Include: Scope of Work To Be Done Item #1 Planning Cost analysis, resource evaluation, time estimation scope definition, budget allocation, scheduling plan evaluation results 5 weeks I
Developed from a family "Bun Rieu" restaurant into a restaurant chain
- Dương Tấn Lộc
- Nguyễn Qu礃nh Nga
Write the background for your project here
In Ho Chi Minh City, there are many food chains, both traditional and imported, such as: Kieu Giang broken rice, Cali broken rice, Phuc Loc Tho broken rice, Sasin spicy noodles, and shrimp paste noodles A Chanh", 24h Pho, Quang noodle "3 brothers", KFC fried chicken, etc have certain successes in a certain way There is also a dish that is very familiar to Saigon people today, "Bun Rieu Cua", can this dish develop into a chain of restaurants? What are the difficulties, challenges, and risks to be faced?
In this project, we want to develop a small "Bun Rieu Cua" shop from household to chain scale, assessing the development potential and feasibility of the project Thereby, to know, and understand more knowledge about the field of F&D in the direction of chain store development.
A Name of project: Developed from a family "Bun Rieu" restaurant into a restaurant chain
“Bun Rieu Cua” restaurant chain:
- Number of restaurants in a chain: +2 restaurants
- Location: District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
- Materials specifications of main served food: Bun Rieu Cua
+ Shrimp paste, tamarind sauce and spice
• Characteristics of the project or service of the project
• The specific activity the method statement is for
• Start date and duration of the task
• The hazards associated with the task
• The hazards associated with the site and environment
• References to other documents such as risk assessments that apply to the task
• The planned work procedure, the sequence of work and control measures
• First aid and welfare arrangements
To Be Done Resources Needed Outcome Time Involved
Cost analysis, resource evaluation, time estimation scope definition, budget allocation, scheduling plan
Market research survey results, self- evaluation customer segmentation, self and market evaluation results
Data collection economics condition analysis, competition analysis, strategic fit analysis, and operating cost analysis
Acquired construction permission, business certification, fire protection license, discharge permit, Certificate of Food Hygiene and Safety
Ingredient needed, required quality of ingredient, supplier information, and supplier selection method
Ingredient identification, quality standard, the best-selected suppliers which has the best price, and quality raw material
The organization structure concept, the number of the existing workforces, future
Completed organization structure, workforce analysis, sufficient workforce for restaurant
8 weeks workforce requirements, recruitment, and training needed chain operation, recruitment, and training courses
Delivery condition concept, potential food delivery apps
Delivery condition standard, succeed in choosing appropriate food delivery apps for our restaurant chain
District 3, Ho Chi Minh City 05/09/2022 – 27/01/2023
Schedule: 21 weeks Phases Start (at the beginning of the week)
Finish (at the beginning of the week)
Work breakdown structure
WBS code WBS Name Description Lead time
2 1.1 Define scope Define project scope 2 Weeks
2 1.2 Budget allocation Calculate project budget and allocation 2 Weeks
2 1.3 Scheduling Schedule project job 2 Weeks
2 2.1 Data collection and briefing Gather demand, and define the target 2 Weeks
2 2.2 Customer segmentation Research, focus on customer segment 2 Weeks
2 2.3 Self and market evaluation Find the differences between our restaurant chain and competitors 3 Weeks
Cost identification and estimation related to sales location investment Benefits identification and estimation are to be acquired from the sales location Comparing the costs with benefits to determine the appropriateness of the investment
2 3.2 Competition analysis Study the competition’s strengths and weaknesses 2 Weeks
2 3.3 Strategic fit analysis Develop an appropriate strategy for restaurant operation 2 Weeks
2 3.4 Operating costs analysis Identify and estimate operating cost (salary, utilities, maintenance, etc.) 2 Weeks
2 4.1 Construction permit Acquire Construction permit 8 Weeks
2 4.2 Business certification Acquire Business certification 2 Weeks
2 4.3 Fire protection Acquire Fire protection 1 Week
2 4.4 Discharge permit Acquire Discharge permit 6 Weeks
2 4.5 Certificate of Food Hygiene and Safety Acquire Certificate of Food Hygiene and Safety 2 Weeks
2 5.1 Ingredient identification Identify food ingredients 2 Weeks
2 5.2 Quality standard Set quality standards for ingredient 2 Weeks
2 5.3 Supplier selection Select the best price and quality supplier 3 Weeks
2 6.1 Organization structure construction Construct a restaurant organization structure 2 Weeks
Analyze the current number of restaurant employees Demographic, background characteristics of the current workforce,
1 Weeks turnover, and various workforce management problems
