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Luận văn: The effect of social media marketing activities on Before All’s brand awareness and recommendations

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First and foremost, I would want to express my gratitude to my professor

Mrs.Tran Thi Thu Giang for all of her support and encouragement during thewhole thesiswrling process Her valued comments and advicerecommendations enabled me to enhance the quality of my work and my thinkingmanner Additionally, I would like to extend a particular thank you to Before Alland Mrs Anh Tu who helped me during the internship period in the companyand responded to my inquiries.

I also wish to express my appreciation to every opponent and friend who

provided me with helpful critiques and comments that aided in improving mythesis In addition, a special thanks goes to everyone who took the time to fill out

my survey.

Last but not least, I want to express my sincere gratitude to my loved ones,friends, and coworkers for their support throughout this difficult time Althoughthe past few weeks have been challenging, none of this would have been possible

without all of you.

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According to analysis findings, brand awareness is where social media marketingactivities most often have an impact on consumers To put it another way, socialmedia marketing activities are important awareness tools that keep brandmessages stuck in customers' thoughts Before All’s social media marketingactivities still have limitations and do not as effective as the rivals’ Therefore,

Before All should enhance their SMM so that they could have better advantages

in the market and raise brand awareness.

Based on data from a survey of 138 users of Before All's social media accountsand academic research, we have come to the conclusion that social mediamarketing activities help to increase brand awareness for the company.

The study focuses on several dimensions of social media marketing activities andsocial media platforms to reach the final conclusion:

e Social media platforms: The most popular social networking sites amongthe responders are Facebook and Tiktok, followed by Instagram SinceFacebook, Tiktok, and Instagram all serve different purposes, the threewere considered appropriate social media sites for Before All, especially

in light of the functions users desired as revealed by the results of thequestionnaire used in this thesis.

e Social media activities: The most important social media marketingactivities are identified as entertainment, engagement, and trendinesswhen the factors that make up social media marketing activities areinvestigated Since these activities are viewed as necessary for socialmedia communication, it may be assumed that consumers have given them

a high level of priority.

e Brand awareness: the respondents of this study are mostly in therecognition stage when referring to the Before All brand This could betaken to mean that the level of public awareness of Before All was not

very high and Before All needs to enhance its SMM

Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that Before All can reachout to both present and potential consumers through the expansion to other socialmedia platforms with different content plans for each channel, the improvementof Interaction activities, and monthly survey.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTTS co 55G n0 0010 04 000 iEXECUTIVE SUMMA RRYY 5 <5 0000068906 iiTABLE OF COINTTIETN T, o- < 5< < << HH HH HH 008000 iiiLIST OF FIGURES AND TA BÌLES 5-55-5555 1908508568566 MLIST OF ABBREVIA THIONS - HH HH HH 00 e4 viiCHAPTER 1: EINTRODUCTION - 55 <5 5S HH mm g0 11.1 Background << 6 5< 6 %9 %9 894 9899895 99998949989949889449890898968996 11.2 Rationale o 6 5< G5 S5 5 4 HH H000 10100 000009009809080 11.3 Research QU€SÏOINS <5 G5 2 9 99 99.999.804 08098949890898968 896 21.4 Scope of the r€S€AaTFCÌH 5-5 5< sọ TH n0 00090 21.5 Methodology <5 5 6 s9 9 9 9 9 0 0000004000098 8096 21.5.1 Primary data cOlÏC{IOT - -G 121 12139911 9 1 9 1 1 ng rệt 21.5.2 Secondary data cOlÏ€CfIOT - - 5 2c 111v HH ng re 31.5.3 Questionnaire deveÏODIN€TI - - - 5 3+ 13+ 1E *vEESseereerserererree 31.5.4 Sample S1Z€ - G 11H TH TH HH tệp 31.5.5 Data collection DFOC€CUTC - G2 1211191 911191 1 1 9 ng nh nrưkt 4CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK c5 52.1 Social II€CÏa œ- 5-5 5 s9 9 99080009 0090050098098898.0 5

2.1.1 voribi.iopcađ 5

2.1.2 Social media pÏatÍOTINS «1 xxx ng ng nh 62.1.3 The zones of Social Med1a - s6 kg gkt First Zone - Social COMMUNILY Ăằ S25 ĂĂĂSĂSĂSSSssseeesseres & Second Zone - Social Publishing cceccecccsccsseeseesseesesseeeneeseeees Third Zone - Social EHf€TÍGÏHIN€HÍ Ă- 5c SS<SSssseeeseeres bị2.1.3.4 Fourth Zone - SOCIAL COMME CE 5 5555 +kEsseesserss &

2.1.4 The role of Social Media in Marketing «5+ c++scsssees 9

2.1.5 Social media Marketing - - - + 1+ E21 3 11 9 kg ren 102.1.6 Social media marrketing activities 5 55c ssssseessee 112.2 CONtENL ccccscsccsssccescscsscsccesccescssscessessccsscssscesccesesssessesssecescessesssessossseees 13

