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practice report social networking usage habits of foreigners

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Name: Phạm Thị Mỹ ThươngID Number: 61134452

Nha Trang, November 25th, 2021

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I want to send my special thanks to Mrs Ngo Quynh Hoa who is an enthusiastic anddevoted teacher Thanks to her guidance, I and other students are able to make thequestionnaire for the survey and interview as well as know how to write this report.I sincerely thank foreigners who agreed to participate in the survey so that I couldcomplete this report You are really important and an integral part of my report.

Finally, I express my deep gratitude to my group who accompanied and supported methroughout the survey process.

In short, you are really enthusiastic and nice It is your dedicated support that helpsme make this report in the best way Thank you for everything.


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1.Overview of the topic 6

c.recommendations for the topic 18

d.Personal lessons & difficulties from the project 19


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Chart 1: Common age groups of interviewed foreigners 8

Chart 2: Popular social networks 9

Chart 3: The frequency of check-in social networks accounts in a day 10

Chart 4: The average time using social media in a day 11

Chart 5: Most active time of using social media 12

Chart 6: The purpose of using social networking sites 13

Chart 7: The frequency of user interaction on social networks 14

Chart 8: The frequency of posting on social networks 15

Chart 9: Helpful social networks 16

Chart 10: The suggestions for social networking user 17

LIST OF PICTURESPicture 1: Questionnaire 7

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“English extracurricular" subject that we studied in the 1st semester of the 3rd yearprovided a great opportunity for students to improve and develop communicationskills with foreigners as well as professional report writing skills To carry out thissubject, we conducted a survey by interviewing 35 foreigners on the topic " socialnetworking usage habits of foreigners " This report was written with the main purposeof presenting the social media usage habits of the interviewees, thereby finding outcertain usage trends as well as giving a wide variety of suggestions for using socialnetworks sites reasonably The report consists of four main parts: introduction, body,conclusion and the questionnaires.

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1 Background

In modern society, it was the outstanding development of science and technologythat had led to the development and popularity of social networking all over theworld Specially, people are now limited in face-to-face communication because ofthe COVID 19 pandemic for nearly 3 years Consequently, people used socialnetworks as a way to perform both common purposes and other purposes that washappened during the pandemic The purpose and frequency of using socialnetworks was different for each person; however, tendencies of social networkingusage habits will be shown after the survey.

2 Purpose

The main purpose of this report is to present and evaluate the social networkinghabits of a group of foreigners Simultaneously, practical suggestions on usingsocial networking are given Finally, we had the opportunity to improve ourEnglish communication skill and other necessary soft skills when interviewingforeigners.

3 Method of enquiry

We created and provided questionnaires to 35 foreigners that we contacted throughsocial networks and most of whom can speak English fluently Each questionnaireconsists of six sections asking about personal information, backgroundinformation, time using, purpose, user’ behaviour and their suggestions aboutsocial networks The whole process took seven weeks to complete.

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1 Overview of the topic

The popularity of social networks has expanded quickly not only in Vietnam but alsoaround the world Therefore, our survey topic " social networking usage habits offoreigners " is a really familiar and close topic to the interviewees, proving that mostof the interviewed foreigners were extremely interested in and enthusiastic about thistopic Furthermore, the foreigners that we could find to interview with this topic arequite diverse as both young people and elderly people could take this survey That isthe main reason that we decided to choose this topic In addition, we wanted tounderstand social networking usage habits so that we could find out the reason whythis topic was interesting to a large number of people.

2 Methodology

To conduct the survey, our team created a questionnaire by researching on websitesand especially by Ms Ngo Quynh Hoa's instructions After many times correctingmistakes in question content, grammar, spelling and so on, we have completed thequestionnaire in the best possible way We then started to interview foreigners togather information and data for reports and presentations It took approximately sevenweeks (from October 15th 2021 to November 28th 2021) to survey and complete thereport.

