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Test 3 - THPT Chuyên Ngoại Ngữ

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Trang 1

Question 85: The candidate was offered the job because of his excellent answers A The job was offered to the candidate although he couldn't answer the questions B If it hadn’t been for the candidate’s excellent answers, he couldn't have got the job C The candidate answered the questions so excellently that he might get the job

D Because it was such a good job, the candidate tried to answer the questions excellently


Time allotted: 90 min

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose stress pattern is different from the others’ in each line

Question 1: A discriminate B accuracy C particular D benevolent

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the same line

Mark the letter A, B, C, or.D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

Question 11: They say he inherited his money from a relative he had never met

Question 12: The economics of the plan the investors

Question 13: His business is growing so fast that he must take more workers

Question 14: Tropical diseases are comparatively in Europe

Question 15: The play was not what we had expected

Question 16: The police pursued the enemy relentlessly,

C to catch him in the final D with a final catch

Question 17: The damage caused by poachers and illegal lumberjacks must to be believed

?zởng THPT Chuyên Ngoại ngữ - ĐH Ngoại ngữ - ĐHQGHN

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Trang 2

Question 18: Colour-blindness is the _ to distinguish colours,

A disablement B disability C inabllity D unability

Question 19: of all of us who are here tonight, | would like to thank Mr Jones for his talk

Question 20: He says he has got in his stomach

Question 21: an athlete involves regular,

A, Be / train B Being / training C To be/ to train D Being / to train

Question 22: - "Why did you ride your bike today?” -“It'smore than driving my car.”

Question 23: Egypt is unique No other country has —_ wealth of ancient monuments

Question 24: | got everyone in the family _—_—_— Jane's birthday card before | sent it to her

Question 25: The policeman _ me off with a warning as it was Christmas

Question 26: It was only _ he told me his sumame that | realised that we had been to the same school

Question 27: If he's in trouble, it's his own fault, | personally wouldn't a finger to help him

Question 28: Is it necessary that | here tomorrow?

Question 29: the hard evidence against him, the jury had no option but to find him guilty

A Given that B In view of C In regard to D With a view to

Question 30: He decided to make aclaim _—_—s damages to his car

Question 31: We lay in the sun until our bodies felt saturated the heat

Question 32: Some very important issues was taking all his attention

Question 33: He started _ by pointing out the dangers involved in rock climbing

Question 34: She —s me up till the early hours listening to pop music

Question 35: Old Mr Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will ,

Question 36: I’m so tired that | can’t take what you are saying

Question 37: Lack of sleep over the last few months is finally Jane

A catching up with B getting on with C coming over D putting on Question 38: | was astonished that he turned down the job-1 _it would have been ideal for him

A have thought B would have thought C am thinking D had been thinking

Question 39: Marianne seemed to take at my comments on her work

Question 40: | didn'tset to start an argument, it just happened

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Trang 3

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions

One of the most interesting authors of the twentieth century, J.R.R Tolkien, achieved fame

through his highly inventive trilogy, The Lord of the Rings Born In 1892, Tolkien received his education

from Oxford and then served in World War | After the war, he became a professor of Anglo-Saxon and English language and literature at Oxford University

Although published in 1965, the three books that comprise The Lord of the Rings were written in

intervals from 1936 to 1949 This was mainly due to Tolkien's responsibilities as a professor and the outbreak of World War ll By the late 1960s, this fascinating trilogy had become a sociological

phenomenon as young people intently studied the mythology and legends created by Tolkien

The trilogy is remarkable not only for its highly developed account of historical fiction but also its

success as a modern heroic epic [1] The main plot chronicles the struggle between good and evil kingdom as they try to acquire a magic ring that has the power to rule the world [2] The novels, which are set in a time called Middle Earth, describe a detailed fantasy world [3] Established before humans populated the Earth, Middle Earth was inhabited by good and evil creatures such as hobbits, dwarves, elves, monsters, wizards, and some humans [4] The characters and the setting of Middle Earth were modeled after mythological stories from Greece and Northern Europe

Although readers have scrutinized the texts for inner meaning and have tried to connect the trilogy with Tolkien's real life experiences in England during World War II, he denies the connection He claims that the story began in his years as an undergraduate student grew out of his desire to create mythology and legends about elves and their language

Tolkien was a masterful fantasy novelist who used his extensive knowledge of folklore to create a body of work that is still read and enjoyed throughout the world today

Question 41: What does this passage mainly discuss?

