cc cecccccceececccceeeeeeeeeeeceeeeeeeee sess aeeeseeeesenieeeeeeeeeenaas 26 Figure 9: MoMo Payments SDK Working Process...::cccccccececeececeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneaes 42 Figure 11: Acc
Trang 2TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Q2 SH HH TT HH ky 2 TABLE OF FIGURES Q01 22112 1 HH TH T1 K11 kg ch 5 S59 1-5 UỬU.x à 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0 0.cccccecceecceceeceeeeceeeeceeteneecceeeeeseseeceeseecceeeneeseeeecneeseteseeeeneees 8 CHAPTER I TERMINAL EXPLANATION Q0 22111222 HH HH 9 CHAPTER II WEBSITE UNIQLO VIETNAM 2c 221 nhe 11
2.4.2 Analysis of the current situation of the external environment of the enterprise cea aaeeaeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecceteecceaaceaaaeaaaeeaaaeaaaeeaaeeeaaeeeceeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeees 17 General fashion - apparel market situation .0.0 cccceeeseseeeeeeeeeneeeees 17
2.4.3 Analysis of the current state of the environment inside the business 22
P„ˆ EG od =“aaẠ 23
PC côn in ai na ằa 23 PromOfiOI c n SH TH HT TH TH TT HT tk KH kt 24
Trang Organizational StrUCtUle ce ceeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eet HT TT TH KT 2.4.4 SWOT AmnallySis .0.0 ccccccccccccecceeeeceecceeeeceeeeccceeeeeeeeeceaaeeeeeeeeesedccieeeeeeseesneeanees 27
4.1 Terms and conditions of MoMo integration for businesses 35 RefunndS HT TH TT TK TT KH TH KH kết 35 Other noticeable rule@§ - TT n HT HT nen krrr 36
Trang 45.1.2 Integrated solutions for DUSINESSES 0.0.0 cece eescee cess esses essen sseeeseeeeeeeeeeenees 46
5.2.3 Complete System Integration Testing (SIT) on Test Environment 53 5.2.4 Get your Account Verified «2.2 cece cececceeeeeeeeeceeeeceeeeeesenccieeseeeeesennnieeeeeeetes 57 5.2.5 Open access to Integrated Information on the Production environment 62 5.2.6 Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) on Production & Ask for Review.62 5.2.7 Get Approved & Go-Live 0 cc ceccccccec cece ceeee ee eeecceeeeeeeeeeescnaeeeeeeeeesensneeeeeees 63
5.4 Additional processing may occur when using MoMo .ccc-ccsS- 76
REFERENCES Q.0 Q 02002 2n HH H111 1H K KHE TT ky 87
Figure 1: Website of Uniglo Vietnam .cccccccccccceceeeeeeeeeeeneceeeeeeeesescceeeteeeeeeesnnnneeeees 13
Figure 4: Report on revenue forecast of fashion industry in Vietnam from 2017 to 2027 18 Figure 5: Forecasting the proportion of sales channels of the fashion industry in Vietnam
210250722722 a 19
Figure 6: Forecasting the proportion of online shopping in the fashion industry in Vietnam
210250722722 a 19
Figure 8: The organizational structure of the company Uniqlo (Source: Uniqlo Handbook
of Organizational Culture 2012) 0 cc cecccccceececccceeeeeeeeeeeceeeeeeeee sess aeeeseeeesenieeeeeeeeeenaas 26 Figure 9: MoMo Payments SDK Working Process ::cccccccececeececeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneaes 42
Figure 11: Account registration screen - Account information (Test) 48
Figure 13: Screen of Account Registration - Business lInformation (Test) 50 Figure 14: Account Registration Screen — Additional Business Information 51 Figure 15: Interface for completing registration of an Enterprise accourit 51
Figure 19: Authentication - M4B interface after login -ccccccSSSsssssssssrses 57 Figure 20: Authentication - Steps to verify Enterprise .00 :cccesesceeceeeeeeeeertteeeeeteees 58 Figure 21: Authentication - Email Authentication «0.0.00 ccceeeeetestsssneseeaseeeaeeeees 59
Figure 23: Authentication - Business License Update Interface 000 etree 60
Trang 6Figure 24: Authentication - Electronic Contract screen interface sằằ 61
Figure 25: Authentication - Interface after business authentication - 61
Figure 26: Configure the environment to Producfion c TS che 62 Figure 27: Test case for MoMo payment integrafion -ccccSSSS se sseese 63 Figure 28: One-Time Payments Process Flow (Source: Compilation) 65
Figure 29: Binding Recurring Payments Process Flow (Source: Compilation) 68
Figure 30: Recurring Payments using Token Process Flow (Source: Compilation) 71
Figure 31: MoMo On Delivery Process Flow (Source: Compilation) 75
Table 3: Consumer customers are children - - c1 1 2122111111 ngà nrrey 21
Table 6: Compatibility for Uniqlo to integrate MoMo -Scc che 38 Table 7: The data MoMo returns (AP|) ccc Q00 Q HH HH HHn HH HT HT TT TT KT n Tnhh Tnhh nh yyn 39
Table 11: Technical integration - MoMo Wallet test information .- 53
Table 14: API @rror CODES 00 cececeeeeeereeeeeeneeeeecneeteecnenreeeeenteeenecneeeeesitireeennineeetnitenenseas 77
First of all, our team would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr Pham Manh Cuong, who gave us the opportunity to carry out the project and guide us so that we could complete the project for this Electronic Payments Course Project
Although the period of studying this subject was not too long, you always cared and devoted all your enthusiasm to teaching us You have imparted to us in-depth knowledge and useful experience related to issues of electronic payment You helped us systematize the knowledge we have learnt, enhance teamwork skills, critical-thinking, self- study, problem analysis, and combine with reality to improve our specialized knowledge This knowledge will be valuable luggage for us to step firmly in the future We gratefully appreciate the value from your lesson, the time you spent supporting and suggesting us so that we can complete this Course Project well We have tried to make the best project with the knowledge that you have imparted, but we still cannot avoid mistakes Therefore, your suggestions and comments are extremely valuable, we are very grateful and ready to listen and receive to improve the project even better