In terms of questionnaire, there are totally 13 questions that are divided into 6 parts,including:

 Personal information (question 1 to 4); Background information (question 5); Time using (question 6 to 8);

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Picture 1: Questionnaire

The questionnaire was presented in the form of multiple choice and two suggestedquestions (question 12 and 13) that made it easy for the interviewees to answer and itwas convenient for us to collect and synthesize information and data Specifically, theQuestionnaire was used to collect from 35 foreigners who could speak English fluentlyand came from different countries, each group' member would interview 7 people.Unfortunately, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to do everythingonline, even interviewed foreigners Consequently, we found foreigners through socialnetworking sites or popular apps In fact, we had quite a bit of difficulty in contactingthem, but we tried a lot and fully completed the survey.

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3 Results

After completing the survey, we analyzed and evaluated many aspects related to socialnetworking usage habits Here are the results that have been synthesized through thequestionnaire.

Chart 1: Common age groups of interviewed foreigners

This chart illustrates the common age groups among the 35 foreigners interviewed.The chart is divided into 4 parts corresponding to the 4 age groups in our survey.

Specifically, the age group with the highest level is from 31 to 40 years old, accountingfor 37% The age group from 21 to 30 years old comprised the second level of 26%.The least known age group is from 41 to 50 years old, accounting for 14%

In general, the rate of the interviewees' age groups did not differ too much Therefore,it could be said that social networks are popular among most age groups.

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Chart 2: Popular social networks

This bar chart shows the most used social networks of the interviewees

The percentage of interviewees who used FACEBOOK made up the greatest level of24%, followed by INSTAGRAM (15%) and YouTube (14%) In contrast, the socialnetworks chosen by few people are LINKEDLN (accounting for 4%), HELLOTALK(accounting for 6%) and other social networks in the "others" group such as TIKTOK,WEIBO, SNAPCHAT, and so on made up 7%.

Generally, it is clear to see that Facebook is the most used social network, perhapsbecause it is the most famous social network with many functions that are highlyappreciated by users In addition, INSTRAGRAM and YOUTUBE are also used bymany people TIKTOK, WEIBO, SNAPCHAT, LINKEDIN are not so popularamong the interviewees

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Chart 3: The frequency of check-in social networks accounts in a day

This pie chart represents the frequency of checking-in to social media accounts in aday of 35 foreigners, the chart consists of 4 parts corresponding to 4 frequency levels.In detail, "More than 3 times a day" is the frequency most chosen by foreigners,accounting for 82% The reason is that they often use social networks for manydifferent purposes Meanwhile, the percentage of interviewees selected 2 times and 3times is the same, 9% for each frequency The group of people who choose thisfrequency level are usually older expats An interesting point is that no one chooses tohave one-time access to social networks

In conclusion, most of the interviewees always check in to their social networkingaccounts more than 3 times a day The number of foreigners that check in to theiraccount less than 3 times is completely few This frequency shows that theinterviewees often use social networks in a day

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Chart 4: The average time using social media in a day

The chart above shows the average amount of time that interviewees use socialnetworks in a day

Turning to detail, the average number of people using social networks from 1 hour to 3hours accounted for the highest proportion, accounting for 49 %, followed by " 3 - 5hours" (31 %) and "more than 5 hours" (11 %) The percentage of people that usedsocial networks for 1 hour included the lowest level at 9 % None of the 35 foreignersuse social media for less than 30 minutes a day.

Overall, it is easy to see that a majority of people use social media more than 1 hour aday and no one uses less than 1 hour per day This result reflects the popularity of thesocial network that attracts a great number of users of all ages.

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Chart 5: Most active time of using social media

The bar chart above illustrates the time frames when 35 foreigners use social networksthe most.

According to the given data, up to 40% of foreigners use social media most activelyfrom 7 P.M to 9 p.m This is also the highest percentage, followed by the "after 9hours" (26%) The 3rd most chosen time frame are "8 A.M- 10 A.M" and "4 P.M - 6P.M", each time frame accounting for 14% In contrast, none of the foreigners usesocial networks from 11 A.M to 12 A.M and before 7am.

