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Tiếng Anh 5 Family and Friends national (Workbook)

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Trang 2

rRAN cAo B0r NGgc (chfr bi6nl - pHf,M NGUYEN BAo NGgc


Trang 3

This edillon of Family and Friends is

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This book is printed on paperfrom certified and well-managed sources.

lllustotians by: Adtian Barclay/Beehive lllustration,John Batten/

Beehive lllustration, Kathy Baxendale,lared Beckstrand, Simon ClareCreative workshop, steve Cox, Nigel Oobbyn/Beehive lllustration,

James Elston, Tomek Giovanis and Christos Skaltsas, Liborio Daniele Festa/Beehive lllustration, Paul Gibbs,John Haslam, Andrew Hennessey,

Danie Limon/Beehive I lLrstration,Arpad olbey, Ellie O'Shea/Advocate,

Szabolcs Pa , Carl Pearce, QBS Learnin8, Eunhyount Ryu/Advocate,lgnatios Varsos,

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photographsr Shufterstock (Ociacia, Tatiana Stulbo, lohan Swanepoel).

Trang 4

Storte.Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9

Unit 10Unit 1 1

Unit 12

Bock together!Iim's dog

Writing: Mg school dog

Ptoces to go!

Writing: A movie review

Coutd gou give me o melon, pteose?Writing: A recipe

In the porkWriting: A storU

Review 3

Whot's the motter?Writing: HeoLthg ho bits

WiLl it reotig ho ppen ?

Writing: An opinion porogrophSomething new to wotch !

Writing: A description of o TV showReview 4

Grommor time


Trang 5

Lerson One Words

1 Comptete the text messoge.

ort moth P.E lunchAmu

lqsi seen 13.30

School wos owfuI todog Mg sports clothes were

in mg bog, so there wos no I for me,

Mg co[cutotor wos in mg bog too, so 2

At3I wos hungrg becousemg sondwiches were in mg bog.

Mg opron wos in mg bogl

2 Find ond circte the words.

closs wos difficutt.

closs wos fun, but now there's point on mg T-shirt.

E. Ve

Trang 6

1 Write the words in the correct order.

1 tike interesting I it's becouse

I [ike Vietnomese becouse it's interestinq.

Imothdifficu[t becouse2

3 ort is pointingHer becouse fovoriteshe Likes subject

2 Comptete the questions ond onswers.

isn.f is fishing ploging he1 Is Ngugen swimming?

No, she 1s4't She's reoding.2 Is Moi pointing?

Yes, she

3 Is Hung bosketboLL?Yes, he is.

4 Is Hoi reoding?

No, he isn't He's running.

English Vietnomese moth P.E ort

1 I Like2 I don't Like

53 Mg fovorite subject is

Lessen Two Grommor

4 is pLoging subject becouse His P.E Likes he bosketboLL fovorite

3 Write obout gou.

becouse I like

Trang 7

Lesson Tlts'ee Words

1 Look ond motch.

?@t.J)31lJ L_-/

one hundred

2 Write the next number.

1 twentg-one, twentg-two, twe&tu-thfee

2 eight, nine,

3 thirtg-fou r, th i rtg-five,4 sixtg-seven, sixtg-eig ht,

Trang 8

Words1 Look qnd write the words.

dsetoY former firefighter pil"ot police officer teocher

School and classTeacher's name


Trang 9

2 Write i -Urus+-mytetn- do homework hove o snock cotch the bus


Trang 10

1 Hoo ondvinh@)/ goes to primorg schoo[.

2 Hoo cotches/cqtchthe busto schoolon weekdogs.

3 Vin h doesn't hove / hos o snock ot school.

4 Hehos / hove [unch ot 12.30.

5 Theg don't / doesn't wo[k home ofter schoot.

6 We go / don't go to school everg dog.

5 Does he have lunch at 12.30?

Unit I 9

1 Reod ond circle the correct word.

Do Hoa and Vinh go to primary school?

Do they walk home after school?

ves, they do.

Trang 11

Grommor ond song

1 Look of the picture Reod the sentences Fitl in the correct circle.

(A) Korl does his homework in the morning.

(B) KorL rides his bike in the morning.

(C) KorL doesn't do his homework in the morning.

(A) KorL doesn't hove o snock of 11.30 o.m.

(B) KorL hos o snock ot 1'1.30 o.m.(C) KorL hos Lunch ot 11 o.m.

2 Listen to the song Complete the sentences Then put the lines in the

correct order (1-8) @@

She gets u

schooI friendseverg dag.

tessons everg dheraa.

earlg everg dag.

(A) KorL doesn't cotch the bus ofter schoo[.

(B) KorL wolks home ofter schoo[.(C) KorL cotches the bus ofter school.

her breakfastevery dag.

