143Summary of the axial strain, deviator stress, mean net stress and matric suction at failure for the CW triaxial tests under different netning stresses but atthe same initial matrie su
A Thesis submitted to the Nanyang Technological University
in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Trang 4I wish to acknowledge the financial support provided by Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore in the form of a research scholarship The prompt assistance given
by the staff and graduate students of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University are appreciated.
I am grateful to Prof D G Fredlund from University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Assoc Prof Leong Eng Choon, Assoc Prof Chang Ming-Fang, Assoc Prof Teh Cee Ing, Assoc Prof Chu Jian, Assoc Prof Wong Kai Sin from Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore and Prof Nguyen Cong Man from Hanoi Water Resources University, Vietnam
for their invaluable advice for this study Special thanks to Dr Yang Dai Quan for his
valuable discussions and his reading of the theory chapter.
I would like to thank Mr Vincent Heng Hiang Kim and Mrs Inge Meilani for sharing their
experience in conducting unsaturated soil tests Thanks also go to other geotechnical laboratory staffs, CEE, NTU, especially Mr Tan Hiap Guan Eugene, Mr Han Guan, Mrs.
Lee-Chua Lee Hong and Mr Phua Kok Soon from the construction laboratory, CEE, NTU.
I want to express my love and gratitude to my parents, Mr Trinh Viet Mien and Mrs Mai Thi Lan, for their constant encouragement throughout my life Special thanks to my wife, Mrs Tran Thi Thu Huong, and my children, Trinh Nu Anna Minh Tram and Trinh Minh Tan, for their love, understanding and constant encouragement throughout my study.
Finally, I am also thankful to the Ministry of Training and Education, Ministry of
Agricultural and Rural Development of Vietnam, Hanoi Water Resources University, Vietnam for approving my study leave to undertake this research Acknowledgements also
go to my friends who have helped me in this research programme.
Shear strength of unsaturated soil is commonly obtained from a consolidated
drained (CD) triaxial test However in many field situations, fill materials are
compacted where the excess pore-air pressure developed during compaction will dissipate instantaneously, but the excess pore-water pressure will dissipate with
time It can be considered that the air phase is generally under a drained condition and the water phase is under an undrained condition during compaction This
condition can be simulated in a constant water content (CW) triaxial test Comparisons between the shear strength parameters obtained from the CW and the CD triaxial tests have not been extensively investigated.
An elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soil with the incorporation of soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) was proposed in this study The proposed model was verified with experimental data A series of SWCC, isotropic consolidation,
the CW and CD triaxial tests were conducted on statically compacted silt specimens
in a triaxial cell apparatus The experimental results from SWCC tests under
different net confining stresses showed that the air-entry value and the yield suction increased nonlinearly with the increase in net confining stress The results of the
isotropic consolidation tests indicated that the yield stress increased with the increase in matric suction The slope of the normally consolidated line (NC), the
slope of the unloading curve and the intercept of the consolidation curves at the reference stress decreased with the increase in matric suction.
The results indicated that the effective angles of internal friction, ¢', and the
effective cohesions, c', of the compacted silt as obtained from both the CW and CD
tests were identical The results of the CW and CD triaxial tests indicated that the
effective angle of internal friction, ¢', and the effective cohesion, c', of the compacted silt were 32° and zero kPa, respectively The relationships between ¢ ”
Trang 6and matric suction from the CW and CD triaxial tests on the compacted silt
specimens were found to be non-linear The ¢” angle was found to be the same as the effective angle of internal friction, ¢' (i.e., 32°) at low matric suctions (i.e., matric suctions lower than the air-entry value) The ¢” angle decreased to a
magnitude as low as 12° at high matric suctions (i.e., matric suctions higher than the residual matric suction) However, the ó” angles from the CW and CD tests were different at matric suctions between the air-entry and the residual matric
suction values due to the hysteretic behaviour of the soil-water characteristic curve.
The critical state lines at different matric suctions on the (đ — p) plane were parallel
with a slope of 1.28 for both the CW and CD triaxial tests, indicating the unique
relationship between the deviator stress and mean net stress The results also indicated the unique relationship between the specific volume and mean net stress
on the (v — p) plane for both the CW and CD triaxial tests The slope of the critical
state lines on the (v — p) plane for both the CW and CD triaxial tests decreased with
the increase in matric suction.
Reasonably good agreements between the analytical simulations based on the
proposed elasto-plastic model with the incorporation of SWCC and the experimental results for the shear strength, the change in pore-water pressure and
the volume change during shearing tests were obtained in this study.
