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“Handbook Factory Planning and Design” là một nguồn tài liệu quý giá cho bất kỳ ai quan tâm đến lĩnh vực lập kế hoạch và thiết kế nhà máy. Với những kiến thức sâu sắc và thực tiễn, quyển sách này chắc chắn sẽ trở thành một người bạn đồng hành đáng tin cậy trong sự nghiệp của bạn. Hãy tìm đọc ngay hôm nay và khám phá những bí quyết để thiết kế một nhà máy hiện đại, linh hoạt và hiệu quả!

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Factory Planning and Design

Hans-Peter Wiendahl · Jürgen Reichardt Peter Nyhuis

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Handbook Factory Planning and Design

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Structure of the Book

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Hans-Peter Wiendahl

Handbook FactoryPlanning and Design


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Hans-Peter WiendahlGarbsen

GermanyJürgen Reichardt

Fachbereich Baukonstruktion undIndustriebau

Fachhochschule MünsterMünster

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015933365

Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole orpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse ofillustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way,and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software,or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.

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Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg is part of Springer Science+Business Media(www.springer.com)

Translated by Rett Rossi

Additional material to this book can be downloaded from http://extras.springer.com.

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The 1990s saw the rapid development of both the Internet and businesslogistics Less than two decades later, the globalized economy was a reality.Nowadays, sustainability and resource efficiency are guiding principles to runa factory The digital communication of orders, processes, and resources isthe next foreseeable development step in manufacturing.

Enterprises now frequently distribute their productions over several sitesin a number of countries, and their productions are usually subject to strongfluctuations Individual sites thus have to be highly reactive and changeable.This in turn necessitates a paradigm change; generally speaking, we need toinvert the way we have traditionally considered a factory Whereas previ-ously, the primary task of a parent company was seen as developing aproduct, producing it and processing orders, while procuring and distributingfinished goods to customers were secondary, today’s priority is reliablysupplying globally distributed markets from the most advantageous sites.Instead of central factories with a broad manufacturing depth, transformableor even temporary production sites located near the individual markets arenow essential.

With this in mind, we realized that a critical look at factory planning upuntil now had to be undertaken In gathering information from numerousresearch projects and industrial-based projects conducted in various bran-ches, it became clear that in addition to the customary primary goal of beingas efficient as possible, additional demands have arisen:

• Depending on the impulse for change, a factory needs to be able to adjustitself within a suitable time period with regard to both production tech-nology and spatial demands on each of the impacted factory levels.• Manufacturing and assembly systems need to take into consideration local

perspectives concerning know-how, wage costs, and required value-adding(i.e., local content).

• Production facilities and buildings need to be designed so that they serve resources and are energy efficient.

con-• The external appearance of the factory needs to represent the corporateidentity of the enterprise, while the internal appearance needs to meet theclaim of the product.

• The spatial design of production sites needs to provide comfortableworkplaces, thereby expressing the company’s high regard for itsemployees.


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In consideration of all this and over a number of years, we have developedthe tri-fold structure of this book It is based on the second edition of theGerman “Handbuch Fabrikplanung” (Handbook Factory Planning),published in 2014 by Hanser Verlag Munich.

Thefirst part of the book consists of five chapters and begins by developinga deeper understanding of the drivers behind factory changes and the resultingplanning basis including future demands Following that, we review existingproduction concepts and conclude by deriving various characteristics of whatwe refer to as a‘site’s changeability’.

In the second part of the book, we describe the planning and designprocess of a production site from the level of individual workstations to thelevel of various sections, up to the levels of the building and location itself.Depending on the level, we discuss strategic and functional planning aspectsas well as aspects pertaining to the actual organization of work—all with aspecial emphasis on changeability Describing the spatial specifications ofthese levels plays a central role in directing the factory planner’s view to thenotion that form not only follows function, but also follows the performanceof the buildings and the building services they are equipped with.

With three chapters in the third part of the book, we focus on the tematic factory planning process with respect to these new requirements Thecenter of our discussion is the synergetic factory planning model In sevenstages, it describes the creative interplay between production planning andspatial planning based on a continuous 3-D-modeling starting with the goal-setting right up to the ramp-up The second chapter takes a look at projectmanagement, including the aspects of forming a project team, the responsi-bilities or team tasks, as well as a brief overview of digital tools for planninga factory In view of the frequent changes of use, it becomes all the moreimportant to efficiently use real estate properties; the last chapter of the bookis therefore dedicated to facility management.

sys-Our goal with this handbook is first and foremost to provide a hensive, methodical, and practical support for the management of productionenterprises as well as for planners and designers of production sites Thesame applies to architects and construction planners who design and realizeindustrial buildings Moreover, this handbook is also intended for thosestudying production technology and industrial logistics from the perspectivesof both engineering and management, and for architecture and buildingconstruction students.

compre-Before delving into our subject matter, we would like to thankfirst of allMrs Rett Rossi, our most valued translator, who went deep into the complexsubject and delivered a perfect performance Next to thank is Jens Lübke-mann from the IFA Institute of Production Systems and Logistics LeibnizUniversity, Hannover, for coordinating the work between the authors, ourreviewers, and Mrs Rossi as well as the preparation of the correct format oftext andfigures Mr Gerhard Hoffmann, CEO of IFES GmbH in Cologne,has contributed Sect 11.3 and Detlef Gerst Chap 7; to both, we have toexpress our sincere thanks In addition, we are much indebted to IndranilBhattacharya, from the architectural firm Reichardt–Maas and Associates(Essen/Bangalore), for energetically supporting Chaps 11–14 on spatial

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planning especially with regard to adapting it to international aspects as wellas adding British building norms and quoting of English standard literaturesources Many thanks go further to our colleagues Prof Hoda and WaguihElMaraghy, University of Windsor Canada, and Prof Neil Duffie, MadisonWisconsin University, for carefully reviewing several chapters Last but notleast we would like to thank the members of the Scientific Publishing Ser-vices in Chennai, India for the excellent preparation of thefinal book lay out.This concerns mainly Mr Udhaya Kumar P and Ms Shilpa Soundararajan.

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2.5 Aspects of Factory Design 21

2.6 Manufacturing Location and Factory 22

2.7 Morphology of Factory Types 23

3.10.1 The Term and Concept 52

3.10.2 Consequences for Factory Planning 56

3.10.3 Recycling Economy 58


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5.4 Changeability and Change Enablers 96

5.5 Aspects of Designing Changeability 102

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7 Designing Workplaces from a Work Organizational

Perspective by Detlef Gerst 169

7.1 Human Resources as a Concept 169

7.2 Human Resources and Production Performance 170

7.3 Competency and Human Resources Development 170

7.3.1 Professional Competence 171

7.3.2 Strategies for Developing Competence 172

7.3.3 Human Resources Development 174

7.4 Work Structuring 175

7.5 Motivation 177

7.6 Designing Remuneration Systems 179

7.7 Planning Working Times 184

7.8 Influence of Demographic Change 189

8.3.1 Psychological Impact of Color 202

8.3.2 Safety Colors and Identificationof Media Lines 203

8.3.3 Holistic Color Schemes 203

8.4 Occupational Health and Safety Standards 204

8.4.5 Protection from Hazardous Substances 208

8.4.6 Noise Protection and Reduction 208

8.4.7 Protection from Thermal Radiationand Vibrations 209

8.4.8 Electrical Safety and Protectionfrom Radiation 212

8.5 Summary 212

Bibliography 212

9 Functional Design of Work Areas 215

9.1 Overview of Design Aspects 215

9.2 Customer Order Decoupling Point 216

9.3 Approaches to Handling Orders 217

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9.7 Production Segments 226

9.8 Production Planning and Control 227

9.9 Selecting and Configuring a ProductionControl Method 230

9.10 Summary 236

Bibliography 237

10 Spatial Workspace Design 239

10.1 Communication 239

10.1.1 Corridors, Stairwells, Intermediary Spaces 240

10.1.2 Arranging and Linking Workspaces 242

10.1.3 Location, Shape and Furnishingsof Common Areas 244

10.4.1 Break-Out Areas and Social Rooms 255

10.4.2 Canteen, Cafeteria, Coffee Corners 255

10.4.3 Sport, Recreation and Spare Time 255

10.5.3 Fire Resistance Rating Classes 259

10.5.4 Evacuation and Rescue Routes 260

10.5.5 Smoke and Heat Ducts, Fire ExtinguishingEquipment 261

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11.2.3 Lighting, Views, Communication 280

