Which type of rock is illustrated in the photo below?A.. Which type of rock is illustrated in the photo below?A.. Which type of rock is illustrated in the photo below?A.. Elements are ph
Trang 1Ngân hàng câu h i h c phâần Khoa h c Trái đâất ỏ ọ ọ
I Topic 2 Earth in the Universe
1 It is because of this wave that scientists know that there is liquid inside the earth.
A Surface wave B S wave C P wave D All of the above
2 The cool, rigid layer of Earth that includes the entire crust as well as the
uppermost mantle is called the _
A asthenosphere B lower crust C lithosphere D oceanic crust
3 Which of the following elements is NOT among the 8 most abundant elements in Earth's crust?
A potassium B calcium C carbon D iron
4 The most voluminous portion of the Earth is known to geologists as _
A The lithosphere B The Mantle C The core D The crust
5 Referring to graph below, position C is _
Trang 38 The inner core is most likely composed of _
6 Refering to graph above, position B is _
Trang 5A Continental crust
B Crust
C lithosphere
D Ocean crust
Trang 6II Topic 3 Minerals and Rocks
1 Which kind of mineral is illustrated in the figure show below?
Trang 73 A/An _ rock is illustrated in the figure below.
A volcanic
B igneous
C sedimentary (sandstone)
D metamorphic
4 Which type of rock is illustrated in the photo below?
A Instrusive igneous rock
B Metamorphic rock
C Sedimentary rock
A Extrusive igneous rock
5 The various properties of a mineral results from its
A color B composition C composition and structure D size
6 Which of the following is NOT considered a physical property of minerals?
Trang 8A luster B hardness C streak D silicate structure
7 Which type of rock is illustrated in the photo below?
A Instrusive igneous rock
B Metamorphic rock
C Sedimentary rock
D Extrusive igneous rock
8 Which type of rock is illustrated in the photo below?
A Instrusive igneous rock
B Metamorphic rock
C Sedimentary rock
D Extrusive igneous rock
9 What is different between rocks and minerals?
A They have the same meaning.
B Elements are chemically combined to form minerals while minerals are chemical combined to form rocks.
C Elements are chemically combined to form minerals while minerals are physical combined to form rocks.
Trang 9D Elements are physical combined to form minerals while minerals are chemical combined
to form rocks.
10 Which of the following mineral has a hardness of 7 in the Mohs Hardness scale?
11 Which type of rock is illustrated in the photo below?
A Instrusive igneous rock
B Metamorphic rock
C Sedimentary rock
D Extrusive igneous rock
12 The lithosphere is that portion of the Earth where rocks behave as
A Rocks B Brittle solids C Plastic solids D Fluids
13 Which type of rock is illustrated in the photo below?
A Instrusive igneous rock
B Metamorphic rock
Trang 10C Sedimentary rock
A Extrusive igneous rock
14 The ability of a mineral to break along preferred directions is called
A brittleness B hardness C fracture D none of these
15 Water is NOT a mineral Why?
A it does not have a definite chemical composition
B it does not have a crystalline structure
C it is not a solid
D All of these are
16 The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is _
A the building block of the silicate minerals.
B composed of 4 oxygen atoms surrounding 1 silicon atom.
C composed of the two most abundant elements on Earth.
D all of these
17 Which of the following is considered a physical property of minerals?
A luster B hardness C streak D All of these
18 Select the statement about cleavage plane which is NOT correct.
A there may be more than one cleavage plane in some minerals
B it is well developed in all minerals
C a plane that reflects light
D a plane along which crystals break easily
19 Which type of rock will be formed if a sedimentary rock undergoes high temperatures and high pressures at depth within Earth? Assume that the rock does not melt.
A sedimentary rock B a metamorphic rock C magma D an igneous rock
20 Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are _
A three types of plate boundaries
B three words composed of multiple syllables
C the three major classes of rocks
D three words that I never heard before
21 The three main groups of rocks are grouped by _
A chemical composition B how they formed C color D grain size
Trang 11III Topic 4a Endogenous process - Plate tectonics
1 Referring to graph below, position A is a/an _
Trang 149 San Andreas fault is an example of _
A transform plate boundary.
