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Exploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning English

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Exploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning EnglishExploiting English podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in learning English

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Hanoi – 2024

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Major: English LinguisticsCode: 8220201


SUPERVISOR: Dr Nguyen Thi Huong

Hanoi – 2024

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I, Nguyen Hai Linh, declare that the minor thesis paper “ExploitingEnglish podcasts as lead-in activities to enhance non-English-majoredfreshmen’s interest in learning English” is my own work It is submitted to

the Faculty of Post-graduate Studies, Hanoi University of Industry for theDegree of Master in English Linguistics only and has not been publishedanywhere else.

Date: Hanoi, March 22nd,2024Author’ssignature

Nguyễn HảiLinh

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Technological advancements consistently influence pedagogicalapproaches in the dynamic field of foreign language education As technologyincreasinglybecomesafundamentalcomponentoflearningaforeignlanguage, it is essentialto investigate and utilize novel methods This study explores the impact of integratingpodcasts as lead-in activities in English listening and speaking classes for non-English-majored freshmen at Hanoi University of Industry Mixed-methods approach combiningsurveys and semi-structured interviews was carried out to gather comprehensive insightsinto students’ interestinlearningEnglish,perceptions,andattitudestowardtheintegrationofpodcasts into English speaking and listening lessons The survey component involveda group of 119 non-English major freshmen who were requested to assess their overallinterest in learning English before and after the podcast integration The findingsrevealed overwhelmingly positive experiences, withstudentsexpressingincreasedinterestandengagementinlearningEnglish.The thematiccontent of podcasts and real-life conversations emerged as keycontributorstoenhancedEnglishlanguagelearningexperiences.Thestudyalso

highlightedtheroleofpodcastsinovercominglanguagechallenges,promoting culturalexploration, and fostering a student-centric learning environment Pedagogicalimplications include the importance of incorporating authentic materials, providingpedagogical support, promoting student-centric approaches, and integrating cultural

researchsuggeststhatpodcastsserveasaversatileandaccessibletooltoenrich languagelearning experiences, connecting classroom instruction with real- worldcommunication.

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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who havecontributed to the completion of this thesis This academic journey has been achallenging yet immensely rewarding experience, and I am thankful for thesupport and guidance I have received along the way.

First and foremost, I extend my deepest appreciation to my supervisor,Dr Nguyen Thi Huong, for her expertise, encouragement, and invaluablefeedback Her commitment to academic excellence and passion for the subjectmatter have inspired and guided me throughout this endeavor.

I am also indebted to lecturers and faculty members of the School ofLanguages and Tourism, and the Faculty of Post-graduate Studies at HanoiUniversity of Industry for their insightful comments and constructiveguidelines during the various stages of this research.

Heartfelt thanks go to the participants of this study, without whom thisresearch would not have been possible Their willingness to share theirexperiences and insights has enriched the depth and authenticity of this thesis.

To my friends and family, I am deeply grateful for their great support,understanding, and encouragement Their belief in my abilities has been aconstantsourceofmotivation.Specialthankstomyfamilyandmyfriends,Mr.

DinhVanSang,Mrs.LeDucHanhandMs.NguyenThiLuong,whosesupport has made asignificant impact on the completion of thisproject.

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1.1.1 Definition of interest in foreignlanguage learning 8

1.1.2 Types and aspectsof interest 9

1.1.3 Factors affecting students’ interest in foreignlanguagelearning 11


1.2.1 Definitions and purposes oflead-inactivities 14

1.2.2 Role of lead-in activities in foreignlanguageeducation 15

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1.2.3 Lead-in strategies in foreignlanguageeducation 18


1.3.1 English education andtechnologyintegration 20

1.3.2 Roles of technology in Englishlanguageeducation 21

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3.1.2 Students’ interest in learning English and experiences in

usingpodcasts after thepodcastintervention 47

3.1.3 Changes in the students’ interest in learning English andexperiences inusingpodcasts 49

3.1.4 Students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the podcast integrationin English listening andspeakinglessons 53

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Table 1.2: Advantages of podcasts in foreignlanguageeducation 28Table 2.1: Distribution of participantsbygender 38Table 2.2: Datacollectionprocedures 40Table 3.1: Comparison between results from pre- and post-intervention

surveys 50

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Figure 3.1: Students’ initial interest in learning English and experiences in using podcasts before thepodcastintervention 44Figure 3.2: Students’ interest in learning English and experiences in using podcasts after thepodcastintervention 47

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AMTB Attitude/Motivation Test Battery

EOP English for Occupational Purposes

ICT Information and Communication Technology

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Intoday’sgloballyinterconnectedsociety,whereEnglishhasbecomeanofficialinternationallanguage,acquiringaforeignlanguageisanessentialpart of any higher education(Crystal, 2003) However, non-English-majored students often face challenges in

tediousandirrelevanttotheirchosenfieldsofstudy,resultingindisengagement and lacklusterperformance As language educators, it is imperative to identify innovative and effectiveapproaches to address these interest issues and promote active engagement amongstudents.

Podcasts have witnessed an exponential rise in popularity as a form ofdigital media, providing diverse content on a wide array of subjects (Quan-Haase & Young, 2010) Integrating podcasts into language learning presents aunique opportunity to enhance students’ interest and motivation in English(Abdulrahman,Basalama,&Widodo,2018).Despitethegreatdealofresearch on podcastsand their potential, limited research has been conducted on exploiting podcasts as lead-inactivities to increase students’ interest, particularly in the context of non-English-majoredfreshmen Thus, this research aims to bridge this gap by examining the use of podcasts aslead-in activities in English listening and speaking lessons for non-English-majoredfreshmen.

