The storytelling subject alsoteaches children to love their homeland, to love the world around them, to lovebeauty, to hate evil , to have an altruistic heart, and to contribute to shapi
Rationale for choosing the topic
Developing Vietnamese and protecting its purity can be said to be a big task for all of us The Vietnamese subject at the elementary level plays an important role; it not only forms and develops skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for students, but the Vietnamese subject also contributes to the development of thinking in other subjects Thinking forms for children include the need to enjoy beauty, the ability to feel emotions before beauty, sadness, joy, love, and hate of people.
Storytelling is an important subject in the Vietnam program at Primary School Through storytelling classes, children have the opportunity to develop their language, expand their literary capital, and develop their imagination as well as their dreams and ambitions about life Very interesting and attractive storytelling spans from grade 1 to grade 5 and is often welcomed and absorbed by students with an excited mood, because it has changed the atmosphere of the classroom, helping them relax after lessons It helps students have a better mentality for the following lessons to improve teaching effectiveness The storytelling subject also teaches children to love their homeland, to love the world around them, to love beauty, to hate evil , to have an altruistic heart, and to contribute to shaping the world into your human personality.
Storytelling is not only a powerful means of intellectual, moral, and aesthetic education, but it also has a tremendous impact on students' language development. Storytelling helps students practice speaking skills and develop coherent language. Coherent language is a unique, complete, and highly effective universal means of communication.
Storytelling is attractive and has such an important role Unfortunately,nowadays a large number of teachers still take it lightly and do not spend enough time on storytelling lessons Some teachers believe that storytelling depends largely on talent Whoever has the talent will teach well and have good students. Those perceptions of teachers have led to the limited quality of storytelling lessons. Besides, students' awareness of the role of storytelling in life is still at a small level, and they do not pay enough attention and time to practice storytelling That is the reason why the effectiveness of storytelling teaching hours is not high, and the result of training for students is not good.
Therefore, in the process of training 5th-grade Vietnamese students, helping them improve their storytelling skills is an indispensable job for every classroom teacher.
Aim of research
The reason I chose the 5th grade program is because: Storytelling in the Vietnamese 5th grade program is a difficult subject for teachers and students.
In grade 4 they can memorize, summarize and tell the story more completely than in grades 1, 2 and 3 Therefore, it is necessary to focus on training and molding children, making them interested in learning to form storytelling skills in a scientific way.
I focused on proposing principles for developing storytelling exercises for 5th graders and designing the types of exercises used in Storytelling for 5th graders.
Research tasks
Some points explain the reason I chose the 5th-grade program to do the research One of those points we can see is that the storytelling subject in the 5th- grade Vietnamese program is a difficult subject for teachers and students.
In grade 4, children can remember summaries and retell stories more completely than in grades 1, 2, and 3 Therefore, we must focus on training and correcting them, making them interested in learning To develop scientific storytelling skills.
In this research, I will focus on proposing principles for building storytelling exercises for 5th-grade students and designing exercise types used in theStorytelling subject for 5th-grade students.
Participants of study
Current status of learning storytelling for 5th-grade students.
Teaching method Storytelling for 5th grade students.
Research scope
Teachers and students of grade 5 in Hanoi
Theoretical research method: Analyze and synthesize Vietnamese teaching issues, and to propose appropriate storytelling exercises for 5th-grade students.
Structure of the study
Chapter 1: Theoretical and practical basis for teaching storytelling to 5th grade students.
Chapter 2: Exercises in extension activities of storytelling for 5th grade.Chapter 3: Evaluation and Recommendations
Overview of teaching Storytelling for 5th grade
Teaching storytelling to 5th graders has many advantages in terms of children's education and development Here are some benefits of using this method:
Develop language skills: Storytelling helps children listen and understand words, sentence structures, and expressions in Vietnamese It provides students with a model for developing their language skills through reading and listening. Expand vocabulary: When listening to stories, students are exposed to new words and how to use them in context This helps expand children's vocabulary and makes learning vocabulary more fun.
Develop imagination: Storytelling stimulates students' creativity and imagination Children can visualize the characters and events in the story, generate new ideas and be creative themselves.
Motivate learning: Storytelling is an interesting way to convey knowledge and messages to students It keeps students interested and engaged in the learning process, arousing their love and passion for learning.
