Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61BEXECUTIVE SUMMARYAccording to analysis findings, brand awareness is where social media marketingactivities most often have an impact on consu
Tuan Nghia’s Vision, Mission and Core Value
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 1.00 csscssssscsscsccssssseseeneenee 22 4.1 Response TAÍC Go < G5 4 TH 00.00000009 0000600406090 22 4.2 Demographics of the respondent 5 <5 << 55s se s96 s99 22 4.3 Social media DẽAẨÍOTTNS <5 << s 5< 5 959.96 996 8996840068848 896 25 4.3.1 Common social media channeÌs +- ô+ ++<+Ê*++Ê++eesseerss 25 4.3.2 Functions of social media platforms ô+55 ô << +++e>++ 27 4.4 Social media marketing activities affecting brand awareness of Before AI] có 2G G55 9 H90 0804.094 0 0000 0098.08 06.0104 000000 900900900 28 4.4.1 The level of respondents’ brand awareness of Before All
Types of content attracting Before All’s followers
Figure 15: Attractive forms of content
The appealing form of content taking the lead was the one containing “photos or videos with music” with 78 preferences, followed by the “videos” with 29 votes.
By contrast, the “photos” and “written content” ranked behind “videos” and received only 17 and 14 answers respectively It could be interpreted that visuals and sounds play an essential part in attracting the audience’s attention on social media.
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B
Based on the results of the survey, the respondents stated that the type of content more attractive to them is the one featuring photos and videos with music and storytelling Despite the fact that the majority of Before All’s current postings are photos with long text, the new trend of visually appealing content shows that the existing method of content promotion is somewhat out of date and that a need for change in the way content is published should be implemented.
Other: 0 Showing workers and collaborators | 20
Vet Ts 24 Advertisement and promotions i, 70
What does the branddo? NN 22
Reflecting your lifestyle I TTT so Allowing interacion (I 22
Showing the brand's core values | so
Sharing knowledge or experience (TTT 56 rN C‘
Useful (tips and advice) En 34
Figure 16: Attractive kinds of message styles on social media
When comparing the responses to the question of what kind of message style should be conveyed in the content, "useful," which was the type comprising tips and advice, came in the top position with 84 responses Afterward, with 70 votes,
"advertisement and promotions" won the second rank The "sharing knowledge or experience" and "trendy" approaches tied for third place with the same number of responses (56) The content categories related to "reflecting your lifestyle" and
"showing the brand's core values" equaled fourth place, representing 50 answers.
Companies need to understand that content is everything when it comes to social media performance if they want to succeed (Kotler, Opresnik & Hollensen, 2019) Additionally, Kaplan & Haenlein, Mangold & Faulds (2009) concurred that an effective message can have a big impact on how people perceive and react to a given product or service, brand, or company However, to attract new audiences while still highlighting the distinguishing characteristics that provide the brand value to the target market, the content must be carefully planned and produced (Kotler, 2016) Additionally, the customer's brand awareness increases
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B the more times they are presented with a certain brand If the consumer has already encountered relevant and positive brand content, associations in their minds are formed, and they begin to recognize this brand The content to improve brand awareness should include topics concerning useful tips and advice on electric bikes, advertisement and promotion, sharing knowledge, experience, and trendy information Since the dominance of the respondents was young and preferred entertainment, useful information about product and trendy content could attract them most They also have the desire to connect and engage with people so the content that shared experience on using product or brand’s information could meet their satisfaction.
SMM activities of Before A ẽẽ - cv HH ng re, 33 4.5 Respondents’ €XD€CAfẽOT Go 55G 5 9.9 ni 9.00 000 86 38
: LÌ : a ; LJ m The social media accounts of Before All are The contents shared on social media of Before All 9 enjoyable are interesting mStrongly Disagree m Disagree Neutral mAgree wm Strongly Agree
Figure 17: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities -
From the figure, it can be seen that over half of respondents find the content on the social media of Before All enjoyable and interesting with approximately 73 votes About one-third of the participants had neutral thinking of Before All”s content regarding Entertainment Although most of the respondents considered it enjoyable and interesting content, there were some users who disagreed with these two statements.