Trang 12

1 Complete the words.

Linhl brushes

And then she 2

her teeth [n the morning,

Trang 13

Leson Five I

1 Reod the text in the Student Book Write.

1 Sung Nigets up eorlg eyeLg ds4

, she wolks for on hour to get to schooL.

, she hos her lessons.

she wolks home ond helps her porents on the form.

I k'l'l I's T i'61 6, .r,

G) 2 Reod the storg Choose o word from the box ond write.

Mg nome's Dug On Mondog mornings, I don't go to the pork I go to school.

First, I brush mg 1 teeJh Next, I cotch the to school with mg

friend Hong Hong does her 3

of school, but I hove o a I [ike schooL.


Trang 14

2 i live in viet nom

3 mg school is in ho chi minh citg4 mg teocher is mr quong

How.tq get to school:

Whet dp- usu -d! sfer sehc-o-t?

3 Write o description of gour school dog Use gour notes to help gou.

Unir I 13

My school doy

Whot do gou oJten do on Saturdags?

Trang 15

ffi 1 Look ond reod Write the correct words on the [ine.

1 Peop[e sit in here ond wotch movies movie theater

2 You con bug clothes, books, ond togs here.

3 You con plog outside on swings ond o slide.4 You con ptog bosketboll here.

5 You con drinkjuice here You con oLso eot coke.6 Peopte come here to swim ond ptog in the woter.7 You con use Uour skoteboord or scooter here.

8 You con bug fish, meot, ond vegetobtes here.

t The 're at the


Trang 16

1 Listen ond drow o line from the dog to the correct picture (Dta

2 Comptete the sentences obout Ione with in, on, or at.

1 She oLwogs gets up at eight otlock.

2 She never goes to school 5undogs.3 She usuo[[g visits her cousins _ IuLg.4 She sometimes goes to bed .," _ nine thirtg.

5 She often plogs soccer Soturdogs.6 She never weors o coot , August.

Trang 17

fesson Three Grommqr on d song

,r',/',/,/ =olwoUs {// =usuo[Lg // =oflen y'=sometimes I= never

to the pLogground ofter schoot.

to the shopping mo[[ with mg fomiLg.

,.,-.- to the skotepork with mg friends.to the movie theoter.

rfii ne!

l I never2.

never sometimes always

play computer games

ride my bikewatch a DVDfly my kite

snorkel in the sea

3 Listen tothe song Check(/)the boxes (EE

I surf the lnternet

16 unit 2

Trang 18

Lesson Four Phonics

1 co[52 ve

3 Lo

2 Write the words Then listen ond check (Eo

tst€ cost Lost pets vets

It's time Jor the' !ql_s_

To vlsit the 2

Theg JeLL Jrom a tree.Theg're verg sadt

The vets are ktnd.

The cats get a a

They are hopprJ

To go home at s ,_ _.

3 Circle the correct word.

5 co5 ve


Trang 19

Lesson FiveI

1 Look ond write.

2 Reod the possoge Fil,l in the correct circ[e.

There ore mong different ploces people visit in their free time Some people goto the movie theoter This is for people who [ike stories ond chorocters Lots of

children Like the skotepork ot the ptogground These octivities ore Lots of fun.Other peopte go to concerts to see their fovorite singers.

ll's Tinre!,

1 Whot is the reoding obout?(A) pl.oces in town

3 Where is the skotepork?

(A) ot the plogground

(B) pl.oces people go in their (B) ot the shopping motl

free time O (C) ot the movie theoter

(C) pLoces to meet peopteReoding

(C)the movie theoter O

4 Where con gou see o singer?

(A) ot the movie theoter Q

(B) ot the swimming pool O

(C)ot o concert O

c o


Trang 20

Wlref isp p_ens_!& t he _inq vi_e]

3 Write o review of gour fovorite movie Use gour notes to help gou.Mq favorite movie

Trang 21

2 Look ond reod Write ges or no.

1 There's o cucumber ges2 There's some sodo.

3 There's some meot.

Trang 22

O 2 Complete the guestion ond write the onswer.

could I have some water, please?

bananas, pleasez )

Unir 3 2lt

1 Listen ond drow lines Om

Trang 23

Lerron Three Grommor ond song

1 Comptete the question with a or some ond o food word.

,.Gouldwehave Seme onions ,Stacy? )

b could we have some meat?

c Apples, bread, and cookies,

d could we have a melon?e They're very fresh and sweet.f could we hqve a cucumber?g Atthe supermarket

h could we have some apples?

i they' re healthy and they' re nice.

j could we have some onions?

k trtoodles, rice, and meat.L could we have some rice?

Trang 24

Lesron Four Phonics1 Write s ot es.

1 bolloons2 cookie

3 hot

4 sondwich5 box _6 mosk

2 Write the words Then listen ond check (ED

bolloons bexe9 cookies mosks sondwiches

The portg's this aJternoon.