Trang 15D trenches
11 At which of the following area, new sea floor is created?
A deep sea trench
B mid-ocean ridge
C subduction zone
D transform fault
12 A plate boundary is illustrated in the figure show below:
A convergent - continent/continent collision
B divergent
C convergent - subduction
D transform fault
13 Many divergent plate boundaries coincide with
A the Mid-Ocean Ridge
B transform faults
C the edges of the continents
D explosive volcanic eruptions
14 Most of Earth's seismic activity, volcanism, and mountain building occur along
A hot spots
B lines of magnetism
C random trends
D plate boundaries
15 The most important difference between faults and joints is that joints _.
A are often parallel
B have no displacement
C are very rare
Trang 16D occur along folds
16 Volcanic island arcs are associated with .
A transform boundaries
B ocean-continent convergence
C divergent boundaries
D ocean-ocean convergence
17 At transform plate boundaries,
A Two plates slip horizontally past each other.
B Two plates move in opposite directions toward each other.
C Two plates move in opposite directions away from each other.
D Two plates are subducted beneath each other.
18 The zone where an oceanic plate descends into the mantle beneath an overriding plate is called .
A Fault B Hotspot C Subduction zone D none of these
19 The major geologic feature found at continental-continental convergent boundaries are
A Fold mountain range B Trenches C Earthquakes D All of these
20 Which feature is formed where oceanic plates are separating?
A trench B submarine canyon C rift D abyssal plain
IV Topic 4b Endogenous process – Earthquake and Volcano
1 The viscosity of the lava illustrated in the graph below is _
A medium
B high
C low
Trang 174 Which type of seismic wave cause the highest damage to buildings?
Trang 1810 What is the meaning of time interval between Primary and Secondary wave?
A It help to determine location of epicenter of an earthquake
B It help to determine location of focus of an earthquake
Trang 19C It tell us how far from a seismograph to focus of an earthquake
D All of the above
11 Which are possible warning signs of an approaching tsunami?
A an earthquake
B a loud ocean roar
C water pulling away from the coastline
D all of the above
12 The interior of the planet has been mapped out due to extensive work from geologists interpreting indirect observations from _ waves
A Sound wave
B Seismic wave
C Surface wave
D ocean wave
V Topic 5a Exogenous process - Weathering, Erosion and Deposition
1 Which of the following isn’t a factor/force involved with erosion?
2 The decomposition of rock from exposure to water and atmospheric gases is known as _
A abrasion B salt wedging C chemical weathering D mechanical weathering
3 A mechanical weathering process caused by pressure release (or unloading) is .
A abrasion B exfoliation C hydrolysis D salt wedging
4 Referring to graph below, layer D is _
A bedrock
Trang 2210 Which of the following is a type of chemical weathering?
A frost wedging B unloading C root wedging D none of these
11 Which process is illustrated in the graph below?
A sedimentation
B deposition
C erosion
D weathering
Trang 2312 Which process is illustrated in the graph below?
Trang 2417 What factors affect the rate of weathering?
20 Ice in a glacier moves downslope in response to _
21 Why is karst topography dangerous?
A glaciers can freeze
B sand dunes form quickly
C sinkholes can form
D landslides are common
Trang 25VI Topic 5b Exogenous process – Water on Earth
1 A/An lake is a U-shaped body of water that forms when a wide meander from the main stem of a river is cut off, creating a free-standing body of water
2 Drainage basins are also called
A floodplains B watersheds C whirlpools D artesian wells
3 Which process is illustrated at the position A in the graph below?
Trang 2811 Which of the following statements about global water abundance is FALSE?
A Water is often not available in the right place at the right time in the right form
B Water suitable for use is less than one percent of the world's total
C Water is plentiful
D Most of the Earth's water is suitable for human use
Trang 2912 Referring to graph below, position D is a/an
14 The water table forms the upper surface of the
A cap rock layer B contour surface C zone of saturation D artesian formation
15 Referring to graph below, position A is a _
Trang 31A precipitation B infiltration C runoff D snow melt
19 The largest ocean is the _.
20 Referring to graph below, position F is a/an _
Trang 32A The faster stream contains more dissolved minerals.
B The faster stream has a much steeper gradient.
C The streams are flowing in different directions.
