Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?. While this may have some advantages, it can also have some disadvantages which I believe outweigh the advantages.. Do t
Trang 11 In most countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more available
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
It is widely witnessed that fast food is becoming more and more popular in
many countries I hold the belief that the drawbacks of this development are far more significant than the benefits involved
The fact that the prices of fast food are reducing and its availability is increasing Having more affordable fast food options available bring many
benefits to both individuals as well as the society Delicious foods are offered
at low prices and delivered in a short amount of time Some chains, like
McDonald's, have opened several drive-through restaurants selling foods less than one dollar, so people no longer need to leave their car This can allow people to save money and time, which is suitable for working people with a busy schedule On the societal level, when more people go to fast-food outlets for their regular meals, fast food businesses can quickly expand and thus
increase the sales volumes This expansion of fast food chains might create more job opportunities for local people and result in higher employment rates
Despite the aforementioned benefits, this trend can have several major downsides Chief of these is that traditional dinners that serve as a bonding
activity among family members in the past are now less common as a result of the growth of fast food Long-term negative effects on family dietary patterns may result from this trend Another reason worth mentioning is that eating too much fast food may actually increase one’s chance of developing a wide range
of chronic conditions, such as diabetes or obesity Additionally, chemical
components included in convenience food, such as saturated fat and food
coloring, can hasten this process
In conclusion, the fact that fast food is becoming much more affordable and popular can bring certain benefits for some individuals and the economy
However, I believe that this development is more disadvantageous due to the negative effects on familial bonds and health
Trang 22 International travel is becoming cheaper, and countries are opening their doors to more and more tourists Do the advantages of increased tourism outweigh the disadvantages?
These days, traveling oversea is becoming more affordable Meanwhile, many countries are conducting new approaches to prompt more visitors Even thoughthere are still disadvantages to this trend, I think its values are more
However, there are some benefits of international travel that can overshadow those analysed disadvantages Firstly, the regional economy can gain some benefits from the growth of the tourism industry because more positions will
be created to accommodate the needs of tourists As a result, the locals can have more job opportunities in the traveling field and earn more money to improve their living standards Secondly, the increased number of foreign people visiting another country would enhance tourism industries, contributing significantly to the wealth of that country If those enjoy their trips, that
destination can be recommended worldwide in the future
In conclusion, from all the reasons mentioned above, it seems that the merits ofinternational tourism are more significant than its drawbacks
Trang 33 Accommodation and transport problems are increasing in many large cities Businesses are encouraged to move to rural areas Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Các vấn đề về chỗ ở và giao thông đang gia tăng ở nhiều thành phố lớn Các doanh nghiệp được khuyến khích di chuyển về khu vực nông thôn Ưu điểm cónhiều hơn nhược điểm không?
With increasing population and urbanization, accommodation and transport problems have become major issues in many large cities To overcome these issues, many governments are encouraging businesses to move to rural areas While this may have some advantages, it can also have some disadvantages which I believe outweigh the advantages
On the one hand, moving businesses to rural areas can have several
advantages Firstly, it can reduce the pressure on the existing infrastructure of large cities This can lead to better accommodation and transport facilities for residents With fewer businesses and workers in the city, there will be fewer cars on the road, reducing the time and stress associated with commuting Secondly, moving businesses to rural areas can create employment
opportunities for the local people These companies can create jobs in
transportation, logistics, and other supporting industries As a result, this can help to reduce unemployment and poverty in rural areas
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to moving businesses to rural areas First and foremost, businesses may face difficulties in finding skilled labor Rural areas typically have smaller populations, and therefore, a smaller pool of skilled workers This can make it difficult for businesses to find
workers with the necessary skills and qualifications, leading to a shortage of qualified workers, thereby reducing the efficiency of the business Adding to this, moving businesses to rural areas can increase the cost of transportation and logistics Rural areas are further away from major transportation hubs, and the roads may not be as well-maintained compared to urban areas This can make it more challenging and costly to transport products
In conclusion, while there are some advantages of moving businesses to rural areas, ultimately, I believe that the disadvantages outweigh these as reducing costs is the most important thing for businesses, and a thriving economy is more important than less congested cities
Trang 44 “In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with their parents even after they have completed education and found jobs
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”
In today’s world, there has been an accelerating trend of
students taking a break from studying before pursuing tertiaryeducation While this trend is beneficial in some respects, its shortcomings are more significant for the followers of this
A gap year may enable students to enrich themselves with real-life experiences that are beneficial to their future These may include having a paid job, from which those who have just entered adulthood may learn many working skills, such ascommunication, teamwork and following orders The
youngsters taking a gap year, as a result, are better prepared for their future jobs Some gap-year-takers may also travel the world and absorb knowledge of diverse cultural settings and from different geographical contexts In this globalised world, such knowledge is essential for developing a successfulcareer
Nevertheless, the disadvantages of taking a gap year for
recent high-school graduates are serious, far outweighing the advantages The primary reason is that the young can be
overwhelmed by the unwanted difficulties of life outside of school campus A physically demanding job, for example, can
be exhausting for most high-school-leavers Another
significant reason is that to some youngsters without firm
academic goals, earning money and living without the
discipline of formal schooling could be more appealing than returning to school after the gap year If they choose not to goback to school, they may lose the chance of obtaining
academic knowledge and university degrees, which may help them earn even more money in the future
In summary, despite potential gains, there are more serious drawbacks associated with a gap year such as the
overwhelming difficulties when starting to work too soon and the prospect of not acquiring any university knowledge and degrees It is recommended that students should take a
university course right after they finish their high school
Trang 55 In many cities, there is little control on the design and construction of new houses Some people think that people can choose to build houses in their own styles instead of building them with the same style as the old house style in local areas Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people are of the opinion that they should have freedom of choice when
it comes to designing their own houses, and that they should not be restricted
to any former local styles Although freedom in architecture can be beneficial
in fostering diversity, too much leeway in building houses would greatly spoil the overall landscape of the local area and therefore I believe this is more likely
to be a negative development
Free house design is, to a certain extent, a good way of promoting diversity City skylines, for example, would be more interesting to look at if there are buildings and houses with different shapes and sizes Furthermore, people fromdifferent societal backgrounds see houses as manifestations of personalities, wealth, and societal positions Mansions of the rich, exotic houses of those who are artistic all combine with other normal-looking ones to form a melting pot of creativity
However, I would not consider an area whose houses are built without any regard to the nature of the surroundings beautiful Having different styles of houses co-existing in one place can be an architectural disaster rather than a welcome innovation Ho Chi Minh City is a case in point; ugly buildings not aligned in style with other structures in the city have been erected for years, leaving the historic parts of the city messily mingled with the concrete jungle