The concept of integrating authentic and meaningful materials intolanguage education has been advocated in pedagogical literature (Nunan,1989).Podcasts,beinganauthenticmediumofcommunication,alignwiththis

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principle, providing opportunities for exposure to natural language use anddiverse linguistic features (Brown, 2007) Moreover, podcasts’ audio formatallows for focused listening, promoting the development of critical listeningskills, and improving learners’ understanding of spoken English (Hew, 2009).By incorporating podcasts as lead-in activities, language instructors can createanengagingandinteractivelearningexperiencethatfostersasenseofcuriosity,

enthusiasm,confidence,andbetterunderstandingofthelesson’smainconcepts among students(Shahid & Ali,2017).

Almost every part of modern life, from business to leisure to education,has been touched by a form of information and communication technology (ICT)(Kern,2006).AccordingtoPrimeMinisterofVietnam(2008),thereisa supportivelegislative framework for the integration of ICT in education in Vietnam, and thecountry’s ICT development is happening at an exponential rate ICT tools in foreignlanguage education, particularly podcasts which are easily accessible through mobiledevices and computers, can be seamlessly integrated into language lessons, allowing

convenienceandpace.AccordingtoZhang(2022),benefitsfromtheautonomy in learning havebeen linked to increased motivation and self-efficacy, as students feel a sense of ownership intheir language learning journey By exploiting podcasts as lead-in activities, this research aimsto promote active learning and self-directed language acquisition among non-English-majored freshmen.

Recently,podcastshavebeenexploitedinlisteningandspeakinglessons at HanoiUniversity of Industry (HaUI) However, the integration is predominantly for English-


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out a study on the influences of podcasts in listening and speaking lessons withina non-English-majored environment.

By exploring the influence of podcasts on student interest, this study seeksto contribute to the advancement of teaching and learning listening andspeakingskillstonon-English-majoredstudentsatHaUIandpromoteeffective and engagingforeign language learning experiences in higher education settings.

2 Aims and objectives of thestudy

The study was conducted to examine the influence of podcasts utilized inlead-in activities on non-English-majored students’ interest in learning English.This leads to uncovering the extent to which podcasts as lead-in activitiesstimulate students’ engagement and curiosity for learning English.

Moreover, this study was carried out with a view to investigating theperceptionsandattitudesofnon-Englishmajorstudentstowardstheutilization of podcastsas lead-in activities in English listening and speaking classes The objective of thisstudy is to collect student feedback on their podcast experiences and their perceptionsof the medium’s impact on their language- learning journey Understanding students’viewpoints can provide useful insight into the effectiveness of podcast integration aswell as any perceived limitations or benefits.

Ultimately, the study strives to foster an inclusive and engaging foreignlanguage learning environment for non-English-majored freshmen In an erawheredigitaltechnologiesarerevolutionizingeducation,thegoalistoharness thepotential of podcasts as lead-in activities in English listening and speaking lessons.

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2 How does the integration of podcasts as lead-in activities in Englishlistening and speaking lessons affect the interest of non-English-majoredfreshmen in learningEnglish?

4 Scope of thestudy

Despitethewidespreadusageofpodcastsintheteachingandlearningof Englisharound the globe, this research emphasizes exploring the influence of podcasts as lead-in activities on non-English-majored freshmen’s interest in English listening andspeakingskills.

This study is conducted within an academic semester (10 weeks) andinvolves the active participation of 119 non-English-majored freshmenenrolled at Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI) The participants are selectedfrom various majors in four distinct classes Among these classes, one isinstructed by the primary researcher, while the remaining three are taught byexperienced and enthusiastic colleagues of the researcher To ensure acomprehensive representation of non-English-majored students’ interests andbackgrounds, the majors of students are diverse,

includingThermalEngineering Technology, Electrical and Electronic

Engineering Technology, Control and Automation Engineering Technology,Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering Technology, ComputerNetworks and Data Communications,andComputer Engineering Technology.

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ThesemajorssharethesameEnglishCoursesduringthefirstandsecond year at HaUI,named Basic English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering.TheEnglishCoursesatHaUIadoptablendedlearningapproach,where35outof 75periods focuses on vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing components, andis delivered online through the university’s English learning website, known asEOP (English for Occupational Purposes) The remaining 40 periods concentrateon speaking and listening skills and are conducted offline, in face-to-faceclassroomsettings.

The study investigates the integration of podcasts solely as lead-inactivities in English listening and speaking lessons While other digital tools andtechnologies may contribute to language learning, the research focusesexclusively on the use of podcasts as a supplementary resource.

5 Significance of thestudy

Thestudyholdssignificantimplicationsforforeignlanguageeducation Byinvestigating the impact of podcast integration on non-English-majored freshmen’sinterest, the findings of the research can guide HaUI’s language educators indesigning dynamic and interactive language lessons that cater to students’ diverseinterests and preferences, which may foster a more inclusive and personalizedlearningenvironment.

Moreover, by understanding the freshmen’s attitudes and perceptions, theresearch can highlight the potential of technology integration in foreign languageeducation As a result, podcasts are recognized as a valuable tool for promotinginnovative and student-centered language instruction.

