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Thesis defense an investigation into the use of podcasts to enhance efl students listening skills

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Recognizing that podcasts were becoming more and more popular among EFL students, and there was a lack of research investigating the benefits of podcasts in English learning, this research aimed to explore how EFL students perceived the effectiveness of using podcasts to improve their English listening skills. The study employed a mixed-method design to gather data from both a student survey and interviews for analysis. There were 206 EFL students from FPT University who were interested in the research topic. However, the research recruited 178 eligible participants with experience in using podcasts to complete the survey. The online interviews were carried out with a random selection of 8 students. The data analysis revealed that most of the survey respondents had prior exposure to utilizing podcasts as a tool to enhance their English listening skills. The research results indicated that a majority of EFL students had positive perceptions regarding the effectiveness of podcasts in enhancing EFL listening skills. It also highlighted both the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of podcasts as a listening learning method for EFL students. Furthermore, the students offered solutions and recommendations to enhance the future success of implementing this learning approach.

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Ho Dao Duc Dung – HA153002 Nguyen Quang Long – HA140491Pham Nhat Tan – HA140452

Class: EL1502

Supervisor: Dr Vu Thi Bich Hiep

FPT University in2023 English


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Recognizing that podcasts were becoming more and more popular among EFL students, and therewas a lack of research investigating the benefits of podcasts in English learning, this researchaimed to explore how EFL students perceived the effectiveness of using podcasts to improvetheir English listening skills The study employed a mixed-method design to gather data fromboth a student survey and interviews for analysis There were 206 EFL students from FPTUniversity who were interested in the research topic However, the research recruited 178 eligibleparticipants with experience in using podcasts to complete the survey The online interviewswere carried out with a random selection of 8 students The data analysis revealed that most ofthe survey respondents had prior exposure to utilizing podcasts as a tool to enhance their Englishlistening skills The research results indicated that a majority of EFL students had positiveperceptions regarding the effectiveness of podcasts in enhancing EFL listening skills It alsohighlighted both the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of podcasts as alistening learning method for EFL students Furthermore, the students offered solutions andrecommendations to enhance the future success of implementing this learning approach.


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We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all those who have supported us throughout thisresearch project This endeavor would not have been possible without the collaborative effortsand contributions of many individuals.

First and foremost, we express our heartfelt appreciation to our project supervisor, Dr Vu ThiBich Hiep, whose expertise, guidance, and insightful feedback played a pivotal role in shapingthe direction of our research Their dedication to our project has been instrumental in its success.We extend our appreciation to our fellow team members, Nguyen Quang Long, Ho Dao DucDung, and Pham Nhat Tan, for their unwavering commitment, collaboration, and dedication.Each team member's unique skills and perspectives contributed to the comprehensive nature ofthis study.

We also express our gratitude to the participants of our survey and interviews who generouslyshared their insights and time, allowing us to gather valuable data for our research.

Lastly, we want to acknowledge our friends and family for their continuous support,encouragement, and understanding throughout the project Your belief in our capabilities hasbeen a driving force.

In conclusion, this research project was made possible through the collective effort and supportof numerous individuals We are immensely grateful for their contributions, which have enrichedour learning experience and the outcome of this study.


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1.2 Aims and significance of the research 11

1.2.1 Aims of the research 11

1.2.2 Significance of the research 12

1.3 Research Questions 13


2.1 Definition and origins of podcasting 14

2.1.1 The genesis and evolution of podcasting 14

2.1.2 The popularity and impact of podcasting 15

2.1.3 Key features of podcasts 16

2.2 The use of podcasts in education 17

2.2.1 Podcast use in various subjects 17

2.2.2 The impact of podcasts on learner engagement 18

2.3 The use of podcasts in English learning and teaching 19

2.3.1 Podcast use in language learning 19 Aspects of language learning 19 Language learning strategies supported by podcasts 21 Podcast-Based Language Learning 22

2.3.2 Pros and cons of podcasts in English learning and teaching 23 Benefits of podcasts in English learning and teaching 23

Enhancing learning experience and motivation 23

A tool for constructivist learning 24


Trang 5 Challenges of podcasts in English learning and teaching 25

Cost, engagement, and interaction challenges 25

Non-verbal communication, contextual learning, and feedback 25

Distraction and content dilution 26

2.3.3 Using podcasts to enhance EFL students' listening skills 27 Strategies for enhancing EFL Listening Skills using podcasts 27 The role of podcasts in developing listening strategies 28 Podcast use in fostering critical thinking and creativity 29 Previous studies on the use of podcasts in Vietnam 30

4.1.1 Participants’ demographic information 40

4.1.2 Cronbach’s Alpha result 41

4.1.3 Students' Perceptions of Podcasts in EFL Listening Learning 42

4.1.4 Benefits of Podcast in English Learning 45

4.1.5 Challenges of Podcast Usage in English Learning 48

4.1.6 Solutions and Recommendations to Enhance EFL Listening Skills Using Podcasts 51

4.2 Interview results 56

4.2.1 Students’ Perceptions of Podcast Use for English Learning 56

4.2.2 Advantages of Podcasts 58

4.2.3 Challenges of Podcast Uses in English Listening Learning 59

4.2.4 Solutions Proposed to Improve Listening Skills 61

4.3 Summary 635

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5.1 Students’ perceptions toward the use of podcasts for English listening practice 65

5.1.1 Perceived Ease of Use 65

5.1.2 Perceived Usefulness 65

5.1.3 Perceived Acceptance 66

5.2 Advantages and disadvantages of podcasts for English listening practice 67

5.2.1 Advantages of podcasts for English listening practice 67

5.2.2 Disadvantages of podcasts for English listening practice 68

5.3 Recommendations for the use of podcasts for FPT students to achieve better Englishlistening skills 70

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Table 4.1: Interpretation of Cronbach’s Alpha Values (George, 2011) 42Table 4.2: Insights into Perceived Ease of Use of Podcasts 43