Trang 7Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS GHI HH 00000000 00 II ABSTTRAC TT G5 <5 < 0 0001000009 00000090009 009000 IV
TABLE OF COINTTIENN TT S -.- << 5 << SH HH HH 0 000001001085 VỊ LIST OF TABLES 5-5 <5 (<< << HH I0 0050 XII LIST OF FIGURES 5< 5< << 5< 5 HH 0000004000 5 XV LIST OF SYMBOLS - 5-5 <5 HH I1 100008 g0 XXIX
2.2 STRESS STATE VARIABLES cccsessssseseseeseseseseseseneececeeeseseseseeseeeceseseneneeeeeseeaeaeaeee ae7 2.3 SOIL-WATER CHARACTERISTIC CURVE sesesesssesseeseeseseseseseeeeeeeececacaeaeaeseseeeeeenes 8 2.4 CONSOLIDATION TESTS AND THE CONTROLLING FACTORS -+5ss+>: 9 2.5 VOLUME CHANGE OF UNSATURATED SOILS ‹ - -. «- LO
2.5.1 ŒH€FdÌL Ă SH SH TS KT TK TT tk kg 10 2.5.2 Constitutive relationshijs Ăn SH khe 11 Soil Structure Constitutive RelationshIp «- 12 Water Phase Constitutive RelatlonshIp - 16 2.6 SHEAR STRENGTH OF UNSATURATED SOILS -< «-+«-«-« LO
Trang 8“Table of Contents
26.1 Shear Srength Equation 16
262 Constant Water Content Triaxal Tests mi
263 Consolidated Drained (CD) Triaxial Tests 25
264 The Measurement of Matric Suction 28
265 Volume Change Measurements 38
27.1 Basie Concept of Critical State Model for Saturated Soi a7
38 Coitical State Parameters 402.72 Prediction ofthe Excess Poreswater Pressure in Normally Consolidatedand Lightly Overconsolidated Saturated Soils under an Undrained
Condition 22.73 Predicion ofthe Excess Pore-water Pressure of Heavy
Overconsolidated Sots “
soi 333.21 Blastie strains hà3.22 Plastic strains 583.23 Loading ~ collapse (LC) yield carve s3⁄24 Flow rues 63.25 Determination ofthe Mean Net Stress and the Devator Stress athe Initial
Yield Point 65
Trang 9Table of Contents
CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH PROGRAMME ccsssssssssssssssssssssscssssessssesssesecsesessssesenee 80
4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4
4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.6
4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4
"1 Ẽ.Ẽ.Ẽ 81
Criteria for Preparing the Specimen ccccsccsccssesescesseesceseceseessenseesetseeeaeensees 6] [7.1/28 11188x/2/12/72Ẽ00n0nn8 82
Static Compaction MO ÏỞÏ «<< ri, 83 Static COMPACTION PTOC€S «ch HH Hg 85 Tests for Obtaining SWCC using Pressure PÌÏAf€ «5< «<< £<<c++ đó TRIAXIAL SET UP AND ITS DEVELOPMENT - 5 25+ s + s+xeereseerresrs 88 Modified Triaxial Apparatus for the Soil-water Characteristic Curve Tests 002 88
Modified Triaxial Apparatus for Isotropic Consolidation Tests 99
Modified Triaxial Apparatus for the CW and CD Triaxial Tests 100
TESTING PROCEDURE - - G c0 1 TH HH kh 101 Testing Procedure for SWCC Tests 5555 seseEsersersereeree 101 Testing Procedure for Isotropic Consolidation Tesfs - 103
Testing Procedure for Constant Water Content TesfS -.- «- 104
Testing Procedure for the CD Triaxial T€§fS 555 <5<<<s£<c+<+ 105 Final MCASUrCMENE cv nh Tu HH HH ng 106 TESTING PROGRAMME - G1 TT HH ng 106 SWCC Tests under Different Net Confining Sfr€SS€S .««- 106
Testing Programme for Isotropic Consolidation Tesfs .- 110
Testing Programme for Constant Water Content TeSfS -‹ 113
Testing Programme for the Consolidated Drained Tests 114
Trang 10“Table of Contents
5.2.2 Soi-Water Characteristic Curve ti
5.2.3 Isotopic Consolidation Curves tạ
532 Shear Strength Behaviours 1
533 Characteristics ofthe Excess Pore-water Pressure tị
534 Volume Change Behaviours during Shearing Stage 160
535 Water Content Characteristics ofthe Specimen at the End ofthe Shearing
Stage 163
54 CoNsoubaten DRaINep (CD) TRIAXIAL TEST RESULTS tớiS41 Shear Srength Behaviours 16854.2 Characteristics o the Soil Volume Changes 1054.3 Water Volume Change Behaviours during Shearing Stage 3
SS Failure Criteria 155.2 Convont Water Content (CW) Trisial Tests 180
553 Comnlidmed Drained Triasial (CD) Tests 192
554 Comparisons of the Shear Strength for the CW and CD Triasal Tens 198
Trang 11Table of Contents
6.2 SOIL-WATER CHARACTERISTICS CURVE e:csscesseeseeseeeseeeeeesececeeaeeeseeseeeeeeneeese 201
6.2.1 SWCC of the Compacted Silt Specimen at a Maximum Dry Density and an
Optimum Water COntent ccccccccccsccessccesecesecenecssseceseeesseceueeesaeceneeeeseeeneeesnees 201 6.3 ISOTROPIC CONSOLIDATION TESTS ccscccssscessseeecesecesseceseeeeseeeseeesseeeseeenseeees 204
6.3.1 Effect of Matric Suction on the Isotropic Consolidation Curves 204 6.3.2 Effect of the Dry Densities on the Isotropic Consolidation Curves 204 6.4 COMBINATION OF THE YIELD CURVES IN THE ( 8 - P) PLANE -2-5- 207 6.5 CRITICAL STATE CONDITION OF THE CW AND CD TRIAXIAL TESTS 209
6.5.1 — Critical State on (q - P) DỈAH€ 5 55 khen re, 209 6.5.2 Critical State on the ( V - p) ÌÏAH€ «5S *ÉESEESEEskEekreereerkrskree 219
6.6.1 InirOđHCfiOH SH ST TH HH Hàn nhi 226 6.6.2 Verification of the Proposed EQI@fÏOIS - s55 5555 sseserseseree 227
6.6.3 Simulation of Soil Parameters for Silt Used in this Study Using the Proposed
6.7.1 Simulation of the CW Triaxial T€SfS - 555cc se ssseeseeereserrseee 251
6.7.2 Simulation of the CD Triaxial T€SfS ĂẶSĂS SG S Set siiiseserrsreeseree 259
7A CONCLUSIONS 2222222 2212121 111 1111212121 1111k 265
FOR OBTAINING SWCC HS rene rene heg280
Trang 12Table of Contents
PROPOSED ELASTO-PLASTIC MODEL WITH THE NCORPORATION 90992 tere bene rene n ene eean eee eens eee enegs 296
Trang 13‘of each parameter 78Programme for the SWCC under different net confining
Initial stresses conditions that were used in the isotropic
‘consolidation tests under different matric suetions HAProgramme for the constant water content triaxial tests Hà
Programme for the consolidated drained triaxial tests, táSoil properties of statically compacted silt specimens 118
Dry densities with respect to water contents of the compaction silt
specimen, no
Summary of the soil parameters obtained from SWCC on the
‘compacted silt specimens at the maximum dry density and optimum
water content 127
Summary of the soil parameters obtained from SWCC tests on
‘compacted silt specimens at the initial dry density of 1.30 Mg /m"
and inital water content of 13% 129Summary of the soil parameters obtained from SWCC tests on
‘compacted silt specimens at the initial dry density of 1.25 Mg/m”
and initial water content of 36%, lạiSummary of the soil parameters obtained from isotropic consolidation
‘curves of the compacted silt specimens at the maximum dry density
‘of 1.35 Mg/m’ and optimum water content of 22% 136
‘Summary of the soil parameters obtained from isotropic consolidation
‘curves of the compacted silt specimens at the initial dry density of
1.25 Mglm` and initial water content of 36% 137
Summary of the soil parameters obtained from isotropic consolidation
‘curves of the compacted silt specimens at the initial dry density of
1.30 Mg/m’ and intial water content of 13% 139
Trang 14Void ratio (e), water content (4), and degree of saturation (S) of the
‘CW triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but atthe same
initial matric suction of zero KPa 143Summary of the axial strain, deviator stress, mean net stress and
matric suction at failure for the CW triaxial tests under different netning stresses but atthe same initial matrie suction of 0 kPA 143Void ratio (6), water content (w), and degree of saturation (S) of the
