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research on enhanced household lap xuong production

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Cấu trúc

  • PART III METHODOLOGY 12 Materials (20)
  • PART IV. RESULTS 17 (26)

Nội dung


Vietnamese fermented sausage or commonly calledlap xuong orlap suon is one of the famous traditional foods from North Vietnam It originated from China known as lap cheong Animal intestine, pork meat and fat, Mai Que Lo wine, and spices such as sugar, salt, and black pepper are used to make it (Do, 2020) It takes 8 to 10 days to complete fermentation and drying to achieve the traditional final product Sausage undergoes drying by the sun or by an oven to remove the steam to increase the storage time Under the influence of salt temperature, the salt will form a characteristic bright red complex of sausage It is the Vietnamese version of dry fermented sausages like pepperoni and salami.It can be cooked in by frying, grilling, steaming, and mixing with other cooking condiments The price of it depends on the price of the ingredients and the quality of the finished product It is also produced and sold by season like inTet

Holiday or Vietnamese Lunar New Year (Pho, 2021).

China is where the lap xuong sausage first appeared It is also known as lap cheong Lean meat and fat from pork are the primary ingredients of this delicacy People blend wine and sugar with ground pork and fat to produce sausages Then, place this mixture inside of dried pig intestines for fermentation-based preparation These are reddish-pink in color and have a sweet-salty flavor Baijiu, a rice brandy, and monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavor enhancer frequently used in Chinese cuisine, that is what give lap cheong its distinctive flavor In the Vietnamese version, they use cinnamon wine as a substitute to the rice brandy They called it Mai Que Lo wine Lap cheong is always prepared in a wok and can be served hot or cold Since meat drying is a form of food preservation that has been practiced since history and perhaps longer, these sausages may be found practically everywhere in Asia The taste of lap cheong will vary based on the ingredients used, but they often have a sweet-sour flavor The most typical ingredients used to make them are pork meat and pig fat, but alternative ingredients could include cuttlefish, liver, or even beef or chicken Low-fat and low-sodium options are becoming more widely available due to the growing interest in healthy eating In Vietnamese, Chinese sausage is called lạp xưởng It has been used in a range of cuisines, from straightforward omelets to more intricate major meals The sausages are used sparingly with other ingredients to balance the flavor because of their salty flavor The sausages can be produced from chicken (lạp xưởng gà) or pig (lạp xưởng heo), with the latter producing a leaner flavor Lap Xuong sausage used to only be produced during Tet This delicacy has recently gained popularity and is now produced all year long in various parts of the nation It is a preferred ingredient and food in many delectable Vietnamese dishes The greatest regions for making Lap Xuong sausages are Chau Doc Province, Long An Province's Can Giuoc District, andSoc Trang Province (particularly Vung Thom village) The Lap Xuong sausage, a delicacy of Chau Doc Province, is made from beef there Vietnamese folks also prepare Lap Xuong sausage with shrimp and chicken in addition to pork and beef Snake sausage is produced in Dong Thap using snakeskin and snake meats. (vietnamtimes.org, 2021)

Mai Que Lo wine (Cinnamon wine), Sugar, Salt,

Pork intestine, Whole peppercorn, Fish sauce

Garlic (finely chopped), Aromatic spices

Figure 1: Ingredients of traditional Lap xuong

The main ingredients of lap xuong are lean meat, pork fat, Mai Que Lo wine, pork intestine, and some common seasoning Lean meat can be either the butt meat, thigh, shoulder, or loin that has fewer tendons Pork fat makes the finished product tender and juicy In a traditional process, locals use pork small intestine as casing for lap xuong It took a lot of time in preparation of the intestine It needs a lot of cleaning and washing with salt Natural casings contain a rare mix of tenderness, thinness, and pliability that no man-made casing has even come close to replicating They are rich in collagen but gossamer-thin They are also less likely to break than synthetic casings since they maintain their structure when bent There is no similarity in terms of flavor (thecasingboutique.com).

Mai Que Lo wine or Cinnamon Apricot Wine makes the uniqueness of lap xuong amongst the other sausages It gives the lap xuong the taste and odor that makes it authentic Vietnamese cuisine In addition, it also helps in the preservation of the lap xuong Some locals use some condiments to add additional taste and aid for preservation (scootersaigontour.com)

Lap xuong is commonly produced in northern Vietnam that affects some factors in production like temperature Vietnamese people continue the traditional process with the use of the environment They follow steps in makinglap xuong:

Figure 2: Process of making traditional Lap xuong.

