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Tiêu đề Customers Satisfaction Towards The Utilization Of Mobile Banking Service
Tác giả Nguyen Thi Ha
Người hướng dẫn Tran Anh Vu
Trường học Thai Nguyen University
Chuyên ngành Accounting & Finance
Thể loại undergraduate thesis
Năm xuất bản 2021
Thành phố Thai Nguyen
Định dạng
Số trang 84
Dung lượng 5,92 MB

Nội dung

Chapter 4: The current situation of customers satisfaction towards E-banking services at joint stock commercial banks in Thai Nguyen 5.. However, when customers using banking services at

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An Undergraduate ThesisPresented to The Department of Economic and Management

International School of Thai Nguyen University

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the DegreeBachelor of EconomicMajor in Accounting & Finance

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An Undergraduate ThesisPresented to The Department of Economic and Management

International School of Thai Nguyen University

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

January, 2021 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY International School

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(This form is submitted together with two (02) copies of Thesis)

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Title of Thesis (print in BLOCK letter):

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I have checked the candidate’s Thesis and hereby recommend it to the committee for thefinal defense

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Part C – Submission of Thesis

(To be completed by the candidate)

I hereby submit two (02) copies of my Thesis which have been checked and recommended by

my supervisor and through the Head of Department for final defense

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I, NGUYEN THI HA, hereby declare that this thesis and the work reported herein was composed by and originated entirely from me Information derived from the published and unpublished work of others has been acknowledged in the text and references are given in the list of sources This work presented here has not been previously presented at this or any other university for similar purposes.

Date of submission (dd/mm/yyyy):

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I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me thepossibility to complete this report A special gratitude I give to my lecturer of subjectscientific writing, Mr Tran Anh Vu, whose contribution in stimulating suggestions,

encouragement and direction, helped me to have knowledge and know the way to writing athesis

Furthermore I would like to thank users mobie baking service The last but not leastimportant, I would like to thank the people in my family, who have supported me throughoutthe entire process of research They are the most important people in my life and I want todedicate the success of this thesis to them

Nguyen Thi Ha

January, 2021

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 5 Electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) 4 Mobile banking services (mobile-banking) 5 Computer banking services (internet-banking) 5

2.3 Subjects and necessary conditions to participate in the electronic banking service

2.3.1 Necessary conditions for commercial banks to participate in the electronic Current common characteristics of consumers using e-banking services


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2.3.3 Government regulations 21

3.1.1 The reason for choosing the Servqual model 23

4.1 Current status of e-banking service deployment in Vietnam 29 4.1.1 E-banking products and services at a number of joint stock commercial banks


4.2.2 Analyze the effects of factors on customer satisfaction on e-banking services

4.2.3 The difference in e-banking service satisfaction between groups of customers

43 4.2.4 Influence of customer group and factors on e-banking service satisfaction 44 4.2.5 Evaluate customer satisfaction with e-banking services through surveys 46 5.1 Development orientation of e-banking services of Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial

5.2 Solutions to improve customer satisfaction about e-banking services at joint stock

5.2.2 Invest in providing information technology infrastructure 53

5.2.4 Build and train staff with good knowledge and skills in information

5.2.7 Strengthen inspection, supervision and risk prevention 57 5.2.8 Encourage customers to leave their feedback for further improvement 58 5.2.9 Evaluate situations under customer’s perspective 59 5.3 Recommendations to the State Bank and the Government 59 5.3.1 Develop and improve the legal and regulatory framework for e-banking 60 5.3.3 Boost the development information technology 62

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63 5.3.5 The State Bank is the focal point for cooperation and development for

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This paper concentrates on elaborating the utilization of e-banking services of differentindividuals in Thai Nguyen city Since this is a considerably popular service and people tend

to prefer it to cash currently, different features relevant to e-banking services will also bediscussed detailedly This research will use the survey method and the data analysis will be

processed through SPSS tools and the research is conducted only for academic purposes