The research’s practical implications extend to non-English-majoredfreshmen,directlyenhancingtheirlanguagelearningexperiences.Thefindings


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heightened language proficiency, increased confidence, and improvedcommunication skills By uncovering the effectiveness of podcast integration aslead-in activities, students stand to gain a more engaging and interactiveapproach to English language learning This, in turn, may contribute to theiroverallacademicsuccessandempowerthemwithpracticallanguageskillsthat extendbeyond the classroomsetting.

The significance of this study lies in its unique focus on integratingpodcasts as lead-in activities within language education, a novel approach notextensively explored in previous research While previous studies have exploredthe use of podcasts in language education, the research specifically focuses onintegrating podcasts as lead-in activities This approach aims to cultivateengagement among students right from the onset of the lesson By investigatingthe effectiveness of podcast in lead-in activities, this study provides novelperspectives on exploiting digital tools to improve students’ interest in theclassroom, thereby adding fresh insights to the field of language education andpedagogy.

6 Structure of thethesis

The thesis is organized into five sections:

Introductionpresents the background and context for the study, such as the

rationale,aims,researchquestions,scope,significanceofthestudy,andoverall structure ofthethesis.

Chapter 1 Literature Reviewcovers a review of theoretical background of

interest and podcasts in language learning, and lead-in activities.

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Chapter 2 Research Methodologydemonstrates the detailed methodology used

in the research including research context, research methods, data collectioninstruments, participants, data analysis and research procedures.

Chapter 3 Findings and Discussionreports and discusses the major findings

of the study.

Conclusionacknowledges the implications and limitations of the study and

suggests ideas for future research.

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1.1 LEARNERS’ INTEREST IN FOREIGN LANGUAGELEARNING1.1.1 Definition of interest in foreign languagelearning

Interest is a multifaceted construct that holds significant importance inthefieldoflanguagelearning,especiallyinforeignlanguagelearning(Dörnyei, 2000) Researchershave approached the definition of interest from various angles which emphasize its role as afoundational element of interest and its positive influence on the learningprocess.

Dewey (1913) characterizes interest as a state of deep engagement orabsorption in an activity, object, or topic Meanwhile, Pintrich (1989) andSchiefele (1991) define interest as a positive emotional disposition towardspecific subjects, topics, or learning activities In the context of their research,interest is often manifested as happiness and eagerness when learners areactively involved in language-related tasks.

Specifically, according to Keller (2010), interest can be regarded as one ofthe primary components of motivation It is characterized as a positive responseto stimuli, rooted in existing cognitive structures, which arouses and sustainslearners’ curiosity In essence, interest reflects learners’ innate desire to engagewith and acquire knowledge of the target language This curiosityoftentranslatesintoaheightenedeagernesstocommunicate,shareinformation, and activelyparticipate in language learningactivities.

Furthermore, Keller (2010) also highlights that interest flourishes whenlearners become self-directed and autonomous in their language learningjourneys.Learnerswhopossesstheagencytosettheirownlearningobjectives, selectpersonalized strategies for achieving these goals, and evaluate theirprogresstendtoexhibitastronginclinationtoengageincommunication.They

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are driven by a desire to learn, inquire, and interact, which makes meaningfulcontributions to their language development.

Various scholars have offered nuanced perspectives on interest inlanguage learning Hidi and Renninger (2006) identify interest as a distinctivemotivational variable and psychological state that emerges during interactionsbetweenindividualsandobjectsoractivitiesthatcaptivatetheirattention.This

interactionismarkedbyawillingnesstoengagedeeplywithaparticularobject or activity thatsignifies the learner’s investment in the learningprocess.

Moreover, Hidi and Baird (1986) emphasize the pivotal role of interestinthelearningcontext.Theycontendthatwhenstudentslackinterest,theymay struggle tomaintain focus and active participation in reading and learning activities Conversely, wheninterest is present, students are more likely to display behaviors conducive to effective learning,such as sustained attention, heightened engagement, and active involvement in variouslearningtasks.

In short, interest in language learning can be characterized as a positiveemotional state that encompasses engagement, satisfaction, happiness, and awillingness to invest time and effort in the learning process, which wasexamined in the context of this research Interest plays a fundamental role inshaping learners’ engagement and performance, as students are more likely toexcel and participate actively when their interest is piqued Consequently,understanding and nurturing interest in language learning are crucial elements inpromoting effective and meaningful language acquisition.

1.1.2 Types and aspects ofinterest

Podcasts, being a flexible medium, exist in different formats to suitdifferent interests and goals Gaining a comprehensive understanding of themanycategoriesofpodcastsisessentialforaccuratelyassessingtheirpotential

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in the field of language instruction.

Situational and individual interest

Interest in language learning is often categorized into situational andindividualinterest,eachwithdistinctcharacteristics(Krapp,2002).Situational interest arisesin response to environmental or textual stimuli within thelearningcontext.Itistransientandistriggeredbyspecificconditionsorstimuli.

Situationalinterestcanbenurturedbyfactorsinthelearningenvironment,such as engagingteaching materials or interactive activities, and may endure for a substantial duration (Hidi &Renninger, 2006; Schiefele,1991).

In contrast, individual interest represents a more enduring inclination toengage with language learning activities or objects It is grounded in personalcharacteristics, encompassing knowledge, positive emotions, and values (Krapp,2002) Individual interest develops over time and is often influenced by priorsituational interests This form of interest is deeply intertwined with learners’goals and values, making it a powerful driving force for sustained engagement inlanguage learning (Hidi & Renninger, 2006).