Table 4.4: Flexibility of Podcasts in English Listening Learning Process 46Table 4.5: Effectiveness of Podcasts in EFL students’ development 47Table 4.6: Benefits of Podcasts as a Source of Learning 48Table 4.7: Lack of interaction in the English teaching and learning process 49

Table 4.9: Comprehension Issues when Listening to Podcasts 50

Table 4.11: Taking Notes, Summarizing and Suitable Delivery Speed 52Table 4.12: Consulting Teachers, Timeframe, and Pushing the Levels 52


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Figure 2.1: MRI changes in human brain areas with language acquisition 20

Figure 3.1: Visual Diagram of the Mixed-Methods Concurrent Triangulation Strategy 35(Deborah & Ayse, 2013)


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URL Uniform Resource LocatorIT Information Technology

MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging

ICT Information Communication TechnologyELT English Language Teaching

TAM Technology Acceptance ModelSOR Stimulus-Organism-ResponseMALL Mobile-Assisted Language Learning

IELTS International English Language Testing SystemTOEIC Test of English for International CommunicationTOEFL Test Of English as a Foreign Language

SAT Scholastic Assessment Test


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The ability to use the English language plays a critical role for people all around the world.English is considered a tool in today's connected world which consists of a diverse range ofacademic, career, and social contexts Writing, speaking, reading, and listening are the fourimportant skills in English, and reaching a high level of listening is really crucial since it canhelp improve other skills effectively (Alzamil, 2021, p.367) However, EFL students frequentlyface struggles in improving their listening skills, which are necessary for communication andcomprehension, and require innovation in order to reach an advanced level Therefore, there is aneed for an effective method of practice to improve English skills among EFL students.

Nowadays, utilizing digital material is increasingly popular, and modern technologies play animportant role in shaping teaching and learning methodology Thanks to the development ofsmart devices; e.g., smartphones, laptops, televisions, and tablets; students can approach MobileLearning (M-Learning) applications The M-learning resources include the following: quizzes,online Q&A forums, gamified microlessons, MP3 players, and podcasts (Al Qasim & Al Fadda,2013).

Podcasts are one of the most dominant, developing technological tools which have been utilized in higher education for a long time (Naidionova, & Ponomarenko, 2018) It first appeared at an event named “BloggerCon” organized in 2003 Journalist - Ben Hammersley set the name

“Podcast” in 2004, it is the combination between “iPod” (a music device developed by Apple) and “broadcast” (Sullivan, 2019) Podcasts appear in over 155 countries worldwide with at least 525,000 podcast shows, and more than 18.5 million episodes have been released (Goldman, 2018) The application of podcasts is also utilized in teaching and lecture presentations

Likewise, at the University of Sheffield, podcasts are used as a tool to support students to update the new rules of the school Winchester University utilizes podcasting so that students can deal with dyslexia issues (Harris & Park, 2008).


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Regarding English learning, there is an increasing interest among English learners in usingpodcasts for listening practice Podcasts provide listening sessions that are available to studentsto practise both inside and outside the class Podcasting is considered an online communicationthat helps EFL students to get access to new educational resources proactively (Al Qasim & AlFadda, 2013) Furthermore, compared to individuals who did not use podcasts to improve thelearning process, those who did, had higher listening comprehension scores and enhancedlearning motivation (Yoestara & Putri, 2019).

In Vietnam, within the framework of the increasing prevalence of new English learning methodsin place of traditional teaching and learning, podcasting is still a new phenomenon and isconsidered an innovative approach to improve students’ English listening skills However, theadvantages of learning English by using podcasts have not been fully investigated It is importantto explore the use of podcasts to enhance EFL students' listening skills, especially throughstudents’ perspectives at FPT University, in order to understand the efficacy of this method andprovide suggestions for pedagogical enhancement when this method is further utilized in thefuture.

1.2 Aims and significance of the research1.2.1 Aims of the research

This research aimed to investigate the potentials of podcasts as an educational tool foraugmenting the listening skills of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students at FPTUniversity Given the surging prevalence of podcasts due to several benefits, such as beingversatile and readily accessible, this study was anchored on understanding how their superiorfeatures might influence how EFL students acquire information presented in English To fill theresearch gaps, clarify queries, and intersect the boundaries between digital media and Englishlanguage education, the following objectives were established:

(1) The priority objective of this research was to explore the reasons and variables influencingthe decisions and perceptions of EFL students towards using podcasts to enhance their Englishlistening skills This objective was grounded in two prior studies that show that the motives forusing podcasts to learn English, as well as students' perceptions, are significant in justifying thepremise of "using digital media for language learning" (Godwin-Jones, 2017; Lai & Gu, 2011).


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(2) The goal of this study was also to identify the specific benefits and challenges that EFLstudents at FPT University encountered while using podcasts to learn English, as well as todetermine which factors students perceive as having the most significant impact on their use ofpodcasts for English listening skill enhancement This aim was supported by research thatemphasizes the importance of understanding students' experiences and obstacles when usingpodcasts to enhance their English listening skills, including technical issues and licensingexpenses, as well as comprehension difficulties due to the absence of visual cues when learning aforeign language because the majority of podcasts are aural (Kukulska-Hulme, 2009; O’Bryan &Hegelheimer, 2007).

(3) The study provided recommendations for the use of podcasts in English language learning forstudents and teachers at FPT University to improve their English listening skills and suggestedsome pedagogical practices for teachers based on the analyzed data results The researchpresented findings in multiple dimensions that not only theorized and hypothesized theapplication of digital media in language pedagogy but also drew on the practical experience ofEFL students to evaluate its effectiveness (Chinnery, 2006; Hubbard, 2009) This study alsosuggested new approaches to language learning and contributed to the archive of scholarlyliterature that investigates the interaction between digital technology and educational outcomesand foreign language learning (Dudeney, Hockly, & Pegrum, 2013).

With these objectives, the research explored student perspectives on the use of podcasts toimprove their English listening skills The varied and comprehensive student insights wereregarded as invaluable feedback for teachers to modify and optimize the use of podcasts in EFLteaching EFL students’ experiences using podcasts to learn English listening were instances thatshed light on the difficulties associated with the use of podcasts and contributed to a morerealistic understanding of the feasibility and potential limitations of using podcast in learning andteaching English (McKnight, 2016).