1.1 Background of the study

The banking sector serves as the foundation of the modern industry Development in everycountry depends greatly on the banking system It is an advanced electronic payment systemthat allows financial institutions or relative importance of identified value establishments to

attempt to make a number of monetary transactions on the financial institution websiteduring the entire period Policymakers, scholars and bankers have attracted interest in it Inthe back-down of technological change shifts, the effects of free markets and legislativeinnovations, online commerce has taken on significance Efforts to make electronic payments

affordable and integrated are being made This is a recent development that has significantlycontributed to the growth of the banking sector e-banking is the product of softwaretechnology and e-commerce This research sheds light on the variables affecting thesatisfaction of customers with digital banking facilities


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Factors determining customer satisfaction when using e-banking services Advantages anddisadvantages of e-banking services for customers and suppliers in order to have directions

to solve difficulties, improve to develop better products and services, and bring utilities that

come closer to the user

1.4 Research questions

This research paper is to answer two principal questions:

- What is the level of customer satisfaction towards the utilization of e-banking service?

- What factors influence customer satisfaction towards the utilization of e-banking service?


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The hypothesis of this research paper is that there is no difference in e-banking satisfactionbetween customer groups, distinguished by categorical variables: Gender, Age, Academicqualifications, Average income, Time use services, Computer ability.

1.6 Scope of the research

15 Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Banks in Thai Nguyen City, the research was conductedfrom December 2020 to January 2021

1.7 Research structure

1 Chapter 1: Introduction

2 Chapter 2: Literature Review

3 Chapter 3: Research Methodology

4 Chapter 4: The current situation of customers satisfaction towards E-banking services

at joint stock commercial banks in Thai Nguyen

5 Chapter 5: Solutions and Recommendations to improve customers satisfactiontowards E-banking services


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2.1 Overview of Electronic Banking

2.1.1 Electronic Banking service definition

Telecommunication networks, internet networks, help us to perform partial or fulltransactions quickly to shorten time and space, for example:

- We can buy goods online through shopping websites such as booking air tickets atwebsites of Vietnam Airline, Jetstar, payment by visa card, master, or debit ATM, instead of going to the ticket booth to buy tickets and pay

- We can pay for electricity and water bills by logging into the bank's website andmaking payments or recharging our phones, …

- The above transactions are called electronic transactions and done through banks Soreferred to as electronic banking service

In a nutshell, electronic banking service is a banking service that is transacted via electronicmeans such as internet, telecommunications networks, other information networks,

2.1.2 Electronic Banking services Electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS)

EFTPOS is an equipment that helps customers use credit cards, or direct debit cards to make

transactions directly at stores (Rumantir, 2015) Card readers at points of sale will connectwith customer authentication centers to authenticate cards, approve or reject transactions


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According to Giovanis (2019), the term mobile banking services can be understood ascustomers are able to use their mobile phones to perform transactions such as top-up,transfer, balance inquiry, exchange rate, interest rates, ATM locations, by texting followthe syntax specified by the bank and send it to the switchboard number In principle, this is

an encrypted, secure and exchanged information process between a bank's processingcenter and a customer's mobile device Some banks provide mobile banking servicesthrough software installed in their phones linked to the banking system, and customers'phones must be connected to the internet by wifi, GPRS, 3G, Computer banking services (internet-banking)

Internet banking is also an electronic banking service, anywhere with internet connectionsuch as: at home, office, school, restaurant, customers can perform banking transactions(Alsajjian, 2010) Through Internet banking, customers can transfer, pay bills, top up mobilephones, query balance, However, the security feature is not as high as home banking orKiosk-banking Internet-banking service is still in limited supply and requires a morecomplicated transaction confirmation process Customers will log on to the website for e-banking, for money transfers, customers will receive the OTP password, which is sent to thecustomer's phone when they register at the bank

This service is similar to home banking However, when customers using banking services athome need to have software designed specifically for connecting to the service provider'sbank, Internet-Banking customers hardly need special software


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On the streets there will be stations or centers with high-speed internet connection Whencustomers want to transact, they just need to access and enter their personal certificatenumber and authentication password to use the bank's products and services With thisproduct, customers will be served with the highest quality and most convenient Currently,

this product is offered by few banks This is an electronic banking service using touch screen,just touch the screen lightly and perform transactions: savings deposit, transfer, billpayment, customers can also pay tax, With this product, the bank will reduce the number

of ATMs, the market will reduce the amount of cash in payment and circulation SomeVietnamese joint stock commercial banks provide this product: Vietinbank, Dong A, Digital wallet

