DO THAI SON 443010
Hanoi, 2023
DO THAI SON 443010
SUPERVISOR Tran Thi Thuong, MA.
Hanoi, 2023
Trang 3I hereby state that I: Do Thai Son — student code 443010, being a
candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts accept the requirements of the
University relating to the retention and use of the Bachelor’s Graduation Paper
deposited in the library
In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited
in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in
accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care,
loan, or reproduction of the paper
2 April 2023
Supervisor’s signature Researcher’s signature
Tran Thi Thuong Do Thai Son
Trang 4First of all, I would like to acknowledge the great assistance of my
supervisor, Mrs Tran Thi Thuong I am very grateful to her for all the kindassistance she has provided me with She has always given helpful comments,
and support for my thesis whenever I needed it I would never have completedthis thesis without her kind help
Additionally, I am grateful to the first-year English majors at Hanoi Law
University who served as research subjects and generously gave their time and
enthusiastic participation in my data collection I acknowledge their invaluablecontribution to my research
Above all, I owe my greatest debt and most heartfelt thanks to mybeloved parents, younger brother, and my dearest friends for their emotional
support, patience, and active encouragement Without all of this, my thesis
would have not been possible
Trang 5This study aims to investigate the effects of using video-based socialmedia platforms on improving speaking skills and the attitude of first-yearEnglish major students at Hanoi Law University towards that method
instruments for data collection The study's results show the level of awareness
of first-year English major students towards the utilization of video-basedplatforms and show both the positive and negative effects of this method onenhancing English speaking skills The collected data demonstrate that themajority of learners are aware of this type of social networking and practicingspeaking ability Furthermore, the collected data also indicates severaleffectiveness in speaking skills from students’ perception when using theseplatforms Nevertheless, the results also show several negative effects as well
Title page i
Declarations ii Abstracts iiiTable of contents iv
List of figures and tables vill
PART A: INTRODUCTION 5-55 S55 S90 0 895056 1
1 Rationale GE Che SOY tua akiueeuiiiiioiotibitLitoitta1tg1664615E1681821005P585853601A1561nả366831 1
2„ Objectives of Khe Study scsmsusesssosscevsnsvennscccessseenencorssevssvsuvssseszessnsonassenensewensssese 3
3 Scope Of the Study csssccccsssssssccssscsccscssscsccscssscscccscssscsccscssssscssssssccseesens 4
4 Purpose and Significance of the Study o5 G555 S5 S055 90 6 5898996 4
3 Method of thie Std 9 coccccceicceooeeaeieeeieeiioiDiiidlgnicatokgdiutsini0iS6in055i0081083.083810080/6E8ố0610g60666 5
6 Organization Of te SHUCY:ccscsscnmanemercoxenns enema emecinEREETENNENNONENOKN 6
PART B: DEVELUOPMETTT 0 5- < 5 5< 9 5S 930 6885056086 7
1.1 Theoretical background of speaking sKÏÏÌS s55 << s 5 5sss< se7
1u Lạ, Lọ, FOTO, maoeseeosorsuogokessoogsroitogbtotkgfcat2/33040309501913000300/801300X20194M0.0-/33.1201X0204065/2Z204101743812034.013314E tị
1.1.2 The significance of speaking SKiIIs osœ << 5 5 55555555 9
1.1.3 Components of speaking SKilIS o5 55 <5 5 555559556 10
1.2 Theoretical background of video-based social media 12
1.2.1 Defimition csscccsssccsscscsscscsescsssscsssscssssessssesssscsssscssssescsssscssssoessoes 12
Trang 71.2.2 The positive effects of video-based media platforms on improvingSPOCK SHU S vsicisscvcscccussveweevensessenerosresswerassenssswsessemasissersemennesesecereemnavsawwacvs 15
1.2.3 The negative effects of video-based media platforms on improvingSPeakimg SÌKÏÌÏS do << œ 5 5 5s 9 9.9 00 00 0004.060000 0008096 18
1,3, Reviewing related WOPKS seseseseseekeniaeiniaiaaeirianainDOOESEEAESE4SSG.VSIAESESSSSE 20
SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 1 ssccnomcaennsoncassmennacenmunmerenonen Ml
CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY G5 S05 8650565624
2„2„ ROSCAPCH QUCSEON sesessennnsepoaatiaviaintiatttasekiVatt0M0610005501966008664895091100600050100886/6 24
2.3 IPATẨÏCÏIDZ4ITÉS co GG G5 0 Họ Họ 0.0 0004 0000040000000 008800 25
ri, Dieta COMG CHG siueeeebdreekuoeiiioteiigtEkLii-948551158E1105682535k23/G5:%4683338SE:433E-E5/08585685 25
24.1, (YUESHOTITTHÏTCSseaeieoaaogrioriidtiogtistittdotttissgGoistVA50866600565695560666608666006056 25
2 Abts, INERT VIR onc cmcnecccenmennennsnnc ooo inarcesnermesooemencomnmmomenenenenenes 26
2.5 Procedures Of data COMeCtiOn cccccccsccsccscsssecsscscsssssecsssssessssssesssseeees 27
2.5.1 QUESTIONNAIPEG SE VỀ cong 060 01460146816652186044166666516866681660585861ã681506510/64 27
dụ Suiến LIGETI VIE WV seengaetiigseixioirilianaig553//089600500n500198000010001014085-Đ0E8009000001000101ĐT00/6001//01 of |
2.6 Data amallySis cccccssscsccccsssscssccccssscssccscssscssccsssssssccsscsssssscsscssscssscssssssscseeens 27
SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 2 555 555555 555656556566665 29
3.1 Research question 1: “What is the student’s attitude towards usingvideo-based social media on speaking Skill$?” <s s5 55=sess se seess 30
3.2 Research question 2: “What are the effects of video-based socialmedia platforms on improving speaking skills as perceived by students?” 33
s.2x1, (TUIES[GTTTTHÏTE Bi cess ccesas canes seavsscasancanse sense ssnzescensnsezssssaxasceaseseaseseasaeceaseeene 33
Trang 8KÝ AN¡ (Ja/ 2 39
SUMMARY OF CHAPTER ccoaieeeiaeeannieenadaeedaanaaoaaaaye 44
Part C CONCLUSION sscsssccnseveseonasscneasovensvenssoneneonsscanscensernsvonvenes 45
1 Summary of the main findings <5 5G 5 55 99 9000 5 0980 6.845
sản RED GÍNHEHTDTHITETDTTTS «0055 scrensnsenansanssasnsendenssinad lã8k6-2xga863daãi-461h2s3880Sánagtdsisôsdshokásass388 46
3 LiiniEnÏHTNeeasssseeeserennnetsevksasiinsvasskeosuatiilaMGissstI0ESEVGMGEEXEMSGKEIEEMKSKSSDMIUE055.0/gE 47
Figure 1 Video-based platforms that are mostly used by students
Figure 2 The purposes of each platform used by students
Figure 3 Students’ frequency of using each platform for improving speaking
1 Rationale of the study
English is considered a mandatory foreign language and is taught in
almost every school in many Asian countries, including Vietnam, regardless of
the academic level English is acknowledged as a firm ladder to better
employment and advancement opportunities As a language like any other, the
prime purpose of learning English is to communicate and connect with people
who speak different languages In order to pursue it, communicativecompetence or speaking skills are required at an adequate level Speaking skill
is also considered a momentous aspect reflecting learners’ capability of English
since speaking is “the most basic means of human communication” Murcia, 2003, cited in Ounis, 2017) Additionally, even after more than ten
(Celce-years of studying English, afterward, college students still struggle with
speaking skills, and they are reluctant to use English during class (Bonala
Kondal, V Durga Prasad, 2020) Moreover, freshmen who are following English
majors have to cope with numerous specialized languages and jargon as well asmany circumstances where they are obligated to speak English like oral tests
and group presentations In other words, speaking skills are absolutely
beneficial for learners when it comes to their professions (Rao, 2019), especially
for a particular field that requires a high level of logical arguments as well ascommunicative competence Eventually, after four years of studying, they have
to take an English standardized test which is similar to an IELTS test or provide
a 7.0 Ielts band score overall' However, according to the statistics from theIELTS website (, the average score on the speaking test in Vietnam in
2021 is 5.83 which is the lowest score compared to the other three skills
listening, reading, and writing respectively 6.48, 6.52 and 6.02
* Notificaion 143/2018/TB-DHLHN Notification about foreign language learning and foreign language output
standards for undergraduate students.
