. $0.99 USD 19. Dr Miriam Kinai’s Christian Sermons Volume 2 $9.99 USD Skincare Series 1. Natural Normal Skin Product Recipes 2. Natural Dry Skin Product Recipes 3. Natural Oily Skin Product Recipes 4. Natural Sensitive Skin Product Recipes 5. Natural Mature Skin Product Recipes 6. Natural Prematurely Aging Skin Product Recipes 7. Natural Cellulite Product Recipes Do It Yourself (DIY) Series 1. How to Plan a Low Cost Chic Wedding $2.99 USD 2. How to Make Natural Body Lotions $2.99 USD 3. How to Make Natural Soap DOIY103 $2.99 USD 4. How to Make Natural Body Butters $2.99 USD 6. How to Make Natural Herb Infused Oils DOIY106 $2.99 USD 7. 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Ngày đăng: 28/06/2014, 00:20