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thomson world link 1 developing english fluency workbook

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Trang 2

Lesson A | Meeting new people

Ce Cee eee eee eee eee (ốc Cố ốc ốc 75 ˆ

1 Vocabulary Workout

A) Complete the form with your own information Draw your picture in the box


New Member Form

2 Unit 1 * New Friends, New Faces

Trang 3

./ Conversation Workout

Number the conversation

to put it in order

It’s nice to meet you

I’m from Korea I’m a student at the Art Academy What do you do?

So, where are you from, Yong-jun?

1 Hi My name is Miguel I'm in English 3

I’m Mexican

Nice to meet you, too

I work in a restaurant I'm a chef

Hi, Miguel 'm Yong-jun I’m in English 2

Now write two conversations with students in your class

1 You:

Your classmate: You:

Your classmate: You:

Your classmate: You:

Trang 4

B) Match the questions (1-8) and answers (a—h)

2 Is Ms Chao your teacher? _ b No, she doesn't

3 Are James and Nancy funny?_— _ c Yes, they do 4 Does Francisco live in Miami?_— d No, I’m not

5 Do Mr and Mrs Suarez have a new baby? _ e Yes, he is

7 Does Lisa drive a car? _ g Yes, he does

8 Are you from Canada? h Yes, we do @ Unscramble the words to make questions Then write true answers

1 (you / do / where / live) ?

3 (live / who / you / with / do) ? 4 (weekends / you / what / do / do / on) ?

4 Unit 1 * New Friends, New Faces

Trang 5

_» New Friends, New Faces

Lesson B | What does he look like?

Trang 6

2 Redding & Writing

@ Read these e-mail messages

Date: April 16 Subject: Mr Ryder’s visit

ePID SE 77G, 211/440 NET ER mre og ae OIE

Dear Mr Peters,

Please meet Mr James Ryder at the airport at 11:00 tomorrow His flight is UA238 from

Los Angeles He is a tall man in his sixties with gray hair, and he wears big glasses His meeting W with the Marketing Department is at 4:00 Thank you

Date: April 16 Subject: Plans for tomorrow

SESE SEE IS EB A EEE NU EE RC ee eg 5 ar ~

Hi Karen,

Thanks so much for meeting my brother at the airport tomorrow Please tell him I finish work at 3:00 His name is David, he’s 32, and he looks a lot like me (short, heavyset, clean-shaven, curly brown hair) He’s coming at 11:00 on flight AA397 from Toronto Let’s have dinner tomorrow night!

¬1 INBox Parasia pee sl aka vee Pr FORWARD X DELETE Q BLOCK

Date: April 16 Subject: Car problems again!

eee op 2 RR cna ROR a


HELP! Can you meet my friend Tom at the airport tomorrow? My car has big problems and | can’t

drive it Tom is coming on flight KX661 from Denver at 11:00 He’s average height and kind of thin,

with long blond hair and a mustache Thanks a million!


6 Unit 1 * New Friends, New Faces

Trang 7

® Look at this

picture Write the number of the e-mail message in the correct circle There are three

extra circles

@ Read and complete the descriptions with has, is, or wears

My favorite actress is Angela Rios She (1) _ beautiful, long, black hair She (2) _ average height, and average weight She (3) big, brown eyes ‘She (4) very young I think she

(5) _ in her twenties

Michael Davis is a fantastic writer He (6) _ in his thirties He (7) _very tall and thin He

(8) _ short, curly, brown hair He (9) a beard and a mustache He (10) blue eyes, and he

(11) _ glasses I think he’s very handsome!

® Now write a description of a famous person

Lesson B * What does he look like? Z

Trang 8

Example: Things that make me feel happy: warm weather, flowers, playing with children

1 Things that make me feel happy:

2 Things that make me feel bored:

3 Things that make me feel angry:

4 Things that make me feel nervous:

5 Things that make me feel sad:

© How do you show your feelings? Unscramble these words

(ân Complete the sentences

This movie is very long and not very interesting I feel

The salesman was rude to Estela Now she feels Saying goodbye to my friends makes me feel

ve PN

Before I go to the dentist, I always feel

8 Uni2s Express Yourself

Trang 9


Conversation Workout

@ Write these expressions in the correct spaces on the line

® Complete the conversations Use your own ideas

1 Barbara: Hi, Lisa

[have to go to the dentist tomorrow

Trang 10

& Language Workout

® What are they doing? Write sentences Follow the example

Tyrone is doing his homework now He isn’t watching TV

3 Antonio talk on the phone wv work hard 4 Dave v play soccer study math

5 Mr and Mrs Brown v wash the dishes have fun

@ Now write your own sentences

Jane: 1 (2: work) in an office And I

(3: study) computer science in the evening

Paula: You're really busy!