11.2.4 Ecology and Energy Production 281

11.5 Examples of Changeable Buildings 305

11.6 Grace and Aesthetics 306

12.1.1 Required Floor Space and Room List 311

12.1.2 Process and Logistics Elements 314

12.1.3 Supply and Removal 315

12.3.2 Fire and Explosion Prevention 324

12.4 General Development (Master Plan) 324

12.4.1 Procedure 324

12.4.2 Zoning and Organizational Grid 325

12.4.3 Infrastructure, Supply and RemovalSystems 326

12.4.4 Buildings and Open Spaces 327

12.5 Summary 329

Bibliography 329

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13 Site Planning from Space View 331

13.3.3 Obstacles and Edifices 335

13.4 Laws and Regulations 335

14.2 Location Planning Triggers 341

14.3 Suitability of the Current Structure 343

14.4 Location Factors 345

14.5 Procedure for Selecting a Location 350

14.6 Establishing Production Stages 352

15.5.2 Dimensioning of the Structure 399

15.5.3 Rough Layout Planning 405

15.6 Detailed Planning 415

15.6.1 Transportation Route System 415

15.6.2 Fine Layout 415

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15.7 Energy Efficiency 419

15.7.1 Overview 419

15.7.2 Certification Systems 423

15.7.3 Case Studies 424

15.8 Preparations for Realization 430

15.9 Supervising the Realization 431

15.10 Managing the Ramp-up 432

16.2.2 Example of a Project Organization 439

16.2.3 Rules for Project Team 440

16.3 Project Plan Development 441

16.4 Project Capacity Planning 444

16.7 Costing and Control 447

16.7.1 Conditions for Determining Costs 448

16.7.2 Costs in Building Construction 449

16.7.3 Usage Costs in Building Construction(According to German DIN 18960) 450

17.1 History and Definition 473

17.2 Tasks and Delimitation 474

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17.3 Facilities Management in the Life Cycle

17.4.2 Structure of Data Models 480

17.4.3 Virtual Project Space 486

17.4.4 Navigation 486

17.4.5 Selection of a CAFM System 488

17.5 Applications of Facility Management 489

17.5.1 Minimizing Maintenance Costs 489

17.5.2 Prevention of Allocation Conflicts 490

17.5.3 Spatial Planning 490

17.5.4 Lock Management and Key Management 491

17.5.5 Costs and Building State Control 491

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About the Authors

Hans-Peter Wiendahl born in 1938, studiedMechanical Engineering at the RWTH Aachenand at MIT USA and worked after that as juniorresearcher for 4 years at the WZL Laboratory forMachine Tools and Production Engineering inUniversity of Aachen There, he received aDoctorate in Engineering in 1970, and in 1972 hegraduated as lecturer (Dr.-Ing habil.) From 1972to 1979, he moved to a large machine buildingcompany working in different management posi-tions From 1979 until 2003, Wiendahl wasappointed Full-time Professor and Director of theInstitute of Production Systems and Logistics atthe Leibniz Universität Hannover (www.ifa.uni-hannover.de) Prof Wiendahlis full member of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering(WGP) and Emeritus Member of the International Academy for ProductionEngineering CIRP He has authored more than 10 books and over 300 articlesin the field of Factory Planning, Assembly, and production logistics Hereceived three doctorates of honor from the Universities of Magdeburg, ETHZurich, and Dortmund and the SME Golden Medal.

Jürgen Reichardt born in 1956, studied tecture at the University of Karlsruhe and theTechnische Universität Braunschweig From1988 to 1995, he worked as project manager fordesign and implementation of complex industrialbuildings at Agiplan AG in Mülheim/Ruhr In1992, he founded his office Reichardt Architectswith a focus on planning of industrial plants andlogistics centers at home and abroad Since 1996,he is Professor in Industrial Construction at theMuenster school of architecture (https://www.fh-muenster.de) In 2006, he founded the office Bhattacharya ReichardtArchitects & Engineers in Bangalore (BRAE), India, and operates since 2008its German office as RMA Reichardt–Maas–Associated Architects GmbH &Co KG in Essen.


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Peter Nyhuis born in 1957, studied ical Engineering at the Leibniz UniversitätHannover He received his Ph.D in 1991 afterhis time as junior researcher at the Institute forProduction Systems and Logistics In 1999, hewas graduated as lecturer (Dr.-Ing habil.).From 1999 to 2003, Professor Nyhuis workedat Siemens AG in SPLS Supply Chain Con-sulting, an in-house consulting entity In 2003,he was appointed as Full-time Professor andManaging Director of the Institute for Pro-duction Systems and Logistics at the LeibnizUniversität Hannover for the topics factoryplanning, production logistics, assembly plan-ning, and Industrial Engineering Since 2008, he is also Managing Director ofthe Institute of Integrated Production Hannover (IPH) Prof Nyhuis is fullmember of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering(WGP), Associate Member of the International Academy for ProductionEngineering (CIRP), and member of the International Federation for Infor-mation Processing (IFIP) (Working Group 5.7: Production Control) He isauthor of several books and book chapters on production planning andcontrol, logistic curves, factory planning, and procurement logistics.

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Mechan-1Factory Change Drivers

Due to the variety and speed at which factorsinfluencing a factory change, a factory canquickly lose its competitiveness The main rea-son for this is the factory’s inability to adapt itsfacilities and organization fast enough Whenstrategically planning a factory for long term useit is therefore essential to bear in mind the changedrivers that have impacted factories in the pastand present and will impact them in the future Inthisfirst chapter we will consider the symptomsof a change resistant factory, describe the basicstages of developing a modern factory and out-line thefirst approaches of a competitive manu-facturing enterprise.

1.1.1Stagnant Factories

Since the beginning of the 1990s the role andsignificance of production has been intenselydiscussed in Germany both in research as well asin the practice Computer Integrated Manufac-turing (CIM), developed in the 1980s, had failedto provide the anticipated success in counteringhigh labor costs world-wide Moreover, the illu-sory outlook following German reunificationbelied the increasingly obvious weaknesses ofGermany as a location for productions A studyconducted by the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (M.I.T.) about the automobileindustry in Japan, the United States and Europe

was thefirst to suddenly make it clear that man industrial enterprises in particular were onthe verge of losing their competitiveness withregards to productivity, delivery times andquality [Wom90] The main cause of this wasidentified as the enterprises’ insufficient ability toinnovate and adjust to the massively increasingdynamism of markets and technology We referto this weakness, which is primarily due to poormanagement, as a stagnant factory, the charac-teristics of which are outlined according to fourmain criteria in Fig.1.1.

Ger-In a stagnant factory, a complex tional structure has been developed over thecourse of a long business tradition Numeroussections are strictly structured in five to sevenhierarchical levels with precisely defined tasksand competencies Employee participation is notdesired and remuneration is based on outputrather than on results The emphasis is on func-tionally optimizing marketing, design and pro-duction processes As a result, decisions cannotbe made quickly and the responsibility to cus-tomers with respect to the processing of orders iswidely spread.

organiza-The lack of proximity to customers is closelyrelated to the lacking market orientation Con-sequently, the functional organization is notcentered on customers and fulfilling their wishes,but rather focuses on operational goals such ashigh utilization of machinery or manufacturing in‘economical lots’ However, in order to suc-cessfully act in a market an enterprise has to

H.-P Wiendahl et al., Handbook Factory Planning and Design,

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follow the principle that everything that does notserve the customer is waste Stagnant enterpriseslack this orientation They frequently fail to dif-ferentiate internally about their offeringsaccording to customer groups or markets Longthroughput times, high inventories and centralwarehouses are visible signs of an enterprise thatis wrongly oriented.

