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the factors affecting the customers purchase of vfreshs canned orange juice in vietnamese supermarkets

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Cấu trúc

    • 1.1. Market overview (8)
    • 1.2. Necessity of Research (9)
    • 1.3. Defining the Research Objective (10)
    • 1.4. Research question (10)
    • 1.5. Research Scope (10)
    • 1.6. Research Outline (10)
    • 2.1. Review of Related Studies (12)
    • 2.2. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework (13)
      • 2.2.1. Package Design (13)
      • 2.2.2. Price (14)
      • 2.2.3. Quality (14)
      • 2.2.4. Location (15)
    • 3.1. The Operational Definition and Measurement Design (17)
      • 3.1.1. Operational Definition (17)
      • 3.1.2 Measurement Design (19)
    • 3.2. Sample Design (19)
    • 3.3. Data Collection Technique/Procedure (19)
    • 3.4 Data Analysis Technique (19)
      • 3.4.1. Descriptive Statistical Analysis (20)
      • 3.4.2 Reliability and Validity Analysis (20)
      • 3.4.3. Exploratory Factor Analysis (20)
      • 3.4.4. Comparing Mean Test (21)
      • 3.4.5. Regression Analysis (21)
    • 4.1. Descriptive Analysis (23)
    • 4.2. Reliabilities among the Variables (26)
      • 4.2.1. Reliability of PA scale (26)
      • 4.2.2. Reliability of PR scale (26)
      • 4.2.3. Reliability of QU scale (27)
      • 4.2.4. Reliability of LO scale (28)
      • 4.2.5. Reliability of IB scale (28)
    • 4.3 Exploratory factor analysis (29)
    • 4.4. Compare Mean (31)
    • 4.5. Regression analysis (33)
    • 5.1. Findings (39)
    • 5.2. Conclusion (39)
    • 5.3. Recommendations (0)
    • 5.4. Limitations and Future Research (0)
    • APPENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRE (English Version) (45)
    • APPENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRE (Vietnamese Version) (49)

Nội dung

The participants were asked to give their opinion on factors that made them has intention to buy VFresh orange juice such as 1 Package design, 2 price, 3 Quality, 4 Location.. Spreng 199


Market overview

Vietnam is a country in the tropical monsoon region with a hot and humid climate that is very suitable for growing tropical fruit trees The variety of fruits is very suitable for making fresh fruit juices Along with the economic development, people's needs are also increasing, in addition to using fresh juices, a large part of people choose to use canned fruit juices because of the advantages they bring: convenience in use, variety of flavors, quality, ease of storage creating a fairly large source of consumption as well as the potential for future development of this product line

Currently, the competition on canned fruit juice product lines is becoming more and more fierce due to globalization, constantly changing technology, changing business environment so understanding consumer behavior People's use of this product line will play an important role in business and marketing strategies According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Trade (2010), the non-alcoholic beverage market in Vietnam reached the consumption milestone of 2 billion liters or about 23 liters per person per year This consumption increased by 17% 2011 (Nielsen, 2011), and is predicted to have potential when people's incomes are improving and most of their spending is on food Global industry analysts (GIA) forecast that the market for fruit and vegetable juices will reach 72.79 billion liters in

The global fruit juice market is witnessing significant growth, with the Asian market projected to reach 72.79 billion liters by 2017 This region has emerged as the frontrunner in terms of growth, primarily driven by the growing demand for healthy beverages among consumers This trend bodes well for fruit juice manufacturers, signaling a promising outlook for the industry.