1.2.2 Significance of the research

Podcasts are being used by students for educational purposes and for English learning Despitethe fact that there have been several studies on the benefits of podcasts in education around theworld, none has been conducted in the context of Vietnam, specifically at FPT University Withfeedback from FPT university students as part of this research, the study pinpointed both prosand cons of

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using podcasts in language learning Moreover, as being an onsite study, the findings of theresearch provided recommendations for students to improve their English listening skills throughthe use of podcasts.

This study paper demonstrated how podcasting enhanced EFL students' listening skills, whichhas never been mentioned in any recent studies As podcasts are believed to be adaptable andaccessible digital media (Evans, 2008), understanding the benefits of using podcasts in languagelearning can offer significant insights for educators and curriculum program makers as the needfor cutting-edge and adaptable learning media rises (Rosell-Aguilar, 2007).

Additionally, by examining the advantages and challenges that students were encountering whileutilizing podcasts, this research also provided a general overview of the strengths andweaknesses of this learning medium The findings of the study also contributed to thedevelopment of more efficient and student-focused EFL learning strategies using podcasts.Research on students’ perspectives focused on the experiences and viewpoints of students whoseEnglish listening skills have been significantly impacted by the use of podcasts The insightsidentified highlighted the important areas for further development, thereby improving theexperience of learning a language.

Understanding the effect of podcasts on learning outcomes assisted building varied learningtactics and methodologies as podcasts are employed in a growing number of educationalcontexts By shining light on the application of podcasts to enhance EFL listening abilities, thisstudy added to the body of information already available in language education and digitallearning literature.

1.3 Research Questions

The study sought the answers to the following questions:

1 What are EFL students' perceptions toward the use of podcasts for English listeningpractice?

2 What specific benefits and challenges do EFL students at FPT University experiencewhen using podcasts for English listening practice?

3 What are the recommendations for the use of podcasts for FPT students to achievebetter English listening skills?


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The research did an extensive literature review of the previous studies and published workrelated to the research topic The literature review consisted of a review of the origins and use ofpodcasts in education in general and in English learning and teaching in particular The literaturereview of the scholarly sources in the research played a role of theoretical background for theresearch discussion and also identified the research gap that needed to be studied.

2.1 Definition and origins of podcasting

2.1.1 The genesis and evolution of podcasting

Podcasts are a series of digital audio files that are published to the internet by content creatorsand streamed periodically so that users may select between downloading or “e-listening” onvarious broadcast electronic devices (Berry, 2006) The term "podcast" is a composite word - anoun that blends the words "iPod" and "broadcast", which is related to an event that was firstintroduced to the public by Steve Jobs in 2004, when the "broadcast" feature was integratedexclusively on the iPod and iTunes by Apple Inc (Apple WWDC, 2005; McCracken, 2005).In fact, the birth of podcasting can actually be traced back to the 1980s with the inception of"Internet radio", a platform that allowed digital audio channels to be streamed live over theInternet (Hammersley, 2004) The introduction of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) in the late1990s and early 2000s played a crucial role in the advancement of podcasts Former VJ AdamCurry and software engineer Dave Winer collaborated on a project called "Ipodder", which aimedto integrate the RSS protocol into the URL, permitting users to download their favoritemultimedia files from the RSS feed to their iPods (Winer, 2003).

Some of the world's first podcasts have been known as Patriots Unfiltered by the New EnglandPatriots (2003), IT Conversations by Doug Kaye (2003), Daily Source Code by Adam Curry(2004), and others (New England Patriots, 2003; Kaye, 2003; Lim, 2006) In 2005, the term"podcast" was formally acknowledged as the keyword of the year by the Oxford Dictionary(Skiba, 2006).


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Currently, the podcast industry encompasses five significant types: Solo or Monologue Podcasts;Interview Podcasts, which may feature one host with one guest or multiple guests in a panelformat; Conversational or Co-hosted Podcasts; Storytelling Podcasts; and Repurposed ContentPodcasts (Dennis, 2019) Podcasts are frequently delivered in two formats: Podcasts andVodcasts (Schnackenberg, 2009).

2.1.2 The popularity and impact of podcasting

Since 2005, the number of podcast users has substantially expanded, with a large number ofstudies substantiating this ascendency A 2022 poll by Edison Research, Triton Digital, and TheInfinite Dial noted that a staggering 160 million U.S citizens, similar to 62% of Americans aged12 and above, have engaged with this audio platform at least once (Edison Research & TritonDigital, 2022; The Infinite Dial, 2022) Correspondingly, statistics from Insider Intelligence(2022) indicated that up to 144 million people in the US tune into podcasts monthly (Ruby,2022).

Podcast coverage is predicted to extend far beyond the United States and be a worldwidephenomenon The Podcasting and Audio Publishers Association (PAPA) indicates that by 2025,over 18% of worldwide internet users will be podcast listeners (PAPA, 2022).

An attribute that plays a part in the podcast's vast listenership is its massive data storage capacity.Podtrac (2022) anticipated that their platform would house 1.9 million podcasts in 2021 Inregards to the Podcast Movement (2022), the majority of these, approximately 80%, wereproduced by freelance content creators.

Likewise, the global podcast industry became a lucrative sector, with revenue foretold to peak at$4 billion in 2024 (Shapiro, 2022) The average podcast user is reported to put in roughly 11.2hours per week on their audio content (Buzzsprout, 2022) These listeners primarily engage withnews, comedy, and business genres and fundamentally use Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music,Soundcloud and Amazon Music as their podcast platforms (Patel, 2022).

The Vietnamese podcast industry was seen significant activity and expansion, notably around2020, and has begun to cater to a varied range of subjects, as indicated by the monthlyappearance of roughly 50 new podcast channels These range from interviews and monologuesto educational-

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focused shows, as displayed by channels such as "Have A Sip", "Bit Tat", "Gen Z Truyen", "TomLai La", and "The Money Date" (Quan, 2022) Vietcetera, a well-known media platform,promoted podcasting innovation and expression by hosting a competition called "Cast Camp2021", available to anybody over the age of 18, and serving as an inclusive forum for variedperceptions to be expressed via podcasts (Vietcetera, 2021) In line with these projections, thepodcast industry is believed to develop even faster in the future, with an envisioned 100 to 250new channels being launched each month (Thanh, 2022).