2.2.1 Content marK€fITE, - 5 + 3 23 911919 1 1 vn ng gi nnư 132.2.2 Content marketing on social med1a - s «+ «++£+sxsse+seess 132.3 Brand aWAT€IICSS ó5 5 5 9 0 T0 100.00 09000000 10096600 14


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3.1 Brief introduction of Tuan Nghia Co.,Ltd 5=<<5<5<<<5 163.1.1 History and developImefn( 5 << + xxx vn ngư 17

3.1.2 Organizational S{TUCfLITE 2 5 1 1kg tr 18

3.1.3 Tuan Nghia’s Vision, Mission and Core Value ‹- 18 COVPOVAtE HHLSSÏOHH HH T8 COTDOTđf€ COTE VẠH€ SE 193.2 Before All - Electric vehicle (EV) brand os«< << s«<s<<sssssess 203.3 Current situation of Tuan Nghia Co., LC - s5 <5 <<5s<s<es 20CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 1.00 csscssssscsscsccssssseseeneenee 224.1 Response TAÍC Go < G5 4 TH 00.00000009 0000600406090 224.2 Demographics of the respondent 5 <5 << 55s se s96 s99 224.3 Social media DÏAẨÍOTTNS <5 << s 5< 5 959.96 996 8996840068848 896 254.3.1 Common social media channeÌs +- «+ ++<+£*++£++eesseerss 254.3.2 Functions of social media platforms «+55 « << +++e>++ 274.4 Social media marketing activities affecting brand awareness of BeforeAI] cĩ 2G G55 9 H90 0804.094 0 0000 0098.08 06.0104 000000 900900900 284.4.1 The level of respondents’ brand awareness of Before All 284.4.2 Types of content attracting Before All’s followers - 314.4.3 SMM activities of Before A ÏÏ - cv HH ng re, 334.5 Respondents’ €XD€CAfÏOT Go 55G 5 9.9 ni 9.00 000 86 38CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATIONS, LIMITATIONS ANDCONCLUSION 1.01 ccssscsccsscsessccssssscsscsscsssescssssssnecssssssneesessessescesssscessnssesenesses 415.1 C u00) 120 70 415.1.1 Social media pÏatÍOTINS, - c1 3113211381113 11111 11x re, 415.1.2 SMM activities Q2 ng HH ng nh 425.2 LÏTÏẨAfÏOTI s- 5 <5 E000 50405040004 06 435.3 OIICÏISÏOHI - 5 <5 5 E5 5 5 0 90909096 06 96 040405 004004 6 43REEERENCES sọ Tụ H00 0090000098090 44APPENDÏYX - << G Họ HH ee 49


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List of figures

Figure 1: The Zones of Social Medda - < +3 1331191118111 re 7Figure 2: Different levels of brand awareness cà series 15Figure 3: Tuan Nghia’s Corporate Structure ccccccscccsseeeseeeseceseeenseeeeeeneneenees 18Figure 4: Respondents’ Ø€TId€T 5 6 5 + 1191 ng ng ng, 22Figure 5: Respondents’ age ØðTOUD - - 1331223 11112 119111 111111 nh ngư 23Figure 6: Respondents’ employment SIfUatiON - s5 s55 **+ss+sxeerseersssrs 24Figure 7: Respondents’ frequency of using social medlia - ‹ «s+ 24

Figure 8: Most-used social media sites among responden(s 25

Figure 9: Before All’s social media networks that respondents follow 26Figure 10: Different functions of social media platforms - «+-«++ 27Figure 11: Respondents’ channels of disCOVeTY c.:ccescesseesseeteeeeeeseeeteeeeeeeens 28Figure 12: Attractiveness of Before All” posts :.ccccsceesesseesseetseeseesseeseeeeeeees 29Figure 13: Recognition of Before All brand due to SMM «+5 29Figure 14: Level of respondents’ brand awareness of Before All, 30

Figure 15: Attractive forms Of COTIf€TI + + 2 1k v vn ng ry 31Figure 16: Attractive kinds of message styles on social media 32

Figure 17: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities Entertainment P1 ằae ¬ 33Figure 18: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities -

-CUStOMIZALION 00075887 —— 34

Figure 19: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities Interaction ¬ 35Figure 20: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities -'Trendiness - - CC C11111 9E EE95333335151 111 1k khen ¬ 36Figure 21: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities -

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List of table

Table 1: Basic information about Tuan Nghia Co., Ltd

Table 2: Questionnaire’s response

rafe -vi

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EV: Electric vehicles

MDF: Medium Density Fiberboard


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1.1 Background

Different businesses may employ various marketing strategies and methods to

reach customers but they have a common ultimate objective which is standingout from other competitors Customers have a tendency to select brands they canrecall, identify, and are acquainted with (Moisescu, 2009, p 109) Brands thatcan arouse emotions from their target audience are more likely to succeed.Consequently, raising brand recognition is a crucial component of marketing.