Jane: That's for sure! And in my free time, I (4: learn)

Spanish for my vacation I (5: plan) a trip to Mexico next year

Paula: What about your brothers? How (6: they, do) ?

father in his business, and Adam (9: go) to Pacific University 10 Unit 2 s Express Yourself

Trang 11

1 Vocabulary & Language Workout

A) Match the sentence parts Write the letter of the answer on the line

1 Crossing your fñngers_ _ a to point

3 People bow to say hello_ — _ c you close one eye

4 People shake hands d it means “I don’t know” in some countries

5 Weuse our fingers_ — _ e when they meet someone new

6 People wave f in some Asian countries

7 When you shrug g to say goodbye

® What do you do? Complete the sentences with information that is true for you

2 When I meet a female friend, I

3 When I want to say “Good luck!” I

@ Answer the questions Use object pronouns

Example: Do you like cats? I like them a lot OR I like them a little OR I don’t like them 1 Do you like ice cream?

Trang 12

2 Reqding & Writing

& Read this article about gestures in three countries

Know Before You Go!

@ Bangladesh

People greet their friends by shaking hands softly and then

putting their hands over their heart

People in Bangladesh don’t use

Many gestures Waving at people and winking are very rude Don't

touch people on the head Don't

point with your foot—Bangladeshi

People think feet are very dirty

Ì @® mdonesia

Indonesians greet people with a

long handshake, and they bow at

the same time Ata meeting, give

every person your business card,

but use your right hand—using your left hand is very rude

3 People give business cards

4 There are rules about touching 5 Don’t wave at people here

6 There aren't many hand gestures

7 People don’t wink

8 Don't use your left hand here

12 Unit2 s Express Yourself


Trang 13

@ Read the paragraph and circle the correct answer

My country is the United Arab Emirates

(1: We / Us) have some special gestures

When two men meet, (2: they / them) shake

hands Sometimes old men touch noses together Women kiss (3: their / them) friends on the

cheek If a man meets a woman, he doesn’t

shake hands with (4: she / her) (5: He / Him)

just smiles When you give your friend a drink

or a paper, give it to (6: he / him) with your

right hand Don’t use your left hand And don’t point at people with your finger Use your hand

to gesture towards (7: they / them) ® Write about gestures in your country

Trang 14

© Cross out the word that's different Then write why it's different

The others are meat

1 apples oranges grapes potatoes

4 eggs lettuce tomatoes corn

Trang 15

3 Conversation Workout

@ Number the conversation to put it in order

Okay What about snacks? Do we need any? We need some drinks Buy soda and coffee Okay I’m going to the store See you later

I'm making a shopping list for the class party We have cake What else do we need?

© Now write three new conversations

No, we don’t We have chips and cookies

vegetables: tomatoes, onions 3

drinks: *soda,*lemonade ——— —~


2 Toshi: Leo: Toshi: Leo: Toshi:

Trang 16

3 ‘Language Workout

A) What's on the table? Write the count and

noncount items in the correct list

Noncount: some milk

@® Fill in some or any

1 I want to buy new CDs 6 There aren’t mountains in my country 2 Do you have brothers or sisters? 7 Please get toothpaste at the drugstore

3 José is reading interesting books “8 Does Mrs Yoon have children?

4 My city has very old buildings 9 I can’t make a cake There isn’t milk

5 Do you want ice cream? 10 Can I have coffee, please?

@ Correct one mistake in each sentence

1 I’m sorry, I don’t have some money with me today

2 We have some tomatoes and some corns for the salad 3 I'll go to the store and buy any soda

4 Do we have some soap in the bathroom?

16 Unit 3 * What Do We Need?

Trang 17

B) What's in your city? Write sentences about these stores Use some, any, many, or a lot

Example: drugstores There aren’t many drugstores in my city

Trang 18

#4 Reading & Writing

@ Read the shopping guide


lot of cool new cameras, cell phones, and even computers You can buy many things

for your house The clothes are great, but the prices are crazy! Everything is very expensive, but the clerks are very friendly and helpful

Gracy’s Department Store

Gracy’s Department Store has some nice clothes for your parents, but there aren’t

many things for young people The prices are very low Don’t shop for electronics

here—there are just a few cameras, and there aren't any TVs or computers The Music

Department is great They have many new rock CDs, and they also have some jazz and world music

Prices: $$$ Service: ©

B) Circle true (T) or false (F) Rewrite the false sentences to make them true

lộ" Fi Gracy’s has trendy clothes

4.T F Gracy’s has a good electronics department

5 E F Metro sells computers

6 T E You can buy cameras at Gracy's iF F Metro’s prices are very low

Trang 19

Ss Read about Payton's Department Store and circle the correct word

Write about a department store in your city or another city What do they sell? What is your favorite department?

