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The Making of a Consultant The Keys to Establishing a Successful Consulting Career By Silvester Hwenha Smashwords Edition **** Published By Silvester Hwenha on Smashwords The Making of a Consultant: The Keys to Establishing a Successful Consulting Career Copyright 2011 by Silvester Hwenha Smashwords Edition License Notes This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work. **** Table of Contents Introduction to Consulting Why I wrote this Book Pathways to Becoming a High-flying Consultant Essential Consulting Skills and Competencies Strategies for Developing and Managing a Successful Consulting Career Where and How to Find Business Key Takeaways Introduction to Consulting Consulting is a lucrative and exciting knowledge creating industry. Whether it’s in the business or non-profit sector, there are always clients seeking innovative solutions to business and development problems and challenges. There is always a demand for individuals with expert knowledge, experience or specialized skills. As a consultant you are your own boss, you can work from anywhere and you create a flexible work schedule to suit your lifestyle. You determine your own professional fees. You choose whether to charge for your services per hour or per day. You decide when to accept or decline work contracts. You are virtually in control of your career. Appealing as this is, consulting is a very challenging and demanding occupation. You must always differentiate your skills and services to get the attention of clients. Skilled as you might be, you do not have a guaranteed salary every month. The competition from other consultants is often tough. Clients do not continuously require the services of consultants and so there is often down time when the market is dry. And some clients, no matter how good your work is, will just not pay on time. However, even with all these challenges many consultants have found success, are sought after by clients and are always being invited to seminars, workshops and conferences. But there are also many consultants who continuously struggle to find clients and for whom success remains elusive. So, what sets these consultants apart? In other words, what makes a successful consultant? There is no magical answer to these questions. There are no secrets in consulting either. But, broadly speaking, the answer lies in how individual consultants develop and manage their careers. Back to top Why I wrote this Book This book deliberately focuses on the non-profit sector because of the author’s experience working for regional and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Furthermore, the work being done by non-profit organizations is uplifting and supporting communities all over the world. Their work is impacted by the quality of services and advice they receive from consultants. This book intends to provide consultants with ideas and skills to enable them to make a greater and positive impact on the work of non-profit organizations. Although the focus is on the non-profit sector, consultants in the business sector can benefit immensely from this book. Generally, consultants in the non-profit sector are hired for three major reasons: 1. To provide expertise not resident in the organisation and is only needed intermittently to warrant creating a full time position; 2. To fulfil conventional development practices such as the requirement for independent assessment of projects or programs; and 3. To perform functions or provide services that are deemed uneconomic both in terms of cost and time to carry out and manage internally. Despite the important role consultants play in development, consulting is not yet a formal discipline in most institutions of higher learning. Therefore, acquiring consulting skills and expertise remains an experiential process and the responsibility of individual consultants. This book is intended as a resource to assist consultants to bridge this gap. The book provides career development strategies, knowledge and tips to those individuals intending to get into the consulting industry. For practicing consultants this book offers strategies for career management and business growth. The following pages are dedicated to discussing and guiding you through four key consulting aspects that will lead to a successful consulting career. These are: 1. Pathways to becoming a high-flying consultant 2. Essential consulting skills and competencies 3. Strategies for developing and managing a successful consulting career 4. Where and how to find business Bear in mind that this book will provide you ONLY with career management strategies and tips NOT technical skills in your chosen area. It is your responsibility as a consultant to develop the relevant technical skills, to understand your target market and to develop and meticulously deploy appropriate services to meet their demands. Back to top Pathways to Becoming a High-flying Consultant What does one need to do to become a consultant? Can anyone become a consultant? Perhaps you have asked yourself these questions. This section will answer these questions for you. Just to remind you, consulting is not a regular job. As a consultant you are hired to provide expert knowledge or skills for short durations ranging from a few days to a couple of months. Anyone determined to put in the hard work to develop exceptional skills can be a consultant. It is impossible to become a credible consultant without a solid educational background, proven professional experience and/or specialized skills. There are different pathways by which you can become a consultant and build a reputable career. The three common pathways are discussed below. Superior educational qualifications: Sailing through college and graduating as an average student is not solid enough a foundation on which to launch a consulting career. Your qualifications serve as an indicator of what you know and how well you know your subject area. In consulting you need not just be good enough, you must become the best in your subject area. Overtime, work experience may compensate for low grades in college. In the corporate sector most consultants have at least a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). Apart from attaining a tertiary qualification, the process of learning, especially at a higher level provides a variety of other skills such as analytical and strategic thinking skills that are vital in consulting. In the development sector a bachelor’s degree and several years of experience as a practitioner in your chosen field are necessary to launch a consulting career. Advanced degrees often become necessary to qualify for international consulting assignments. There is no substitute for knowledge and education in consulting. If you are keen to develop your profile as a high-flying consultant, audit your skills and see where the gaps are. Get that additional qualification that