Today, marketing activities are gradually shifting away from the traditionalmarket to platforms that can be highly effective such as the Internet, Socialmedia The importance of social media networks and their distinct channels hasbeen highlighted in the corporate world today An earlier study demonstrated that

social network sites function as an addition to a company’s website and a tool toraise brand recognition (Barreda, Bilgihan, Khaldoon and Fevzi, 2015, p 7).Businesses now can easily, affordably, and continuously carry out tasks such asdeveloping their own personal brand identities and providing online customersupport, product information, and special offers due to SMM activities (Breitsohlet al., 2015) Brands can give product insights and share their content at a low

cost on social networks where millions of users log in every day.

The purposes of this research are to examine the relationship between SMM andbrand awareness; to provide SMM solutions for raising the brand awareness ofBefore All which is an electric bike brand belonging to Tuan Nghia Co Thepercentage of Internet users accessing SNSs has increased rapidly and Internethas become the most popular means of communication in the world Inparticular, most social network users today are generation Z with informationacumen They can grasp information quickly and have a widespread influence.As a result, it can increase brand awareness.

1.2 Rationale

It is visualized that the study will give a detailed analysis with regard to theactivities on social networks influencing brand recognition, the effectiveness ofraising brand awareness through social media, social media platforms that brands

should concentrate on, and make suggestions for Before All on how to use socialmedia to improve brand recognition.

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1.3 Research questions

1 What are the SMM activities affecting brand awareness?

2 Which social media channels are most useful in marketing for Before All toraise brand awareness?

3 How can Before All increase its brand awareness with the help of social

1.4 Scope of the research

The study focuses on the population which has the following characteristics: (1)students and officers aged from 18-30 who have low and middle income; (2)people using social networks frequently; (3) people having followed Before All”sSNSs This research investigates SMM activities influencing brand recognition.The study will be useful in gaining an understanding of online media platforms

and their effects on increasing brand awareness.1.5 Methodology

1.5.1 Primary data collection

A data gathering approach that employs numerical data is known as quantitative,whereas a data collection method that utilizes data conveyed in a speech viainterviews or focus groups is known as qualitative (Saunders et al., 2007) Fordata inquiry, this study uses both quantitative and qualitative methods Theprimary data for this research was gathered using an online questionnaire withclose-ended questions; and observation of the brand's social media channels Inthis situation, the questionnaire was determined to be Internet-mediated andspread through SNS, notably the Before All’s Facebook and Instagram accounts,for a five-day period to examine what respondents believe The population wasselected based on the data given by a staff of Before All working in promotingadvertisements This is crucial when it comes to raising brand awareness throughsocial media The authors’ decision to disseminate the questionnaire online waspartially motivated by the time it would have saved her The writers would beable to get quicker results by conducting an Internet-based poll Anotherargument was that, since social media and SNS in general are the focus of thisstudy, it would be simpler to target relevant respondents who are familiar withthem The article is qualitative in that the questionnaire includes contains

interviews and open-ended questions.

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1.5.2 Secondary data collection

As a consequence of performing a literature review in the fields of social media,brand awareness, and content marketing, secondary data has been gathered Theinformation was acquired by searching for pertinent sources that may serve as thefoundation for the study's idea The theory has since been evaluated, contrasted,

and, if necessary, integrated into the study.

1.5.3 Questionnaire development

Google Forms was utilized to create the questionnaires using the information

from the literature review The questionnaire was divided into six parts In the

first part, there were questions to gather general information of the respondentswhich are gender, age, occupation, and frequency of using social media Thesecond part was about which social media platform they were using mostregularly, different zones of social media platforms, and which channels they

were following Before All The respondents’ opinions on the five SMM activitiesaspects of entertainment, customization, interaction, trendiness, and EWOM wereasked in the third section of the questionnaire The entire number of SMMactivities-related questions in the questionnaire was five questions The

respondents were encouraged to react to the questions based on their perspectives

and impressions of the brand in question Answers to all SMM activities-relatedquestions were to be given on a Likert scale of 1 to 5, with | indicating "strongly

disagree" and 5 indicating "strongly agree." In the next part, three questionsabout content marketing were asked to evaluate the current content of the brandon social media The fifth part included three questions about the level of brandawareness to see which stage of brand awareness users are in Finally, there weretwo open-ended questions to obtain respondents’ opinions and recommendationsfor Before All.

1.5.4 Sample size

The characteristics that the author was looking for in respondents were personswith an understanding of SNS activities and social media in particular or at leasthad some experience with it, ideally as active users A sample size of 150responders was then chosen after taking this into account and acknowledging it.

Given the size of the relevant population for this study, this amount was deemedto be a suitable number of responders.

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1.5.5 Data collection procedure

The online surveys are made using Google Form when the question format hasbeen determined The researcher then asks the branch manager for permission tocarry out surveys The survey is condensed into a link and distributed to Before

All's social media followers Before All's followers will receive the link to the

survey via a variety of media, including Messenger and Instagram Followers arerequested to click the link and spend two to three minutes completing the survey.The researcher gathers all the responses after five days and utilizes them to

conduct data analysis.