Develop social skills: When listening to stories, students have the opportunity to interact with each other through discussing the story, sharing their opinions and thoughts This helps develop communication skills, cooperation and mutual respect.
Explore culture and values: Storytelling often carries cultural, moral and social values Through listening to stories, students have the opportunity to understand and appreciate these values, thereby forming awareness and gratitude for the culture and values of the country and community.
In summary, teaching storytelling to 5th grade students brings many educational advantages, enhancing language skills, developing imagination, motivating learning, developing social skills and Explore culture and values.
Although there are many advantages, the Storytelling subject for 5th grade students still faces difficulties in:
Student age: Grade 5 is the stage when students are more mature and capable of more complex thinking Choosing stories that are appropriate for this age group can be challenging It is necessary to find stories with rich, creative content and related to students' daily lives.
Attention and engagement: 5th graders may be able to concentrate for longer periods of time than younger grades, but maintaining their attention during storytelling remains a challenge Teachers need to use interactive methods, such as asking questions, asking for opinions, or asking students to participate in creating part of the story to increase student engagement.
Appropriate language: When telling stories to 5th grade students, teachers need to use language appropriate to the students' age to avoid the story becoming too simple or too complicated Use words and contexts that students can understand and make connections with the content of the story.
Diversify storytelling styles: 5th grade students have been exposed to many different types of stories, so teachers need to diversify storytelling styles to attract students' interest You can use direct storytelling methods, use illustrations, or even let students tell the story themselves.
Search for appropriate materials: To tell a good story, teachers need to search for materials appropriate to the age and level of 5th grade students They can search for books, comics, cultural traditions, or even Create your own stories to suit your students' educational and entertainment needs.
Some Issues in Storytelling
According to the Vietnamese dictionary edited by Van Tan explains the meaning of "telling" means telling an event that has a beginning, a development, and an end In the Vietnamese dictionary, he has given an example such as telling a fairy tale
Author Nguyen Tri believes that: Storytelling is a method of narrative, a method of expression to tell stories According to this concept, if we want to tell stories, we must have stories to tell In other words, people use storytelling when they have a story to tell.
Author Chu Huy also presents the term storytelling in the book Teaching Storytelling in Primary Schools Accordingly, he believes that "storytelling" includes the following four semantic categories:
Firstly: Only the narrative type in literature (distinguished from the lyrical type and dramatic type) is also called a story or novel.
Secondly: Name a method of speaking in a lecture.
Thirdly: Name a type of narrative writing in the Literature Practice course. Fourthly: Name a subject in every grade in elementary school.
In the first semantic category, the author believes that storytelling is a type of literary composition whose characteristic is to have details, that is, things that are happening, are happening, and have characters with characters language, mood, and personality Accordingly, this semantic category only refers to "story" and not to the activity of "telling".
In the second semantic category, the author believes that storytelling is a vivid visual method using words According to this understanding, the author conceived of storytelling as a method of using words to present a problem vividly to attract the listener's attention.
If in the first semantic category, the author sees storytelling as only containing content, then in the second semantic category, the author believes that storytelling is a speaking act When adding the above two semantic types together we will get a complete understanding of storytelling.
In the third and fourth terms storytelling is used as a noun to name a genre of writing in the subject of Literature Practice (storytelling) or a subject in the Vietnamese subject in elementary school (storytelling) ) In essence, they are called (literature) Storytelling or (subject) Storytelling because they themselves have the characteristics of storytelling That means the following name and it reflects the nature that that subject contains.
In short, no matter what point of view we take, we must understand: that storytelling is a verbal activity, aimed at presenting an event with a beginning, development, and end.
1.2.2 The role of Storytelling in the primary curriculum
The need to understand and explore the world is a great need of humans. Every day, whether accidentally or intentionally, we are informed about all sorts of things around us We can gain it at home, outside, and more broadly in the region, the country, and the world today or in the past From the big and small stories we heard from our grandmother's childhood by the fire, to the things we heard told and commented on by teachers and friends at school Thanks to that, day by day, our understanding of the world and people continues to increase
Storytelling is a form of quick, inspiring information through language Even though there are current mass media such as television and radio, people still like to listen to talk orally.