According to a survey by the market research company W&S (2013) on the demand and habits of using packaged fruit juices in Vietnam, the results showed that 62% of consumers chose fruit juice when carbonated soft drinks have only 60% It is noteworthy that more than half of the people surveyed have a habit of drinking fruit juice every day According to ViettinbankSC's industry report, fruit juice is growing at a high rate (21%/year in the period 2009-2013) The juice line is also forecast to continue to grow at an average rate of 17.5% over the next 5 years

For nutrition, fiber and vitamins are paramount for the body through eating a lot of vegetables and fruits Nutrition experts have given advice on getting into the habit of eating a lot of vegetables and fruits every day to have a healthy body and beautiful skin because in fruits, especially oranges, apples, grapes are the source Provides natural vitamins and antioxidants to the body However, eating a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits every day to provide enough nutrients for the body is not simple and not everyone can do it because of time constraints and not all fruits are suitable available on the market Therefore, with the enthusiasm of the largest nutrition company in Vietnam, Vinamilk has created a high-end 100% VFresh juice product line to partly solve this problem for Vietnamese consumers VFresh orange juice is the most popular product, accounting for nearly 70% The most purchased place is the supermarket with 55.5%, followed by the grocery store with 28.1%

Figure 1 The selection of the type of fruit juice

Necessity of Research

Influencing factors on consumers' intention to purchase VFresh canned orange juice were identified through extensive research, including studies by Choy John Yee and Ng Cheng San (2011), Paul G Patterson and Richard A Spreng (1997), Sanchez et al (2006), Nguyen Luu Nhu Thuy (2012), Nguyen Ngoc Duy Hoang (2011), Dickieson and Victoria Arkus (2009), and W/S (2013) This research aims to examine the factors driving consumer purchasing decisions in supermarkets in Vietnam, enabling manufacturers to enhance product quality and gain a competitive edge in both the domestic and global markets.

Defining the Research Objective

The purpose of this research is to examine the factors affecting the customer's purchase of canned orange juice of VFresh in supermarkets in Vietnam Exploring and evaluating the impact of each factor on the decisions of consumers to buy VFresh canned orange juice in supermarkets

The study aims to analyze the effects of product quality, price, service and packaging on the behavior of using and buying orange juice at supermarkets in Vietnam Since then, giving suggestions and solutions to contribute to businesses to develop, expand to attract consumers, and improve the quality and service of more products.

Research question

This research will answer the following question: What are the factors affecting the customer’s purchase of canned orange juice of VFresh at super supermarkets in Hanoi, Vietnam?

Research Scope

In this research, we focus on research at supermarkets in Hanoi We have created a questionnaire to conduct an online survey through Google form We asked questions related to the factors influencing the purchase behavior of consumers to collect information Research data was collected from 246 people in Hanoi with a time range from May 21 to May 23

Research Outline

This research is divided into 5 chapters, as presented as follow:

This chapter introduces briefly about the research, the necessity of it, the research objectives, research questions, and research scope

This chapter will provide a theoretical framework for the research It allows us to identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the research

This chapter will describe the data collection and analyzing process It helps us to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability

 Chapter 4: Data presentation and findings

This chapter will give the description of data collected, and then show the analysis result from the SPSS application, version

The final chapter will answer the research questions, discuss research findings, then, giving some suggestions or solutions to figure out the problems, limitations, and further research direction


Review of Related Studies

Intention to buy is a kind of decision-making that studies the reason to buy a particular brand by consumer (Shah et al., 2012) Morinez et al (2007) define purchase intention as a situation where a consumer tends to buy a certain product in a certain condition

A customer's purchase decision is a complex process Purchase intention usually is related to the behavior, perceptions and attitudes of consumers Purchase behavior is a key point for consumers to access and evaluate the specific product Ghosh (1990) states that purchase intention is an effective tool to predict the buying process Purchase intention may be changed under the influence of package design, price, quality, or location Customers always think that purchase with a low cost, simple packaging and little known product is a high risk since the quality of these products is not trustable (Gogoi, 2013) Fruit juice has been the subject of many marketing research around the world VFresh canned orange juice is the most popular in the Vietnam market Many factors that lead to impulse purchases have been analyzed

Package design plays a critical role in purchase decisions Connolly and Davidson

(1996) estimate that about 73 percent of such decisions are made at the point of sale where more attractive packaging frequently wins (Rettie and Brewer, 2000) Silayoi and Speece (2007) argue that when the consumer is undecided, the package becomes a critical factor in the purchase choice because it communicates to consumers at the decision-making time Silayoi and Speece (2007) further suggest that how consumers perceive the subjective entity of products, as presented through communication elements in the package, influences choice and is the key to success for many marketing strategies