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2.1 Social media2.1.1 Social media

Social Media are defined as “The online and mobile technologies or platformspeople use to interact and share content, including SNSs, social bookmarking andsocial news sites, geoSNSs, blogs, online forums, file-sharing and media-sharingsites, social gaming sites, social commerce sites, virtual worlds, and wikis.”(Chandler & Munday, 2016)

Social and media are two words deriving the concept of social media The"social" part describes how people interact with one another to establish groupsor communities On the other side, the term "media" refers to the process of

disseminating ideas or information through channels or publications, as well as

advertisements As a result, the concept of social media as a whole refers to

communication and publication platforms that are created and perpetuated by

interactions between individuals through a specific brand recognition that can

also serve as an existence indication A client may assume that a brand comes

from a successful firm that may or may not have been in business for a long timebecause of effective marketing or widespread distribution, and since the companyis successful, other people must be using their products too (Aaker, 1991, p 65).When a consumer has never needed a company's goods before, such thoughts and

sensations might reassure them about making a purchase.c medium ortechnology This implies that web-based technology is employed in social mediato convert straightforward communication into discussions that are collaborative(Neti, 2011) Since social’s interactive aspects enable participation, collaboration,and knowledge-sharing, it has become a crucial communication for brands todeliver their messages and information (Knoll, 2016)

Social media and SNSs are two terms frequently used interchangeably.Nevertheless, Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) specified that social media is not the

same as SNSs because it enables users to connect with each other by creatingpersonal information profiles and asking friends and coworkers to view thoseaccounts In this way, social media is the context in which social networkingoccurs, and it has changed how customers research products and make purchases.

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2.1.2 Social media platforms

Despite having a general definition of “a group of Internet-based applicationsthat build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and allowthe creation and exchange of user-generated content” (Kaplan and Haenlein2010, p 61), social media actually comes in a wide variety of forms Differentexamples of social media platforms can be classified as:

e Social networking: Facebook

e Microblogging: Twitter, Tumblre Blogging: WordPress

e Photo-sharing: Instagram, Pinterest, Flickre Video-sharing: Youtube, Tiktok

e Instant photo messaging: Snapchat

e Business and employment-oriented social networking: LinkedIn

These various forms of social media each have their own structures, cultures, and

norms (Van Dijck, 2013) For instance, a site like Facebook enables users to use

more intricate communications but Twitter only allows them to publish character tweets (with hashtags, mentions, a photo or video, URLs, or geotags).

140-Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) differentiate virtual gaming worlds, virtual socialworlds, blogs, content communities, SNSs, and collaborative projects using thedistinguishing features of social media The seven functional building blocks

identified by Kietzmann et al (2011) are utilized to differentiate social media

platforms: identity (“the extent to which users reveal their identities in a socialmedia setting,” p 243), conversations (“the extent to which users communicatewith other users,” p 244), sharing (“the extent to which users exchangedistribute, and receive content,” p 245), presence (“the extent to which users canknow if other users are accessible,” p 245), relationships (“the extent to whichusers can be related to other users,” p 246), reputation (“the extent to whichusers can identify the standing of others, including themselves,” p 247), andgroups (“the extent to which users can form communities and sub-communities,”

p 247).

In addition to these classifications, social media platforms vary in a wide range ofother aspects, such as mode of operation, whether the content is accessible

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privately versus publicly, privacy restrictions, the nature of connections (friendsvs colleagues), and the duration of content accessibility All of these traitsprobably lead to various engagement experiences on social media sites.

The establishment of linkages across various platforms and media is crucial Theinterconnectedness may enhance and deepen the relationship between the client

and the business When the firm links social media accounts to each other or totheir websites, followers on social media platforms can simply visit their

websites or online store with just one click.2.1.3 The zones of Social Media

After establishing the notion of social media, the next stage is to comprehend itsoperation As was previously noted, social media uses new channels andtechnologies focused on context, interaction, content and community to makeprogress in conventional forms of communication (Manning, 2014).

Social media platforms are different Despite the fact that they have the samepurpose (allowing interaction and participation of two or more persons) orfunctionality (creating a profile, sharing and reviewing material), they havediverse functions and offer different options to users As a result, propercategorization is critical (Manning, 2014).

Social media is divided into four separate zones by Tuten and Solomon (2017):

Figure 1: The Zones of Social Media

(Source: Tuten & Solomon, 2017)

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Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B First Zone - Social Community

Social Community refers to interpersonal interactions on social media platformsas well as other activities in which individuals connect and engage with otherswho have similar interests and identities As a result, it is clear that socialcommunities are built on user interaction, discourse, cooperation, andexperience-sharing People connect and work together in social networks

primarily in order to establish and maintain relationships Several platforms in

the social community zone include: wikis, forums, message boards and SNSs.(Tuten & Solomon, 2017) Second Zone - Social Publishing

Social Publishing relates to the process of generating content and distributing itvia social media User-generated content is created when the audience takes partin contributing and sharing the content Individual users and even brands whoutilize social media as a component of their marketing plan can all be socialpublishers Several platforms in the social publishing zone include: blogs, micro-

sharing sites, media-sharing sites, and social bookmarking and news sites.Although sharing content is a common feature for both social community andsocial publishing, there are some differences between the two While socialcommunity places emphasis on building relationships, social publishing centers

on information exchanges (Tuten & Solomon, 2017) Third Zone - Social Entertainment.