A digital wallet is an electronic account It is like your wallet on the internet and acts as acash wallet in online payment, helping you to make fast, simple and time-saving payments

on the internet and money

Functions: online payment, receiving and transferring money online, storing money on the



The birth of e-wallet contributes to the development of e-commerce business system,

bringing benefits to buyers, sellers, banks and the society such as: buyers make quickpayments, sellers Increase the efficiency of online sales, reduce the management ofpayment transactions from customer cards, easily and quickly transfer and receive moneythrough geographical barriers, reduce the amount of cash in circulation, contributing tostabilizing inflation


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information, support safe transactions for both buyers and sellers, fast, safe and convenientpayment , especially good anti-phishing.

A few examples of the utility of digital wallets:

- You can use it to pay for shopping, use services or pay utility bills, top up mobilephones, shop online, transfer money to loved ones or pay bills, telecommunicationsnetwork, cable television,

- If you want to buy an item from a not very reputable seller (maybe they are notengaged in buying a lot), you can still buy the item with a guaranteed transaction Ifthere is a problem with the item, it is still possible to get your money back

- When online and meet an item that you like, instead of going to the bank to transfermoney or going directly to the store to pay, with just a few clicks from a computer ormobile phone, the seller has received the money and is ready to ship to you

- Also, by reducing some of the costs incurred when buying online, you often get adiscount compared to buying directly from the store

Types of e-wallets today:

- ZaloPay

- ViettelPay


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2.1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of E-banking Advantages

On the customer perspective:

Overcoming the limits of space and time: e-banking allows customers to transact with the

bank anytime, anywhere without having to go to the bank Or buy and sell goods, pay forutilities at home, and at the office

Reduce costs: instead of having to go to the bank for the cost of gas and car transactions,customers at home, office, can make transactions while the fees for e-banking productsand services are very low compared to delivery Traditional translation at the bank

Receive many incentives: when using e-banking services Customers will receive many

incentives from the bank, from suppliers of products and services associated with the banksuch as recharging with high discounts, and payment by bank cards will be discounted

Reducing transaction procedures at banks: when using e-banking services, customers do notneed to fill out required information on a bank form and have to move from one counter to

another With e-banking, customers only need to sit in a seat and perform specificinstructions on the applications provided by the bank

And moreover, with standardized standards, customers are served with dedication andprecision instead of depending on the different service attitude of the bank staff

On the bank perspective:


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practical benefits to the bank Through new services and new distribution channels, bankscan expand the customer base, develop market share, reduce costs, attract capital mobilizedfrom customers' payment deposits, and increase the profits, besides, the application anddevelopment of modern banking technologies also helps banks to always innovate, integrate

and develop not only in the domestic market but also towards the market foreign school

- Saving costs for the bank thereby helping the bank increase revenue Because, banking transaction fee is low compared to traditional service

E Increase competitiveness, expand the scope of activities

- E-Banking is a solution of commercial banks to improve service quality andoperational efficiency, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of commercial banks.More importantly, E-Banking also helps commercial banks implement the strategy of

"globalization" without having to open more branches at home or abroad E-Banking

is also an effective tool to promote the brand of commercial banks The developed banking represents a modern and multi-functional bank

E Increase efficiency in using and mobilizing capital

E-Banking will help banks to improve their capital efficiency Through e-banking services,orders for payment and collection of customers are done quickly, facilitating fast cash flow,good transaction, exchange purchase sell Thereby speeding up the circulation of goods andmoney, improving the efficiency of capital use At the same time, customers using theservice must open a payment account and maintain a certain amount of money Therefore,

the amount the bank can raise is not small


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It is the utility obtained from application technology, software, network service providersand Internet services that attracts and keeps customers using, making transactionrelationships with banks, becoming customers bank system With a modern banking model,multi-purpose business, E-banking's ability to develop and provide services to many types of

customers and many business fields is very high

- Provide package services

A special feature of electronic banking services is that it can provide a package service.Accordingly, banks can link with insurance companies, securities companies, other financialcompanies to offer synchronous utility products to meet the needs of a customer or acustomer group for services related to banking, insurance, investment, securities

- Diversify products and services

The traditional operations of commercial banks are capital mobilization and lending Inaddition, there are also operations of import and export payment, foreign currency trading.Currently commercial banks are always striving and reaching to become the top retail banks.Therefore, they constantly increase products and services for individual customers With thedevelopment of information technology, e-banking has introduced a variety of bankingproducts and services: mobile-banking, home-banking, ATM cards,

For the economy:

- Reduce the amount of money in circulation Every year, the State spends a certainamount of money to print and manage the amount of money printed for the market


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decrease in cash demand.