A J.R.R Tolkien's work as a professor B All of J.R.R Tolkien's fantasy books

C The popularity of J.R.R Tolkien D J.R.R Tolkien and his trilogy Question 42: What does the word ‘trilogy’ mean?

A A group of three literary works B A specific type of fantasy novel C An unrelated group of books D Along novel

Question 43: What is one of the reasons it took Tolkien thirteen years to complete the trilogy? A His military service in World War II -B His need to study more mythology

_ C His duties at the university D His family responsibilities

Question 44: According to the passage when did The Lord of the Rings trilogy become popular with young people?

Question 45: What is the setting of Tolkien's trilogy?

A England in 1800's B Middle Earth C Oxford University | D Modern-day Greece Question 46: What can we assume is NOT true about Middle Earth?

A People dominated Middle Earth B The good and evil kingdoms fought for power C Middle Earth was based on European folktales D Middle Earth was a fictional world

Question 47: The following sentence could be added to paragraph 2 Where would it best fit into this paragraph? “Once the ring is found by a hobbit, a wizard selects a group to take the ring to the volcano where it was forged and destroy it.”

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Trang 4

Question 48: The word “scrutinized” in the fourth paragraph could be replaced by

Question 49: When did Tolkien begin to create this trilogy?

A Durina World War Il B When he was a professor C When he was a student D During World War | Question 50; What can we assume is true about Tolkien?

A He enjoyed studying mythology and folklore B He wrote the trilogy about his real life experiences C He spent most of his life in the military

of avarice, fraud, injustice, and selfishness, as displayed by the inordinate lovers of gain; and the vices of

thriftlessness, extravagance, and improvidence, on the part of those who misuse and abuse the means

entrusted to them “So that,” as is wisely observed by Henry Taylor in his thoughtful ‘Notes from Life,’ “a

right measure and manner in getting, saving, spending, giving, taking, lending Borrowing, and bequeathing, would almost argue a perfect man.”

Comfort in worldly circumstances is a condition which every man is justified in striving to attain by all worthy means It secures that physical satisfaction, which is necessary for the culture of the better part of his nature; and enables him to provide for those of his own household Nor ought the duty to be any the less indifferent to us, that the respect which our fellow-men entertain for us in no slight degree depends upon the manner in which we exercise the opportunities which present themselves for our honourable advancement in life The very effort required to be made to succeed in life with this object, is of itself an education; stimulating a man’s sense of self-respect, bringing out his practical

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Trang 5


qualities, and disciplining him in the exercise of patience, perseverance, and such like virtues, The provident and careful man must necessarily be a thoughtful man, for he lives not merely for the present, but with provident forecast makes arrangements for the future He must also be a temperate man, and exercise the virtue of self-denial, than which nothing Is so much calculated to give strength to the character John Sterling says truly, that “the worst education which teaches self-denial is better than the best which teaches everything else, and not that.” The Romans rightly employed the same word (virtus) to

designate courage, which is in a physical sense what the other Is a moral; the highest virtue of all being victory over ourselves,

Question 56: What is the main idea of this passage?

A Wealthy people and poor people can both be virtuous B Money is insignificant

C Money is the most important thing in the world

D The way a person handles money indicates his or her general character Question 57: The author's purpose in writing this essay is

A to teach people how to earn a great deal of money B to warn readers about the dangers of greed C to describe the life of a wealthy person

D to convince the reader that proper money management is a sign of good character Question 58: Which is the best synonym for the word “providence” in the 1s! paragraph?

Question 59: What would be the author's response to those who say that poverty is noble? A The author would agree with this statement

B In order to cultivate other virtues a person must have money

C Once a person gets rich, they can start worrying about self-discipline

D The Romans believed that poor people are evil

Question 60: Which word best describes the author's attitude to Henry Taylor?

Question 61: What does the author imply by saying that money provides “physical satisfaction, which is necessary for the cultivation of the better part of his nature?"

A People are friendlier after they have had a hot bath

B In order to improve oneself in more lofty ways, one must attain the basic necessities -C The most important thing in life is physical pleasure

D Money can only provide physical pleasure

Question 62: What does the author mean by the comment: “The v very effort required to be made to succeed in life with this object, is of itself an education?”

