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tile individual assignment 1 establishing objectives and budgeting for the promotional program

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Experts can enhance the message''''s authority.Source Attractiveness: Factors like similarity, familiarity, and likability of the source play a role in persuasion, impacting the audience''''s

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Teacher: Nguyễn Thu Hà

Name: Đinh Hà Quỳnh An

ID: HS170735

Class: MC1706-CCP


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Chap 6 Source, Message, and Channel Factors 3

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Chap 6 Source, Message, and Channel Factors

1 Summary of theory:

Persuasion Matrix: This model comprises independent variables like the source, message, and channel, influencing dependent variables such as attention, comprehension, yielding, retention, and behavior change in the persuasion process.

Source Factors: Source credibility is crucial, with credible sources being perceived as ethical, honest, believable, unbiased, knowledgeable, trustworthy, skillful, and experienced Experts can enhance the message's authority.

Source Attractiveness: Factors like similarity, familiarity, and likability of the source play a role in persuasion, impacting the audience's perception and attention.

Celebrity Endorsement: The use of celebrities as endorsers is a common advertising strategy, with potential risks like overshadowing the product and overexposure.

Message Presentation: The way a message is presented, including logical, emotional, fear, humor, or comparative appeals, affects how it is received and remembered.

Channel Selection: Choosing media channels for message presentation is essential, with personal selling offering flexibility and power, while non-personal advertising can reach a larger audience.

2 Case:

Apple's "Get a Mac" Advertising Campaign.

Source Factors: Apple's "Get a Mac" campaign, which ran from 2006 to 2009, featured two actors: Justin Long as the "Mac" and John Hodgman as the

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"PC." These actors were chosen based on their likability and relatability to the target audience.

Source Attractiveness: Justin Long's portrayal of the "Mac" was seen as cool, casual, and relatable, fitting well with Apple's brand image of being user-friendly and stylish John Hodgman's portrayal of the "PC" represented the stereotypical, bumbling computer user.

Message Presentation: The campaign primarily used humor as its appeal The ads depicted humorous scenarios where the "Mac" character effortlessly outperformed the "PC." This humorous approach made the campaign memorable and entertaining.

Channel Selection: Apple used a mix of television commercials, online videos, and print advertisements to reach a wide audience The campaign's clever humor made it shareable, leading to discussions and debates in online forums and social media.

Result: Apple's "Get a Mac" campaign was a massive success It effectively conveyed the message that Mac computers were user-friendly, reliable,and superior to PCs humorously and memorably The likable and relatable characters of "Mac" and "PC" made the message more engaging The campaign contributed to Apple's brand identity and sales growth during the campaign period.

In this real-life case, Apple strategically leveraged source attractiveness (likable and relatable characters), message presentation (humor), and channel selection (television, online, and social media) to create a persuasive advertising campaign that resonated with consumers and contributed to the success of their products.

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Chap 7 Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotional Program

Sales objectives focus on increased sales and require economic

justification, while communications objectives aim to create brand awareness and favorable attitudes.

Problems with sales objectives include a lack of immediate effects and complexity in attributing sales solely to advertising.

Sales objectives are suitable for promotions with an immediate behavioral response, while communications objectives are suitable for mature markets and brand building.

Communications Objectives:

Communication objectives target brand knowledge, interest, favorable attitudes, and image, grouped into cognitive, affective, and conative levels.

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The communications effects pyramid illustrates the hierarchy of these objectives.

Problems with communications objectives include translating them from sales goals and determining adequate levels.

The DAGMAR approach defines objectives as awareness, comprehension,conviction, and action, critiqued for its response hierarchy and focus on sales.

Factors Affecting Budget Allocation:

Factors like market size, potential, and share influence budget allocation.Share of voice (SOV) and share of the market (SOM) affect advertising budget allocation.

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Economies of scale suggest larger firms can support their brands with lower advertising costs.

Organizational characteristics like structure, power dynamics, expert opinions, and decision-maker traits influence budget decisions.

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The "Shot on iPhone" campaign successfully achieved its marketing and communications objectives.

It generated buzz, increased brand awareness, and contributed to iPhone sales growth.