Cognitive and affective aspects

Interest in language learning comprises cognitive and affectivedimensions, both of which play pivotal roles in shaping learners’ experiencesand motivations (Krapp, 2002).

The cognitive aspect of interest relates to personal values and goals inlanguage learning Learners are more likely to develop a strong interest whenthey perceive the topic, object, or activity as personally beneficial and satisfying(Krapp, 2002) Cognitive interest thrives when learners find value and relevancein their language learning pursuits Conversely, ifl e a r n e r s

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perceive no tangible benefits or satisfaction in their language learningexperiences, their interest may diminish or wane.

The affective aspect of interest centers on emotions, personal experiences,and attitudes towards language learning (Krapp, 2002) This dimensionunderscores the role of feelings and attitudes in shaping learners’ interest.Positive experiences, supportive interactions with influential figures like parents,teachers, and friends, and a sense of belonging to a language learningcommunity can significantly contribute to the development and sustenance ofaffective interest The affective aspect often holds great controlincultivatingandmaintaininglearners’interestinlanguagelearningactivities.

Interest in language learning manifests in situational and individual forms,with the former arising in response to immediate stimuli and the latter reflectingenduring personal engagement The cognitive aspect of interest is grounded inpersonal values and satisfaction, while the affective aspect is linked to emotions,experiences, and social interactions Since the research examined sustainedchanges in students’ interest levels before and after thepodcastintervention,whichsuggestsasituationalchangeininterestbasedona specificintervention (integration of podcasts), the research was decided toincorporatebothsituationalandindividualinteresttoprovideacomprehensive understandingof how the podcast intervention in lead-in activities impacted students’ interest inlearningEnglish.

1.1.3 Factors affecting students’ interest in foreign languagelearning

Interest is a fundamental element influencing students’engagementandmotivationintheprocessoflearningaforeignlanguage.Therehavebeensome studiesonthefactorsthatinfluencestudents’desiretolearnaforeignlanguage.Somefactorstakenintoconsiderationbyseveralresearchersarelanguagelevel,

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learner level, learning situation, prior knowledge, textual features, personalityattributes, attitudes, learning styles, and the role of teachers.

Dörnyei (2000) emphasized the significance of language level, learnerlevel, and learning situation in shaping students’ interest in language learning.Language learners at different proficiency levels may have varying levels ofinterest, and the learning environment can either enhance or diminish thisinterest.Understandingandadaptingtolearners’specificneedsandthecontext of their languagelearning can influence their interestpositively.

In addition, Williams and Burden (1997) distinguished between internaland external factors affecting interest in language learning Internal factorsencompass individual attributes such as personality traits, attitudes, and learningstyles Students who exhibit flexibility, self-confidence, and positiveattitudestendtohavehigherinterestlevels(Le&Le,2022).Ontheotherhand,

externalfactorsinvolveclassroomdynamics,teachingmethods,andmaterials Ryan andDeci (2017) argued that classrooms fostering student autonomy and choice increaseintrinsic motivation and situationalinterest.

Several scholars have examined the influence of prior knowledge andtextual features on interest (Alexander & Jetton, 1996; Hidi, 1990; Kintsch,1980) Students’ prior knowledge affects interest levels, with moderate amountsof knowledge enhancing interest, while too much or too little prior knowledgemay decrease it Texts that are well-written, interesting, concrete, and vivid tendto increase learning and maintain interest (Schraw, 1997) Unexpectedinformation and engaging text structures also contribute to arousing andsustaining interest.

Students’ personality attributes play a crucial role in their languagelearning journey Various personality traits, such as extroversion, self-

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confidence, passivity, and independence, influence learners’ engagement andsuccess(Dewey,1913).Studentswithmoreflexiblecharacteristicstendtohave greater chances ofsuccess and exhibit higher levels ofinterest.

The relationship between attitudes and interest in language learning iswidelyacknowledged(Le&Le,2022;Alexander&Wade,2000;McWhaw& Abrami,2001) Favorable attitudes toward the foreign language lead to increasedattentiveness and achievement in the classroom When students areinterestedinlearningactivities,theyaremorelikelytobeattentive,active,and engaged intheir learningexperiences.

Students’ diverse learning styles influence their interest in languagelearning.Recognizingandaccommodatingthesestylescanenhancemotivation

(Dewey,1913).Allowingstudentstochoosetheirpreferredlearningstylesand adaptinglearning materials accordingly can foster interest in the learning process.

Teachersplayapivotalroleindeterminingtheeffectivenessoflanguage learning(Nuttal, 1982) They provide suitable materials, create engaging learning activities,facilitate comprehension, and offer guidance A teacher’s ability to organize, observe,provide feedback, and prompt students significantly influences their interest andmotivation.

Interest in language learning is influenced by a dynamic interplay ofinternal and external factors, including learner characteristics, classroomdynamics, attitudes, prior knowledge, and teaching methods Paying attention tothese factors can contribute to creating a more engaging and motivatinglanguage learning environment.