Retrieved from ("Lap xuong recipe –Yummy Vietnam", 2021)

Firstly, Raw material preparation Producers chose raw materials carefully because it affects the final product The meat should be fresh and not frozen And the other ingredients should be in the best quality to achieve the authentic result.Next, washing and mincing is for the pork meat and fat Washing removes unnecessary substances in the meat like blood and dirt Mincing makes the meat and fat smaller in size for consistency and easier in the next process which is mixing Mixing step is the process where meat and other ingredients like wine, salt, and spices are mixed together in one container After mixing its casing, Casing with the use of animal intestine was used in the traditional process It holds the mixture making a long oblong shape and tied using a thread to create pieces of sausages After casing, the lap xuong was dried, fermented, and ripen for a few days This process takes 8 – 10 days of drying and waiting Lastly, storage of the lap xuong The lap xuong is sometimes stored in normal temperature and in cold temperature for preservation The shelf life of the product takes around 3 – 6 months (yummyvietnam.net)

Nutritional Content of Lap Xuong

Lap xuong is part of the Vietnamese daily diet because it contains beneficial nutrients It is an alternative source of protein with high calorie content This amount of protein inlap xuongis enough to meet the recommended daily protein intake In addition, it is low in fat which is beneficial to those people who are experiencing diseases linked to cholesterol and sugar like stroke,obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and many more Though some research showed that eating too much sausages can cause some diseases, this product should be consumed in moderation And, it should be consumed with high-fiber food like rice and potatoes because sausages like this are low or sometimes lacking in fiber (drhealthbenefits.com) The acidity of lap xuong is around pH level of 5.0-5.3 Shown below are the nutritional facts of 100g lap xuong(Bui,2019).

Figure 3: Nutritional Content of traditional Lap Xuong

Retrieved in http://vansu.vn/dinh-duong/bang-thanh-phan-dinh-duong-thuc-pham/178/lap-xuong

Dehydration or commonly called drying is one of the oldest techniques in food processing It is mainly used for food preservation to increase its shelf life and reduce deterioration of quality Dying is one of the best ways to control the free or unbound water in the product which causes a decrease of its standard vegetables (Barbosa-Cánovas & Vega-Mercado, 1996) In previous times, the locals just used sunlight and air for drying It does not have any control over any factors like temperature, humidity, and so on Food was actively dried throughout the Middle East and Asia as early as 12,000 B.C., according to evidence In the Middle Ages, "still homes" were purposefully constructed and used to dry fruits, vegetables, and herbs in places where there was little direct sunshine The heat required to dry foods and, in some cases, smoke them was produced by a fire. (Nummer, 2002) The traditional drying technique uses sunlight and natural environment to dry food products Due to technological advancement, different types of drying rise such as hot-air drying, solar drying (sun drying), freeze drying (low temperature), and oven drying (machine drying) (Ahmed et al, 2013) Different dried products and drier machines also rise resulting in greater and more food innovation One of the drying techniques is Microwave drying It is one of the techniques that is available in household equipment nowadays It not only aids preservation but also improves the quality of the food (Gaukel, Siebert and Erle, 2017) To sum everything up, this research wants to apply the new drying technique in lap xuong production because Vietnam still continues the traditional drying technique This is not only because of trends but also because a new drying technique gives benefits to the traditional lap xuong product New drying techniques applied to Vietnamese products unlock new innovation to market.

In the drying or dehydration method, there is a lot of equipment that can be utilized to achieve the desired result Such as, freeze drying machines, chemical drying processes, air bar drying, continuous tray dryers, oven drying, and pan dryers In household equipment, a dehydrator, oven, and microwave can be utilized As long as humidity, heat and air circulation are controlled to achieve the desired result Before technology rises, open areas, sunlight, and smoke is used to dehydrate the product But humidity, temperature, and air flow cannot be manipulated Microwave drying is one of the drying methods It is one of the approaches that is currently included in household items It also gives the control to certain factors like humidity, temperature and air circulation To wrap everything up, this research aims to innovate, develop, and apply new household equipment in Lap xuong production It would greatly benefit those small businesses and cooks in new ways of producing Vietnamese Lap xuong And also control and manipulate the further food contamination.