- Electronic banking is the bridge to integrate the domestic economy with the worldeconomy

- Increase commercial transactions, contributing to economic development Disadvantages

- Quality of e-banking services remains low

The quality of e-banking services has not yet satisfied customers at higher levels such asdepositing cash into an account, registering to use the service also having to directlyconduct transactions at the bank branch goods, or higher quality e-banking services, areunderdeveloped such as investment fund management, real estate, financial leasing, etc

- Poor infrastructure

Poor infrastructure such as network quality, transmission speed, and technical errors lead tolow service quality In addition, the e-banking systems of banks are developing relativelyindependently, without the necessary coordination and linkage in order to maximize the

efficiency of this new service

- Electronic transactions depend on many traditional archival documents

Electronic banking transactions also depend heavily on traditional archival documents, and it

is not possible to electronicize all transaction documents In addition, the use of electronic


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its advantages over conventional signatures.

- Hacker

Hackers (hackers), computer viruses can have great harm not only on banks but also forcustomers, causing loss of customer trust in banking services

- Large investments

Building an E-Banking system requires a large amount of initial investment capital to choose

a modern technology in the right direction, not to mention the costs for the backup system,the cost of insurance maintain, maintain and develop the system, and renew technology inthe future At the same time, it is necessary to have a team of qualified engineers andtechnicians to administer and operate the system a cost amount that not all commercial

banks are willing to invest Not to mention whether that investment is effective or notdepends on the country's communication infrastructure, or in other words, depends on theefforts of the whole country, not just a single commercial bank

- Not diverse types of customers The users are not diverse because:

Psychological factors and psychology of Vietnamese people, especially some Vietnameseenterprises are still hesitant about payment services on the internet environment, have nothad the habit of transactions via the internet for some customers There are still concernsabout the safety of payment transactions through electronic banking channels Secondly, interms of age, many older customers are limited in accessing technology on computers as


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2.1.4 The difference between e-payments and traditional payments

All electronic payment systems are implemented on a digital basis They were built anddeveloped to make payments on the Internet In essence, an electronic payment system is a

version of a traditional payment system that is being used every day like cash, check andcredit card However, there are differences between electronic payment and traditionalelectronic payment

- Electronic payment systems are just the numbers they are designed to be able toperform electronic purchase and sale, a form of purchase in which cash is completelyinvisible

- In traditional payments, customers who want to transact to the bank fill out thebank's transaction request form

2.2 Experience in developing digital banking around the world and lessons for Vietnam

2.2.1 Around the world China

China focuses on building infrastructure for information technology China's top threecomputer electronics companies are competitive with IBM, COMPAQ, and HP in thedomestic market Hardware technology is about 45% / year Software technology increases


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China requires Internet users to register with the police Due to industrial protection andforeign currency controls, Chinese card issuance and payment services are also limited Cardpayment rate increased 7.8% / year China focuses on developing bank card technology,establishing China UnionPay Card Switching Company (CUP) to connect the card data

processing system via ATM, POS on national math At the same time, promotingdevelopment via the internet Korea

With its existing advantages in technology, Korea is succeeding in choosing to develop cardpayments as the main means of payment in the population, especially credit cards byapplying preferential policies on tax for merchants and card users thereby promoting card

payment via POS and establishing the BC Card Switching Company to promote domesticconsumption and control tax effectively Other Southeast Asian countries


Singapore is one of the first countries to apply electronic payment in the world Singaporehas issued the following cards: debit card, cash card (also known as payment card) Internet,smart cards, electronic shopping cards, electronic money bags The international secureelectronic transaction system (Network for Electronic Transfers) established in April 2007was put into full use by the end of 1998 Singapore has put up the Internet 30 applicationsoftware programs specialized in service ecommerce More than 10,000 points of sale are

equipped with debit card payment devices However, credit card development is limited