In conclusion, it can be said that most of the interviewees tend to use socialnetworking sites more at night with the golden hours from 7 P.M to 9 P.M because thenthey don't have to work and have a lot of free time Besides, they rarely use socialmedia in the morning

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Chart 6: The purpose of using social networking sites

The pie chart above shows the purposes of using social media collected from 35foreigners.

In detail, the percentage of communication purpose comprised the highest level of 37%, followed by entertainment (24%) In addition, people who use social networks forwork account for the same proportion as those who use social networks for study,which is 17% Meanwhile, it seems that foreigners are not interested in reading newsand shopping on social media because only 9% of people use social media to readnews and no one uses it for shopping.

Generally, it is evident that foreigners like to use social networks for communicatingwith others because of its convenience "Communication" contained the highest ratewhich is about two times higher than the second-lowest one in the survey

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Chart 7: The frequency of user interaction on social networks

The above bar chart illustrates the interaction frequency of 35 foreigners on socialnetworks The chart consists of 5 columns corresponding to 5 frequencies.

Looking at the chart, we can easily consider that half of the interviewees (51 %)always interact with others through social networks The second column shows 37% offoreigners usually use social networks to interact In addition, many people say thatthey do not like to interact on social networks, as evidenced by nearly 7% sometimesinteracting and 5% rarely interacting with others.

In conclusion, based on the above data, we can conclude that most people use socialnetworks to interact with others Therefore, social networks are considered as apopular and effective interaction tool.

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Chart 8: The frequency of posting on social networks

The chart above shows the percentage of social media posting frequency collected from 35 random foreigners.

In detail, the column with the highest data shows that 43% of the interviewees seldom post something on social networking sites The second highest data column shows that 29% sometimes post on social networking sites The number of people who never post accounts for 20% Besides, the percentage of people who usually post on social media occupied the lowest point of 8%.

In conclusion, we can confirm that the foreigners that were interviewed tend not to likeposting pictures, videos on social networking sites because they think it will cause injustice and danger to them.

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Helpful Social Networking

Chart 9: Helpful social networks

The chart above illustrates the most recommended social networks by 35 foreigners.According to given data, the percentage of people who recommended YOUTUBEcomprised the highest level of 20%, followed by INSTAGRAM (18%) and ZALO(14%) What is surprising is that although FACEBOOK is the most used socialnetwork (chart 1), only 10% of interviewees recommend this social network Thereason is that FACEBOOK is a popular social network but it has some limitations andprivacy issues The least recommended social networks are SKOUT, PRINTEST andMEET, each of which accounts for 2%.

Generally, the top 3 most recommended social networks are YOUTUBE,INSTAGRAM and ZALO Many foreigners believe that YOUTUBE is the mostdiverse and useful social network; INSTAGRAM and ZALO help communicate andinteract effectively with others while keeping high privacy.

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Chart 10: The suggestions for social networking user

The chart above shows suggestions for social media users that was compiled from 35interviewees.

The chart consists of 4 parts corresponding to 4 suggestions given by 35 people Thebest advice is to "make it balanced", of which 34% are foreigners They believe thatsocial network users should use their time reasonably so as not to affect their health.Besides, 34% of foreigners remind not to post personal information on socialnetworking sites because several people will steal information or do something bad.The third most recommended advice is to be careful with everything on social media,accounting for 24% Simultaneously, 10% of people said that social media usersshould stay away from misinformation.