Social Entertainment zone is made up of performances, events, and other

activities that are intended to bring people joy When it relates to sharing content,social entertainment and social publishing are identical The primary distinctionis that social entertainment is about sharing enjoyment, whereas social publishingis about exchanging ideas Several platforms in the social entertainment zoneinclude “social games and gaming sites, socially enabled console games,alternate reality games (ARGs), virtual worlds, and entertainment communities”.

(Tuten & Solomon, 2017) Fourth Zone - Social Commerce

Social Commerce refers to the application of social media for online purchases

involving buying and selling process When online buyers engage and work

together to make purchases, social commerce affects their buying behaviors.Several channels in social commerce include: ratings, reviews, social shopping

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markets and social storefronts It is clear that the goal of social commerce is toenable individuals—both consumers and sellers—to engage in the online

exchange of goods and services through online marketplaces and communities.(Tuten & Solomon, 2017)

2.1.4 The role of Social Media in Marketing

The popularity of social media is continually increasing Social media is now anessential component of not only the interaction between individuals but alsopublic relations, brand management, and internal corporate communications.

From the standpoint of the firm, offering potential and current customers

information about the company as well as what it sells and provides is the mostessential purpose of marketing SMM can be a highly efficient way to attain thataim Neti (2011) discussed the functions of social media in marketing asfollowing:

e Social media can assist with building relationships with potential

customers or even people who are unaware of the firm, its products orservices, or its value.

e Social media can help a company form an identity about its image as wellas the services or goods it provides.

e Due to social media, the organization might appear more genuine tocustomers Besides sharing about the company’s products, it had bettershare its personality with customers in order to form a bond betweencustomers and the firm.

e Social media helps the firm establish relationships with other companies

serving the same target market.

The merits of companies utilizing social media are apparent Businesses should

begin using social media for some of reasons:

® Size - the number of people using social networks is increasing andbecome a large market for companies The amount of potential audiencesis tremendous and social media is a communication means that canprovide the firm permission to connect to them It is important to note thathaving large audiences can also bring risks Negative word-of-mouth mayspread rapidly and harm a company's image in case of mistakes and badsituations (Neti, 2011)

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e Transparency - users on social media are able to leave feedback Thus,

those who are familiar with the business or have used its goods or servicesare able to share their thoughts about it and evaluate it by posting

favorable or unfavorable comments These are real and beyond of thecorporations’ control Such word-of-mouth may promote a business well ifit is good or deter potential clients if it is unfavorable By readingindependent evaluations, consumers can obtain more data on the companypublished by people, not by the company itself This means thatbusinesses cannot pretend to be credible (Neti, 2011)

e Reach - Using social media can hasten a business to become worldwide

more quickly Social media makes it possible to reach potential customersanyplace on the planet, which is a huge benefit Social media is consideredto be powerful means that can be utilized to break into new markets (Neti,

e Boosting the website traffic - Social media is renowned for being the most

straightforward and efficient way to bring visitors to a company's website.Viewers of the company's social media profiles are more inclined to visitthe website when the link to the company’s website is pinned on its socialnetwork account It follows that there will be an increase in website traffic

over time (Neti, 2011)

e Branding - Using social media to develop a brand is considered a wise

move One of the quickest and most effective ways to build a brand isthrough social media channels (Neti, 2011)

2.1.5 Social media marketing

In the present day, social media is a digital medium where businesses canconduct marketing campaigns since it allows customers to readily leavecomments, discuss, and learn about products (Ansari et al., 2019) The ability forusers to produce and post their personal content, more formally known as "user-

generated content," is one of the most significant features of social media Thelevel of engagement and the level of contact among individuals, as well as theease of integration with other websites, are two additional crucial features ofsocial media (Campbell, 2010)

SMM is a strategy created by the business to involve customers either actively or

passively in raising brand awareness, strengthening the brand, and boosting sales


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of products or services Many businesses assert that SMM contributes positivelyto the promotion of a product or brand and makes them become the consumer's

first option to purchase the goods or services (Kurniasari & Budiatmo, 2018).

According to Neti (2011), the goal of this sort of marketing is to improve thecompany's professional image impact, and brand within online communities ofpotential audiences, buyers and followers It is a sophisticated, systematic, and

above all strategic procedure.

SMM enables businesses to communicate and deliver content more effectively totheir target audience due to social media personalization and speedy datacollection With the support of the various channels accessible, it is now bothsimple and affordable for businesses to catch users’ eyes and gain greaterrecognition Although each social media platform has merits and drawbacks of its

own, if distinct brand voices can be developed for each platform, the firm mayappeal to a variety of consumers (Jefferson & Tanton, 2015)

Neti (2011) has stated the three main advantages of SMM which are informationexchange, organic growth and cost The first merit is information exchange Itprovides firms with channels in which marketers can inform potential customers

about the company's services and goods and customers can send their suggestionsand feedback to the company The second key benefit of SMM is increasingorganic growth by using celebrity endorsement strategy The low cost is the lastmain advantage of SMM since most social networking platforms are available for

SMM is invested more and more these days since it can help firms interact withcustomers to get to know about their wants and needs It is a great approach todiscover a product's flaws Once knowing about its shortcomings, the businessmay then improve the service or product to better reach customers’ expectations.