Trang 11As technology in general and the internet, in particular, are appearing inevery path of our life, a new method of finding information as well as producing
and sharing user-generated content among peers has emerged as the advent of
social networking (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) Video-based social media hasbecome increasingly popular in recent years due to the rise of smartphones withhigh-quality cameras, faster internet speeds, and the growing popularity ofshort-form video content In the era of technology, the appearance of more and
more video-based social media like Youtube, Tiktok, and Vimeo has been
foretold These social video platforms have created not only an environment for
users to communicate and contact each other but they have also generated a
perfect condition to learn, share and exchange knowledge as well as experiences
in every type of field in life The utilization of video-based platforms for
educational purposes has a possitively impact on the teaching and learning
process (Rice et al., 2011) Accordingly, English in general, and speaking skills
in particular are no exceptions The essence of communicative competence ispractical skills which makes it even more difficult for the acquisition of learners
if they just learn through theory in books However, for a long time, teaching
speaking skills has been approached imprecisely, leading learners as students to
mistakenly view it as mere repetition of exercises and memorization of
dialogues (Kayi, 2006) According to Krashen (1985), speaking skills as asecond language should not be learned in the same way as learning grammar or
vocabulary In the same line, Kayi says it is preferred to provide a richenvironment where meaningful communication occurs rather than purememorization for learners Krashen also pointed out the term “comprehensibleinput” in his theory of second language acquisition, in which he suggested thatthe best and most efficient methods for learning speaking skills are throughthose that supply “comprehensible input” for learners In short, this term refers
to sources that learners use to improve their oral skills which contain messages
or contents that learners want to hear or read and that they can understand most
Trang 12In today’s world, the opportunity for that such method lies right in every single
video-based social media Instead of the traditional learning method, learners
now are provided with a countless number of short videos which contain diverseknowledge and information by social video networks to initiate a new efficient
way of acquiring knowledge
There are numerous techniques to improve student’s English proficiency,
of which utilizing video-based social media platforms in this era is an efficientmethod Many researchers have conducted studies on the effectiveness ofutilizing video social networks, or similar platforms, to enhance general Englishlanguage skills and specifically improve English speaking proficiency Scholarssuch as Otchie and Pedaste (2020), Li (2017), Ismail and Shafie (2018), Al Arif(2019), and others have authored works on English learning by integrating thistechnique Particularly in English speaking skills progression, Namaziandostand Nasri (2019), Qarajeh and Abdolmanafi-Rokni (2015), and Sun et al (2017)
have found many certain effects of those on students’ speaking capability
However, the methods or techniques used may vary depending on theparticipants’ region and needs Additionally, there are not many research works
on English-speaking skills learning methods of students at Hanoi LawUniversity Thus, the objective of the study is to investigate whether the method
of enhancing English speaking proficiency by utilizing social video platforms
has a positive impact on the speaking abilities of first-year English language
pupils studying at Hanoi Law University
Therefore, all the afore-mentioned reasons encourage the researcher toconduct a research paper entitled “The Effects of Using Video-based socialmedia Platforms on Improving Speaking Skills of First-year English Majors
at Hanoi Law University”
2 Objectives of the study
Trang 13This research aims to investigate the effect of using Video-based socialmedia Platforms on improving the Speaking skills of First-year English Majors
at Hanoi Law University Specifically, this research aimed to obtain twoobjectives The first puropse is to identify the attitude of first-year English
major students at Hanoi Law University toward using video-based social media
in speaking skills The second one is to determine the effects of this utilization
on the English-speaking skills of these students
To achieve these objectives, the study aims to address the following
3 Scope of the study
In respect to the scope of this paper, the study focuses on examining how
Video-based social media affect first-year English language students’ speaking
skills at Hanoi Law University There were 82 English language studentsparticipating in this study, of which 14 were male and 68 female The researchonly involves the participation of K47 first-year English major students atHanoi Law University Additionally, the research only investigates the effects
of video-based platforms on English-speaking skills while the effects of those
on other skills will not be contained in the scope of the current study
4 Purpose and Significance of the study
Trang 14Despite the limited scope of this research, the researcher hopes that once
completed, the study, to some extent, can help first-year English major students
at Hanoi Law University to find out a more efficient method of improving
speaking skills By understanding how learning methods affect students’English-speaking learning, they can tailor their learning methods to create
advantageous learning styles that enhance their speaking skills Moreover, the
expects that some aspects contained in this study, as well as the results of the
study, could provide a few certain implications to insert several new strategies
in teaching speaking skills to English teachers Hence, they have the ability to
utilizing the English language Finally, this study also contributes a small part as
a reliable source for researchers who share an interest in the same topic
5 Method of the study
In order to achieve the stated objectives the researcher used both
qualitative and quantitative methods The qualitative data collected for the study
comes from semi-structured interviews and the quantitative data comes from aquestionnaire
Trang 156 Organization of the study
Part A: Introduction includes the rationale, aims, scope, significance, and
methodology of the study
Part B: Development
Chapter 1: Literature review illustrates literature related to the study including
the theoretical background of speaking skills which includes the definitions and
the significance of this aspect This chapter also demonstrates the theoretical
background of Video-based social media elaborates on the definition of this