Define the gap between the current number of employees and the needed employees for good restaurant performance
2 6.4 The future workforce needed analysis
Define the needed employees for restaurant operation 1 Weeks
2 6.5 Recruitment and training Staff recruitment and training 2 Weeks
2 7.1 Delivery condition standard Delivery service standard identification 2 Weeks
2 7.2 Apps selection Select appropriate delivery apps 2 Weeks
Table 1: Work Breakdown Structure dictionary
Figure 1: Work Breakdown Structure Diagram
Total project cost estimate (vnd) 97,340,200
WBS code WBS Name Unit Cost
# Units/Hrs Cost/Unit/Hr Subtotals
Head count in the restaurant 0
According to the budget estimate, the total investment capital for the restaurant is 97,340,200 VND, of which the cost of buying tools and equipment is 74%, the rest are other expenses
Project revenue comes from the number of bowls of vermicelli sold in a year The restaurant's maximum supply capacity is 120 bowls per day The selling price for each bowl is 35,000 VND
According to the budget estimate, there are 3 kinds of costs:
- First is investment capital, which only costs 1 time in the project
- The second is fix cost, which cost annually include renting and laboring cost, depreciation, insurance, maintenance fee and equipment maintenance
- Thirsty is a variable cost, which costs per unit of the product: for raw materials, electricity and other costs
The class life IRS estimate of the average useful life of assets used in that industry
According to “How to depreciate property 2006”, for products using technology and systems, the prescribed class life is 6 years Useful life is the time the machine can be used under standard conditions, in this project the useful life for equipment and machinery is 6 years Depreciation is calculated using the Straight line depreciation method
Thus, each year the restaurant has to sell 32,126 portions with the corresponding revenue of 32,126 x 38,000 VND = 1,216,722,000 VND, the restaurant will reach the breakeven point That means the cabinet's productivity must reach over 89.00% which is equivalent to 88/120 bowls that must be sold per day If it's less than 88 portions, the restaurant won't be able to cover the cost, so it will make a loss On the other hand, if sales exceed the break-even point, the company will have enough revenue to cover all costs and make a profit
To evaluate a project, we determine the Rate of Return (MARR) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Only in case the IRR is greater than the MARR, is the project approved
The formula for MARR is: MARR = project value + loan interest rate + expected inflation rate + rate of change in inflation + loan default risk + year project risk In this project, we assume that the MARR is 20% and the corporate tax is 20%
Cash Flow for Income Taxes
Year 1 70,988,115 ₫ 10,809,000 ₫ 60,179,115 ₫ -12,035,823 ₫ 58,952,292 ₫ -38,387,908 ₫ Year 2 70,988,115 ₫ 10,809,000 ₫ 60,179,115 ₫ -12,035,823 ₫ 58,952,292 ₫ 20,564,384 ₫ Year 3 70,988,115 ₫ 10,809,000 ₫ 60,179,115 ₫ -12,035,823 ₫ 58,952,292 ₫ 79,516,676 ₫ Year 4 70,988,115 ₫ 10,809,000 ₫ 60,179,115 ₫ -12,035,823 ₫ 58,952,292 ₫ 138,468,968 ₫ Year 5 70,988,115 ₫ 10,809,000 ₫ 60,179,115 ₫ -12,035,823 ₫ 58,952,292 ₫ 197,421,260 ₫ Year 6 70,988,115 ₫ 10,809,000 ₫ 60,179,115 ₫ -12,035,823 ₫ 58,952,292 ₫ 262,138,352 ₫
IRR = 56.60% > MARR (20%), so the project is economically reasonable
With a maximum productivity of 120 bowls per day, the project will payback in 1.65 year and after 6 years, the expected profit is 262 milions
Action plan
Start day dd/mm/yy Duration
Nguyen, Nghia 5/9/2022 2 weeks 16/9/2022 1 Done Budget allocation Ngoc 19/9/2022 2 weeks 30/9/2022 1 Done Scheduling
Data collection and briefing Nga 3/10/2022 2 weeks 14/10/2022 1 Ongoing
Customers segmentation Nga 3/10/2022 2 weeks 14/10/2022 1 Ongoing
Self and market evaluation Ngoc 17/10/2022 3 weeks 4/11/2022 1
Economics condition analysis Khoi 7/11/2022 2 weeks 18/11/2022 1 Ongoing
Strategic fit analysis Nhut 21/11/2022 2 weeks 2/12/2022 1
Operating costs analysis Huy 21/11/2022 2 weeks 2/12/2022 1
Construction permit Nga, Ngoc 05/12/2022 8 weeks 1/27/2023 2 Ongoing
Business certification Nga, Ngoc 05/12/2022 1 weeks 12/16/2022 2 Ongoing Fire protection Huy 05/12/2022 6 weeks 12/09/2022 2 Ongoing Discharge permit Nga, Ngoc 19/12/2022 2 weeks 1/27/2023 2
Certificate of Food Hygiene and
Ingredient identification Huy 05/12/2022 3 weeks 12/16/2022 2 Done Quality standard Huy 19/12/2022 2 weeks 12/30/2022 2 Done Supplier selection Ngoc 02/01/2023 3 weeks 1/20/2023 2
Organization structure construction Loc 05/12/2022 2 weeks 12/16/2022 1
Existing workforce analysis Huy 19/12/2022 1 week 12/23/2022 1
Workforce gap analysis Huy 26/12/2022 2 weeks 01/06/2023 1
Future workforce needed analysis Hau 09/01/2023 1 week 1/13/2023 1 Done
Recruitment and training Hau 16/01/2023 2 weeks 1/27/2023 1
Delivery condition standard Loc 05/12/2022 2 weeks 12/16/2022 2 Ongoing Apps selection Hau 19/12/2022 3 weeks 01/06/2023 2
Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators
Indicators What will we measure?
How will the results be reported?