(Neti, 2011)

2.1.6 Social media marrketing activities

Tsimonis and Dimitriadis (2014) conducted research and discovered that socialmedia is at the core of today’s business strategy The widespread use of socialmedia, cost-cutting tactics, and rivals' social media activities are three factorsencouraging marketers to carry out SMM activities Kudeshia and Kumar (2017)and Baum et al (2019) have classified SMM activities as entertainment,customization, interaction, trendiness, and electronic word of mouth (EWOM).


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Entertainment in social media happens when marketers design enjoyable and

amusing experiences for users on social media sites (Agichtein et al., 2008).Entertainment is a key element that drives user participation and ongoing follow-up, which fosters favorable sentiments about the brand in the thoughts offollowers (Kang, 2005) Despite the fact that people's objectives for using socialmedia vary, users highlight that the funny and satisfying contents are likely tocatch their attention (Manthiou et al., 2013) These entertaining activities canimprove user experiences on brand’s social media platforms and stimulatecustomers to join brand communities.

Customization in the context of social media relates to the degree to whichservices are tailored to match the individual liking of users in a way that makes

them simple to use (Kim and Ko, 2012) According to earlier studies, the effort

of customization is important for reaching the target audience, fostering customertrust, and enhancing consumer buying intentions (Martin and Todorov, 2010).Marketers adjust their promotional strategies, offerings, and messages to provide

value to a particular customer segment in order to achieve customization (Chanand Guillet, 2011; Zhu and Chen, 2015)

Interaction in social media evaluates the extent to which social media platformsprovide space for sharing information and exchanging viewpoints with like-minded people According to Fischer and Reuber (2011), the creation of user-generated content and opinion-sharing is promoted due to social mediainteraction This engagement also influences users' perceptions of companies andtheir buying behavior (Hajli, 2015) Furthermore, SNSs' interactive content canreach customers in a better way compared to conventional media like print,television, and radio (Bowen, 2015).

Trendiness as a part of SMM activities involves providing customers with themost recent and up-to-date product information (Godey et al., 2016) Socialmedia channels such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc are being used moreoften by customers to look for product-related information since they are viewedas more beneficial and updated than conventional methods (Mangold and Faulds,2009; Ashley and Tuten, 2014) Trendy information is essential in buildingconsumers’ brand trust (Godey et al., 2016) and strengthening customers’ good

impression on the brand (Manthiou et al., 2016)

EWOM relates to the amount of content that users share, spread, and publish onsocial media sites (Kudeshia and Kumar, 2017) This consists of customers’


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propensity to disseminate information about companies and discuss it with theirfriends (Chae et al., 2015) Consumers are increasingly creating and freely

communicating brand-related information via EWOM to other social mediausers In this way, they act as brand ambassadors, which helps brands reach more

people as well as raise brand awareness2.2 Content

2.2.1 Content marketing

In recent years, the notion of content marketing has gained popularity Content

marketing has been said to be similar to corporate storytelling and goes beyond

simple advertising Instead of using more conventional forms of communicationlike advertising, pitching, and selling, content marketing provides customers withmore valuable information Pulizzi (2012) believes that publishing - rather thanmarketing - will be the future of marketing “So, as content marketing andstorytelling become a larger part of the marketing organization in general, we areseeing an evolution of the marketing department transform itself into more of apublishing department” (Pulizzi 2012).

What is content marketing? Why is it so crucial in today’s world? Generatingcontent that empowers, interacts, educates, and links customers is a briefdefinition of content marketing (Jefferson & Tanton 2015) Content MarketingInstitute stated that “Content marketing isa marketing technique of creating anddistributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire aclearly defined audience with the objective of driving profitable customeraction” According to Pulizzi (2012), content marketing's main objectives are:

e@ Customer perspective reinforcement

e Sales and lead generatione Consumer Engagement

e Brand awareness

e Customer upsell

e Enthusiastic Followers, fans and subscribers

2.2.2 Content marketing on social media

It's important for businesses to be aware that content marketing, particularly onsocial media, is more than just advertising and should not be used excessively.


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The first and foremost thing that brands need is to find their own brand voice and

create a brand story Instead of creating brand narratives and contents on their

own, brand owners should work with their target audience to co-create it (Singh& Sonnenburg 2012).

Each of the brand's social media channels requires a different sort of content Ifbusinesses want their consumers to hear the message they are attempting to

convey, appearing on multi social media platforms where the customers are is aneed The content that helps a firm become more visible online is the mosteffective one When customers feel strongly connected to the firm’s content, theyare eager to share it with other people (Budikova 2014).

2.3 Brand awareness

Brand is defined by Kotler & Armstrong (2009) as any name, phrase, sign,symbol, or design (or a mix of these) that distinguishes the goods or servicesoffered by one seller or group of sellers from those offered by rivals Accordingto Aaker (1991), brand awareness is “the ability of a potential buyer to recognizeor recall that a brand is a member of a certain product category” Brandawareness is about the crowd or track power in customers’ mind that represent

customers’ capacity to recall or recognize a brand under various circumstances.