4 Motch the words with the some sound ot the end.

Unit 3 23hots

Are there some 3

and hats!

Trang 25

O 2 Listen to o womon plonning o shopping trip Fill in the correct circl.e @IE

1 Whot does Grondmo need to bug?

(B) fish souce ond beon sprouts O

(C)fish souce ond gorlic O

2 Whot does Grondmo need to bug for the coke?(A) eggs

(B)mel.on(c) ice creom

3 Whg does she need some oronges ond one melon?

(A) 5he is moking o fruit solod.

(B) Theg ore her fovorite fruits.(C) Grondpo [ikes them.

4 Whot does Peter wont?(A)o meLon

(B) ice teo(C) cookies2.

Trang 26

3 Write o recipe Use gour notes to help gou.

A reci eYou need:

Unit 3 25tl

1 Order the words ond write.

1 cut onion the first First, cut the onion.

Notes-A red}e Jer

Trang 27

Review I

I Listen ond circle OD

1 Whot does Som wont?

(A) o snock(B) dinner(C)o drink

2 Whot doesn't Mom hove?(A)noodLes

(B) o cheese sondwich(C) spring roLLs

3 Whot does Ben wont?

(A) o chicken sondwich(B) spring roLts

(C) o cheese sondwich

4 Whot do theg wont to drink?(A)oppl.e juice

(B) ice teo(C) meton juice

2 Reod obout Hoo's weekend Write the onswers.

Hoo's weekend

Every Saturdog morning, I ptog soccer [n the park with mg Jriends.

lusualLa go to the skat epork with mu sister in the noon Then

[-s o meti-mes he tp, D e_d ms&e_ duuer-,0a,Sund ags - M s m,end I qfr en_l d s_

We Love wotching movies together.

qur-blkes-Weolwogsgo tq-the-mo-uietheateroasr-ndag,eveaingLs Everu Saturda q morninq.

2 Whot does she usuo[[g do on Soturdog ofternoons?

3 Does she olwogs heLp Dod moke dinner on Soturdog evenings?4 Whot do Hoo ond her mom often do on Sundogs?

5 Whot do theg olwogs do on Sundog evenings?

Trang 28

3 Circle the odd one out.

[ostcotches2 bottoons

4 Ask ond onswer.

1 where / often / go / Soturdogs2 who / usuollg / meet / Sundogs

3 whot / sometimes / do / weekend4 when / otwoys / goto school /

5 Write o porogroph of 3O-40 words obout gour doitg routine Use the

words to help gou.

Then,Next,First, -_

where do you often go on saturdsys?t often go to the swimming pool.

I need to proctice

Mg fovorite unit in Units 1-3 is

Mg fovorite storg in Units 1-3 isMg fovorite song in Units 1-3 is


Trang 29

1 Look ond count Write the numbers.1 Sll toxis

2 Look ond reod Write ges or no.

1 There's o trolleg neorthe oirport.2 There's o troin ot the stotion.

3 There's o bus in front of the supermorket.4 There ore some electric bikes neor the school.

5 There's o bus next to the schoot.

6 There ore some toxis in front of the supermorket.7 There's o p[one ot the oirport.

8 There ore some motorcgcles in front of the school.

28 unir 4

nOne Words


Trang 30

Grommor1 Circle.

1 There,wos, / werc o hotel in our town one hundred Ueors ogo.2 There wos / were troltegs in our town one hundred Ueors o9o.

3 There wosn't / weren't ong buses in our town one hundred geors ogo'4 There wos / were o pork in our town one hundred Ueors ogo.

5 There wos / were lots of bikes in our town one hundred Ueqrs o9o.6 There wosn't / weren't o museum in our town one hundred geors ogo.

2 Write wos, wete, wasn't, ot weren't.

1 There we@a:l ong books ot seven o'c[ock.

some ftowers of ten o'c[ock.o comero of seven o'c[ock.o computer of ten otlock.

some book of ten otlock._ onu pens of seven otlock.

o bonono ot ten otlock.

Unir 4 29

Trang 31

Grqmmor ond song

1 Circle the correct words.

1 There weren't ong plones twentg geors o9o lQ1rlg1lfggggry@

2 There were motorcgctes twentg geors ogo / one hundred geors ogo.

3 There were some cors twentg geors ogo / one hundred geors ogo.4 There weren't ong buses twentg geors ogo / one hundred geors ogo.

5 There were bikes twentg geors ogo / one hundred geors ogo.

(} 2 Listen to o conversotion Filt in the correct circle (Era

1 The picture of our town is from 3 Whot weren't there?

(A) one hundred geors ogo O (A) There weren't ong stores.(B) two hundred geors ogo.

(C) two thousond Ueors ogo.

2 Whot were there?(A) There were buses.

(B) There were troins.