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above can issue credit cards, credit limit up to 2 months salary In Singapore, there were889,000 customers who visited the bank's website in January 2011, up 14% All major banks

in Singapore have an Internet presence These banks offer a wide range of products directly

to customers via Internet websites These banks have shifted from their initial focus on retail

banking to SMEs and banking products and services for corporate groups

Products offered include:

- Transfer money through the payment system

- Integrating B2B e-commerce products, related to product selection, purchase order,invoice issuance and payment

- Stock order and insurance, capital market operations - Stock trading

- Retail banking services

offering WAP and Mobile Banking technologies are OCBC Bank, Phileo Allied Bank and


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payment, credit card payment, money transfer, investment, insurance, travel, onlineshopping, and other basic banking services Electronic payment in this country is verydeveloped, especially card payment, the system of automatic teller machines is dense.However, the rate of card payment fraud in this country is ranked high in the Asia Pacific



The Internet entered the Philippines in 1996 ATM systems and card-accepting devicesspread Domestic interbank networks such as Megalink, Bancnet and BPI Expressnet are theearliest and largest pioneers of ATM technology The most general financial services includedeposits, money transfers, opening new accounts, stopping payments for issued checks,home and car loans, credit cards and money transferings Develop mobile payment services

in combination with e-wallets, based on the high percentage of people using mobile phones(accounting for about 60% of the population), as well as the convenience of this service forcustomers who do not have access to traditional banking services In particular, thePhilippines provides mobile banking services to the poor The Philippine Rural BankingAssociation estimates that up to 90% of customers in rural areas have mobile phones, so

they have seized this market to develop mobile banking services

2.2.2 Lessons for Vietnam

There are some valuable lessons for Vietnam through the development of electronic bankingservices in the world:


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develop If we compare the legal system of e-banking services of Vietnam with somedeveloped countries, it can be seen that Vietnam still has few regulations on thisissue Laws should be open so that the parties providing and using banking servicescan update their scientific advances in their operations, but must ensure the safety

and confidentiality of transactions , customer information so that customers trustthat to use the service Currently, Vietnam has a number of regulations related toelectronic banking

- Technology development level is one of the important conditions for the successfuldevelopment of e-banking services Countries that successfully develop this serviceall have advanced and modern science and technology

- Infrastructure and technical facilities need to be upgraded so that the deployment ofe-banking services becomes more feasible in regions, especially in remote andisolated areas In countries with well-developed e-banking services, theinfrastructure, technical materials are very solid and modern

- E-banking services that want to develop must combine three factors harmoniously:users (customers), service providers (banks) and environmental factors

- Customers' demand for using banking services for traditional banking services needs

to change Due to a long time familiarity with traditional banking services, traditionaltransactions at the counter, in addition, the level of understanding of applications ofinformation technology among the population is not the same Therefore, mostcustomers in rural areas and middle-aged people often hesitate to contact e-bankingservices Therefore, commercial banks need to find ways to promote, propagate,introduce e-banking services to customers so that they understand the process as


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using electronic banking services.

- The competition of banks, especially between domestic and foreign banks, hasforced banks to constantly make efforts in providing new services

- Commercial banks must organize, restructure and be active in investing in research

and development and for human resources to be able to provide more efficient banking services

e When providing new services, the bank must direct customer participation, placingthe customer at the center of all services After-sales policy, customer care Find outabout the products that customers have used and how they feel about them Putyourself in the position of customers to see what customers need, what requestsfrom the bank That way, we can understand customers, improve our products andimprove utilities

- It is necessary to choose the right customer group and market segment to develop.Quality development is a top factor, when quality has been strengthened andimproved, then quantity grows

- Based on the economic, cultural, social, and legal development conditions ofVietnam that provide suitable and developed products


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system of commercial banks

2.3.1 Necessary conditions for commercial banks to participate in the electronic banking system.

- Technology infrastructure

For e-banking to develop effectively, it is necessary to have a solid technologicalinfrastructure because e-banking develops on the basis of digitalization and informationtechnology

It includes telephone systems, computers, servers, modems, intranets, intranets, electronicpayment equipment (POS, EDC, .) and communications services (electricity subscriptionvoice, network connection fees, network access.)