‘CW triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but atthe sameinitial matric suetion of 100 KPa, 145
Summary of the axial strain, deviator stress, mean net stress andmatric suetion at failure for the CW triaxial tests under different netconfining stresses but at the same initial matric suction of 100
kPa 15
Void ratio (2), water content (w), and degree of saturation (S) of the
‘CW triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the sameinitial matric suction of 150 KPa, HTSummary of the axial strain, deviator stress, mean net stress and
matric suetion at failure of the CW triaxial tests under different netconfining stresses but at the same initial matric suction of 150 kPa
147Void ratio (c), water content (w), and degree of saturation (S) of the
‘CW triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but atthe same
initial matric suction of 200 KPa, 149Summary of the axial strain, deviator stress and matric suction at
failure of the CW triaxial tests under different net confining stressesbut atthe same initial mats suetion of 200 kPa 149Void ratio (e), water content (w), and degree of saturation (S) of the
‘CW triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the sameinitial matric suedon of 300 KPa, 151
Summary of the axial strain, deviator stress and matric suction atfailure of the CWtriaxial tests under different net confining stressesbut atthe same initial matrie suction of 300 kPa ISL
Void ratio (e), water content (w), and degree of saturation (S) of the
CD triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the same
matric suction of zero KPa, 165Summary of the axial stein, deviator stress and mean net stress atfailure of the CD triaxial tests under different net confining stresses
but atthe same matric suetion of O KPa, 165
Void ratio, water content and degree of saturation of the CD triaxialtests under different net confining stresses but at the same matricsuetion of 100 kPa, 166
Trang 15failure of the CD tests under different net confining stresses but atthesame matrie suction of 200 kPa 168
Void ratio, water content and degree of saturation of the CD triaxiallests under different net confining stresses but a the same matricsuction of 300 kPa, 169
Summary of the axial strain, deviator stress and mean net stress atfailure of the CD tests under different net confining stresses but atthe
same matrie suction of 300 kPa 170Summary of the axial strains at failure for the CW triaxial tests underdifferent net confining stresses but at the same initial matric suction
‘of 300 KPa 176Cohesion intercepts from the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes and
stress point envelopes 197Stresses a the critical state of the CW triaxial tests, 212Stresses a the critical state ofthe CD triaxial tests 2I7
Stress and specific volume at the critical state of the CW triaxialtests 222
Stress and specific volume at the critical state of the CD triaxial
tests 223
Summary of the critical state condition parameters for the CW triaxial
tests under different net confining stresses and at different matricsuetions 226
Summary of the critical state condition parameters for the CD triaxiallests under different net confining stresses and at different matric
suetions 286
Trang 16A typical soil-water characteristic CUTV€ 5-5 5< <5<<++£+*c++ 9
Constitutive surfaces for an unsaturated soil (a) Soil structure
constitutive surface; (b) water phase constitutive surface (after
Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993) oes eeeccescesseeeseeeseeeseeteeeesneeseeeeaees 16
Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope for saturated soils (after Fredlund
and Rahardjo, 1993) - - «+4 xxx nh TH TH HT HT Hàn nưệt 19
Extended Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope for unsaturated soils (after Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993) « ssxsxsseessereses 19
Failure envelope for unsaturated soil glacial till specimens (a)
Failure envelope on the, t, against (u,—w,,)plane; (b) ¢” values
versus matric suction (after Gan, 1986) -¿+++<<<++<<ss+2 20
Non-linearity in the failure envelope for compacted Dhanauri clay at
low-density (a) The stress strength, t, plotted against (u, —u,,); (b)
Ø” values for various (u, —w„) (after Satija, 1978) 21
Nonlinearity in the failure envelope with respect to suction compacted Dhanauri clay at high-density (a) The shear strength, +,
plotted against (u, —u,,); (b) nonlinear relationship between ¢” and
matric suction, (u, —u,,) (after Satija, 1978) 21
Stress condition during a constant water content triaxial compression
test (after Fredlund and Rahardjo, 193) ««+s+<sec+see 22
Stress path of the CW triaxial tests performed at various matric suctions under a net confining pressure (after Fredlund and Rahardjo,
IS 23
Constant water content triaxial tests on Dahaunari clay (a) Stress
versus strain curve; (b) matric suction change versus strain; (c) soil
volume change versus strain (after Satija, I978) «« 24
Stress conditions during a consolidated drained triaxial compression
test (after Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993) «++se<sec+see 25
Stress paths followed during a consolidated drained test at various net confining pressures under a constant matric suction (after
Stress paths followed during consolidated drained tests at various matric suctions under a constant net confining stress (after Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1Ø23) - s +19 11911911919 HH ng ng Hư 27
Trang 17‘The response of pore-water pressure probe and pore-water pressure
at base plate due to increase cell pressure (after Toll, 1988) 32
‘Matric suction measurement probe (from Ridley and Burland, 1993)
Meilani et al, 2002), 34Response of the mini suction probes during a drying process (from
Mellani etal, 2002), 35Expansion of the yield surface (after Budhu, 2000) 39Critical state lines and these parameters (a) Yield surface; (b) CSL
on (0=p") space; (e) CSL on (v=In p') space (after Budhu, 2000)
ealized isotropic consolidation tests inthe (¥~ fn p) phane 62
‘Stress paths inthe elastic zone in the (s ~ fn p) plane (Wheeler, 1996)
Yield curves at different suetion planes (after Alonso etal 1990) 66
dealized stress paths for a tiaxial compression test on (q~ p) plane
Trang 18Static compaction mould and stainless steel plugs - 84
Equipment for static compaction of specimens, (a) Connection between two adjacent disks; (b) removable disk; (c) small plug (after
600106) 84 Compaction machine for static compaction specImens 85 Extrusion of the compacted silt specimen - «-«++s< 86
Set up of pressure plate extractor (after Agus, 2001) 87
Modified triaxial cell for unsaturated soils testing (Modified from
Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993) oes eeseesessesseeeseeeseesseeeseeeeeeeeaees 89
Schematic diagram of plumbing for the modified triaxial apparatus
for obtaining SWCC -.- LH HH HH ng ng 90
Assemblage of the modified triaxial apparatus for obtaining SWCC
— 91
A circular grooved water compartment in the pedestal head with the
A typical wire of NTU mini suction probe to pass through the
extension ring at the triaxial DaS€ c5 5+5 + sevseeeeeeesee 93 NTU mini suction probe 0 ceceeceeseeeeceeeeeeeceeceeeesesseeeeceaeesesseeenees 95 Installation details for NTU mini suction probes - 96