Once again, our team would like to sincerely thank you!
Table 1: Terminal explanation summary
app use MoMo first) and payment confirmation page
app MoMo
payment page
QR code directly on the purchase page or print the cod the invoice.(This is not the URL containing the image of
QR code, you need to use an external library to genera
QR code)
(callbackToken result
by IPN (server-to-server) method The partner API, requ for 2in1 adoption, is used by MoMo to send IPN payn results for direct payments made by customers
8 | Test environment testers (testers) can execute their test cases In other wd Is a combination of software and hardware installation w
supports test execution with hardware, software and net
Trang 10
10 | Partner Code | Partner code that uniquely identifies your M4B account
13 | Digital signature) A mathematical algorithm commonly used to confirm
authenticity and integrity of a message
algorithm that is suitable for generating digital signature the same time as encryption
16 | HTTP Request | is information sent from the client to the server, to ask
server to find or process some information and data thé client wants HTTP request can be a text file in XML or J format that both can understand
that people use to search on the browser to access any W Domains are represented by letters or numbers in the ald instead of the server's IP address
unique address that electronic devices such as phone laptops are currently using to identify and communicate each other on a computer network using the Internet pro
19 | Production environment is where the latest software, product, or update version delivered directly to the intended users Think of it as the
Trang 11
stage of the production process This is the environ where the end user can see, experience and interact w new product
Testing (UAT) | worked as expected and satisfied the user's requirement:
activity is performed at the final testing stage before software is officially put into operation
evaluate whether the complete system meets the require given previously or not
purchase page after the customer pays The partner's U required when applying 2in1, to redirect from MoMo to partner's purchase page after the customer directly through the secure payment screen
2.1 About Uniglo Vietnam
UNIQLO Company was founded in 1949 in the city of Yamaguchi Prefecture,
Japan, and is one of the leading companies in the fashion and apparel industry in Japan After a period of development, Uniqlo became a wholly owned subsidiary of Fast Retailing
in November 2005, providing high-quality exclusive sportswear at low prices As of January 2018, the brand has grown to over 1,300 stores in 15 countries across Asia, Europe, and the US in just 20 years Fashion brand Uniqlo has become Asia's largest apparel chain with nearly 800 retail stores
Trang 12After a period of planning and preparation, Uniqlo also officially entered the war in the potential Vietnamese market On December 6, 2019, Uniqlo launched its first store at Vincom Dong Khoi (District 1, Ho Chi Minh City), which is one of Uniqlo's largest stores
in Southeast Asia Uniqlo Dong Khoi has a sales floor area of more than 3000 square meters displaying the entire LifeVVear product line in the world for all customers of different ages, spread along 3 floors of the building, to bring great shopping experiences to Vietnamese customers and international tourists when coming to Ho Chi Minh City
Mr Osamu Ikezoe - General Director of Uniqlo Vietnam said that since coming to Vietnam, Uniqlo has always been inspired by the long history and unique culture of Hanoi capital as well as the country and people Vietnam That inspiration is the premise for Uniglo to create a world-class shopping space and harmonize with the indigenous culture
of the Vietnamese people It can be said that creating and honoring local culture is a remarkable effort of Uniqlo in the journey to conquer customers
On November 5, 2021, UNIQLO launched an online store on both the website interface and mobile applications This is to provide the ultimate
shopping experience for customers with more than 15,000 LifeVWear products and a range
of unique offers, gifts, and outstanding features, such as:
e Experience the largest UNIQLO store in Vietnam anytime, anywhere
e Wide selection of sizes from XS to XXL exclusively for the UNIQLO online store
@ Connect your online store to your physical store Customers can search and check the availability of products at the store In addition, after ordering products online, customers can choose to receive goods directly at the store With only 5 years since entering the Vietnamese market, Uniqlo has owned a retail network of fashion items with 17 stores in 3 big cities: Hanoi, Hai Phong, and Ho Chi Minh City with the same door—online shopping on the website and mobile application
Trang 132.2 Uniqlo Vietnam website