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1.2.1 Definitions and purposes of lead-inactivities

Lead-in activities, positioned at the threshold of pedagogic interactions,have garnered substantial attention for their role in orchestrating engaging andmotivational learning experiences As scholars examine the intricacies ofeffectiveclassroomteaching,theconceptoflead-inactivitieshasemergedasa strategicapproach to initiating meaningful connections between educators, students, and thecontent about to be explored (Liu & He, 2020; Qin & Wang, 2021).

employedto“awaken”studentswithinthefirstfewminutesofalesson,thereby cultivating a fertileground for subsequent learning endeavors (Qin & Wang, 2021) Besides, Arendas (1998)characterizes lead-in activities as techniques wielded by educators to prepare students forupcoming content and establish communicative links that bridge learners and the subjectmatter Additionally, Turney (1975) emphasizes the primacy of attracting students’attention and nurturingtheireagernesstolearnattheoutset,whichalignswiththebeliefthat arobust beginning is foundational for successful classroom teaching (Liu & He,2020).

Themultifacetedpurposesoflead-inactivitiesencompassaspectrumof pedagogicintentions Drawing from Turney’s (1975) seminal work, lead-inactivitiesservefunctionssuchasgainingattention,arousingmotivation,setting teaching targets,structuring the learning process, and facilitating cognitive links These functions collectively

preparation,enablingthemtonavigatethelearningjourneywithanorientation toward activeengagement andunderstanding.

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Scholars and educators collectively recognize the pivotal role of lead-inactivities in cultivating an environment conducive to effective teaching andlearning Cooper (1992) underscores that the ultimate aim of lead-in activities isto stimulate students’ interest and enthusiasm for learning, creating a trajectorytoward meaningful class participation Liu and He (2020) consolidates priorresearch, emphasizing that a successful lead-in activity should exhibit attributesof being interesting, relevant, student-centered, concise, authentic, and closelyintertwined with students’ everyday lives.

This research follows the definition of lead-in activities provided byArendas (1998) and the purpose of lead-in activities mentioned by Cooper(1992), which refer the strategies to prepare students for subsequent content andestablish communicative connections to connect learners with the subject matterand to improve students’ interest in learning Incorporating these activities intoclassroom practices is widely acknowledged as a gateway to set the tone forimpactful learning experiences By creating an engaging, captivating, andanticipatory atmosphere, educators lay the foundation for students’ activeinvolvement, curiosity, and motivation.

1.2.2 Role of lead-in activities in foreign languageeducation

Lead-in activities, an essential part of effective teaching practices, playa crucial role in creating dynamic and engaging learning environments withinthe field of education Multiple scholars and practitioners (Cooper, 1992;Turney, 1975; Slavin, 2004) recognize that a well-organized andcarefullyimplementedlead-inactivityestablishesthefoundationforaseriesof favorableresults that go beyond mere involvement Table 1.1 below is a synthesis of concepts andideas from the studies of various authors that are Cooper (1992), Liu and He (2020), Turney(1975), and Slavin(2004).

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Table 1.1: The multifaceted role of lead-in activities in foreign languageeducation

AspectsRole of Lead-in Activities in Foreign LanguageEducation

Stimulating interestand engagement

● stimulate students’ interest andcuriosity● ignite enthusiasm for learning andactive

Creating a supportivelearning atmosphere

● create a conducive learningatmosphere

● be student-centered, authentic, and connectedto students’lives

Establishing cognitive bridges

● set teachingtargets

● structure the learningprocess

● create a roadmap for comprehendingnew concepts

Nurturing curiosityand inquiry

T h i s i n i t i a l e n g a g e m e n t s e r v e s a s a g a t e w a y t o

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channelstudents’cognitiveandaffectiveenergiestowardthesubjectmatter,in order toprime them for active involvement in subsequent learningactivities.

Moreover, an effective lead-in activity contributes to the creation of aconducive learning atmosphere As noted by Liu and He (2020), a well-designed lead-in is characterized by attributes such as being student-centered,authentic, and closely tied to students’ lives By aligning with learners’experiences and interests, lead-in activities foster an environment where studentsfeel valued, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment that transcends thelead-in itself.

Furthermore, the role of lead-in activities extends beyond immediateengagement, encompassing the establishment of cognitive bridges that facilitatelearning transitions Turney (1975) identified functions of lead-in activities thatinclude setting teaching targets and structuring the learning process Thesefunctions establish a cognitive roadmap that guides students through the journeyof comprehending and internalizing new concepts, ensuring a seamlessconnection between prior knowledge and forthcoming content.

An effective lead-in activity also nurtures students’ curiosity andpromptsthemtoinquirefurtherintothesubjectmatter.Slavin(2004)highlights the importance oflead-in activities in attracting students’ interest and prompting them to question, fostering anenvironment where curiosity serves as a catalyst for deeper exploration This spirit of inquirycultivates a mindset of active exploration and criticalthinking.

Another role of lead-in activities in effective teaching extends beyondmere engagement, encompassing the realms of motivation, atmospherecreation,cognitivebridging,andcuriositycultivation.Bycarefullyembedding

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designedlead-inactivitiesintoteachingmethods,instructorsareabletoutilize theircapacity to establish a path of engaged involvement, purposeful investigation, andenduringcomprehension.

1.2.3 Lead-in strategies in foreign languageeducation

The dynamic landscape of effective teaching has prompted educators toexplore a repertoire of lead-in strategies and guidelines, tailored to captivatestudents’ attention, foster engagement, and establish a receptive platform forlearning.Thediversityofstrategiesandprinciplesunderscoresthemultifaceted natureoflead-inactivitiesasaconduitformeaningfulpedagogicalinteractions.

