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bài tập lớn lập trình iot

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Nội dung

Các doanh nghiệp đang có xu hướng ứng dụngsản phẩm công nghệ IoT vào sản xuất ngày càng nhiều bởi thị trườngsáng tạo tiềm năng và chi phí sản xuất ngày càng thấp.Chứng kiến sự phát triển

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STTMã Sinh ViênHọ và TênNgày Sinh

1 1671020200 Lê Đức Mạnh 19/10/2004

Hà Nội, năm 2024

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ở mọi lĩnh vực hoạt động khắp nơi trên thế giới Điều xảy ra trong vòngvài năm qua ở Việt Nam là sự đầu tư ồ ạt vào công nghệ.

Internet Of Things (IoT) – Internet vạn vật dường như đang đứng trướcmột bước ngoặt để đi đến giai đoạn tiếp theo cho một thế giới hiện đại,văn minh Đó là viễn cảnh mà mọi vật đều có thể kết nối với nhau thôngqua Internet không dây Các doanh nghiệp đang có xu hướng ứng dụngsản phẩm công nghệ IoT vào sản xuất ngày càng nhiều bởi thị trườngsáng tạo tiềm năng và chi phí sản xuất ngày càng thấp.

Chứng kiến sự phát triển như vũ bão của các sản phẩm ứng dụng côngnghệ IoT và thị trường công nghệ Start up tiềm năng đang ngày càng sôiđộng hơn bao giờ hết, quyển sách này cung cấp các nội dung về IoT vớitriết lí Không chỉ là thực tế – không rời rạc, hướng đến những người trẻtuổi đã, đang và muốn tập trung năng lực của mình cho không gianInternet Of Things Mong muốn cho ra đời những sản phẩm độc đáo, sángtạo, ngày càng hoàn thiện và đồng bộ để có thể đáp ứng nhu cầu của cuộcsống.

Nội dung được thiết kế một cách cơ bản giúp học viên có cái nhìn tổngquan về việc xây dựng hệ thống, sản xuất thiết bị và dễ dàng tham gia vàolĩnh vực IoT mới mẻ.

Và đến với trường Đại Học Đại Nam ngành Công nghệ thông tin, chúngem đã được biết thêm các kiến thức cũng như được thực hành và hiểu rõhơn về học phần IOT này, thật sự mang lại rất nhiều điều bổ ích và quýbáu cho bọn em.

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Bài 5: 06 đèn Led nhấp nháy đuổi xuôi ngược 26

Bài 8: Đèn LED sáng dần, tối dần tự động; 29

Bài 11: Điều chỉnh độ sáng của đèn bằng biến trở (chiết áp); 32

Bài 13: Hiển thị các số 0 đến 99 trên 10 dòng, mỗi dòng 10 số trên Serial monitor; 34

Bài 15: Điều khiển đèn tắt sáng bằng lệnh ON, OFF từ bàn phím; 36

Bài 17: Điều chỉnh tốc độ 6 đèn LED nháy đuổi bằng nút nhấn 38

Bài 21: LCD: hiển thị các số từ 1 đến 100 Số lẻ ở dòng trên, số chẵn ở dòng dưới; 43



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1 Đọc hiểu và dịch bài báo tiếng anh đề 13.

2 Làm các bài thực hành : 2, 3, 5 ,8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 31.3.

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1IOTInternet of things2

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IoT enables to shareinformation about thesurroundings with people,conditions of things, softwaresystem and machines By theinvention of IoT, our world isbecoming smart in everyaspects As the technologygrows, our world is buildingup smart cities, smart homes,and smart buildings And alsoIoT

serves us in different wayssuch as transportation, wastemanagement, irrigation facility,agriculture etc In this paper wereview a concept of IoT in allfields.