concept, and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of social platform.The last one of this part is the review of some related research
Chapter 2: Methodology shows the procedure for carrying on the research such
as the semi-structured interviews, questionnaire, and methods of data analysis
Chapter 3: The results of the study give an account of the main findings
obtained from the data collection and discuss the prominent aspects
Part C: Conclusion is the summary of the whole study The limitations of the
study and suggestions for further study are also recommended in this part
paper In order to fully grasp the research topic, it is crucial to establish a solid
foundation of fundamental concepts such as effective speaking skills and theirimportance Additionally, this includes an in-depth exploration of the theoreticalframework surrounding video-based social media and essential backgroundinformation on key terms By delving into these areas, a comprehensiveunderstanding of the subject matter can be achieved The study will be
conducted to address the research gap and justify its importance
1.1 Theoretical background of speaking skills
1.1.1 Definition
There have been numerous definitions of speaking skills given by
linguists so far According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, speaking is
saying words orally, communicating by talking, to make a speech WhileCambridge Dictionary define “speak” as “to say words; to use the voice; or to
have a conversation with someone”, and “speak” from Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary (p 1479), also means “to talk to somebody about
something” Chaney (1998) defines speaking as “the process of building and
sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety
of contexts” (Cited in Kayi, 2006) According to Hornby (1995, p 20), Speaking
or ideas using language Similarly, Savigno (1991) confirmed that the skill of
speaking in language acquisition refers to the capacity of learners tocommunicate with other speakers and establish meanings
Trang 17In an attempt to define speaking as a skill, Bygate (1987, p 5) points outand concentrates on one of the main components which are moto-perceptive
skills Adopted by audio-bilingualism, Torky (2006) within this context, definesspeaking as “the production of auditory signals designed to produce differential
verbal responses in a listener” From this view point, it can be seen that creating
specific rules of each language In the same line, Brown (1994) and Burns andJoyce (1997) state that speaking is an interactive process of making meaningthat includes producing, receiving, and processing information Elaborately, the
In addition, Nunan (2004) indicates that “speaking involves producingsystematic verbal utterances to convey meaning” (Cited in Masuram & Sripada,2020) In oral communication, the act of speaking requires the capacity to be
heard and understood by others It involves receiving immediate and transient
attention It has intermediate feedback from the listener during the conversation with others Additionally, according to Thornbury (2005, p 121) speaking is a
life Another definition from Ladouse’s (2003) viewpoint presumes speaking as
the activity of being able to illustrate oneself in a situation, as the activity ofaccurately reporting acts or circumstances or as the activity of conversing orfluently expressing a series of ideas (p 87)
From the definitions above, the researcher considered speaking as theinteraction between two or more people in the process of expressing theirthoughts orally in a particular context Additionally in this study, speaking skillsonly include verbal communication which is oral communication with wordsthat are spoken out loud by one or another It involves choosing the right words
Trang 18and speaking clearly, concisely, and precisely It is also the ability to use
language effectively to convey one's thoughts, emotions, and concepts to others
1.1.2 The significance of speaking skills
In the present globalized world, English can be viewed as a tool to weavethe world into a single thread (Ahmad, 2016), and the ability to take advantage
of it by communicating is even more essential to be successful in all fields Atthe moment humans are born, they learn instinctively how to speak before how
to read or write (Leong & Ahmadi, 2017) Additionally, there is an agreed factthat the initial step in acquiring a language is to speak it, preceded by extensivelistening to the sounds, words, phrases, and sentences present in the
surroundings (Anuradha, Raman & Hemamalini, 2014) In any given
In terms of learning English, the mastery of speaking skills is deemed the
most necessary and essential part for many English as Foreign Language (EFL)
learners (Richards, 2008, p 19; Rao, 2019; Kayi, 2006) Indeed, Richards(2008, p 19) and Ounis (2017) stress that from the perspectives of learners as
well as teachers, they frequently evaluate their progress in language acquisition
and the value of their English course on how well their spoken language
abilities have improved Considering the same view, Ur (2012, p 120) onceagain claims that out of four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing),speaking deems intuitively the most vital one Normally, individuals who
When it comes to English language learners, their main focus often lies inacquiring speaking skills Furthermore, in real-life situations, the learner's
Trang 19ability to communicate verbally is the most important skill to be evaluated
(Brown & Yule, 1983) As a practical skill, the achievement of learners in
school and success afterward in every stage of life is influenced significantly bythe capacity to communicate clearly and effectively in a second language (Kayl,
From an academic view, speaking has two fundamental functions whichare interactional and transactional (Brown & Yule, 1983, p 1-4) They
demonstrate “a useful distinction between the interactional functions of
speaking, in which it serves to establish and maintain social relations, and thetransactional functions, which focus on the exchange of information and areused to create and maintain social relationships” (Cited in Richards, 2008, p.21) Adopting this statement, the interactional function of speaking is used to
fuel social intercourse (Yule, 1989, p 169), to encourage emotional intelligence
(Bora, 2012), to convey specific feelings, intentions, preferences, ideas,
opinions, or desires (Ahmad, 2016) The interactional aspect of speaking from
an overview point could be seen as those in which the primary goal forcommunication is social Thereby, communication in general and speakingskills in particular at the same time are the prominent features of socialdevelopment as well as the necessary component for sustaining growth andprogress (Ahmad, 2016)
1.1.3 Components of speaking skills
According to Mazouzi (2013) and Leong and Ahmadi (2017), thedevelopment of speaking skills involves two primary elements, namely fluency,and accuracy
the prime objective in educating as well as learning speaking skills Briefly.