of brick houses and skyscrapers Architectural homogeneity, on the other hand,often brings aesthetic appeals to the local landscape The beauty of ancient towns, for example, comes from the uniformity and harmony in terms of
architectural design
In conclusion, my firm conviction is that new houses should be better built in asimilar fashion to the other buildings in the area
Trang 66 Đề bài: In many countries, plastic containers have become more
common than ever and are used by many food and drink companies Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Bài viết tham khảo:
Plastic containers and cutleries are becoming a ubiquitous part of the out experience However, I do think that the disadvantages of using plastic in the food and drink industries outweigh the advantages of doing so
eating-On the one hand, using plastic is convenient for both street vendors and
consumers Most plastic containers can be discarded after a single-use,
eliminating the need to wash them Moreover, plastic does not break easily in contrast to glass containers, making them easier to carry around Another
reason is that plastic containers and cutleries are dirt cheap to produce
Because the materials needed to synthesize plastics are readily available, most plastic containers are at a lower price than their alternatives, especially in bulk
On the other hand, however, using plastics to store food can pose both a health and an environmental risk Firstly, most plastic containers end up in the ocean, which will damage marine life Fish can swallow these plastic cutleries, cannotdigest them, and thus die Plastic is also detrimental to landfills as they
decompose relatively slowly, leading to landfill overloads Secondly,
consuming food and drinks using plastic can be harmful Plastics are known to melt and release toxic compounds when heated, so they should not be used to store hot foods Another concern is that some plastics contain carcinogens This means that consumers are at a higher risk of developing cancer
In conclusion, convenience and low prices are reasons why people use plastics
to store food and drinks However, I think that the disadvantages of plastic to the environment and consumers’ health far overweigh the advantages of
Trang 77 Đề bài: Nowadays, a lot of offices have open-space designs instead of separate rooms Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Bài viết tham khảo:
Many modern offices are now adopting open spaces in lieu of separate workingareas for employees While some would say that such a setting can heighten the level of distraction as well as pose risks to employees’ health, I contend that the fostering of closer collaboration among colleagues and reducing costs outweigh the disadvantages
Open-space offices can result in more distractions which consequently affect productivity and health Owing to a lack of private space, employees often have to contend with distractions, such as nearby conversations and co-workerscongregating These diversions may cause them to lose focus and engagement
in their work Furthermore, employees can potentially suffer from poorer
health in an open-space office As they are situated closer together, it gives various pathogens ample opportunity to spread and maximise the potential rate
of infection This can lead to increased absences from work, which in turn maynegatively affect overall productivity
However, open-space offices engender better social relations and cost less Having an open office can reduce construction and utility expenses as well as the need for office equipment All employees can share equipment and
resources such as printers and stationery Open-space offices can also engendercloser communication and teamwork between workers Such an environment makes it easier for them to exchange ideas and fosters greater inclusion Since most businesses thrive on innovation, having all employees in a single space can help those ideas to flow faster and get everyone involved in the process
In conclusion, despite the disadvantages related to loss of concentration and adverse risks to health, I would assert these are outweighed by how such a setup can stimulate closer collaboration between employees and reduce costs
In the near future, it is likely offices with separate rooms will be completely phased out in favour of open offices
Trang 88 Đề bài: Some people say patriotism causes problems and is negative overall Others feel that it is beneficial for society at large Do the
advantages of patriotism outweigh its disadvantages?
Certain individuals are of the opinion that issues may occur once people
become patriotic, especially in extreme cases, which is regarded as an adverse tendency However, another school of thought opines that it is worthy and advantageous to show national loyalty I think that the demerits of this
tendency are eclipsed by its benefits
To begin with, patriotism at its most extreme could be regarded as problematic due to its detrimental impacts on economic and social aspects With regard to the former, the loyalty that one may express towards their country is attached
to a feeling of superiority over other countries This causes an obstruction in international trade as people regard others from different nations as inferiors; thus, there is no attempt to be made in commercing and exchanging goods worldwide Turning to the second idea, it is true that in the modern-day, while every nation enjoys equal standing on a global scale, any country putting itself
on a pedestal is detrimental to mutual connectivity and often leads to conflict
as well as social exclusion of other minorities Such practice, in extreme cases, maybe the primary cause of terrorism around the globe
However, despite the aforementioned drawbacks, I think that patriotism can be favorable in terms of promoting solidarity and enhancing national
independence Firstly, patriotism plays a crucial role in uniting people living inthe same country The majority of citizens, undeniably, would value communalsenses, and eventually, national unity could be obtained In this case,
patriotism can be supposed as a means of protection which safeguards the country from outside terrorists Furthermore, without national unity, one
country may have to accept unfavorable trading conditions that can be dictated
by another country Thus, it is of paramount importance for a nation to stay independent to avoid adverse effects For instance, authorities should be aware
of the number of goods produced within the country to minimize imported products and consequently be under no control
In conclusion, although I acknowledge that patriotism, on extreme levels, may
be detrimental to a global economy and society, I think that its benefits
including enhancing unity and national independence are more considerable
Trang 99 Đề bài: In some countries, schools are teaching foreign languages for primary school children Do the advantages of this outweigh the
Bài viết tham khảo:
Many educational institutions at the elementary level in certain nations include non-native languages as a compulsory subject in their curriculum Despite the disadvantages involved, I am of the opinion that this development is generally more favorable
One of the main disadvantages is that implementing non-native languages in elementary education programs may create considerable pressure on young learners The reason for this is that many students nowadays already have a burdensome volume of schoolwork and a hectic curriculum to follow, they would find it challenging to have spare time if one more subject is added to their already tight schedule For example, when a primary state school in Japanintroduced a new scheme of forcing students to learn foreign languages, it raised a number of objections from parents as they voiced their concern over the paramount amount of stress their children have to suffer from
Nevertheless, I would argue that teaching foreign languages to primary school students is more beneficial in terms of developing their intellectual faculties and improving their future employability It is true that the acquisition of a newlanguage at the beginning level promotes frequent exposure to diverse and unique cultures Such experience allows children to gain an enormous wealth
of knowledge about others' customs and lifestyles as well as develop an acute awareness of other exotic people Furthermore, foreign languages are
undoubtedly a crucial tool to open more job opportunities Employers in
certain sectors have a tendency to recruit applicants who demonstrate
exceptional linguistic competence, which suggests that students possessing expert language skills are more inclined to have chances to work in various fields such as interpretation, diplomacy, aviation, etc
In conclusion, although children have to face pressure from studying more lingual subjects in their very early years of life, the integration of foreign
languages in primary school's curriculum has paved the way for enhancing students' capability and career prospects Therefore, I hold the belief that the advantages of this development clearly overshadow the drawbacks involved
Trang 1010 People are surrounded by advertising, which has an increasing effect
on our lives Do you think the positive effects of this outweigh the negative effects?