2.1.3 Key features of podcasts

Features that have made podcasts such a successful platform currently include accessibility,portability, variety of content and autonomy, and interactivity Podcasts have become a versatileand engaging learning resource in the digital world over the years thanks to their freeaccessibility anytime, anywhere with internet access (McClung & Johnson, 2010; McHugh,2012; Dredge, 2014) Podcasting also demonstrates the ease of use by allowing listeners todownload radio broadcasts for offline listening on personal devices or in cars during breaks orcommutes (Berry, 2006; Cebeci & Tekdal, 2006).

The appeal of podcasts stems from their ability to provide varied content across a broad spectrumof categories, including arts, entertainment, business, technology, education, games, lifestyle,health, etc This provides multiple options for a diverse range of listeners with varying interestsand makes podcasts personalized learning resources (Markman, 2011; Sawyer, 2018) In 2009,only a minority of 11% of the U.S population listened to a podcast within the preceding month(Webster, 2009) The debut of "Serial," a podcast produced by This American Life and WBEZChicago, in 2014, however, marked a monumental shift in the podcasting industry "Serial"deviated from the standard episodic solo story style by presenting a serialized narrative thatunfolded a criminal mystery throughout numerous episodes (Berry, 2016) This novelstorytelling approach captivated listeners, and "Serial" became the fastest podcast to surpass fivemillion downloads and streams on iTunes (Sullivan, 2019) Furthermore, the "subscription"feature inherent in podcasting assures that fans can not miss an episode of the channels they havesubscribed to since a notification reminder will always be sent whenever a new episode isreleased (Markman, 2011).


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Podcasting is an economically viable business due to the relatively cheap cost of audio recording,especially when compared to video (Guaglione, 2023) The approach to tracking podcasts is alsoexpanding to fit into broader e-tracking techniques while sharing content is becoming morealigned with film and television industry patterns (Morris, 2023) The reasons for podcasting'sbroad acceptance might be traced to a variety of factors, including very low production costs,limited financial risk, and the possibility of significant revenue generation Regardless offinancial justifications, the potential of individuals to express their distinctive voices to anextensive listener base cannot be overlooked as a motivator for podcast development (Soloski,2021).

In the educational industry, podcasts have earned acceptance and acclaim for their interactivityfeature, which turns podcasts into a forum for commenting and asking questions, thereforeenriching learning experiences outside the traditional classroom (Hew, 2009; Ducate & Lomicka,2009; Bolliger, Supanakorn, & Boggs, 2010) Podcasts are believed to be ideal materials forenhancing listening skills and assisting EFL students in broadening their familiarity andunderstanding with different regional accents, specialized vocabulary, different tones of voicethat reflect podcast contents, different genders, and different speaking speeds (O'Bryan &Hegelheimer, 2007).

2.2 The use of podcasts in education2.2.1 Podcast use in various subjects

According to Tohill's study in 2008, business and law, computer and information technology,and engineering and science were the subjects taught most commonly using podcasts Studies onthe use of podcasting in arts education were fewer According to Kerstetter (2009), the usage ofpodcasts in the music classroom enhanced learning through disseminating course information,providing supplemental course materials, recording guest speakers, and providing campusupdates Buffington (2008) requested students to produce podcasts about particular pieces of artas part of his research on the use of technology in art education He discovered that students weredeeply involved in conversations about the meanings of the artworks as well as learning aboutthe technology of podcasting.


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The usage of podcasts can present several opportunities to enhance instructional methods andaddress issues, including those with students' lack of interest and motivation (Bergqvist, 2013).In general education and math-based courses, there was mounting evidence that the use ofinstructional videos and video podcasts improved students' performance when compared totraditional teaching methods (Mnatzaganian et al., 2020).

According to Coon and Vidal (2021), teaching economics in a more active and engaging way isnot only better for the entire teaching community but is also becoming more and more crucial asit is better suited to the distinctive qualities of the new generation of students that teachers aresharing their classes with, whether they are doing so in-person or online Podcasts have theability to improve learning experiences in the subject of economics by giving students access toprofessional opinions, current examples, and in-depth research.

A large number of studies (Chaikovska, Zbaravska, & Bilyk, 2019) indicated that podcasts areused as a tool for studying a foreign language by language learners Learners’ listeningcomprehension and speaking were improved after using podcasts to study The language learnerswere found to improve their grades after a period of time using podcasts to practice languageskills.

2.2.2.The impact of podcasts on learner engagement

Salmon and Edirisingha (2008) described several teaching uses for podcasting across a range ofacademic areas They highlighted podcasting as having a significant impact on learners'motivation, speed, and level of involvement Because of the students' higher motivation andpositive attitudes toward learning through podcasts, some other scholars have also suggested thatpodcasting has a positive impact on learners' learning (Oliver, 2005; Fernandez et al., 2009;Dupagne et al., 2009; Heilesen, 2010; Bolliger et al., 2010; Walls et al., 2010).According toHeilesen’s (2010) research, students usually have highly positive opinions of podcasting as ateaching tool, and "reports of rejection of podcasting are rare" (p 3) Fernandez et al (2009) whostudied the comprehension and responses of some individuals who listened to podcasts for asemester concluded that, in the participants' perspective, podcasting did not replace conventionallearning techniques; rather, it just improved the participants' drive (Farshi, N., & Mohammadi, Z.,2013).

