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business english 1 unit 5 stress

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For example, Hai A company has a largebatch of goods returned by its cooperators due to incorrect specificationsbecause the new workers were not trained in accordance with the validation

Trang 1




Instructor: M.A PHAM LAN ANHCanTho, October 2023

Trang 2

Vietnamese nameEnglishname

Trang 3

14, 28/9,26, 29,

MakePPT 80%

NguyễnThị Quỳnh Như

14, 28/9,26, 29,

Submiton time

Writethe scriptof scene3

Dương Gia Hân

14, 28/9,26, 29,

Submiton time

Writethe scriptof scene1

Sek ThịXong Hậu

14, 28/9,26, 29,

Submiton time

Writethe scriptof scene3

42 Vương Huỳnh Như

14, 28/9,26, 29,

Submiton time

Writethe script


Trang 4

of scene1

43Lê Khánh Sơn

14, 28/9,26, 29,

Submiton time

Writethe scriptof scene2

NguyễnThị Hồng Trâm

14, 28/9,26, 29,

Submiton time

Writethe scriptof scene2


Trang 5

Hai A Company is a company which focuses on packaging production and hasmany large distribution contracts with other companies Hai A Company whichis known as a long-standing company with few competitors The company notonly has a good name and reputation in the market but also has a large numberof employees and a high position However, Bach My, a packagingmanufacturing company that is foreign-invested, has emerged as a competitor inHai A Company within the past year

Besides, Bach My has a good advantage of foreign investment and modernproduction lines so packaging quality is rated higher than Hai A Furthermore,good remuneration policy has attracted a lot of human resources, especiallyveteran employees with a lot of experience and high positions at Hai A company.Hai A's production business faced many difficulties as a result of the loss ofmany workers and core personnel For example, Hai A company has a largebatch of goods returned by its cooperators due to incorrect specifications(because the new workers were not trained in accordance with the validation

In the near future, the company will open a second branch which is expected torequire more than 5,000 workers The problems of lacking workforce and faultygoods that put many departments under a lot of stress This difficult job becomeseven more difficult when the board of directors and heads of departments have adiscussion about this issue during the quarterly summary report meeting:


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Corner (43): Hello everyone! Is everything okay today?

ALL: Yes, a little bit!

Corner (43): Ok, we start our meeting today! Our company has recently

encountered many problems, and today I am looking forward to hearing opinionsfrom our department heads First, I want to hear from the business department.

Julie (47): Hello everyone, our business situation has recently faced many

difficulties I am really surprised because our company's sales in the last quarterdropped in a concerning way

Annie (42): I also feel that It is shown through many recent reports very clearly

and specifically.

Julie (47): Yes, that's right The main reason is the strong development of our

competitors which can be seen clearly by Bach My Besides, reducing turnoverfrom faulty goods is one of the big reasons we need to solve.

Jenny (25): Bach My is a very serious competitor to us I've heard about them.

Recently, their policies have caused heavy pressure on our company.

Hanna (35): It is really worrying that we are in a very difficult situation because

the production department lost a lot of skilled workers Recently, we haven’t hadenough time to train new workers They need time to adapt to new work so thegoods go wrong It leads to many problems of reducing turnover of the company.

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Jenny (25): The human resources department is also having a lot of difficulties

in the workforce Because our competitors have a cost advantage, they offerbetter compensation and have attracted a lot of human resources from us ManyCVs which are applied for the jobs do not have enough conditions, especiallymany high positions

Hanna (35): It is really hard for the completion of many orders for our


Annie (42): Not only we were in that difficult situation, but also the total

revenue in the last quarter decreased significantly compared to the same periodlast year because of investing in the second branch The company's finances arealso facing many risks.

Jenny (25): Haizz, I am planning to adjust salaries to attract workers It seems

not very good in this situation.

Annie (42): Yes, it's very difficult Currently we haven’t had the financial ability

to do that

Jenny (25): Dear Director, it is honestly a hard test for the human resources

department to be well-done Because we not only have to meet a need of thelabor force in the main company but also find another 5,000 workers in a shorttime for the need of the second branch.

Corner (43): I also know this is a hard problem, but I hope the human resources

department can come up with a feasible solution in the near future.

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Jenny (25): Hmm yes sir.