These days, the extensive reach of advertising is hardly escapable, to the point
that people may find themselves surrounded by commercial promotions every waking moment This situation does produce certain positive effects, but from
my point of view, they would be overshadowed by undesirable impacts.
The productive points are largely related to business and commerce
The pervasiveness of commercials makes delivering personalized
advertisements to potential customers possible, hence expediting their
shopping experience When a person texts their friends about planning a
picnic, they might later see their social media feed filled with offers
for camping supplies The campers would, therefore, have an easier time obtaining items needed for their trip Moreover, the ubiquity of advertisements
even informs people of products that they have yet to realize are necessary While many office workers complain about spine and neck problems from
the sedentary lifestyle, some do find a relief for their predicament, after
coming across ads about ergonomic chairs or neck pillows, and buying these products In a way, this is a more significant advantage than the first, for it
allows businesses to tap into new customer bases.
However, the fact that advertising is allowed to become widespread does not happen without disadvantages to people’s lives
Informational overload from oversaturation of commercial promotions is a
rather understandable result, one which opens the door to negative impacts When a person browses the Internet for research, the appearance of
advertisements could potentially disrupt their flow, or worse, distract them
from the information they originally need Students would be able
to attest to this, for many a studying session has been derailed by midway
seeing ads and wanting to make purchases This, in my
opinion, hampers productivity greatly, and offsets the possible benefits
offered by the ubiquity of advertisements.
The current situation where advertising is pervasive in people’s lives, while
not necessarily having as many drawbacks as it does advantages, is hardly desirable, seeing how the benefits are significantly outweighed by the negative impacts If such a circumstance cannot be effectively alleviated, it would be necessary to come up with measures to lessen the detrimental effects
Trang 1111 Some people think that young people should be required to do unpaid work helping people in the community Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
It is not uncommon to see adolescents and young adults working to provide
help to their communities Perhaps due to this, some people have proposed
policy where youths are obliged to perform this service to society without
being paid This arrangement, despite seemingly advantageous in certain
aspects, actually possesses drawbacks that, in my opinion, would overshadow the benefits
A typical conclusion that may be cited by proponents of compulsory unpaid community work is that young people, by devoting their effort to aiding others,
could enlighten themselves on the significance of helping the community Hence, when neighborhood service becomes a widely-propagated movement among the young population thanks to legal mandate, a generation's worth of people of age could be instilled with humanitarian values such
as selflessness and altruism, paving the way
to forging compassionate society It should, moreover, not be forgotten that
when the youth's labor is guaranteed to be channeled into helping people in
the populace, the lives of the less fortunate will undoubtedly be uplifted
Social welfare and happiness will rise, as a result Because of these advantages,
a plan to require unsalaried youth community service by law could seem like
an enticing proposal to some.
However, there are drawbacks if such as cheme comes to fruition It should be
understood that the time of certain young people will be wasted; to the ones
with entrepreneurial spirit, for example, being compelled to perform unpaid
community service would subject them to a loss of income Disaffected youths might even cheat to avoid having to do this sort of work, diminishing any
positive effects Man dating, additionally, would require legislation to create
additional public offices responsible for community service Expanding
governmental authority this way is likely to bloat the executive branch, while
diverting taxpayer money away from more pressing concerns, such as
improving public education quality or protecting strategic interests, in the
process The aforementioned pitfalls belong to a higher order of issues, and
hence, could very much outweigh any advantage produced
In conclusion, I stand by my belief that the benefits of obligating the young to
serve others in the community without pay are eclipsed by its drawbacks This sort of service should remain voluntary and never be made mandatory.
Trang 1212 In today's world, private companies rather than the government pay for and conduct most scientific research Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages?
In recent years, it has been a common practice for private organizations, rather than
the state, to invest in and carry out most scientific research One may contend that this development overall has numerous benefits, as long as the authority can keep
check on the moral and ethical codes of all involved parties.
The most overwhelming advantage that private companies have over the
government in handling researches is efficiency While state-sponsored projects are often bogged down by bureaucracy and red tapes, private activities are executed
with utmost urgency and precision because any delay would severely affect the
expected financial returns As a result, scientific
breakthroughs and innovations can happen at a much greater pace under the
management of the private sector A perfect example is the finding of the vaccine for viral diseases such as the COVID-19 pandemic Large corporates like Johnson
and Johnson or Pfizer have made leaps and bounds in preliminary trials to cut
down the expected development time from five years to just above one year By
comparison, the U.S government's plan for a SARS vaccine has been around for
over a decade, yet nothing significant has materialized.