In addition, the information technology infrastructure can only operate reliably on the basis

of an electricity industry, post and telecommunications, ensuring continuous power supply,adequate and stable communication at a reasonable price

- Safe and secure

Transactions by electronic means are very demanding in terms of security andsafety Many customers are hesitant to transact online, because more and more

customers' information and finances are stolen, the fraudsters use many sophisticatedtricks to break in, steal information, and customer's finance situation Commercialbanks also constantly cooperate with information technology centers to increase safetyfor their customers such as issuing ATM chip cards, customers who transact via the


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- Introduce the bank's products to customers

Promote advertising, propaganda and product introduction to customersthrough banking websites, communication, at transaction counters It is necessary to

have a staff of staff knowledgeable in profession as well as information technology toguide customers to use products professionally Create trust and impress thecustomers

2.3.2 Customer Current common characteristics of consumers using e-banking services

E-banking services are provided by banks to individuals and businesses, recent surveysshow that the majority of customers using these services are young, knowledgeable in

information technology, and high-income Factors influencing consumer decisions

Customer satisfaction: is the perception of customers about the products and services thatthe bank has provided them This is a psychological stimulation that arises when a

customer receives a product or service along with its information There are some factorsinfluence consumer decisions:

- Culture

Each region has its own culture, which creates important market segments , remote areas when electricity and water have not yet reached the people Vietnamese people have a habit of using cash, so it takes a long time for e-banking to develop widely In a society


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habits, and use of products.

- Social factors

Customers choose the products and services that show their role and position in society

However, the status varies by region and social class For example, wealthy, upper-classcustomers prefer to use formal and expensive products Also for e-banking services, manybanks offer products and services for VIP customers

- Personal factors

Occupation: People with different occupations will have different consumer needs Theircareers also affect their consumption patterns

Family economy: affects the consumer choice of consumption

Age: At different ages, there are different consumer needs and different tastes And ateach stage of the life cycle, consumer demand is also different

Education level: people with different levels of education, needs and ability to useproducts also

- Product quality and price

A good product is always what customers need Price is an important factor affectingconsumers' consumption, customers will choose to use products of one bank or another.Reasonable price coupled with good product quality is always the goal for banks to aim to

provide customers with the best products and services


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The government plays an important role in creating a healthy competitive environment, alegal corridor that has a great influence on the members participating in this service,

thereby deciding the rapid and right development of the service electronic banking

In Vietnam, our country's economy is not really open, a market economy but still underthe control of the State In order to protect the fledgling industry from the fiercecompetition and the entry of foreign companies into the Vietnamese market, in order tomaintain a stable financial environment, our government must introduce regulations onforeign exchange management But these regulations significantly affect cross-borderfinancial activities, making e-banking services unable to thrive across borders

The State needs legal protection for the information network, against crime and fraud.There are high penalties for hackers


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1 Research design

Statistics, actual surveys and SPSS 20 tool to analyze data, Cronbach Alpha reliabilitycoefficient method, linear regression model in a reasonable and scientific way In addition,the thesis also uses other methods such as analysis, comparison, inductive, judgment, andsynthesis of the combination of logic and practical logic to prove


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3.1 The Servqual model

3.1.1 The reason for choosing the Servqual model

The Servqual model is one of the primary tools for measuring service quality It's simple,useful, and widely used Parasuraman et al (1985) are the first people in the study of servicequality

3.1.2 Servqual model

(Parasuraman et al, 1985) identified ten decisive factors to service quality:

1 Accessibility: creating conditions for customers to easily access the service,shortening customers' waiting time, and convenient opening hours and locations forcustomers

2 Information (communication): communicating, communicating for customers easily

to understand in the customer language about banking services, expenses,complaints, …

3 Competence: the expertise of the staff when performing the service, the ability to

grasp information when performing the service with the customer

4 Courtesy: warm, polite service to customers

5 Credibility: The ability to create trust for customers, make customers trust the bankthrough the name of the bank, the staff directly serving customers

6 Reliability: It shows the ability to perform the service properly at the first time and aspromised


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- Equipment using modern services.