Sihombing (2014) defined fluency as “the capacity to speak fluidly, confidently,
Trang 20and at a rate consistent with the norms of the relevant native speech
community” In the same line with this perception, Byrne (1984) affirmed that
“the main goal in teaching the productive skill of speaking will be oral fluency:the ability to express oneself intelligibly accurately, and without undue
hesitation (otherwise communication may break down because the listener losesinterest or gets impatient)” In addition, Hedge (2000) stated that being fluent inspeaking English means having ability to effectively communicate by linking
words and phrases, articulating sounds with clarity, and employing appropriate
emphasis and intonation According to Hughes (2002), fluency refers to thecapacity of learners to communicate in a clear and comprehensible manner,which is essential to maintaining the interest of the listener and avoiding anycommunication breakdowns
second component Based on Mazouzi’s perception, accuracy consists ofgrammatical structure, vocabulary, and pronunciation as these are the aspects of
communication A definition by Sihombing (2014) in the same context refers toaccuracy as “the ability to speak properly, that is, selecting the correct words
and expressions to convey the intended meaning, as well as using thegrammatical patterns of English” Initially, it is necessary for one must receive
grammar rules and instructions if he or she hopes to speak the English language
accurately and fluently According to Thornbury (2005), the proper utilization
of grammatical structures by students is dependent on the length and complexity
of their sentences, as well as the organization of their clauses While Zhang
sentences in a language Having a good grasp of grammar is essential for
learners as it allows them to construct countless numbers of original sentences,
which is crucial for developing effective speaking skills Another vital aspect of
Trang 21iifEffEetiely.€ðiiYEingiidliSsiidiniiderSiiidiñgi6ffEf (Andi & Arafah, 2017)
Thornbury (2005) declared that to achieve precision regarding vocabulary, it is
essential to choose appropriate words within their appropriate contexts.Furthermore, Wilkins (1974) claimed that “without grammar, very little can be
conveyed Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed” (Cited in Hoang Tat
Truong, 1985, p 1) Similarly, according to Richards’ preface in Schmitt's
(2000, p xi) “Vocabulary in Language Teaching,” developing a strong
and learning a second language Learning and communication rely heavily on
vocabulary and lexical items
The third pronunciation is also a vital component to
speak appropriately Based on Sihombing’s (2014) definition, the capability of
message can be effectively understood by others (Cited in Andi & Arafah,
2017) Likewise, Burns (2003) asserted that “Clear pronunciation is essential in
spoken communication Even where learners produce minor inaccuracies invocabulary and grammar, they are more likely to communicate effectively when
they have good pronunciation and intonation” (Cited in Gilakjani, 2012) All ofthese components contribute significant merit in
1.2 Theoretical background of video-based social media
1.2.1 Definition
Trang 22This is a term that has emerged with the rise of social media platformsthat allow users to share and consume video content However, in order to have
a clear perception of this notion, the term “social media” should be analyzed
separately first as it is considered the main part of the whole concept Themeaning of this term has been carried out in several ways and words explaining
is one of the most fundamental methods to approach it Thereby, the term
“social media” can be derived from two words which are “social” and
“networks” The Cambridge Dictionary defines the meaning of the first term
“social” as activities in which people meet and spend time with others orconnect with society and live together in an organized way The second one is
“networks” which means a collection of at least two connected computersystems (Eren, 2012) As mentioned, the meaning of the term “social media”
has been carried out and discussed in the past, thus, numerous nascent
definitions have been developed and offered throughout the years
In the present day, perhaps, social media is often referred to by usingspecific applications like Facebook or Youtube (Howard & Parks, 2012) In abroader view, social media has been constured as a “group of Internet-based
applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web
2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content”(Kaplan & Haenlien, 2010) Similarly, Terry (2009) also generally defined the
perception of social media as referring to internet-based publishing technologies
that enable users to generate their content or interaction In a short version andconsidered as a less precise one, the definition offered by Lewis (2010, p 2)noted social media simply as a “label for digital technologies that allow people
to connect, interact, produce and share content” However, the evaluations of
¬ G
Trang 23apart from other platforms (Carr & Hayes, 2015) Hence, by adopting and
refining the flaws as well as the features from the previous definitions, Carr and
Hayes presented a fresh interpretation of social networking, yet, precise,
complex, and technical which illustrated social media as “internet-basedchannels that allow users to opportunistically interact and selectively self-present, either in real-time or asynchronously, with both broad and narrow
audiences who derive value from user-generated content and the perception of
interaction with others””
The second part of this notion is the term “video-based” whichcategorizes and distinguishes this type of social media from others This is
considered similar to the term video content which refers to any type of media
that is presented in a video format This can include live video, pre-recorded
video, or animated video content Video-based platforms can be used for
various purposes, such as entertainment, education, marketing, andcommunication (Rupapara et al., 2020) defined video-based social media
platforms as internet-based communication channels that prioritize audience
interaction and serve as sources of entertainment and education From another
aspect which is the marketing field, video-based social media is defined as anysocial media platform that allows users to create and share video content to
promote a product, service, or brand (Hoffman et al., 2010) In terms of literal
social networking, Susilo (2014) defined video-based social media as any social
media platform that allows users to upload and share video content
In short, the researcher considers Video-based social media as a type ofsocial media platform that primarily involves video content It allows users tocreate, upload, and share short-form or long-form videos with their followers,friends, or the public Popular examples of video-based social media platformsinclude YouTube, TikTok, Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, and Snapchat.These platforms enable users to create, share, and engage with video content,
Trang 24making video a dominant feature of their platforms which can be used forvarious purposes, including entertainment, education, marketing, andcommunication.