In addition, the private sector can raise and provide funding for researches far
beyond the capability of any nation.In most countries around the world, the
government's budget is currently stretched to their limits with massive spendings
on education, healthcare, pension, and defense Without money from private
companies, not many scientific initiatives can be carried out, and the technological
advancement of humankind will come to a standstill This effect can clearly be seen
in humanity's quest for conquering Mars as a second home No major progress was
made until the appearance of SpaceX, a startup of genius billionaire Elon Musk, and it's one of a kind reusable rocket propellers Now, humans are expected
to colonize Mars by 2040 However, all said advantages are conditional upon the
strict surveillance of the authority of private actions As companies are primarily profit-driven,
there are certain moral hazards when it comes to carrying out research and
experiments Any cost-cutting measure can potentially create exponential risks to
the communities Revisiting the example of vaccine development, if
companies neglect investments on safety procedures and the contained viruses
escape, the world will face grimmer consequences than the current outbreak.
In conclusion, it is strongly advisable that the private sector takes charge of paying
and conducting scientific research due to the superiority in productivity and funding.
The government, nevertheless, must be vigilant and take an active role in
overseeing all such actions to ensure no foul play.
Trang 1313 It is suggested that primary school children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep animals Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
In the age of technological dominance, some people, quite interestingly,
propose a retro teaching style for primary children: instructing them on
vegetable and animal caring
From my perspective, albeit some obvious advantages, they will
be eclipsed by this educational method's considerable disadvantages.
On the bright side, lessons on vegetable and animal caring can bring certain
benefits to primary students The first rationale is that this educational
approach effectively teaches them about essential life skills for
self-sufficiency Growing vegetables and raising animals are practical skills that
can accompany students throughout their life Therefore, should they learn
these skills at a young age, self-sufficiency will become a simpler task for
primary students upon adulthood Furthermore, learning these skills instils a sense of responsibility among primary pupils Taking care of vegetables and
animals requires tremendous agriculture-related knowledge and efforts, which can be done by a genuine sense of responsibility from the grower Therefore,
upon the learning process, schoolchildren will be moulded in conscientious citizens for the society who readily take accountability for their works.
On the flip side, however, these merits will be significantly outweighed by the demerits, one of which is the hurdle in facility method provisions for this
teaching Agriculture-related skills call for actual live animals and fertile land areas in order for students to truly understand what is entailed in the process of vegetable and animal caring This poses an arduous predicament to most
primary schools, especially in urban areas because the above facilities are
difficult to establish in city settings What is an even more glaring drawback is
the dubious application of these farming skills in real life As the world
progresses towards the technology-driven era, most students will adopt a more
technology-related career orientation, which makes these skills appear to little avail for their future Also, vegetables and livestock products are easily
available; therefore, primary students will consider learning to grow vegetablesand keeping animals are dundant task or even a distractor to their study
In conclusion, although learning to grow vegetables and keep animals may seem a novel idea with certain benefits, its drawbacks are so considerable that
it is worth a second thought Therefore, these skills should only be optional at primary schools since students' long-term personal development is still given
Trang 1414 It is suggested that primary-level children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep animals Do the advantages outweigh the
facilities Firstly, children’s safety might not be guaranteed when coming into
contact with certain types of animals and vegetables because some of which
naturally contain lethal pathogens Some kids may be allergic to animals’ fur
or feathers, leading to a threat of respiratory distresses when physical
contacts take place Secondly, a range of wherewithal is required to nurture those plants and feed those animals well The irrigation and captive
systems have to be put into work effectively to maximize productivity
Understandably, the complexity of those facilities may pose a big challenge to manage for children
Regardless, the difficulties discussed above should not be seen as significant
obstacles to restrict children from flora and fauna caring, due to the
advantages related to awareness of a readily available source of food at home,
a heightened sense of responsibility, and a stronger set of life skills Children
learning to grow vegetables and care for animals may see these experiences useful for their well-being, leading to better health guaranteed foremost,
compared to a consumption of food grown commercially that is chemically fertilized Other greater benefits can also come from the cultivation
of valuable virtues Specifically, children in the primary school ages
may hone their sense of duty and patience, both of which are certainly useful
in later life regardless of their occupation or lifestyle
To conclude, the potential risks to let children raise plants and animals must not be underestimated but the positive effects are very clear through
encouraging our youngsters to have experience with nature
Trang 1515 Nowadays, more people move away from their friends and families for work Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Living away from kins is the sole choice of certain people who long for
working to make ends meet This essay argues that the drawbacks are eclipsed
by the benefits involved because despite potential emotional breakdown, this practice ensures stable income and developed intellectual faculties
The idea of looking for employment in an unfamiliar place can be
disadvantageous in terms of the mental distress that individuals may suffer Obviously, tremendous pressure from work and a lack of support from all relatives resulted in the tendency of hiding one's inner feelings, whose long-term effect would do more harm than good to his or her mental health An extreme example of this is the alarming rate of Japanese young adults
committing suicide since they are usually overwhelmed by heavy workloads but have no companion to confide in
Notwithstanding the aforementioned arguments, I would argue that the benefits
of being job-seekers to living far away from their homeland are of greater importance partly because of decent earnings and partly because of chances to grow With regard to the former, this relocation provides more opportunities for workers to be employed in their favorable fields and suitable positions Thus, they would probably be offered competitive salaries and good benefits Concerning the second advantage, changing temporary residence according to workplace offers frequent exposure to local unique culture and customs There
is a high possibility that this practice would likely enhance one's mentality and broaden his or her horizons as well
To recapitulate, although some people may withstand mental suffering when not living in close proximity to families and friends for the sake of searching for a source of livelihood, this practice provides individuals with wage
stability, and ample opportunities to be advanced Therefore, I hold the belief that the advantages of this development clearly overshadow the drawbacks involved
Trang 1616 Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?
It is believed by some teachers that all teenage school students would benefit a great deal from foreign exchange programmes Despite some drawbacks of
this idea, I think that the benefits are more significant
On the one hand, there are a number of major disadvantages when teenage
students decide to engage in international exchange projects The first
drawback is culture shock Exchange students might be faced with unfamiliar customs and different beliefs, which could easily lead to misunderstanding, tension and conflicts It may be difficult for them to concentrate entirely
on their studies when they are struggling to adapt to the new culture Another
disadvantage is that many students are unable to followtheir international
learning programmes, leading to undesirable academic outcomes Some of
my friends, for example, have to re-sit the exams or have difficulties catching
up with their lectures due to poor language skills.
