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social awareness and approaches to reduce food wastage in amsterdam

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Cấu trúc

  • 1.3.1. Food waste around the world (16)
  • 1.3.2. Zero Waste Chef (17)
  • 1.3.3. Composte Project (22)
  • 1.3.4. Faces of Food Waste (23)
  • 1.3.5. Boloplein Plan (23)
  • 1.4. Profile of Sapients & Food Circle 21 1. Supervisor at Food Circle...........................................................................23 1.5. Description of activities at organization during internship: 24 (29)
    • 4.3.1. Objectives achievement (75)
    • 4.3.2. Professional and scientific skills (75)
    • 4.3.3. Results, observations and work experience (76)
    • 4.3.4. Challenges experienced during internship (76)

Nội dung

In this way reducing food demand and wastage isopportunity to food security without increasing the burden of production onenvironment.. Food loss is considered as decrease in edible food

Food waste around the world

Food Waste Around the World is a Food Circle task to give data and bring issues to light about food wastage The project is planned as a series of interviews with students from various countries to comprehend how this issue is handled and seen all over the world This is made potential because of Sapient, the mother organization of Food Circle, which consistently offers temporary positions to studies from all around the globe, establishing a remarkably multicultural environment.

Food Waste Around the world is further extended into 2 more minor projects; i) Let’s Be Honest ii) The Native Perspective o Let’s Be Honest

Let's be honest, it's a Food Circle assignment to begin the conversation on the challenges of being or becoming a person from the SC (Sustainability Club) This series will shed light on the numerous strategies for dealing with making life more bearable as well as the setbacks and difficulties that occur Ideally, being more compassionate and understanding will help us to be more empowered to try instead of giving up when we experience setbacks or disappointment. o The Native Perspective

The Native Perspective is a Food Circle project that looks at how to protect indigenous people groups who depend on their natural ecosystems for sustenance, food, cover, and to maintain their sense of community Since those who depend on nature the most are affected by environmental change, it is critical to support native networks as a whole, ensuring the preservation of biological systems Native people groups have developed a good compatibility with their normal environmental factors, and there is much to learn from their ways of life for more manageable living The exchange also incorporates concepts from ecocriticism, evaluates how people view nature, and highlights and amplifies the perspectives of many indigenous societies and advancing their experiences.

Zero Waste Chef

Games are an incredible method for contacting individuals, we appreciate them, however they could likewise have a message, show us something new, and connect with us on various subjects Along these cards, we have chosen to make some with audience The objective of this game is to show essential game plan standards and afterward use them on planning different games which will bring issues to light about food wastage, the issue, why it happens, how might we forestall it, and so forth It will direct us through the comprehension of game plan and experience plan How to plan an alluring game, how to impact individuals through games, what does gaming brain research show us game plan and individuals? In the wake of figuring out how it functions, its working with a team to generate new ideas, followed with work in gatherings, coordinated towards the production of a couple of games around the subject of Food Waste The group/s adding to the end-product will be welcomed as the makers, to partake in the distinction In Zero Waste Chef, Food Circle expects to take the worth back to food, and consequently, on the off chance that you waste food in the game, you lose points Every player addresses a food organization, and requirements to make suppers out of the fixings they get They can likewise freeze, get dried out or pickle a few fixings, to save them to use in one more second in the game For meals they get points As gourmet specialists, players want to gather and exchange fixings to make however many dinners with as little food squander as would be prudent Make sure to be key: fixings without a formula will ruin, and player will lose focuses! The game is reasonable for 3 to 6 players.

Fig1.1(Cards of Zero Waste Chef Game) source; https://www.foodcirclenl.org/

There are three types of cards; a) Ingredients b) Recipes c) Preservation Methods Every player begins with 1 preservation card, gets ingredients cards on their turn, and can utilize any recipe The recipes are open in the table so that everybody might see what they can make.

Understand First A Preservation Card can be utilized to freeze, get dried out or pickle elements for explicit recipes, or keep them new through adjusts You can put one Ingredient Card for every protection technique in one round (day) Anything saved toward the finish of the main week is protected and can be utilized in the following week.

Every Ingredient Card shows which conservation strategy can be utilized for that particular fixing.

● Animal Protein Cards (with a red edge) are meat, eggs and cheddar On the off chance that unused in the span of seven days, players lose 2 focuses.

● Fruit and Vegetable Cards (with a green edge) incorporate pepper, lettuce, potato, tomato, mushroom, onion, avocado, apple and banana.

● Cards with a blue casing are flour and oil are durable and consequently don't need protection.

● Some Recipe Cards incorporate a "+" sign close to a fixing This thing isn't expected to finish a recipe, yet it will give you additional focuses in the event that you use it.