Goal -Expand a current restaurant system -Number of units sold per restaurants
-Number of restaurants -Number of units sold in the restaurants
-Number of units sold in the restaurants
Purpose Increase revenue and services level of “Bun Rieu Cua” restaurant chain in HCM City
-Number of units sold in the restaurants Feedbacks of customers
-PosApp application -Number of feedbacks
The LFA Table plays an important role in monitoring the process of the restaurants and gives us a brief overview of the project To better control the number of units sold and the revenue from the restaurants, PosApp application - a store management software, will be applied which will assist us in centrally managing offline and online sales in a store.
Risk management
Risk management is an important process because it empowers a business with the necessary tools so that it can adequately identify and deal with potential risks Once a risk has been identified, it is then easy to mitigate it In addition, risk management provides a business with a basis upon which it can undertake sound decision-making
To monitor risk management, we apply the probability and impact matrix below to estimate risks one by one
Very Unlikely 0,01 0,01 0,02 0,04 0,08 0,08 0,04 0,02 0,01 0,01 Impact 0,05 0,10 0,20 0,40 0,80 0,80 0,40 0,2 0,1 0,05 The colour coding on the Heat Map indicates the severity of the risks:
RED = Severe and likely to happen
ORANGE = Moderate risk; impact is no so severe
GREEN = Low risk of occurrence, low project impact if it does occur
In line with risk management, our group defined risks in each area:
Planning Hard to access to capital A cash-intensive business requires sufficient liquidity to pay employees, invest in facilities, and keep the restaurant running
High investment Such as the cost of renting the premises, the cost of buying raw materials, handling waste, insurance and other incurred costs
Unreasonable price Higher price than other restaurants Not keeping up with trends and tastes Follow the new trend too fast Follow the trend persistently without enough resources or without a business advantage
Lack of financial management Poor ability to handle situations, monitor the cash flow,
Inconsistent data/forecast Data size is smaller or less practical in reality Other competitors
Define wrong customer segment Gender, age
Income Hobbies and desires that need to be met
Frequency of service use The living area is usually concentrated Customer's favorite design style Restaurant model favored by customers
Lack of information from suppliers
Price and quality between different suppliers
Legal license Delays License does not arrive on time
(opening time of the restaurant) License correction in information
Sales location Fire damage Location may be hard to manage when fire happens Infrastructure Everything surrounding (poor street, stores, how traffic flow is ) Neighborhood security Robbery, war between gangs
Raw materials Food spoilage Food is easily spoiled during storage
It is necessary to split the kitchen in different areas
Quality and quantity during delivery
The quality and quantity of raw materials may be reduced due to long shipments
Working environment The area of the kitchen area needs to be large enough to have space to divide and arrange separate areas: processing area, storage area, food display area,
The processing area should always be dry and clean, avoiding mold or moisture
Fully equipped with garbage collection tools, with lids, regularly cleaned
Ensure clean water in the restaurant Import of food, ingredients with origin, with expiry date
Changes in raw material supply lack of supply, vulnerable to other factors such as gasoline prices, pandemic,
Unqualified staff Lack of skills, knowledge cannot understand customer needs, poor behavior
Poor management Assign jobs ineffectively Lack of staffs
Food delivery Delivery rejection The order then is refused (customers refuse to take delivery after ordering) Low-quality products Due to long delivery, the quality of the products may be affected
From the definition of risks, the information is strictly determined to identify the probability and the impact when the risk occurs Thereby, the solutions are prompted to tackle these problems
Action to Prevent / Manage Risk
Planning Hard to access to capital 0,10 0,40 0,04 Prepare enough capital for worse case High investment 0,50 0,10 0,05 Have alternative solution
Unreasonable price 0,90 0,80 0,72 Searching the market price to modify the price again Not keeping up with trends and tastes 0,50 0,40 0,2 Frequently update new trends on social media Follow the new trend too fast 0,10 0,40 0,04 Filter the trend to follow
Lack of financial management 0,30 0,80 0,24 Regular reviews to keep tracking cash in-outflow
Apply many forecasting methods, use error estimation to evaluate the forecast
Narrow down the target customers if necessary to focus their attention
Lack of information from suppliers 0,10 0,20 0,02 Improve the relationship with suppliers
Legal license Delays 0,70 0,80 0,56 Make a 2 or 3-month plan in advance to tackle the lateness
Training the staffs about fire prevention knowledge, equip the restaurants with fire extinguishers
Infrastructure 0,50 0,40 0,2 Find alternative solutions Neighborhood insecurity 0,10 0,10 0,01 Need security staffs
Forecast the target demand and give an acceptable tolerance about 5%
Quality and quantity during delivery 0,10 0,80 0,08 Order the ingredient sooner Working environment 0,70 0,40 0,28 Clean frequently
Changes in raw material supply 0,10 0,40 0,04 Prepare alternative suppliers
Human resources Unqualified staff 0,70 0,80 0,56 Training courses
Poor management 0,70 0,80 0,56 Training courses and frequent observing
Lack of staffs 0,10 0,40 0,04 Improve current staffs’ efficiency
Food delivery Delivery rejection 0,30 0,80 0,24 Make a blacklist
Low-quality products 0,30 0,10 0,03 Improve food container
We need to prioritize the risks in red color as well as orange color, they have risk scores resulting from high probability and impact Moreover, the action to manage or mitigate should be properly implemented; severe and likely to happen or moderate and not so severe If the risks in green color happen, they will impact the project slowly