The IoT is referred to as

Internet of Things Internet of

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via internet IoT consists ofsmart machines, human andeven objects IoT is becoming arelevant in every area As we allknow, we are communicatingwith people through theinternet Internet has impact ineach and every fields such aseducation, business,government, society, scienceand technology Our mostcommunication way is Internetwhich connects people Internethas become the most commonway of communication and itcame to relevant for nearly twodecades Internet is one of themost powerful creation ofhuman history But, now theInternet has introduced anotherinteresting interactive way byusing various things anddevices Even householdappliances can also beconnected to network and canenable it to work liberally IoTin any situation is useful for

the air-condition before we areentering our home, windows canbe closed automatically whenthe air condition is turned on,turn off the gas stove whenrequired All these can be doneby sitting at where we are Theseare some of the application in ahome There are many otherpurposes where IoT is applicable.Thus IoT has ability to changeincluding ourselves It is a newtechnology of

internet ac ce ssi ng IoT leadsthe objects to recognizeeverything itself and enabling it totake the right decisions onrighttimetobehaves intelligently.We can

communicate to internet at anytime, at anywhere by using anynetwork to anyone IoT isapplicable in almost all fieldssuch as smart home, smart city,smart vehicles Internet of

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Internet of Things Applications

IoT provides manyapplications such as smartcities, homes, transportationand smart environment.

Smart citySmart homeTransportationIndustriesSmart hospitalsAgriculture


Home:-Smart home technology isamazing technology by IoT Thedevices,

appliances or system thatconnect into common networkcan be controlled remotely ByIoT, our home turns to a

“connected home” The thingssuch as home's thermostat,lights, audio speakers, TVs,security cameras, locks,appliances, and all those things

automation allows to tap intohigh-tech functionality andluxury life It changes our lifeeasier and more enjoyable Theelectronic devices such as TVs,mobile devices, etc are usuallysupported by Wi - F i Wi- Fi

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development Smart cities demand requires careful planning, with support fromgovernments, citizens to implement the internet of things technology in every field andaspects By the IoT, cities can be improved in atmost all levels, by improvinginfrastructure, enhancing public transportation, reducing traffic congestion, Monitoringparking area in the city and keeping citizens safe, healthy and more engaged in thecommunity By connection all systems in the cities like transportation system,

healthcare system, weather monitoring systems and there are also many facilitiesprovided by the IoT technology By the use of internet in every place, it helps to accessthe database of airports, railways, transportation tracking operating under have startedbecoming a part of the home network Due the increasing rate of usage of mobilecomputing devices like smart phones, tablets, etc The Wi-Fi and mobile devices can beused as gateways for IoT applications The building automation with entertainment,healthcare monitoring and wireless sensor monitoring in the home and buildingenvironments By the concept of the internet of things, homes and buildings mayoperate devices and objects smartly Of the most interesting application of IoT insmart homes and buildings are smart lighting and media, air control and centralheating, energy management and security.

Some of the advantages are: Managing all of the home devicesMaximizing home security.

Increased energy efficiency.Improved appliance functionality

from oneplace

Flexibility for new devicesandappliances

specified protocols, cities will becomesmarter by means of the internet ofthings.

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The medical field has a great potential for IoT IoT plays an from in-patient treatmentto population health condition monitoring IoT technologies in medical fields areable to automatically gather necessary information from patients and detect possiblediseases in order to prevent them Remote patient monitoring or RTM is a systemthat is profitable for people that have problems with the heart or diabetics So, thatpatient just needs to carry the RTM device with them So that it automatically alerts thedoctor about patient deterioration One of the best examples is the smart vaccinefridge It is able to prevent vaccines from spoiling and monitor their conditions 24/7.There are a many ways to use IoT for optimizing everyday hospital activities andreduce costs Lost and stolen equipment leads to spending a lot of money The problem canbe solved by integrating sensors to equipment, e.g RFID or Bluetooth This solution allowstracking the locations at any time Assistance for elderly or disabled people, Monitoring andControl of conditions in freezers storing medicines ,vaccines, Vital signs monitoringin high performance centres and fields, Monitoring the current conditions of patientsinside hospitals and in old people's home, Measurement of UV rays to warn the people notto be exposed in certain hours.

There are many advantages too in using IoT in medical field They are:Lower expenses.