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When students utilized podcasts as a learning aid, Bolliger et al (2010) conducted study in anonline setting to assess the students' degree of motivation Despite some modest variances due tothe participants' gender and past experience, it was observed that participants preferred usingpodcasts in general By surveying students, Walls et al (2010) assessed their access to,familiarity with, experience with, and attitude toward utilizing podcasts They claimed thatcontrary to what teachers believed, students are not as motivated or willing to use instructionalpodcasts Rahimi and Asadollahi (2011) conducted research on the accessibility, familiarity, andexperience of utilizing the technology of podcasting among 120 Iranian university students Thefindings showed that many students had portable devices and were well-versed in podcasts, butthat only a tiny percentage had never downloaded or listened to a podcast Even though they hadfew classrooms where podcasts had been utilized successfully, they believed that they were agood instructional medium for university courses (Farshi, N., & Mohammadi, Z., 2013).

2.3 The use of podcasts in English learning and teaching2.3.1 Podcast use in language learning Aspects of language learning

Learning a new language is fundamentally an auditory process in which the eardrum vibrates inresponse to the incoming sound, and the brain then receives, converts, processes, and interpretsthat sound into information (Slevc, 2012) Podcasts, as a distinct audio streaming platform, offerexcellent brain-to-head synergy for optimizing this process Research on auditory processingindicates that exposure to complex auditory stimuli, such as speech from podcasts, can inherentlyexcite the auditory cortex, the part of the brain responsible for analyzing sound and language(Zatorre, Belin, & Penhune, 2002).

Listening to podcasts is considered an active cognitive workout rather than a passive process ofobtaining sound and information (Soveri & Laine, 2011) When listeners listen and manage tounderstand the content of a podcast, multiple areas of the brain become activated, depending onthe podcast's content and topic (Shtyrov, 2012) For instance, if a podcast demonstrates a dog,the brain's visualization centers are activated as listeners mentally envision the dog's appearance.These behavioral experiments are designed to strengthen cognitive visualization (Davis &Gaskell,


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2009), a cognitive function that is crucial for greater proficiency in language learning (Cummins,2008).

The study of neural plasticity using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides vitaldocumentation to support the premise that listening to podcasts enhances English listening skills.Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity, is simply the alteration and displacement ofneural networks as a result of the biological processes of recreation, reorganization, anddevelopment (May, 2011) Neuroplasticity allows the brain to adapt to whatever it is exposed tomore quickly, including language learning.

Figure 2.1

MRI changes in human brain areas with language acquisition (Li et al, 2014)

In the context of learning English as a foreign language through podcasts, the MRI studyhighlighted the possibility of significant neuroplastic changes As learners engage with theauditory content of podcasts, it can lead to a strengthening of neural pathways associated withEnglish language processing, potentially enhancing language comprehension and productioncapabilities over time (Golestani & Pallier, 2007).


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Another positive effect of listening to podcasts on the human brain is the capacity to significantlyenhance and prolong the listener's working memory (Baddeley, 2003), which is the ultimate keyto learning to comprehend and employ new languages in daily life (Chan, Skehan & Gong,2011) The findings of the preceding study are consistent with the theory that podcasts can beutilized to instruct the brain to chunk and arrange the sub-information expressed in the newlanguage (Miller, 1956), while also facilitating the process of remembering and retrievinginformation from the human brain's memory, thereby laying a solid foundation for theacquisition of a new language (Robinson, 2001).

According to Nation and Webb (2011), one of the simplest yet most successful methods foraccelerating the development and consolidation of a person's long-term memory representationsis to listen to podcasts in a new language to learn about a broad spectrum of topics on a dailybasis Humans have been endowed with one of nature's greatest miracles, the brain, which hasevolved to be superior to other animals and is also one of the convergences of all the functionsjust stated, assisting humans with interpreting information switched from sounds received byhearing, in this case, enhancing English listening skills. Language learning strategies supported by podcasts

The process of comprehending, memorizing, and using a new language necessitates more thanmerely a series of behaviors such as listening to voices and processing information, whichinvolve considerable dedication and cognitive strategies from the learner, in this case, EFLstudents Overlearning, the Einstellung effect, block practice, and interleaving are all cognitivestrategies that have been investigated for their influence on language learning, and the findingsof these studies happen to be particularly pertinent in the context of podcast-based languagelearning (Woltz, Gardner & Gyll, 2000).

Overlearning is a continuous and recurring process of studying and practicing in order to exceedthe point of initial mastery With regard to the most recent investigations, over-learning expandsthe long-term memory of new information and expertise (Driskell, Willis, & Copper, 1992) Theportability and accessibility of podcasts allow learners to swiftly replay episodes to listen to themagain, encouraging overlearning and subsequent deep and long-term memory of basic grammarand vocabulary (Martín & Beckmann, 2011) According to Bilalić, McLeod and Gobet (2014), tokeep up with the podcast's new vocabulary and professional content, learners must change their


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habits and traditional ways of learning while also breaking the confinement of creativity andadaptation in their fixed mindset by understanding that learning a language means learningwhenever and wherever that language appears, not necessarily through teachers and schools.Interleaving and block practice are two distinct learning strategies Interleaving entails alternating between different sorts of problems or skills in a study session, whereas block practice requires frequently mastering the same sort of problem or skill before switching to another (Rohrer,

Dedrick, & Stershic, 2015) Interleaving may be a better option for learning a new language since it allows learners to distinguish between different language structures and integrate their

understanding in an adaptable way (Birnbaum, Kornell, Bjork, & Bjork, 2013) Podcasts providedifferent information that naturally enables interleaving, encouraging learners to more effortlesslypropagate their language capacities (Fratangeli, 2009). Podcast-Based Language Learning

Based on Csikszentmihalyi”s (1990) study findings, engaging in activities of interest stimulateshuman concentration and engagement and creates the perception that time is passing swiftly.Engaging in more prosaic and uninteresting pursuits, such as researching the precepts of certainpolitical ideologies, may appear tedious, making time seem to crawl.

When learners discover new information or acquire new English terminology from a podcast,there is a burst of excitement and drive to continue their learning journey The learner's capacityto use this new information in their daily social interactions, such as impressing an expectedromantic interest with their newly acquired knowledge base, is typically the origin of suchmotivation The expectation of receiving compliments, exchanging contact information, orsecuring a date might boost a learner's motivation to continue with podcast-based language study.These imagined benefits underpin the motivational framework of podcast-based languagelearning, whether it is social recognition resulting from an expanded knowledge base, prospectiveromantic opportunities, or future academic and career advancement (Salamone & Correa, 2012;Berridge & Robinson, 1998) It implies that perceived present and future rewards maysignificantly improve the learning process, making it more interesting, fulfilling, and ultimatelyeffective.