According to a broad definition, the term “storytelling” can cover all everyday spoken language President Ho Chi Minh often taught: “Voice is an extremely ancient and extremely precious wealth We must know how to appreciate it,preserve it, and develop it."
When language increasingly develops, the number of basic words increases, and material and spiritual life becomes increasingly rich, storytelling no longer only stops at the information level but also has an entertainment function or a higher is artistic function Thanks to that, the huge treasure trove of extremely rich and diverse folk tales has been passed down to this day in the form of storytelling. During a long period of history, when there were written words to record and print, storytelling still existed and continued to develop in parallel with the development of writing.
Stories and folk tales are one of the forms of children's understanding of the world, helping them to correct existing symbols about the surrounding social reality, gradually providing new concepts and ideas Expand life experiences for children.
These works help children establish an attitude toward the phenomena of life around them.
1.2.3 Positions and tasks of teaching Storytelling in primary school
The Storytelling subject is responsible for meeting the need for children to listen to stories, develop language, especially their listening and speaking skills. Besides, it helps develop thinking and foster the soul, enriching life and literary capital for students.
The Storytelling subject develops Vietnamese language skills for students: First of all, the Storytelling subject develops speaking skills for students Storytime trains students in public speaking skills in the form of monologues and paragraphs in an artistic style When speaking, listening, reading, and note-taking skills are also developed in the process of retelling stories heard and retelling stories read.The Storytelling subject contributes to the development of thinking, especially visual thinking and aesthetic emotions in students Along with the training in listening and speaking skills, thinking is also developed In particular, living in the world of characters, penetrating into the story's details, and coming into contact with the art of narrative language, students' figurative thinking and aesthetic emotions are also developed.
The Storytelling subject contributes to accumulating life and literary capital for students Storytime helps students interact with literary works Storytime also broadens children's understanding and stimulates their imagination Through each story, a colorful world opens before the children Children can find in the story everything from customs to natural scenery, from fates and countless acts of kindness of people in countless different situations Stories have increased students' understanding of the world and human society in the past and present Stories also give wings to students' imaginations and dreams, promoting their creativity.
1.2.4 Features of Storytelling in Grade 5
Nowadays, stories in grade 5 have content related to 10 learning topics revolving around human life and spiritual issues such as personality, ethics, abilities, interests, etc Along with the content Studying in other subjects, especially reading, writing,
The stories that students read, listen to, and tell in grade 4 have a great effect in cultivating listening and speaking skills while expanding their understanding of life, people, and fostering emotional thinking emotions and personality for students.
Program content: 1 class/week, the whole year includes 35 classes, including
31 story-telling classes and 4 review classes.
Thus, the 5th-grade storytelling program has 31 storytelling periods and is divided into 3 lesson types: a) Listening-telling exercise: includes 10 stories These stories such as: + Ly Tu Trong
+ The Sound of the Violin in My Lai
Basis for designing excercises Storytelling for 5th graders
2.1.1 Psychological basis and psychological characteristics of 5th graders
The age of 5th grade elementary school students is from 11 to 12 years old At this age, the growth in height and weight is not as fast as in kindergarten But the skeletal system is in the period of ossification, the skeletal system is developing, especially large muscles, so they like to play and exercise vigorously, they do not like to do work that requires meticulousness and carefulness.
Therefore, forging skills and techniques requires perseverance and persistence.
Compared to preschool age, the brains and nerves of elementary school students have undergone enormous changes in volume and function The brain of a 7-year-old child reaches 90% of the weight of an adult brain By age 11 - 12, growth is equivalent to the weight of an adult brain The development of the brain in terms of structure and function is uneven, so children's ability to control is still very weak and excitement is strong, so at this age they are very hyperactive. The higher nervous system is gradually being completed, but there is an imbalance between concrete thinking signals and abstract thinking signals.
In addition to learning activities at this age, there are also other activities such as playing and working These activities play an important role in the psychological development of 5th grade students.
