Kiến thức cơ bản về kiểm soát công nghệ, tổng thể process control, phù hợp cho các ngành nghề tự động hóa, logic control, năng lượng và dầu khí
Trang 2Concept of Process Control
Moataz Sherif
Senior Instrumentation and Control Engineer
Trang 3Concept of Process Control
● Introduction
● Process Control Definition
● Basic Elements of Control Loop
● Open Loop and Closed Loop Control
● Closed Loop Control Modes
● Sensors and Transducers
● Standard Instrument Signals
● Smart Transmitters
Trang 4Introduction
Trang 5Industrial Instrumentation
● Instrumentation is the science of automated
measurement and control.
● The first step, naturally, is measurement If we can’t
measure something, it is really pointless to try to control it.
Trang 6Industrial Instrumentation
● Once we measure the quantity we are interested in, we
usually transmit a signal representing this quantity to an
indicating or computing device where either human or
automated action then takes place.
Trang 7Industrial Instrumentation
● If the controlling action is automated, the computer sends
a signal to a final controlling device which then influences
the quantity being measured.
Trang 8Control System
● A system which responds to input
signals from the process and/or
from an operator and generates
output signals causing the process
to operate in the desired manner
● The control system include
Trang 10Control system can used as a
● Basic Process Control System
● Safety Instrumented System
● Combined BPCS-SIS
Trang 11Basic Process Control System
● Basic Process Control System (BPCS) is a system which responds to input signals from the process, its associated equipment, other programmable systems and/or an
operator and generates output signals causing the process and its associated equipment to operate in the desired
manner but which does not perform any safety instrumented functions with a claimed SIL ≥ 1 12
Trang 12Pneumatic Control System
Trang 13Programmable Logic Control (PLC)
Trang 14Turbo machinery Control System
Trang 15Boiler Control System
Trang 16Safety Instrumented System
SIS takes some other names
● Trip and Alarm system
● Emergency Shutdown System (ESD)
● Safety Shutdown System
● Safety Interlock System
● Safety Related Control System
Trang 17BPCS vs SIS
● SIS is a protection layer located to prevent the Hazards
from occurring
Trang 18Safety Instrumented System
The system consists of
● Sensors
● Logic Solver
● Final control element
Trang 19Process Control Definition
Trang 20Process Control Definition
● A process is broadly defined as an operation that uses
resources to transform inputs into outputs.
● It is the resource that provides the energy into the process for the transformation to occur.
Trang 21Process Control Definition
● Each process exhibits a particular dynamic (time varying)
behavior that governs the transformation.
● That is, how do changes in the resource or inputs over time affect the transformation.
● This dynamic behavior is determined by the physical
properties of the inputs, the resource, and the process itself.
Trang 22Process Control Definition
Trang 23● The manipulated variable (MV) is a measure of resource being fed into the process, for instance how much thermal energy.
● A final control element (FCE) is the device that changes the
value of the manipulated variable.
● The controller output (CO) is the signal from the controller to the final control element.
Trang 24● The process variable (PV) is a measure of the process output
that changes in response to changes in the manipulated variable.
● The set point (SP) is the value at which we wish to maintain the process variable at.
Trang 25Process Control Definition
● Process control is the act of controlling a final control element to change the manipulated variable to maintain the process variable
at a desired set point.
● A corollary to our definition of process control is a controllable
process must behave in a predictable manner
● For a given change in the manipulated variable, the process
variable must respond in a predictable and consistent manner.
Trang 26Basic Elements of Control Loop
Trang 27Basic Elements of Process Control
● Controlling a process requires knowledge of four basic
○ the process itself
○ the sensor that measures the process value
○ the final control element that changes the manipulated
○ the controller. 28
Trang 28Basic Elements of Process Control
● Input devices used to see what’s going on in the process
● Control Systems make decisions based on process inputs,
operator inputs, and control software
● Output devices control the process
Trang 29Basic Elements of Process Control
Trang 30Basic Elements of Process Control
Trang 31Open Loop and Closed Loop
Trang 32Open Loop Control
● The open-loop control is where output variable does not have any influence on the input variable.
● In open loop control the controller output is not a function
of the process variable.
Trang 33Open Loop Control
Trang 34Open Loop Control
● the controller output is fixed at a value until it is changed by an
Trang 35Example for Open Loop Control
Trang 36Example for Open Loop Control
● A system consists of the "valve" with the output variable
"volumetric flow" and the input variable "control valve setting".