Hanna (35): Our current biggest problem is handling error orders that need to be

fixed Can the human resources and sales department support us?

Julie (47): We will try to do our best The worst situation we can face is that we

will have to compensate for the contract We are contacting the cooperator tonegotiate a return of the goods and compensation for a new one.

Hanna (35): If it is successful, it will be great for all our company My

department will let the workers work overtime to complete the order as soon aspossible.

Julie (47): To be honest, this cooperator is famous for being fastidious Our

company should prepare for the worsted case scenario of compensation for thiscontract, haizz.

Annie (42): Then it's really terrible Our company will fall into debt and have to

mobilize large capital or get a loan to manage the above problems in a shortterm, haizz

Corner (43): Can the finance department send me the last quarter's financial

report today and attach the financial capacity for the company's new branch?

Annie (42): Alright sir

Trang 9

Hanna (35): Oh, I forgot I heard that veteran employees not only in factories,

but in all departments have written a lot of resignation letters?

Jenny (25): Yes, that's right Our human resources department has resigned two

people including the deputy manager and the workshop managers They wroteresignation letters one after another Due to the current situation, we haveencountered a lot of obstacles in recruiting many important positions for thecompany.

Julie (47): The sales department isn’t positive Our sales staff quit more than 5%

because of the attractive commission of the competitor company Then, it affectsthe spirit of the workers who keep staying with the company It has caused theseemployees to become insecure for fear of the increasing workload.

Jenny (25): Another confusing problem for us.

Julie (47): That's right, the expression is that these employees did not achieve

the required KPIs and many customers reported to us about the employees' badattitude towards them This is currently a concern for our department.

Annie (42): The decrease in the number of workers will increase the pressure on

revenue and activities that require outsourced workers and outsourcing.

Hanna (35): That's right, I'm worried that opening a new company branch will

encounter many problems, not only in terms of labor but also in terms of finance,quality, etc.

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Julie (47): In my opinion, the problems in the departments seem to be too

stressful If not resolved quickly, our company will fall into many unpredictablerisks.

Jenny (25): Perhaps the workforce is the key that needs to be resolved first I

will try to find a way to come up with a solution as quickly as possible.

Corner (43): In the immediate future, everyone returns to work and thinks about

ways to solve the problem I don't expect it to continue for so long

ALL: Yes boss!

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Background: A few days after the meeting took place After lunch ended, theheads of departments returned to their desks The director went into the officewhere the heads of departments were.

Corner (43): Hello everyone! I know we've been having a lot of difficulties

lately Everyone in the company is under a lot of pressure, causing everyone'swork efficiency to decrease That's why I want to ask for 30 minutes of your timeto help you deal with stress and balance your work, okay?

ALL: Yes, okay!

Corner (43): I brought in a psychologist and a business consultant to do that.

First, please invite a psychologist - Ms Christine.

Christine (40): Hello everyone! I'm Christine, a psychologist that Mr Corner

invited to help you better understand the Stress problem you are facing Iunderstand that everyone is in a period of pressure and stress Before cominghere, I also heard Mr Corner present current issues in departments I hope thatafter today's meeting, everyone will have a better understanding of what Stress isand what to do when encountering a Stress’s problems Are you ready?

ALL: *agreeable attitude with psychologist*

Christine (40): Before starting the sharing session, I want everyone to answer a

small question for me Imagine you are walking in the forest and suddenlyencounter a tiger, what will you do? Hanna you first.

Hanna (35): If it were me, I would find a hard object to chase that tiger away.

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Annie (42): If it were me, I would feel scared and run away immediately.Christine (40): That's right, the actions of both people in the above situation

were caused by Stress Because "Stress is an emotion that activates naturalmechanisms to protect human survival." When faced with a dangerous situation,your body will secrete many different substances that push you to take action tofight the danger ahead At this time, the subconscious FIGHT-OR-FLIGHTresponse will be activated, causing you to immediately confront or run awayfrom that danger Therefore, Stress is good because it helps you survive whenfaced with dangerous situations.

ALL: *nodding*

Julie (47): So, stress only appears when we are in danger?

Christine (40): A very interesting question In the present, Stress does not just

stop at directly facing danger, but it also means that we endure pressure for along time, rapid changes make us unable to adapt, etc For example, a studentstudying for an exam or an office worker who has just moved to a new job.