Details of NTU mini suction probe on silt specimen 97 Three split parts of the membrane stretcher with rubber holders 97
Full assemblage of the membrane stretcher - - «+ s« 98
Assemblage of modified triaxial apparatus for isotropic
Assemblage of modified triaxial apparatus for the CW and CD tests
— 101
Idealized specific volume versus matric suction from SWCC tests
under constant net confining SfT€SS - 55s + c++s+sxes 108
Idealized water content versus matric suction from SWCC tests under constant net confining SfT€SS - - ++-+++xc+ec+e>sxs+ 108
Stress path for soil-water characteristic Curve feSfS 110
Idealized specific volume versus net confining stress from isotropic
consolidation tests under constant matric suction - 111
Idealized water content versus net confining stress from isotropic consolidation tests under constant matric sucfIOn 111 Stress path for isotropic consolidation f€SfS «<< «+5 112
Compaction curve of the silt under standard Proctor compcation tests
¬— 118
Trang 19Volume change and water volume change with respect to matric
suction for specimen SWCC — ÍÚ S-ccSe + seeeeree 122
Volume change and water volume change with respect to matric suction for specimen SWCC — 50.0.0 ceceeesceeeeeeseteeeeseeseeereeeeenees 123
Volume change and water volume change with respect to matric
suction for specimen SWCC — 100.00 ceeeecceeseeeteeeeeeeteeeeeeaeeesees 123
Volume change and water volume change with respect to matric
suction for specimen SWCC — 150.0 eee cee Set 124
Volume change and water volume change with respect to matric
suction for specimen SWCC — 200.0 eceeeecceseeseeeeceeeeteeeeeeenees 124
Volume change and water volume change with respect to matric
suction for specimen SWCC — 250.000 eeceeceeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaees 125
Volume change and water volume change with respect to matric
suction for specimen SWCC - 300 ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetaee 125
Soil-water characteristic curve tests at different net confining stresses
— 126
Specific volume versus matric suction for the compacted silt specimen at the maximum dry density and optimum water content
SWCCs at a constant net confining stress on the compacted silt
specimens at the initial dry density of 1.30 Mg/mẺ and initial water
Content Of 13 f% - «kg Hệ 128
Specific volume versus matric suction on compacted silt specimens
at initial dry density of 1.30 Mg/m? and initial water content of 13 %
-ẰẰẰ£ 128
SWCCs at a constant net confining stress on the compacted silt specimens at the initial dry density of 1.25 Mg/mỶ and initial water Content Of 36 - ác S4 HH HH TH TH HH Hàng 130
Specific volume versus matric suction on compacted silt specimens
at initial dry density of 1.25 Mg/m? and initial water content of 36 %
— 130
Isotropic compression curves at constant matric suction for the
compacted silt specimens at the maximum dry density and optimum
Water COT€T - Q2 SH SH HH nh nh nh ng 132
Measured 4(s) values with respect to matric suction from isotropic
Trang 20Measured p„ values with respect to matric suction from isotropic
Isotropic compression curves at constant matric suction for the compacted silt specimens at the initial dry density of 1.25 Mg/mỶ and initial water content Of 36% eseeeeessecseeeceeesetsetsseeeaeeaes 137
Isotropic compression curves for the compacted silt specimens at the
initial dry density of 1.30 Mg/m and initial water content of 13%138
Three-dimensional views of the constitutive surfaces for the
compacted silt specimens (a) specific volume with respect to stress state variables; (b) specific water volume with respect to stress state
Deviator stress versus axial strain from the CW triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but at the same initial matric suction
Deviator stress versus axial strain from the CW triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but at the same initial matric suction
Of 200 kPa Ác HH TH TH TH TH Hà TT Tnhh 148
Deviator stress versus axial strain from the CW triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but at the same initial matric suction
D0004 111 150
Change in pore-water pressure versus axial strain from the CW
triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the same
initial matric suction Of Zero kPPa - 5 5- sec +sveseeseerses 152
Change in pore-water pressure versus axial strain of the CW triaxial
tests under different net confining stresses but at the same initial
matric suction Of LOO KPa - cv ng ng rey 153
Change in pore-water pressure versus axial strain from the CW
triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the same
initial matric suction Of 150 KPa eee eeseeseeeseeeneeeteeeseeeeeesees 153
Trang 21suction probes and base plate during shearing of specimen CW150:
100 l5
‘Matric suction a failure versus matric suetion atthe initial conditionTor the CW triaxial tests 137Percentage of mattic suction changes versus initial matric suction
during shearing under the CW triaxial tests 158
“The D, parameter versus deviator stress for the CW triaxial testsunder the same initial matric suetion of 150 kPa but at the differentnet confining stesses 159Volumetric strain versus axial strain from the CW triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but at the same inital matric suction
‘Water content profile ofthe specimen CW100-100 163
eviator stress versus axial strain from the CD triaxial tests underdifferent net confining stresses but atthe same matrie suction of zeroXPa l64
Deviator stress versus axial strain from the CD triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but at the same matric suction of 100KPa 166Deviator stress versus axial strain from the CD triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but atthe same matric suction of 200KPa 167
Deviator stress versus axial strain from the CD triaxial tests underdifferent net confining stresses but atthe same matric suetion of 300
XPa 169
Trang 22‘Volumetric strain versus axial strain from the CD triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but at the same matric suetion of 100
KPa, mm
‘Total volumetric strain versus axial strain during shearing from the
CD triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the
‘same matric suction of 200 kPa m
‘Total volumetric strain versus axial strain during shearing from the
CD triavial tests under different net confining stresses but a thesame matric suction of 300 kPa ma
Volumetric stain versus axial stain from the CD triaxial tests underdifferent net confining stresses but a the same matric suction of 1001
XPa 13
‘Water volumetric strain versus axial strain from the CD triaxial testsunder different net confining stresses but atthe same matric suction
of 200 kPa 18
‘Water volumetric strain versus axial strain from the CD triaxial tests
under different net confining stresses but at the same matric suction(of 300 kPa 14Peak deviator stress as a failure criterion for the constant water
content tests under the same matric suction of 300 kPa on specimens
‘with different net confining stresses 176
Principal sress ratio, (6, ~ơ:)((
constant water content tests on specimens under different net