● This system can be controlled by adjusting the control valve This allows the desired volumetric flow to be set
● if the applied pressure fluctuates, the volumetric flow will also
● In this open system, adjustment must be made manually
Trang 37Example for Open Loop Control
Trang 38Closed Loop Control
● process where the controlled variable is continuously
monitored and compared with the reference variable
● Depending on the result of this comparison, the input
variable for the system is influenced to adjust the output
variable to the desired value despite any disturbing
Trang 39Closed Loop Control
● Closed loop control is also called feedback or regulatory control.
● The output of a closed loop controller is a function of the error.
● Error is the deviation of the process variable from the set point and is defined as
E = SP - PV
Trang 40Example for Closed Loop Control
Trang 41Closed Loop Control
● The controller now passes a signal to the manipulating element
dependent on the deviation
● If there is a large negative deviation, that is the measured value of the volumetric flow is greater than the desired value the valve is
closed further
● If there is a large positive deviation, that is the measured value is
smaller than the desired value, the valve is opened further.
Trang 42Example for Closed Loop Control
Trang 43Closed Loop Control
● Setting of the output variable is normally not ideal:
○ If the intervention is too fast and too great, influence at the
input end of the system is too large This results in great fluctuations at the output.
○ If influence is slow and small, the output variable will only
approximate to the desired value.
Trang 44Closed Loop Control Modes
Trang 45Closed Loop Control Modes
● Closed loop control can be, depending on the algorithm that determines the controller output:
Trang 46Manual Control Mode
● In manual control an operator directly manipulates the
controller output to the final control element to maintain a
desired setpoint.
● Used in abnormal conditions when maintenance is required
for measuring instruments.
Trang 47Manual Control Mode
Trang 48On-Off Control Mode
● provides a controller output of on or off in response to error.
Trang 49On-Off Control Mode
● Upon changing the direction of the controller output, deadband is the value that must be traversed before the controller output will
change its direction again.
Trang 50On-Off Control Mode
Trang 51PID Control Mode
● provides output that changes from 0 to 100% in response to error.
Trang 52PID Algorithm
● A proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID controller) is a
common feedback loop component in industrial control systems
Trang 53PID Algorithm
● The PID can adjust process outputs based on the history and rate
of change of the error signal, which gives more accurate and stable control.
● PID controllers can be easily adjusted (or "tuned") to the desired
Trang 54● Kd: Derivative Gain - Larger Kd decreases overshoot, but slows
down transient response.
Trang 55PID Algorithm
1- Proportional:
● To handle the immediate error, the error is multiplied by a
constant Kp (for proportional), and added to the controlled
● Kp is only valid in the band over which a controller's output is
proportional to the error of the system.
Trang 56PID Algorithm
2- Integral:
● To learn from the past, the error is integrated (added up) over a
period of time, and then multiplied by a constant KI (making an
average), and added to the controlled quantity
Trang 57PID Algorithm
3- Derivative:
● To handle the future, the first derivative (the slope of the error)
over time is calculated, and multiplied by another constant KD, and also added to the controlled quantity.
Trang 58PID Interacting Algorithm
Trang 59PID Interacting Algorithm
● The series or "interacting" form, where the output of each part of
the controller is used as the input for another part, so that separate
P, D and I controllers are connected together in series.
● This is effectively how older pneumatic and analog electronic
controllers worked It is the more restricted form of the two.
Trang 60PID Non-interacting Algorithm
Trang 61PID Non-interacting Algorithm
● The parallel or "non-interacting" form, where the P, I and D parts
of the controller are all given the same error input in parallel and their output is added together
● This allows independent adjustment of the proportional, integral and derivative constants.
Trang 62PID response graph
Trang 63PID response graph – single-step change
Trang 64Cascade Control Mode
● Cascade control uses the output of a primary (master or outer)
controller to manipulate the set point of a secondary (slave or
inner) controller as if the slave controller were the final control
Trang 65Cascade Control Mode
Trang 66Cascade Control Mode
● The purpose of cascade control is to achieve greater stability of the primary process variable by regulating a secondary process variable
in accordance with the needs of the first
● An essential requirement of cascaded control is that the secondary process variable be faster-responding than the primary process
Trang 67Cascade Control Mode - Example 1
Trang 68Cascade Control Mode - Example 1
● heated air is used to evaporate water from a granular solid
● The primary process variable is the outlet air exiting the dryer,
which should be maintained at a high enough temperature
● This outlet temperature is fairly slow to react, as the solid material mass creates a large lag time.