can set you apart and propel you to further success. Become a pioneer in a niche market: Every now and then there is a topical issue in the development sector. Some quickly become fads while others are more enduring. In recent years governance and leadership, HIV/AIDS, and orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) have become and remain topical issues. Pioneering professionals in these fields have taken the space and asserted themselves as experts. Depending on your field of expertise you could catapult your consulting career to success by being a pioneer in a specialized area or topical subject. As a rule, it is difficult to go into an established market without facing fierce competition. Why not find that niche market that suits your set of skills and develop unique services. Always be on the lookout for developments in your area of expertise and be among the first to respond to new and changing needs. For example, medical doctors and nurses are now consulting for NGOs focusing on reproductive health, clinical issues related to HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. Professional work experience: The traditional route to become a consultant is by acquiring professional work experience in one’s field over several years. But it is not as simple as that. You must develop specialized skills and knowledge in your field. You must also keep abreast of new developments in order for you to remain relevant. Writing and publishing professional articles will further create a solid background from which to launch a consulting career. You will further assert yourself in your field by attending and speaking at professional gatherings such as seminars and conferences. Alternatively, the other way of becoming a consultant is by working for a consulting firm learning the skills and acquiring experience over time. If you choose this route understudy the senior consultants and commit yourself to learning the necessary skills in your field. Get involved in consulting assignments and consistently apply and hone your skills. Be creative and always strive for excellence and be open to feedback – that’s what builds you as a consultant. Back to top Essential Consulting Skills and Competencies Becoming a consultant is not a game of chance. It is a conscious professional decision. It must, therefore, be based on solid professional experience, knowledge and exceptional skills. Without these qualities chances of being a successful consultant are remote. This section focuses on the vital skills that will enable you to stand out and achieve success as a consultant. The list is not exclusive but the skills discussed are essential in getting your career off the ground. Given that consulting is a dynamic industry, you will need to keep on developing new and relevant skills to sustain a successful career. Demonstrated technical competence – This goes without saying. If you are a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, a Training Expert or whatever it is you are good at, you must be able to demonstrate your competencies. You must have thorough knowledge of your specialist area in order to convince clients to hire you. However, while technical skills are essential in consulting they need to be complemented by ‘soft’ skills in order to enhance your performance. Analytical and problem solving skills – Consulting is about providing solutions to problems. Successful consultants are competent problem solvers. You must have an analytical mind and ask relevant questions in order to identify root causes of clients’ problem. Sometimes clients are unaware of the full extent of the problem and it becomes your professional responsibility as a consultant to surface and fully define the problem. In some instances clients maybe fully aware of what the problem is but are just not sure what the best solution could be. In either situation it is critical that as a consultant you establish the same understanding of what the problem is with the client before working through to find potential solutions. Negotiation skills - As a consultant you are constantly negotiating fees, working arrangements and timelines, and assignment details with clients. Poor negotiation skills may make you come out as greedy or arrogant. Always use you negotiation skills to arrive at win- win solutions. Consulting is not a winner takes all game. The outcome of the negotiating process must always accommodate the client’s concerns. You will lose clients if you fail to embrace their views and concerns during the negotiation process. While as a consultant you must have a firm position remain open to other opportunities and possibilities that the client may present to your advantage. Writing skills – Writing is a vital skill in consulting. If you are going to make it as an independent consultant, you must improve your writing skills. Poorly written proposals never get a second chance and shoddy reports are rejected by clients. Successful consultants write winning proposals and excellent reports. But that takes time to master and the best way to master the art of writing is by writing. If need be attend a business writing course or get a professional editor to proofread your work before sending it off to the client. Presentation skills – When you get the opportunity to make a presentation to a client you are often a step closer to winning a work contract. Your presentation skills become the difference between winning and losing the contract. Your presentations must be powerful, engaging and persuasive. Show confidence, speak with an audible voice and maintain eye contact with your audience. Even when you are presenting a technical report, make it simple and easy for your audience to understand. Always rehearse your presentation before you make a presentation to a client. You develop confidence through practice. Always support your presentation with relevant audio and visual images. Familiarise yourself with Microsoft PowerPoint or other visual presentation software to make professional presentations. Personal marketing skills - Marketing skills are an asset when it comes to selling yourself and your services. Your marketing pitch must present a compelling value proposition and must address the client’s problems. You must be clear what services you offer and how these will add value to the client. Remember that how well you implement assignments is also a selling point. You will get repeat business from clients if your work is of the highest quality and carried out meticulously. If you want your clients to take you seriously support your marketing proposition with relevant professional paraphernalia. For instance, you must have business cards with your contact details. It is always embarrassing to use a notebook when exchanging contact details with clients and other consultants. You could also have professionally designed fliers or a brochure that describe your services. You could even develop