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2.3.2 Pros and cons of podcasts in English learning and teaching Benefits of podcasts in English learning and teaching

Enhancing learning experience and motivation

Podcasting is believed to become more popular among university students for educationalpurposes Some institutes have utilized pilot projects and implementations to make coursesavailable for students after realizing the efficacy of this learning method (Chabolla & Leh, 2009).The reason for this was that the learning process can benefit from podcasting in a variety ofways This can be attributed to the benefits podcasts bring to the teaching and learning method aswell as several ways in which the student's learning experience is improved by podcasting.Podcasts’ benefits are combined with the flexibility, control of the learner and personalizing theinterest contents The ability for spatial and temporal flexibility gives listeners comfort bycontrolling their space and time to listen to the audio (Gribbins, 2007) For instance, students canlisten to a podcast series lasting 1 hour on their way to school or spend 30-45 minutes onpodcasts before sleeping Additionally, podcasting allows for greater personalization, as users cansubscribe to series that match their interests and avocation This personalization increases theattraction of to a substantial amount of learners to podcasts, which can enhance inclusivity(Brookes, 2010) Podcasting is seen as an ideal methodology for learners, as it allows them tocontrol their own learning process and tailor it to their individual needs Thus, podcasting is apowerful tool that combines the best of both parts, including offer the convenience andaccessibility of digital media with the quality and content of traditional radio.

According to O’Bryan and Hegelheimer (2007), podcasts have a positive effect to the EFLstudent’ motivation in the learning English process The researchers affirmed that intrinsicmotivation and extrinsic motivation in students can be enhanced significantly through listening topodcasts O’Bryan and Hegelheimer (2007) explained that when tasks are claimed, students canexperience their intrinsic motivation since they enjoy fascinating and challenging things Inreverse, high grades or praise from their parents or teachers as a reward are considered extrinsicmotivation for students Once they are enthusiastic about any content, they tend to subscribe, andif a student signs up the podcasts, he/she frequently receives more information, materials, tasks,and


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recordings for enhancing English level Thus, if a student occupies the learning process andknows that he/she is part of the team, definitely, it will help to improve the efficacy of EFLlearning (Chaikovska, 2018).

As reported by Azmi (2017), students' positive attitudes toward learning are promoted by theutilization of ICT in English language classes It is believed that ICT inspires them in increasingone's enthusiasm for learning By boosting the variety of digital materials in the class (e.g.,podcasts, blogs, videos) and equipping students with essential skills to approach authenticmaterial so that teachers can encourage interaction, increase students' interest and attitude, andensure increase involvement and engagement in the English class.

Additionally, podcasts provide the EFL students with authentic language learning resources Theutilization of podcasting in the course material facilitates students' easy exchange of ideas withtheir classmates, which creates a collaborative learning environment where sharing with friendsgave them peer support (Thorne & Payne, 2005) Likewise, EFL students have the ability toengage in natural conversations, interviews, and stories carried out by native speakers Studentscan also expose themselves to a vast array of vocabulary, accents, and conversationalexpressions, which are crucial for promoting their listening skills For example, “The English wespeak” of BBC is a type of podcast series focusing mainly on daily vocabulary, phrases, slangand idioms, or “This American Life” is one of the most prominent podcast shows in the US(Chaikovska, 2018).

A tool for constructivist learning

According to Güler and Özkan (2018), the use of podcasts at school could help to create aconstructivist learning environment for learners To explore this, the two researchers conducted astudy on the pre-service language teachers to find out their perspectives on the advantages ofpodcasting The study indicated that podcasts offered more exposure to the target language andhence, supported pre-service language teachers' academic and professional enhancement within aconstructivist framework.

In the context of teaching English, teachers can easily create their own lessons by podcasting.With today’s emergence of modern technology, teachers find it easy to produce a podcast or setup a podcast channel by recording audio and upload them in an RSS enabled website orapplications,

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such as Apple iTunes, Spotify, Web 2.0 Tools, and Podomatic In order to record a podcast, theteacher only needs a smartphone or a laptop, an Internet connection, and a microphone Websitesfor podcasts are very simple to use and require no specialized technological skills (Jain &Hashmi, 2013). Challenges of podcasts in English learning and teaching

Cost, engagement, and interaction challenges

Learning by podcasts can be expensive for students since they must spend on their own smartdevices and there are professional podcasts available that offer excellent content, but they mayrequire a fee (Bartoš, 2009) Furthermore, due to the limited vocabulary, beginner students needmore time to absorb the speaker's content (Alfa, 2020).

It was occasionally challenging to select suitable podcasts to listen to The lack of interestingtopics, monotonous delivery, a dearth of thought-provoking insights, or the speaker talks tooquickly make students struggle to keep up and discourage them While it is true that not everypodcast can be a riveting experience, it is disappointing when time spent listening fails to offersubstantive takeaways or ignite a desire to delve deeper into the subject matter Thus, studentscannot maintain or remember the key points, and cover the content of the lesson (Shiri, 2015).Last but not least, the shortage of visuals and audio-accompanied videos is considered to beanother disadvantage of podcasting (Fatika & Rahayu, 2021) Meanwhile, interactive experiencesare paramount in learning, and combining audio resources with interactive activities that facilitatecommunication and feedback is crucial for learners to grasp the material presented and makesignificant progress in their English language acquisition journey (Szeto & Cheng, 2016).

Non-verbal communication, contextual learning, and feedback

There is a lack of non-verbal communication in using podcasts as no body language, facialexpressions, and gestures are engaged Due to lack of visual signals, it might be a challenge forteachers to evaluate students' knowledge or resolve any issues about lesson confusion (Smith,2019).


