- Contract: + Legally enforceable promise made between parties + Agreement that binds parties to contract + Contracts can be written, verbal or behavior ~ Contract = Agreement + Enforcea
Trang 1- Agreement: involves the proposal or offer by one party and acceptance of the same offer
by the other party
- Contract:
+ Legally enforceable promise made between parties
+ Agreement that binds parties to contract
+ Contracts can be written, verbal or behavior
~ Contract = Agreement + Enforceable at Law
- Elements of Contract: offer -acceptance -constderation
+ Offer:
* communication of intention to be bound by a promise to do/ not do
contain core terms and conditions
must be firm and irrevocable
offer is still in force
* same terms as the offer
unconditional acceptance
must be communicated to the offeror
+ Consideration: is the price given in exchange for goods or services under a contract,
or a promise to do (or not to do) something in return The price is usually money —
* Only enforce if both sides are getting something
“Must be something of value in the eyes of the law
- Contract is void and null when:
Against the laws
Against the principal of an agreement
Not satisfy the form of contract (based on the applicable laws)
Out of authority to engage
Trang 2- Types of business relationships on contract:
~ Transactional
+ Short term contract
+ Arm’s length contract (giao dịch độc lập)
“ Administered: Part of a larger system in managing activities
“ Corporate:
+ Vertical integration contract
+ Long term contract
- Types of contract:
“+ Fixed - price contracts: price is fixed during the contract duration
+ Firm Fixed Price
+ Fixed Price Incentive Fee
+ Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustments
- Limited Flexibility: Changes to the
project scope may be challenging
and costly
- Quality Concerns: There may be
pressure to compromise on quality
to meet the fixed price
Advantages | - Predictable Revenue: The seller - Cost Certainty: Buyers know the
knows the fixed amount they will total cost upfront, aiding budgeting receive, providing financial stability | ~ Reduced Financial Risk: Risk of ae cost overruns is transferred to the
- Incentive for Efficiency: motivation ller
to complete the project efficiently to | _ Clear Expectations: Well-defined
maximize profit and cost control scope and deliverables provide
- Clear Scope: Well-defined scope | clarity
helps prevent scope creep
Risks - Cost Overruns: If costs exceed the | - Limited Flexibility: Changes to
the project may incur additional
* Cost reimbursable contracts (chi phi tăng Lên được cộng vào)
+ Cost Plus Fixed Fee
+ Cost Plus Incentive Fee
+ Cost Plus Award Fee
Trang 3
Advantages - Compensation for Effort: Sellers are
reimbursed for actual costs incurred
- Flexibility: Changes to the project
can be accommodated without major
financial impact
- Profit Margin: Sellers receive a
predetermined fee on top of
reimbursed costs
- Flexibility: Changes to project scope can be made without extensive negotiations
- Transparent Costs: Buyers
have insight into actual costs, promoting transparency
- Adaptability: Suitable for projects with evolving or unclear requirements
- Profit Uncertainty: Profit depends
on the negotiated fee, and it may be
subject to buyer approval
- Cost Overruns: Sellers may need to
absorb cost overruns if not agreed
upon in the contract
- Perceived Lack of Incentives:
Buyers may think the seller lacks
motivation for cost control - Cost Uncertainty: The total cost
is not known until the project is completed
- Potential for Overbilling:
Buyers must monitor costs to
ensure they are reasonable
- Dependency on Seller Performance: Buyers rely on the seller to efficiently manage costs
“ Time and material contracts: hybrid contract
Advantages | - Compensation for Actual Effort: - Flexibility: Changes to the
Sellers are paid for actual hours worked | project can be easily
and materials used accommodated
- Flexibility: Can accommodate changes - Transparent Billing: Buyers
; j ; have visibility into costs more easily than fixed-price contracts - Adaptability: Suitable for
- Transparent Billing: Buyers have projects with evolving or visibility into the hours and materials unclear requirements
Risks - Profit Margins: Profit is tied to billable | - Cost Uncertainty: The total
- Potential for Scope Creep: May face
challenges in controlling scope changes