a simple but professional website for your consulting practice. Remember that consulting is a very competitive industry and you can only remain in the clients’ view by continuously positioning and marketing yourself. Teamwork and leadership – Some assignments require that you work in a team. Develop the ability to relate to other professionals. Working in a team means you must be able to embrace different personalities and opinions. Focus on the goal, play your part and support other team members. Ultimately, when working in a team the outcome is a result of collective effort. Remember, when in a team you either win or lose together. Be a team player and win. Sometimes while in a team the responsibility for managing the team may fall on you as lead consultant or project manager. Your leadership skills will become vital in these situations and will enable you to guide the team towards successful completion of assignments. You can only be an effective leader if you listen, guide and motivate your team to succeed. Back to top Strategies for Developing and Managing a Successful Consulting Career Consulting is a dynamic knowledge creating industry. Nothing stays the same. New research is always bringing in new knowledge and influencing how organizations work and implement their programmes. Clients are always looking for current and cutting edge solutions to problems. Consulting in this dynamic industry requires an equally dynamic career development strategy capable of responding to industry trends. As a consultant you must stay abreast of new developments in your field. Whatever you do, stay on top of your game. This section will provide strategies on how to establish your career as a consultant. It will also show you how to manage your career and build a successful consulting practice. You can easily build your career by following the steps below: Identify your career development needs Consulting is for seasoned and skilled professionals. It is a challenging profession and requires hard work. It also takes a clear vision and a lot of drive to become a successful consultant. But where do you start? Like everything else worthwhile in life, you need a plan for your career. Start by taking an audit of your skills. You must know what your competencies are. Take out your curriculum vitae and list the various positions that you have held over the years. Also list the variety of skills that you needed to accomplish your work. This process will help you to see what you are good at and the skills that you have. You must be very clear about what you do so well that could benefit client organizations. Once you have taken an audit of your skills, the next step is to determine what you can do with those skills to benefit clients. Study the market and find your own niche where your skills are required. Define in very specific terms the services you will provide to your target market and aggressively market yourself. Make sure you are offering unique services. If you provide generic services that other established consultants are already offering you set yourself up for competition. You will have a great advantage if you differentiate your services. The next step is to project into the future and see what additional skills you must learn in order to continue to deliver quality services to your clientele. Take concrete steps to acquire the necessary skills that will enhance your personal effectiveness. For example, enrol in a course whether it is for a class or online. However, remember that no matter how much you prepare, consulting will always present challenging tasks. At some point you may just need to jump in and swim. If you are already consulting, refine your career development plan following the steps suggested above. If you are still employed in a regular job you may want to start implementing your plan while you are still at your job. Most aspiring consultants quit their jobs too soon and then find themselves looking for a regular job again after a few months. Consulting is never a smooth ride, especially at the beginning. Getting work contracts is not guaranteed, sometimes clients do not pay on time and the projects often dry up. Therefore, do not quit your job until you have created a reputation and loyal clientele for your services. While at your job, don’t consult ‘undercover’. Inform your employer and negotiate a suitable working arrangement. Some employers will require you to remit a percentage of your fees to the organization for every assignment you secure. Choose what works for you and your employer. Quitting your regular job is a major decision and so is embarking on a consulting career. Give it serious thought. Develop a business strategy As an independent consultant you immediately need a business strategy to develop your career and grow your consulting practice. The time to start is now. Your business strategy will help you to focus your energy in doing things that matter. There are various online resources to assist you to develop a business strategy. But the bottom line is that it should provide you with a clear roadmap that will lead to success. Implement your strategy with a consistent touch of professionalism. Clients are always inclined towards doing business with consultants who can demonstrate such business ethics as professionalism. Your career development strategy must revolve around the following key areas: Business development: You need clients to grow your business so make sure you dedicate adequate time to sourcing new business. You must also know where and how to find and secure new opportunities (more details on this below). Establish professional networks with potential clients. Networking is a very critical part of consulting. Attending professional seminars and conferences will enhance your awareness of key players and up-to-date developments in your field. In most countries, international donor agencies and NGOs have established sector technical working groups (TWGs) or reference groups where current and topical development issues are discussed. These networks are free and attending meetings and workshops with such groupings will benefit you tremendously. In addition to gaining up- to-date knowledge in your field in the development arena, you also have an opportunity to establish useful professional contacts. Proactively open communication lines with your peers and exchange business cards. Simply being in the same room with your peers is inadequate. Approach and engage with your peers. You may also want to create your own network of key people from which your business can benefit. Send them reading resources including recent publications in your field. Keep the relationship professional. Do not send them chain emails or jokes. Establish mutually beneficial business partnerships and find more ways to collaborate rather than compete with your partners. Your first few assignments may as well be through sub-contracting by more established