Moreover, afirm such as this frequently failsto have a guiding vision clearly mediating thebusiness’ fundamental operational goal to everyemployee One of the dangerous results of this isthe disappearance of the corporation’s identityand culture No longer able to identify with theenterprise and its products, employees seethemselves as tiny pinions in a big gear box Tosome extent they ‘internally resign’; strugglingday-to-day through the complicated organization,no energy remains for new ideas Customers alsosense this and rightfully complain about theirpartners lack of engagement.

Without such an overall goal, the developmentof the enterprise can also not be planned Theentrenched structures are mirrored in the unsys-tematic construction of the buildings, causing a

disorderly materialflow and long transportationpaths Considerable effort is required in order toquickly adjust sections (e.g., due to increasingproduction demand) because there are no possi-bilities for expansion nor are any planned.Unsightly buildings, unorganized spatially-scat-tered storage areas with raw materials, unfinishedparts and accumulations of junk along with dirty,poorly lit workshops that impede a positive workattitude strengthen the cultural decay No onewants to give customers a tour of the facilities,because the discrepancy between the produc-tion’s claims and the appearance of the factoryare too obvious.

Ultimately, the developments described herelead to a false sense of safety Large inventoriesof raw materials, purchased parts, semi-finishedproducts and end products feign a capability toreact which the structure itself can no longermanage Should non-routine orders be placed,long delivery times, rush orders and scheduledelays arise Furthermore, it is almost inevitablethat ecological aspects such as conservingresources and protecting the environment com-pletely fall into the background.

lack of leadership:

stagnant factory

missing product

differentiation weak identity and culture

no expansion possibilities

confusing material flow

rigid work schedule

maladjusted wage system missing

employee participation hierarchical

organizational structure long

throughput time

central store

high Inventory

Fig 1.1Characteristics of a stagnant factory.© IFA G6181SW_Wd_B

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Figure 1.2 shows a typical example of nancy found in the industry In the depicted pro-duction area, the strongly non-directional materialflow is immediately obvious Products manufac-tured here cover a distance of more than 1 kmwhile being processed This is one of the reasonsthat there are throughput times longer than fourweeks when the actual processing time is only twodays The order throughput is also decelerated bylong setup times and a high percentage ofreworking This structure was first questionedbecause of the need to integrate a new product intothe production, for which there was an area deficitof 1400 m2 A study showed that by rigorouslyorienting on three product groups (runners,repeaters and rarities), standardizing the workprocesses and introducing the pull-principle forcontrolling orders, it would be possible to reducethroughput times by 50 % andfloor space by 40 %.

1.1.2Previous Methods of Corporate

The developments outlined above have made itclear that previously successful maxims formanaging industrialfirms are no longer effective

in view of an increasingly unpredictable ronment In particular, according to [Lut96,

envi-AbRe11] the following maxims have beenfollowed:

• Plan and optimize all operational processes asmuch as possible especially in production.This was typically characterized by a largeamount of work preparation and strongemphasis on time management.

• Clearly demarcate departments, specializedcompetencies and hierarchical responsibilitiesbased on the division of labor This was fre-quently documented by extensive organiza-tional handbooks with precise descriptions ofpositions and processes.

• Equate specialized competencies with chical positions This traditional career pathinevitably led to increasing hierarchy insteadof decreasing.

hierar-• In-house solutions above all else Supposed oractual company specific know-how wasreluctantly passed on (i.e., in the form of out-sourcing), resulting in an increasing number ofparts and variants.

• Maximize the use of economies of scale Thistypically, resulted in large lots being gener-ated, orders being started too early or stock

material flow

• strongly non-directional material flow• production distances1300 m to 1500 m• setup times up to 16 hours

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orders being released without concrete tomer orders.

cus-• Sustain a market position with incrementalproduct innovation in the form of gradualimprovements to an existing product Sub-sequent to a dominant base product (frequentlythe invention of the company owner) strongcustomer loyalty could thus be attained over along time.

• Develop new products as so-called through’ innovations only occasionally and inorder to exploit new markets These innova-tions were rarely the result of researchingcustomer needs (market pull), but ratherdeveloped from the potential of the enter-prise’s technology (technology push) In thefavorable case scenario the product met exist-ing customer need or triggered it.

‘break-• Focus investments and innovations on savingwork force Since the market was not yet sat-urated, the aim was to compensate for wagesand ancillary wage costs along with continu-ally greater overhead costs by disproportion-ally rationalizing the production process.• When rationalizing, externalize as many costs

and charges as possible In particular thisincluded costs related to the environmentalimpact and specific social costs e.g., operationrelated terminations or lay-offs.

The success of these principles was linked torelatively stable environmental conditions which,since the 1990s, have only been limitedly appli-cable when at all Thus for example, changes inthe sales market were usually predictable far inadvance and the mid-range corporate planningrange was typically three to five years Thenumber of competitors in these markets was alsolimited and both their strengths and weaknesseswere known Moreover, investment capital andresources could be raised at minimal cost andenvironmental impact played a subordinate rolein the enterprise’s success, just as the stockmarket price of the enterprise itself Finally,highly motivated and well qualified workerswere available everywhere [Lut96].

Since the start of the 1980s, these conditionshave changed at a speed never seen before Themost significant challenge was the globalization

of the goods and information streams, driven bythe inventions of logistics and the internet.A wealth of products surged onto the worldmarket from young aggressive industrial nations.Consequently, changes in the market becamemore and more difficult to plan.

Starting with Warnecke [War93] and kämper [West99] the term “turbulent environ-ments” was coined to describe these phenomena.According to it, all of the parameters relevant tothe production such as the product structure,competition, sales figures and available technol-ogy can vary quite quickly and suddenly Thepredictability of changes in the industrial envi-ronment thus strongly diminishes Indications ofa turbulent environment include continuallyshorter lifecycles of products from their entryonto the market up to their discontinuation aswell as the replacement of products with an evergreater number of variants.

West-An example of this is the growing number ofniche vehicles—a typical lifestyle product.Figure1.3depicts the trend for these during thelastfive decades Whereas there were only threecategories (limousine, coupé and convertible/roadster) in the 1960s, in 2006 fourteen differentsegments were already known Moreover,renowned automobile makers have alreadyannounced an increase of more than 40–50models in the next decade.

Together with the variety of the product,comes the fast permeation of technologicaldevelopments Whether in the form of materials,manufacturing methods, information and com-munication technology, the internet or RFID(radio frequency identification devices) and vir-tual reality, they open up new possibilities forboth the design engineer and factory planner.

A further, more structural developmentregards the diverging lifecycles of the technicalfactory elements i.e., processes, buildings andsites in comparison to the product In Fig 1.4,cited according to [ScWi04, p 106], Wirthclearly illustrates these challenges The productlifecycle (A) grows shorter and shorter last butnot least due to the self-generated diversity ofvariants In order to meet this development, theproduct is frequently divided into base modules

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and variant dependent components The basemodules outlast a number of product cycleswhile the variant dependent components consti-tute the product’s claimed innovation e.g., an

additional function or a new design The processlifecycle (B) is determined by changes in tech-nology and their efficiency Generally, the pro-cess lifecycle is longer than the product lifecycle




product lifecycle

area lifecycle buildings lifecycle process lifecycle

Coupé SedanTall Freight Car

Offstage Road Sedan

Hatchback Offstage Road Sedan

Sedan Station Wagon


Sedan Station Wagon


Sedan Station Wagon

Hatchback Coupé


Coupé Convertible/Roadster

Coupé Convertible/Roadster

Coupé Convertible/Roadster

Coupé Convertible/Roadster

2005 2010

-Fig 1.3Market trend for niche vehicles [Pol06].© IFA 14.051SW_B

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and is applied to a number of product tions, if for no other reason than their deprecia-tion value With the building lifecycle (C) thestructure of the building, which can last 30–50 years, has to be distinguished from the tech-nical building services, which can be used forperhaps 10–15 years Usually both cycles are anumber of times longer than both the process andproduct cycles Finally, the area usage lifecycle(D) is dependent on the location of the propertyand the related building rights It is generally inthe magnitude of decades and is longer than theuse of the building From this, Wirth deduces thatsub-systems should be designed to be adaptableand harmonized temporally into the lifecycle ofthe entire factory [ScWi04, p 107].