- Client Oversight: Buyers may closely
monitor hours and question charges
cost is not known until the project is completed
- Potential for Overbilling:
Must monitor costs to ensure
they are reasonable
- Dependency on Seller Performance: Rely on the seller to efficiently manage costs and hours
Trang 4
Vi du contract Lúc đầu van available, nma sau dé bi null and void — Lý do có thể dẫn đến Là
Case study page 45
- Contract management: focuses on the contract management activities undertaken during the period from the award of contract to contract completion In a contract, we manage: + Information flow
+ Goods flow
+ Financial flow
+ Relationship
- Why to manage a contract:
+ Closely following & monitoring implementation so that you can take immediate action when problems occur or when situation change
+ Avoiding unexpected costs, delay or poor quality
+ Oral agreement: order food
+ Implied by behavior agreement: board a taxi
- Legal consideration of contract:
+ Offer & acceptance: one offers, other accepts
+ Consideration: exchange promise between parties
+ Intention to create legal relationship: both parties agree to legal bind to another + Legal capacity: both parties must be mature and clear thinking
- Classification of contract in law:
+ Void contract: is one that is not legally valid from the beginning
+ Voidable contract: is initially valid but can be voided by one or more parties under certain conditions
+ Unenforceable contract: is one that may be valid, but for legal reasons, a court will
not enforce it
Trang 5- When a problem happen
1 Resolve the dispute peacefully (offer alternative options, compensation)
2 Court
3 Litigation should be the very last option as it is very costly and time consuming
- Content of the contract:
+ Express term: Statements which are made verbally or writing In most business case it should be made in writing to ensure minimizing uncertainty Implied terms: terms inserted into a contract by law whether or not both parties agree or not
- Terms of the contract
+ Condittons: obligations and actlon tn case of disputes IF tt ts breach - injured can sue for damages and has the right to terminate the contract Warranty: can not justiPy the termination of contract but can sue For damages - contract wiULL continue
Some important key clauses in the contract:
Payment terms
Indemnity & liability clauses
Confidentiality and data protection
Exclusion clauses
Dispute resolution
Governing law/ jurisdiction
Transfer of ownership and risks
Trang 6Term “defend” in indemnification terms: typically refers to a legal obligation or responsibility assumed by one party to protect, support, or take action on behalf of the other party in the event of certain legal claims or disputes
Product safety: include clause to indemnify the buyer from costs associated with recalls or defects
Product liability: a person injured by products or property owners who experience a loss have the right to sue
Product infringement: an organization may be sued for patent infringement by virtue of its use of patented item even when the item was purchased in good faith
Some term and conditions DEFINITION in contracts:
+ Intellectual property: refers to intangible personal property that has commercial value
Consent to subcontract: approval of subcontractors hired by the prime contractor Claims: right to payment or remedy for poor performance
Limitation of liability: to address loss due to warranty claims or other breaches of contract
Waiver of consequential damages: these relate to lost profits, lost sales and injury
to persons etc
Collusive offers: this prefers to secret agreement and cooperation for a fraudulent purpose
Suspension: this clause is to protect against unforeseen funding problem
Warranties: express and implied
Revocation of acceptance: happen when buyer discover defect after acceptance of goods, if defect substantially impairs the value of goods to buyer
Contractual obligations cannot be transferred
Only benefits can be transferred
Trang 7- Misrepresentation:
Before a contract is made, parties made statements to induce the others to enter into a
contract which are known as representations
-> A misrepresentation is when an untrue statement of fact or law, false statements, or statement of opinions is made by Party A (or its agent) to Party B, which induces Party B
to enter a contract with Party A thereby causing Party B loss
Why do we need a team?