consultants. Use these as a platform to launch your consulting practice. With time you will develop the confidence to secure and deliver on assignments by yourself. Make sure to keep your finger on the pulse of the consulting market. Be aware of any new developments and continuously upgrade your services and re-position yourself to remain effective and visible. Executing assignments: Approach all your assignments with an unwavering commitment to excellence and be prepared to work long and odd hours. Be honest about your expertise, know your limits and take work that you can do and do it well. Create a brand by consistently focusing on your area of expertise and sticking with it. Clients must know what to come to you for. Continuous learning and skills development: The consulting industry is a dynamic knowledge creating industry. Continuous learning and upgrading of skills will reinforce and uplift your career. You cannot have a stagnant career in a moving industry without risking being redundant. Read widely and learn new skills to remain on the cutting edge of the consulting industry. Use your knowledge and experience to publish articles, papers, or books. Always request to be acknowledged on any reports that you write for clients. That way you easily and quickly build a reputable record of publications and asset yourself as a guru in your chosen field. This obviously increases your chances of getting new and more business. Back to top Where and How to Find Business Money is the life-blood of any business! Without regular income the business grinds to a halt. Therefore, looking for business must be a top priority and must be performed with sustained aggression in order to generate a steady flow of income. Unfortunately, some consultants go for extended periods at a time without work because they do not know where or how to find work. As a result, they often have cashflow problems and are forced to quit consulting altogether and opt for a regular job with a guaranteed salary. There are several sources and ways by which consultants could get business as discussed below. Print media: The most common source of work utilized by client organizations is the print media. Subscribe to popular newspapers in your country or city in order to receive daily editions delivered to your door-step. Browsing the newspaper everyday ensures that you do not miss any tender advertisements. Subscribing to local or regional business magazines is also advisable only if you are sure that they regularly advertise relevant tenders. Some organizational networks run newsletters that could also carry advertisements of potential consulting jobs. Get onto mailing lists of any such newsletters. Electronic media: The web has become such a gold mine of information. Most clients post tender adverts on their websites. Regular visits to client websites will definitely increase your chances of finding potential work. In addition to client websites there are also websites dedicated to different fields in the development consulting industry. A few examples are shown below. [...]... Repeat business is also a sign of business growth Referrals and repeat business are the surest way to build your professional reputation Always strive to satisfy your clients in order to gain their confidence and most importantly their loyalty Key takeaways To become a credible consultant, you must: Have a solid educational background, proven professional experience and/or specialized skills; Craft a. .. dollars you gain access to multiple consulting opportunities with potential to bring you incomes running into tens of thousands of dollars or more! Register with consultant databases: As part of their procurement procedures some clients have databases dedicated to consultants Registering with such databases ensures that you become part of a selected pool of consultants who receive email notifications of. .. notifications of potential consulting assignments Other established development organizations have online databases for associate consultants where you could also post your profile to increase your chances of getting work Advertise your services: As a consultant you can advertise your services in the print or electronic media Prepare and post a compelling profile of the consulting services you offer and your expertise... Hwenha is an independent Development Consultant with over 10 years of experience consulting in the non-profit sector in Southern and East Africa Silvester has been a Senior Consultant with reputable consulting firms in Zimbabwe and has been engaged with non-profit organizations based in the USA This e-book is the first in a series of books on consulting based on his experience in the field Thank you... strategy to establish visibility in the market Once you are known use it periodically to keep in touch with your clients Referrals and repeat business: More established consulting firms and seasoned consultants get work through referrals and repeat business This is an indication of client satisfaction with your work compelling them to hire you repeatedly or recommending you to other organisations in their... consulting based on his experience in the field Thank you for purchasing this copy and watch out for more of his books on Smashwords.com Silvester is a Zimbabwean national now living in Pretoria, South Africa Connect to Silvester Smashwords author page: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/shwenha2011 Email: mailto:hwenha@yahoo.com Back to top ... Craft a dynamic career development strategy: Identify your career development needs; Find you niche; Don’t quit your job until you have firmly established your reputation; Grow your business through a relentless search for opportunities, meticulous execution of assignments and continuous learning and upgrading of skills; and Know the various sources of business in your particular field Back to top ~~~~~~... Development aid: http://www.developmentaid.org Tender Gateway: http://www.tz.org While some of these websites can be accessed free of charge, others charge subscription fees for various options Subscribing to suitable websites is your gateway to receiving email notices about tenders right in your mail box Subscribing to these websites is a business investment with tremendous benefits For spending a few hundred . are so small that it looks like they don't have ears and they can also be any colour. They have a straight nose and are a small breed. The LaMancha sound is typical of other goats. They are. white. They have erect ears and have the smallest height requirements of all the breeds. They grow a shaggier coat than other dairy goat breeds. They also are popular with dairies. They tend. long, form heavy mats over the shoulders and hips giving a humped appearance. As the days become longer and the weather warmer, they begin to shed their heavy winter coat, beginning with the

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