To be able to deploy an online store smoothly, Uniqlo also owns a professional, well-organized website with all the necessary functions for customers’ shopping with over
15000 products of clothing and accessories for all genders and ages
145 tems Tiêu biếu
Áo Thun Gân Dáng Ngắn Ao Thun Gan Ké Soc Tay Áo Thun Gắn Dáng Ngắn Ao Kiéu Vai Rayon CO
Kẻ Sọc Ngắn Tay Xép Ly Xếp Ly Dáng Ngắn Cé Tron Ngan Tay Mở Tay Lửng 3/4 PERCE OR ae Phe 88 oe 244 S48 vvÐ,
ĐỒ MẶC NGOÀI „ 188.000 VND 195.000 VND 195 000 VND wo
QUẦN x -03Aug 2023 03 Aug 2023 Limited Offer T¡ 023
Hk eae (ITH KE 017) 286 03 Aug 2023
Figure 1: Website of Uniqlo Vietnam For order and payment functions, in terms of delivery options, customers can choose between two methods: delivery to the address or pick up directly at the store
Đặt mua thêm 1.011.000 VND (bao gồm VAT), hoặc chọn hình thức Click & Collect, đế được miễn phí giao hàng
@ Giao Đán Địa Chỉ Phí vận chuyển: 50.000 VND
Miễn pao oo hang áp dụng cho đơn hàng giao tận noi t 1.500.000VND và tất cả các đơn nhận tại cửa hang (click & &
Contech), “yeu khi ấn Thanh Toán, các sản phám đã chọn sẽ được giữ ở giỏ hàng trong vòng 30 phút
Click & Collect
Phi van chuyến: MIỄN PHÍ
Mừng khai trương UNIQLO THE LOOP IPH, từ 20.07 - 02.08.2023, với bất kỳ đơn hàng sử dụng dịch vụ Click &
Collect (pat Online va Nhan hang tai các cứa hàng) chọn nhận hàng tai UNIQLO THE LOOP IPH, tang ma giám giá 100.000VND cho đơn hàng tiếp theo tir 1.000 one Mién phí giao hàng áp dụng cho đơn hàng giao tận nơi tị ,500,000VND và tắt cả các đơn nhận tại cửa hàng (click &
Collect).Đặt hàng trực tuyến và nhận tại cửa hàng, vui lòng đợi email khi kiện hàng đã đén cửa hàng đã chọn
Figure 2: Uniqlo's shipping methods
Trang 142.3 Available payment methods
Although Uniglo has been developing the Uniqlo online store in Vietnam for nearly
2 years, the payment problem is still limited when Uniglo only supports 3 forms of payment
as follows:
e Payment on delivery
e International credit/debit cards (Visa, Master Card, JCB)
e ATM card
2.4 Uniqlo Vietnam Analysis
2.4.1 Uniqlo’s Business Model
UNIQLO is able to produce such an amazing number of unique products because
our business model unifies the entire clothes-making process from planning and design
through production, distribution, and retail UNIQLO'’s market share is expanding
worldwide as it develops radical new materials together with the world's best fabric
technology innovators and creates basic designs using superior natural materials UNIQLO
LifeWear is high-quality, innovative clothing that is universal in design and comfort It is made for everyone, everywhere UNIQLO leverages today's increasingly digital world to communicate directly with customers and quickly transform their desires into actual products
Trang 15Merchandising: The merchandising team plays a vital role in the product creation process, from product planning through production Deciding product lineups and
merchandisers communicate closely with R&D, the production department, and
Trang 16other divisions to determine the designs and materials required for each season's products They also manage the launches of our strategic products in close
cooperation with other key departments Many UNIQLO products are manufactured
in lots of approximately 1 million units, and the merchandising department monitors the latest sales conditions, issuing instructions to either increase or decrease production during the season a key responsibility of the team
Development & Procurement Materials: UNIQLO can secure stable, high-volume
supplies of top-quality materials at low cost by negotiating directly with materials manufacturers worldwide Utilizing our economies of scale enables us to achieve more favorable terms than any other manufacturer The materials used for our core items are particularly important Our in-depth research and experimentation generates improvements in the functionality, feel, silhouette, and texture of our clothes For example, we work closely with Kaihara Corporation to source denim
to specific spinning standards and dyeing specifications We also partner with world-leading synthetic fiber manufacturer Toray Industries to create innovative new fibers and materials such as the ones found in our HEATTECH range Production Network: UNIQLO does not own any factories Instead, we outsource the production of almost all our products to factories outside Japan We have built strong relationships of trust with our partner factories over many years, and hold annual conventions to promote dialogue with factory managers Our monitoring programs at our sewing factories and major fabric suppliers help to prevent human rights violations and to ensure good working environments and management frameworks in the making of our products When required, we help factories
implement improvements UNIQLO continues to produce high-quality products by
maintaining win-win relationships with partner factories As we expand our global sales, we continue to grow our partner factory network in countries like Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and India