In my opinion, however, the benefits that such programmes bring to students are far more significant than the drawbacks Firstly, exchange students are given the opportunity to meet different people from all over the world and
learn a range of skills that they might not have a chance to learn if studying in their home country For instance, they can develop their social skills by
sharing their experiences with other exchange students and get a deeper
insight into the culture by immersing themselves in the local community
Another benefit is that living in a different country helps exchange students
become more independent This is because without daily support from their parents, these students have to learn to cook, clean, manage their
budgets and make their own decisions.
In conclusion, althought exchange students might have difficulties in adapting
to the new culture and following international school curriculums, I believe
that the benefits of international exchange programmes do outweigh those drawbacks
Trang 1717 It is common practice for some students to take a gap year after
graduating high school to work and/or travel Do you think the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Taking a gap year has become a popular option for many students after
graduating high school In my opinion, while taking a gap year has its own set
of disadvantages, the advantages outweigh them In this essay, both advantagesand disadvantages will be discussed, and I will explain my opinion further
On the one hand, taking a gap year can provide many benefits for students
First of all, it can help them to gain valuable work experience and develop important life skills, such as communication, time management, and problem- solving Secondly, travel can broaden their horizons and expose them to new cultures and ways of life, helping them to become more open-
minded and adaptable Finally, taking a gap year can also provide students
with a much-needed break from the academic pressures of high school,
allowing them to recharge and return to their studies with renewed energy and motivation.
On the other hand, taking a gap year also has its own set of disadvantages For example, it can be expensive, particularly if students are traveling to foreign
countries or pursuing internships that do not provide financial compensation Besides, taking a gap year can lead to a loss of academic momentum and
make it more difficult for students to return to their studies In the end, taking a
gap year may also delay students' entry into the workforce, which could
impact their future career prospects.
In conclusion, while taking a gap year may not be the right choice for
everyone, I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages It providesstudents with a unique opportunity to gain life experience, work experience,
and travel to new places, which can help them to become more
well-rounded individuals.
Trang 1818 The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society Do you think the advantages outweigh the
These days, face-to-face communication is being replaced with online
conversations using social media apps, such as Facebook, WhatsApp or
Tumblr It seems to me that the benefits these technologies have brought to our
lives are overshadowed by their drawbacks.
In terms of the advantages, social networking sites have made it much easier for us to keep in contact with our loved ones, regardless of geographic
location Students studying abroad, for example, can keep in touch with their families and friends on a daily basis using the video call features of Skype, Facebook or various other apps Social media is also a powerful tool in
marketing and business In this digital age, companies can keep their clients updated regarding newly-released products or promotions by posting their campaigns on Facebook or Instagram, which helps save a great deal of time and expense compared to the traditional methods of advertising in newspapers
or magazines
Despite the above benefits, I personally believe that when it comes to
communication, social media does more harm than good The overuse
of social media reduces the quality of interpersonal communication Many people are so addicted to social networking sites that they constantly stare
at their screens during dinners with their families without actually paying attention to the people around them The frequent use of social media also
affects the style of speaking and writing, especially among young people
These days, many teenagers have a habit of using abbreviated words, which
are frequently used in text messages or in posts on social media, in their
academic essays or formal emails
In conclusion, for the reasons mentioned above, I am of the opinion that the
positive effects that social media has on our communication are outweighed
by the disadvantages.
Trang 1919 Some people think that good health is very important to every person,
so medical service should not be run by profit-making companies Do the advantages of private health care outweigh the disadvantages?
Some argue that since good health is significant to all individuals, the
provision of medical care would be better handles by entities not primarily driven by financial returns In my opinion, profit-seeking private entities can help push advancements in healthcare, and concerns with regards to economic motives would cease to be an issue in the long run
One key advantage of private sector involvement in healthcare is the potential for greater medical innovation, which would result in improved patient
outcomes With profit motives and pressures of competition, private companiesare incentivized to invest heavily in cutting-edge research and clinical trials This translates to improved quality of medication such as new drugs and better therapies for diseases In contrast, government-run healthcare systems lack such commercial pressures and therefore may not feel as compelled to rush treatments to the market
Some critics might say that the emphasis on economic returns risks
marginalizing poor patients As the demands for prevalent healthcare
conditions are ongoing in nature and therefore price-insensitive, companies may opt to impose predatory pricing to extract more earnings from patients However, this concern does not take into account competitive market forces When a company sets arbitrarily high prices, competitors would have an
incentive to develop less costly or even better solutions This dynamic would discourage companies from applying such a short-sighted strategy, as there is arisk of losing significant business As a result, treatment costs can be driven down gradually, hence increasing affordability for all consumers
In conclusion, while private companies can promote medical advancements through innovation incentives, there are still concerns about prioritizing profits over medical needs However, competitive market forces can discourage high prices and increase affordability over time
Trang 2020 Some believe that we should invent a new language for international communication Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
There have recently been proposals to have an international language as a means of communication In my opinion, such an endeavour is both
impractical and undesirable, and in this essay I hope to explain why the
potential drawbacks overshadow the advantages
There are those who believe that an international language would help to fostercross national interactions and remove barriers to economic development By developing a common system of communication, people from different
countries can better explain the culture and history of where they came from Furthermore, by having a common language, immigration would also be
easier, since there would be less difficulty in trying to integrate into a new culture As a result, economic output might increase, as immigrants bring new talent to areas that require them Overall, this argument suggests that a global language will mean a more unified humanity
On the other hand, I argue that an international language is impractical since languages develop organically in interaction with a country’s culture and
history Thus, some words that are exclusive to certain languages would not make sense when translated into a universal system As such, if an
international language were to form, it would likely be the case that it would sooner or later fragment into dialects specific to specific regions of the world, and in the end evolve into new languages anyway Lastly, since language is a cultural artefact, attempts at replacing all the languages in the world with one common one results in people’s past stories being erased Instead of
unification, I believe that a global language would lead to less cultural
Trang 2121 In today’s world, private companies rather than the government pay for and conduct most scientific research Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages?