In other words, having brand awareness indicates that a product or service iswell-known, well-recognized, and well-liked Building brand awareness isessential for being able to set the company and its goods apart from thecompetitors (Gustafson and Chabot, 2007).

Brand awareness is separated into four stages by Tritama and Tarigan (2016):brand unaware, brand recognition, brand recall, and top of mind.


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brand only when it is mentioned Thus, this degree of brand awareness has a

significant influence when a buyer is presented with a variety of brands to selectfrom while making a purchase.

The following level, "brand recall," might be thought of as a more developedform of brand recognition This is also known as "unaided recall," where thebuyer should be able to remember or think of a certain brand only by hearing

other people discuss a particular product category.

The highest level of brand awareness is referred to be conscious top of mind ortop of mind If a company's brand is the first to spring to mind, it is likely ranksabove its rivals in the customer's mind (Aaker, 1991)


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3.1 Brief introduction of Tuan Nghia Co.,Ltd

In short, Tuan Nghia Co., Ltd, is described through some_ basicinformation in Table 1.1 below:

Company English Tuan Nghia Production and AssemblyName Company Limited

Compan ,

Pany Cong ty TNHH San xuat & Lap rap Tuan

No 18 Tran Quang Dieu, O Cho Dua Ward,

Address Lo a l

Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam

Type of company Limited Liability Company

Chief OfficerExecutive

Sepember 25th, 2002

Email Address info @tuannghia.com

Table 1: Basic information about Tuan Nghia Co., LtdMr Phan Van Minh

Tuan Nghia Co., Ltd began as a firm that primarily dealt in the sale of blankets,mats, and fabric cabinets After many years of growth and development, TuanNghia Co., Ltd has made significant strides and is now one of the top businesses

in Vietnam with Thien Nam Son fabric cabinets, MDF wood, Aluminum


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Composite Panel, production and assembly of electric bicycles and motorcycles,Real Estate, and Formex With three factories that have a combined usable area

of more than 50,000 m2 and a workforce of more than 200 people, Tuan Nghia

Production and Assembling Co., Ltd is currently one of the top corporates activein the fields of industrial production, construction, and real estate With morethan 20 years of expertise, the company has steadily strengthened its position inthe market and won the confidence of its clients Along with a nationaldistribution network for goods sold under the brand names of Before All (Electric

Bike); ZeZ, OMA, LEAD (Aluminum Composite Panel), the company's goodshave been exported to several nations and regions

3.1.1 History and development

Tuan Nghia Manufacturing and Assembly Co., Ltd was established on September25, 2002, starting as a business dealing mainly in blankets, mats and canvascabinets.

The year 2007 marked an important turning point for the company with a series

of major changes, specifically: expanding their fields and business lines, most

notably trading industrial wood and mica panels In addition, during this period,

the company also invested in building the Thien Nam Son canvas cabinet factoryat Kim Quan, Thach That, Hanoi.

Along with the expansion of the market, market share and in order to beproactive about the goods supplied to the market, in early 2010, the Board ofDirectors decided to invest in the production line of the aluminum compositepanel It was considered as the most modern production line in Vietnam at thistime After 4 years, the Alu - Zez brand has gained customers’ trust and stood out

among rivals ZEZ products were honored to win the construction industry's gold

award for 3 consecutive years at the International Exhibition for Constructionand Building Materials in 2012, 2013, and 2014.

In 2012, seeing the potential of the EV market, the company's Board of Directors

decided to invest in an EV assembly line The assembly place was located atVinh Tuy Industrial Park, Hoang Mai, Hanoi with a total usable area of 2,500m2 After 4 years of operation, by 2016, due to the need for business expansion,the company decided to invest in an EV assembly and manufacturing factory inYen Binh Commune, Thach That District, Hanoi With an area of 2.5 hectares,the project was completed and put into operation in 2017.


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Nowadays, Before All is one of the leading Electric bike brands in Vietnam, withmore than 700 authorized agents across the country The agent system is closelylinked with each other through the company’s supervisors The market quantityof Before All electric bikes increases gradually from year to year until 2021which is 35,000 units.

In 2016, the company started to invest in the field of real estate with projectssuch as: Diamond City in Song Cong, Thai Nguyen, with a scale of 5 ha andinvestment capital of 100 billion VND In 2019, the company was selected by thePeople's Committee of Lang Son province as an investor in the new project -BenBac City with a scale of 10 hectares

3.1.2 Organizational structure


ds ealstees

Figure 3: Tuan Nghia’s Corporate structure

Tuan Nghia Production and Assembling Co., Ltd is organized and operated underthe model of a limited liability company with two or more members The

company's organizational chart is built based on the functions and tasks of thedepartments to ensure close connection and smooth operation.

3.1.3 Tuan Nghia’s Vision, Mission and Core Value3.1.3.1 Corporate mission

“In the context of the significant development of Vietnam in the economy as well

as industrial zones, Tuan Nghia Production & Assembly Co., Ltd desires to


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create industrial products which are modern and high-quality, meeting thestringent requirements of domestic as well as international customers.” Corporate vision

“Become a leading company in the production and assembly of electric bikes andconstruction materials in Vietnam.” Corporate core value

e The customer is the only boss:

In the company, the customer is the only boss The company’s employees,regardless of department, role, and position, are responsible to bring benefits and

No jealousy, no defame, no faction.