Production Department: We assign production department members, who manage product quality and production progress, and Takumi (skilled artisans) to production offices in Shanghai, Ho Chi Minh City, Dhaka, Jakarta, and Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore) Production office representatives visit factories weekly to resolve any
Trang 17issues The production department swiftly addresses any quality concerns raised by customers and implements improvements if required
- Marketing: Each season, UNIQLO conducts promotional campaigns for core
products such as HEATTECH, Ultra Light Down, AlRism, and Bra Tops During
the campaigns, UNIQLO advertises the products’ unique qualities and features through TV commercials and online ads In Japan, we use UNIQLO apps, email,
social media, and flyers delivered with newspapers to notify customers about limited-period discounts, typically of 20-30%, on new seasonal ranges
- E-commerce: Our e-commerce operation is growing increasingly important as more customers shop both online and in stores In FY2022, online sales accounted for approximately 16% of total sales (16.2% in Japan, 20% in the Greater China region, North America and Europe, and 10% in Southeast Asia & Oceania) We intend to further expand integrated store and e-commerce services that enable customers to shop conveniently when and how it best suits them, and to strengthen our role as an
information-sharing platform through UNIQLO Live Station and other services
- Customer Center: Our customer centers analyze huge volumes of customer requests Customer feedback helps us improve core products, develop new products, and enhance services We have also adopted the latest Al, chatbot, and voice-recognition technology, enabling convenient communication with our customers through phone, email, chat, and other channels In FY2022, we revised the size range of our wireless bras and started selling Ultra Light (previously known as Kando) jackets and pants for women based on customer feedback
2.4.2 Analysis of the current situation of the external environment of the enterprise General fashion - apparel market situation
Market recovers with steady growth
According to Statista's report, it is expected that the Vietnamese fashion market will reach 1.88 billion by 2023 and the CAGR of 2023-2027 is 11.36%, the number of users is expected to reach over 46 million people in 2027 The forecast throughout from 2023 -
2027 shows that this market will grow continuously in terms of revenue, number of users and frequency of consumption with stable growth, not too high Although showing signs
Trang 18of being saturated, fashion, especially clothing products, is still one of the most bought items
aus =
a FT] LÌ
2017 2018 2019
@ Accessories @ Apparel Footwear
Figure 4: Report on revenue forecast of fashion industry in Vietnam from 2017 to 2027 Offline is still the main buying channel, paralleling the growth of online sales According to Statista's report, it is expected that by 2027, the rate of purchases through stores and offline points of sale will be 75.3% and through online channels will be 24.7% Online channels grow steadily with about 1% - 1.5% throughout 2023-2027 It can
be seen that the implementation of multi-channel sales of many brands and fashion stores has brought positive results, ensuring the stability of both online and offline channels In particular, online shopping via phone is more and more popular, so businesses need to change and optimize the user experience right on mobile devices
Trang Market Segment
Currently Uniqlo's target market is both men and women, between the ages of 18-
40 The brand targets people who are trying to find clothes that are trendy, casual and comfortable Uniglo also targets the working class, middle and upper class by psychological segment to expand its business
Uniglo's brand message encapsulates a clear vision: "Uniqlo is a modern Japanese company that inspires the world in the everyday clothing segment." The company's strategy, instead of following fast fashion trends like other competitors, focuses on the brand philosophy of "make for all" Contrary to its name: Uniqlo, its clothing emphasizes simplicity, essential products, universal, allowing wearers to blend them with their own style & personality
In Vietnam, Uniqlo Vietnam Company will continue to expand the market in the southern provinces, especially in Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh; continued to penetrate strongly in the central and northern regions Promote and develop business on e-commerce platforms: website, social network, online shopping application Strongly hit Vietnamese cultural factors and continue to spread the message of sustainable development to retain and attract target customers
lncome Min 5 millions VND
Trang 21Buying Love the convenience, fast, well taken care of when buying Ch
There is no product | need to buy
The material Is sơoft, dod
Baby not Irritate the skin, ¬
characters, shirt patterr
with striking colors and Brand Positioning
- Towards a minimalist dress style
Trang 22- Clear and different - Stand out from the competition
- Creating endless
- Experience inside the store (wide, comfortable space, creating diverse product effects)
2.4.3 Analysis of the current state of the environment inside the business Enterprise business activities