genera-Despite the resulting, frequently interlinked,decision-making and execution processes whendeveloping a product, introducing it to the mar-ket and processing orders, the time available forenterprises to react to changes in the environmentdecreases Thefirst basic reaction in response tothis development seemed to be to reduce com-plexity Driven by the concepts of lean produc-tion [Wom90] and business re-engineering[Ham93]five approaches arose:

• Products and production programs were ken down into components, modules andsubsystems, and key competencies were con-centrated on In-house manufacturing was thendrastically reduced by shifting required itemsto external suppliers Consequently, theworkforce was considerably reduced.

bro-• The entire procurement logistics wererestructured, differentiated and accelerated:components were delivered directly to theassembly line and relationships with suppliersfor modules and systems were developed Thesuppliers assumed responsibility for every-thing from the design up to integrating themodules/systems into the end product A fur-ther example here is allocating the entirespectrum of C-parts (i.e., articles that are onlyworth 5–10 % of the value of a product, butmake up 50–80 % of the volume) to a logisticsservice provider.

• The direct value-adding area of the turing and assembly was fundamentallyrestructured into segments and decentralized.Based on the 1960s group technology [Mit60]and the 1970s/1980s manufacturing cells, theconcept of modular factories [Wild98] andfractal factories [War93] were created Thegeneral idea is to form groups of parts orcomponents requiring similar manufacturingor assembly technology for a market segmentwith specific demands regarding deliverytimes and delivery reliability and to producethem in one segment A certain part or com-ponent is then triggered by call-off orders andmanufactured ready-to-install after their qual-ity is tested and found to be 100 % faultless.All of the indirect functions such as thematerial and tool planning, scheduling, ser-vicing and maintenance up to and includingplanning personnel and capacities are inte-grated into the segment They thus appear asan in-house supplier.

manufac-• An alternative to relocating, which is receivinggreater attention, is the integration into a net-work of enterprises Here, companies jointogether into a virtual enterprise, appearingfrom the outside like a large enterprise andoffering all of the services from‘one place’ Inparticular it allows small and mid-size enter-prises to successfully bid and develop largeprojects with low overhead costs.

• In addition to these structural changes in thevalue adding chain, there has been an increasedorientation on methodology since the 1990s.Based on the Toyota production system[Ohn88], which currently sets the standard foran efficient production (see Sect.2.3.6), manyenterprises have recognized that they have toorient all of their processes on preventingwaste The concept of lean production, broughtinto the forefront by Womack and Jones wasinitially understood as an instrument fordownsizing personnel However, since the startof the 21st century, it has been reassessed andhas inspired the development of numerous‘holistic production systems’ (HPS) [Spa03].

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Within this context, value stream mapping,introduced by Rother and Shook [RoSh03], is apragmatic approach to quickly analyzing was-ted time, inventory, production areas andmovements of material and staff This approachhas since lead to the concept of value streamfactories [Erl10].

If we summarize the evolutionary stages of afactory together under the aforementionedaspects since the 1960s and strongly simplifythem, four principle forms can be identified asshown in Fig.1.5.

With a stable and predictable market, thefunctional factory was oriented on increasingefficiency by bundling know-how The accom-panying workshop principle with the workforcedivided accordingly ensured that resources werehighlyflexible, nevertheless, at the price of highinventories and long throughput times The needto more closely orient themselves on the marketsand corresponding products led to the describedmodular, fractal or segmented factories Orderprocessing was then noticeably accelerated;facilities, however, were occasionally under-uti-lized Personnel could only be fully utilizedwhen they were cross-trained and flexible shiftmodels were implemented As the products andmarkets diversified more and more, the com-plexity also grew, so that with the aid of the

described measures for reducing the turing depth, especially in the automobileindustry, strategic supply networks (also knownas supply chains) were created The enterpriseresponsible for supplying the end customer, nowconcentrates on their key competencies, in theextreme case only on the product design, finalassembly and sales Cost potentials are increasedby resolutely outsourcing processes for every-thing from procurement, manufacturing and dis-tribution up to and including development.Networks such as this are usually limited to thelifecycle of a product i.e., typically 3–5 years.

manufac-With increasing market turbulence and taneous demand for a faster and broader scope ofgoods and services, regional and national pro-duction networks visibly develop They formproduction clusters which configure themselvesvery quickly with a high degree of innovationbased on orders and dissolve just as quickly oncethe good or service has been yielded.

simul-All of the factory forms outlined here have onething in common—they all presume immobileresources (buildings, equipment and infrastruc-ture) and sites In Chap 2, we will discuss theextent to which they satisfy already existing andforeseeable future demands With the describedconcepts, production enterprises have quite suc-cessfully managed to take afirst step in increasing


• flexibility of resources• know-how bundling

• product orientation• market orientation

• complexity reduction• cost reduction


• alert responsiveness• innovativeness

strategic network- supply chain-

production network- supply net-

cluster 1


product-focal company

Fig 1.5From a functional factory to the location within a production network.© IFA G8147SW_Wd_B

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their operational efficiency and responsiveness inorder to match the challenges of a globalizingmarket In doing so, the essential unique sellingpoints have proven to be superior product func-tionality, punctual supply and high quality.

Since the 1990s, the relatively new field ofproduct integrated services has also developed.These services encompass the entire lifecycle ofthe supplied product, beginning with supportingthe customer in the planning and design phaseand including everything from the assembly andramp-up, to providing internet supported tele-services and replacement parts as well as returnservices This approach has been further devel-oped in BOT models (build-operate-transfermodels) Here, the equipment or facility remainsthe property of the company that produces it andthe customer only pays for the products actuallygenerated BOT models also represent an

important contribution to sustainable ment The aim is to minimize the consumption ofresources such as raw materials and energy byextensively reusing and recycling the productand thus keeping the impact on air, water and soilas low as possible.

develop-Nevertheless, many enterprises also ered relocating part of their production to ‘lowwage countries’ a solution because supposedlymore favorable manufacturing conditions withregards to labor costs and work hours were to befound there The Fraunhofer Institute for Systemsand Innovation Research (ISI) conducts system-atic investigations in respect to this in the Ger-man industry, the latest results of which aredepicted in Fig 1.6 for the two period’s mid-2004 to mid-2006 and mid-2007 to mid-2009[Kin12] Generally labor costs, proximity to keycustomers and access to new markets are still the

access to new markets

28% 27%


access to new knowledge /technologies / clusters

4% 2%

2004 - 20072007 - 2009 backshoring

sample: 1,484 German companies from the industrial sector

Fig 1.6Relocation and Backshoring motives in the German metal and electrical industry (per Kinkel).© IFA14.663SW_B

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dominating motives for relocating productions.The new Eastern European Community Coun-tries, China and Asia are the main target regions.Nevertheless, approximately one third of thefirms that relocated have returned The mainmotives for backshoring are insufficient quality,lacking logisticflexibility, rising labor costs andthe problem of losing and/or finding qualifiedpersonnel.

In former studies ISI lists the basic reasons forthe lack of success as follows:

• a lack of coherence between strategies andevaluation criteria,

• inadequately considering the potential forinternal optimization,

• not evaluating network requirements at therespective site,

• gauging the site evaluation statically instead ofdynamically,

• not weighing the ratings of individual sitefactors for the complete result,

• underestimating the start-up time required toensure the process certainty, quality and pro-ductivity, and

• underestimating the costs of managing theforeign site.