Trang 20


5 You can mail letters here (two words)

6 You can buy food for dinner here

9 You can color your hair here (two words) —— 2

10 You can wash your clothes here |

11 You can read your e-mail here (two words)

14 You can get books here

15 a part of a street

1 You can change money here

2 You can see new movies here (two words)

4 You can buy toothpaste here

7 , where is the post office?”

(two words)

8 a plan of a city or a place 12 You can go dancing here

13 You can exercise here

20 Unit 4 + Around the World

Trang 21

SẺ Conversation Workout

@ Look at the map and complete the conversations 1 A: Where can I check my e-mail?

B: There’s one across from the post office

3 A: Where’s the library?

Visitor: Thank you

Lesson A * Places in my city 21

Trang 22


Example: Where is the post office? (on) It’s on Park Avenue

Where is the bus stop? (next)

Where is the high school? (on)


B) Write two sentences for each place Use near, across from, next to, in front of, or between 1 Where is your house?


2 Where is your school?

3 Where is your favorite restaurant?

4 Where is your best friend’s house?

22 Unit 4» Around the World

Trang 23

Around the World

Lesson B | Cities around the world

Complete the sentences

1 like living in a small town Things are not expensive—they’re

© Are these things good or bad in a city? Write them in the correct box Add two more things

very little pollution high cost of living a very large population

affordable prices a lot of public transportation

a lot of traffic high crime

de people are there in your city? 4 parks are there in your city?

Ze traffic is there in your city? ies noise is there in your city?

3 pollution is there in your city? 6 good restaurants are there in your city?

Lesson B ¢ Cities around the world


Trang 24

2 Reqding & Writing

® Read the magazine article

Istanbul is a very unusual city—one part is in

Europe, and the other part is in Asia About 9

million people live there Visitors love Istanbul -

_ because it has many beautiful, old buildings, and

the food is great At night, the seafood restaurants ˆ

- affordable for visitors Traffic is a problem in a

city, because there are too many cars for the Tả ern

‘old streets There are also subways, trains, and buses, and some people take boats to go between the

sometimes very cold abe ae mm 7

those rainy days, and in the evenin,

great restaurants and nightclubs to vi —

Trang 25

Co Read the paragraph Find seven spelling mistakes and correct them

Singapore is a great city for a vacation There

are alot of interesting things to see You can visit

Chinatown and Little India, and go shopping on Orchard Road Singapore also has many good restarants There are some great beaches for swimming naer the city, and the parks are really beutiful The city has very good public

transportion—you can take a bus, train, or subway It’s a safe city, and there isn’t much crime It’s also a clean city There isn’t much polution The only

problem is that Singapore is expensiev

® Write about a city you think is good for a vacation

Lesson B s Cifies dound†theworid 25

Trang 26


Lesson A | How's the weather?

Vocabulary Workout

@ Look at the TV and write sentences about the World TV Network

weather in these cities now Follow the example ; WEATHER UPDATE


Example: Cairo _It’s hot and sunny in Cairo now

Hong Kong

Moscow New York

Rio de Janeiro

@ What's the weather like in your city during these months?

1 January It’s in January 2 April

3 July

26 Unit 5 * Vacation!

Trang 27

Dave: I’m going to Cairo next week What clothes (1) I pack?

Ahmed: Well, it’s really hot You (2) pack lots of T-shirts, and you (3)

take sandals

Dave: What about shorts?


Dave: Okay! Thanks for your advice

© Now write three mew conversations Use should or shouldn't

2 Tokyo / in June

Anne: ?

Takeshi: Well, it’s really rainy

Anne: What about ?



your city / next week


You: Paul:

Lesson A * How's the weather? 27

Trang 28

3 Language Workout

LA) Match the sentence parts Write the letter of the answer on the line

1 Llove soccer, — —_ a but I don’t have any sisters 2 It’s hot in summer, b or would you like to stay in? 3 We can watch a video, c but I don’t like baseball

4 My computer doesn’t work, — d so she always takes the bus 5 Leah can’t drive a car, e but she can’t speak French 6 Ihave three brothers, — f so I'm getting a new one

7 Do you want to go out, —_ g or we can listen to music

8 She speaks Spanish, — _ h so I always wear T-shirts

© Put the sentences together with or, so, or but

Example: There’s no food in the kitchen We can’t have breakfast There’s no food in the kitchen, so we can’t have breakfast 1 It’s really cold today It’s very sunny

@ Finish the sentences using or, so, or but Use your own ideas

Example: I like fish, but I don’t like chicken

1 I’m studying English,

Trang 29

4X Vacation!