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4 Personal opiniona Benefits

From the above results, we considered that social networks were extremely popularnowadays and are used by almost all ages Why was social media so popular? Throughthe survey and the known- information, we found a number of benefits that haveattracted many people interested in social networks First of all, social networks hadgreat connections with people all over the world Specifically, social networks wereeasy for us to make friends or communicate with others Secondly, social networkswere not only a traditional communication tool but they also have other usefulfunctions that could meet all the needs of users Typical functions included study,work, entertainment, news, shopping… The final benefit that I wanted to mention wasincome Social network users could find it easy to earn money through selling online,writing blogs on websites…

b Challenges

Parallel with these benefits, social networks brought several certain challenges forusers Firstly, a large amount of fake news was spread widely on social networkingsites With the rapid development of social networks nowadays, there was no doubtthat untruthful information would be accessed by many users This was a hugechallenge for users to filter and avoid fake news Second, users were at great risk ofbeing scammed and stolen private information through virtual links or websites sent tothem by scammers Finally, with the current trend of using social networks more andmore and for a long time, social networks would be harmful to health; therefore, theproblem for users was how to balance and use social networking sites reasonably.

c Recommendations

To address the disadvantages of social networks that I mentioned above, I haveconsidered the other suggestions as well as learned from my own experience;therefore, I would like to propose some suggestions on habits of using social networks.In terms of news on social networks, it was necessary for us to select carefully to avoidreceiving untruthful information Official channels and websites would be the bestchoice for tracking news Moreover, we should limit to publicize personal informationsuch as phone number, place of residence, place of work to avoid being stolen by badpeople Simultaneously, we needed to keep a careful attitude to strangers whoappeared to sell something or engage us in certain activities through web links Lastbut not least, you should be more aware of the time that you use electronic devicessuch as laptops, phones to surf social networking sites It was better for us to only useit for about 2-3 hours intermittently in a day to avoid affecting health.

d Personal lessons & difficulties from the project

Before conducting the survey and interviewing foreigners, we had four lessons taughtby Ms Ngo Quynh Hoa about how to design the questionnaire as well as how to writethe report These were all useful lessons since they were necessary for the process ofimplementing this extra-curricular subject At the same time, the most interesting thingthat I received when studying this subject was my English communication skills.Specifically, I had opportunities to interact and communicate with foreigners thathelped me become more confident As a result, I learned the necessary skills not only

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on how to write a report but also improved my listening and speaking skills, fromwhich I could apply them to other subjects effectively.

Nonetheless, I encountered some difficulties during the survey process First of all, Ifound it difficult to find foreigners through social networks because I did not knowwhen they would have free time Sometimes many foreigners felt uncomfortablebecause they were bothered by a large number of students from the course of K61 whoasked for permission to interview The second difficulty was about the quality of mycalling device My phone had a sound problem; therefore, sometimes I could not hearwhat foreigners said and vice versa Despite many difficulties, I tried to overcome itsuccessfully Actually, I preferred to enjoy the benefits of the subject rather than thedifficulties.

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In conclusion, this report gave an overview of social media usage habits surveyed from35 foreigners in different countries and ages Then, we analyzed and understood thetrend of using social networks of those users At the same time, suggestions onreasonable social networking habits are given.

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 How to write a good report from Ms Ngo Quynh Hoa’ s documents Report sample 1 and report sample 2 on E- Learning of class 61 NNA5 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/social-networking.asp

 dung-mang-xa-hoi-cua-nguoi-viet-nam-2018.vnrs

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Interviewee 1



Thank you for taking your time to complete this survey We’re students from theFaculty of Foreign Language of Nha Trang University We are carrying out this surveyin order to support our research on using social networking habits Your responses willbe valuable data for us We promise your privacy will be kept, and this will only beused for academic purposes


5 What three social networking sites do you use the most?

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6 How often do you check-in to your social networking accounts in a day? Once

 Twice Three times

✔ More than three times

7 How many hours a day do you spend on social networking sites? Less than 30 minutes

 An hour 1-3 hours

✔ 3-5 hours

 More than 5 hours

8 What time are you most active on social networking sites?

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9 What is your purpose of using social networking sites?(You can choose more than one answer)

 Work

✔ Communication Studying

✔ Entertainment Shopping News

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Ngày đăng: 31/07/2024, 17:13