After nearly 3 years in Vietnam, Uniqlo has developed 30 stores and an online shopping application Vietnam is also one of the potential markets in Asia, bringing in significant revenue and good financial position
The main goal of 2023 is to open more stores, increase the number of products produced in Vietnam, and train human resources As such, Uniglo Vietnam has been implementing a strong trade promotion plan, boosting business activities across the country 4P Analysis Product
- Uniqlo is a high-quality fashion and apparel brand, present in many markets around the world with basic products from: men's and women's fashion, children's and
a modern, durable and affordable design In order to continue to develop and grow
in the Vietnamese market, products need to meet more needs of consumers from expectations, styles, designs, and functions while still having an affordable price tag in line with the income of the target customer groups:
- Continuing to provide products for all audiences with different functions by technology of Heattech, UV Cut, AlRism
- Create new products/collections suitable for the Vietnamese market: autumn- winter, office,
- Implement after-sales services and customer care: exchange/return, consulting, online payment and delivery, accumulate points
Trang 23- Develop online stores through websites, online shopping platforms, and reach out
to other provinces/cities across the country
- Improve service in stores by training high-quality service staff to help customers have a better experience
- Implement projects and campaigns to recycle products, raise funds to raise consumer awareness with sustainable social activities Price
- This is one of the very important factors to compete in the Vietnamese market According to the survey, currently the prices at Uniqlo Vietnam store range from VND 149,000 to VND 3,999,000 To create price competitiveness, Uniglo Vietnam has:
- Applying automation technology in production to reduce costs and create reasonable prices
- Cooperate with suppliers and transporters to optimize costs and reduce final costs
- Offer short-term discounts to attract customers and capture market share Place
- Concentrate production in factories in Vietnam
- Promote purchases through online stores to cope with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic when consumers are increasingly inclined to shop online
- Building a strict goods control and monitoring system at the warehouse to bring goods to the right place at the right time and quickly handle inventory, reducing logistics costs
- Set up shipping service to customers
Strategic partnership Third-party outsourcing, Distribution system 2000 stores worldwide,
with innovative and growing in South and by region, mainly in covering Asia, Europe,
high-quality Japanese Southeast Asia with 242 Asia America manufacturers workshops in 11 countries
Figure 7: Uniqlo's product distribution process Promotion
Entering the digital era, fashion brand Uniqlo uses a variety of methods to advertise the brand and convey the campaign This includes using a unique in-store environment, finding a famous brand ambassador, digital marketing or collaborating with a famous designer
In-store environment:
One of Uniglo's primary methods of brand communication is for customers to experience the in-store environment Through wide aisles, bright lighting, neatly stacked shelves and beautiful displays create a comfortable and welcoming shopping experience for customers There are also many digital displays in the stores that explain the practical benefits of fabrics and garments
Uniqlo Ambassadors:
Similar to many global brands, Uniqlo also uses celebrity imagery to expand the brand's image and connect with the masses Uniqlo currently has 6 Global Ambassadors, all of whom are unknowns in the field of sports such as tennis, skiing, golf
In 2021, officially announced the legendary comic character Doraemon will take on the role of Global Ambassador for Sustainable Development of the brand Appearing with the Uniqlo logo and green color, this version of Doraemon will help Uniqlo convey the sustainable message of “Changing our future through the power of clothing” in many different ways
Trang 25Smart digital marketing strategy
Uniqlo implements many communication campaigns on various platforms: Tik Tok, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, One of the famous ca mpaigns of Uniglo fashion brand is Uniqlock, a company The site's tool simulates the watch
The 2019 international campaign #UTPlayYourWorld also follows in the footsteps
of Uniqlock, partnering with TikTok to encourage customers to wear Uniglo's outfits and
"show off" them through short videos They are then shown in stores
In Vietnam, Uniqlo also carried out many campaigns to spread the message of
sustainability with many famous people (H'Hen Nié, Quoc Co - Quoc Nghiep, Chau Bui,
Giang Oi, Helly Tong, The Mango family, .) In April this year, Uniqlo also launched the campaign "Together We Evolve: Uniqlo Saigon Center" - a unique mark to express our sincere thanks to the people and communities in Ho Chi Minh City for their support embrace it and make LifeWear a part of your life The campaign is also a tribute to the unique culture and spirit of openness, constantly transforming towards the future of the city
Collaborate with designers:
Uniqlo collaborated with designers to create unique styles: In 2008 Uniqlo collaborated with designer Alexander Wang to create a collection of five-piece dresses;
2017 with the Autumn-Winter collection in collaboration with J.W Anderson or the 5th anniversary of cooperation in 2022 with the inspiration of "Modern British Style"; 2020 in collaboration with designer Hana Tajima with the theme "Put your own story on",
By partnering with global designers, Uniqlo is also able to gain faster access to markets where Uniqlo brand awareness is weaker, such as in the US and European markets
Trang 26Business manager Regional director
| Directors of functional departments |
Global employee
Figure 8: The organizational structure of the company Uniqlo (Source: Uniqlo
Handbook of Organizational Culture 2012)
Trang 272.4.4 SWOT Analysis
Table 4: Uniqlo SWOT analysis
- High brand value, clear developme
orientation: Uniqlo is not a fast fashi
brand Uniqlo is about clothes f
environmentally friendly business ima
in Vietnam
- As an enterprise that performs 1
following stages: design - production
distribution - retail This gives th
advantage of brand exclusivity in t
company's products
- Uniqlo focuses on professional traini
of human resources at its stores, in oi
to bring the best quality of service
- Customer care center always listens
analyzes feedbacks and requests f
customers in order to improve quality 4
provide timely solutions for businesses
- Uniglo constantly innovates in produ
materials with improvements in texti
technology and pursues minimalist des)
with high-quality fabrics
- In terms of communication, the Unig brand creates a bad image for Vietnam customers because of the image of cow's tongue line on the Chinese vers
of the website
- There is no high recognition ar reminiscent of the brand through t products due to the simple design
- The ability to retail online is still poc compared to other companies in |
expanding the supply chain
Trang 28- Promote the field of Research a
Development (R&D) to always prompt
meet customer needs
- Uniqlo is able to secure a large supply
quality raw materials at low cost {
negotiating directly with global supplier
- Having an inventory control system
help maintain the best inventory levels
the stores, avoiding shortages of good
- Developing Uniqlo's own website a
shopping application
- We are living in an era of growin
technology, an era where most purcha Therefore,
are made through the internet Focus
on developing a sales website will h¢
the experience for the company's custome
- After 2 years of the pandem
Vietnamese people's income is gradu
improving and young people's sense
responsibility for fashion products a
the environment is increasing As ares
the trend of using sustainable fashion
increasing And Uniglo is currently one
sustainable fashion in the world
in order to attract mo customers, Uniqlo must constantly upd and keep up with trends
customers have too many choices, ad¢
similarity between designs of differe' brands, customers’ brand loyalty w decrease
- Strong fashion brands with billions VND in daily revenue in Vietnam such | Zara, H&M, Elise, Hnoss will be a b
Trang 29
platforms tends to develop strong
marketing and promotion campaig
through platforms such as Facebo
Tiktok, Youtube, to attract mor
Momo wallet is an e-wallet application launched in 2014 in Vietnam With a mission to help users make financial transactions easily and quickly, Momo has become one of the most popular e-wallet apps among Vietnamese users with 76.23% of consumers choosing Momo is its main form of electronic payment (According to Statistic, 2022) Momo wallet allows users to make transactions in just a few clicks Users can load money into Momo wallet through banks, credit cards, e-wallets or receive money from others through the "Share money" function Transaction confirmation is usually done via OTP code or fingerprint, increasing security for users The Momo application also continuously offers promotions and incentives to encourage users to use it regularly Some of the standout features of Momo include:
- Transfer money to others via phone number
- Recharge mobile phone, buy mobile card code
- Pay bills for electricity, water, landlines, cable TV, internet
- Buy movie tickets, online games, online TV
- Book air tickets, bus tickets, train tickets, VETC
Consumers can use Momo with peace of mind with the assurance of information security and money in the account with the following certifications:
- Link and secure banking at 40 banks
- Multi-layered security
- Highest level PCI DSS global security Currently, Momo has covered all provinces and cities in Vietnam, able to meet most of life's needs 24/7 with:
Trang 31More than 30 million users
More than 50 thousand business partners
More than 140 thousand payment acceptance points
3.2 Introduce about MoMo for Business (M4B)
M4B (MoMo for Business) is a portal dedicated to businesses A place to manage all aspects of your Business Profile, from legal, reporting, Marketing, financial, to Technical Integrations
Businesses connecting with Momo can use various forms of integration such as: Payment on PC/Mobile Website: Each payment transaction via MoMo on the partner's website will generate a corresponding QR Code Customers only need to have a MoMo Wallet and use the "Scan payment code" function