(C) There were bikes.

(B) There wosn't o supermorket.

(C) There weren't ong morkets.

4 Where ore the people in the picture?(A)Theg ore ot the morket.

(B) Theg ore ot the movie theoter.(C)Theg ore ot o cofd.

30 unir 4


Trang 32

1 5og the words with Id ond If Circte the odd-one-out Write.

odul.t fieLd child 5€+t shietd beLt

2 Complete the word Write I (true) or F (fotse).td tt

1 There's on odu [t in the bedroom.2 There's o be_ _ on the desk.3 There's o shie on the door.4 There ore some cows in the fie5 There's o chi in the bedroom.

- | tE!!r=* -l 'L

Unir 4 3t

Trang 33

Lesron Fiveikills Tinre.t

C} I Reod the conversotion between Trong ond Dug Choose the best onswer.

1 Dug Where ore you?

I'm in the middLe of the trees.

I'm inside the plog house.

I'm going bg bike to the pork.

2 Is Tom there?

(A)Yes, she's in the middLe of the pork.

(B) No, she's not.

(C) Yes, she's inside the plog house.

3 Con gou see the ploy house?

(A)Yes, it's in the middLe of the pork.

(B) Yes, Thu is pLoging inside of it.

(C) Yes, Trong is inside it.4 I con see Thu, too!

(A) Yes, she's in the middLe of the gote.(B) Yes, she's inside the ptog house.

(C) Yes, she often comes bg bike to the pork.

5 Inside the morket gou con bug bikes.

6 Visitors love eoting lunch of the morket.

Trang 34

Now, there 5 lots of cof6s There 6 o shopping mo[[, but there

o museum There ore buses now, but there 8

ong trollegs.

2 Complete the notes obout o ploce thot gou know.

lhe-re -wsred-t ,

There are

There isn'tThere wss-*

Trang 35

c Austrolio.d Germong.

Trang 36

1 Write was, were or had.

2 Order the words Write the question ond

1 go / Didlthe beoch / Oonhond Quong /to

Did Oonh ondQqsng gs tq

the beach?Yes rh

4 hove / theg /ice creom / Did ?

5 coLd / Mom / Wos ?

Trang 37

Lessom Tkree Grommor ond song

1 Look of the picture ond reod the storg Complete the sentences.

windg 5 The children sod.

4 Mom5he

o sondwich.o drink.

wet! 6 Theg o good time.

2 Write true sentences obout gou Use was, wosn't, had, or didn't have.

Lost week,3 Dod

lots to do? The weother 8 sunny and hot.

Where were Uou on vacation?Weelots oJ deticious Jood.

3 gour JamtLg there with gou? I realLg miss it a lotlln France on vocatlon.

We dldn't s lots to do.

We 6 qreat fun in the city

Mg couslns were with us, too.

36 Unit 5

/Vly nome is Ngo On Soturdog mg fomiLg wos ot the pork It wos worm ondwindg Mg sister wos in the fountoinl Mg dod wos wet He wosn't hoppg.

Mom wos hungrg, so she hod o sondwich Mg brother ond I were on the swings.

I hod o reoLLg good time ot the pork!1 Ngo ond her fomi[g werel't

Trang 38

co m p pLo nt tent [o m p -h6r"rd* pond

1 There's o frog in the po rul .

3 I Like sleeping in o te

5 There's o co in the fieLd.

3 Listen ond write (Dm

Lesron Four Phonics

Trang 39

Skillr TlI m al

Lerron Five I

1 Reod Choose the correct word.

L It wos verg wet ond windg gesterdoy It wos foggg / stormy.2 Lost week wos veru hot ond ctoudg / humid It wos sunng, too.

3 This morning wos cold ond greg It wos foggg / humid.4.fodog wos cloudg / stormg, but it wosn't roing or windg.

2 Reod the texts in the Student Book.Then reod the conversotion ond choose

the best onswer.

1 When wos Holloween? 4 How wos gour Christmos, LiLg?

(A)We hod o lot of fun (A) We hod o verg good Christmos.

(B) Lost Frldog (B) We hod o Trick or Treot portg.

(C) I wos o ghost (c) We hod o vocotion ot Christmos.2 Whot wos the weother [ike in Germong 5 Where were gou on Christmos dog, LiLg?

on Hol[oween? (A) It wos stormg in Austrolio.

(A) It wos hot ond humid (B)There wos lots of condg.

(B)Yes, it's hot (C) On the beoch.

(C) It wos foggg.

3 Wos the Trick or Treot portg fun?(A)Iwosoghost.

(B) Mg mom doesn't Like tricks.

(C) Yes, it wos o Lot of fun.humid

38 Unit 5

Trang 40

4 How wos Uour weekend?

2 Complete the notes.

Specia[ dag


Ngày đăng: 11/06/2024, 15:26