2.1.2 Cognitive base of 5th graders
For 5th grade students, they are 11 years old, the last age of elementary school At this age, children are self-aware of their studies, aware of relationships with teachers, friends, etc They gradually form independence and self-control in learning practice and in life If in the first grades of elementary school, students' memorization is dominated by stereotypical and mechanical memorization, then in grade 5, their ability to remember meaning and remember words is enhanced, with intentional memorization , memorization based on reasoning ability begins to play a leading role However, the effectiveness of intentional memorization depends on many factors such as the level of active mental concentration of the child, the attractiveness of the material content, psychological factors, emotions or interest. their 5th grade students have made progress in their imagination and spatial awareness, such as coordinating views from different sides of a particular box, recognizing the relationship between relationships between shapes in addition to relationships within a shape However, their imagination still depends heavily on their own experience.
The thinking of 5th grade students also has many changes compared to students in the first grades Thinking qualities gradually shift from concrete, intuitive - pictorial to abstract, general thinking; Thinking activities are more positive and proactive than students at the beginning of primary school 5th grade students have the ability to generalize on the basis of analysis, synthesis and abstraction of objects and phenomena that students already have in their knowledge base Reducing visual and symbolic elements has created conditions for the development of language, symbols, and models in students' thinking, serving as a premise for developing thinking at a higher level.
Thus, at the age of final elementary school students, although they still have limitations, their awareness has improved a lot compared to students in lower grades These advances represent the gradual completion of specific thinking, gradually overcoming limitations and preparing for the next step of thinking development Education in general, and primary school education in particular, must aim to teach students the ability to think and solve profound practical problems so that students can think better. a) Perception
Children often perceive what suits their needs, what is often encountered and guided Children's perceptions are also linked to emotions This shows the need to guide students to listen and tell stories regularly Good stories with attractive and vivid narratives are perceived better by children, and students will be interested and love learning Storytelling. b) Ability to pay attention
Students in elementary school pay attention with intention and begin to settle down Willpower qualities (independence, perseverance and self-control) begin to form Students have the skills to distribute attention and direct attention to the basic content of the lesson This characteristic allows teachers to train students to skillfully perform operations, speaking and listening skills in teaching storytelling. Therefore, teachers can gradually complicate cognitive tasks for students. c) Memory
At this stage, children's memory is unintentional memory It is still forming and thriving But memorizing meaning is starting to prevail Therefore, in teaching storytelling, teachers need to proactively form for students a method of memorizing story content according to the fulcrum, connecting the fulcrum to create an outline to remember the story content or dividing the content the story into paragraphs, name the paragraphs or pose questions about characters, situations, and plots for students to answer and remember At this age, logical verbal memory is more developed than visual memory Therefore, children can memorize many stories that they find on their own in many forms, the main one being silent memory to remember the story. d) Imagine
Their imaginary images become more and more differentiated If the imaginary images of students in grades 1 and 2 are often blurred and unclear, those of students in the last grades of elementary school gradually become more accurate and clearer The older the children are, the more redundant elements and details in the image are reduced and the images become more refined and streamlined,making them more coherent and realistic This is regulated by the participation of intentionality, thinking and language in the imagination process.
The imagination of late elementary school students is more complete in terms of logical structure Creating new images in the imagination by concretizing the character and immersing in the character will help children deeply engrave the character and story content, thereby revealing natural feelings for the characters in the story helps make the story more vivid. e) Logic
Abstract and generalized thinking is gradually dominating Students know how to rely on the nature of the object to draw out the content and meaning of the story.
The outstanding feature of elementary school students' thinking is the transition from intuitive and concrete to abstract and general The thinking of students in the early elementary grades is concrete thinking based on the visual characteristics of objects The thinking of students in the last grades of primary school has escaped the direct nature of perception and gradually taken on an abstract and general nature.
In carrying out thinking operations: By the end of elementary school, children can analyze objects without needing practical actions toward that object Children have the ability to distinguish signs and different aspects of objects in language and arrange them into a certain system However, children still have difficulty synthesizing Elementary school students already know how to compare, but this operation has not yet been fully formed Children have escaped the "suggestion" of visual signs and rely more and more on the knowledge formed during the learning process, so they can see the signs of the nature of the object and separate them from their own signs are not intrinsic to making correct generalizations.
In judgment and inference: In grade 5, children already know how to rely on many signs, both natural and non-essential, to make judgments, so judgments are hypothetical Moreover, they can also prove and argue for their judgments.Although, at this point, they rely on more abstract and linguistic materials, their inferences are still easier if they have visual materials as support.