confining stresses but at the same initial matric suction of 300 kPa
1u,) versus axial strain for the
Principal stress ratio, (2, =w, )/(Ø, w,) versus axial strain for the
constant water content tew on specimens under different netconfining stresses but at the same initial matric suction of 300 KPa
Principal stress ratio, (6, —u,)/(@ =u, ), versus axial strain for the
‘CW wiasial tests on specimens under diferent net coafining stresses
‘but atthe same inital matric suction of 300 KPa 179
‘Specimens after the CW and CD triaxial tests 179
Stress paths on the (q — 5) plane for the CW triaxial tess underdifferent intial matrie suctions but atthe same net confining stress of
50 kPa, 180
Trang 23different initial matrie suctions but atthe same net confining stress of
150 kPa IslStress paths on the (g = 5) plane for the CW triaxial tests under
different initial matric suctions but atthe same net confining stress of
‘under different net confining stresses but at Zero matric suction 184
‘Mohr circle and cohesion intercepts atthe peak deviator stresses inthe CW triaxial tests under different matric suctions but at the same
net confining stress of 50 KPa 185
‘Mohr circle and cohesion intercepts at the peak deviator stresses inthe CW triaxial tests under different matric suetions but atthe same
Mohr circles and cohesion intercepts for the compacted silt
specimens atthe peak đeviator stresses in the CW triaxial tests underdifferent matric suetions but at the same net confining of 150 kPal86Mohr citcles and cohesion intercepts for the compacted silt
specimens atthe peak deviator stresses in the CW triaxial tests underdifferent matric suedons but at the same net confining of 200 kPa 186
‘Mohr circles and cohesion intercepts atthe peak deviator stresses inthe CW tianial tests under different matric suetions but at the samenet confining of 250 kPa 187
‘Mohr circles and cohesion intercepts atthe peak deviator stresses inthe CW triaxial tests under different matric suctions but at the same
net confining of 300 KPa 187
‘tess paths from the CW iavial tests under different net confiningsuesses on specimens but atthe initial marie suetion of zero KPa 188
‘Stress point failure envelopes for the CW tests at different initial
‘matric suetions 190
Intersection line between the failure envelope and the r, versus
‘matric suetion plane lợi
Trang 24at zero matic suetion 193
‘Mohr circle and cohesion intercepts atthe peak deviator stresses in
the CD triaxial tests under different net confining tresses but at the
‘same malrie suetion of 100 kPa 194Mobs circle and cohesion intercepts at the peak deviator stresses in
the CD triaxial tests under different net confining tresses but at the
‘same matric suction of 200 kPa 194
‘Mohr circle and cohesion intercepts atthe peak deviator stresses inthe CD triaxial tests under different net conlining tresses but at the
m of 300 kPa 9s
Intersection line of the extended Mohr ~ Coulomb failure envelopefon the shear strength versus matric suction plane at zero net
confining stress 195
‘same matric suet
‘Stress point envelopes for the compacted silt from the CD triaxialtests a different matric suctions 197
Cohesion intercepts of the failure envelopes on the zero net
confining stress ((¢,—u,)=0) plane for the CD and CW triaxial
tests 199
Relationship between g* and matric suction for the CW and CD triaxial tests (a) Nonlinear relationship between g* and matric
suction; (b) Air — entry value and residual matric suetion of the
compacted silt specimen 200Airentry value and yield suction from soil-water characteristic
‘curves for different net confining stesses 203
“The slopes of the normal compression lines with respect to matricsuction for the compacted silt specimens at different initial dry
densities and water contents, 205
“The slopes of the unloading lines with respect to matric suction forthe compacted silt specimens at different initial dry densities and
‘water contents 206
“The yield stresses of the isotropic consolidation curves with respect
to matric suction for the compacted silt specimens at different initialdry densities and water contents 206[Experimental results of the LC and IS yield curves in the (s — p)
plane for compacted silt at the maximum dry density and optimum
‘water content 207
Loading - collapse (LC) and suction increase (SD yield curves on the(=p) plane 208
Trang 25CCitical state on the (q - p) plane from the CW and CD triaxial tests
‘under different net confining stresses on the saturated specimens 209
Critical state on the (g - p) pane from the CW triaxial tests underdifferent net confining stresses but at the same initial matric suction
of 100 kPa 210Critical site on the (g- p) plane from the CW triaxial tests underdiferent net confining sussses but atthe same initial matric suction
of 150 kPa 2HCCitical state on the (g - p) plane from the CW triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but at the same inital matric suction
‘of 200 kPa anCritical sate on the (g- ) plane from the CW waxal tests under
different net confining stesses but atte same initial matric suction
of 300 kPa 212
CCitical state Fines in the (g-p) plane of the CW triaxial tests 213Crit I state lines in the (g — = p) space of the CW triaxial tests 214Critical state on the (g - p) plane from the CD triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses on the saturated specimens 215Critical state on the (g - p) plane from the CD triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but al the same initial matrie suction
‘of 100 kPa 215Critical state on the (g - p) plane from the CD triaxial tests under
different net confining stresses but at the same initial matric suction
of 200 kPa 216
Critical state on the (g - p) plane from the CD triaxial tests underdifferent net confining stresses but at the same inital matric suction(of 300 kPa 216
Critical state lines in the (g -p) plane from the CD triaxial tests 218Critical state lines in the (q ~s - p) space from the CD triaxial tests
‘Stress paths on the (v- p) plane of the CW and CD tests under initial
‘matric suction of 100 kPa, 230
‘Stress paths on the (» = p) plane from the CW tests under initial
‘matric suction of 150 kPa 21
‘Stress paths on the - p) plane from the CW and CD tests under
initial matric suetion of 200 KPa 21
Trang 26‘Slopes of the critical state line versus matric suetion 225
Specific volume atthe reference stress versus matic suction 225Measured and predicted A(s) values with respect to matric suction
‘The grain size distribution curve of the silty sand (from Rampino, et
al 1999) 229Measured and predicted A(s) values with respect to matric suetion
29Measured and predicted x(s) values with respect to matric suetion
230Measured and predicted N(s) values with respect to matric suetion
233Measured and predicted N(s) values with respect to matric suction
3Measured data and predicted loading ~ collapse yield curve 234Measured and predicted a(s) value with respect to matric suction
235Measured and predicted A(s) value with respect o matric suction
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
deviator stress versus axial strain during shearing under the constant
‘water condition of CW200-100 specimen 238