Julie (47): *nods in agreement* Ah, so that's it.

Christine (40): And of course, besides the benefits such as helping us quickly

adapt to new environments, react to dangers, and motivate ourselves to improve,there will still be risks There is a certain risk if we have to endure long-termstress and have no solution Lately, more or less heads of departments have hadsymptoms such as difficulty sleeping at night, falling asleep during the day, andbody fatigue making it difficult to concentrate on your work Some of you areeven angry with the people around you, right?

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Hanna (35): It's true that in recent weeks I've had trouble sleeping and often get

angry at the smallest things of people around me.

Jenny (25): Me too, even though I try really hard to work, I actually find it

difficult to concentrate on what I'm doing The pressure kept weighing me downand I couldn't escape the stress so that I could stay alert and find a solution to theproblem It was really difficult.

Julie (47): As for me, I always feel sluggish, lack energy, and I'm almost always

in a state of stress because of the pressure of trying to find ways to increase salesfor the company.

Annie (42): I also have the same symptoms as Ms Julie because the numbers

give me a headache and I'm extremely tired.

Christine (40): Well Exactly, you are suffering from the typical symptoms of a

person suffering from Stress According to a study, Stress has 3 stages The firststage is ALARM with some symptoms such as fast heartbeat, rapid breathing,and body tension The second stage, RESISTANT, has some common symptomssuch as easily angry, easily frustrated, and poor concentration Finally, the thirdstage is EXHAUSTED with the most severe symptoms such as prolonged bodyfatigue and depression And according to my evaluation, Ms Hanna and Ms.Jenny are in stage 2, Ms Julie and Ms Annie are in stage 3.

Annie (42): I know I'm in a very stressful period, but I really don't think it's that

serious Depression? It's terrible.

Jenny (25): So, what do you think we need to do to overcome these stages, Ms.


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Christine (40): There are many ways to help reduce stress levels Among them,

there is a very effective method: MBSR, also known as "Mindfulness-basedstress reduction" Have you ever heard of this method?

Hanna (35): Personally, I haven't, because normally I live quite optimistically

and happily, so I don't spend much time learning about Stress I never expectedthat one day I would become like this Omggg

Jenny (25): I think I've seen information about it on social networking sites, but

I just glanced at it and didn't research it thoroughly Can you tell us moreclearly?

Christine (40): Uhm… MBSR is a combination of mindfulness meditation,

body awareness and yoga This method will bring the practitioner many benefitssuch as reducing anxiety and stress - something that you really need right now.Besides, it would be best if you also combine it with regular exercise, physicalactivity has a positive impact on the brain and body, helping to reduce stress andimproving many symptoms of Stress.

Hanna (35): It doesn't sound easy But if it works, we will learn more about this

method to be able to overcome the current stressful situation Thank you verymuch!

Christine (40): I hope that with what I have shared, everyone can understand

what Stress is? Where does stress come from? What are the signs of stress? Andwhat should people do to reduce their stress levels? And now, Mr Dylan(Business Advisor) will share in more detail about specific solutions in yourcompany.

Dylan (1): Hello everyone! I am Dylan, a business consultant that Mr Corner

has invited to help you solve the work problems you are facing The heads of

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departments, please share with me the real problems you are facing so that I cansupport you!

Julie (47): Currently, the company's sales are declining alarmingly It is

challenging for me to revive the company's sales during this period.

Dylan (2): Has the company implemented any policies to face this situation?Julie (47): We are currently focusing on contacting old customers again, but that

doesn't seem to be too effective.

Dylan (3): Okay, I think this requires the contribution of all departments to

recover from this situation With old customers almost switching to Bach Mycompany, we should expand into new markets flexibly, improve designs to suittheir tastes and have some more preferential policies for customers What do youthink, Julie?

Julie (47): Yes, I can implement this plan but will need help from other

departments I will prepare this new plan soon and send it to everyone as soon aspossible (interact with other department heads)

Dylan (4): How about you, Hanna?

Hanna (35): I am very stuck when I have to produce thousands of products

every day but the efficiency of new employees is not able to meet this goal Andthe thing that worries me the most is that the company's large batch of goods wasrecently returned for the same reason.

Dylan (5): So, what did you do to resolve the returned shipment?

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2024, 17:18