In conceptual comprehension: 5th grade students can understand concepts based on their nature signs Thanks to the ability to see and separate the signs of an object's nature, children know how to distinguish between broader and narrower concepts, and find "like" and "species" relationships between them On this basis, children know how to classify and classify cognitively - that is the ability to divide individuals into classes based on common signs as well as variations of signs.
Principles when designing assignments in Storytelling
2.2.1 Principles of understanding teaching objectives
When designing exercises in the Storytelling subject for 5th grade students during story time, it is necessary to base on knowledge and skill standards; Subject objectives include determining the knowledge that needs to be taught, the skills that need to be equipped for students, the student's attitude after retelling the story, the capacity that students will achieve after each lesson Program objectives Helps teachers orient themselves in planning teaching, closely following the objectives of each lesson to easily organize proactive learning activities in class.
2.2.2 Principles of attention to the psychological characteristics of 5th graders
The psychology of 5th grade students, after having gone through the previous four years of school, is more adaptive, has the ability to listen - speak - read - write at a good level, has the ability to focus on memorization, and know how to think critically The child's brain is at a complete stage of development Therefore, using visual images, diagrams, and models is a method to help students maintain high attention and concentration, creating excitement for students when completing assignments.
2.2.3 Principles ensure scientificity and systematicity
The construction of storytelling exercises must ensure scientific quality, and the design of exercises must be suitable for the cognitive level of students For example, exercise design must go from easy to difficult (for weak students to actively participate in learning activities); from simple to complex (for good and good students) to avoid being too overwhelming for students During the teaching process, attention should be paid to elements such as: content of knowledge to be taught, media used in teaching storytelling, teaching methods, classroom organization to ensure scientific and Systematically, only then can students' abilities be promoted during Storytelling class.
2.2.4 Principles of ensuring communication perspectives in Vietnamese language teaching
The exercises set must ensure a communicative perspective aimed at training students' language skills during storytelling hours Design activities that reflect a student-centered perspective, helping students form the ability to use language in the communication process.
2.2.5 Principles of ensuring practicality and effectiveness
Exercises must be realistic to the student's level, practical and effective The topic of designing exercises in the storytelling subject helps students develop communication skills, creating a foundation for future learning.
Exercises in the Storytelling subject for 5th grade students
Currently, stories in grade 5 have content related to 10 learning topics revolving around human life and spiritual issues such as personality, ethics, abilities, interests Along with the content Learning content in other subjects, especially reading exercises, writing exercises
The stories that students read, listen to, and tell in grade 4 have a great effect in cultivating listening and speaking skills while expanding their understanding of life, people, and fostering emotional thinking emotions and personality for students.
In the 5th grade Storytelling program, there are 3 types of Storytelling lessons Type 1: Tell a story you heard your teacher tell in class.
Type 2: Tell stories you have heard or read.
Type 3: Tell stories that are witnessed or participated in.
The three types of lessons above are all aimed at training students' speaking (telling) skills and in addition, they also aim to practice and consolidate a number of other communication skills.
Exercise design process and methods
2.4.1 Exercise design process and methods
Step 1: List of storytelling articles included in Vietnamese textbooks
Program content: 1 class/week, the whole year includes 35 classes, including
31 story-telling classes and 4 review classes.