METHODOLOGY 12 Materials

This research aims to understand the concepts and techniques in production of lap xuong The primary materials of this research were lap xuong production And, from the enhanced lap xuong The researcher used the usual ingredients oflap xuong to achieve its authenticity and used alternative materials and techniques in enhancing it They just used different pork lean and fat ratio, powdered spices, collagen casing and Oven drying Different meat lean and fat ratio for answering which ratio is best in making Powdered spices for its availability in normal households Collagen casing instead of dried animal intestine Oven drying to enhance the natural drying Other materials that will be used were those from Vietnamese food department standards, journals and websites that give factual information oflap xuong.

This research is a comparative study to enhance the production process of lap xuongin Thai Nguyen, Vietnam Observation and data research were done to obtain raw data to compare Experiments were performed in gathering data between samples and raw data The research will generally focus on (1) the traditional and natural way of production oflap xuongin Vietnam, (2) production of the enhanced lap xuong, (3) and its properties (Physical, Chemical, and

Sensory) To collect data, researchers followed a three-step process:

1.1 Research about the local and traditional ways of processing lap xuong.

2.1.1 Comparison of Fat and Meat Ratio

2.1.3 Casing Selection 2.1.4 Drying Process 2.1.5 Storage and Packaging style

3.1.5 pH Test 3.1.6 Sensory Test The inputs of the research were primary and secondary The primary data were the results of the experiment that is done to analyze thelap xuong And the secondary data were the results of the research and observation of the researchers from the book, internet articles, and some other reliable sources Then, the data was written, photographed, and analyzed through comparison of similarities and differences of each sample to existing research and secondary data gathered And finally, an output of the enhanced household lap xuong production in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam.

The research is comparative experimental research To gather data, researchers must conduct certain observations and experiments to achieve the result Moreover, the researchers will create the samples to get first-hand information on lap xuong Aside from the secondary data collected, researchers will also do the traditional process and techniques in making so they will know how they can preserve the authenticity of the product Then, the researchers will create a product depending on the result of the first step they did And they will follow this step-by-step procedure:

Figure 4: Process of Enhancing Lap xuong

After the samples were created, the researchers will perform certain experiments to collect primary data and compare it to the information gathered online and on the observation of the researchers As mentioned in the materials, researchers will perform Protein Determination using the Kjeldahl method, Ash content, Acidity test, and Organoleptic Evaluation for analysis of the meat product created.

Protein Determination using Kjeldahl method

This method is essential to determine the amount of nitrogen in an organic or inorganic sample It is commonly used for the calculation of the protein content of foods and drinks This method consists of 3 main steps which are

Digestion, distillation, and titration Firstly, Digestion is used to split all of the nitrogen bonds in a sample and change it to ammonium ions (NH4 +) This process requires high temperature and acid, And Potassium sulfate to increase the speed of the procedure and the boiling point of acid With the help of a catalyst added, it speeds up and increases the efficiency of the process Next,Distillation is for the conversion of ammonium ions (NH 4 + ) with the addition of alkali (NaOH) making ammonia (NH 3 ) using the distillation unit Lastly, Titration is for the determination of the concentration of ammonium ions with standard strong acid.

Through these steps and essential chemicals needed, the researchers can acquire the results needed to determine the protein in the lap xuong The formula below is used to compute the percentage of nitrogen With the use of Kjeldahl method for Protein determination, the researchers were able to compute the amount of protein, and compare it to the food standard of Vietnam (Kjeldahl analysis - ITW

This process is important to determine the total mineral content of the food which plays an important role in analysis of nutritional value and some quality attributes of a food Ash content determination is composed of five main steps: Step one is crucible preparation In this step, the crucible was heated for

30 minutes to dry and destroy present bacteria and other liquid substances After heating, the next step is sample preparation The weight of the crucible before have a duplicate test crucible Next, Step three is Combustion/Burning The crucible with the sample is placed in an enclosed oven or furnace in 6 – 8 hours for full combustion or burning at 500℃ After combustion, the sample must be cooled down until it is tolerable Next step is weighing after washing The crucible with ash is weighed and recorded Lastly, Calculation will be done using this formula below Then, the results will be compared to the ash content of traditionallap xuong (Nielsen, 2003).

This process is essential to determine the acidity of the product that gives data about the presence of nutrients, biological importance, bacterial infestation, and chemical changes or reactions Also, it affects some properties such as taste, savor and appearance pH meter is used to measure the acidity of the sample and the guidance of ISO 11289:1993 and TCVN 10035:2013 as a basis in determination of pH After the test, the results were recorded and compared to the usual acidity of alap xuong.

This process is used to evaluate the likeness and satisfaction between different products The hedonic scale implies that participants' preferences are on a scale, and that their answers may be divided into like and dislike categories.