Hard to access to capital
Not enough budget for the restaurant
1 Nothing yet 8 32 Prepare enough capital for worse case
5 Nothing yet 2 10 Have alternative solution the restaurant Unreasona ble price
9 Nothing yet 7 504 Searching the market price to modify the price again
Not keeping up with trends and tastes
4 Not follow the new things on social media
5 Nothing yet 2 40 Frequently update new trends on social media
Follow the new trend too fast
4 Follow the new things without filtering
1 Nothing yet 1 4 Filter the trend to follow
Lack of financial manageme nt
Not control well the flow of money
3 Nothing yet 4 96 Regular reviews to keep tracking cash in- outflow
Do not fit the demand from customer
8 Lack of data manage ment
9 Nothing yet 9 648 Apply many forecasting methods, use error estimation to evaluate the forecast Other competitors
Losing number of products sold
8 Lack of data manage ment
3 Nothing yet 8 192 Narrow down the target customers if necessary to focus their attention Lack of information from suppliers
Buying ingredients with higher cost or not good quality
2 Bad relations hip with suppliers
1 Nothing yet 6 12 Improve the relationship with suppliers
7 Nothing yet 5 280 Make a 2 or 3-month plan in advance to tackle the lateness Sales locatio n
Dangerous to not only customers but also the restaurant
9 216 Training the staffs about fire prevention knowledge, equip the restaurants with fire extinguishers Infrastructu re
5 Nothing yet 5 100 Find alternative solutions Neighborh ood security
1 Nothing yet 3 3 Need security staffs
Products do not meet standard quality
8 Not preserve the food well
9 Nothing yet 6 432 Forecast the target demand and give an acceptable tolerance about 5%
Quality and quantity during delivery
Lack of ingredient when needed
8 Long delivery time, wrong ordered quantity
1 Nothing yet 6 48 Order the ingredient sooner
Not preserve the ingredient well
Changes in raw material supply
Lack of ingredient quality and quantity
4 End contract with old supplier
1 Nothing yet 2 8 Prepare alternative suppliers
Not serve the customers well
Affect the operation of the restaurant
8 Unqualif ied staff or lack of staffs
7 Nothing yet 5 280 Training courses and frequent observing
Not serve the customers well and affect the operation of the restaurant
1 Nothing yet 2 8 Improve current staffs’ efficiency
3 Nothing yet 2 6 Improve food container
Prepare enough capital for worse case
Searchin g the market price to modify the price again
Not keeping up with trends and tastes
Frequent ly update new trends on social media
Follow the new trend too fast
Filter the trend to follow
Lack of financia l manage ment
Regular reviews to keep tracking cash in- outflow
Inconsis tent data/for ecast
Apply many forecasti ng methods, use error estimatio n to evaluate the forecast
Apply exponen tial forecast method
Narrow down the target customer s if necessary to focus their attention
Lack of informa tion from supplier s
Improve the relations hip with supplier s
None 8 7 5 280 month plan in advance to tackle the lateness Sales location
Training the staffs about fire preventio n knowled ge, equip the restauran ts with fire extinguis hers
Forecast the target demand and give an acceptabl e tolerance about 5%
Sufficien t and efficient equipme nts
Quality and quantity during delivery
Order the ingredie nt sooner
Change s in raw material supply
Training courses and frequent observin g
By calculating Risk Priority Number, we can identify and rank the risks that should be priority noticed and prevented After that, specific solutions are recommended to deal with these risks For the risks with lower RPN, we can deal with it later since these risks affect the project slowly
In this case, we can see that unreasonable prices, inconsistent data/forecast and food spoilage are the bottlenecks of our restaurant with high RPN Therefore, we have to priority deal with theme Assuming after 1 month of doing market research and improving infrastructure, we can reduce the RPN of these 3 risks which means our solutions are effective.
Human resource management
The preparation work of the restaurant has a total of 5 main stages to perform: Preparation, Cooking, Set up restaurant, Open and Clean up The detailed work of each part is listed in the table below Because we had a restaurant opened before, we had the data to do our calculations
In the old diner, we needed 3 people to work from 4 am to 5 pm to cater for all tasks
Based on the data and experience from the previous restaurant, we come up with a plan to use human resources, who does what task, and how long each task takes For example, the preparation of vegetables can be done by the staff, the preparation of ingredients for shrimp and sauces can be done by the staff, and the preparation of crab cakes is handled by the chef Details in the version below:
From there, we calculate that we need 1 chef and 3 waiters (8h working shift) and need 1 person overtime 3.5 hours per day Details of the calculation method are presented in the table below
Based on current prices for waiters and chefs, 20,000 VND/hour for waiters and 62,500 VND/hour for chef, we calculate that each month we will spend VND 31,800,000 on staff for the restaurant
Step 1: Screening applications and Resumes
First stage of this process is screening applications and resumes, to find an potential employees,
1 The online application form is usually presented as a questionnaire with the option of importing data from a LinkedIn or CV file
2 The applicant is required to provide information about work experience, education, skills and other necessary details
3 There may be questions both about job preferences (e.g desired type of employment, country and city of residence) and more personal questions (e.g race and ethnicity, religion, disability)
Step 2: Testing and Reviewing Work Samples
Work sample tests: Designed to have high content validity through a close relationship with the job It is the prediction for future similar situation, checking candidates’ behavior.