On the one hand, it is indisputable that directinvestments in other countries had a positiveimpact on employment in Germany On the otherhand, the study provides important impulses formore extensive approaches to improving thecompetitiveness of small enterprises in particularand to protect them from making rash decisions.

1.1.3Competitive Factors of SuperiorEnterprises

Nevertheless, the efforts made up until now havebeen insufficient since the strategy of reducingcomplexity is oriented more at cushioning mar-ket turbulence and does not continually impactthe entire value-adding chain In particular, thereis a threat of losing the ability to react Againstthe background of high educational standards, astable social system, excellent infrastructure anda robust currency one of the promising futurestrategies that the internal strength of German

enterprises has is the considerable potential forcontrolling complexity After all, turbulent mar-kets also offer the opportunity to capture addi-tional market shares with an offensive strategy.This of course requires the enterprise to be ableto react not only to external developments, butalso to be able to enter the market proactively.This also includes being able to generate turbu-lence, for example by suddenly cutting deliverytimes in half, offering new products for a specificmarket segment in an unexpectedly high fre-quency or taking a quality offense by doublingthe length of a guarantee.

A strategy such as this however requires morethan controlling costs, quality and time in orderto obtain customer satisfaction (see Fig 1.7).First of all, a strong innovative drive needs to bedeveloped and promoted This means perma-nently questioning products, services, processesand behaviors, not only through continual opti-mization but also through innovative leaps Thisin turn entails the company culture to be orientedon communication, with employees clearly par-ticipating and a stronger focus on results insteadof on performance.

The second key property of enterprises able tobenefit from turbulence is their capacity toquickly utilize something new i.e., organiza-tionally they are quick learners The most pre-dominant characteristic of such enterprises is theability to develop common visions and goals forbundling energy and knowledge This includescontinual qualification measures with the primarypurpose of conveying methods and social skills,a high degree of informal communication andpronounced self-organization in flat hierarchieswith autonomous organizational units [Gau04].

The third, generally ‘new’ property ischangeability [West99, Rein00, Wien99,

Wien07] This describes the ability of a factory torealize structural changes on all levels withminimal expenditures in response to internal orexternal triggers The planning and realization ofthis adaptation process has to occur at a specificspeed set by the market This changeability dif-fers from related concepts such as responsive-ness, reconfigurability, adaptability, flexibilityand agility—as is more extensively clarified in

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Chap.5 We would suggest that changeability isthe key concept that allows an enterprise to besuccessful in turbulent surroundings.

Before we move on to develop the newrequirements, strategies and design fields ofchangeable factories in the next chapter, Fig.1.8

customers satisfaction

individualizationof products

integratedproducts and



reactiveelimination of

weaknesses increase of

energyand resource

efficiency usage

of newtechnologies

global valuechains


Fig 1.8External and internal change drivers for production enterprises.© IFA G8776SW

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provides a summary of the change drivers ther information can be found in [Jov08,

Fur-AbRe11] and under Horizon 2020—TheFramework Program for Research and Innova-tion of the European Union [http://www.manufuture.de/COM-2011-Horizon2020.pdf].

Surrounding conditions that directly impactenterprises include the world economy, envi-ronment, politics, society and technology Theselead to change drivers that have an indirectimpact and that can be differentiated according towhether they are external or internal impulses.Globalization, technology and society result in agrowing individualization of products withshorter product lifecycles and an expansion ofthe market performance up to and includingservices across the entire lifecycle Deliverytimes thus sink further, the demand for deliveryreliability increases and all of this occurs along-side strongly fluctuating consumption and tur-bulence Moreover, enterprises still have to facecontinuous pressure regarding costs and quality.Products and services increasingly are offered outof global networks, whether from in-house, jointor external enterprises.

Strong internal impulses come from tative, strategic considerations such as entering anew market, expanding available products or afundamental restructuring triggered by a changein management or ownership In comparison,reactive internal impulses are created by elimi-nating noticeable weakness in technological orlogistical performances, developing new workmodels for an aging workforce or realigning theproduction volume between domestic and inter-national locations due to currency related risks.Finally, it is about taking up new challengesregarding energy and resource efficiency, butalso about using the potential of newtechnologies.

Many manufacturing companies have tibly lost their competitiveness in a globalizedenvironment Typical symptoms include largeinventories, long throughput time, unclear

impercep-material flows and complex organization erally, business goals such as the utilization ofmachinery and optimal lot sizes are emphasizedrather than orienting on the customers’ needs.

Gen-Since the 1990s, the entry of younger trial nations into the market, the related dramaticincrease in product variants as well as thedemand for quicker and more punctual deliverieshave forced production companies to rethinktheir practices This is evident in the modular-ization of products, the decreased manufacturingdepth, the new orientation of procurementlogistics, the production segmentation as well asthe prevention of all types of waste Thesemeasures are subject to the primacy of the cus-tomers’ absolute satisfaction.

indus-In addition to traditional objectives (time,costs and quality), outstanding features of acompetitive factory which prove to be crucial forsurvival include: aligning their level of change-ability with the market, being highly innovativeand being quick learners.

[AbRe11] Abele, E., Reinhart, G.: Zukunft der tion Herausforderungenb, Forschungsfelder,Chancen (Future of Produktion Challenges,Reserch Fields, Chances) Hanser Verlag,Munich (2011)

Produk-[Erl10]Erlach, K.: Wertstromdesign Der Weg zurschlanken Fabrik (Value stream design Path tothe lean factory), 2nd edn Springer, Berlin(2012)

[Gau04]Gausemeier, J., Hahn, A., Kespohl, H.D.,Seifert, L.: Vernetzte Produktentwicklung Dererfolgreiche Weg zum Global EngineeringNetworking (Cross linked product develop-ment The successful path to global engineer-ing networking) Hanser, Munich (2004)[Ham93] Hammer, M., Champy, J.: Reengineering the

corporation: a manifesto for business tion, 1st edn New York (1993)

revolu-[Jov08]Jovane, F., et al.: The incoming global nological and industrial revolution towardscompetitive sustainable manufacturing CIRPAnn Manuf Technol.57, 641–659 (2008)[Kin12]Kinkel, S et al.: Wandlungsfähigkeit der de-

tech-utschen Hightech-Industrie (Changeability ofthe hightech Industry) Fraunhofer ISI Kar-lsruhe (2012)

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[Lut96]Lutz, B., et al (eds.): Produzieren im 21.Jahrhundert: Herausforderungen für die deut-sche Industrie Ergebnisse des ExpertenkreisesZukunftsstrategien (Manufacture in the 21stcentury: challenges for the German industry.Results of the expert group strategies for thefuture), vol 1 Frankfurt/M (1996)

[Mit60]Mitrofanow, S.P.: Wissenschaftliche gen der Gruppentechnologie (Scientific base ofgroup technology), 2nd edn VEB VerlagTechnik, Berlin (1960)

Grundla-[Ohn88]Ohno, T.: Toyota Production System BeyondLarge-ScaleProduction.ProductivityInc.,Portland (1988)

[Pol06]Polk, R.L.: Marktentwicklung euge (Market development of niche vehicles).Studie, Essen (2006)

Nischenfahrz-[Rein00] Reinhart, G.: Im Denken und Handeln wandeln(Change in thinking and action) In: Reinhart,G., Hoffmann, H (ed.): Nur der Wandel bleibt.Wege jenseits der Flexibilität (Only changelast, paths beyondflexibility), pp 19–40 UtzVerlag, Munich (2000)

[RoSh03] Rother, M., Shook, J.: Learning to See: ValueStream Mapping to Add Value and EliminateMUDA The Lean Enterprise Institute, Cam-bridge (2003)

[ScWi04] Schenk, M., Wirth, S.: Fabrikplanung undFabrikbetrieb.Methodenfür die wan-dlungsfähige und vernetzte Fabrik (Factoryplanning and factory operation Methods forthe changeable and cross linked factory).Springer, Heidelberg (2004)