The user-generated content aspect added authenticity and engaged Apple's customer base.

Conclusion: Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaign exemplifies the

importance of setting clear marketing and communications objectives and allocating a suitable budget to achieve those objectives It effectively utilized a variety of media channels to reach its audience and generated a positive response,highlighting the value of effective planning and resource allocation in

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cost-Captivity and Attention: Television captures the audience's attention and keeps them engaged.

Selectivity and Flexibility: Advertisers can target specific demographics and adapt their ads to various formats.

Distrust: Some viewers may distrust ads.

Limited Attention: Viewers may use techniques like zipping and zapping toavoid ads.

Methods of Buying Time: Advertisers can choose sponsorship, participation, or spot announcements based on control, cost-sharing, and production involvement.

Cable Television: This medium has seen rapid growth, offering national, regional, and local advertising opportunities However, it faces challenges from government regulations, audience fragmentation, and new technologies.

Measuring the TV Audience: Audience measurement involves the total audience, program ratings, households using TV, and share of the audience.

Radio Advantages:

Integrated Marketing: Radio can complement other marketing efforts.

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Mental Imagery: It allows listeners to create mental images based on audiocontent.

Flexibility: Radio can be quickly adapted to changing circumstances.Selectivity: Advertisers can target specific demographics.

Receptivity: Radio often has a captive and loyal audience.Cost and Efficiency: Radio advertising can be cost-effective.

Limitations of Radio:

Creative Limitations: Radio lacks visual elements.

Audience Fragmentation: Numerous radio stations are catering to different audiences.

Limited Research Data: Data on radio audiences may be limited.Chaotic Buying: Buying radio time can be complex and fragmented.Limited Listener Attention: Attention spans may be shorter on the radio.Digital Media Competition: Radio competes with digital media platforms.Clutter: Like television, radio can suffer from ad clutter.


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Cost Efficiency: Budweiser aimed to save costs compared to the high expense of airing a television commercial during the Super Bowl Super Bowl TVad slots are notoriously expensive, with brands spending millions for just a 30-second spot.

Broad Reach: Despite not airing a television commercial, Budweiser wanted to maximize its reach during the Super Bowl event, which is known for its diverse audience.

Advantages of Radio for This Case:

Radio allowed Budweiser to quickly create and broadcast ads that were tailored to specific moments during the game For example, they could respond tokey game plays, touchdowns, or halftime events in real-time, which is more challenging with pre-produced TV commercials.

Cost and Efficiency:

Radio advertising is generally more cost-effective than television, especially during high-demand events like the Super Bowl This cost-efficiency allowed Budweiser to allocate resources more strategically.

Budweiser's radio campaign during Super Bowl LIII successfully reached a broad and captive audience While exact figures of reach and impact may not beavailable, Budweiser's decision to invest in radio advertising generated considerable buzz and discussion.

Creativity and Messaging:

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The radio ads created by Budweiser were likely designed to be engaging, creative, and tailored to the Super Bowl audience They could have employed humor, emotional storytelling, or memorable slogans to connect with listeners.

Relevance to Budweiser's Brand:

Budweiser is known for its association with sports, particularly football By choosing radio during the Super Bowl, they maintained their presence in the sports world while demonstrating adaptability and creativity in their advertising approach.

Budweiser's decision to invest in a radio campaign during Super Bowl LIIIwas a strategic choice aimed at achieving cost efficiency while still reaching a vast and diverse audience The flexibility of radio allowed them to create real-time, relevant ads tailored to specific moments during the game, which likely contributed to the campaign's effectiveness This case highlights the importance of considering different media options and objectives to achieve marketing goals during major events.

Chap 12 Evaluation of Print Media

1 Summary of theory:

This section provides an evaluation of print media, particularly focusing onmagazines and newspapers, highlighting their advantages, disadvantages, and keycharacteristics.

Role of Magazines and Newspapers: Magazines and newspapers are intrusive, high-involvement media where readers set the pace, leading to a selective audience with a high readership.

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non-Magazines Target Specific Markets: non-Magazines can target specific demographics, interests, or professions, making them ideal for reaching niche audiences.

