Phần đánh giá và cho điểm của giảng viên: Theo thang điểm 10, lẽ đến 0.1 điểmTiêu chíđánhCác cấp độ đánh giáĐiểm chấmTỐTKHÁTRUNGBÌNHKÉMGK 1GK 2Cấu trúc 1.0Cấu trúc hợp lí, bố cục chặt ch
Course: Report Writing in English (0+2) Major: English Language Lecturer: Nguyen Thi Xuan Hong
Group 12
1 Nguyễn Minh Nhị
2 Đỗ Quỳnh Anh
3 Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hạnh
Binh Duong, November 2023
Bình Dương, ngày 05 tháng 08 năm 2021
1 Họ và tên giảng viên chấm: Âu Minh Triết
2 Nhóm 12:
1 Nguyễn Minh Nhị
2 Đỗ Quỳnh Anh
3 Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hạnh
Lớp/Nhóm: HK3.CQ.05 Khoá học: Report Writing in
4 Phần đánh giá và cho điểm của giảng viên: (Theo thang điểm 10, lẽ đến
0.1 điểm)
Tiêu chí
Điểm tối đa
Các cấp độ đánh giá Điểm chấm TỐT KHÁ TRUNG
Cấu trúc 1.0
Cấu trúc hợp lí, bố cục chặt chẽ, rõ ràng, trình bày đúng quy định
Cấu trúc hợp
lý, nhưng bố cục một số chỗ chưa chặt chẽ, chưa rõ ràng, chưa trình bày đúng quy định
Cấu trúc chưa hợp
lí, bố cục chưa chặt chẽ, rõ ràng, trình bày đúng quy định
Cấu trúc chưa hợp
lí, bố cục không rõ ràng, trình bày không đúng quy định
dẫn và
Trích dẫn
và trình bày tài liệu
Trích dẫn và trình bày tài liệu tham
Trích dẫn
và trình bày tài liệu
Trích dẫn
và trình bày tài
Trang 3tham khảo, hình vẽ, bảng, biểu
rõ ràng và đúng quy định
khảo, hình vẽ, bảng, biểu đúng quy định nhưng một số chỗ chưa rõ ràng
tham khảo đúng quy định nhưng chưa rõ ràng
liệu tham khảo không đúng quy định, không rõ ràng
Ngôn ngữ, chính xác, mạch lạc, không có lỗi chính tả, ngữ pháp, lỗi in ấn, không sao chép
Ngôn ngữ, chính xác, mạch lạc, không có lỗi chính tả, ngữ pháp, lỗi in
ấn, không sao chép, nhưng còn một số chỗ sử dụng ngôn ngữ chưa chính xác
Ngôn ngữ mạch lạc, nhưng nhiều chỗ chưa chính xác, có lỗi chính tả,
có lỗi in ấn
Ngôn ngữ không mạch lạc, không chính xác không rõ ràng, có lỗi chính
tả, có lỗi
in ấn, có dấu hiệu sao chép
1.0 Khối lượng
công việc hợp lí, tư liệu phong phú, chính xác, phù hợp mục đích nghiên cứu, nhận xét xác đáng, khả năng suy
Khối lượng công việc hợp
lí, tư liệu phong phú, chính xác, phù hợp mục đích nghiên cứu, nhận xét xác đáng, khả năng suy luận, phân tích, tổng hợp khá
Khối lượng công việc hợp lí, tư liệu phù hợp mục đích nghiên cứu, phân tích, tổng hợp đạt yêu cầu
Tư liệu không phù hợp với mục đích nghiên cứu, không có phân tích, tổng hợp
Trang 4luận, phân tích, tổng hợp tốt
Biết vận dụng các phương pháp nghiên cứu phù hợp với nội dung nghiên cứu của đề tài
Biết vận dụng các phương pháp nghiên cứu phù hợp với nội dung nghiên cứu của đề tài nhưng một số chỗ sử dụng chưa đúng phương pháp
Phương pháp nghiên cứu phù hợp một phần với nội dung nghiên cứu của đề tài
Phương pháp nghiên cứu không phù hợp với nội dung nghiên cứu của đề tài
Kết quả
Chính xác,
có khả năng sáng tạo, phát hiện vấn đề
và giải quyết vấn
đề, có giá trị thực tiễn, khoa học cao
Chính xác, phát hiện vấn
đề và giải quyết vấn đề khá, có giá trị thực tiễn, khoa học khá
Chính xác, phát hiện vấn đề và giải quyết vấn đề, ít
có giá trị thực tiễn, khoa học
Không chính xác, không có khả năng sáng tạo, không phát hiện vấn đề và giải quyết vấn đề, không có giá trị thực tiễn, khoa học
mới và
tính thời
Đề tài có cái mới và mang tính thời sự đáp
Đề tài có cái mới, ít mang tính thời sự, đáp ứng được
Đề tài ít có cái mới nhưng đáp ứng được
Không có cái mới và không đáp ứng được
Trang 5sáng tạo
và triển
của đề
ứng được chuẩn đầu
ra của chương trình đào tạo
chuẩn đầu ra của chương trình đào tạo
chuẩn đầu
ra của chương trình đào tạo
chuẩn đầu
ra của chương trình đào tạo
Tính ứng dụng
Đề tài mang tính ứng dụng cao
Đề tài mang tính ứng dụng khá
Đề tài có mang tính ứng dụng
Không mang tính ứng dụng
Tổng số 10 đ
Nhận xét khác:
Giảng viên chấm
(Kí và ghi rõ họ tên)
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this study All data and
materials of this research paper are completely authentic and do not copy
the results of any research work All use of verbatim or references to
sources named in the bibliography have been specifically indicated in the
Trang 6text If there is any copy, I take full responsibility to the subject, faculty and school teachers.
Trang 7To complete this report, I have received a lot of help and advice from many individuals and organizations I have completed this research paper based on suggestions, learning as well as cultivating experience.