[Sch10]Schenk, M., Wirth, S., Müller, E.: FactoryPlanning Manual Situation-Driven ProductionFacility Planning Springer, Heidelberg (2010)[Spa03]Spath, D (ed.): Ganzheitlich produzieren(Holistic production) Log_X Verlag, Stuttgart(2003)

[War93]Warnecke, H.-J.: Revolution der menskultur– Das Fraktale Unternehmen(Revolution of the corporate culture—thefractal enterprise), 2nd edn Springer, Heidel-berg (1993)

Unterneh-[West99] Westkämper, E.: Wandlungsfähigkeit der dustriellenProduktion(Changeabilityofindustrial production) TCW-Verlag, Munich(1999)

in-[Wien99] Wiendahl, H.-P., Hernández, R.: Bausteine derWandlungsfähigkeit zur Planung Wettbew-erbsfähiger Fabrikstrukturen (Components ofchangeability for planning of competitive fac-tories) 2 Dt Fachkonferenz Fabrikplanung,Fabrik 2000+ am, Stuttgart 26/27 Oct 1999[Wien07] Wiendahl, H.-P., et al.: Changeable manufac-

turing—classification, design and operation.Ann CIRP56(2), 783–809 (2007)

[Wild98] Wildemann, H.: Die modulare Fabrik– dennahe Produktion durch Fertigungssegmen-tierung (The modular factory—production nearto the customer by manufacturing segmenta-tion), 5th edn TCW-Verlag, Munich (1998)[Wom90] Womack, J.P., Jones, D.T., Roos, D.: The

Kun-Machine that Changed The World New York(1990)

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2Planning Basis

This chapter describes a strategically justifiedplanning basis which can be regarded as aguideline for the planning team First, based onthe factors that impact a plant and that wereoutlined in Chap 1, the production strategyneeds to be determined This step, which is thetask of corporate planning, includes identifyingproducts and business processes that are to bemanufactured or executed in the factory Withina factory, generally speaking, the order fulfill-ment with its sub-processes stands in the fore-ground while the products and businessprocesses typically determine the location andfactory areas that are to be designed The othermajor components of the planning basis includedecisions about the type of factory from thecustomers’ perspective, the position of the fac-tory in the supply chain and possibly the inte-gration of the factory into a production network.

A factory is not operated for its own sake, ratherit is one of a number of instruments a productionenterprise utilizes to realize their business strat-egy Up until the 1970s, the necessity of oper-ating the factory was never a question; rather thepriority was safeguarding employment Nowa-days, discussions primarily focus on which rolein-house production should play in the competi-tion for markets and how the enterprise’s finan-cial resources should be allocated The

possibilities of global procurement and ations as well as developments in technology andlogistics have created new degrees of freedom forconfiguring and positioning the own production.These should be utilized against the backgroundof a well thought out competitive strategy for theentire company, thus ensuring its long termeconomic viability.

co-oper-According to M.E Porter, a competitivestrategy includes in particular:

• concentrating on selected market segments,• differentiating the products and services in

comparison to the competition as well as• gaining a comprehensive cost leadership

The competitive strengths and determinantsthat should be analyzed and evaluated in thisrespect are briefly summarized into five so-called‘forces’ in Fig.2.1.

The starting point is the number of competitorsand the intensity of the rivalry among the existingfirms in the branch The latter is determined forexample by over capacities, brand identity andexit barriers Following that new entrants andtheir entry barriers in the branch are analyzed.The third force concerns buyers and their bar-gaining power and sensitivity to prices, while thefourth takes into consideration possible substituteproducts or services and the danger of one’s ownproduct being replaced Finally, the fifth forcefocuses on the bargaining power of suppliers.

An important approach within this contextinvolves evaluating effectiveness (“doing theright thing”) and efficiency (“doing things right”)H.-P Wiendahl et al., Handbook Factory Planning and Design,

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with the aid of the ‘Balanced Scorecard’ TheBalanced Scorecard supports the multi-dimen-sional strategic planning and control of anenterprise or division Based on a suggestionfrom Kaplan and Norton [Kap96], starting with asuperordinate vision and strategy four perspec-tives are developed (see Fig.2.2) Strategic goals

are to be formulated for each perspective, fromwhich operative targets and actions are derived;compliance with these is then monitored basedon specific parameters.

Thefinancial perspective examines whether aselected or implemented strategy improves thebusiness results or not from the perspective of thethreat of new

bargaining powerof buyers

threat ofsubstitute products

or services bargaining power

of suppliers

rivalry amongexisting firms

Fig 2.1Forces driving industry competition (per M.E Porter).© IFA D3436_Wd_B

“To succeed financially, how should we appear to our shareholders?”

visionand strategy

internal business processes

“To satisfy our shareholders and customers, what business processes must we excel at?”

“To achieve our vision, how should we appear to our customers?”

learning and growth

“To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?”

Fig 2.2Basic concept of the balanced scorecard (per Kaplan and Norton).© IFA G8889SW_B

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shareholders Based on the analysis objectives,variables, targets and measures can be derived Ifwe consider the production for example, thiswould concern the share of in-house production,the resources that should be implemented and thelocation.

In consideration of the factory itself, the tomer perspective poses the question of whetheror not the factory fulfills the service characteris-tics that the market demands e.g., delivery time,delivery reliability and the quality of the product.However, general objectives such as customersatisfaction and customer loyalty are also takeninto consideration here as drivers for the com-pany’s success Corresponding measures mightthen include focused sub-factories close to thecustomer or re-designing the corporate identityfrom the bottom-up.

cus-The perspective from the internal businessprocesses prioritizes the structures and processesthat play a decisive role in satisfying customers’wishes and whose improvement is perceived bycustomers From the factory view this could forexample include, internal throughput times, thepossibility of making late decisions about vari-ants or implementing a product quality conceptthat saves customers from having to inspectgoods upon receipt.

With the learning and growth perspective, theimportance of the ongoing and progressivedevelopment of products and methods is empha-sized From the view of production this concernsfor example, continually improving productiontechnology, introducing team work or developinguninterrupted logistic chains from the in-houseproduction up to and including the customer.

One of the noteworthy aspects about the anced Scorecard is that in comparison to tradi-tional methods, such as the Return on Investment(ROI) concept and Shareholder Value approach,it does not draw one-sidedly onfinancial and tosome degree strongly historical based parametersfor making decisions Rather, the view is orientedmore equally on the customer, competition andinternal factors that are not only difficult tomeasure (e.g., the ability to innovate and learn)but also increasingly significant for the success ofa business in a turbulent market The concept thus

Bal-offers aflexible framework for developing each ofthe enterprise specific strategies, which is in turnindispensable especially with regards to the futurerole of the factory.

When planning a factory, it is essential to haveknowledge about the part of the business strategypertaining to the market and the production;without this information the orientation on costrelated aspects dominates too easily Figure 2.3

depicts the key strategic elements of the planningbasis for a factory, which are subject to threepremises: First, they have to be sustainable in aneconomical, ecological and societal respect andthus not aimed at short term success Second, thecall to be innovative arises from the dynamicenvironment and applies not only to products,but also and especially to the production andadministrative processes Third and lastly,changeability is imperative—not just for thefactory, but certainly for it in particular.

Business areas developed from visions andmodels form the core of the strategic basis Theydesignate a distinct external market which hasclearly demarcated competitors and is closelyaligned with the enterprise’s philosophy, values andculture Every business area is defined by a marketoffer and a market segment, described by the typesof customers, distribution channels or geographicalregions [Gau99] Determining the sales regionaccording to revenue and the regional market shareis particularly important for strategically position-ing the factory The sales volume on the one handand the local competitive environment on the otherhand, result from there and provide the startingpoint for decisions about where to locate the factoryand the scale of production.

The products and services available in marketsegments are defined for every business sectorand are summed up together under the term

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market offer [Gau99] This market offer requiresprocesses that the enterprise’s potential shouldyield These are then generally divided intomanagement, business and support processes.The business processes—to the extent that theyconcern the factory—are value-adding and con-sist of production engineering processes, materialflow processes as well as information and com-munication processes They require resourceswhich basically consist of people, equipment andcapital.