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of thedeviator sưess versus axial strain during shearing under the constant
‘water condition of CW250-100 specimen 238
Trang 27‘water condition of CW300-100 specimen 239
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
dvintor stress versus axial strain during shearing under the constant
‘water condition of CW350-100 specimen 239
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
changes in pore-water pressure during shearing under the constant
‘water condition of CW200-100 specimen 240
Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of thechanges in pore-water pressure during sheating under the constant
‘water condition of CW 250-100 specimen 2a
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of thechanges in pore-water pressure during shearing under the constant
‘water condition of CW300-100 specimen >4Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of thechanges in pore-water pressure during sheating under the constant
‘water condition of CW350-100 specimen 242
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
volumetric strain during shearing under the constant water condition
of CW200-100 specimen 243
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
volumetric strain during shearing under the constant water condition
‘of CW250-100 specimen 243
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
‘volumetric strain during shearing under the constant water condition
‘of CW300-100 specimen 24
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of thevolumetric strain during shearing under the constant water condition
‘of CW350-100 specimen 24Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of thedoviator stess versus axial strain during shearing under the drained
condition of CD300-0 specimen 247
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
devintor stress versus axial strain during shearing under the drainedcondition of CD300-100 specimen 247
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
deviator stress versus axial strain during shearing under the drainedcondition of CD300-200 specimen 248
Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of thedeviator sess versus axial strain during shearing under the drainedcondition of CD300-300 specimen 248
Trang 28‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
volumetric strain during shearing under the drained condition of
€D300-100 specimen, 249
‘Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of the
volumetric strain during shearing under the drained condition of'CD300-200 specimen, 250
Comparison between the simulated and the measured results of thevolumetric strain during shearing under the drained condition of
initial matric suction of 150 kPa 252Simulated versus measured deviator stress at failure for the CW
viaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the sameinitial marie suetion of 200 kPa 253
‘Simulated versus measured deviator stress at failure for the CW
triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the sameinitial matric suction of 300 kPa 253
‘Simulated versus measured changes in pore-Water pressure at failureTor the CW triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but atthe same initial nitric suction of 100 kPa 255
‘Simulated versus measured changes in pore-water pressure at failurefor the CW triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at
the same initial matric suction of 150 kPa 255
‘Simulated versus measured changes in pore-water pressure at failurefor the CW riaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at
the same initial matrie suction of 200 kPa 256
‘Simulated versus measured change in pore-water pressure at failure
for the CW triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but atthe same initial matrie suetion of 300 kPa 256
‘Simulated versus measured volumetrie strain at failure for the CW
triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the sameinitial matric suction of 100 kPa 257
jmulated versus measured volumetric strain at failure for the CWUwiaxial tess under different net confining stresses but at the sameinitial matric suetion of 150 kPa 258
Trang 29‘Simulated versus measured deviator stress at failure for the CD
triaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the same
‘matric suetion of zero KPa 260
jmulated versus measured deviator stress at failure for the CDUiaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the same
‘matric suction of 100 kPa 261
‘Simulated versus measured deviator stress at failure for the CDtriaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the same
‘matric suction of 200 kPa 261Simulated versus measured deviator stress at failure for the CDUwiaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the same
‘matric suction of 300 kPa 262Simulated versus measured volumetric strain at failure for the CD
viaxial tess under different net confining stresses but at the same
‘matric suction of zero KPa 263
‘Simulated versus measured volumetric strain at failure for the CD
twiaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the same
‘matric suction of 100 kPa 263
Simulated versus measured volumetric strain at failure for the CDUiaxial tess under different net confining stresses but at the same
Simulated versus measured volumetric strain at failure for the CDtriaxial tests under different net confining stresses but at the same
‘matric suction of 300 KPa 264
Trang 30pore-water pressure parameter
‘consolidated drained triaxial test
critical state Hine
‘constant water content triaxial test
tangent pore-sater pressure parametereffective cobesion
modulus of elasticity for the soil structure with respect to a
‘change in matric suctionwater volumetric parameter associated with a change in maticsuction
Trang 31‘mean net stress a the initial yield point
‘mean net stress at the fairedeviator stress
deviator stress atthe inital yield point
doviator stress atthe failure
loading-collapse yield eurvedegree of saturation
shear stress on y-plane in z direction
shed stress on z-plune in x-directionshear modulus
total stresstotal stress at failure
major principle stressmajor principle stress at failure
minor principle stressmìnor principle stress at failuretotal stress in the sdivectiontotal stress in the y-directiontotal tess inthe z-directionaverage total normal stresspore-air pressure
Trang 32matic suetion at failure
net normal stress
net normal stress at failure
‘excess pore-water pressure
‘excess pore-wiater pressure at he initial yield point
‘excess pore-water pressure at the failure
coefficient of volume chị
normal stress
wge with respect to a change in net
ccocfficient of volume change with respect to a change in matric
coefficient of water volume change with respect to net normalstress
ccoofficient of water voulme change with respect to maHie
volume of ari the sol clement
initial overall volume of an unsaturated soil element
volume of soil voids
volume of water inthe sol element
specific volume (w=1+z)
specific water volume
specific volume at failure
optimum water content
water content at the wet side
water content at the dry’ side
matimm dry density
dey density atthe wet side
hy density at the dey side
Trang 33shear strain on z-plane (ie Z2 = 74.)