More flexible and responsive
Easier to conduct and work things out rather than assign to a specific department Enables employees to gain new insights
Increases understanding between inter-departmental members
Types of teams
Problem Solving teams:
+ Advantages: Specialized Expertise, Focus, Efficiency
+ Disadvantages: Limited Scope, Lack of Diversity:
Self-managed work teams
+ Advantages: Autonomy, Morale, Flexibility
+ Disadvantages: Lack of Experience, Conflict due to autonomy
Cross-functional team: Made up of individuals from different departments often within the same hierarchical level
+ Advantages: Diverse Perspectives, Collaboration, Comprehensive Solutions + Disadvantages: Coordination Challenges, Time-Consuming
Virtual teams: made up of members that are physically apart but connected as a team through modern informatics technology and are highly task oriented
+ Advantages: Geographic Flexibility, Cost Savings, Global Talent
+ Disadvantages: Communication Challenges, Team Building, Time Zone Differences
Trang 8Factors affecting team performance
Common purpose Specific goals Team efficacy Conflict levels Social loaffing
_ Project sponsor: provide resources and give permission to the project
_ Project manager: Control day-to-day activities of the project
_ Project team: This group carries out the project work, producing the project’s
deliverables They can come from other departments or they can be hired externally
=> This technique is used when Preferred for long-term contracts with high profits Involves personnel and resources from various company functions Decision-making may require collaboration across functions
Gantt chart
This technique show work breakdown structure, time duration for each task and total time
span of the project, broken down into increments
=> Perfect tool for illustrating tasks, their duration and dependencies Visualize task relationships and responsible parties
Trang 9Pros Cons
1 High-level Overview 1 Lack of Detail
2 Enhanced team productivity 2 Lack of Priorities
3 Effective Time management 3 Complex and Confusing for Complex
4 Simplifies Complex Information Projects
5 Balances Multiple Projects
Critical path technique
_ Precedence Diagram method: activities are represented by nodes, and the relationships between activities are depicted by arrows There are 4 relationships:
Finish-to-Start (FS): Activity B cannot start until Activity A is finished
Start-to-Start (SS): Activity B cannot start until Activity A starts
Finish-to-Finish (FF): Activity B cannot finish until Activity A finishes
Start-to-Finish (SF): Activity B cannot finish until Activity A starts
_ Arrow Diagram method: activities are represented by arrows, and events (milestones) are represented by nodes It uses only Finish-to-Start (FS) relationships
1 Identifies Critical Activities 1 Complex and time-consuming
2 Resource Optimization 2 Assumption of Fixed Durations
3 Effective Time management 3 Difficulty in Changes
4 Dependency Identification:
5 Risk Management
For large contracts: core teams and extended teams
Different contracts require different managers:
a Arm- length relationships require people who are good at applying contract law Co-operative relationships require good people manager
1 Life cycle of contract
“ 5 stages (Billiate 2005): Conception - Gestation - Birth - Life - Death
“ 8 stages (Hallicopper): Initiation - Planning - Implementation -
Negottatton - Executton - Management - Renewal - CLose-out
+ Negotiating lower prices (tender
submitted for large orders)
+ Multiple supplier/
+ Exploit call option
+ Identify scale and optimize profit
+ Framework contract
+ Call-off contract
- very concrete on “ready to supply G&S
- accompanied with Cost-breakdown
- difficult to terminate contract
Non-critical Items
- standard products with abundant source
of supply
+ Increasing the efficiency on time and
money product purchasing
+ Local supplier
Surf the price
+ Standardized and automated
process to save time and money
+ Spot contract (hop déng giao ngay-
hàng kh cần giao ngay nma giá như
+ Partnership contract
- complex interdependence between parties
- focus on expense or cost
- highly trust between parties
- many integrating terms and conditions
+ Signing long-term contracts
+ Stocking extra/ alternatives to
replace + Cooperation with reliable supplier + Accepting high price if needed
+ Fixed contract + Term contract
Trang 11giá hàng giao ngay tại thời điểm
- not complex (basic terms and conditions)
- easy to terminate contract
- extremely tight binding on “ensuring to ready supplying G&S
- grant a privilege to seller
- focus on G&S than on price
- not easy to terminate contract
3 Tendering and contract made by tendering
1 Open tendering
- employed by government
and private sector
- offer in local newspaper
and media
- client is not bound to
accept the lowest or any
2 Selective tendering
- allow unknown contractor
to compete for work
- high level of transparency and competition
- no bias, client can obtain
the best bargain possible
- no favoritism/partially in
selecting contractors
- opportunities to receive better price
- tradtttonal method - Famultar to all sectors
- reduce cost of tendering
- too many contractors with
risk that choosing no prior
experience contractor
= untrustworthy competELELon
- uneconomic/inefficient use
of the source
- public accountability may
be questioned if the lowest offer is not accepted
- time consuming
- less competition and