3+ Define the target market as precisely as possible e.g., age, gender, + Research the need, interests and preferences of your target market e.g., product service need, lifestyle and hob
Essay Assignment [MKT304]
‘‘Song Nhu Y’’ campaign and the journey of understanding Generali's
customer pain
Name: Ngo Thu Thuy – CS171117
Class: MC1706
Name of Lecturer: Luong Hoang Nam
Trang 2Can Tho, 17/2/2024
1.1 Overview about the communication campaign: Analyze the current status of the company's service products in the market 3
+ Define the target market as precisely as possible (e.g., age, gender,
+ Research the need, interests and preferences of your target market (e.g., product service need, lifestyle and hobbies). 9
+ Identify the company’s communications strategy (Event, Public promotion,
+ Create actractive content marketing to identify the community strategy of
+ Decide channels that company want to distribute the communication campaign (Facebook, Tiktiok, youtube…) 14
Trang 31 Introduction about the communication campaign
1.1 Overview about the communication campaign : Analyze the current status of the company's service products in the market
+ Overview of the company:
As a Life Insurance company, Generali consistently leads its clients
to a life of integrity and peace of mind Recognizing that forcing one's own beliefs on others and conforming to social norms is the primary source of all issues, the "Song Nhu Y" universe was born to sympathize and a desire to spread happiness
Generali - No 1 insurance group in Italy
+ Overview of the campaign:
It's not as dry as people often think about insurance industry communications With the "Song Nhu Y" universe, Generali has been able to establish a reputation for standing "side by side" with its customers during trying and stressful times.;
The message "Song Nhu Y" from Generali has two layers of meaning: The first is promoting the joyful, upbeat way of life known as
"La Dolce Vita" among the Italian people The nation where Generali Life Insurance was founded
People are urged to "live according to their will" in the second article of the message There is only one life, we have no
Trang 4obligation to live according to other people's wishes Respect and support the people you love and live as they wish
Campaigns in Generali's "Song Nhu Y" universe
1.2 Identify target customers:
Trang 5+ Define the target market as precisely as possible (e.g., age, gender, location, income level)
The "Song Nhu Y" campaign is aimed at young individuals who lead active lifestyles and uphold personal values in Vietnam People who are between the ages of 25 and 40, usually in the process of starting
a family and a profession They are concerned about safeguarding their own possessions, as well as their families' futures
Each campaign in Generali's "Song Nhu Y" universe has a different target audience and message They differ in age, gender, interests, and lifestyle But they all share the same desire to be themselves and pursue their own unique lifestyle
1 ;Song Nhu Y - Be yourself because you only live once in your life
Trang 62 ; Song Nhu Y - Women! Every joy deserves to be loved
3 Song Nhu Y - Being a father is difficult, it's no joke
Trang 74 Song Nhu Y - You don't need Everything as you wish, just One thing as you wish
Trang 85 Song Nhu Y - Generali Vietnam 10 years standing by your side
6 Song Nhu Y - When having a child, a mother's expectations are very small
Trang 9+ Research the need, interests and preferences of your target market (e.g., product service need, lifestyle and hobbies).
With videos of less than 5 minutes, the brand has gently touched the hearts of many audiences Especially the Millennials and Gen Z generation When is a touching story of an affectionate father and a daughter with many dreams of "Going home for Tet" amid the chaos and worries of a living life Tet is not only the obsession of young people but also the pain of parents Sometimes it's a story of healing
"For the children who work hard early and late For those who are making constant efforts Love yourself a little, give life what you want"
Through meaningful messages, the short music film series "Song Nhu Y" also contributes to increasing the audience's recognition and love for the brand
1.3 Communications campaign
+ Identify the company’s communications strategy (Event, Public promotion, publicity…).
Generali deploys an integrated communication campaign -Integrated Campaign to spread messages in many forms and channels with content and activities surrounding the core message
of ‘‘Song Nhu Y’’
Trang 10Right in Saigon on December 14-15/12/2019, Generali Vietnam and the Italian Embassy recreated a "little Italy" for 10,000 guests With the desire to spread the happy, optimistic lifestyle "La Dolce Vita" of Italians Customers and their families coming here will experience the most authentic way of living "like an Italian" The event was grandly held at the Independence Palace, with a series of activities, games and Italian-standard performances
Trang 11Event TVC:
After the Living Like You Festival, Generali officially launched the Bumper Ads series In just 6 short seconds, the series of bumper ads depicts "outstanding" issues in today's society From there, we
Trang 12conclude that if you love, accept and share so that everyone can
"Song Nhu Y"
Song Nhu Y - Generali 6s Bumper Ads
Trang 13MC Tran Thanh
Zing mp3 PR:
Trang 14Introducing the festival
Bumper Ads 6s
+ Create actractive content marketing to identify the community strategy of the company.
Trang 15In recent years, Generali has strived to deploy many ideas and stories in a delicate, chained and cohesive way in the "Song Nhu Y" platform Always bring curiosity to viewers in the next campaigns Instead of just focusing on product and brand advertising, Generali focuses on creating valuable content for customers They produce videos and articles about people's success stories in protecting their assets and future Generali then craft our brand positioning as "An innovative and inspiring insurance brand for customers" (Innovation and Human Touch)
+ Decide channels that company want to distribute the communication campaign (Facebook, Tiktiok, youtube…)
Not only launching a series of short music films on multi-platform Youtube, Facebook, and TikTok Generali also cleverly chooses appropriate activities and deploys communication in a sequential manner in a storytelling style In order to help the "Song Nhu Y" universe reach the maximum of different customer files
Generali "plays" the part of a young buddy sharing and encouraging people with brief, "easy-to-digest" content on the brand's Facebook Fanpage, avoiding the monotony of merely providing information to users To keep campaign followers intrigued, there are a number of minigames woven into the poignant updates, such minigames such
as chasing pictures and guessing messages
Trang 16Minigame in the facebook
To propagate its message, the brand also collaborates with neighborhood fan pages like Hai Chieu, Xanh Muot, Dieu nho xiu xiu
In addition, the KOC network makes a leaves many impressions with real-life tales
Tik Tok, the place where the world of "Song Nhu Y" reaches out to Gen Z through snippets of Brand Film or a podcast series in collaboration with Vietcetera
Trang 17Zing MP3
Trang 18The podcast series "Have a sip" in collaboration with Vietcetera and the podcast series "Give me a ticket to childhood" with the participation of Why, Radio The Memory Keeper Perhaps that is the new point in Generali's storytelling in the last 2 years
With creativity and hitting the right "paint point" of customers, the musical film "Living Nhu Y" reached 30 million views on YouTube channel (not including Facebook channel)
Won the gold award at SMARTIES Award Vietnam 2020 and is the only representative of Vietnam to enter the APAC YouTube Ads Leaderboard in January 2020
Generali has achieved 2 Marketing Objectives:
(1) Increase the level of brand recognition of Generali company (2) Increase customer affection for the brand “Living Like Italy” is one of the most prominent campaigns among more than 100 Tet campaigns in 2020 and achieved many other impressive results when increasing recognition and popularity
https://www.brandsvietnam.com/campaign/416-Generali-Song-Nhu-Y https://performancemarketing.asia/case-study-song-nhu-y-chien-dich-vuot-qua-dinh-kien-nganh-bao-hiem-cua-generali/
https://ravak.com.vn/threads/case-study-giai-ma-su-thanh-cong-cua- vu-tru-%E2%80%9Csong-nhu-y%E2%80%9D-4-nam-mot-big-idea-nhung-chua.14039.html