Situational lead-in emerges as a strategy to evoke authentic and situatedlearning experiences by mirroring real-life contexts within the classroom.Halliday’s (1964) notion that language acquisition occurs through understandingbehavioral situations finds resonance in the situational lead-in.Thisstrategyimmerseslearnersinrelatablescenarios,fosteringcommunicative competence andsocial interaction akin to real-lifeencounters.

In the information era, the integration of technology into lead-in activitieshas gained prominence Multi-media lead-in harnesses the power of visual,auditory, and interactive media to create immersive and engaging preludes tolessons Modern learners, accustomed to multimedia-rich environments, findresonance in this strategy, which not only captivates but also facilitates theinternalization of abstract concepts (Liu & He, 2020).

Dialogue lead-in emerges as an interactive strategy, emphasizing student and student-teacher dialogues on relatable topics such ascampuslife,hobbies,andholidays.Facilitatingconversationalinteractions,this strategy aligns withGardner and Miller’s (1999) perspective on promoting social interactions as a foundational aspect oflanguage learning Byengaging

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student-learners in authentic dialogues, educators create a platform for meaningfullanguage use.

The role of revision lead-in lies in bridging students’ past knowledge tothe current lesson, fostering meaningful connections Ausubel’s (1960) emphasison meaningful learning through connecting new knowledge to existingframeworks resonates in the revision lead-in By revisiting prior concepts andcontextualizing them with new content, educators facilitate comprehension anddeepen conceptual understanding.

Question lead-in emerges as a versatile and prevalent strategy, fosteringengagementthroughthought-provokingqueries.Slavin(2004)positsthatwell- craftedquestions prompt students to take the next cognitive step, instigating curiosity and inquiry.This strategy not only draws students into the learning process but also lays the foundationfor subsequent contentexploration.

Hot topics and storytelling lead-in strategies resonate with students’interests and imaginations While hot topic lead-ins initiate discussions oncontemporaryissues,storytellinglead-insevokenarrativecontextsthatintrigue and inspire learners(Turney, 1975) These strategies harness relevanceandnarrative to establish an emotionalconnection, thereby amplifying engagement.

Lead-in strategies underscore the diversity of approaches educators canemploy to initiate captivating and purposeful learning experiences As guidelinesconverge on the attributes of being interesting, relevant, student- centered, brief,authentic, and closely intertwined with students’ lives, educators are equipped tocraft lead-in activities that resonate with learners’ diverse needs and fosterholistic engagement.

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1.3 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION IN ENGLISHEDUCATION1.3.1 English education and technologyintegration

The intersection of technology and education has catalyzedtransformativeshiftsinteachingandlearningmethodologies,particularlyinthe domain of Englishlanguage education English education, a cornerstone of global communication and cross-culturalexchange, has witnessed the assimilation of technology to enhance pedagogical practices, fosterlearner engagement, and cultivate languageproficiency.

English education stands at the forefront of contemporary educationsystems,drivenbytheglobalizednatureofcommunicationandtherecognition of English as alingua franca The multifaceted role of English encompasses not only linguisticcompetence but also cultural sensitivity, intercultural communication, and cross-bordercollaboration Proficiency in English has become a prerequisite for academic pursuits,career advancement, and participation in an interconnected world (Byram, Gribkova, &Starkey,2002).

The incorporation of technology in English education reflects an evolvingpedagogical landscape Traditional paradigms of rote memorization and passiveknowledge consumption are being supplanted by interactive, communicative,and student-centered approaches Technologicalinterventions offer avenues to align English languagepedagogy with the principles of communicative language teaching (CLT), emphasizing contextualizedlanguageuse,collaborativelearning,andreal-lifecommunication(Richards&

Technology bridges geographical divides, democratizing access to aplethora of authentic English resources Online databases, multimedia platforms,e-books, and language learning applications provide learners with

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immersive language experiences, ranging from authentic audiovisual content tointeractive language exercises The global accessibility transcends physicallimitations, enabling learners to engage with diverse language inputs andcultural contexts (Warschauer, 1998).

The integration of technology into English education presents a duallandscape of opportunities and challenges On one hand, technology offersadaptive learning environments, personalized learning pathways, instantfeedback mechanisms, and interactive platforms that mirror real-life languageuse.Ontheotherhand,challengesencompassissuesofdigitalequity,theneed for educatorcapacity building, and the judicious integration of technology to complement ratherthan replace pedagogical expertise (Levy & Stockwell, 2006).

The integration of technology in English education reflects a symbioticrelationship between language learning and the digital age As English educationseeks to empower learners with communicative competence and globalcitizenship, the infusion of technology emerges as a potent tool to augmentpedagogical efficacy and engage students in meaningful language exploration.

1.3.2 Roles of technology in English languageeducation

The confluence of technology and English education has ushered in a newera of language learning, reshaping pedagogical landscapes withinnovativeparadigmsfocusedonengagementandpersonalizedlearning(Lien, 2022) Themultifaceted role of technology within English education encompasses a diverse rangeof functions, synergistically enhancing language acquisition, communication skills, andculturalawareness.

The utilization of multimedia technology presents a dynamic and

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multimodal avenue for language acquisition, accommodating varied learningpreferences and cognitive styles Platforms enriched with augmented reality,interactive interfaces, and online language laboratories afford learners theopportunity to engage with authentic audiovisual content, immersing themselvesin genuine language contexts and diverse linguistic registers (Chapelle, 2001).Multisensory interactions bolster critical skills like vocabulary acquisition,listening comprehension, and accurate pronunciation.