● The ice cream recipe must be made with frozen fixings meaning you need to freeze the fixings in the past rounds.

● The fruit crumble recipe contains a "+" close to frozen yogurt In the event that you present the natural product disintegrate and frozen yogurt together, you gain extra 2 focuses in addition to the focuses from the frozen yogurt recipe.

Recollect that you want to make as numerous feasts with as little food squander!

You would rather not have unused Ingredient Cards in that frame of mind while gathering fixings to make however many recipes as could reasonably be expected To do this, you can pick the accompanying continues on your turn:

● Exchange cards with different players

Your opportunity to help yourself, different players, or upset your opponents.

You might haggle with different players to exchange cards with you an endeavor to assemble all fixings important to finish (at least one) recipes.

Utilize your Preservation Card to keep your fixings new (this implies you get to save them for the following round) You can utilize one Preservation strategy for every fixing, per turn, and might be legitimate until your next turn At the point when you decide to protect a fixing utilizing one of the ways, you put the card dealing with close to the green bolt of the chose strategy in the Preservation

Card On your next turn, you can flip the card around so that everybody could see.

● Get 3 Ingredient Cards toward the finish of your turn

Toward the finish of every player's turn, every player should pick three Ingredient Cards from the heap (which ought to be stacked face down at the focal point of the table) You will not have the option to play these cards until your next turn.

Each time you complete a recipe on your turn, count the focuses straight away and put the cards in a heap in the center, so when you run out of cards to pick from the first heap, you can rearrange the cards and use them.

Toward the finish of the primary week (Part 1), it's the ideal opportunity for Market Madness It is your chance to score however many focuses as you can by disposing of your unused fixing cards by exchanging openly for an opportunity to finish more recipes The greatest number of recipes you can make during market franticness is 2.

Count and note down your focuses straight after you make a recipe The player with most focuses brings home and gets a privileged championship of Zero Waste Chef!

Include the focuses that should be visible on top of every Recipe Card.

Remember to incorporate extra fixings (set apart with a "+") for additional places.

Deduct one point for each unused Ingredient Card (barring durable fixings with a blue casing like flour and oil), and two focuses in the event that it's a creature item (red edge cards).

Composte Project

In Composte Project, One of the viable ways we can help the climate and decrease how much waste shipped off landfills, is through fertilizing the soil!

Food Circle thusly expects to make whiz around the many green advantages of fertilizing the soil at home, through The Compost Project.

1 Mission and for what reason to compost 2 What is vermicomposting

3 The most effective method to vermicomposting.

4 What to compost or not to compost 5 Myth busters

6 Recipes for sustainability (Smart ways of reusing what you can't compost)In addition to the fact that it is an incredible method for lessening our carbon impression and food squander, however it likewise furnishes with a gainful material for our plants as it fills in as a characteristic soil-conditioner and natural manures There are different ways of treating the soil at home, and through the project of 'Eartha's Compost Soup' everyone can be acclimated with one of the treating the soil styles called Vermicomposting!" Vermicomposting is presumably new to the vast majority of us, so basically put it is utilizing worms to disintegrate our food waste and natural matter, while transforming it into a material called humus Humus is a material that can be utilized as a characteristic soil-conditioner and composts for our plants It is a low upkeep, unscented and clean interaction that requires almost no space, which is the reason it is an extraordinary kind of fertilizing the soil that is appropriate for individuals living in urban communities or then again in the event that we don't have a nursery or a huge space for fertilizing the soil! The booklet clarifies in straightforward terms for what reason to compost, what to compost and goes exhaustively on how you can compost at home These 2 projects proved very crucial in the whole campaign of zero food wastage because these are easily implementable at domestic level By simply adopting some sustainable kitchen recipes prescribed by the food circle, a common household can start creating his/her part towards making our daily food usage more sustainable And in this way the issue of food wastage can be either eradicated or minimized to the lowest level.

Faces of Food Waste

This blog series intends to go into profundity of the features of food wastage that are impervious to existing arrangements, stow away in our regular practices or are straight up imperceptible to the public eve Many content creators are being employed at Food Circle as internee, their tasks errands remember composing web journals for the organization for extraordinary doled out subjects; which is commonly settled and supported by entire group Beyond what 2 individuals can participate in this blog series The primary point of this series is to present a few difficult issues with respect to food wastage and various kinds of overseeing techniques to deal with or limit food wastage.

Boloplein Plan

● The proposition of making the first Zero Waste Outdoor Market inAmsterdam

● A reference point for supportability, by means of the execution of changes in its appearance and association furthermore, through the inclusion of Food Circle and the individuals from its network.