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According to Kramsch (2014), limited context is also classified as a challenge of teachingEnglish by podcasting Language is inextricably accompanied with culture and contexts Thecapacity to provide students with the required cultural and contextual information that improvestheir grasp of the language may be lacking in podcasting methodology Students' ability toperceive the nuances of the language being taught could be constrained by the deficiency ofvisual aids or real-world examples.

Additionally, the scarcity of built-in evaluation elements in podcasts makes it strenuous forteachers to accurately measure students' language proficiency, understanding, and learningprocess Without providing tests, quizzes, or interactive assessments, teachers can find itchallenging to track each student's progress and give them individualized feedback (Morrison,2018).

Distraction and content dilution

Recently, some podcasts have been published on Youtube with the provision of video WhileYouTube is a popular and easy-to-use platform for listening to podcasts, it has certain drawbacksthat might stymie learning, largely owing to distractions and content dilution (Rosen, 2014).YouTube's video-centric design, along with its algorithm, frequently results in an oversupply ofunrelated yet fascinating content, which might distract EFL students from their primary aim ofimproving listening skills through podcasts (Judd, 2018).

Moreover, in order to maximize viewer engagement, Youtube’s algorithm prefers displayingintriguing, off-topic videos over educational topics or content from subscription channels(Davidson, 2010) While dopamine, a crucial neurotransmitter in the brain's reward system, helpsmaintain attention, the algorithm can exploit it so that learners may miss out on importanteducational podcasts, distracting from the intended learning goals (Salamone & Correa, 2012).To address these challenges, solutions such as RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, thePomodoro technique, and the use of the diffused mode of thinking have arisen RSS feeds enablelearners to subscribe to specific channels of interest, minimizing the possibility of beingdistracted by irrelevant videos (Zheng & Zhang, 2012) RSS feeds provide greater control overthe content displayed, better categorization, simpler navigation between articles or videos, andimproved search functionality (Chen et al., 2009) Additionally, the Pomodoro Technique,invented by Francesco Cirillo, is used to properly organize study time This strategyfacilitates intensive

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concentration for short periods of time (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by short breaks, thereforebalancing focused and diffused modes of consciousness (Cirillo, 2018).

At last, as highlighted by Bertoncelli, Mayer, and Lynass (2016), the diffused mode of thinkingfosters broader, more relaxed thinking During breaks and leisure, this can help learners analyzeand assimilate podcast information, further consolidating their language learning.

2.3.3 Using podcasts to enhance EFL students' listening skills Strategies for enhancing EFL Listening Skills using podcasts

Relaxing by unconsciously immersing oneself in an English podcast is considered a fresh kind ofleisure behavior that has frequently appeared in recent years among Gen Y (Vandergrift et al.,2006) The difficulty, however, is in capturing and comprehending the major content or technicalterms introduced in the podcast at the host's normal speaking speed (Goh, 2000) Besides,struggling with the temporary memory of information in podcasts may become both nerve-racking and cause the listener to lose the feeling of relaxation owing to the need to thoroughlyunderstand the subject that the host is discussing; regarding that, the listener's own flow ofthoughts and arguments is formed (Vandergrift, 2007) Nonetheless, it is important to emphasizethat listening to podcasts for pure entertainment or without specific learning goals is not wrong orbad (McClung & Johnson, 2010).

Selecting an appropriate podcast was suggested by Herrington, Herrington, and Mantei, (2009).To begin with, it is crucial to choose a podcast topic that is compatible with personal interests(Poushter & Bishop, 2018) While listening to suggestions from social networks, YouTube, orothers is occasionally valuable, there is no assurance that the suggested content will resonatewith every listener Consequently, in the learning process, the content chosen needs to beintriguing and personally captivating (Guilloteaux & Dörnyei, 2008) Choosing a podcast topicthat does not engage the learner may result in motivation reduction, boring learning, or evenabandonment of the determination and goal of learning English with Podcasts.


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Each task has a distinct function and should not be combined into one training session Thesetasks are designed to target different skill sets; one focuses on vocabulary development, while theother on key concept recognition (Schmitt, 2008) In order to integrate all of these tasks, the bestapproach may be to focus on a single podcast episode over multiple consecutive days, each daycommitting to a different activity The approach would make it easier to practice concentratedand targeted listening.

After selecting an appropriate podcast (Herrington, Herrington, & Mantei, 2009), one mightdraw on mind mapping, a technique for visualizing and organizing information (Buzan, 2005).Rather than straining to gather, memorize, and interpret everything without guidance, jottingdown key points or keywords while listening can be extremely helpful for rememberingimportant ideas (Desoete, 2008).

Review the highlighted terms after listening, and challenge yourself to comprehend themcontextually before resorting to dictionary lookups This task of interpreting the meaning ofwords from their context improves comprehension of new words in conversations and podcasts(Schmitt, 2008).

Leveling up one's global listening skills by delving into the finer nuances of communication byinterpreting implicit or 'hidden' messages This is similar to reading between the lines, whichrefers to determining underlying meanings that are not clearly expressed (McCarthy, O'Keeffe, &Walsh, 2010) Such nuances add layers to speech, which are frequently communicated throughtone, emphasis, intonation, and pauses (Field, 2008) It is recommended concentrating on thehost's emotions or perceptions as intonation and emphasis can communicate the host's meaning,such as power, humor, skepticism, or confidence Making a note of these observations whilelistening might be a beneficial behavior (Roach, 2009).

Additionally, slowing down the playback speed might aid with comprehension As your listeningskills improve, you can gradually speed up (Chang, 2011) It is important to be consistent in theefforts and patient (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007). The role of podcasts in developing listening strategies

Listening, according to Chastain (1971), is the capacity to comprehend native speech delivered ata typical tempo According to Morley (1972), hearing entails aural grammar, auditory


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discrimination, choosing relevant information, retaining it, and relating it to the relationshipbetween sound and form of meaning According to Bowen, Madsen, and Hilferty (1985),listening involves comprehending spoken words Students hear spoken language, segment it intolexical and syntactic elements, and understand the meaning (Gilakjani & Sabouri, 2016).

