Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Edited by Matthias Hackel I-Tech IV Published by Advanced Robotic Systems International and I-Tech Education and Publishing I-Tech Education and Publishing Vienna Austria Abstracting and non-profit use of the material is permitted with credit to the source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. Publisher assumes no responsibility liability for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained inside. After this work has been published by the Advanced Robotic Systems International, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are an author or editor, and the make other personal use of the work. © 2007 I-Tech Education and Publishing Additional copies can be obtained from: First published July 2007 Printed in Croatia A catalogue record for this book is available from the Austrian Library. Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines, Edited by Matthias Hackel p. cm. ISBN 978-3-902613-07-3 1. Humanoid Robots. 2. Applications. I. Matthias Hackel V Preface As the world at our time has to face developments like keen climate change and globalisation, one may ask about the significance of building human-like machines, which probably will never operate as effective as humans in their diversity of po- tentialities. The benefits from tumbling two-legged mechatronic creatures and mul- tiprocessor-based question-and-answer games seem hard to discover for non- involved persons. In general the benefits from fundamental research are not evi- dent – and humanoid robotics research means fundamental research in the field of robotics. It is an enormous challenge for all humanoid researchers that evolution has originated such effective sensors, controllers and actuators. Building humanoid robots involves the development of lightweight and energy-saving actuators, fast and intelligent sensors and exceptional complex control systems. By merging these technologies we investigate the cooperation of complex sensor-actor systems as well as and human-machine interaction. In analogy to space research humanoid robotics research, driven by the goal to copy and serve the pride of creation, will have a strong impact in daily live products. In this book the variety of humanoid robotic research can be obtained. The first chapter deals with remarkable hardware developments, whereby complete hu- manoid robotic systems are as well described as partial solutions. In the second chapter diverse results around the biped motion of humanoid robots are presented. The autonomous, efficient and adaptive two-legged walking is one of the main challenge in humanoid robotics. The two-legged walking will enable humanoid robots to enter our environment without rearrangement. Developments in the field of visual sensors, data acquisition, processing and con- trol are to be observed in third chapter. In the fourth chapter some “mind build- ing” and communication technologies are presented. Editor Matthias Hackel VII Contents Preface V Hardware Development: Components and Systems 1. Design of an Assistive Gait Device for Strength Endurance and Rehabilitation 001 K. H. Low, Xiaopeng Liu and Haoyong Yu 2. A Novel Anthropomorphic Robot Hand and its Master Slave System 029 Tetsuya Mouri and Haruhisa Kawasaki 3. Development of Biped Humanoid Robots at the Humanoid Robot Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) 043 Ill-Woo Park, Jung-Yup Kim, Jungho Lee, Min-Su Kim, Baek-Kyu Cho and Jun-Ho Oh 4. Multipurpose Low-Cost Humanoid Platform and Modular Control Software Development 065 Filipe Silva and Vítor Santos 5. Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots 089 Bertrand Tondu 6. Development of a CORBA-based Humanoid Robot and its Applications 123 Yasuo Nasu, Genci Capi, Hanafiah Yussof, Mitsuhiro Yamano and Masahiro Ohka Biped Motion: Walking, Running and Self-orientation 7. Stability Analysis of a Simple Active Biped Robot with a Torso on Level Ground Based on Passive Walking Mechanisms 163 Terumasa Narukawa, Masaki Takahashi and Kazuo Yoshida 8. Inertial Forces Posture Control for Humanoid Robots Locomotion 175 Victor Nunez, Nelly Nadjar-Gauthier, Kazuhito Yokoi, Pierre Blazevic and Olivier Stasse 9. Towards Adaptive Control Strategy for BipedRobots 191 Christophe Sabourin, Kurosh Madan and Olivier Bruneau 10. Reinforcement Learning of Stable Trajectory for Quasi-Passive Dynamic Walking of an Unstable Biped Robot 211 Tomohiro Shibata, Kentarou Hitomoi, Yutaka Nakamura and Shin Ishii 11. An Adaptive Biped Gait Generation Scheme Utilizing Characteristics of Various Gaits 227 Kengo Toda and Ken Tomiyama VIII 12. Momentum Compensation for the Fast Dynamic Walk of Humanoids based on the Pelvic Rotation of Contact Sport Athletes 245 Jun Ueda, Kenji Shirae, Shingo Oda and Tsukasa Ogasawara 13. Vision-based Motion Control of a Biped Robot Using 2 DOF Gaze Control Structure 263 Shun Ushida and Koichiro Deguchi 14. Limit Cycle Walking 277 Daan G.E. Hobbelen and Martijn Wisse 15. A Human-Like Approach to Footstep Planning 295 Yasar Ayaz, Khalid Munawar, Mohammad Bilal Malik, Atsushi Konno and Masaru Uchiyama 16. Mixed Logic Dynamical Modeling and On Line Optimal Control of Biped Robot 315 Yingjie Yin and Shigeyuki Hosoe 17. Bipedal Walking Pattern Design by Synchronizing the Motions in the Sagittal and Lateral Planes 329 Chi Zhu and Atsuo Kawamura Sensing the Environment: Acquisition, Data Processing and Control 18. Generating Natural Motion in an Android by Mapping Human Motion 351 Daisuke Matsui, Takashi Minato, Karl F. MacDorman and Hiroshi Ishiguro 19. Towards an Interactive Humanoid Companon with Visual Tracking Modalities 367 Paulo Menezes, Frédéric Lerasle, Jorge Dias and Thierry Germa 20. Methods for Environment Recognition based on Active Behaviour Selection and Simple Sensor History 399 Takahiro Miyashita, Reo Matsumura, Kazuhiko Shinozawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita 21. Simulation Study on Acquisition Process of Locomotion by using an Infant Robot 409 Katsuyoshi Tsujita and Tatsuya Masuda 22. Visual Attention and Distributed Processing of Visual Information for the Control of Humanoid Robots 423 Ales Ude Jan Moren and Gordon Cheng 23. Visual Guided Approach-to-grasp for