A In.order to earn money a person needs to go to college B Money makes people seem smarter than they are

C That leaming to manage money effectively entails leaming a number of other valuable skills D Only intelligent people can earn money

Question 63: Why must the “provident and careful man’ be a thoughtful man? A because he has earned a great deal of money

B because he is familiar with the works of Henry Tailor C because he gives the most of his money to charity

D because he must always be planning for the future

Truong THPT Chuyén Ngoai ngit - DH Ngoai ngit - PHOGHN 19

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Trang 6

Question 64: The author brings up the Roman word for “courage” to illustrate

A his knowledge of the classics

B that people throughout history have valued money C that self-discipline is less important than physical bravery D that self-control is similar to physical bravery

Question 65: What is the definition of the word “temperate” as it is used in this essay?

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for

each of the blanks

Scully was the sort of man who (66) been a success in life If he had not been brought up

in one the roughest parts of the city, he might have (67) a chance But (68) ! plays a big part in our lives, and Scully was destined to become one of the best known and richest criminals of all time He had begun his working life doing (69) jobs in a factory but he quickly made his way up the (70) of success and, aged only 26, was one of the most successful property developers who operated

in the city People (71) Scully make a lot of friends and even more enemies His business deals were known to be illegal but nobody could prove, or perhaps had the courage to try and prove, just (72) illegal they were He lived a life of luxury He was a handsome man and spent a great deal of time having holidays in the sun He was always surrounded by beautiful women Unfortunately he became

over-confident and started (73) foolish risks which naturally ended in disaster As evidence against

him grew, he fled the country and was eventually picked up on a luxury yacht (74) the

Mediterranean He is now (75) —_—a: 10-year sentence for fraud

Question 66: A should have B must have C might have D can't have

Question 69: A traditional B conventional C extraordinary D odd

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions

Question 76: Graham arrived in Paris He phoned his wife immediately

A Graham phoned his wife right before arriving in Paris

B Graham lost no time in phoning his wife on his arrival in Paris C No sooner had he arrived in Paris when Graham phoned his wife D Not until Graham arrived in Paris that he phoned his wife

Question 77: The Government is so powerful It can control people's lives A So powerful the Government is that it can control people's lives B The Government is too powerful to control people's lives

C Such is the power of the Government that it can control people's lives D Such powerful is the Government that it can control people's lives

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Trang 7

Question 78: George had fo try for months Finally he got a job

A Only after having tied for months did George finally get a job B George succeeded getting a job after trying for months C Only by trying for months did George get a job D George gol a job as soon as he tried

Question 79: She said she was engaged to be mamed We were all surprised to hear that A We all know about the announcement of her engagement

B The announcement of her engagement took us all by surprise C The announcement of her engagement took us surprised D She made us engaged in her announcement

Question 80: The dog appeared harmless But it was, in fact, quite dangerous A Contrary to its appearancé, the dog was, in fact, quite dangerous

B Although the dog appeared quite harmless, it was, on the contrary, was quite dangerous C Although the dog appeared quite harmless, but it was quite dangerous

D Despite its harmless appearance, the dog, however, is quite dangerous

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions

Question 81: Did anything about his behavior strike you as being strange? A Did anything about his behavior make you feel strange? B Did he make you strange by his behavior?

C Did anything about his behavior make you surprised? D Did anything about his behavior seem strange to you? Question 82: The top fifteen players only will advance to the next round

A Only the top fifteen players will make it through to the next round B The top fifteen players will be accepted for the final round C Only fifteen players will compete in the next round D The next round is only for fifteen players

Question 83: His fake arrogance only hid his genuine insecurity A His insecurity and his arrogance were hidden

B His fake arrogance was hidden behind his insecurity C His fake arrogance made him feel insecure

D Behind his fake arrogance lay a hidden insecurity Question 84: Go and see what the children are up to

A Go and see if the children need anything

B Goand see what mischievous things the children are doing C Go and see if the children are upstairs

D, Go and see what the children are able to do

Question 85: My boyfriend's parents put me at ease by treating me like part of the family

A | felt relaxed at my boyfriend's house because his parents treated me like part of the family B | felt disrespected at my boyfriend's house because his parents treated me so easily C, My boyfriend’s parents looked down on me,

D By treating me like a part of their family, my boyfriend's parents make me embarrassed

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Ngày đăng: 04/08/2024, 15:49