− Difficult to fake job proficiency
− Less able to measure the aptitudes of an applicant
− Good for a short period of time task, but hat to predict performance on tasks with take a long time to complete
3 Type of Working Sample Tests
− Work-Sample Tests of Trainability: for untrained applicants with no previous job experience; expected to learn tasks involved in a work sample; it is low predictivity
− Simulation of Event: give cases study, candidates are given several questions to write down the decisions they would make
− Low Fidelity Simulations: Description of work situations and five alternative responses; Candidates will rank the responses
− Work-samples: Applicants perform observable, job-related behaviors as predictors of criterion performance
Q1 Tell something about yourself? → looking for people who are suitable for the restaurant
Answer: (The answer depends on the individual, it is important to explain your (candidate) skill and attitude) – Briefly describe kitchen skills through professional chef -like professional knives, skills in food safety and hygiene, professional kitchen layout, etc
Q2.Why do you want to work in the F&D industry? → Assessing a candidate's knowledge of the industry, HR expects someone to talk in depth rather than just the "surface" of the industry
Do you really want to work in F&D?
What is the current trend in the industry?
How will new technology impact the F&D?
Q3 Why do you think we should hire you?→ find “right person” “right job” with recruitment requirements
Q4 Have you ever exceeded your responsibility to help customers? → Our restaurant is focused on the consumer so candidates must go above and beyond their job to meet the needs of customers
Q6 What is your weaknesses points? See how the candidate deals with themselves, and how they try to change
Q7 Do you work independently or in groups more effectively? à In restaurants/small shops, the chef has to take on many roles at the same time, so the ability to work independently and handle situations quickly is emphasized
Q8 Have you ever had a conflict with a colleague? How do you resolve this conflict? à The kitchen is a conflict-prone environment, so it is advisable to talk directly when there is a problem, talk privately so that the cooks understand each other's work and capabilities, thereby coordinating the work to make everything go more smoothly
Q9.Do you have a question for us? → To know if the candidate is really interested in the job.
Step 4: Checking References and Background
Some tips to make the most reference checks:
“Ask candidates: What are your concerns? What would you like to follow up on? What do you wish you knew more about?” What HR learn should form the basis of their questions for the references After all, the goal with any reference check is to “go beyond simply verifying facts”
→ “Work jointly” with the candidate to find the right people from whom to seek information Ex:
1 Candidate’s leadership skill → talk to former subordinates
S1: The reference call take an hour → But said: “It probably won’t take that long”
S2: Asking the reference how they knows the candidate, to double-check that the person HR’re speaking to is a position to evaluate the candidate
S4: Setting the stage for a”constructive conversation”
S5:Emphasize the value of having a reliable reference - know as much as possible to “confirm whether she has a high chance of success”
Start with: "We are considering the position ; however " Job description - and especially difficulties; Ask the reference if the candidate has had experience in a similar job, and what is
4 Ask open-ended, specific questions
Referring to information gleaned from the candidate during the interview process Say something like, “I understand Nancy helped implement a new payroll system Can you tell me more about Nancy’s role in that? Or, I understand your department was under a lot of pressure because of the recent merger Can you give me an example of how Nancy got new employees to work with her?” she says As the conversation progresses, you can hint at your anxieties and concerns, says Claman For instance, “Nancy doesn’t have a lot of experience managing people”—how do you think she’ll do as a supervisor?
Focus on what the reference is saying rather than how she’s saying it In other words, don’t read too much into the referee’s tone of voice or inflection
Be sure to ask referees about the candidate’s soft skills and social and emotional-intelligence- based capabilities, asking questions such as:”What can you tell me about the candidate’s self- awareness and self-regulation? How motivated are they? Do they exhibit empathy? Is she flexible?” — final question: Is there anything else relevant or useful to know about the candidate?
If there are barriers for HR to access candidate references, look for informal, “around the back door” references by reaching out to people in your network who also know the candidate.
1 Gather feedback from all the people who interviewed the candidate and focus on one or two concerns you’d like to check out
2 Ask specific questions related to the role you’re trying to fill and its challenges Avoid broad questions such as, “What can you tell me about Susan?”