1.2.2 The positive effects of video-based media platforms on improvingspeaking skills
The utilization of Video-based social media platforms in languagelearning is an effective educational method that can provide significant benefits
to students, particularly when implemented properly Many published studieshave suggested that the use of social video platforms can improve EFL learners’speaking proficiency
Firstly, the application of video-based social media platforms helpslearners solve the most striking factors that influence negatively their oral
performance which are anxiety and stress (Al Arif, 2019) The feeling of
anxiety and stress of learners causes a decrease in their process of language
learning as well as performance abilities (Park & Lee, 2005; Dincer & Yesilyur,
2013; Tanveer, 2007; Boonkit, 2010) The results from Al Arif’s studydemonstrated a positive reaction from the students towards the utilization of the
three most used platforms by the participants (Instagram, Youtube, and
Facebook) which could enhance their motivation and enthusiasm for learningand speaking English By motivating learners to study, these platforms
pragmatically improve students’ GPAs in general and communicative
competence in particular (Barton et al., 2021) In a similar research, Harandi(2015) emphasized the crucial correlation between social video media and themotivation of students Therefore, when incorporating video content from suchplatforms, students are expected to exhibit higher levels of motivation To put it
in simple words, utilizing social video platforms can help teachers enhance the
Trang 25motivation level of learners, which is crucial for ensuring their attendance and
engagement in the learning process
Secondly, if students have a higher level of motivation toward learning, itincreases the probability of them being actively involved in the process When
students are highly motivated and successfully engaged, they have a greaterchance of achieving their learning objectives (Kim & W Frick, 2011).Particularly, the four criteria of the IELTS speaking test are internationallybased to evaluate the capability of using English orally of learners According totheir findings, Ilyas and Putri (2020) posited that the utilization of applying
videos can help students enhance drastically the speaking components namely
pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and even comprehension One ofthe reasons for this result is that video-based platforms provide access to a great
library of user-generated video content as well as a vast array of
English-speaking environments, which helps them develop their English-speaking andcomprehension skills For instance, the use of YouTube videos is anuncomplicated approach to tailor educational resources to the learning ofEnglish as it offers access to videos from renowned individuals such as
scientists, writers, politicians, TV news broadcasts, and other TV programs
(Pratama et al., 2020) It is an effective way to make the learning materials more
applicable and targeted Apart from this, one of the primary objectives of suchplatforms is to provide entertainment which means video-based social media
can be a fun and engaging way to practice speaking in English, as users canwatch entertaining and informative videos on a range of topics, from news and
current events to cooking and travel Specifically, Otchie and Pedaste (2020)
and Arfiandhani (2020) asserted that social media integrated with short videoswhich contain educational purposes shared by English teachers or educators canhelp EFL learners improve their speaking skills, especially teenage students
Trang 26Further, Arfiandhani’s (2020) study also mentioned that entertaining ormoving short videos can come in handy for teaching speaking skills as there
were mostly adolescent students who require fun and interesting content to draw
their attention In term of attention, learning through videos help users engagemore frequently which also result in the process of assessing and retaininginformation and knowledge more easily and fluently, especially when videosinclude both music and text (Ma et al., 2005; Palmer et al., 2013) Besides, theseare international social platforms such as Youtube and Tiktok which enableproviding long or short videos with valuable sources of English learningmaterials shared by native speakers or even English teachers for young learners(Syah et al., 2020) Moreover, learners via watching and listening to videosfrom English speakers could imitate their accents, helping to improvepronunciation and intonation (Nam Hee Kim & Mie Ae Jung, 2017 As cited inXiuwen & Razali, 2021) Watching videos on these platforms is similar to
watching short films or even snippets from movies which provide chances to
emphasis, accents, and regional language variations (King, 2002) Hence,
which are typically not included in conventional language classroom The visual
element of video-based social media makes it easier for EFL learners to
understand the context of the conversation, which can be challenging when theyare listening to audio-only recordings
The last additional benefit of using video-based platforms and perhaps,the most notable one is the convenience (Syafiq, 2021) Indeed, socialnetworking provides a wide range of tools like video from numerous platformsthat can be utilized for immediate access to education and knowledge(Wodzicki, Schwämmlein & Moskaliuk, 2012) In other words, video-based
Trang 27social media is highly accessible and can be used at any time and from
anywhere, making it a convenient tool for English language learners Socialmedia in general and social video media in specific have the ability to reduce
the time and distance between people, allowing learners to comfortably
communicate and share their thoughts without the worry of feeling embarrassed
or lacking confidence It provides a relaxing environment for learners tocommunicate effectively, thus, helping the learners to overcome many speaking
difficulties and boost their speaking skills (Namaziandost & Nasri, 2019) As a
result, therefore, seems to show that lower-level learners tend to have moreimprovement (Nilayon & Brahmakasikara, 2018) It allows them to learn attheir own pace and convenience by watching videos repeatedly until theyunderstand the language and the context or they can just ask the author of the