The market offer yielded by the enterprise canbe considered from the perspective of logistics aswell as according to the type of market service.With regards to logistics, the classification sys-tem developed by Siemens for their market offeris practical for this purpose; it defines four typesof businesses according to the point in time atwhich thefinal product is defined and where thevalue is added (see Fig.2.4) [Faß00].

The business types include consumer orientedproducts, systems for industry equipment, largeprojects related to plant construction and after-sale services Each poses clearly differentdemands on the factory and its logistics.

Products are ready-to-use consumer goodsusually meant for the end user such as house-hold appliances, entertainment electronics,

communication technology etc., which, for themost part, are self-produced They are devel-oped independent of specific orders and factorsfor success include, extremely short deliverytimes and a high service level due to goodinventory management as well as an efficient,frequently world-wide distribution system.

Systems consist of custom designed conrations of—as much as possible standardized—hardware and software elements, whose func-tion-defining modules are manufactured in-houseand completed with purchased system compo-nents The development and logistics cycles arethus only partially decoupled Here, factors forsuccess include the ability to quickly configurestandard and procured components, managingorder-specific supplies with high delivery reli-ability, directly supplying complete systems thathave already been tested and then immediatelyinstalling and putting them into operation.

figu-Plant related businesses mainly consist ofengineering i.e., the technical design and plan-ning of custom-made large plants, such as steelmills, paper mills or power stations Productshere cannot be made-to-stock due to the uniquecharacter of each; engineering and logisticscycles are therefore coupled for each order Sincecomponents produced in-house play a small role,

business area

• market offerings• market segment

processes resources


• economical• ecological• societal

Fig 2.3Strategic basis forplanning and designing afactory.© IFA


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success factors include professional projectmanagement, controlling and coordinating thenumerous customized deliveries and services thatare predominantly supplied externally as well aspunctually delivering the assembly-ready pack-ages to the construction site which represents thelocation of the greatest value-adding processes.

The fourth type of business, services, refersonly to the after-sales services of a product,system or plant They serve to maintain theirfunctionality (e.g., via regular inspection andmaintenance) or in the case of disruptions, torestore it The development of these services inthe form of maintenance plans, repair kits, spareparts etc is temporally decoupled from theirprovision in the logistics cycle Factors for suc-cess here include the ability to react quickly andprovide fast information while maintaining aminimal store of spare parts as well deployingand supervising technicians with a high rate ofjobs completed in only one visit.

With regards to how markets are served, thereare two known extremes of market offers, whichapply mainly for products On the one hand,there are mass programs, with which a costleadership is pursued by increasing quantities ofstandardized outputs i.e., so-called‘economies of

scale’ On the other hand, there is the ‘economiesof scope’ strategy which strives to maximize theutility by focusing on multiple products forspecial groups of customers In between thesetwo there are strategies aimed at individualizedmass production based on modular systems andflexible manufacturing methods Customers thenreceive products that are to a large extentfinelytuned to meet their needs, comprised of differentquantities and variants of standardized parts andcomponents that are quickly and flexiblyassembled.

In addition, the strategy of supplementingproducts with services and selling the productutility instead of just the product is being pursuedincreasingly, especially in highly industrializedcountries It has been shown that customizedproducts with value-adding services open upvery promising potential in regards to globalcompetition.

In Fig 2.5, the basic dimensions of a petitive market offering are outlined The keyidea is that the market offer is oriented on thecustomer’s value-adding chain Based on aproduct which has a large benefit for a customer,the enterprise considers how they can attain longterm customer loyalty by integrating services into

com-place of value creation

• development and logistics cyclepartly decoupled

• core components sourced house, system componentssupplied externally• direct shipment of pre -tested

in-complete systems, installationand ramp-up

• customized projectsand engineering

• plant engineering and logistics cycle are coupled

-• some core components, high shareof outside deliveries and services• packages suitable for assembly

delivered directly to constructionsite

• own products

• development and logistics cycledecoupled

• predominantly manufactured in-house

Trang 36

the product above and beyond the entire lifecycleof the product This leads to four categories ofmarket offers, namely products, system/plants,services and usefulness, which can now be con-sidered from the view of design and production.With products it can be seen that ‘mecha-tronics’, i.e., combining mechanical parts andelectronic components together with integratedsoftware, is emerging increasingly The latterranges from sensor technology (for recognizingoperating states) to electronics for everythingfrom product application and control up to andincluding corresponding software In the mean-time, in many engineering products the portionof production costs due to mechanics, electronicsand software is equally large.

In order to quickly configure and reconfigurethe products to the changing needs in the lifecycleof the customer products, efforts are being made todevelop so-called‘intelligent components’, mod-ules and sub-systems that are equipped with sensorand control technologies and can communicatewith other devices Not only do they considerablydecrease the scope of the higher level control, butthey also monitor themselves, allow their func-tionality to be tested during production before theyare integrated and thus greatly reduce the effortinvolved in thefinal assembly Module and plat-form concepts such as this allow a wide diversityof variants especially when variants can be formedby configuring software.

Finally, it can be determined that for manyproducts, especially in the capital goods industry,

there is a trend towards businesses for systemsand plants The customer frequently wants toreceive so-called ‘plug and produce’ systems(e.g., a manufacturing system) or plants (e.g.,packing plant) and expects a service packet thatincludes everything from engineering, delivery,commissioning and staff training up until theensured yield is attained as well as optimizationduring its use Depending on their value andcomplexity, the system or plant requires anextensive range of additional services to beoperated More and more often, the users are nolonger able to perform these services themselvesbecause they no longer have the skills required.Whereas previously, factories had their ownplanning, maintenance and repair departments,nowadays these tasks have been largely trans-ferred to specialized service providers Theirservices are then divided into three phases:before, during and after use of the system.

The service begins in the pre-use phase withfeasibility studies and is supplemented withoffers to illustrate the potential of the proposedinvestment The latter can include for example,sample parts, delivering so-called‘pilot series’ oreducating design engineers in using a new tech-nology Thus, for example, a known producer ofmachines for processing sheet metal offers aworkshop in which the technical and economicadvantages of sheet metal construction in com-parison to welding and casting are methodicallyconveyed to the designers based on sample parts.Afterwards, the participants have the opportunity

• "intelligent “ nents, modules andsubsystems

compo-• variant control by in-linevariant creation andplatform concepts

systems / plants

• fast configurableand reconfigurablesystems• modular and stan-

dardized and monitor systems•“plug & produce”

control-service during use

before use after use

• feasibility studies• convey potential • product training• assembly, putting

into service, ramp up• prototype

• remote monitoringand diagnosis• internet supported

maintenance,overhaul and repair• logistically

optimized spare part storage, delivery andproduction

• shut down• dismantling• refurbishing• conversion• resale• elimination

• optimization of use• increased benefit

by upgrading out ofdate components• functional extension

in the value creationchain of the

customer• operator model

Fig 2.5Dimensions of market offerings.© IFA G8899SW_B

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to design and produce a prototype of a ized part and subsequently to economicallyevaluate it Further traditional services in the pre-use phase concern the product training of laterusers, assembly, commissioning and start-up,especially of systems and plants up to the agreedupon capacity.

custom-The second type of service refers to theoperating phase and is shaped by the quicklydeveloping possibilities of information andcommunication technology The previouslymentioned intelligent product components andsystems meanwhile allow products to be remo-tely monitored and diagnosed by suppliers,whether in regular maintenance cycles or whenthere are malfunctions In many cases an internetbased maintenance and repair service can bedeveloped from this, allowing the customer toremotely access services from the manufacturers.This could for example be special repair manu-als, linked with digital disassembly and re-assembly drawings.

It is also possible for the product supplier todesign their on-site customer service morequickly and more productively by giving theirservice employees access to in-house productdata and repair instructions remotely Finally, forthe spare parts service, new possibilities arise byusing the internet to optimize their storage,delivery and production.