Currently, there are two types of language learning podcasts available The first type is materialproduced by native content producers for a native audience, such as news podcasts played onradio or TV The second category is used mostly for teaching language Complete courses andsupplementary resources were characterized by Rosell-Aguilar (2007) as intended for a specificaudience or independent learners Podcast resource for independent learning is best suited forclassroom teachers to employ for target language input ELT podcasts are a tool for improvinglistening abilities, and they can motivate students to practice listening Podcasts may be used toenhance classroom instructions and encouraging students to listen more A great option forteachers to provide their students with listening content is podcasting They can plan outhomework assignments, compile book summaries for beginner readers to read along with, ordesign courses in a foreign language that students can take at their leisure (Huriyah & Contessa,2020).

Podcasting has become widely used in a range of educational situations in recent years Amongother uses, podcasting is frequently used in subject courses to deliver recorded lectures andspeeches (O'Bryan & Hegelheimer, 2007), enrich distance learning, facilitate self-paced learning,assist slower learners, and further develop advanced and highly motivated learners (Walls et al.,2010) Podcasting has also been used in schools to train students in a variety of language-relatedabilities, including pronunciation (Ducate & Lomicka, 2009), oral and auditory skills (Abdous,Camarena, & Facer, 2009; Chan, Chi, Chin, & Lin, 2011), and listening strategy training(O'Bryan & Hegelheimer, 2007). Podcast use in fostering critical thinking and creativity

Podcasts are comprehensive and inspiring sources of knowledge that can encourage students'interest in a wide range of topics (Panday, 2009) Students are exposed to different opinions,stories, experiences, and aspects while also encouraging them to reflect on and examine their ownpresumptions and preconceptions Additionally, lecturers can also pique students' imagination andembolden them to seek their creative ability as well as articulate their emotions and ideas.Through

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utilizing podcasting methodology, students have the opportunity to enhance their listening andcomprehension abilities while also fostering their critical thinking and creativity (Caratozzolo, etal., 2022).

Podcasts enhance critical thinking and creative ability by providing fascinating content,divergent viewpoints, and thought-irritating Moreover, they encourage reflection and theresolution of challenges, incorporate interdisciplinary learning, and provide educators withindependent flexibility (Besser, et al., 2021) Podcasting methodology can be applied by teachersto outset discussions in the classroom, promote teamwork, and encourage idea sharing Theseinteractive multimedia materials establish a vibrant educational setting that amplifies students'capacity for critical thinking while fostering their creative faculties (Lazzari, 2009).

A large number of students currently listen to many podcast episodes which highlight theirspecific areas of interest The podcasting challenge their thought-provoking perspectives whichtraditional lectures are often hard to achieve, primarily because of the important content theyoften listen to and learn from them Thus, the exposure to podcasting methodology also triggersEFL students to improve their creativity and this has the utmost impact on critical thinking(Ocobock, 2020). Previous studies on the use of podcasts in Vietnam

The literature review showed that there have been a number of studies exploring the use ofpodcasts for educational purposes in Vietnam Thuy and Trang (2021) indicated that the use ofpodcasts helped foreign students to improve listening and speaking skills when they enrolled tolearn Vietnamese at Thai Nguyen university The study discovered that podcasts successfullyimproved these skills and had a positive influence on students' attitudes about learning English.The authors suggested that lecturers should include podcasts in their EFL teaching Cunningham(2010) also studied the use of mobile podcasting to improve Vietnamese students’ Englishpronunciation The study concluded that podcasting raised students’ awareness of some difficultin English pronunciation, such as ending consonants, long vowel sounds, ect.

Murphy, Midgley and Farley (2014) found out that Vietnamese students frequently use mobiledevices as tools for their studies A third of the participant students had access to a tabletcomputer, smartphone, or MP3 player, and the majority had multiple devices Over a half ofthe students

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listened to podcast audio course materials to support their studies The research also emphasizedthe need to consider the quality of internet connectivity and the influence of internet censorshipwhile producing mobile learning content for Vietnamese students.

In the experiment study, Luu (2015) concluded that Vietnamese EFL students in the interventionclasses, who were taught using additional online resources, outperformed in language-relatedskills and listening skills Both the intervention students and their teachers were incrediblymotivated and enthusiastic about using computerized materials, including podcasts in listeningsessions The study pointed out that podcasts with features of simplicity, low costs, time saving,convenience and appealing to more than one of the senses offer great opportunities for Englishlistening practice.

Podcasts were also considered as an additional resource for outside classroom and extensivelistening practice for EFL students (Van & Sa, 2020) Podcasts were used as a resource for self-study It was believed that the resource improved Vietnamese EFL students with prominent inputcompared to the students who did not use this learning resource.

Despite the fact that podcasts have been used for EFL learning in Vietnam for a while and therehas been a number of studies conducted to explore the benefits of them offered to VietnameseEFL learners, there are gaps identified in the literature where Vietnamese EFL students’perceptions, challenges and benefits of podcasts have not yet been deeply explored As podcastsare becoming more any more popular among Vietnamese EFL students, it was important toconduct studies to fill the gaps.

2.4 Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework presented in Figure 2.2 aimed to delve into the multifaceted world ofpodcasting and its application in education, with a specific focus on English language learning.


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Figure 2.2

Conceptual Framework

The above framework indicated that the umbrella scholar background for the study was podcastsand education, in which the relationships between these two aspects were extensive reviewed andnarrowed down to the application of podcasts in language learning and teaching The main focusof the study was the use of podcasts in EFL listening learning, which was explored


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multidimensionally regarding students’ perceptions of podcast use, the pros and cons of thepodcasting learning method and suggested solutions and recommendations.

Students’ perceptions were analyzed using TAM model (Davis, 1989), in which both perceivedease of use and perceived usefulness were identified Mixed methods with the analysis of bothquantitative and qualitative data sources obtained from the survey and interviews were utilized inthis study The findings of the study contributed back to the scholar background of podcasts andeducation in the literature and filled the gap identified in the research of the use of podcast inEFL learning and teaching.


Ngày đăng: 17/05/2024, 15:09