3 Listen to what the person is saying and don’t interrupt or supply the answer you want to hear
1 Show any skepticism or negativity toward the candidate—the reference will go silent out of loyalty
2 Read anything into the person’s inflection You don’t have enough context to judge a stranger’s tone of voice
3 Be stymied by HR policies that disallow reference checks Seek out other sources of information such as professional associations, past employees, and LinkedIn to see if there’s anyone in your extended network who can enlarge your understanding of the candidate
Applicants must meet some basic requirements:
2 The candidate is serious and enthusiastic about the job
Joseph Moses Juran (December 24, 1904 – February 28, 2008) was a Romanian-born American engineer and management consultant He was an evangelist for quality and quality management Pioneered in the development of statistical methods for quality and spent much of his time as a corporate industrial engineer
The quality trilogy process starts with quality planning at various levels of the organization, each of which has a distinct goal At the upper management level, planning is termed strategic quality management Broad quality goals are established A structured approach is selected in which management chooses a plan of action and allocates resources to achieve the goals Planning at the middle management level is termed operational quality management Departmental goals consistent with the strategic goals are established At the workforce level, planning involves a clear assignment to each worker Each worker is made aware of how his or her individual goal contributes to departmental goals
After the planning phase, quality control takes over Here, the goal is to run the process effectively such that the plans are enacted If there are deficiencies in the planning process, the process may operate at a high level of chronic waste Quality control will try to prevent the waste from getting worse If unusual symptoms are detected sporadically, quality control will attempt to identify the cause behind this abnormal variation Upon identifying the cause, remedial action will be taken to bring the process back to control
The next phase of the trilogy process is quality improvement, which deals with the continuous improvement of the product and the process This phase is also called the quality breakthrough sequence Such improvements usually require action on the part of upper and middle management, who deal with such actions as creating a new design, changing methods or procedures of manufacturing, and investing in new equipment
Step 1 Establish quality goals: Goals, as established by the organization, are desired outcomes to be accomplished in a specified time period -> For the short term: have at least 2 store in Ho Chi Minh city In the long term: spread throughout the South area
Step 2 Identify customers: Juran has a concept similar to Deming’s extended process
Juran’s includes vendors and customers He stresses the importance of identifying the customer, who could be internal or external In cases where the output from one department flows to another, the customer is considered internal -> External customer: Diners, Supplier,… Internal customer: Staff, manager
Step 3 Discover customer needs: Long-term survival of the company is contingent upon meeting or exceeding the needs of the customer Conducting analysis and research, surveying clients and non-clients, and keeping abreast of dynamic customer needs are a few examples of activities in this category -> Determine what the current eating trends of customers are, what will be in bún riêu that will attract customers
Step 4 Develop product features: With customer satisfaction as the utmost objective, the product or service should be designed to meet the customer’s requirements As customer needs change, the product should be redesigned to conform to these changes -> Use the review form to get feedback from customers and change the dish base on the feedback pr
Step 5 Establish process controls and transfer to operations: For manufacturing operations, bounds should be established on process variables for individual operations that assist in making an acceptable product Similarly, in the service setting, norms on operations such as time to complete a transaction must be adopted -> Set standards of food and service to ensure the best customer experience (time to serve, staff attitude, ) This is the most important step in our process because based on this step, we can manage the food quality in all stores For example, we will set instructions for cooking That instruction includes the procedure with specific steps so that chef in every restaurant can follow that to make sure that the food quality is acceptable
Step 1 Choose control subjects: Product characteristics that are to be controlled in order to make the product conform to the design requirements should be chosen Selection is done by prioritizing the important characteristics that influence the operation or appearance of the product and hence impact the customer -> Set a standard amount of ingredients for each bowl of bun rieu
Step 2 Choose units of measure: Based on the quality characteristics that have been selected for control, appropriate units of measure should be chosen -> Choose the right units
Step 3 Set goals: Operational goals are created such that the product or service meets or exceeds customer requirements -> The final goal of the process is to create a dish that sastìythe customer (include quantity, quality, smell, taste, )
Step 4 Measure actual performance: This phase of quality control is concerned with the measurement of the actual process output Measurements are taken on the previously selected control subjects (or quality characteristics) Such measurements will provide information on the operational level of the process -> Use the evaluation form to collect customer opinions after experiencing at the restaurant
Step 5 Interpret the difference: This involves comparing the performance of the process with the established goals If the process is stable and capable, then any differences between the actual and the standard may not be significant -> Monitor customer reactions to assess the status of dishes as well as service quality
Step 6 Take action on the difference: In the event that a discrepancy is found between the actual output of the process and the established goal, remedial action needs to be taken It is usually management’s responsibility to suggest a remedial course of action -> If there is a bad reaction from a customer, find out why the customer has such a reaction and find a solution
Step 1 Identify projects: Because of the limited availability of resources, not all problems can be addressed simultaneously Therefore, problems should be prioritized A Pareto analysis is often used to identify vital problems Juran’s quality improvement process works on a project-by-project basis A problem area is identified as a project, and a concerted effort is made to eliminate the problem -> Prioritize food and service because those are the two things customers use to evaluate restaurant chains, other issues can be left for later
1 Identify the Need and Outcomes
Our restaurant aims to serve as a restaurant model without an owner present at the store, so our request is to find an alternative tool to check the restaurant's books of income and expenditure, and check the business Daily collection of sales, checking statistics, and recording the number of goods entering and leaving warehouses No need to manually check restaurant debt, how sales increase or decrease and inventory, etc
We need a sales management system, including:
- Sell quickly with intuitive interface, simple operation, easy to use
- Business statistics reports control all activities such as revenue, inventory, goods import, daily sales on your phone, or table whenever you have to work away
- Unlimited data storage capacity, you no longer have to worry about losing your notebook
- The calculation of costs, reports quickly and easily, easy file export
- Security features with decentralized mode, control employees or all activities more mysteriously than traditional management
- Vendor in Ho Chi Minh City
Because the new restaurant is invested and developed from a traditional restaurant, there is no equipment for sales and accounting So I have to talk directly with investors about the benefits of these devices, and at the same time discuss and agree on an appropriate amount of funding that the investor can build on bugget
3 Identify Scope, Timeline and Requirements a Scope: sales equipment must include 5 devices in the table above, including: Pos Touch Vending Machine, Receipt printers, tablet, cash drawer, QR Scanner; and management software b Timeline: 7 weeks in total Procurement project c Requirements:
All machines must be 100% new
Having a clear origin, from reputable brands
Hardware warranty for at least 2 years
Step 1: The reputation of the supplier:
Clear information: Does the provider actually exist; address, contact method, business license or not?