1-Nowadays, most scientific studies are financed and carried out by private
enterprises instead of governments In my opinion, the benefits of this are
greater than its drawbacks
On the one hand, having research paid for and conducted by private companiescan be greatly beneficial In fact, unlike government organizations, most
companies’ primary objective is making profits, so their motivation to
minimize the costs arising upon research activities is much more considerable Therefore, they tend to prevent their scientists and other workers from wasting any resources, including time and money As a result, the research goals can bereached quicker, more efficiently, and more cost effectively In addition, whengovernments leave scientific research for businesses, the financial pressure on the national budget can be partly relieved Instead, it can be allocated for
investing in other important sectors such as education or transportation
On the other hand, I believe that letting private businesses sponsor or
undertake such studies will bring about more significant disadvantages First, there are very few private companies that are willing to do unpaid work while shouldering a huge financial burden at the same time Consequently, they may require the public to pay to access or share their research results, so that they can afford to cover their expenses as well as to ensure their personal income Second, when allowing companies to do scientific research, the authorities can not make sure the entire research process is supervised It is possible that
companies with a priority for maximizing profits will sell their research to other organizations, such as terrorists or criminals, who take advantage of such research to harm society
In conclusion, I claim that private investment in and conduct of scientific
research may result in several advantages which are, however, outweighed by the undesirable consequences
Trang 2222 In some countries, small town-centre shops are going out of business because people tend to drive to large out- of-town stores As a result, people without cars have
limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars Do you think the disadvantages
of this change outweigh its advantages?
1 In various parts of the world, a number of small stores in thehigh streets of towns have gone bankrupt due to the
dominance of large stores located on the outskirts This has led to difficulty in accessibility for non-car owners and an
increase in car usage While there might be a positive
influence to this change, I believe the negative impacts are by far more significant
On the one hand, large-scale shopping centers may create more employment opportunities for local communities where they operate These opportunities can vary, ranging from
entry-level jobs to management positions A good example in this case is Walmart Each of the brand’s supermarkets is
estimated to hire up to two thousand people working as
customer assistants, goods couriers, or other back-office
positions with competitive benefit packages As many of these employees are from nearby areas, Walmart has been praised
by some town councils for helping to curb unemployment,
sustaining local development
However, one of many drawbacks is that the prevalence of suburban shops causes great inconvenience to customers Many shoppers now are unable to make a quick purchase at nearby convenience stores which used to be omnipresent in town centers, and instead they have to spend time traveling toshop instead of on other profitable endeavours such as
studying, working and resting
Another disadvantage is that the use of personal motorised vehicles is on a rise As stores become more unreachable on foot, many urban denizens would switch to owning and driving cars, leading to a significant increase in the number of vehicles
on the road This inevitably gives rise to the quantity of
exhaust fumes from car engines which
exacerbate environmental pollution, as well as congestion and increased damage to road infrastructure
Trang 23In conclusion, I agree that the demerits such as inconvenience
of shopping to local people and adverse impacts on the
environment and traffic issues outweigh the merit of providing
a certain number of jobs Therefore, I maintain that authoritiesshould provide financial and management support to
encourage the development of small stores in the downtown
Trang 24There are more workers working from home and more students studying from home This is because
computer technology is more and more easily
accessible and cheaper Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
The increasing affordability of modern technologies such as computers and smartphones has facilitated teleworking and virtual learning As such, there has been a progressive
increase in the number of remote workers and learners in
many parts of the world While the shift towards working and studying from home may cause some problems, the overall impact has been tremendously positive
Admittedly, the drawbacks of remote working and learning are evident As for the former, teleworkers are more susceptible topsychological problems such as boredom and depression due
to the lack of face-to-face interaction with their colleagues In addition, adults who opt for working from home for childcare reasons tend to find it hard to concentrate on their work,
hence lower productivity Similar challenges are found in
internet- based learning Online lessons lack the element of competition that traditional classes offer, and there is
inevitably less direct interaction between students and
teachers These factors may negatively affect students'
motivation to study, leading to lower academic results
Despite the negatives mentioned above, the benefits of the trend towards learning and working remotely are more
significant On an individual level, while distant leamers can study whenever and wherever is convenient, teleworkers can still take care of their children or elderly members and earn money at the same time They also have complete freedom to design their learning and working environment to best suit their personal preferences and needs, enhancing their
productivity and creativity On a business level, institutions andcompanies allowing distant learning and remote working can reduce operation costs in the form of fewer classrooms and offices, and lower electricity bills
Trang 25In conclusion, I believe that the advantages of the decision to study or work from home outstrip the disadvantages This is provided that virtual learners and teleworkers eliminate
possible distractions at home and socialize with their
neighbors and friends so that their productivity and mental health are not affected
Trang 2623 Some people prefer to live alone Others enjoy sharing a house with family or friends Do the
advantages of living with others outweigh the
• It is widely acknowledged that we are living in an
increasingly isolated world Although some individuals claim toenjoy their somewhat solitary lifestyle, the vast majority of us would rather share our homes and our lives with others
The drawbacks of living with others are indeed in plain sight Firstly, one's room-mates may behave in ways one finds
annoying: they might play loud music, leave a mess in the
kitchen or spend hours in the bathroom However, with some tact and diplomacy, these issues can usually be overcome Another apparent disadvantage of sharing is that one has to take other residents' wishes and opinions into account
Nevertheless, saving to consider the needs of those one sharesthe apartment with, one probably becomes more sensitive, caring and a generally kinder and more likeable person
Besides this, living with loved-ones or flatmates is healthier because it is essential that we have warm human contact and that we interact and share our experiences with fellow-
humans From a practical viewpoint, those who live with
friends or family can save money by splitting utility bills, rent and food costs They can also save time by dividing household chores such as cooking, dusting, washing up and ironing
Obviously, a house with more inhabitants is likely to be
occupied more of the time and is therefore at reduced risk of burglary or break-in
• In conclusion, while there are some drawbacks to living with others, for example in the form of frustration and having to make compromises, these are outstripped by the positives including better mental health, savings in money and time, and increased personal security
Trang 2724 In some countries, some criminal trials in law courts are shown on television so that the general
public can watch Do the advantages outweigh the
• It is true that people in some countries can watch some
criminal trials live on TV While I acknowledge the benefits of this decision, they are outweighed by its problems
The advantages of televising trials on a casual basis are
indeed in plain sight Firstly, court shows, theoretically, were started with a view to informing adults, and children alike, of how the judicial system works Obviously, the more
knowledgeable one is about the criminal justice system, the less likely he or she is to commit an unlawful act Reports havesuggested that court shows are cost-effective ways the
authorities use to enforce the law and deal with the escalating crime rate, as the information provided in the show can deter would-be offenders Secondly, since most citizens have doubts about the effectiveness of their countries' justice system,