According to the results of the data analysis in this research, entertainment is a crucial component in developing a strong customer-brand relationship for the Before All brand Particularly, the brand should promote entertaining material as
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B part of its social media platform efforts The results of this investigation may also show that consumers look for entertainment value in the material on social media sites This may also mean that consumers are less prone to believe that brands are the only location to make purchases They are now more likely to consider them a source of content that is both amusing and informative When social media is so popular as a place where people go to discover entertaining and humorous things to escape from the unpleasant and challenging reality, it could be worthwhile to take note of this (Erdogmus & Cicek, 2012)
LỊ lJ LỊ LỊ ; | LÌ
The information that | need can be Before All’s social media provides | can easily obtain the information | found on Before All’s social media customized content (the content is need such as models, price range, account of this brand relevant to me) and features of the electronic bike on Before All’s social media.
8 Strongly Disagree TM Disagree Neutral MAgree Strongly Agree
Figure 18: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities -
The figure demonstrates the degree to which respondents evaluate Before All”s activities regarding Customization About half of the followers agreed that the content in Before All’s social media sites has customization which is shown in aspects: the ease of obtaining information, and relevant content The rest showed
“neutral” or “disagree” attitudes towards the Customization activity of Before All, which could lead to the users’ ignorance of the brand.
According to figure 16, 50 answers were recorded that the “reflect lifestyle” content on Before All’s social media called their attention It could be referred to the Customization activities of Before All that could attract audiences but at a medium degree It implied that the content of Before All was not well- customized yet.
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B
Customization would unquestionably be a useful tool for companies to show their identity and increase customer awareness (Martin & Todorov, 2010) Since the majority of participants in this survey are young adults (18 to 35), they are more likely to support companies that personalize goods and services in unconventional ways This gives brands additional incentive to explore customization across all of their commercial endeavors.
Before All’s social media enables The discussion and exchange of Itis easy to deliver my opinion of information sharing with others opinions are possible on the social Before All’s product and service media page of Before All on their social media.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral MAgree Strongly Agree
Figure 19: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities -
The figure shows the degree to which respondents evaluate Before All’s activities regarding Interaction More than half of the participants agreed that the sharing and exchanging of information as well as opinion could be implemented on Before All’s social media About 51 answers showed a “neutral” attitude towards the Interaction activity of Before All Customers are able to communicate ideas and knowledge with other users on social media, which helps to build awareness Additionally, companies can prevent customers from expending excessive effort in their search for information by offering interactive services to them (Merisavo & Raulas, 2004; Laroche et al., 2013) As a result, consumers' satisfaction levels are guaranteed, and they feel respected have their thoughts heard and have their concerns addressed in a timely manner As respondents stated before, the function of social media that they preferred most was connecting and engaging with people However, there was still a small proportion of respondents showing a “disagree” attitude toward the possibility to exchange opinions and share information on Before All’s social media sites. Interaction was evaluated quite low regarding the factor calling Before All
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B followers' attention (figure 16) It implicated that the informational communication between users on the company’s social media was quite complicated and not easy for all followers.
The content shared on the social media of Before The content shared on the social media of Before
All is up to date All is trendy.
Strongly Disagree TM Disagree Neutral MAgree Strongly Agree
Figure 20: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities -
A high proportion of “agree” answers were shown in the Trendiness dimension with 108 people agreeing that Before All’s content is up to date and 87 participants finding it trendy The “neutral” answer was recorded at 27 and 48 regarding “up to date” and “trendy” content respectively The least popular response was “disagree” with 3 votes for both “up to date” and “trendy” sectors.
“Trendy” is the factor ranked third that attracted audiences to the social media account of the brand Users are encouraged to interact on social media sites and engage in online information exchange due to the latest updates It can be clearly seen that people prefer trendy features in the company’s social media activities and trendiness can reach the audience more easily Before All did a well job regards to catch up the trend and mix it to their content.