First of all, I would like to thank my instructor, Ms Nguyen Thi Xuan Hong Thank you for your enthusiastic and dedicated guidance during my study and completion of my research She always gave me advice and suggestions as well as new and useful knowledge to help me complete this essay Her knowledge, as well as his advice and suggestions, helped me a lot I feel very happy and lucky to be guided by the teacher.
I would also like to express my sincere thanks to my fellow students in the English Report Writing class and an English major at Thu Dau Mot University who participated in the survey to help me complete
my research.
In summary, I hope that teachers and those who are interested in this research paper can forgive me for the shortcomings in the research process as well as completing this research paper.
To acquire English skills, students must go beyond what they learn in class As
a result, pupils must develop self-directed learning skills Particularly first-year pupils However, not all students are capable of devising an appropriate and effective study approach on their own Students may struggle with self-study due to a lack of support from teachers This self-study looks into self-self-study and challenges in self-study among English major students at Thu Dau Mot University Following that, some suggestions for improving self-study among first-year students are made To investigate the self-study issue, I ran an online survey of 80 students from Thu Dau Mot University's total enrollment The analysis shows that students majoring in English at Thu Dau Mot University have not focused on self-study because they have many difficulties and have not come up with an appropriate strategy
Keywords: self-study
Trang 9English is a global lingua franca and is widely used It is the official language
of nearly 60 sovereign states and is the most commonly spoken language in sovereign states including the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean countries Therefore, self-learning the language is really necessary Up to now, there have been many articles and studies analyzing the self-study of people, especially students Especially in language learning, learner autonomy is especially important because language learners need to develop autonomy in learning and using language (Pennycook, 1997) Independent learning of English provides additional opportunities for the abilities learned in class to be practiced more deeply because the opportunities and conditions to do so in class are limited (Hu & Zhang, 2017) Autonomy gives students a sense of confidence and motivates them to make their own judgments (Balçıkanlı, 2010) However, self-studying English is still quite difficult for many people So, in this research article we will discuss practical problems and solutions for students' autonomous language learning
This study was conducted for three purposes The first purpose of the study is
to test the English awareness of learners mainly about autonomous learning at Thu Dau Mot University The second purpose of the research is to find out the problems that students encounter in the process of learning language autonomy The third purpose of the research is to provide some effective strategies for students to improve their language self-study ability
This research contributes to helping students find solutions to the difficulties they encounter in independent learning when learning languages From there, they also understand the importance of self-study for themselves and society The research was conducted to survey the attitudes during self-study and difficulties in the learning process of English students at Thu Dau Mot University The report includes the following main parts: First, the literature
Trang 10review addresses the definition of autonomy in learning, the importance of autonomy in language learning, and the problems students encounter when self-studying and possible causes as well as previous studies Second, identify the methodology indicating the research method used in this thesis including research method, population and sampling, research tools, data collection process and analysis method data Third, list the findings and results showing the results of the article's analysis process in investigating TDMU English major students in self-study activities And finally, a summary of the main findings, limitations, future directions, as well as recommendations and implications for future research in the same field of autonomous learning
* Research Questions
To achieve the study aims as stated above, the following research questions are raised:
1 What are students at Thu Dau Mot University's perceptions of self-study?
2 What problems do students at Thu Dau Mot University have in autonomous learning?
3 What might be effective strategies for students to improve their autonomous learning?
Trang 11LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Framework
2.1.1 Autonomous learning
The concept of learner autonomy appeared in the 60s of the 20th century
in Western countries, and by the mid-1970s, learning autonomy quickly became an attractive topic for applied linguistics researchers and opened up research problems in language teaching and is understood from many other points of view The founder of the concept of learner autonomy is Henri Holec
In 1981, the term “learner autonomy” was first coined According to Dam (1995), who approaches the definition of autonomy from a different angle, autonomy is the desire to take charge of one’s learning to meet one's needs and goals According to Beson and Voller (1997), autonomy in learning refers to a situation in which students fully complete their studies on their own, to skills that can be acquired and used for self-directed learning, to the student's assumption of responsibility for their education, or to the student’s right to make decisions regarding their education The relevant literature is riddled with innumerable
2.1.2 The importance of autonomy in language learning
The importance of autonomy lies in the fact that it equips the student to overcome obstacles of different nature that may rise between him and his learning goals In language learning specifically, learner autonomy is especially important given that the learner of a language needs to develop autonomy to learn and autonomy to use the language (Pennycook, 1997)
First of all, autonomous English learning offers additional opportunities for the abilities learned in class to be exercised further because the opportunities and conditions for doing so in class are limited (Hu & Zhang, 2017) As a result, kids learn more effectively and are more involved in their studies Second, autonomy fosters students’ motivation and self-assurance in their English
Trang 12studies Autonomy gives pupils a sense of confidence and motivates them to make their judgments (Balçıkanlı, 2010)
Autonomous learning also helps students catch up with new sources of information Information is becoming obsolete at an unprecedented rate Modern native English speakers have quite different conversations than those described in textbooks Because of the numerous complicated opportunities and difficulties that globalization brings, autonomy is becoming more and more crucial to adapt to changes in the social environment In conclusion, autonomous learning is important for learning English as a second language
2.1.3 Students’ perceptions of autonomous learning of English
According to Littlewood (1999) contends that Asian students may attain the same amount of autonomy as their Western counterparts with the right learner teaching Holden and Miyuki (1999) assert that because Japanese students often take teacher-centered courses, they do not have enough opportunities to grow in their autonomy According to Holden and Usuki’s research, pupils favor instructors who adopt unconventional roles rather than lecturing or imparting their knowledge The readiness, capacity, and ability to learn independently of Hong Kong University students were examined by Chan (2001) who also showed how educational and behavioral standards impede the development of learners’ autonomy As a result, Asian nations’ educational and behavioral traditions deliberately prevent pupils from being independent Chan (2001) also contends that educators should support their pupils’ development as independent learners by enhancing their knowledge and altering the instructional strategies that have hampered their ability to do so
2.2 Previous studies
Autonomous learning has been attracting more and more attention in the field of second language teaching and learning since it was put forward To get
a better understanding of the autonomous learning competence of freshmen of English major in university, many investigations were conducted throughout the world For example, one study done in China found that the autonomous learning competence of freshmen is poor and worrying (Sun, 2016) Freshmen
Trang 13are motivated to learn English, yet they continue with their traditional study methods and rely more on their professors They struggle to use the available resources for relevant learning and are unable to use metacognitive methods for their language acquisition All of these flaws prevent progress Therefore, kids have a dire need to develop their capacity for independent learning
Recent studies on autonomous learning in language learning using various methodologies in the setting of Vietnamese universities have been conducted
by certain Vietnamese scholars Trinh (2005) concentrated autonomous learning exclusively on Can Tho University's EFL course curriculum He conducted his research using a three-dimensional model of planning, monitoring and regulating Then, Nguyen (2009) concentrated on strategy-based teaching by adopting a model with two dimensions, namely self-initiation, and self-regulation, and worked on developing an approach and task-specific training Dang (2012) then developed a four-dimension model, consisting of monitoring, initiating, goal-setting, assessing, and employing Information Communication Technologies, to study how EFL students perceived and performed in autonomous learning in both online and offline learning contexts