Further extending the reach of technology, learners can now partake ingenuinecross-culturalcommunicationthankstothedissolutionofgeographical boundaries Virtualexchange initiatives, video conferencing, and digitaldiscussionforumsenablelearnerstoengageindialogueswithEnglishspeakers of diverselinguistic and cultural backgrounds, nurturing not only their linguistic abilities but also theirintercultural competence (Thorne,2003).

In this context, technology takes on a personal touch, crafting adaptivelearning environments that cater to individual learning styles, progress, and areasof improvement Leveraging artificial intelligence and data analytics, theseplatforms present tailored content, exercises, and feedback, creating a learningexperience that aligns with learners’ unique needs and pace (Oxford, 2017).

The integration of technology also empowers learners to navigate theirlanguage learning journey autonomously Online resources, mobile apps, andlearning platforms provide tools for setting goals, tracking progress, andengaging in self-directed learning beyond classroom confines (Kul, 2023) Thesebenefits gradually cultivate autonomy, lifelong learning skills, andmetacognitive strategies that extend well beyond language education (Vygotsky,1978).

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However, the promise of technology is accompanied by challenges.Digitaldividesandthelureoftechnologicaldistractionsnecessitateabalanced approach totheir integration Educators play a crucial role in fostering digital literacy, critical thinking,and the discernment of credible online resources, empowering students to navigate thedigital realm responsibly (Lien,2022).

Ultimately, technology isn’t a mere adjunct but a transformative catalyst,redefining language learning With technology interwoven into pedagogy,educators wield a dynamic tool to foster linguistic proficiency, interculturaladeptness, and the digital competencies demanded by a globalized world.


1.4.1 Definitions ofpodcasts

The digital age has heralded a transformation in the way information isdisseminated and consumed, giving rise to innovative mediums such aspodcasts.Podcasts,aportmanteauof“iPod”and“broadcast,”haveemergedas a versatileand engaging medium for sharing audio content across diverse genres, includingeducation, entertainment, news, and storytelling (Drew, 2017).

Podcasts are audio recordings that can be streamed or downloaded fromthe internet, enabling listeners to access content at their convenience Unliketraditional radio broadcasts, podcasts provide an on-demand listeningexperience, allowing users to subscribe to specific series or episodes Accordingto Llinares and Berry (2018), this democratization of broadcastingempowersindividualstocreate,curate,andconsumecontentalignedwiththeir interests.

Podcastsencompassadiverserangeofformats,spanningfromnarrative storytellingand interviews to panel discussions and educationall e c t u r e s.

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Frequently,aserializedstructureisemployed,whereinepisodesarereleasedat regularintervals to maintain audience interest and foster a feeling of anticipation The utilization

auditoryexperienceandpossessesthepotentialtofunctionasahighlyeffective instrument forprolonged languageimmersion.

Within the field of education, podcasts offer an innovative avenue fordisseminating educational content and fostering self-directed learning.Educationalpodcastsspandiversesubjectsanddisciplines,cateringtolearners of all agesand backgrounds According to Godwin-Jones (2011), the auditorycharacteristicsofindividualsenablethemtoengageinactivelistening,enhance comprehension,and foster the growth of critical thinkingabilities.

Podcasts have been recognized as a valuable resource within languagelearning environments Podcasts can be utilized by language learners as a meansto augment their listening comprehension, broaden their vocabulary, refine theirpronunciation, and acquaint themselves with genuine language usage acrossvarious contexts Rachmaniputri et al (2021) point out that the diversity ofaccents, linguistic registers, and cultural nuances presented in podcastscontributes to well-rounded language proficiency.

Podcasts, as conceptualized by Lafferty and Walch (2006), represent adynamic and versatile form of digital media The audio content formats withinthis category span a broad range, including narrative storytelling, interviews,informative lectures, and panel discussions Lafferty and Walch assert thatpodcasts surpass the constraints of conventional broadcasting by affordinglisteners the ability to access content according to their preferences, therebyfacilitating a customized and readily available learning encounter In the presentcontext, podcasts exhibit a distinctive serialized format, wherein

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episodesarereleasedatregularintervalstomaintainaudienceinvolvementand cultivate asense of anticipation (Lafferty & Walch,2006).

Lazzari (2009) offers additional insights into the comprehension ofpodcasts According to Lazzari, podcasts have a broader scope than just audiocontent, as they are increasingly being recognized as a pedagogical tool that canbring about transformative changes in higher education In this particularcontext, podcasts serve as a medium for effectively distributing educationalcontentthroughinnovativemeans.Lazzarihighlightsthatpodcastsarenotjust a one-waycommunication medium; they empower educators to engage learners in immersiveauditory experiences that facilitate active listening and critical thinking According toLazzari (2009), the integration of podcasts in higher education enables instructors toestablish a learner-central atmosphere that surpasses the confines of conventionalclassrooms, thereby augmenting students’ competitiveagency.

While a variety of definitions and purposes of podcasts in educationalcontext have been suggested, this paper uses the definition suggested byRachmaniputri et al (2021) who saw it as a tool to enhance learners’ listeningcomprehension, expand their vocabulary, improve their pronunciation, andfamiliarize themselves with authentic language usage in different situations Theinclusion of a wide range of accents, linguistic and cultural nuances in podcastsplays a significant role in fostering comprehensive linguistic skills.