Price has a great influence on consumers' purchasing decisions The Price explains information about a product and provides deep meaning to consumers (Kotler and Keller, 2016) Therefore, price is an important factor in purchasing decisions, especially for products that are frequently purchased and, in turn, influence choices which stores, products, and brands to patronize (Faith and Agwu, 2014) Consumers are very reasonable when it comes to assessing the benefits they would like to receive from purchasing the product or services they pay (Al-Mamun and Rahman, 2014) The price of a product is divided into three dimensions: fair price, fixed price and relative price Fair price refers to price adjustments that bring about a combination of quality and appropriate services at reasonable prices (Kotler and Keller, 2016) Fixed price is a fixed price to all buyers (Kotler and Keller, 2016) Relative price is the price set in accordance with the quality and service provided by the seller (Kotler and Armstrong, 2014) Research by Komaladewi and Indika (2017) indicate that most respondents consider pricing important factor factors influencing their purchase decision, similar to the findings of Djatmiko and Pradana (2015) and Terms Guanlong (2015)

Quality plays a pivotal role in consumer decision-making, defined as the aggregate of features and characteristics that meet customer needs (Kotler & Keller, 2014) It encompasses a broader perspective, including product, service, and environmental aspects that align with or surpass expectations (Goetsch & Davis, 1994; Tjiptono & Diana, 2003) Due to its dynamic nature, today's quality standards may become obsolete in the future, necessitating continuous improvement to meet evolving customer demands (Tjiptono & Diana, 2003).

Product quality has multifaceted perspectives Firstly, the conformance to requirements approach defines quality as adherence to established standards Secondly, the fitness for use approach emphasizes meeting customer needs, recognizing the variability in individual expectations Lastly, the innate excellence approach posits that quality transcends time and taste, serving as a benchmark for comparison.

Location selection is crucial for businesses, influencing customer attraction, retention, and overall success (Alli et al 1991; Chan et al 1995; Ghosh et al 1995) Consumers often prioritize location when choosing where to shop Moreover, location decisions can provide a sustainable competitive edge Factors such as population shifts, transportation advancements, consumer lifestyle changes, and competition prompt businesses to re-evaluate their locations (Mazze 1972).

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Packaging is all the activities of manufacturing and designing a product (Kotler, 2003) According to Rundh (2005), package appeals consumer’s attentiveness towards a certain brand, increases its image, and stimulates consumer’s perceptions about the product Furthermore, packaging conveys distinctive value to products (Underwood, 2003; Silayoi, & Speece, 2007), it works as an instrument for differentiation and helps customers to choose the products from the wide range of products In addition, packaging also stimulates customer’s buying behavior (Wells, Farley & Armstrong, 2007)

Good packaging is a flag of recognition and a symbol of values (Lewis, 1991) Packaging represents one of the most important vehicles for communicating the brand message directly to the target consumers (Nancarrow et al., 1998) As the retail environment becomes saturated with competitors vying for consumers’ attention, packaging has to work harder than ever if the products want to be noticed by customers (Milton,1991)

H1: Packaging design has a significant effect on customers’ purchasing intention on VFresh orange juice

Price, defined as the monetary exchange for goods and services, encompasses the value perceived by consumers (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010) According to Nagle and Holden (2002), price is the monetary consideration required by a seller in a purchasing agreement, suggesting a direct correlation between price perception and consumer satisfaction Consumers are more likely to purchase when they deem the price reasonable relative to the perceived value Conversely, if consumers perceive the value as inferior to the price, they may opt to forgo the purchase.

Pricing plays a crucial role in influencing consumer purchasing behavior Reasonable prices provide greater value to customers, encouraging them to consider the product and make informed choices (Lee, 2013; Jiani, 2017; Jang, 2007) Consumers are more likely to purchase when the price aligns with their perceived value of the product's benefits (Lien et al., 2015; Mulya Firdausy & Idawati, 2017) Thus, pricing directly impacts customer buying decisions, determining whether they proceed with a purchase.