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B
Strongly Disagree mm Disagree Neutral mAgree wm Strongly Agree
Figure 21: The respondents’ attitudes toward Before All’s SMM activities -
According to the figure, the number of users receiving information about Before All from their friends or family through the Internet was not high, just nearly half of the total 12 people said that there was not any information regarding the brand sent from their family and friend and 20 participants voted for not seeing Before
All’s content uploaded from their friend Undoubtedly, as individuals like sharing their experiences with family, friends, and other members of the community, EWOM is typically seen as an effective instrument for knowledge distribution (Jalilvand & Samiei, 2012) This may be done on social media by sharing articles or by leaving good or bad comments on various platforms Since the level of respondents’ brand awareness of Before All was only in the first stage which is Recognition, the EWOM activity is currently not effective The number of people recognized Before All via their friends or family was rather low If the brand wants to reach more audiences as well as raise brand awareness, they had better enhance the EWOM activity The main Internet users today are young people so they spend a lot of time being active on the SNN and can pass the information in quickly way.
Compared to other nations in the area and throughout the world, the market for EVs in Vietnam has not attracted as much attention, but this does not indicate that prospects are not present As governments turn to sustainable energy and take environmental concerns into account, EVs are on an unstoppable trend and will be the norm in the future By 2030, five significant Vietnamese cities— Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Hai Phong, Da Nang, and Can Tho—must come up with a strategy to gradually outlaw motorbikes (Vietnam Briefing) This could be both an opportunity and a challenge for the company Previously, Before All focused more on producing stage and did not concentrate much on the marketing activities Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the findings that most of the respondents are in the “Recognition” stage - such a quite low level for a company that has operated in this industry for about 10 years Many other enterprises could see motorbikes restricting as an opportunity to jump into a new potential market as electric bikes This would suggest that Before All should enhance their SMM so that they could have better advantages in the market The following metrics will be used in the study to address this issue:
One recommendation is to broaden social media activities to include platforms besides Facebook and more of the Social Community, Social Entertainment, and Social Commerce Zones, which are the features that people often value the most. Reaching out to both present and new consumers through the expansion to other social media platforms is a solid strategy for the business According to the questionnaire's primary data results, Facebook was the most commonly utilized platform, followed by Tiktok and Instagram These three actually ended up being the most used SNS among the participants This outcome provides some insight into which of the social media sites covered by the survey are best for Before All in terms of marketing Since Instagram's major focus is on the images that users take and post, it differs from Facebook in terms of its primary functionalities. Tiktok is a SNS for video sharing where users may generate, edit, share, discover, and watch short, vertical videos Each platform has its own function and the company should have different content plans for their social media
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B channels Before All’s Facebook fanpage can upload product pictures with more complicated designs and add other information such as holiday wishes The Instagram channel would be simple and the layout would follow a consistent color and themee Before All can use Tiktok as an effective way to raise their brand awareness with videos about the daily life of Before All or entertaining reviews of electric bikes.
5.1.2 SMM activities ô The "Entertainment” aspect refers to how engaging and alive the brand's activities are on digital networks in terms of the graphics, concepts, materials, events, etc that draw customers to the brand The firm may also meet the desire for enjoyment by creating entertaining and amusing content or involving consumers in its marketing initiatives. ô Before All could benefit from increasing Interaction activities which help the brand to create a connection between customers and the brand A community group on Facebook should be created to help customers have space to exchange information as well as experience with each other In addition, it could be the place to enhance the relationship between customers and Before All Small minigames or giveaways should be organized twice a month to keep the users’ attention and interest. Furthermore, the company could undertake a monthly polling or group questioning survey to learn what their consumers think This practice is not only affordable, but it also provides the brand with helpful data to identify persistent mistakes, which can then be corrected to further enhance the brand's practice, which will undoubtedly be advantageous for the company. e The utilization of social media by companies should be prioritized in order to provide consumers with the most recent, up-to-date content and trends through the publication of content on these platforms Since young people spend a lot of time on social media and are among the first to notice any modifications, they are more inclined to share and discuss such topics. According to Erdogmus and Cicek (2012), the relationship between the customer and the brand becomes stronger as content becomes more well- liked Before should examine additional resources, such as consumers' interests, hobbies, and other factors, in addition to paying attention to
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B
1nformation updating Consumers may be encouraged and persuaded to stick with the brand by its trendy appeal.
The first highlighted limitation relates to the social media literature It is acknowledged that the notion of social media is expanding quickly. Consequently, an increasing number of writers prefer to write about it The use of social media is growing both in popularity and importance in the modern world. Therefore, it is very likely that the notion will develop and change as time passes.