1.4.2 Types ofpodcasts

Podcasts, as a versatile medium, manifest in various forms that cater todiverse preferences and objectives Understanding the different types of podcastsis crucial for contextualizing their potential in language education.

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One prevalent genre is educational podcasts that delve into academicsubjects,personalgrowth,andskillenhancement.AsstatedbyLazzari(2009),

thesepodcastsofferstructuredcontent,often resemblingtraditionallecturesor instructionalmaterials Educational podcasts hold promise in language education as they providelearners with structured language input and subject- specificknowledge.

Anothersignificantcategoryisconversationalpodcastscharacterizedby informaldialogues and interviews These podcasts replicate genuine spoken interactions, providingexposure to colloquialisms, varied speech patterns, and authentic language use Throughthis immersive approach, conversational podcasts bolster listening comprehension andfamiliarize learners with diverse linguistic nuances (Herrera & Ruiz,2020).

Language Learning and Teaching Podcasts revolve around languageinstruction,grammarelucidation,andpronunciationguidance.Directlyaligned with languageeducation goals, these podcasts provide learners with targeted language input and pedagogicalinsights (Báez & Showalter,2021).

TseandLo(2020)suggestatypeofpodcastcalledpersonaldevelopment podcasts, whichconcentrate on self-improvement, motivation, and life skills While not exclusively language-oriented, these podcasts indirectly contribute to language education by nurturing positive mindsets,enhancing motivation, and encouraging continuous engagement with thelanguage.

Podcasts available on the web can generally be classified into twoprincipal categories: “radio podcasts” and “independent podcasts” (Man,2006).Radiopodcasts,oftenoriginatingfromestablishedbroadcasterslikethe BBC andRTHK, involve the transformation of existing radio programs into digital audioformats These podcasts extend the reach oftraditional

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broadcasting by allowing audiences to engage with content at their convenience.On the other hand, independent podcasts, produced by individuals andorganizations, offer a platform for diverse voices and topics (Man, 2006) Theyare not only reflective of the democratization of media but also present anabundance of options tailored to specific interests and preferences.

Within the realm of language education, the concept of “authenticpodcasts” has gained prominence (Stanley, 2005) These podcasts, which are notspecifically designed for language learners, encompass a wide range oftopicsandofteninvolvereal-worldconversations,interviews,anddiscussions Authenticpodcasts are seen as valuable resources for enhancing languageskills,offeringlearnersexposuretonaturallanguageuse,differentaccents,and idiomaticexpressions Despite their potential challengesfornovice learners, authentic podcastsprovide an authentic context for languageacquisition.

In the educational context, podcasts have been further classified based ontheir intended purposes Harris and Park (2008) delineate four keycategories:teaching-driven,service-driven,marketing-driven,andtechnology- driven.Teaching-driven podcasts encompass those that enhance classroom instruction, offeringsummaries of lectures and supplementary academic content (Harris & Park, 2008) Service-driven podcasts act as informational resources for students, families, and the widercommunity, providing insights into institutional policies and events Marketing-drivenpodcasts serve as promotionaltools,offeringprospectivestudentsaglimpseintocampuslifeandacademicofferings.Finally,technology-drivenpodcastsareconcernedwiththe utilization oftechnology in pedagogical practices (Harris & Park,2008).

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The diversity of podcast types provides educators with a wealth of optionsfor enriching language learning and communication skills While authenticpodcasts offer exposure to real-world language use, educational podcaststailored to teaching methodologies provide structured learning opportunities.Moreover, the proliferation of podcasts across various domains underscores theirpotential to enhance interdisciplinary understanding and critical thinking.

1.4.3 Advantagesanddisadvantagesofusingpodcastsinforeignlanguageeducation Advantages

learningandteaching.Theadvantagesofpodcastsinfosteringanengagingand effectivelanguage learning environment have been the focus of the studies conducted by severalresearchers (e.g., Ashton & Brookes, 2011; Chinnery, 2006; Rachmaniputri et al., 2021;Indahsari,2020).

Table 1.2: Advantages of podcasts in foreign language education

AspectsAdvantages of Podcasts in Foreign LanguageEducation

Flexibility andaccessibility

● anytime, anywhere access for flexiblelearning schedules

Authentic audiomaterials

● features authentic conversations,exposing learners to diverse languageuse

Diverse language input ● offers a wide range of topics, genres, andspeakers for comprehensivelanguage

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Listening skills ● enhances listening comprehension and pronunciation through regularengagement

Supplementary role inlanguage classrooms

● serves as a valuable supplement to traditionalteaching methods, enhancing overall

language learning experienceSustained motivation

through engaging formats

● captures attention with dynamic and immersive formats, sustainingmotivation

Table 1.2 is a synthesis of concepts and theories from the studies of variousauthors that are Ashton and Brookes (2011), Chinnery (2006), Rachmaniputri etal (2021), O’Bryan and Hegelheimer (2007), Ducate and Lomicka (2009),Indahsari (2020).

Podcasts provide learners with the flexibility to access language contentanytime, anywhere, making them particularly suitable for students with variedschedules and learning preferences As Ashton and Brookes (2011) note, thisaccessibility allows learners to engage in language practice during theircommute, exercise routines, or other daily activities, thereby maximizing the useof idle time for language learning.

Podcasts often feature authentic audio materials, such as naturalconversations, interviews, and real-world discussions, which expose learners todiverse accents, vocabulary, and language registers (Chinnery, 2006) Thisexposure enhances learners’ listening comprehension skills by familiarizing

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