As a result, according to the above discussions, the research hypothesis is proposed as the following

H2: Price has a significant impact on customers' intention to purchase VFresh orange juice

Product quality plays an important role in expanding the range of products, in other words, increasing consumers' purchasing decisions Product quality is defined as the attributes of the product and the buyer's response to those attributes (American Marketing Association, 2005) Concepts of quality include a number of “sensory” characteristics associated with organic products, by no means limited to taste (Magnusson, 2001) The decision to purchase a product is influenced by the difference in the perceived quality value of this product with substitutes Consumers tend to be attracted to quality outputs and they will be loyal to the suppliers of those outputs (Reed et al., 1996; Rhee, 1996; Rust et al., 1995)

Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (Vinamilk) said that VFresh is currently the leading brand of canned fruit juice in the domestic market All VFresh 100% products such as orange juice, apple juice, grape juice, vegetable juice are 100% pure juice, no preservatives According to Vinamilk, 100% VFresh juice is pressed from sources of fresh fruits in the world such as Valencia oranges VFresh orange juice is produced on a modern technological process, having passed the food safety and hygiene inspection process VFresh 100% orange juice is produced using the most modern UHT technology provided by the Swedish Tetra Pak Corporation This technology together with a special 7-layer packaging helps to preserve the product for up to 6 months without the use of preservatives but still retains the flavor and vitamin composition of fresh oranges

The prior research has suggested a positive relationship between quality and buying intention of Jay Dickieson and Victoria Arkus (2009) According to Vinaresearch, VFresh orange juice is the most popular product which is a kind of fruit juice usually used in the Vietnam market

H3: The quality is positively associated with buying VFresh orange juice intention

Location factors with convenient travel, reasonable organization, arrangement, decoration, and convenience for selection will help customers intend According to research by Sanchez et al., the internal and external location such as elements of the product display area, the organization of distribution locations, and the design and equipment inside the point of sale that helps the impulse buying behavior increase

The location of a store significantly influences customer purchasing behavior (Charles S Areni, David Kim 1994) Convenience, accessibility, and visibility impact customer browsing and selection Organized display areas and prominent product placement facilitate customer engagement with products As an example, VFresh canned orange juice can be found in various supermarkets and retail outlets, ensuring its accessibility to customers.

H4: Location has a significant positive effect on intentions to buy VFresh orange juice

In summary, there are many factors that have been proven by previous studies all over the world that affect the buying of orange juice intention This research focuses on the factors which match with Vietnam's current context, and I propose these hypotheses

H1: Packaging design has a significant effect on customers’ purchasing intentions on VFresh orange juice

H2: Price has a significant impact on customers' intention to purchase VFresh orange juice

H3: The quality is positively associated with buying VFresh orange juice intentions H4: Location has a significant positive effect on intentions to buy VFresh orange juice


The Operational Definition and Measurement Design

This study operationalizes key marketing mix elements to facilitate empirical analysis "Package Design" is measured through elements such as color, hygiene, and aesthetics "Price" is assessed based on price salience, comparison, and consistency "Quality" is captured through nutritional attributes like vitamins, freshness, and cleanliness "Location" is translated into accessibility, proximity to personal spaces, and attractiveness of the retail environment.

Table 1 Measuring items for survey

PA1 The color of the VFresh orange juice box is eye-catching

Sanchez, 2006) PA2 VFresh orange juice products are canned to ensure hygiene

PA3 The beautifully designed VFresh orange juice box

P1 The price is consistent with the product quality

(Javier Sanchez, 2006) & (Nguyễn Lưu Như Thụy, 2012)

P2 Cheaper price compared to other drinks on the market

P3 The price is relatively stable

Q1 Orange juice of VFresh contains a lot of vitamins

Q2 Orange juice of VFresh add energy to my body

Q3 Orange juice of VFresh is a hygienic product

L1.Convenient sales location Shari Waters (2021) &

L2 The display areas are separate

L3.Display products at the eye- catching point of sale

Intention to buy IB1 I have the intention to buy orange juice

Rashid Shafiq (2010 & Ueasangkomsate, Pittawat; Santiteerakul, Salinee (2016) IB2 I will buy orange juice for my health

IB3 I have a goal to consume orange juice as much as possible

IB4.I would like to pay more for orange juice for better health

IB5 I intend to buy orange juice to avoid illness

IB6 I intend to buy orange juice to decrease environmental problem

IB7 I intend to buy orange juice as a consumer who has the responsibility

To measure these elements, we will use interval scale with five points to tap the differences, the order, and the equality of the magnitude of the differences in the variable.