Transparency in cooperation: Does the supplier maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with its partners?
Review of legal issues: View legal proceedings related to past and current contracts of suppliers;
Is the supplier's legal compliance guaranteed?
Step 2 Quality of products/services provided: how is the performance of the machine; What features does the software and vending machines have to match the store's requirements; reliable: software and machines fail midway; how long the machines provide quality assurance; is the product easy to operate; is the product interface easy to see; How is the feedback from other customers?
Step 3 Product/service delivery performance: how is the procedure time; in case the machine or software is broken, how to solve it, for how long; Have questions when using the product, answer immediately; the product is easy to use; Is the attitude of the maintenance staff correct?
Step 4 Price of products/services and payment methods: What is the total price of hardware and software to pay annual fees; Is it possible to pay in installments?
Step 5 Supplier customer service: the supplier is ready to assist in providing the best product/service Especially in cases where problems arise such as product defects, no quality assurance; and especially the quality of support, the attitude of the supplier and the response time to support requests, the qualifications of the support staff
Step 6 Sustainability and sustainability of the supplier: the supplier's technologies and software must be regularly updated to meet the evolving needs of the restaurant's payment, ordering and accounting systems according to social standards
Step 7 Supplier's financial risks: learn about the financial problems of the business, avoid unnecessary consequences due to the supplier's business finance b Các vendors (Hậu)
01 - Dedicated solution for sales devices!
✓ Satisfy the full range of services for restaurants - cafes
✓ Support for many restaurant models of different sizes & ways of serving
✓ Support sales on vending machines, mobile, computer
✓ Nearly 30,000 customers have trusted in our solution
02 Attractive policy - Extremely high discount
✓ Just provide us with the information customers need to deploy, we will support customers with consulting, installation and deployment of software You do not need to do anything!
✓View customer status (Closed / In consultation / Lost…) right on our administration system in a completely transparent manner
03 Accompanying with PosApp - the company providing leading sales management solutions
✓ 8 years experience in developing software solutions
✓ Almost 30,000 customers use the solution
✓ A system of agents and distributors spread across Vietnam
04 Customer management system - transparent and tight commission
• View detailed order status (Pending / Closing )
• View the details of the total commission received in the most transparent and clear way
• Web/Phone view report screen, real-time commission updates received in real time
The cost for each machine will range from 4 million to 5 million, for hand-held cash registers and from 6 million to 15 million, for cash registers at the cashier
240.000 VNĐ/month Online sales tools
Set shipping rates by district
Automatic connection of shipping units
Manage Sales Online/Offline (On
Customize products according to price time
Customize the menu by date
Basic warehouse import and export management
Electronic menu for guests to order themselves
Flexible policy management (by partner, customer, employee, number of products)
Import Management – Export multiple warehouses
1 Calculate money quickly and accurately
• With Sapo POS, just use a barcode scanner to type in the product, you can automatically calculate the money, without having to remember the price or product information
• You can easily connect the software with point of sale devices such as receipt printers, barcode printers, cash drawers to accelerate sales
• In addition to regular cash payments, Sapo POS sales software also supports a variety of payment forms such as payment by QR code, card swipe, wire transfer to help ensure safety and optimize the experience of the pandemic season
• This is an exclusive feature on Sapo POS The order information at checkout will be shown on the secondary screen (phone, tablet of the shop), making it easy for buyers to track
Besides, SAPO also provides support on:
1 Precise control of the number of items in stock
✓ Know right away which products are still available or out of stock because the goods in stock are managed in detail by each model by color, size, material
✓ Every time there is a transaction, the quantity of products will be automatically added/subtracted on the warehouse management software, helping to accurately control the goods in the warehouse
✓ It's easy to know which items are running out of stock or are in stock for too long so you can plan to import or discharge goods in time
2 Push orders, see shipping costs right on the software
✓ Thanks to connecting shipping partners, Sapo POS makes it easy for you to compare shipping costs and push orders quickly, making it easier to sell online during the pandemic
✓ All order status will be automatically updated with the delivery management software Sapo POS, you can manage the details of the status of the order has been shipped or not
✓ Control COD, shipping fee with fast and transparent shipping partners Reconciliation information is automatically synchronized to the debt statement
3 Orders from the store and Facebook are managed centrally on the order management software
✓ The closed process from creating orders to processing orders, can be customized according to the size of each large and small store
✓ Shop owners can still create orders and sell goods normally when they lose their lives Because all data will be stored and synchronized to the POS software as soon as there is an Internet connection again
✓ The return order management feature helps the store to accurately control the return orders and the reason for the cancellation/return