shear strain on xplane (ie 7,shear strain on y-plane (i.e 7
Volumetric strain
normal strain component in x directionnormal strain component in y directionnormal strain component inz directionvolumetric strain inerement
shear strain increment
Principal strain incrementsclastic volumetse sưain increment
plastic volumetric sưain inerement
clastic shear strain increment
plastic shear strain increment
clastic volumetric strain increment induced by changesnet stress
clastic volumetric strain increment induced by changes in matric
plastic volumetric strain increment induced by chịnet stress
plastic volumetric strain increment induced by changes in matric
Poisson's ratioslope of ualoading-reloading line in (vIn p’) plane
slope of critical state line in (q — p')plane
slope of the critical state line with respect mean net stress
slope of the crtial state line with respect matrie suction
specific volume of the normal consolidation curve of saturatedsoil at reference stress
specific volume of the normal consolidation curve of unsaturatedsoil at reference stress
specific Volume of the normal consolidation curve with respect
to water phase of unsaturated soil at reference stress
ifiness parameter of the normal consolidation curve at thesaturated condition
Trang 34List of symbols
stiffness parameter at the unsaturated condition
stiffness parameter of the normal consolidation curve with
respect to water phase
slope of the ertieal state line
Slope of the critical state line for degree of saturation
degree of saturation at the reference stress of the critical stateline
specific volume on the critical state at the reference stress atsaturated condition
specific volume on the critical state at the reference stress at
unsaturated condition
The specific volume when both (p—u,) and (1, =u,) equal
effet angle of intemal friction
angle indicating the rate of increasing in shear strength relative
to changes in mats suction, (uu, )
volumetric water content at saturated condition
volumetric water content at residual state
volumetric water content at given matric suction
normalized volumetric water content
1 numerical coefficient ranging from 0 10 1
Trang 36‘Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
In many field situations, fill materials are compacted where the excess pore-ait
pressure developed during compaction will dissipate instantaneously, but the
air phase is generally under a drained condition and the water phase is under an
wndrained condition during compaction This condition can be simulated in aconstant water content (CW) triaxial test The excess pore-water pressure
generated during loading under the constant water content condition is an
important aspect that may cause many geotechnical problems such as slopefailures, However, shear strength parameters used in geotechnical designs are
obtained mainly from the consolidated drained (CD) or consolidated undrained
(CU) triaxial tests In the past few decades numerous researchers (Bishop etal1960; Bishop and Donald 1961; Bight 1961; Satja 1978; Sivakumar 1993;
Rahardjo et al 2004) have studied the shear strength characteristics ofunsaturated soils under the constant water content condition in a triaxial
apparatus The difficulty of the CW test is associated with the assurance foruniformity of the pore-water pressure during shearing, Bishop et al (1960)
studied the non-uniformities of pore-water pressure in a specimen during
shearing by using a mini pore-water pressure probe The mini pore-water
pressure probe was inserted into a hole drilled inside the specimen, The
maximum difference between pore-water pressure measurements at the base
plate and at mid-height of the specimen was about 30 KPa as reported by Bishoptal (1960), The characteristics ofthe excess pore-water pressure along the soil
specimen during shearing under the constant water content condition have not
Trang 37‘Chapter 1 Introduction
been studied in detail In addition, comparisons between the shear strength
parameters obtained from the CW and the CD triaxial tests have not beenextensively investigate
During loading, the changes in void ratio, e, and water content, w, of an
‘unsaturated soil with respect to the two independent stress state variables, net
total stresnormal stress (Le, (ơ~w,), where jore-air pressure ),
and matric suetion (Le, (w,—w,), Where: w,= pore-water pressure), can berepresented in a graphical form The volumetric behavior can be described in athree-dimensional state surface (Le, (@~ ty) Vs
1u): Von Vor
f2 (iy ~ Ma) Space oF (fZ
initial volume;
iy — us) space) (where: V, olume of voids ¥,
and Ứ, = volume of water) The V/V, term is equivalent to water content or
4 ce of saturation The relationship between volumetric water content and
matric suction of a soil is commonly known as a soil-water characteristic curve
relationship between void ratio and net normal stress is commonly known as @
consolidation curve, Normally the measurement of SWCC in the laboratory is
conducted under a zero net confining pressure and the consolidation test is
performed under a zero matric suction Therefore, the effects of net confining,
stress on SWCC and the effects of matrie suction on the consolidation curveneed to be investigated
Most of the theoretical development in soil mechanics has been concentrated in
saturated soils in the past As a result, geotechnical engineers are now able topredict saturated soil behaviour in the field or in the laboratory with certain
dogrees ofsuccess However, the prediction of unsaturated soil behaviour is stil
very difficult, So far, for practical purposes the prediction of unsaturated soil
‘behaviour is done by either ignoring the unsaturated state or by using empirical
formulations Recently, several theoretical models based on the elasto-plastictheory for predicting the uns aturated soil behaviour have been proposed, The
‘general framework for the constitutive model of unsaturated soil was proposed
by Alonso et al (1987, 1990) The constitutive model proposed by Alonso has
Trang 38‘Chapter 1 Introduction
been refined by other researchers (Toll 1990; Gen and Alonso 1992: Thomas and