Sample Design

We used Non-probability samples method selection: instances in which the chances (probability) of selecting members from the population into the sample are unknown Specifically, we applied Convenience samples: samples drawn at the convenience of the interviewer

We used a survey method to collect data in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam The sample group for this research survey was selected from buyers and consumers in different supermarkets within Hanoi to provide a fair representation of different segments of shoppers For the primary data, the population of this study includes 247 customers who are likely to buy VFresh orange juice There are 246 valid samples There is an invalid sample because the survey has not been completed The sample size was chosen by applying the formula given by (Comrey, 1973) and (Bove, 2006): n = 5 * m

In which n = population size; m = Number of questions included

With m = 19, the sample size of this study was determined as: n = 5 * 22= 110

Data Collection Technique/Procedure

The purpose of data collection is to have a basis in researching, evaluating in order to reach the research objects In our study, we collect the data through the questionnaire survey Our questionnaire was designed into three main parts, namely:

Part 1: Include three questions related to customers profile such as gender, age and monthly income

Part 2: Contains four big questions involved in factors motivating to buy VFresh orange juice These are Package Design, Price, Quality and Location.

Data Analysis Technique

The data collected from the questionnaire survey is conducted to select and remove the unsatisfactory copies The Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 22 was used to analyze the data All obtained data will be encrypted, entered, processed, and analyzed by the SPSS 22 tool The method of data analysis and the technique used will be as follow:

Quality questionnaires must meet the following criteria:

 No questions are left out

 Do not answer all questions as “1” or “5”

 The eligibility of the questionnaires has been confirmed

Lind, Marchal, and Wathen (2005) defined that descriptive statistics is a method of organizing, summarizing, and describing data in an informative way This descriptive analysis can be done by clarifying the data processing derived from answers to the question from the questionnaires that have been distributed The results of data processing can be presented through tables, graphs, pie charts, pictograms, calculation mode, mean median, calculating deciles, percentiles, calculations of data through the calculation of average and standard deviation, and percentage calculation

Cronbach's alpha will be used to determine the accuracy of the entire scale in this test Its aim is to determine whether or not the measurement scales for individual items in the questionnaire are consistent If Cronbach’s 𝛼 is greater than 0.7, indicating that it has strong reliability If Cronbach’s 𝛼 is between 0.5 and 0.7, it means that the consistency of the variable should be accepted In contrast, if Coefficient 𝛼 is under 0.35, that item should be deleted (J.F Hair, 2010)

Validity, according to Malhotra (2002), gauges the accuracy of scale scores in reflecting actual differences among subjects on the measured attribute rather than random errors Validity testing assesses the accuracy of instruments against the concept being measured Content validity targets specific content domains (e.g., concept, structure), necessitating item construction that aligns with each dimension To ensure data accuracy, both reliability and validity analyses are employed in this research's models.

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a statistical technique used to identify underlying patterns and relationships within a set of variables Unlike other analysis methods that rely on independent and dependent variables, EFA focuses on the correlations between variables and reduces multiple variables into a smaller number of significant factors The goal of EFA is to simplify complex data by identifying the most relevant factors that explain a majority of the variance in the original set of variables.