Costs: Magazine advertising can be expensive.

Limited Reach: Reach is limited compared to broadcast media.Limited Frequency: Magazines are typically published less frequently.Long Lead Time: Advertisers need to plan far in advance due to productionschedules.

Clutter: Magazines can have a cluttered advertising environment.Competition: Numerous magazines compete for advertiser attention.

Magazine Circulation:

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Includes primary circulation, pass-along readership, guaranteed circulation, circulation verification, and total audience.

The Future of Magazines:

Magazines face challenges such as increasing costs, competition, decreasing circulations, declining revenues, failing publications, and the rise of database marketing.

Potential solutions involve technology advances, stronger editorial platforms, cross-media deals, and electronic delivery methods.

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Classified ads, display ads (local and national), special ads, and inserts are common types of newspaper advertising.

Newspaper Circulation Figures:

Various circulation figures like primary circulation, pass-along readership, guaranteed circulation, circulation verification, and total audience contribute to understanding a newspaper's reach.

The Future of Newspapers:

Newspapers face problems such as declining circulation, competition fromother media, attracting and retaining readers, and the transition to online delivery.

Solutions may involve cross-media opportunities and adapting to new technologies.

This comprehensive evaluation provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of magazines and newspapers as advertising mediums, helping advertisers make informed decisions based on their objectives and target audiences.

2 Case:

Toyota's Successful Newspaper Campaign.


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In 2019, Toyota, one of the world's largest automakers, initiated a newspaper advertising campaign in the United States to promote its hybrid vehicles This campaign was aimed at showcasing Toyota's commitment to sustainability and attracting environmentally conscious consumers.

Newspapers are considered a trusted source of information.

They have a broad readership base, including environmentally conscious consumers.

Newspapers offer flexibility in terms of ad format and placement.The campaign aimed to leverage the prestige associated with newspapers.

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Placement: Ads were strategically placed in national and local newspapers,targeting areas with a strong eco-conscious demographic.

Frequency: Toyota ran the campaign over several weeks to ensure a consistent presence in newspapers.

Toyota's successful newspaper advertising campaign demonstrated the effectiveness of using print media to promote eco-friendly products By strategically leveraging newspapers, Toyota not only achieved its sales objectives but also enhanced its brand image and contributed to its sustainability goals This case illustrates how print media can be a powerful tool when aligned with specificmarketing objectives and target audiences.

Chap 13 Support Media

1 Summary of theory:

This section covers various aspects of advertising and media, including therole of support media in advertising, out-of-home advertising, promotional

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product marketing, yellow pages advertising, advertising in movie theaters, and nontraditional support media like branded entertainment Here are some key points from the theory:

Role of Support Media: Support media plays a crucial role in reaching

target audiences that primary media may not effectively reach and reinforces advertising messages.

Types of Support Media: Support media is also known as alternative,

nonmeasured, or nontraditional media It includes out-of-home advertising, store media, transit advertising, promotional products marketing, Yellow Pages advertising, advertising in movie theaters, and nontraditional forms like branded entertainment.

in-Out-of-Home Advertising: This includes billboards, transit advertising,

and alternative out-of-home media like aerial advertising and mobile billboards Itoffers high exposure, wide local coverage, and geographic flexibility.

Promotional Products Marketing: This involves the use of promotional

products (ad specialties, premiums, gifts, awards, etc.) for advertising purposes Itoffers advantages such as selectivity, flexibility, and high recall.

Yellow Pages Advertising: Yellow pages provide wide availability and are

action-oriented However, they have limitations like timeliness and market fragmentation.

Advertising in Movie Theaters: This medium offers high exposure,

emotional attachment, and proximity to the audience It can be effective but may also be costly.

Nontraditional Support Media: This includes branded entertainment,

which can take the form of advertisement, product placements, content

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sponsorship, and product integration It offers high exposure, media support, and viewer acceptance but has challenges like limited appeal and competition.

Overall, support media complements primary advertising channels and helps advertisers reach their target audiences effectively Each type of support media has its unique advantages and limitations, and its choice depends on the campaign's objectives and target audience.

Ngày đăng: 13/05/2024, 14:53