He 1994; Wheeler and Sivakumar 1995; Cui and Delage 1996; Wheeler 1996;Bolzon et al 1996; Rampino at al 1999; Simoni and Schrefler 2001; Tang and
Graham 2002; Chiu and Ny 2003) These models were developed under theframework of independent stress state variables by using the extended concept
of the critical state of saturated soil for unsaturated soils It has been postulatedthat matric suction has a significant influence on soil behavior in terms of
volume changes, stress-strain and shear strength (Sivakumar 1993; Fredlund et
al, 1996; Vanapalli etal 1996; Bolzon et al 1996; Gallipoli etal 2003; Wheeler
ct al, 2003), Gallipoli etal 2003) and Wheeler etal (2003) incorporated matric
suetion as a single alued stress state variable in formulating the elasto-plastic
‘model for unsaturated soils However, Fredlund and Morgenstern (1977) suggestedthat matric suction should be treated as one of the two independent stress state
variables for unsaturated soil, Fredlund and Morgenstern (1977) proposed that theconstitutive behaviour of unsaturated soils be deseribed using two independent
siress state variables; namely, net normal stress, (o—u,), and matric suction,
(w,—w,) SWCC relates volumetric water content to matric suction and this
relationship has been found to play a significant role in controlling the behaviour of
an unsaturated soil Thefore, an elasto-plastic model that incorporates SWCC for
unsaturated soil could be developed
1.2 Objectives and Scope of the Research
‘The main objective of this research was to study the characteristics and the
relationships between shear strength, pore-water pressure and volume change ofaan unsaturated soil under constant water content (CW) and consolidated drained
(CD) conditions
works and theoretical development The first part of the laboratory works
involved the investigation ofthe effects of net confining stress and initial drydensity on the characteristics of SWCC, The effeets of matrie suction and initial
dry density on the characteristics of the isotropie consolidation curves were also
Trang 39‘Chapter 1 Introduction
investigated, The second and the most important part of the laboratory works
involved the investigation ofthe characteristics of shear strength, volume changeand excess pore-water pressure during shearing in constant water content and
consolidated drained triaxial tests, The shear strength parameters that were
‘obtained from the CW and CD triaxial tests were compared and studied in detail
The theoretical development involed the development of an elasto-plastic model
with the incorporation of SWCC for describing the shear strength, excess water pressure and volume change of an unsaturated soil during shearing tests
pore-The proposed elasto-plastic model with the incorporation of SWCC was thenwsed to simulate the experimental data obtained from the laboratory works
carried out in this study and those data available from liturature
1.3 Methodology
“The study mainly focused on triaxial laboratory tests and the development of theelasto-plastic model with the incorporation of SWCC, ‘The tests for obtainingSWCC were conducted under different net confining stresses and at different dry
densities in a modified triaxial apparatus ‘The isotropic consolidation tests were
also conducted under different matric suctions and at different initial drydensities using a modified triaxial apparatus, In order to obtain the shear
strength characteristics on an unsaturated soil under the constant water content
and consolidated drained conditions, a triaxial test apparatus had to be modified
In a constant water content test for an unsaturated soil, the specimen was
sheared under a drained condition for the air phase and an undrained condition
for the water phase Meanwhile in a consolidated drained test, the specimen wassheared under a drained condition for both the air and water phases
Reconstituted silt was used to minimise the heterogeneity of soil Identicalspecimens of statically compacted silt were used in this study The concept of
axis translation technique was adopted to control matric suction in the soilspecimens Three NTU mini suction probes were installed along the soil
specimen to measure pore-water pressures during the saturation, consolidation,
‘matric suction equalization and the shearing stages The elasto-plastic modelwith the incorparaion of SWCC was developed and used to simulate the shear
Trang 40‘Chapter 1 Introduction
strength, excess pore-water pressure and volume change đe cloped during boththe constant water content and the consolidated drained triaxial tests
1.4 Outline of the Thesis
This thesis is organized into seven chapters:
Chapter 1 contains the introduction, objectives, scope, methodology of theresearch and the outline ofthe thesis
Chapter 2 presents a brief review of unsaturated soil mechanics, examines theavailable literature on the shear strength, volume change and pore-water
pressure characteristics and the critical state models for saturated and
unsaturated soils The review of the characteristics of SWCC and isotropicconsolidation curve and the measurements of pore-water pressure during testing
of saturated and unsaturated soils is also presented
Chapter 3 presents the development of the proposed elasto-plastic model withthe incorporation of SWCC,
Chapter 4 describes the modification of triaxial apparatus, preparation ofspecimens and procedures for the testing of basic soil properties, the CW and the
CD triaxial tests All the equipment preparations as well as calibrations of the
at the end of this chapter
Chapter 5 presents the results of triaxial shearing under the constant watercontent and the consolidated drained conditions The effects of net confining,
stress and initial dry densi es on SWCC are presented The effets of matrie
suetion and initial dry densities on isotropic consolidation curve and the basicsoil properties are also presented in this chapter
Chapter 6 contains the discussions of the results presented in Chapter 5, The
CW and CD triaxial test results are presented in the form of the critical stateThe simulated results of soil response during shearing under the constant water