Humanoid Robots 437 Yang Shen, De Xu, Min Tan and Ze-Min Jiang 24. Dexterous Humanoid Whole-Body Manipulation by Pivoting 459 Eiichi Yoshida, Vincent Hugel, Pierre Blazevic, Kazuhito Yokoi and Kensuke Harada IX Mind Organisation: Learning and Interaction 25. Imitation Learning Based Talking Heads in Humanoid Robotics 475 Enzo Mumolo and Massimiliano Nolich 26. Bilinear Time Delay Neural Network System for Humanoid Robot Software 497 Fumio Nagashima 27. Robot Learning by Active Imitation 519 Juan Pedro Bandera, Rebeca Marfil, Luis Molina-Tanco, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, Antonio Bandera and Francisco Sandoval 28. Affective Communication Model with Multimodality for Humanoids 545 Hyun Seung Yang, Yong-Ho Seo, Il-Woong Jeong and Ju-Ho Lee 29. Communication Robots in Real Environments 567 Masahiro Shiomi, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita 30. Neural Control of Actions Involving Different Coordinate Systems 577 Cornelius Weber, Mark Elshaw, Jochen Triesch and Stefan Wermter 31. Towards Tutoring an Interactive Robot 601 Britta Wrede, Katharina J. Rohlfing, Thorsten P. Spexard and Jannik Fritsch 32. Intuitive Multimodal Interaction with Communication Robot Fritz 613 Maren Bennewitz, Felix Faber, Dominik Joho and Sven Behnke 33. Hierarchical Reactive Control for Soccer Playing Humanoid Robots 625 Sven Behnke, Jörg Stückler, Hauke Strasdat and Michael Schreiber [...]... Takenaka, & Hirai, 2001), QRIO (QRIO the humanoid entertainment robot by SONY, Dec 2003), HRP-2 (Kanehiro et al., 2003; Kaneko et al., 2004), etc can walk on a terrain of unknown profile While those robots walking in a known environment whose trajectories of each link can be pre-defined off-line do not need the two upper levels In 22 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines stead of artificial intelligence,... 2003), Northeastern University's Active Knee Rehabilitation Device (AKROD) (Mavroidis, 2005) are some of the leading developments in the area of assistive devices to aid the human limb 4 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 2.3 RoboWalker Figure 2 RoboKnee developed by Yobotics, Inc (RoboWalker, Dec 2003) To help people who are suffering from weakness in their lower extremities, Yobotics, Inc., is developing... and for the robustness (balancing margin) of the dynamic gait equilibrium Another term is center of pressure (CoP) (Vukobratovi , Borova , Šurdilovi , & Stoki , 2001), which is commonly 6 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines used in biped gait analysis based on force or pressure measurements CoP represents the point on the support foot polygon at which the resultant of distributed foot ground reaction... can keep the stability only by using the ground reaction force without adding any force to the user In other words, the user will not feel any extra burden from the exoskeleton Hence the 8 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines purpose of the ZMP control is to make sure the ZMP remain within the support polygon From the definition of the ZMP, we have (5) (6) is the total movement of gravity forces with... from Eqs (11) - (13) By substituting those CoPs of the human and the exoskeleton into Eq (10), respectively, ZMP of the human and that of the exoskeleton can be obtained accordingly 10 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 6 Figure 8 Location of the distributed sensors Figure 9 Relationship between the human ZMP and the exoskeleton's ZMP 4.4 Trunk Compensation If the actual (currently measured) ZMP... Kzmp can be determined by the feedback in the actual walking Equation (19) shows how to drive the actual ZMP towards the desired ZMP by controlling the torque output of the trunk joint 12 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 5 Simulation It is necessary to verify a control algorithm using a software simulator before it is put into practice, because unsuccessful control method may cause great damages... penetration Thus, at zero penetration, the damping coefficient is always zero The damping coefficient achieves a maximum, cmax, at a user-defined penetration, d The equation defining IMPACT is: 14 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines To absorb the shock when the exoskeleton's feet contact the ground, we propose to install elastomeric material on the feet of the exoskeleton This situation can be simulated to investigate... mechanical power is calculated by multiplying the joint angular velocity and the instantaneous joint torque (Figure 14), as shown in Figure 15 Figure 14 Ankle flexion/extension torque 16 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines Figure 15 Ankle instantaneous mechanical power Knee The knee buckles momentarily in early stance to absorb the impact of heel strike then undergoes a large flexion during swing This... Design and Construction of Prototypes This section introduces the design of the lower extremity exoskeleton system, including the inner lower exoskeleton and the outer lower exoskeleton 18 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 6.1 Inner Lower Exoskeleton The inner exoskeleton is used to attach the encoders to the human limbs It exists between the human limbs and the outer lower exoskeleton and its weight... overview of the whole OLE prototype Design of an Assistive Gait Device for Strength Endurance and Rehabilitation Figure 21 The overall design Figure 22 Photos of the OLE prototype 19 20 Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines 7 Walking Implementation of the Exoskeleton The important function of the inner exoskeleton is to read necessary input data from the operator These data will be analyzed, and transformed . Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Humanoid Robots Human-like Machines Edited by Matthias Hackel I-Tech IV Published by. is available from the Austrian Library. Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines, Edited by Matthias Hackel p. cm. ISBN 978-3-902613-07-3 1. Humanoid Robots. 2. Applications. I. Matthias Hackel. of humanoid robots are presented. The autonomous, efficient and adaptive two-legged walking is one of the main challenge in humanoid robotics. The two-legged walking will enable humanoid robots