With the quicker follow-up of products, thefinal phase of the product life for products, sys-tems and plants gains significance Previouslytheir shutting down, dismantling and disposal wasa rather burdensome side-issue Increased aware-ness about environmental protection and stricterlegislation requires this phase to be professionallyconsidered as well in the sense of waste recyclingand management Thus offers are being developedto properly dismantle plants down again to a greenfield and refurbish them for the purpose of reuseand resale When this is not possible or econom-ical, it then comes down to recycling and/or dis-posing of them harmlessly (see Sect.2.7).

Another approach goes even farther than justoffering services during the three use phases tothe extent that it is not even concerned withproducing a defined material or immaterial

output Rather it focuses on selling the purposeof the output and thus on making the utilizationof a product, system or plant a product itself.With that a particularly close, almost symbioticcustomer relationship is achieved This fourthdimension of the market offer is generally yiel-ded by the manufacturers, to limit the financialrisk, frequently in the form of a spin-offfirm.

One possibility is to combine single servicesinto a service package with the aim of ensuringor increasing the utilization of the product for thecustomer’s value-adding process This can, forexample, affect the availability of a 24-hourserver center, the yield of a production machineper shift or the operating costs of a pumpingstation This service is created by extending theremote maintenance offer by optimizing operat-ing parameters and the spare-parts stock Yetanother service might be increasing the utiliza-tion of a system by exchanging outdated com-ponents, e.g., electronic control panels Finally, itis also possible to extend the functionality of asupplied product in the value-adding chain of thecustomer e.g., by installing an automatic loadingsystem for a production plant as a replacementfor a manual solution.

The most extensive example of this tion-oriented market offer is the so-called ‘BOTmodel’ (Build-Operate-Transfer model) In thiscase, the manufacturer of the plant or an externalservice provider operates the production plantand only delivers finished products to a con-sumer, frequently directly to the site of the cus-tomer’s plant.

utiliza-The factory for manufacturing the Smart Carin Hambach, France is a known example of this.There, 15 suppliers contribute 80 % of the value-adding to thefinished product (see also Fig.2.14).One of the suppliers, Eisenmann, supplies andoperates the painting plant there They are paidfor every car body that is painted [Bar98].

It was anticipated that BOT models would bevery important in the future because they reducethe complexity of the user’s production as well asdecrease their investment risk and costs At thesame time, they open up a long-term customerrelationship for the producer who has the know-how Nevertheless, the operator is also directly

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impacted by their success or lack of success inthe market and thus correspondingly takes on therisks Usually, a special core business firm isestablished in order tofinancially decouple them.Against expectation the model has not widespread to industry mainly because of thefinancialrisk for the plant deliverer.

If we are to summarize the information aboutmarket offers, it can be seen that the dominatingmodel for all of the business’ activities is clearlyoriented on the customer Moreover, it isdependent on offering customers individualsolutions in their value-adding chain, taking oncalculable customer risks in one’s own value-adding chain and including the customer indesigning and creating the solution [Bou97].

With that (from the perspective of the marketoffer) a number of future emphases for produc-tion enterprises can be identified (see Fig.2.6).

In order to escape the dilemma between ing pressure and increasing customer wishes, paidproduct-integrated services should be extendedand traditional product outputs reduced to corecomponents This requires standardizing indi-vidual services and products, developing moreintensive value-adding supplementary services

pric-and focusing on key competencies In doing sothe pressure on managing costs decreases sincethe new market offers are paid for As a result, thecustomer benefit and proximity to the customerincreases on the whole [Bou97].

As already mentioned, the offerings defined inthe business sectors are to be yielded throughprocesses As Gausemeier wrote:“A process is anumber of activities aimed at yielding a resultwhich is of value to the customer” [Gau99] Withthis, Gausemeier expressed the break fromfunctional organization (characterized by split-ting the work down into continually smallerunits) Processes are linked to process chainswhich can be identified as either main businessprocesses or supplementary processes.

Figure 2.7 depicts a breakdown of the ness processes which are well-established forproduction enterprises The main business pro-cesses follow the lifecycle of the market offering.The‘market opening’ process is responsible for

busi-product offeringsfocusing on


cost management


proximity tocustomers

supplementary services


main emphasis today main emphasis tomorrow

Fig 2.6Future emphasesfor production enterprises(per Boutellier, Schuh,Seghezzi).© IFAG8915SW_B

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defining the market offer in form of a tion based on the business sector strategy Fromthat, a functional product, suitable for series,emerges in the ‘market development’ process.This product is then offered and sold to cus-tomers during the ‘order obtainment’ phase,whereby the technical, logistical and economicfeasibility has to be ensured when signing thecontract The ‘order fulfillment’ phase summa-rizes the processes from order confirmation toshipment including the necessary procurementprocedures Once the customer has begun usingthe product, the ‘service’ phase (as describedabove) begins One of the key attributes of thesemain processes is that one person (whether thatbe a supervisor, manager or a team leader) iscompletely responsible for the results andresources.

specifica-The support processes ‘personnel’, ‘financesand control’, ‘quality management’ (includingplanning, monitoring and testing), ‘informationand communication’ as well as ‘general services’(which ranges from the building maintenance upto site security) serve to supplement the mainprocesses They have to sell their services to theowner of the main processes at the agreed uponprice and are thus competing against externalservice providers.

The main business process that is essential to thefactory is the order fulfillment The sub-processesthat need to be yielded here include the orderinput, product design (as far as the order speci-fications require it), job prep, sourcing of rawmaterials and purchased parts, part manufactur-ing, assembly, testing, packaging and shipping aswell as the related quality checks and job control.These sub-processes are to be generated by fac-tory resources, which are summarized togetherunder the headings technology, organization andemployees in Fig 2.8 They form, so to speak,the pillars of the factory that are built upon a siteand its buildings A convincing market offer,however, is not just created from material andhuman resources, but rather is also determined byaspects of the enterprises culture and sustain-ability, which result both from the enterprise’scomprehensive vision and from the localconditions.

Figure2.8identifies the key aspects of factorydesign that we will address in this book withregards to how they can be structured anddimensioned particularly with respect tochangeability Cost and feasibility considerations

market opening marketdevelopment

fulfilment service



finances andcontrol



process elements

Fig 2.7Business processes.© IFA G8902SW_B

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are components of the planning process and arediscussed there The order processing influencesthe factory layout to a far greater degree than anyof the other remaining main processes or supportprocesses mentioned in Fig 2.7 These otherprocesses mainly require resources such as officespace, personnel and infrastructure, which areorganized during the general planning.

All of the enterprise’s processes and functionshave to be oriented though on customerdemands, market offers and a guiding vision thatis developed in consideration of changeability.

and Factory

In view of our discussion about developing aproduction concept there is still the question inwhich scope and with what strategic orientation

the individual enterprise wants to produce itsproducts The decision about the geographiclocation of the production is then made accord-ingly When doing so, two different perspectivesneed to be distinguished; an external and aninternal (see Fig.2.9).

The term manufacturing location representsthe external perspective Within the scope ofdeveloping business sectors, market offers andnecessary processes, a suitable manufacturinglocation has to be selected from a global per-spective These provide a market segment withspecific goods and services related to the selectedbusiness sector in view of its economic andlogistics criteria In a second step, most often ona closed site, the factory is designed in the senseof an internal perspective of the manufacturinglocation The factory is thus a local bundling ofthe primary production factors (personnel,resources, buildings and materials) as well as thenecessary knowledge, qualifications and capital.

technology organization employees

site and buildings p r o c e s s e s

market offerings

Fig 2.8Aspects offactory design.© IFAG8900SW_B

Serves to supply a market segment with real assets under logistical

and economic aspects

Represents a local concentration of production factors to realize the whole or a part of the value chain of

real assets.

Fig 2.9Comparison ofmanufacturing location andfactory.© IFA


Ngày đăng: 16/07/2024, 18:36