- Service staff have neat and polite clothes

- Convenient transaction time

- The service provider's facilities appear to be attractive

2 Reliability describes the ability to deliver a service in accordance with contract,promise, accuracy, and credibility This requires respect for commitments as well askeeping promises to customers, consistency in service delivery

- Concerned that others will know their information

- Fear of losing money and finance

- Service providers fulfill their promises with regard to customer requirements


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sincere interest in solving the problem.

- Service providers got it right from the first time

3 Responsiveness: enthusiasm to help customers, provide quick service, fast problemsolving, effective handling of complaints, willing to help customers and respond to

customer's requests It is the response from the supplier to what the customerwants:

- Fast service execution and processing time

- The procedure for using the service is simple

- How to use the service is simple

- Customers' problems and complaints are resolved quickly and satisfactorily

4 Assurance (Service capacity): professional qualifications, courteous service, affability

to customers, good communication ability This is the factor that creates trust andconfidence for customers

- Enthusiastic staff, actively explaining and consulting

- Staff with professional knowledge

- Happy, easy-to-contact and polite staff

5 Empathy: personal care and attention of customers The more a bank's interest in the

customer, the more sympathetic the customer becomes

- Employees share customers' problems

- Employees listen to customer

- Staff to help customers when needed


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between the expected values and the values perceived by the customer with fivefactors impacting customer satisfaction.

3.2 SPSS tool

In the research model, the dependent variable is customer satisfaction about e-bankingservices, 5 independent variables: tangible physical means, reliability, fast response, servicecapacity , empathetic

After running SPSS with the initial model, there were 5 dependent variables with 22observed variables By exploratory factor analysis (EFA), there are 3 dependent variableswith 19 observed variables In which, 3 observed variables: Fear of stealing money, fear of

others knowing information, banks complying with their promises, do not affect the researchmodel

When it comes to performing the model, variables with Cronbach alpha less than 0.6 will beexcluded from the model, rotation factor must be greater than 0.4 From there, it isconcluded that there are 3 factors affecting customer satisfaction

● Factor 1 (F1) is Confidence and accessibility including observed variables:

- The bank showed a sincere interest in solving the problem

- Fast service processing time

- Simple to use procedure

- Simple to us

- Enthusiastic, active explaining, consulting


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- Bank staff is polite and neat

- Convenient transaction time

● Factor 2 (F2) is Customer Assurance and Empathy

- Unsuccessful transaction, money is refunded quickly

- Problems and complaints are resolved quickly and satisfactorily

- Staff with professional knowledge

- Share difficulties

- Listen to talk

- Help

● Factor 3 (F3) is technology means and infrastructure

- Banks with many branches, transaction offices

- Fast banking network

- A variety of ATM, POS


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4.1 Data analysis

4.1.1 Summary of survey results

After collecting the appropriate number of samples from the five selected banks, I used the

SPSS 20 tool to analyze the data with the coded scale and the collected results were viewedfor more details

The number of customers using e-banking services at the age of 23-34 years old accounts forthe highest percentage of 61.9%, followed by those under 25 years old with the rate of

30.2% That shows that the target audience of e-banking services is young people.Users of e-banking services with university education account for the highest percentage of77.8%

Through the survey, almost 100% of customers using e-banking services have gone to work

It is also understandable, because when they go to work, they have many expenses, many


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time in the bank for transactions Therefore, they use e-banking products and services tomake transactions quickly and conveniently without going to the bank.

The age of 25-34 accounts for the highest rate of 61.9%, the income of over 7-10 millionaccounts for the highest rate of 41.3%, followed by 4-7 million 29.4%, showing that the

audience uses e-banking services has a relatively high and stable income Income the higherthe demand for shopping increases So, they use electronic banking to save time andshorten transaction distance

Customers proficient in computers account for 58.7%, know how to use 39.7%, showing thatcustomers often use computers and are familiar with computer operations

Table 4.1 Number of customers using e-banking products and services

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banking, mobile-banking, and electronic payment at the points of sale Only a few customerschoose to use e-wallets.

Table 4.2: Features of e-banking products and services used

Update information on interest

rates, exchange rates, and stock

Table 4.3 How customers know about e-banking services and through which channel

Know about e-banking through

which channel

Quantity Percentage


Ngày đăng: 25/05/2024, 10:07