Authors Mayers, L.S., Gamst, G., Guarino A.J (2000) mentioned that: In factor analysis, the method of extracting Principal Components Analysis along with Varimax rotation is the most commonly used method

According to Hair & ctg (1998, 111), Factor loading (factor loading factor or factor weight) is an indicator to ensure the practical significance of EFA:

• Factor loading > 0.3 is considered the minimum level

• Factor loading > 0.4 is considered important

• Factor loading > 0.5 is considered to be of practical significance

The condition for exploratory factor analysis is to satisfy the following requirements:

2 0.5 ≤ KMO ≤ 1: KMO coefficient (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) is the index used to consider the suitability of factor analysis A large KMO value is appropriate for factor analysis

3 Bartlett test has statistical significance (Sig < 0.05): This is a statistical quantity used to consider the hypothesis that the variables are not correlated in the population

If this test is statistically significant (Sig < 0.05), the observed variables are correlated with each other in the population

4 Percentage of variance > 50%: Shows the percentage variation of observed variables That is, considering the variation is 100%, this value shows how much the factor analysis explains

The comparison of the average test is known as the student's T-test and the Anova test The T-test is used to test the difference between two groups and determine by hypotheses In this study, we use Student's T-test to analyze and describe in detail whether there is any significant difference between demographic characteristics (gender) and customer response or not

Regression analysis is a modeling technique to analyze the relationship between a real-valued dependent variable Y and one or more independent variables X1, X2, X3, , Xn (Ragsdale, 2007) To perform regression analysis, it is necessary to find a regression function that represents the relationship between independent and dependent variables, from which influential effects can be observed

The regression function will be as follows in this study:

- Y = Scores on Vietnamese customer's purchase of canned orange juice of VFresh Intention

- X1, X2, , Xn = Score on the independent variables of the research model (Package Design, Price, Quality, Location, Intention to buy)

- b1, b2 , bn = Regression coefficients of independent variables

First, it is necessary to test the assumption that the relationship between the variables is linear because there are many independent variables, which need to be tested for multicollinearity, expressed by the VIF (Variable Inflation Factor) If the model has VIF < 2, it is accepted while > 2, the variable with multicollinearity should be removed from the model

Other assumptions that need to be tested are error ε, mean, and constant variances for a model to be acceptable The fit is also important to check that a model has a high fit for analysis.


Descriptive Analysis

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics of 246 Observation

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation

The summary of descriptive statistics is presented in the table above For each item, the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation are considered 246 surveys were distributed and collected online Answers received will be screened to find invalid answers Out of 246 questionnaires, I received all 246 valid answers

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

From Table 3 above, the number of participants responding to the questionnaire is unevenly distributed by gender The number of women is more than the number of men Of the 246 consumers participating in the survey, 178 consumers are male (accounting for 72.4%) and 68 consumers are female (accounting for 27.6%) The large disparity partly reflects the disproportionate ratio between men and women in terms of interest in VFresh juice

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Table 4 shows that 3.3% of the participating consumers are under the age of 18, corresponding to 8 people From 18-25 years old, there were 214 participants, accounting for the highest percentage of respondents, equivalent to 87% of people The age group from 26-35 has 14 participants, accounting for 5.7% There is a low percentage of respondents aged 36 years and older participating in the survey: Specifically, there are 6 participants aged 36-50 years old (accounting for 2.4%); 4 participants were over 50 years old (accounting for 1.6%)

Table 5 shows that the income group under 5 million VND accounts for the highest proportion with 71.5% corresponding to 176 people The income group from 3 to 7.5 million VND accounted for a smaller proportion with 21.1%, corresponding to 52 people The income group from 16 million VND or more accounted for the lowest proportion, with 10 people earning between 16 and 30 million VND (accounting for 4.1%); 8 people with income from 30 million VND or more (accounting for 3.3%).

Reliabilities among the Variables

Table 6: Reliability statistics of PA scale

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

The Package Design scale consists of three items: PA1, PA2, and PA3 Reliability analysis using Cronbach's Alpha (0.882) indicates the scale's internal consistency Additionally, the Corrected Item-Total Correlation for PA1 (0.782), PA2 (0.826), and PA3 (0.714) exceeds 0.3, indicating that all three items are reliable As a result, PA1, PA2, and PA3 are retained for further analysis.