oe Lesson B | On vacation

1 Vocabulary & Language Workout

Look at the list and fill in the

Before the orip,


each verb only once : m— anew passport

® Complete the sentences ———————#/%#z Mo my friende 3 ey

Example: Please give the Book to me It’s mine

1 Please give the book to Carlos and Lara It’s

Please give the book te Peter It’s

I'll give the book to you It’s Please give the book te us It’s

Please give the book to Linda It’s

| ———DD



@ Write sentences about the pictures Follow the example

Example: It belongs to Leslie It belongs to her It’s hers

Trang 30

® Read the article

| Travel Smart! @

1 i

Most people plan their vacations very carefully They think a lot about plane tickets, Passports, and hotel reservations

But they often forget

about one important

thing—the weather

You should learn about

the right time to visit your vacation spot Here is

some information to help you plan your next


* Italy The weather is sunny all

year, but it's sometimes cold in winter April and May are

warm and beautiful From June

to September, it's very hot,

* Australia Summer here is from December to April It

sometimes rains, but the

weather is usually very good

In winter, it snows a little in

some places, but most of

Australia isn’t very cold,

* Hong Kong The weather is hot and very humid here a lot

of the year In July and August,

it's sometimes very windy, and

there are bad storms, October and November are warm and not so humid, but in December

and January, it gets very chilly


* Germany From November to

April, the Weather is cold,

cloudy, and snowy In spring,

it's warm, but there’s a lot of

rain July and August are

usually warm and sunny

* India You shouldn't travel to

India from June to September

There is a lot of rain

everywhere, From November :

to April, after the rainy season, the weather is nice and cool

In April and May, it often gets

Trang 31

{ Read the travel tips and fill in should or shouldn't

Travel Tips for Thailand

The weather is hot and humid all year, so you (1) pack sunglasses, T-shirts, and sandals * You (2) buy your plane ticket early Thailand is a very popular place for a vacation,

and the planes are very full

The traffic is very bad and people drive really fast, so you (3)

* You (4)

* You (5)

rent a Car

drink a lot of water and juice to stay cool

take photos outside in the afternoon It’s too sunny and bright

Have fun in Thailand!

LessonB* Onvacation 31

Trang 32

6 John bowling with his friends every week

7 [have a boat Let’s rowing

8 We volleyball with our friends after school

32 Unit 6 + All About You

Trang 33

tạ Conversation Workout

@ Unscramble the sentences to make conversations

1 Andy: (like / you / do / bowling)

Jeff: (it / yes / love / 1)

Andy: (on Saturday / go bowling / do / want / you / to)

Ana: (I ƒ yes ƒ it / love}

Julie: (soccer / do / want J to / play / tomorrow / you)


Ana: (busy sorry ƒ ïƒ cant / I'm)

® Now write new conversations

1 (swimming / tomorrow / pool / in Center Park)

3 (your idea)


Your friend: You:

Your friend: Sure,

Your friend: Sorry,

Lesson B « My favorite pastimes 33

Trang 34

3 Language Workout

@ Underline the infinitives in these sentences Write X if there isn't an infinitive

Examples: I want to buy a car

| X I like small cars

I plan to take a vacation in June _ What do you want to do tonight?

_ Ayako hates cold weather because she loves the beach I don’t like to get up early

_ Jane plans her schedule every week

_ Jun-Ho expects to get a job next summer

I want a new computer

Paul loves to play chess on weekends

10 I love ice cream and cake for dessert

B) Complete the sentences with infinitive forms of verbs from the box

1 Sue wants Australia in November because the weather is good 2 I plan for a new apartment This one is too expensive for me 3 Do you want rowing with me on the lake?

5 Ilove to the school orchestra My friends play in it 6 Omar hates He always eats dinner in restaurants

8 I expect my homework by 7:00 Then we can go out

10 My parents love old movies on TV

C) Write sentences about yourself Use infinitives Follow the example Example: like I like to watch action movies

1 like

2 love

3 hate

Trang 35

, All About You

Lesson B | What are you like?

i Vocabulary Workout

® Complete the words for personal qualities

1 Salma is realy w _ _ _ She studies for six hours every night

2 Writers shouldbe ¢c They should have many interesting ideas

3 Are you _ 3a ee zZ ? Can you find everything in your room?

4 Jared is very s _ - He doesn’t laugh or make jokes

5 people don’t like to do dangerous things

6 My children arevery_mM _ They know how to do most things by themselves 7 Athletes should be Vege v_ They should always try hard to win

8 Alan is too ¡_: 2 - He never makes plans

@ Write descriptions of two friends Write about their personalities and give examples

1 Namc:_ — —_—~ 2" =tription:

Sachiko is very creative -~ Shewrites great stories

>> and she also writes

gongs Sheé also really

ae Description: 7 hardworkingShehasa

= job after school, but she gets very good grades - |

C) Write these time expressions in order of frequency (1-8) Then write a sentence for each one

Follow the example

Example: all the time J wear glasses all the time

Ngày đăng: 22/08/2024, 12:24