televised trials are perhaps a way to allow more transparency into the judicial branch of the government
Despite the positives mentioned above, the negative
ramifications of allowing cameras in the courtroom are far
more significant Flashing lights and camera lens may put the judge, who must always be of sound mind, off his stride and hence affect his judgements In other words, the final verdict given by the judge, which decides whether the defendant is guilty or not, may be affected due to the presence of cameras Moreover, after all the editing, court shows have become
entertainment shows, failling to deter criminals or they might become a tool for the authorities to manipulate the viewers, precluding transparency rather than promoting it
In conclusion, streaming criminal trials on TV might be
beneficial, for example in the form of informing the public and making judicial procedures more transparent However, court shows might serve as nothing short of entertainment or even ameans of manipulation, and so these potential problems
negate the aforemention benefits
Trang 28Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse
effect on the people who play them In your opinion,
do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the
• While some people believe that video games can be both funand educational, others think otherwise, saying that these
games are likely to have a harmful impact on users
Personally, I'am of the latter school of thought for several
Granted, there is some truth in the view that video games can
be both entertaining and educational Users, or gamers, are transported into virtual worlds in which they are allowed to do things that are unthinkable in real life, for example in the form
of shooting, killing or car-racing These bring them not only a sense of novelty, but also the adrenaline rush that only a few real-life pastimes can From an educational perspective, these games encourage imagination and creativity, as well as
concentration, logical thinking and problem solving, all of
which are useful skills outside the gaming context
• However, I would argue that these benefits are outweighed
by the drawbacks Gaming can be highly addictive because users are constantly given scores, new targets and frequent rewards to make them feel like they are achieving something For example, many children now spend hours each day trying
to progress through the levels of a game in the blind pursuit of achievement or to get a higher score than their friends out of the sense of competition This type of addiction can have
negative effects on users, ranging from lack of sleep to
problems at school or at work and obesity
• In conclusion, although it is true that those who play video games can derive a certain level of excitement and can also learn something, these benefits pale in comparison with
potential dangers of video games
Trang 2925 Many things which were done in the home by hand in the past are now done by machines Does this development bring more advantages or disadvantages?
Chores which used to be done manually are now completed bydishwashers, food processors and electric sewing machines While this trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term, it has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole
• On the one hand, the process of mechanization in the home undoubtedly saves time and energy Overworked and
exhausted adults no longer have to worry about tedious tasks, such as doing the laundry or doing the dishes This means theycan enjoy themselves and spend quality time with loved ones Women in particular reap the rewards as, in former times, theytended to be responsible for most of the laborious housework They now have the opportunity either to work and become economically independent or to socialize, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping vegetables
On the other hand, the popularity of these products has
unwanted environmental consequences Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing machines are made using
nonrenewable and relatively scarce resources When used, they are powered by large quantities of electricity, which is often obtained by burning fossil fuels This obviously causes anincrease in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere Furthermore, as these items are deliberately
designed only to last for a limited period, they soon have to bereplaced and are thrown into landfill sites, which puts
additional pressure on the ecosystem
• In conclusion, although we should not ignore the positive social and economic impact of the increasing use of modern appliances in the home, this trend is contributing to the
depletion of natural resources and pollution
Trang 3026.Technologies have changed the way children spend their free time Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
The way minors spend their leisure hours has been altered by advancements in technology Although this can detrimentally affect their overall health, I believe that its benefits such as accessing information more easily and boosting their creativityare more significant
On the one hand, the tendency of children to utilize
technological devices in their spare time has an adverse
impact on their general well-being More specifically, many of the activities that children engage in with technology are
sedentary, such as playing video games or using social media This can lead to reduced physical activity, which in turn can contribute to health problems such as obesity and poor vision Furthermore, children's mental health can be badly affected Since they often spend an excessive amount of time using
digital devices in lieu of interacting with others in person, their interpersonal relationships would likely be weakened
Consequently, they become socially isolated and suffer from mental issues such as depression and stress
On the other hand, using technology in leisure time can be beneficial to children for two reasons Most noticeably,
technology has made it easier for juveniles to access
information on a wide variety of subjects To be more specific, they can use search engines educational apps and online
libraries to learn about topics that interest them, This can help
to broaden their knowledge and foster their passion for
learning Another justification is that it enhances creativity This is because there are many digital tools and apps that
allow children to express themselves For instance, they can show their artistic side by using video editing software and digital art programs to create and share their own works of art
or videos, which can be a source of pride and satisfaction
In conclusion, although technological advances can pose a threat to children's holistic health, I maintain that they can offer more noticeable advantages such as easy access to
Trang 31information to broaden their knowledge and promoting their sense of expression It is advisable that children should be allowed to use technology in their study and personal lives under parental supervision to mitigate its demerits.
Trang 321.In some countries, people spend long hours at work Why does this happen? Is it positive or negative
Nowadays, working overtime is increasingly common for
employees in many different parts of the world There are
many reasons behind this phenomenon and I believe this
brings more harm than good to people
There are two main reasons for the extension of working hoursamong people Firstly, people want to earn more money, whichwill satisfy their demand of affording their lives In this day andage, the living cost is much higher than before, not only in metropolises but also in rural areas This puts a large financial burden on employees, especially ones who are the
breadwinner in the family As a result, people have to work extra hours to feed themselves and their family, and also to increase the living standard Secondly, people have to cope with a heavy workload these days, which makes them spend longer hours at work If people do not extend their working hours, they may not meet the deadlines and be unable to
finish given tasks, which prevents them from climbing the
career ladder
Despite the benefits that this trend may bring to people, I
believe it is negative due to two major reasons One is that it causes a lot of detrimental health effects when people spend too much time working Overworking gives people little time torest, and if this situation continues for a long time, it may
cause some physical diseases relating to the back, neck, eyes and even heart Moreover, dealing with a high volume of work continuously also makes people suffer from mental problems such as stress, sleep disorders or even depression Another negative impact of this trend is people can not get a work-life balance Many people tend to spend more than half a day
working, which makes it impossible for them to spend enough time for themselves and their loved ones, including family and friends This leads to the fact that people may find no fun in life because they have no time for family and their
relationships are also likely to be broken
Trang 33In conclusion, the tendency of working extra hours is caused
by the increasing living expenses and overwhelming workload.Personally, I believe this brings more negative impacts to
Trang 342.In some parts of the world, people try to find out
one’s own family history Why do people do this? Do you think it is positive or negative?