1.2 Picture of Markthal during an event (Picture courtesy; Anda Codreanu, our Content Writer)

The Manifesto of the Food Circle lays the ground for future coordinated efforts and ensures that all individuals understand what they can anticipate:

"We at the Food circle accept that food squander is inadmissible Food wastage is an insidious issue, yet with the present tech and interconnectedness, we put our hands ablaze that it no longer must be an issue in the economy of tomorrow Be ready for an intercultural praline box of planners, business people, new companies to deal with prepared arrangements that were recently figured difficult to handle At the Food Circle, we associate with individuals from various ventures: AI, biotech, Horace, retail and more, to make your vision materialize.

Pick individuals you need to make magnificent sheet occur: activists, architects, The Food Circle is where individuals don't take a gander at your certifications, yet rather which questions you bring, where your capacity to assist individuals around you with developing, matters more than your own accomplishments before.

Food concerns us all, and we need to chuckle, examination, break and work with every one of you inspired by tackling food squander, regardless of your way of life, pay, or reasoning Since our solidarity lies in our disparities Provided that we cooperate, we can accomplish a rounder economy that is more comprehensive, only for our planet and future-situated."

The Food Circle will be a placemaking efforts while the Markthal is still undergoing renovations Children, families, and school classes are a brand-new customer category that is addressed in the primary story The concept is to develop an Adventure Food Safari, an immersive educational experience that includes a tour of the Markthal with quizzes, tastings of food items, a cookery class for youngsters, and interactive activities A tour for children can nurture the ambience inside the Markthal and create the kind of environment where adults feel inspired to be more playful, experimentative and interactive, too This scaling option offers large room for growth, as the tours can be offered for families, but also bigger groups like school classes Visitors would pay an entrance fee that can drive the revenue of the Food Circle In the beginning, as a sort of “initiation” process to the network, we ask new members to contribute something with the aim to make them feel as co-creators but also to make it easier for them to initiate contact with existing members Their contributions can be tangible things (e.g. furniture, tools, etc.) or intangible things (doing a workshop, inviting a friend to the network, etc.) Furthermore, to match the DNA and interest of the client FC and FSOs, there needs to be room to grow the project organically, instead of nailing it down to one specific concept This concept can be implemented independent of the other three scaling options It requires a different set of experience and expertise to design an interactive trail for children next to the collaboration space, the food lab and the food sorting station In case the consultancy service is not of interest to FC, or it fails to mobilize the necessary resources to provide consultancy (e.g professional consultant with Circular background, materials, etc.), As it’s recommend FC to implement the Adventure Food Safari in the medium- to long term plan As part of defining the scope of the project, I enlisted potential outputs of the Food Circle (i.e possible deliverables of the project), which can be found in the table below The output ultimately results from the collaboration of the members and will be redefined throughout the process In the table below, I attempted to show examples of the solution’s possible deliverables here:

Food Surplus Saving food surplus inside the

Markthal (up to 20,000 kg a day)

Amount of food saved (kg)

Maximise resource value of food

Organisations Formation of new Startups/

Number of new organisations formed inside the

Amount of new jobs created Environmental footprint

Contracts Contracts with businesses and suppliers to pick up food surplus/ organize food surplus caterings/ events

Number of contracts signed Scope of contracts

Regulations Changing laws and regulations to reduce food waste on production, retail and consumer level

Product Sale Sales of products in fairs/ marketplaces

Amount of customers learning about

& contributing to less food waste

Service Sale Sale of services to help businesses reduce their food waste/ improve their CSR

Amount of businesses reducing their environmental footprint

New classes or workshops for children to learn about recycling/ food waste separation/ how to find out if the food is still edible

Number of children participating in workshops

Children learn from a young age on the value of food and how to minimize food waste

I joined food circle as a Knowledge and Administrative coordinator As it was a very new encounter for me since I never filled in as managerial rule.

Fundamental subject of work was to direct the entire group and get the legitimate check and equilibrium of the entire group I've to coordinate different kind of gathering settings for our group and for our clients as well As we were battling with the pandemic around then so our all gatherings help on the web Our organization proclaimed Discord application as the foundation of our group correspondence, so our all gatherings hung on conflict Inside my job I likewise need to arrange passage level meetings for our new internees so I could find out about their assumptions from Food Circle and during our conversation I've to take a few thoughts regarding their past accomplishments in regards to sanitation and security, and how they will get befitted by joining Food Circle But section level meeting: I likewise sort out post-employment surveys for our seniors internees who have finished their temporary job It's an ideal opportunity to get some kind of direct criticism from them about food circle for example how was their experience of being here, what sort of things they truly appreciated and what sort of enhancements should have been finished for the prosperity of FoodCircle Our fundamental inquiry for exist interview is did your assumptions from food circle which was being made up by them at passage interview is satisfied or not ? Also, how could they feel by investing some particular energy at food circle and what sort of things hustle them during their entry level position? Also, it was my obligation to keep the record of this multitude of gatherings and interview at our commonly shared google drive In this way, that the following year plan of the organization will be planned by remembering the criticisms from our Jedi's ( a term used for ex-internees)