In order to learn more about how the notion evolved throughout time, research work is suggested to be done in the future It would also be vital to compare the link between social media and brand awareness since that might potentially be impacted and altered in the future.
Some further limitations on the data collecting are recognized The survey was only distributed to Before All’s followers, thus its results may only be applied sparingly and cannot be generalized Given that there are disproportionately more females than males among the respondents, the data may have been dispersed unevenly due to differing gender perspectives on the issue, leading to an overall biased study.
This study's primary goal was to examine how social media can be used for increasing brand awareness for businesses Theoretical information has been first presented Afterward, a survey have been created to gather empirical data to support the findings The results demonstrate that social media does have an impact on brand awareness Therefore, it may be said that the thesis's research question has been answered As a result, the paper's principal goal has been accomplished In conclusion, it is clear that this dissertation gives readers a thorough knowledge insight into social media, brand awareness, and the relationship between these two terms It also includes actual evidence to support these claims Furthermore, the research might give suggestions for the brand in leveraging social media activities to create and then raise brand awareness.
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Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B
This survey is to investigate social media marketing activities/channels that affect Before All's brand awareness to give recommendations to enhance the brand's social media marketing I hope that you can spend your time answering the following inquiries, as each of your answers will have a significant impact on the study's conclusion.
Here is the link to
Before All's facebook fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/nhamaybeforeall
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beforeall.vn/ website: https://beforeall.vn/
Question 1: What is your gender?
Question 2: Which age group are you?
Question 3: Which best describes your employment situation?
Question 4: How much time in a day do you spend on social media?
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B
Question 5: Rank the following social media sites in the order of frequent use from 1-8, 1 as the site you use most regularly and 8 as the site you use the least.
Question 6: What functions do you prefer seeing on social media platforms? (you can select one or more options)
1 Connecting and engaging with others who have similar interests and identities h9 Finding customer service
NH Ơ + WwW Sharing enjoyment (funny videos, joyful moments, ) via performances, events, games
7 Viewing pictures and information of products
9 Buying and selling goods and services online
Question 7: How did you first find out about Before All?
A Social media (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, )
B Word of mouth (your friends/family tell you about Before All)
Question 8: On which social media networks are you following Before All?
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B
Question 9: Please indicate the degree to which you agree/disagree with social media activities that raise your brand awareness of Before All? (On a 5-point
Likert scale ranging from 1 - ‘Strongly Disagree’ to 5 - ‘Strongly Agree’)
- The social media accounts of Before All are enjoyable.
- The contents shared on social media of Before All are interesting
- The information that I need can be found on Before All”s social media account of this brand.
- Before All’s social media provides customized content (the content is relevant to me)
- I can easily obtain the information I need such as models, price range, and features of the electronic bike on Before All’s social media.
- Before All’s social media enables information sharing with others.
- The discussion and exchange of opinions are possible on the social media page of Before All.
- It is easy to deliver my opinion of Before All’s product and service on their social media.
- The content shared on the social media of Before All is up to date.
- The content shared on the social media of Before All is trendy.
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B
- My family and friend would like to pass information regarding the brand, product or service from Before All’s social media to me
- I saw my family/ friends upload content from Before All’s social media on their Facebook/ Instagram/ Zalo
Question 10: How attractive do you find Before All's posts on social media sites?
Quesstin 11: Which of the following forms of content posted by Before All could attract you the most?
Quesyion 12: What kinds of content or message style that called your attention the most into Before All on Social media? (you can select one or more options)
Showing the brand's core values
What does the brand do?
Advertisement and promotions oS PF ND Ye FSF YN10 Showing production process Events
Du Thao Chỉ — 11190805 — Business English 61B
Question 13: How many posts do you expect to see on Before AIl’s social media?
Question 14: Thanks to marketing through social media I recognize Before All brands when I go to an electric bike store.
Question 15: Social media helps me to build a relationship with the company.
Question 16: What is the level that you aware of Before All? (See picture below).
A Recognition (I can identify Before All only when my friends mention them/ seeing their logo)
B Recall (I think of a Before All only by hearing other people ask questions about electric bike.)
C Top of mind ( Before All comes to my mind first when thinking of electric bike without aid)