The researcher wants to know through this evaluation the sensory attribute difference of the samples in different lean & fat ratio The testers were randomly chosen to assess the likeness and differences The researchers used a 9-point hedonic questionnaire They can respond to dislike very much, dislike much, dislike moderately, dislike slightly, neither like nor dislike, like slightly, like moderately, like much, and like very much The results were encoded and analyzed through Microsoft Excel And comparatively differentiate between each other using ANOVA (Lawless & Heymann, 2013).

The data gathered were encoded using Microsoft Excel And the comparative analysis was performed It is used to analyze things and assess them to discover points of variation and likeness (Miri et al, 2019) The researchers examine and compare the data gathered to the standards of the food ministry ofVietnam The researchers also will use mean, Standard deviation, variance,p-value, and ANOVA to differentiate observation and results gathered.


Traditional Lap xuong vs Enhanced Lap xuong

Mai Que Lo wine (1-2 tbsp)

Pork lean meat (400g) Mai Que Lo wine (1-2 tbsp) Sugar (20g)

Iodized Salt (1 teaspoon) Collagen Casing

Peppercorn (little) Powdered spices (2 teaspoons) Aromatic Spices (1 teaspoon) Fish sauce (1.5 teaspoon)

Figure 5: Ingredients of Lap xuong Traditional and Enhanced

Some of the ingredients of traditionally madelap xuongwere preserved to achieve the same quality and authenticity of the product Although, the measurements and techniques were slightly adjusted to make enhancement to the product Firstly, the use of collagen as casing instead of dried small intestine The use of the small intestine costs a lot of time and effort to be produced and used.Also, they had certain benefits over traditional intestine casing like convenience,economic efficiency, and homogeneity of the regenerated collagen casings(Hood, 1987) In addition, the artificial collagen has better quality when it gets wet Natural casing becomes weak and soft when it gets wet making the product’s standard quality low Secondly, the use of powdered spices as a substitute for normal spices Normal spices give distinct flavors and taste that makes it hard to control and manipulate But with the powdered spice, it gives convenience to consumers and it is easier to adjust to desired taste and amount. its availability and convenience when used Other than collagen casing and powdered spices, the ingredients were preserved to maintain its authenticity and distinction to other processed meat (Doan, 2020).

Comparison of Fat and Meat Ratio

Fat and Meat is the major ingredient of any sausage The ratio of fat and meat defines how tender and mouthfeel of the Lap xuong Ratio matters in different products and preferences The researcher compared samples in 3 different ratios: 60:40, 70:30, and 80:20 lean & fat respectively They chose these three ratios because this ratio is the most common lean & fat ratio for sausages.

Very Tender and Juicy too much portion for fat

Oily and sticky texture and mouthfeel 70:30

Normal portion of both fat and meat

Balanced texture with the meat and fat 80:20

Less Tender and Juicy Less portion of fat Chewy and little solid for meat products

The researchers enhanced some ingredients of theLap xuongto reduce the production time.

● Meat and fat The researchers used fresh meat and fat It gives the to use fresh meat than old meat Fresh meat has a longer time of preservation after the process than the frozen.

● Cinnamon Wine The researcher preserved this ingredient because it is the key ingredient when makingLap xuong.The researchers did not make the wine by themselves, rather they bought it in a shop that sellsMai Que Lowine for convenience in production.

● Whole ingredients like garlic, pepper, salt, and sugar They replaced it with powdered ingredients Powdered ingredients give convenience and faster production time yet it gives the same satisfaction and taste with the original

The researchers enhanced the production of the Lap xuong by changing some of the processes involved in making Firstly, the soaking of the pork fat to sugar results in a change in the appearance of sugar from opalescent to transparent This also gives the pork fat a touch of sweetness They soak it in sugar for 30 to 60 minutes to achieve the desired result Second, by the combination of the liquid ingredients and powdered spices making a mixture before adding into the meat This process dissolved the powdered spices so the spices will be even to all the meat and fat Third, the use of collagen as casing instead of dried animal intestine It shortens the preparation time because they don’t need to prepare the intestine They can just buy the collagen casing in special stores and online markets giving them convenience In order to enhance the production, the researchers followed the flowchart below

Figure 6: The Production flow of the enhanced Lap xuong

Figure 7: Image of the Lap Xuong after 2 nd Drying

Protein determination using Kjeldahl Method

Figure 8: Protein content of Lap xuong

The table shows the protein content of lap xuong sample from the Kjeldahl analysis The samples are weighed in two different weights; 0.3 grams and 0.5 grams, to examine the difference between the results Code S1 is the traditional lap xuong that the researchers tried to do Code 2,3 & 4 is the enhancedlap xuong with the ratio of 60:40, 70:30, and 80:20 respectively After the experiment, the researchers used the formula given in the last chapter to compute the total protein The results were compared and analyzed from the given nutritional content of aLap xuong And it will be furtherly discussed in the next chapter.