Table 7: Reliability statistics of PR scale

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Price scale include three items: PR1, PR2, and PR3 that are explained and encoded above Results from analysis in Table 6 indicate Cronbach’s Alpha value of this scale is 0.772 (greater than 0.7) Besides, three items of this scale (PR1, PR2, and PR3) have Corrected Item-Total Correlation of 0.547, 0.695, and 0.586 respectively; they are all greater than 0.3 Therefore, these three items are accepted and will be analysed in the next step In conclusion, after making a reliability analysis, Price scale remains three items: PR1, PR2, and PR3

Table 8: Reliability statistic of QU scale

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Quality scale include three items: QU1, QU2, and QU3 that are explained and encoded above Results from analysis in Table 7 indicate Cronbach’s Alpha value of this scale is 0.769 (greater than 0.7) Besides, three items of this scale (QU1, QU2, and QU3) have Corrected Item-total Correlation of 0.618, 0.716, and 0.490 respectively; they are all greater than 0.3 Therefore, these three items are accepted and will be analysed in the next step

In conclusion, after making a reliability analysis, Quality scale remains three items: QU1, QU2, and QU3

Table 9: Reliability statistic of LO scale

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Location scale include three items: LO1, LO2, and LO3 that are explained and encoded above Results from analysis in Table 8 indicate Cronbach’s Alpha value of this scale is 0.858 (greater than 0.7) Besides, three items of this scale (LO1,LO2 and LO3) have Corrected Item-total Correlation of 0.718,0.809 and 0.675 respectively; they are all greater than 0.3 Therefore, these three items are accepted and will be analysed in the next step

In conclusion, after making a reliability analysis, Location scale remains three items: LO1,LO2 and LO3

Table 10: Reliability of IB scale

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

Intention to buy scale include seven items: IB1, IB2, IB3, IB4, IB5, IB6, IB7 as explained and encoded above Results from analysis in Table 9 indicate Cronback's alpha value of this scale is 0.859 (greater than 0.7) The Corrected Item-Total Correlations of all seven items (IB1, IB2, IB3, IB4, IB5, IB6, IB7) are greater than 0.3 with value 0.688, 0.710, 0.714, 0.689, 0.666, 0.566 and 0.405, respectively Therefore, all seven items of IB scale are accepted, and will be analyzed in the next step; and no item will be rejected

In conclusion, after making a reliability analysis, the intention to buy scale remains seven items: IB1, IB2, IB3, IB4, IB5, IB6 and IB7.

Exploratory factor analysis

Table 11: KMO and Bartlett's Test for Dependent variables

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.804

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx Chi-Square 1093.860 df 21

At the first time testing EFA, the KMO is equal to 0.804 (greater than 0.5 and less than 1) and sig is less than 0.05, have been satisfied

Table 12: KMO and Bartlett's Test for Independent variables

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.787

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx Chi-Square 1679.757 df 66

The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of 0.787 and the Bartlett's Test significance value of 0.000 indicate the adequacy of the sample for exploratory factor analysis These values confirm the validity of the data for use in factor analysis, ensuring reliable and meaningful results.

From table 13, the first component is defined by three items from the Price scale and three items from the Quality scale The second component is defined by all three items from the Package design scale The third component is defined by all three items from the Location scale In short, exploratory factor analysis extracts 4 factors and does not reject any item from data.

Compare Mean

Table 14 T-test Results by Gender

Gender N Mean Std.Deviation Std.Error mean t-value p-value

From table 14, the obviously shows that, there is significant difference in impulse buying behaviour between female (N = 178, M = 3.5120, SD = 81,926, SE = 6,141, p

> 0.05) and male (N = 68, M = 3.6891, SD y,518, SE = 9,643), t-value = -1.528, p- value = 0.859 This results concludes that there is no difference between men and women in the decision to buy canned orange juice because p > 0.05

Sum of squares df Mean Squares F Sig

From table 15, The results of one-factor ANOVA analysis can be used Accordingly, the coefficient Sig equal to 0.381 is greater than 0.05, so it can be concluded that between different income groups, there is no difference in the decision to buy canned fruit juice products This is completely consistent with the fact that canned orange juice products have low value, completely suitable for consumers with different income levels

Table 16 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons

Analysis of Table 17 reveals that there are no statistically significant differences (sig

Ngày đăng: 12/08/2024, 09:34