4 Easily track detailed revenue, profit and loss reports anytime, anywhere
✓ The reporting system is presented in the form of an easy-to-understand visual chart to help shop owners track the store's revenue and instant profit
✓ Manage cash books, debts of customers, suppliers, cash in and out accurately on store management software
✓ Compare business performance by product, time, and sales channel, from which to have a suitable business strategy
✓ The cost for each machine will range from 6 million to 15 million, for cash registers at the cashier
Material inventory management Manage quantities only
Quantity and price management of raw materials
Supported devices Phone, PC, cash register
Record orders from Phone/Tablet
Send processing requirements to the kitchen/bar
Charge, collect and print invoices
DanTriSoft was established in 2015, specializing in programming software to manage retail, wholesale, cafe, milk tea, cafeteria, restaurant, karaoke, billiards, order by phone, sell printers, bar code machines, pos machines sales in order to help the owner manage closely, avoid losses and increase profits
"Buy and use forever - Streamlined, easy to use - Stable and durable" is the reason why more than 125,000+ business owners nationwide choose to use it In addition, DanTriSoft has a 30- day refund policy if it is not as committed, helping to feel secure to choose without fear of being mistakenly bought
The cost for each machine will range from 12 million to 24 million, for cash registers at the cashier
Reasons to choose Dan Tri Sort supplier
✓ Donate small establishment s, start-ups
✓ Free Set up and live training
✓ Free Set up and live training Users self-study through the user guide and join the DantriSoft community to support free
Quantity of goods Not Limit Not Limit Not Limit
Number of SKUs Not Limit Not Limit Not Limit
Sales, add/edit/remove, discount, discount, print payment invoice
Detailed revenue report by day, month, year There are 12 revenue reports for managers
App to view business reports
App order charged by phone
Number of software personnel Not Limit Not Limit Not Limit
Number of customers and suppliers hosted by the software
Not Limit Not Limit Not Limit
The number of individual customer price lists to automatically calculate the selling price
Not Limit Not Limit Not Limit
Sales revenue in a month 60 millions/month Not Limit Not Limit
Manage multiple warehouses, move goods between warehouses
Daily revenue and expenditure management
(earn points, redeem points, report VIP card sales)
Promotion management: (By invoice, by day, by month, by combo, by prime time)
Calculate the cost of goods sold, report interest by item, report business results by day, month and year
Integrated selling via delivery app: Grab
Cost of Online instruction: Zalo, phone, Teamviewer,
Management of cafes/eateries/restaura nts, management of retail and wholesale business chains
Centralized data management, fast retrieval
Chain summary report, point-by-point report
Enter data in one place, automatically clone the system
App to view business reports by chain model
5 Define Scope and/ of Statement of Work:
6 Communicate Formal Need With Vendors:
Discuss with the vendor about the requirements in part 1
Evaluati on PosApp Sapo DantriSoft
More than 23,000 stores in daily use
25 offices across Vietnam More than 40 partners
Since 2015, more than 125,000 entrepreneurs choose DantriSoft
Meet production standards from the Ministry of
Easy to operate, link multiple devices
Use orange-white tones to be clear about the product
There is a 2nd screen for customers to order food
Use QR codes to order food
Available on all electronic devices
Meet production standards from the Ministry of Industry and Trade
Use blue and white tones Easy to use interface, minimalist design
Optimize the functions displayed on the screen Fast billing
Web Design Online The system reports an error when the machine is about to fail
Available on all electronic devices
Basic, simple, easy-to- use interface
Optimize the functions displayed on the screen
The risk ratio when buying products is 0 (DantriSoft guarantees) Available on all electronic devices
4 - 5M for hand-held cash registers
6 – 15M for cash registers at the cashier
5M for hand-held cash registers
6M-16M for cash registers at the cashier Another device: 1,4M- 3M
There's a free plan for new start-ups
Extend as many as possible for as many months
Discount 500,000VND for the 3rd year later, donate more time to use, up to 18 months
Depends on the type of paid software
Privacy policy of customer information Consulting support via phone number: Service, use, transportation
Donating new software to new entrepreneurs
30-day return policy Warantly Policy
Division of the client consulting team
Fun, enthusiastic, have friends to share about the price of devices
Focus on answering customer questions and consulting on all types of equipment
Fun, enthusiastic Have zalo friends to ask for more advice
Focus on answering customers' questions, consulting customers' prices in accordance with each product of Sapo party
Fun, enthusiastic Advise service packages as well as the price of devices carefully
✓ Out of the 3 providers mentioned above, I would choose the PosApp provider
About prestige: The business areas are sought after by young people, all with the presence of PosApp Example: I myself am a milk tea drinker, especially Koi, so I often visit this store to buy milk tea I noticed Koi's payment system, they use PosApp's device as well as software, so I can access PosApp more easily than other providers Closer to that, our international school also uses PosApp's payment system, through the Zalo Pay application
In terms of product quality: All products are of the same quality, but PosApp alone is more prominent because the tones used have a clear contrast, white background and orange text
In conclusion, the project helps us to understand how to build a project, apply knowledge in the project, and improve our teamwork skills However, our project does not cover some activities including project executing, crashing a project, and project closing