PPT TIẾNG TRUNG, HSK1, BÀI 1 HSK 1 Bài 1 chủ đề 你好 Nǐ hǎo Chào anh là bài đầu tiên của Giáo trình chuẩn HSK 1 giúp người học nắm bắt cách phát âm chuẩn cùng cách chào hỏi cơ bản trong tiếng Trung
Trang 15méi guan xi
that’s OK,
it doesn’t
Trang 22HA—28 , BRA RAT
Trang 24HA—28 , BRA RAT
Trang 31, es ite
Take a break now
Trang 32
Look at the blackboard !
Trang 35e There are four basic tones in Chinese, respectively called the 1st tone (55), the 2nd tone (35), the
Trang 37RA?
Happy &Earsy
*;+Ã :iiMlũ Hntä 6H, š9BBi1äJy , ũ EÉ9Jñ8ra2‡Z; UBS DH , Sasol
Note : When i or U acts as a syllable by itself, y is added before it, with the two dots on the top of
being removed ; whenu acts as a syllable by itself, w is added before it
Trang 40Happy &Easy
SASS RS WEIS , Š— x8 T2XSE555_—ƑEE, 3+3 SA 243, Ceo" nil fx )’+“haol( H )” B77
“ni hao”, {iHZ;+8H1, SÿnRnÌñffl
When two third-tone syllables are read in sequence, the first syllable turns into the second tone,
i.e., the 3+3 sequence becomes a 2+3 one For example, “ni( {ix )”+“hao( )’is read
when put in the written form, the original tone is kept
Trang 41Happy &Easy
Bais kZllinliR, FERRIS VANS
2` Read the following words aloud and pay attention to the chang €€
in the tone of the 3 tone syllables
Trang 42appt
>>> (1.XZH9J#E (1).— ' / ` `
Strokes of Chinese Characters (l—, }, J), s, ~
2 aT EZ4 -ìngoe] ‹- ; fl+= Example
Fas dian bu no , not.)
Trang 53
>>> ~~) e acourt official of the Yellow Emperor
7) e tie knots in lengths of a rope
e has four eyes
e inspired by the foot prints of birds and beasts
e observe the nature and create characters that had the
characteristics of the things they
Trang 56»2>>
Trang 57
Trang 65»2>>
Trang 68
Trang 69
Trang 70
This type expresses an abstract idea through an iconic form , including iconic modification of pictographic characters or direct iconic illustrations
Trang 73»2>>
sie il a 1-02 0% 0B
ZG tk $8
ey_are building blocks of Chinese characters A radical may point to the meaning =—-
Trang 74
ey are building blocks o inese characters A radical may point to the meaning
of a character, but this is not always the case —_ —
Trang 75
shi wan gou pié na héng zhé wan goéu pié didn héng zhé ti shi ti héng pié wan gou
% 5 #5 il là be i 77 Hy fig xí fir diy He Re fit fi ih FY
shi shi géu héng zhé géu Shù zhé zhé gdu Bà oh wil bã bì he ae dan Bồ hé Ea al
ig ie ey Bh a EH i i Wy s l zhé pié éng = = >= é = pié éng é : Z : gốu
Trang 76Hest Oracle bone script
Bronze script Seal script
Clerical script Regular script The Grass script Running script