Sample Sample code Ash content (%)

Figure 9: Ash content of Lap xuong

These two tables showed the amount of ash in thelap xuong Ash content indicates the amount of organic compound in the sample The higher ash content the larger amount of minerals, and the lower ash content indicates low amount of minerals According to vansu.vn, the amount of ash content of a lap xuong is around 3 to 3.7 grams The amount of ash in the products varies caused by different raw materials that are used in the production For example, Oil and dairy products have low ash content Another factor that can affect the ash content is the homogeneity of the food sample Solid foods should be finely ground and carefully mixed Lastly, the ratio of the meat and fat may also affect the amount of ash.

Figure 10: pH level of Lap xuong.

The table shows the amount of pH of thelap xuong sample According to lapxuongtiengiang.com, the normal acidity for freshly cut meat is around 7 and gradually decreases to 5.4 to 5.7 for normal meat For dried sausages, the normal pH level is around 4.8 to 5.2 like salami and some other dried sausages Many factors can affect the level of acidity of a product, it includes materials used, temperature, and techniques used In this case, the researchers used Mai Que Lo wine or Cinnamon wine, which greatly affects the acidity of thelap xuong.

Weight after drying weight loss after drying weight loss (%)

Figure 11: Weight of the Lap xuong before and after drying

This table shows the changes of weight until the desired dryness Before drying, all of the samples were weighted the same to differentiate them After 6-8 hours of room air drying, the sausage lost a few grams of weight then was brought to the oven for 3 hours and observed every hour At the 1 st hour, the sausages shrink and the casing wrinkles In the 2 nd hour, the sausage releases some oil and continues to dry After the 3 rd hour, the researchers achieved the desired dryness of the product Then, they weigh the sample Weight loss in the sample is from water and oil The weight of the product should be at least 60- 50% of its weight before drying In a total of 9 hours, the researchers achieve the desired dryness of the sausage compared to the 10 to 12 days of the traditional process of drying.

In the process of enhancing lap xuong making, the researchers created three samples to compare which is the best ratio A total of 10 testers (5 male and

5 female) between the ages of 18-30 years old participated in the sensory evaluation Participants are mixed Vietnamese and foreigners The testers are asked to rate the lap xuong in their likeness and dislikeness Each degree of preference is equivalent to a score from 1-9 (1 = dislike very much, 2 = dislike much, 3 = dislike moderately, 4 = dislike slightly, 5 = neither like nor dislike, 6 like slightly, 7 = like moderately, 8 = like much, and 9 = like very much) After the evaluation, results were encoded and performed average, Standard Deviation, and ANOVA.

Groups Average Variance SD P-valu e

Groups Average Variance SD P-value

Figure 12: Hedonic Score for Appearance, Taste, Aroma, and Texture

The results showed that sample 2 scored high in likeness about the sensory attributes and sample 2 and 3 follows Based on the p-value of each sensory aspect, only the appearance and texture have significant differences, and the others are mostly or closely similar to other samples In addition, they commented that sample 3 is a bit dry, less tender, the sausage is a bit hard to chew, and sample 1 is a bit fatty, with too much oil, the sausage is too soft.Sample 2 is likely in the middle The thing that the tester noticed was different is the appearance and texture.


Research Question #1 (What is the best ratio of lean and fat for making lap xuong ?)

Comparing the three ratios, the 70:30 ratio is the most preferred amongst the ratios It has better moisture than the other, 60:40 is oily and more tender than the other 80:20 is drier and less tender If it's about consistency, 80:20 is the firmest because the percentage of meat is larger than the others The fat content of the other ratios is bigger making the sausage not bind to the meat But for mouth texture, 70:30 is the most preferred because it makes little balance in the meat compared to the 60:40 and 80:20 ratio.

Another, 70:30 is also the most common ratio used in the market In addition, the 70:30 ratio is the most balanced in the ratio if chemically tested. Looking in Chapter 4, ratio of fat greatly affects the nutritional value of the meat including the protein, ash, and etc the larger amount of fat can cause some diseases And, a small amount of fat gives less satisfaction to the consumers In another perspective, if we want to enhance some food products for the future market, we should target the taste buds of the Middle Ages Their preference in sausage is not too dry and not too oily That is why the best ratio amongst the three is 70:30%.