Better treatment results Better disease control Fewer mistakes.Remote patient care

Maintenance of medical devicesMore trust towards doctors

Smart Transportation:

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Technology advances are supporting the development and deployment of IoTapplications in transportation.Use cases of IoT transportation are:

Connected cars

Vehicle tracking systemsPublic transport managementTraffic management

Internet of Things can change the transport theme by transforming how transportationsystems gather and make

use of data IoT is the networking of objects through embedded sensors, and otherdevices that gather and transmit data

about real-world activities Objects here include household appliances, mobile devices,vehicles, and structures The advantages of IoT in transportation:

Enhanced traveller experienceIncreased safety

Reduced energy use and congestion.Better operational performance

The development in transportation is one of the factors to indicate the wellbeing of thecountry A road condition monitoring and alert application is one of the most importantof IoT transformation application The main idea of the concept of smart transportationand mobility is to apply the principles of crowd sourcing and participatory sensing Theprocess began with user identified the route wishes and marked some points as pothole

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in the smart phone's application IoT can also be used in transportation is an electricvehicles, which is an important means to

reduce both the fuel cost and the impact of global warming have also gained considerableattention from drivers Government in many countries has supported researches onsystems to monitor performance of Lithium-ion (Li- on) battery for electric vehicle asexplored The system presented was designed to detect the functions of Li-on powerbattery by deriving the driving situation from the realistic working conditions for driver sothat the driver was able to get the idea of the route status This solution wasembedded with many essential functions such as dynamic performance test of the Li-on battery, remote monitoring with on- line debugging and error correction thatcould significantly reduce the maintenance cost.

Internet of Things-Advantages

Data volume Self-organising Interoperability

PrivacyPower Supply

Wireless communicationSoftware complexity

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The future of IoT is virtually unlimited due to advances in technology and consumer’sdesire to integrate devices such as smart phones with everything Wi- Fi has made itpossible to connect people and machines on land, in the air and at sea It is critical thatboth companies and governments keep in ethics in mind as we approach the fourthIndustrial Revolution With so much data traveling from device to device, security intechnology will be

required to grow just as fast as connectivity Governments will undoubtably face toughdecisions as to how far the private the sector is allowed to go in terms of robotics andinformation sharing The possibilities are exciting, productivity will increase andamazing things will come by connecting the world Internet of things is a newtechnology which provides many applications to connect the things to things and humanto things through the internet Each objects in the world can be identified, connected toeach other through internet taking decisions independently All networks andtechnologies of communication are used in building the concept of the internet ofthings such technologies are mobile computing, wireless sensors networks, andembedded systems, in addition to many algorithms and methodologies to getmanagement processes, storing data, and security issues IoT requires standardizedapproach for architectures, identification schemes and frequencies will happenparallels, each one targeted for a particular and specific use By the internet of thingsmany smart applications becomes real in our life , which enable us to reach andcontact with every things in addition to facilities many important aspects for humanlife such as smart healthcare, smart homes, smart energy , smart cities and smartenvironments Internet of things may facing two major challenges in order toguarantee seamless network access; the first issue relates to the fact that today

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different networks coexist and the other issue is related to the big data size of the IoT.Other current issues, such as address restriction, automatic address setup, securityfunctions such as authentication and encryption, and functions to deliver voice andvideo signals efficiently will probably be affected in implementing the concept of theinternet of things but by ongoing in technological developments these challengeswill be overcome The internet of things promises future new technologies whenrelated to cloud, fog and distributed computing, big data, and security issues Byintegrating all these issues with the internet of things, smarter applications will bedeveloped as soon This paper surveyed some of the most important applications ofIoT with particular focus on what is being actually done in addition to the challengesthat facing the implementation

the internet of things concept, and the other future technologies make the concept ofIoT feasible.

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int led2=5;void setup(){

pinMode(led1, OUTPUT); pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);}

void loop(){

digitalWrite(led1, HIGH); digitalWrite(led2, LOW);

delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s) digitalWrite(led1, LOW);

digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);

delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)}

 Ảnh, kết quả:

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Bài 3: 02 đèn Led xanh đỏ nhấp nháy đồng thời, chu kỳ của đèn xanh là 2s, chu kỳ đèn đỏ là4s

 Các linh kiện:

 Sơ đồ:

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 Code:// C++ code//

int led1 = 12; // Đèn xanhint led2 = 1; // Đèn đỏ

void setup() {

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pinMode(led1, OUTPUT); pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);}

void loop() {

digitalWrite(led2,HIGH); digitalWrite(led1,HIGH); delay(2000);

digitalWrite(led1,LOW); digitalWrite(led2,HIGH); delay(2000);

digitalWrite(led2,LOW); delay(1000);

 Ảnh, kết quả:

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Bài 5: 06 đèn Led nhấp nháy đuổi xuôi ngược Các linh kiện:

 Sơ đồ:

Ngày đăng: 18/07/2024, 15:29