Thus, the 5th-grade storytelling program has 31 storytelling periods and is divided into 3 lesson types: a) Listening-telling exercise: includes 10 stories These stories such as: + Lý Tự Trọng
+ Tiếng Vĩ Cầm ở Mỹ Lai
+ Pa-xtơ và em bé
+ Người đi săn và con nai
The goal to be achieved: Teacher tells - Students listen - students recount Purpose: Practice speaking and listening skills b) Exercises to tell stories you have heard and read: includes 11 storytelling lessons Those topics can be mentioned:
+ Tells about heroes and famous people of our country
+ Tell a story praising peace and opposing war
+ Tell a story about the relationship between humans and nature
+ Tell a story with environmental protection content
+ Tell a story about people who have contributed their efforts to fight poverty, backwardness, and for the happiness of the people
+ Tells about people who know how to live beautifully, who know how to bring joy and happiness to those around them
+ Tell about examples of living and working according to the law and following a civilized lifestyle
+ Tell about examples of living and working according to the law and following a civilized lifestyle
+ Tell about those who have contributed to protecting order and security + Tell about the tradition of studiousness or solidarity of the Vietnamese people
+ Tells about a heroine or a talented woman
+ Tells about family, school, and society caring for and educating children or children performing their duties c) Storytelling exercise witnessed or participated in: includes 10 storytelling sessions Those are the topics:
+ Tell about good jobs that contribute to building the homeland and country
+ Tell a story you have witnessed or something you have done that shows the friendship between our people and the people of other countries
+ Tell me about a time when you visited a beautiful scene in your locality or elsewhere
+ Tell me about a good deed you or those around you have done to protect the environment
+ Tell about a warm family activity
Step 2: Come up with ideas and organize exercises to practice listening and speaking skills for students through teaching Storytelling
In the first lessons, teachers let students get used to practicing listening and speaking skills, asking students to listen and express their opinions on any issue or request that the teacher asks member gave.
Come up with ideas to design diagrams and models so that students can easily absorb and remember the structure and structure of the plot.
Each story gives students the meaning of the lesson But it doesn't stop there, teachers can design activities for students to experience and draw their own conclusions through the way teachers organize learning activities.
Integrate the content and meaning of the story in educating students, organize and prepare exercises in the direction of integrating interdisciplinary subjects, such as ethics, social nature, fine arts, crafts
Step 3: Conduct the experiment in a class
The subjects selected for the experiment are students in grade 5 of Vinschool Gradenia Primary School – Nam Tu Liem – Hanoi.
Through experimental sessions, I learned the advantages and disadvantages of each exercise in the exercise system built for students through the 5th grade Storytelling subject.
Methods for choosing language materials
Teaching materials for Storytelling are mainly selected from Vietnamese textbooks for grade 5 In addition, other materials can be used in Nhi Dong articles,literary magazines, etc to choose additional materials from other subjects different learning when used integratedly in teaching ethics and life skills The selected language materials must be appropriate to the cognitive level of each student in the classroom Avoid using material that is too difficult and not suitable for students' abilities.
Based on the lesson objectives, I have built a specific lesson plan for each lesson in the textbook with the following principles:
(1) Based on structure: Title – Plot – Characters – Feeling.
(2) Build in levels from simple to complex.
(3) Ensure to practice listening and speaking skills for students.
(4) Ensure systematicity between exercise content.
Designing Exercises using in Extension activities of the Storytelling
2.5.1 Type 1: Practice listening and speaking skills in answering questions
Apply ideas in the book The Story Grammar Marker by author Maryellen Rooney More M Ed CCC-SLP This model helps students master the plot as well as the structure of the narrative.
Purpose: Help students develop their ability to analyze and synthesize the content they have learned in the Reading lesson to answer questions.
Organizational form: Flexible, can work individually, in groups or collectively.
- Which character is the story about?
- Where and when does the story take place?
- What happens to the character?
- How does the character feel?
- What does the character intend to do?
- What happens after the character's intentions and efforts?
- What lesson do you learn from the story?
2.5.2 Type 2: Exercises to practice listening and speaking skills using models
Purpose: Familiarize yourself with the visual model to systematize the content of the narrative
Form of organization: Individual activities and group activities
Step 2: Ask groups to send delegates
Step 3: Ask each group for feedback
Narrate the story creatively, with gestures, gestures, and voice
Learn to retell and narrate stories. Students listen
Groups send people to the board to present Use models to tell the story. Students give their own comments.
2.5.3 Type 3: Exercises to handle situations related to the lesson contentt
Purpose: This exercise helps teachers evaluate students through the teaching process by using Bloom's scale to know what cognitive level their students are at.
Form of organization: Can be individual activities, group activities or collective activities.
How to proceed: Teachers can organize activities during storytelling class such as: Playing the role of each character in the story, participating in plays, and giving a few situations for students to find their own solutions.
Teachers can pose a system of situational questions as follows:
(1) If you were (character), would you behave like that character? Why ? (2) What would you do if you … (do something)
(3) How do you feel when (describe a certain action)?
(4) What advice would you give you about … (a certain job)?
(5) What are your feelings towards the character?
