[...]... of typical annual Canadian spills greatest volume of oil spilled comes from marine or refinery terminals, although the largest number of spills is from the same source as in the U.S — vessels other than tankers, bulk carriers, or freighters The sources of oil spills, the types of oil spilled into the sea, and the causes of spills from any type of ship or vessel worldwide are shown in Figure 3 Half of. .. about 25 spills per day into navigable waters and an estimated 75 spills on land ©2000 by CRC Press LLC Photo 3 The Kirki leaks oil after losing its bow section (Oil Spill Response Limited) Despite the large number of spills, only a small percentage of oil used in the world is actually spilled Oil spills in Canada and the United States are summarized in Figures 1 and 2 in terms of the volume of oil spilled... actually spilled • While most of the large oil spills in the marine environment are from tankers, these spills make up less than about 5% of all oil pollution entering the sea Most oil pollution in the oceans comes from the run-off of oil and fuel from land-based sources rather than from accidental spills • In Canada, about 12 spills of more than 4000 L are reported each day, of which only about one spill. .. water in the U.S comes from barges, while the largest number of spills comes from vessels other than tankers, bulk carriers, or freighters In Canada, most spills take place on land and this accounts for a high volume of oil spilled Pipeline spills account for the highest volume of oil spilled In terms of the actual number of spills, most oil spills happen at petroleum production facilities, wells, production... response to an oil spill and significantly reduce the environmental impact and severity of the spill The purpose of contingency plans is to coordinate all aspects of the response to an oil spill This includes stopping the flow of oil, containing the oil, and cleaning it up The area covered by contingency plans could range from a single bulk oil terminal to an entire section of coastline Oil spills, like... Figure 3, most oils spilled into the sea worldwide are fuels (48%) and then crude oils (29%) Fuels consist primarily of Bunker oils and intermediate fuel oils (IFO) which consist of Bunker oils mixed with fuels such as diesel Figure 3 also shows that grounding is the leading cause of oil spills from vessels (26%), ©2000 by CRC Press LLC Photo 4 Spills from pipelines constitute a large amount of spillage... collected spill statistics before about 1975 The number of spills reported also depends on the minimum size or volume of the spill In both Canada and the United States, most oil spills reported are more than 4000 L (about 1000 gallons) In Canada, there are about 12 such oil spills every day, of which only about one is spilled into navigable waters These 12 spills amount to about 40 tons of oil or petroleum... weeds are shown here, a result of the Persian Gulf War spill, the largest spill recorded to date (Oil Spill Response Limited) The Haven burns off the coast of Italy (Oil Spill Response Limited) ©2000 by CRC Press LLC Photo 9 Tugboats surround the Sea Empress — grounded and leaking oil — in an attempt to refloat the stricken tanker at high tide off the coast of England (Oil Spill Response Limited) ©2000... government fines and the high cost of cleanup In Canada, it costs an average of $20 to clean up each litre of oil spilled In the United States, these costs average about $100 per litre spilled The average cost of cleanup worldwide ranges from $20 to $200 per litre, depending on the type of oil and where it is spilled Cleaning up oil on shorelines is usually the most expensive cleanup process ©2000 by CRC... Half of the oil spilled in the seas is the runoff of oil and fuel from land-based sources, usually from wastewater Much lubricating oil finds its way into wastewater, which is often discharged directly into the sea About 24% of oil spilled into the sea comes from the transportation sector, which includes tankers, freighters, barges, and other vessels Natural sources of oil constitute about 11% of the input . of oil spills, the types of oil spilled into the sea, and the causes of spills from any type of ship or vessel worldwide are shown in Figure 3. Half of the oil spilled in the seas is the runoff. most spills take place on land and this accounts for a high volume of oil spilled. Pipeline spills account for the highest volume of oil spilled. In terms of the actual number of spills, most oil. number of spills, only a small percentage of oil used in the world is actually spilled. Oil spills in Canada and the United States are summarized in Figures 1 and 2 in terms of the volume of oil spilled