Trang 69Cascade Control Mode - Example 1
● There are several parameters influencing the temperature of the
outlet air.
● These include air flow, ambient air temperature, and variations in steam temperature
● If any of these parameters were to suddenly change, the effect
would be slow to register at the outlet temperature
● Correspondingly, the control system would be slow to correct for
Trang 70Cascade Control Mode - Example 1
Trang 71Cascade Control Mode - Example 1
● Installing a second temperature transmitter at the inlet duct of the dryer, with its own controller to adjust steam flow at the command of the
primary controller will be a great solution
● Now, if any of the loads related to incoming air flow or temperature vary, the secondary controller (TC-1b) will immediately sense the change in
dryer inlet temperature and compensate by adjusting steam flow through the heat exchanger Thus, the “slave” control loop (1b) helps stabilize the
“master” control loop (1a) by reacting to load changes long before any
effect might manifest at the dryer outlet
Trang 72Cascade Control Mode - Example 2
Trang 73Cascade Control Mode - Example 2
● The “secondary” or “slave” flow controller works to maintain
feedwater flow to the boiler at whatever flow rate is desired by the level controller If feedwater pressure happens to increase or
decrease, any resulting changes in flow will be quickly countered
by the flow controller without the level controller having to react
to a consequent upset in steam drum water level.
Trang 74Cascade Control Mode - Example 2
● Thus, cascade control works to guard against steam drum level
instability resulting from changes in the feedwater flow caused by factors outside the boiler.
● As stated previously, the slave (flow) controller effectively shields the master (level) controller from loads in the feedwater supply
system, so that master controller doesn’t have to deal with those
Trang 75Feedforward control
● It is based on that if all significant loads on a process variable are monitored, and their effects on that process variable are well-understood.
● A control system programmed to take appropriate action
based on load changes will shield the process variable from
any ill effect
Trang 76Feedforward control
● The feedforward control system uses data from load sensors
to predict when an upset is about to occur, then feeds that
information forward to the final control element to
counteract the load change before it has an opportunity to
affect the process variable.
Trang 77Feedforward control
Trang 78Feedforward control
● Feedback control systems are reactive, taking action after to changes in the process variable occur
● Feedforward control systems are proactive, taking action
before changes to the process variable can occur.
Trang 79Feedforward control
Trang 80Feedforward control
● We have a liquid level control system on an open tank, where three
different fluid ingredients are mixed to produce a final product
● A level transmitter (LT) measures liquid level, while a level controller
(LC) compares this level to a Setpoint value, and outputs a signal calling for a certain amount of discharge flow
● A cascaded (slave) flow controller (FC) senses outgoing flow via a flow
transmitter (FT) and works to maintain whatever rate of flow is “asked”
Trang 81Feedforward control
● The level control system acts to keep liquid level constant in the vessel,
ensuring adequate mixing of the three ingredients
● Being a feedback level control system, it adjusts the discharge flow rate in response to measured changes in liquid level Like all feedback control
systems, this one is reactive in nature: it can only take corrective action
after a deviation between process variable (level) and Setpoint is detected
Trang 82Feedforward control
Trang 83Feedforward control
● Let us now change the control system strategy from feedback to
feedforward It is clear what the loads are in this process: the three
ingredient flows entering the vessel If we measure and sum these three
flow rates, then use the total incoming flow signal as a setpoint for the
discharge flow controller, the outlet flow should (ideally) match the inlet flow, resulting in a constant liquid level
● Being a purely feedforward control system, there is no level transmitter
(LT) any more, just flow transmitters measuring the three loads
Trang 84Feedforward control
● If all flow transmitter calibrations are perfect, the summing of flow ratesflawless, and the flow controller’s tuning robust, this level control systemshould control liquid level in the vessel by proactive effort (“thinking
ahead”) rather than reactive effort (“after the fact”)
● Any change in the flow rate of ingredients A, B, and/or C is quickly
matched by an equal adjustment to the discharge flow rate So long as
total volumetric flow out of the vessel is held equal to total volumetric