to make payments
Payment on Mobile App: After the customer selects a product/service on the Enterprise's App and chooses to pay with MoMo, the system will automatically open the MoMo application to pay Customers will use their MoMo Wallet to confirm payment and complete the transaction
Payment at the counter via QR Code: Each business will be provided with a dynamic/static QR code by MoMo to place at the payment counter Customers will use their MoMo Wallet to scan the QR code of the Enterprise
at the counter, then enter the corresponding payment amount to complete the transaction
Payment at the counter via Scanner POS Payment: After the customer selects products/services at the Company's store and chooses to pay with MoMo The cashier will use 01 scanner to scan the payment code on the Customer's MoMo App to complete the transaction
Currently, for business accounts in M4B, there are 4 types depending on the type of business and business needs, divided by Momo with its own features including:
Table 5: Types of M4B account
Trang 326 Integration: integrated information
7 Settings: change environment, manage sub-accounts
8 Support request: create a support request
the password (depending on whether the owner Merchant account is authorized or not)
2 Add phone number to receive notifications exclusively for static QR code flow
2 Transaction management: view transactions, export transactions, refund (depending on whether the owner Merchant account is decentralized or not)
3 Payment integration: view integrated information (depending on whether the owner Merchant account is decentralized or not)
Trang 33MoM Total account 1 Account information: edit password, email;
merchant) | subsidiaries
(Partners need
to contact MoMo to be provided with this account)
M4B is an extremely convenient, easy-to-manage and highly secure business solution Currently, many large enterprises and small retail stores are cooperating and managing payments via M4B
3.3 The reason for integrating MoMo
Electronic payments have been popular since before COVID-19 Under the impact
of the pandemic, the trend of cashless payments continues to explode and grow strongly
As one of the emerging economies in Southeast Asia, Vietnam has a lot of potential for strong development of e-payments According to Statista, the total transaction value of this sector is forecast to reach 15 billion USD in 2021 with an expected annual growth rate
of 15.7% in 2025 Especially, the e-wallet market continues to grow boom in Vietnam According to a recent Visa survey, 85% of survey respondents have at least one e-wallet
or payment app 71% use these apps at least once a week
Momo wallet makes it easy for customers to make payments with high security that meets PCI-DSS standards, customers can make online payment transactions and manage their finances anywhere there is internet and completely free with discount codes, great deals every day Especially when using momo wallet, customers easily monitor their account activity, quickly detect any fraudulent activity or threat to their account before it can pose a risk In addition, Momo wallet has continuously received many awards, increasingly gaining the trust of millions of customers
Trang 34Because of the success and popularity of the Momo e-wallet, the team realized that the Momo e-wallet is a form of payment that is suitable for Uniqlo Vietnam fashion brand
as well as market trends and customer needs
4.1 Terms and conditions of MoMo integration for businesses
4.1.1 Terms of business to comply with MoMo's intellectual property rights
All trademarks, logos, service marks and all other intellectual property rights of any kind (whether registered or not), and all information, design, documentation, graphics, software, images, video, music, sound, software complexes, source code and underlying software related to MoMo (collectively, “Intellectual Property Rights”) is the property and will always be the property of MoMo and other organizations/agents authorized by MoMo (if any)
All Intellectual Property Rights are protected by Vietnamese copyright laws and international conventions All rights reserved Except as expressly permitted in the General Terms published by MoMo, Business Partners may not use, edit, publish, reproduce, translate, perform derivative works from, distribute or otherwise otherwise use, reuse, copy, modify, or otherwise disclose the Intellectual Property Rights in any manner without MoMo's prior written consent
The Partner shall not assist or facilitate any third party's use of the Intellectual Property Rights in any manner that would constitute an infringement of intellectual property and/or related rights other by MoMo Refunds
The Partner agrees to indemnify MoMo and related parties of MoMo and warrant that MoMo and related parties of MoMo are harmless from all losses, claims, demands, claims, legal proceedings, costs (including, but not limited to, legal costs) and liabilities that may be incurred or given to MoMo and its related parties arising out of or in connection with:
- The Partner's use of the Product/Service (or any part thereof);
- The Partner's violation of the General Terms;