Profile of Sapients & Food Circle 21 1 Supervisor at Food Circle 23 1.5 Description of activities at organization during internship: 24

Objectives achievement

Objectives were achieved by dedication and hard work There were team meetings to discuss all type of challenges and to come up with strategies to counter these challenges When frame work has be decided then next step is to start working on that There are several ways by which tasks were completed.

The practical work was more about public awareness, to fulfil this objective the organization organized seminar in schools and colleges Several surveys were also conducted in which various people were asked about their opinion about different aspects of food security.

Professional and scientific skills

Many skills were learnt during the internship period in the organization.

Scientific skills that were learnt are mostly related to food security Which specifically includes knowledge about process of food chain Production,pre-harvest and post-harvest knowledge and methods Also includes the transportation of food and its wastages, reason of wastage and points of food chain where food wastage occurs The methods to reduce the wastage were also came into knowledge.

Professional skills are as much important if the work is to be done with perfection These were mostly knowledge and administrative coordination skills.

These skills are learnt only by stepping in the practical field Organize team meetings was an important skill that was gained Other skills are related to field such as when the organization arranged seminars or conducted surveys.

Results, observations and work experience

Time spent on surveys and tasks results in an automatic accumulation of administrative work experience Work experience is related to more and more exposure As internship experience was something new to do, so there were lot of things and phenomenon to observe Observations are related to behavior of people towards the food security as the purpose of the organization was regarding food security Results got from the surveys, shown graphically also with brief description.

Challenges experienced during internship

Major challenge that was experienced during the work was to keep the whole tasks, projects and organization going during the COVID pandemic But the duty that was assigned as administrative coordinator was to conduct online meetings.

During the whole period it was necessary to arrange for convenance, was important and challenging In the COVID pandemic some surveys were to conduct online also.

Due to the fact that work was done in accordance with Eastern European Time, it was necessary to prepare everything in advance, which disrupted normal daily activities But that time it was first priority to overcome this obstacle if targets were to achieve Being punctual extends beyond the time you arrive at work and includes how you meet deadlines and arrive on time for other commitments, such as online gatherings.

Although it's not a strong suit, I've developed a system that I utilise often to make sure that I am dependable for meeting deadlines: o I always set schedule updates for all our team meetings and online gatherings. o I set my suggestion to ping my team 15 minutes and 5 minutes before your gathering. o At the point when the brief update goes off, begin planning for the gathering and gather together what I’m occupied with. o At the point when the brief update goes off, begin moving to the gathering scene (in the event that the gathering scene is beyond the workplace, I clearly should consider travel time while setting my updates).

The real workplace prepared me for employment after I graduated Since the majority of my internship was conducted online owing to the pandemic, I was able to gain a better understanding of how administrative tasks should be handled in a virtual environment However, I did run across a few problems that I eventually learned how to handle Whatever happens, efficiency grows by maintaining a positive outlook.

As an intern, I found myself perplexed by some of the tasks that were assigned that I had not encountered while being in academics I would frequently be at my work place asking a tonne of questions on how to complete the task I forced myself to leave my work area so I could ask my questions, and as a result, I was much more productive and happier So ask for help if you need it if at all possible! The ideal setup is this.

Overall, this internship position was a very useful experience Excellent exposure to acquire knowledge, experience, information, abilities and to meet many new individuals Also got the knowledge into proficient practice It was an opportunity to took in the various features of working inside a social economic organization There is still a ton to find and to get to the next level The strategies utilized right now are as yet not normalized and a predictable strategy is being developed Food Wastage isn't uneven issue, however everything revolves around sharing information, thoughts and conclusions in regards to growing new creative thoughts or techniques to decrease food wastage at community level Basically,this internship position has been an amazing and remunerating experience FoodCircle is exceptional in many terms: the blend among social and monetary pursuits, the emphasis on food, the elective installment choices, yet more critically: it can develop and change with its individuals Obviously, the regulatory parts of the work done are not immaculate and could be worked on gave sufficient opportunity The internship position was likewise great to figure out what my assets and shortcomings are This aided to characterize what abilities and information needed to work on in the approaching time Time management skills and self-inspiration are the two main factors that have been considered to be significant.

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Ngày đăng: 28/06/2024, 07:57