Support mutually and care for each other like family members.

e Work with passion and responsibility: always work hard with the highestresponsibility.

e Act immediately

Start working with the highest effort, persevere with the work until the goal is

Be courageous, dare to fail, and adjust frequently.

Look straight into reality, accept and find a solution to go through the challenges.

® Continuous innovation


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Never rest on our laurels.

Constantly learning new things.”

3.2 Before All - Electric vehicle (EV) brand

Before All was established in 2012 with a green mission to create eco-friendlyproducts, advance social advancement, and, in particular, address customerconcerns about economic efficiency After three years, dozens of Before Allmodels have been created, enabling over 400 agents around the country to

provide thousands of EVs to consumers.

The brand Before All- EV has affirmed its position in the market and gainedcustomers’ confidence thanks to its ten years of expertise in the production anddistribution of MDF wood products, Zez aluminum composite panels, and ThienNam Son fabric cabinets.

The Before All EV factory, which has a total usable area of nearly 3 hectares,was constructed in Hanoi City in 2013 The factory includes two assembly linesthat can assemble up to 400 EV per day and are outfitted with the best qualitycontrol and assembly equipment available in Vietnam which has passed thequality assessment according to ISO:9001-2015 standards Over 400 agentsnationally are constantly provided with a steady supply of automobiles thanks toa 10,000 m2 warehouse infrastructure.

All products are strictly certified by the Vietnam Register The assembledcomponents are manufactured and imported with the most competitive qualityand price After almost ten years, Before All had a nationwide distributionnetwork of more than 700 agents, and thousands of EVs had been supplied to

customers, helping to protect the environment.

In order to accomplish such successes, the Before All Team has consistentlyconcentrated on research, improvement, and continual updating to promoteVietnamese people's access to high-tech items at the most affordable prices.

3.3 Current situation of Tuan Nghia Co., Ltd

In spite of being one of the leading companies operating in the field of electricbikes for nearly 10 years, Before All’s SMM is still very much limited When

compared to competitors, it can be clearly seen that Before All’s SMM activitiesare not concentrated on as much as the rivals like Yadea, Dibao, etc Before Allis focusing on producing and distributing to agents only, the marketing activities


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of the brand still exist a lot of shortages It is high time the band's SMM strategy

underwent some adjustments.

Although Before All claims to be one of the leading electric bike brands inVietnam, there are many other brands available on the market that are formed byboth domestic and foreign manufacturers Both the affordable and mediumpricing categories are targeted by Before All items, however in both price ranges,there are several competing products from other brands, namely Vinfast in themore costly product line and Dibao, Yadae, etc for the more affordable ones.In order to strengthen their market share, these electric bike rivals have been

working to boost consumer happiness through social media marketing.Importantly, expanding market share and keeping a place in the competitive

electric bike industry are seen as the main objectives for all present and potential

bran in this industry For this reason, Before All should place a great deal of

emphasis on developing strategic planning to keep its existing customers, attractnew ones, and increase brand awareness in order to maintain a strong competitive

In this study, the researcher wants to examine the effects of SMM on Before an electric bike brand To determine the efficiency of SMM as a tool forincreasing brand awareness at the brand, quantitative and qualitative methodswill be used to collect primary and secondary data.


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Table 2: Questionnaire’s response rate

The researcher anticipated receiving 150 responses, but only 138 genuine oneswere recorded, yielding a remarkable response rate of 92% This could beexplained by the lengthy survey period, which lasted for five days.

According to Ngechu (2010), a response rate of 50% is considered sufficient,60% good, and anything over 70% is considered extremely good According tothis claim, the study's response rate, which was 92%, is considered to beextremely good The number of respondents to the open-ended question at theend of the survey was relatively low, with just 12 acceptable replies, despite thedata appearing to show a high response rate.

4.2 Demographics of the respondents

= Female

= Male

Figure 4: Respondents’ gender


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According to the first pie chart, there were noticeably more female participantsthan there was male As shown above, 62.3% of survey respondents were femaleand 37.7% were men In particular, 86 female followers and 52 male followersmade up the 138 respondents to the survey This section might be taken asindicating that women make up the majority of Before All's social mediafollowers The fact that Before All concentrates more on serving femaleconsumers and that women are more likely than males to be lovers of electricbikes is one explanation as to why there were more women among theresponders.

= Under 18

= 18-30

= 30-45= Over 45

Figure 5: Respondents’ age group

More than two-thirds of the participants (100 people) indicated that they were inthe "18-30" age group in response to the next question concerning the age of

social media users The second-most prevalent age group, represented by 20people and accounting for 14.5% of the chart, was those under the age of 18 The"30-45" category, which received 15 votes, came in third place Finally, threeparticipants chose the "over 45" answer This is in line with the company's target

audience and the industry in which it operates.


Ngày đăng: 20/05/2024, 01:00