Trang 36- The Partner's violation of any applicable law or regulation, including, but not limited to, laws and regulations relating to anti-money laundering, counter- terrorism financing and proceeds of violation breaking the law Limitation of Liability
In no event will MoMo (including employees, Transaction Points, officers or affiliates of MoMo) be liable to the Partner for any loss, damage, liability and expense for any cause of action resulting from the use of, or inability to use, the Products/Services unless MoMo (including its employees, Transaction Points, officers or affiliates) of MoMo) has made a mistake
Under no circumstances will M_Service be liable for any indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages arising out of or resulting from the use of, or inability
to use, the Products/Services
To the extent permitted by law, the Partner agrees that MoMo (including employees, Transaction Points, officers or affiliates of MoMo) will not be liable for any loss or damage , liability and/or costs incurred by the Partner as a result of unauthorized access
to MoMo's servers, interface, MoMo's website, Partner's device and/or data whether by accident or b y illegal or unauthorized means such as unauthorized access or other reason: beyond MoMo's control
MoMo will not be responsible for the failure or delay in performing its obligations under the TermsShared due to force majeure circumstances beyond MoMo's reasonable control, including, but not limited to, natural disasters, storms, thunderstorms, virus
telecommunications network failure Other noticeable rules
If any provision of the General Terms is determined to be illegal or unenforceable, MoMo will amend or waive that provision, and such determination will not affect the remaining provisions of the General Terms, and the General Terms will remain in full force and effect
Trang 37The Partner may not assign its rights under the General Terms without MoMo's prior written consent MoMo may assign its rights under these General Terms without the prior written consent of the User
Disputes between Partner and Third Party: MoMo does not have any related
information for Partner and Third Party to resolve together The Partner and the Third Party must directly resolve all issues related to the Partner and the Third Party's transactions MoMo reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove any part of the General Terms at any time or from time to time in its sole discretion Changes will be effective immediately upon posting without prior notice If the Partner does not agree with the changed content, it may terminate the use of the Product/Service If the Partner continues
to use the Product/Service after the changes to the General Terms are posted, it means that the Partner has accepted those changes
4.1.2 Required profile
To register for MoMo payment integration, businesses need to have a MoMo Business account and declare business information Currently, there are two ways to declare, with the following documents to prepare:
- For Online business enterprises: Enterprises need standard Website Link, Ministry
of Industry and Trade registration link, Business registration license, Tax payment registration certificate, CCCD/ID card of business household owner, business owner In addition, if the business is in specific fields such as healthcare or education, some other documents are required
- For offline businesses: The business needs an image of the business establishment (both inside and outside the store, address image, brand image, .), business registration license, registration certificate to submit tax, CCCD/ID of business owner or householder and other documents upon request Some small business households that are not required by law to have a business registration license do not need to submit the application
Trang 384.1.3 Technical requirements (Applicable to Uniqlo website)
Table 6: Compatibility for Uniqlo to integrate MoMo
1 API (MoMo Payment Platform) and SDK crea
The website has tested test cases in the Test enviror
provided by MoMo to check for errors before using
official Production environment
The phone number used to register for an M4B acc
(MoMo for Business is a portal dedicated to busines
A place where businesses can manage all aspects o}
Business Profile, from legal information, to repo
The name of the payment method will be displayed a
MoMo on the company's website and paym
instructions for customers
Enterprise prepares document:
Sign up for a Business MoMo account and save
Partner code, Secret key and Access key informatio!
Enterprises are eligible for registration (Check registration license at the Ministry of Industr
Trang 39Some API configuration information:
Use the request type as linkVvallet
HTTP Request uses the command: POST /v2/gateway/api/create
The requested data on MoMo includes: HTTP request, payment product information, customer information
MoMo returns results via: returnUrl and notifyUrl (2 urls of the Server to which MoMo will send HTTP Response containing payment information
Table 7: The data MoMo returns (API)
Trang 40
Format: timestamp
Signature to confirm information Secy transaction in Hmac_SHA256 algorithm w format: a String sort all key name of data fi from a-z:
&orderld=$orderld&orderlnfo=$orderlnfo& order Type=$order Type&partnerClientld=$