2.5.4 Type 4: Design "social stories" to educate students
Purpose: through the content of the story, students will draw the meaning of the lesson Using "Social Stories" will help students form social skills and life skills.
Form of organization: Group activities or collective activities.
How to proceed: Design a social story to educate students Teachers can conduct activities such as:
(1) Have students create a story with similar content to the text they have studied.
(2) Draw the character you like the most in the work
(3) Let students observe and watch short clips related to the content of the lesson being learned to educate students' character.
(4) Make a social story using illustrations
Sample Exercises using in Extension activities of the Storytelling for
Exercise 1: Retell a story in a different way
Purpose: Practice creative storytelling skills for students.
The teacher lets the students read a story they learned in the textbook. Then the teacher asks students to retell the story in a different way, perhaps: (1) Change some details in the story to create a different ending.
(2) Change the setting of the story.
(3) Add a new character to the story.
(4) Change the personality of a character in the story.
The teacher comments and evaluates the students' stories.
Purpose: To practice storytelling skills using pictures for students.
The teacher prepares some illustrations for a story.
The teacher asks students to observe the pictures and tell the story according to the pictures.
The teacher comments and evaluates the students' stories.
Exercise 3: Tell stories by topic
Purpose: Train students' thematic storytelling skills.
The teacher gives a topic for the students to tell the story.
Students can tell a story they have learned or tell a story they created.The teacher comments and evaluates the students' stories.
Exercise 4: Tell stories to your liking
Purpose: To practice natural and creative storytelling skills for students. Proceed:
The teacher lets the students tell a story of their choice.
Teachers encourage students to tell their favorite stories or stories they created.
The teacher comments and evaluates the students' stories.
In addition, teachers can use other extension exercises for 5th grade students such as:
- Tell stories based on roles.
- Tell stories with moving pictures.
These extensive exercises help students develop comprehensive storytelling skills, thereby helping them practice communication, expression and creative thinking skills.
Applying some of the above exercises to the process of teaching Storytelling,
I have obtained some remarkable results:
The students were no longer shy when telling stories, but on the contrary, many of them were very passionate and excited to participate in telling stories in groups and in front of the class.
The above measures have contributed to training and developing Vietnamese language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) for students Story time children use their spoken language to tell the story to the crowd Retelling stories in front of a crowd trains children to be confident and bold in language communication activities At the same time, skills: listening, reading, and note- taking skills are also developed in the process of retelling stories heard and read; Tell stories about what you witnessed and participated in.
In addition to developing language skills, storytelling also helps students expand their understanding of life and people, fostering their thoughts, emotions, and personality.
When children's storytelling skills are developed, they become more and more interested and passionate about reading books to find new stories, interesting and useful stories to share with teachers and friends.
Phân môn kể chuyện là một phân môn quan trọng trong chương trình Tiếng Việt ở tiểu học, có vai trò giúp học sinh rèn luyện kĩ năng nói, phát triển khả năng giao tiếp, diễn đạt và tư duy sáng tạo Để đạt được hiệu quả cao trong việc dạy học phân môn kể chuyện, giáo viên cần chú trọng đến việc thiết kế các bài tập phù hợp với trình độ của học sinh.
Các bài tập mở rộng trong phân môn kể chuyện cho học sinh lớp 5 có thể được thiết kế dựa trên các mục tiêu cụ thể như sau:
(1) Rèn luyện kĩ năng kể chuyện sáng tạo: Giáo viên có thể yêu cầu học sinh kể lại một câu chuyện theo một cách khác, chẳng hạn như thay đổi kết thúc, bối cảnh, nhân vật hoặc tính cách của nhân vật.
(2) Rèn luyện kĩ năng kể chuyện theo tranh: Giáo viên có thể chuẩn bị một số tranh minh họa cho một câu chuyện và yêu cầu học sinh kể lại câu chuyện theo tranh.
(3) Rèn luyện kĩ năng kể chuyện theo chủ đề: Giáo viên có thể đưa ra một chủ đề cho học sinh kể chuyện.
(4) Rèn luyện kĩ năng kể chuyện tự nhiên, sáng tạo: Giáo viên có thể khuyến khích học sinh kể những câu chuyện mà mình yêu thích hoặc những câu chuyện do mình sáng tạo.