Research Question #2 (How much time is needed to achieve the desired results?)

Adding all of the time consumed in production, the total time needed to achieve the result is 10 hours which is lesser than 10-12 days in traditional production The researchers want to achieve a shorter time of production to reduce the production expenses and risk of contamination from the environment. The less time the production rate will increase The 10-12 days in traditional production is spent in air drying With the use of drying equipment, the time spent in air drying is reduced to 6-8 hours and 3 hours in the oven Also, the use of collagen reduced the time of production instead of drying of animal intestine,making the preparation time shorter.

(What is the difference between lap xuong produced traditionally to the enhanced lap xuong ? Physical, Chemical, and Sensory)

A.) Traditional Lap xuong, Retrieved in https://cachlam.com.vn/cach-lam-lap-xuong.html.

By observation, the physical appearance of bothlap xuong does not have much difference The color of thelap xuongdepends on the freshness of the meat used in the production The traditional lap xuong uses freshly cut meat to maintain the freshness until the process is finished The researchers used the available meat at home for convenience Also, the meat was also washed several times which results in the change of color in the meat In addition, color changes in meat are normal, this is because myoglobin reacts to oxygen The size depends on the radius of the collagen casing used.

To sum everything about physical differences, there are not many differences because the researchers focused more on enhancing the process.

Summarizing the data given in the last chapter, the difference is not that so noticeable and likely similar to the traditional First in the amount of protein, the traditional lap xuong uses the ratio of lean meat more than 70% making the amount of protein greater than the enhanced The enhancedlap xuong uses a ratio of 70% making the amount of protein lower But, a ratio more than 70% makes the sausage less tender and hard to chew Consumers prefer the sausage to have the tenderness and juiciness.

Second in the ash content, the ash content is also affected in the ratio of lean and fat The enhanced lap xuongcontains fat that results in reduction of ash content of the sample Fat and dairy products have low ash content Ash in food is the remaining inorganic substance in the sample Low ash indicates low inorganic residue and higher organic substance.

Third is in Acidity, the both pH does not differ too much But the enhanced have lower pH caused by the Mai Que Lo wine than the traditional. Low pH indicates the food is acidic resulting in a lesser chance of developing microorganisms Making the shelf life longer than the traditional if stored and preserved properly Last in the drying weight, the weight after drying of the traditional is lower because of the lean proportion in the sausage Ratio also affects the drying weight In conclusion, the traditional have higher results about the nutritional aspects than enhancedlap xuong.

Comparing both sausages, the enhanced lap xuong has a significant difference to traditional lap xuong The enhanced is greater in texture and tenderness than traditional because also of the lean and fat ratio The enhanced used a larger amount of fat than the amount in traditional In addition, the time of drying affected the moisture of the sausage 10-12 days of air drying reduces the

In aroma and taste, the both lap xuong are closely similar to each other. The researchers used almost the same ingredients but in different phases because they want to preserve the authenticity of thelap xuong The testers just tasted the wine and sweetness from sugar The aroma is from the aromatic spices and the wine Adding every result, the difference of the both lap xuong in sensory perception is in the texture and mouthfeel, and closely similar in aroma and taste.

Traditional lap xuong is still one of Vietnam’s products In enhancing a product, one must consider a lot of factors like authenticity and quality of product This study focused mainly on enhancing mainly in the drying technique and the proportion of the meat and fat, and slightly in the materials used in production that are available in a household The best ratio or the proportion in making sausage is 70% lean and 30% fat The traditional production oflap xuong takes 10 – 12 days of drying and drying with normal air drying But with the use of an oven, the drying process is reduced to 12 hours in total The enhancedlap xuongmay not have the exact same nutritional value, appearance and texture, but the difference in taste and aroma is not much.

The researcher makes the following recommendations based on the result of the study

1 Try to enhance other things aboutlap xuonglike the kind of meat used and the techniques with other equipment.

2 Research further more about the microorganisms that might be present in theLap xuong.

3 Research more about the health risk and sanitary in the food industry ofLap xuongand other food products.

4 Research about other food products in Vietnam likeNem Chua, Cha gio, and many others This might also be a way to introduce the food products of Vietnam to other countries.

5 Try to enhance other traditionally made products in other countries like Vietnam and Philippines.

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Ngày đăng: 26/06/2024, 14:59