video or other viewers in the comment section for the answer According to
more likely we are to develop a preference for it Also, video-based social
media is an excellent tool for developing speaking skills, as EFL learners canpractice speaking along with videos Additionally, these platforms facilitate the
development of social connections through social networking which supplies
for both students and the general public the environments to engage in
conversations and share knowledge (Berkani, 2020) Thereby, it provides
opportunities not only for informal conversations in the target language but alsoinsight into culture through sounds, videos, and graphics (Mohammadi et al.,2011; Qarajeh & Abdolmanafi-Rokni, 2015)
1.2.3 The negative effects of video-based media platforms on improvingspeaking skills
In today's digital age, video-based social media platforms such asTikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have become a daily source of entertainmentand education for millions of people worldwide However, recent studies have
Trang 28shown that the disadvantages of these platforms for EFL learners are equally
The most noticeable disadvantage of using social video media is makingstudents distracted According to research carried out by Yeboah and Ewur
(2014), social media can be a source of distraction for students, causing them to
waste time and procrastinate In addition, video-based social media can be
addictive, leading to a waste of time and a lack of focus on other essential
aspects of language learning (Hawi & Samaha, 2017) More particularly, the
research by Thompson (2017) and Barton et al (2021) indicated that the use ofthese platforms harms students’ attention and can lead to a decrease in theiracademic performance as reflected in GPA
Another disadvantage is the opposite side of the advantage is thefrequency of interacting with informal knowledge With the rise of videocontent, language learners are increasingly exposed to colloquial phrases, slang,and accents that are not typically covered in traditional language classrooms
Additionally, the demerits that prevent learners from fully embracing thistype of platform as a learning environment include concerns about privacy and
security, and a lack of familiarity and comfort (Tess, 2013; Henderson et al.,2013) It is important to address these issues to encourage wider adoption and
use of social video platforms on improving speaking skills This negative effect
can lead to the fact that not all video content from video-based platforms isappropriate or reliable for language learning Some videos may containincorrect grammar, or regional accents that may not be helpful for learners whoare trying to improve their standard English speaking skills
Trang 29Lastly, video-based social media may not provide structured language
learning opportunities While users can engage in conversations and receive
feedback on their speaking skills, they may not receive the same level ofguidance and instruction as they would in a formal language learning setting.This is considered as the absence of face-to-face interaction with the teacher
1.3 Reviewing related works
This section of the research will examine various past studies that arerelevant to the current study being conducted Al Arif’s research entitled “The
Use of Social Media for English Language Learning: An Exploratory Study of
EFL University Students” in 2019 is the first one that deserves to be
acknowledged In this study, a combination of quantitative and qualitative
methods was utilized The research incorporated various tools includingquestionnaires and interviews In this work, the author did not emphasize a
single specific platform but generally assessed many social network platforms
According to the findings, the three most used video-based platforms were
carried out which are Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook It also showed thatnot only students’ motivation was improved but all four English skills
(listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and particularly the components inevaluating speaking skills were boosted drastically
Next, in terms of the specific social video platform, Youtube should be
the first place to be viewed as it was the most frequently used platform which
was used by these two researchers “Increasing English speaking skills throughYoutube” (Meinawati et al., 2020) and “The Impact of Using YouTubes and
Trang 30Audio Tracks Imitation YATI on Improving Speaking Skills of EFL Learners”(Hamad et al., 2019) These are two great demonstrations as both studiesemployed action methods with pretest and posttest The first action research
implemented on 10”-grade students at SMA IT Rahmaniyah school in Indonesia
showed that Youtube can help students increase their English learning,especially in grammar by being effective and suitable for that age through songlyrics The result also indicated that students showcase good productiveattitudes towards this application The second research investigated 48 Englishmajor students at the College of Science and Arts Muhayil, King KhalidUniversity in Saudi Arabia which is very similar to the participant in thispresent research The findings illustrated that the motivation of students wasimproved and they were ready to learn any skills using this attractive device.Strikingly, through this method, students’ addiction to smartphones andcovetous apps can be converted into inspiration to enhance their speaking skills
Another research entitled “TikTok as a Media to Enhancing the SpeakingSkills of EFL Student’s” by Zaitun, Hadi, and Indriani (2021) is worth to beviewed as Tiktok has rapidly emerged as a platform that serves both as an
entertainment video-based platform and a highly effective learning environment
since its advent Using a mixed method with the instrument of questionnaires,
observation, and two tests in the form of student-generated storytelling, theauthors received a highly positive result Which, the outcome posited that the