Ngoài ra, giáo viên cũng có thể sử dụng các bài tập mở rộng khác như kể chuyện theo vai, kể chuyện theo nhóm, kể chuyện bằng tranh động, kể chuyện bằng hình ảnh, kể chuyện bằng lời, để giúp học sinh phát triển kĩ năng kể chuyện một cách toàn diện.
Việc thiết kế các bài tập mở rộng trong phân môn kể chuyện cho học sinh lớp
5 cần đảm bảo các yêu cầu sau:
(1) Phù hợp với trình độ của học sinh: Các bài tập cần được thiết kế phù hợp với trình độ nhận thức và khả năng của học sinh.
(2) Kích thích sự hứng thú của học sinh: Các bài tập cần được thiết kế sao cho kích thích sự hứng thú và say mê của học sinh đối với việc kể chuyện.
(3) Tạo cơ hội cho học sinh được thể hiện bản thân: Các bài tập cần tạo cơ hội cho học sinh được thể hiện bản thân và phát huy khả năng sáng tạo của mình.Với việc thiết kế các bài tập mở rộng phù hợp, giáo viên sẽ giúp học sinh phát triển kĩ năng kể chuyện một cách toàn diện, từ đó giúp các em rèn luyện khả năng giao tiếp, diễn đạt và tư duy sáng tạo.
The essay addresses an important issue in teaching storytelling for 5th grade students, which is designing extension exercises Extensive exercises help students develop comprehensive storytelling skills, thereby helping them practice communication, expression and creative thinking skills.
Teachers need to be trained on how to design extension exercises in the storytelling subject The training will help teachers master the principles and methods of designing exercises, thereby being able to design exercises appropriate to students' levels and achieve teaching goals.
Schools need to create conditions for teachers and students to participate in storytelling activities outside of school hours These activities will help students have the opportunity to practice storytelling skills more regularly and effectively.Below are some specific ideas for implementing the above recommendations:Regarding teacher training: The school can organize short-term or long-term training classes on designing extension exercises in the storytelling subject.Training content should include principles and methods of designing exercises,exercise samples and how to evaluate exercises.
Regarding storytelling activities outside of school hours: The school can organize storytelling competitions, themed storytelling sessions, storytelling clubs, to create conditions for students to participate.
Implementing the above recommendations will contribute to improving the effectiveness of teaching storytelling for 5th grade students.
Teachers need to master the principles and methods of designing extended exercises These principles and methods will help teachers design exercises appropriate to students' levels and achieve teaching goals.
Teachers need to be flexible in choosing and using extension exercises. Teachers need to choose appropriate exercises based on students' level and teaching goals.
Teachers need to pay attention to the assessment of extended exercises. Evaluating extensive exercises will help teachers grasp students' abilities and take appropriate correction and guidance measures.
Below are some specific ideas for implementing the above recommendations:
Regarding mastering the principles and methods of designing exercises: Teachers can refer to documents on teaching methods and extended exercise samples in the storytelling subject In addition, teachers can also exchange experiences with colleagues to learn more ways to design effective exercises.
Regarding flexibility in choosing and using exercises: Teachers need to regularly observe and grasp students' learning situation to choose appropriate exercises In addition, teachers also need to be flexible in using exercises and can combine exercises together to achieve teaching goals.
Regarding assessment of extended exercises: Teachers need to use appropriate assessment criteria to evaluate students' exercises In addition, teachers also need to focus on motivating and encouraging students so that they have more motivation to practice storytelling skills.
Implementing the above recommendations will help teachers design and use extension exercises more effectively, thereby helping students develop comprehensive storytelling skills.
In addition, teachers also need to pay attention to the following issues when designing and using extension exercises:
Exercises should be appropriate to the student's cognitive level and ability. Teachers need to base on students' levels to design suitable exercises to help students complete the exercises in the best way.
Exercises need to stimulate students' interest Exercises need to be designed to be attractive, attract students' attention, and help students become interested in participating.
Exercises need to create opportunities for students to express themselves. Exercises need to create opportunities for students to demonstrate their abilities, helping them develop their creativity and thinking.
By designing and using appropriate extension exercises, teachers will help students develop storytelling skills comprehensively, thereby helping them practice communication, expression and creative thinking skills create.
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