D The faster stream has a temperature of 10°C, and the slower stream has a temperature
of 20°C
22 The most abundant major element dissolved in ocean water is .
23 The water sphere of the earth is known as the
A Atmosphere B Troposphere C Lithosphere D Hydrosphere
24 What is runoff?
A water that soaks
into the soil
B water that is not absorbed by the ground
C excess snow forming glaciers
D what you do when someone chases you
25 The main parts of the water cycle are evapotranspiration, precipitation, and _
A evaporation B condensation C run off D deposition
25 An aquifer (Tầầng ch a n ứ ướ c/ng m n ậ ướ c) contains a great deal of water, but the water cannot be removed easily with an ordinary well This is most likely due to sediment and rock characterized by
A low porosity B poor sorting C low permeability (đ thấốm)ộ D high iron content
26 Which of the following is the correct term for a layer of rock that is permeable and has high porosity? (Tính thầấm và đ xốấp cao) ộ
A aquifer (tấầng ng m nậ ướ c) B travertine layer C natural cavern
D karst region
27 What type of material is carried the farthest by moving water?
A gravel B sand C silt (phù sa) D boulders
44 The _ is the liquid water component of the Earth
A asthenosphere B hydrosphere C cryosphere D water
45 An lake is a U-shaped body of water that forms when a wide meander from the main stem of a river is cut off, creating a free-standing body of water.
Trang 3346 _ is an area of land adjacent to a stream or river that stretches from the banks of its channel to the base of the enclosing valley walls and experiences flooding during periods of high discharge
A aquifer(tấầng ng m nậ ước) B floodplain (đỗầng bằầng ng p nậ ước)
C natural levee (đê) D swamp
48 When an island or coastline is deforested, increased will lead to an increase in sediment, damaging the coral reefs.
A sedimentation B deposition C erosion D weathering
49 The consequences of rising temperatures will considerably around the world
VII Topic 5c Exogenous process – Atmosphere
1 Air pressure is usually highest when the air is
A cool and dry B warm and humid C warm and dry D cool and humid
2 Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?
A methane B carbon dioxide C water vapor D oxygen
3 Water cools _
A More slowly than land does
B More quickly than land does
C Only during evaporation
D During global warming
4 The Coriolis effect is a result of Earth’s _
A rotation B revolution C orbital shape D tilted axis
5 What is the major difference between weather and climate? ( Weather is what → conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time)
6 When air has less mass and density, it will have less _
A Temperature B Pressure C volume D All of these
7 Wind strength is dependent upon
Trang 34A vertical movement of air
B air pressure differences
C horizontal movement of air
D amount of gravitation attraction.
8 The vertical movement of air due to the uneven heating is called _
A conduction B radiation C convection D reflection
9 The layer of the atmosphere in which weather change occurs is the .
A Stratosphere B Troposphere (đỗối l u)ư C Thermosphere D Mesosphere
10 The structure of the atmosphere based on _ differences (The atmosphere is divided into layers based on how the temperature in that layer changes with altitude, the layer's temperature gradient)
A Pressure B Humidity C Temperature D Air composition
11 This layer contains the ozone layer, which protects us from harmful sunlight What is it?
A Stratosphere B Troposphere C Thermosphere D Mesosphere
12 This layer above stratosphere What is it?
A Stratosphere B Troposphere C Thermosphere D Mesosphere
13 This is where most small meteorites burn up and is also the location in the atmosphere that the northern lights occur
A Stratosphere B Troposphere C Thermosphere D Mesosphere
14 Height of this layer ranges from 100 to 400 km What is it?
A Stratosphere B Troposphere C Thermosphere D Mesosphere
15 Height of this layer ranges from 25 to 100 km What is it?
A Stratosphere B Troposphere C Thermosphere D Mesosphere
16 A _ is a storm characterized by the presence of lightning and its effect
on the Earth's atmosphere
A Storm B Thunderstorm C Tornadoes D Lightning
17 What type of radiation is trapped on the earth's surface by the greenhouse effect?
A ultraviolet rays B X rays C gamma rays D infrared rays (tia hỗầng ngo i)ạ
18 The most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere include all BUT NOT of the following?
Trang 35A Water vapor B Carbon dioxide C Hydrogen D Nitrous oxide
19 Excluding the exosphere, Earth’s atmosphere has _ primary layers
A Bernouli Principle B Jetstream C El Nino D Coriolis Effect
22 The most abundant element in the earth's atmosphere is _
23 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
A The rising of sea level over time
B The Earth's atmosphere losing heat
C The trapping of the Sun's warmth in the Earth's atmosphere
D The way we get energy to our homes
24 The main human activity that releases greenhouse gases is _
A using bottled water
B burning fossil fuels
C texting on cellphones
D eating meat
25 The greenhouse gas having the greatest role in human-caused global warming
is _
A methane B carbon dioxide C CFCs D ozone
26 Without the Earth’s atmosphere, the Earth’s average temperature would be well below the temperature of water
A Boiling B Freezing C Vaporization D None of these
30 The primitive atmosphere of the Earth contained a large amount of _
27 The windward side of a mountain is _
A Warm and dry B Cool and wet C Warm and wet D Cool and dry