TikTok application provides a convenient platform for both teachers andstudents to access information, while also offering a unique and fun way forstudents to learn English This approach to learning creates a sense ofexcitement and enjoyment among students, resulting in a more positive learningexperience Furthermore, by implementing appropriate methods and techniques,Tiktok can also help students in using stress and intonation as well as remaining
a long conversation with a better accent
Trang 31To better understand the influence of video-based social media on EFL
learners' English speaking skills, a case study by Zarimay (2022) was conducted
on the effects of TikTok on a to engage with English-language TikTok videosfor 30 minutes a day for a period of four weeks After the completion of the
four-week period, an evaluation was conducted to measure the proficiency ofthe learners in spoken English This assessment utilized a standardized test to
ensure consistency and fairness in evaluating their language skills The results
showed that the learners who had engaged with TikTok videos had improvedtheir speaking skills significantly compared to the control group The study alsofound that learners who engaged with videos that included subtitles or captionshad greater improvements in their speaking skills compared to those who didnot This suggests that using captions and subtitles can be beneficial for English
as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners who aim to enhance their speaking
abilities in the English language
learning However, there are very few studies in Vietnam in general and at
Hanoi Law University in particular, studying the impact of applying social
video platforms to students’ improvement in learning speaking skills For
Trang 32English major students at Hanoi Law University, enhancing speaking skills wasone vital requirement Nevertheless, there have been few works conductedabout this method.
2.1 Research design
The students provided valuable insights
through their responses to the questionnaires and interviews After that, the datawere collected and analyzed to get the final result
2.2 Research question
This research aims to answer the following questions:
1 What is the student’s attitude towards using video-based socialmedia on speaking skills?
2 What are the effects of video-based social media platforms onimproving speaking skills as perceived by students?
Trang 342.3 Participants
The participants of the present research were all first-year English major
students at Hanoi Law University Which, there were 82 participants selected by
random sampling to participate, specifically, the number of women participating
in the question is higher than that of men with a ratio from 82.9% to 17.1%.Next, 6 randomly selected students continued to participate in the interview.Accordingly, all the respondents were first-year English majors at Hanoi LawUniversity First-year English major students were chosen because of their lack
of experience in speaking as well as the number of circumstances they have touse English orally in school Furthermore, many students are disoriented when
it comes to the problem or the method to improve their speaking skills Theobjective of the survey is to investigate how social video media platformsimpact students' speaking abilities and thoroughly analyze the resulting effects
2.4 Data collection
Data for this study were collected through questionnaires and interviews
The data were collected using questionnaires as well as interviews structured interviews were performed with the students who participated in the
Semi-questionnaire survey These instruments were extremely useful in gatheringcrucial data from the students
2.4.1 Questionnaires
The questionnaires were designed and used to answer students’ cognitivequestions about learning English speaking skills, the use of video-basedplatforms, and the effects of this method The questionnaire survey was utilized
as an efficient tool for collecting substantial data from a vast number ofindividuals within a short period Furthermore, the results of the surveys can bepromptly and easily measured with the aid of the software program The
questionnaire consisted of three parts: one about the student’s personal
Trang 35information and their perception of the importance of learning speaking skills aswell as their behavior toward social media in general; the second part about thefirst-year English students' perception and their common purposes of video-
based social media platforms; and the third part about the effects of the method
on their speaking skills from their perspectives The questionnaire embraces 7
questions and 20 statements
Part one consisted of 3 questions that required the student’s personalinformation, their opinion about the significance of speaking skills, and their
general view on video-based platforms Then, part two contained another 4
questions to investigate their cognitive thoughts about social video platforms
and how they use those to improve their speaking skills Finally, part two
included 19 statements displayed in a table to evaluate with the 5-degree as:
strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree All the items inpart three were designed in a 5-point Likert-scale of 1=Strongly Disagree; 2=Disagree; 3= Neutral; 4= Agree; 5= Strongly Agree
Trang 36platforms on participants’ speaking skills, and their opinion about the potential
of implementing videos from this type of platforms in English speaking class In
order to avoid misunderstanding, the interview questions were translated intoVietnamese before being implemented
2.5 Procedures of data collection
2.5.2 Interview
The interview was conducted during the second term of the academic
year 2022-2023, specifically during the first two weeks of the first speakingcourse for first-year students The semi-structured interviews were conducted at
Hanoi Law University Six students were invited to participate in the interview
Each student interview lasted around 5 minutes with a focus on the perceptions
as well as the effects of applying social video platforms on their speaking skills
2.6 Data analysis
earlier Microsoft Excel 2010 as well as SPSS application were used for
statistical analysis and exploring the percentage of positive and negative effectsthat this method brings The interview responses were evaluated based on eachstudent’s content