Ancestral lineage research has been argued by many people to
be important in recent times In this essay, I will seek to show why individuals in certain regions make an endeavor in
knowing more about their families and reach an accord that the phenomenon is positive
The trend of discovering family history can be explained by theurge to get closer to one’s own family and the desire to learn about the health records of the family Concerning the former reason, it is true that ancestral lineage research enables the reconnection of family members This could potentially be of great comfort to orphans or those who do not know who their parents are DNA tests, for example, have helped many peoplewithout family to track down their long-lost relatives and
discover brothers and sisters they never knew they had
Turning to the second point, knowing the medical history of a family enhances the understanding of genetically inheritable medical conditions such as asthma, obesity, and diabetes
Therefore, people would take appropriate action to identify ways to mitigate the adverse effects of diseases
From my perspective, the overwhelming desire of finding
family history can be deemed positive due to its role in
preserving familial culture and customs and motivating
individuals to overcome life’s troubles Chief among these is that the discovery of ancestry plays a crucial role in
maintaining the culture and traditions of one’s family Once thedescendants are fully aware of the significance of cultural
values passed down from previous generations, they would show more willingness in preserving as well as promoting
those intangible merits Moreover, a means of self-motivation can be regarded as one of the worth-mentioning advantages ofexamining family roots During the discovery, people would be more mindful of obstacles that their ancestors overcame,
thereby driving them to be bold and brave in dealing with
issues in life
Trang 35In conclusion, research on ancestors is prompted by the desire
to form a close bond with former generations and to know
about familial health records I would opine this development positively due to its benefits in maintaining culture and
boosting individuals’ will in life
Trang 363 Some children spend hours every day on
To begin with, the most compelling factor for long duration on mobile by children is social media The majority of youngsters use most social networks to do a lot of activities such as
chatting and watching funny videos in order to relax stress Forinstance ,most young people use social networks like
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter every day They spend at
least 6 hours Although funny videos help them relax stress, it also causes eye problem Moreover, it helps them to do their research.Most students do not have money to buy laptops so they tend to use their phones mostly for their assignments Hence leading to them using their smartphones each day
Secondly, this is a negative development because of sickness When they are using their phones, their eyes are glued to the screen of the phones which cause vision problem in the long run For example ,a colleague of mine is blind as a result of his eyes being glued to his phone for a long time Government should limit phone use so that the citizens will be healthier It causes deafness because of radiation emitted into the body because of its continued use of it
In conclusion, the essay argued about factors as well as the negative trends of smartphones Social networks and research are the two main reasons youngsters use phones for a long time whereas eye problem is the demerit associated with it
Trang 37Some parents give their children everything that their children ask for and accept what their children want to
do Is this good for children? What could be the
consequences for these children when they grow up? Indulging children by giving them everything they ask for and letting them dictate their activities may seem like a way to
make them happy in the short term, but it is not necessarily beneficial for their overall development In my opinion,
this parenting approach can
have detrimental consequences as children grow up.
Firstly, when children are granted every request and whim,
they may develop a sense of entitlement For example, if a child always gets every toy they want immediately, they might
later expect the same instant gratification in other areas like
relationships or work This may result in impatience and
frustration when they face situations requiring patience or
gradual progress Furthermore, an
overly permissive parenting style may fail to instill important
values such as responsibility, discipline, and the ability to
make wise choices For instance, if parents frequently allow their child to skip school or neglect homework without
consequences, the child may not learn the value of education,
responsibility, or commitment This could hinder their
academic and professional success later in life
As these children transition into adulthood, they
may encounter challenges in adapting to a society that
doesn't always cater to their desires Their early experiences
of having everything they want without effort might lead to difficulties in educational or workplace settings where self-
discipline, personal responsibility, and the ability to delay
gratification are essential In academic environments, they may find it challenging to cope with the demands of higher education, where independent study, time management,
and perseverance are crucial Similarly, in the professional
world, they might face difficulties when tasks require patience,dedication, and the ability to work towards long-term goals
Trang 38In conclusion, when children are consistently granted their
every wish without experiencing the value of patience,
responsibility, and hard work, they may face difficulties in adapting to the demands of adult life
Trang 39Some employers think that formal academic
qualifications are more important than life experience and personal qualities when they look for an employee Why is this the case? Is it a positive or negative
The last few years have witnessed lengthy debates over
whether degrees from educational institutions are of greater significance than a person’s qualities and life experience in theemployee recruiting process This essay will discuss the
contributing factors behind this trend and why this is a wholly negative development
First of all, academic qualifications are increasingly overrated
by employers because they are believed to be a reliable
indicator of a person’s working ability They claim that when people study at school, they can gain essential skill sets and knowledge for working such as team work or communication skills Therefore, it is their view that obtaining these degrees isindispensable to working productively, whereas personal
characteristics can be adjusted accordingly over a long time ofgrowing with the company What is more, these employers alsofeel that life experience of an employee is not as vital as
specialized knowledge from formal education because
nowadays there are a myriad of ingenious young graduates who can perform their jobs even better than their older
However, to my way of understanding, overemphasizing the roles of formal certificates can have adverse effects on job seekers and society at large Although it is true that these
qualifications can act as a benchmark for evaluating potential candidates for a corporation, it does not mean that these
people can have their jobs done more efficiently than those without If every recruiter considers participation in academic institutions as the most prominent element in recruiting, there will be a large number of people being unemployed for, in fact,not every citizen is lucky enough to get formal schooling As a result, these underpriviledged will end up having no means to earn a livelihood and leading a miserable life If this is the case