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individual assignment thai duong shampoo sao thai duong

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Tiêu đề Thai Duong Shampoo (Sao Thai Duong)
Người hướng dẫn Bui Thi Hanh Thao
Trường học Standard format not all caps
Chuyên ngành MKT 304
Thể loại individual assignment
Năm xuất bản 2019
Thành phố Standard format not all caps
Định dạng
Số trang 24
Dung lượng 7,09 MB

Nội dung

In 2019, the FMCG market was regaining momentum, and the Vietnamese economy continues to show an optimistic outlook with reasonable control ofCPI growth and the healthy growth of retail

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In 2019, the FMCG market was regaining momentum, and the Vietnamese economy continues to show an optimistic outlook with reasonable control ofCPI growth and the healthy growth of retail sales of consumer goods (Newspaper Investment, 2021)

According to Brands Vietnam (2015) and Market Research Service Q & Me(2015), the shampoo market in Vietnam is one of the potential competitive markets in the FMCG group Shampoos have quite a large market scale in Vietnam, stretching from North to South, and varied in age groups, sex, and income

Current shampoo brands are quite diversified, mainly from two large enterprises: P&G and Unilever Besides, X-men products from Marico, ThaiDuong by Sao Thai Duong, or Enchateur also contribute significantly to the market share

Unilever still dominates with more than 45% market share in the women's shampoos market with popular brands Clear, Sunsilk, and Dove, followed byP&G's Pantene and Head & Shoulders

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1.1 Company

Sao Thai Duong Joint Stock Company, formerly known as Thai Duong establishment, was established on April 17, 2000, by DS Nguyen Huu Thang and MSc.DS Nguyen Thi Huong Lien Sao Thai Duong is a Vietnamese brandspecializing in the production and trading of pharmaceutical cosmetics and herbal functional foods Pursuing the motto "quality creates prosperity" in production and business, after 21 years in the market, Sao Thai Duong has researched and created more than 130 products, many of which have become familiar In Vietnamese families such as Nghe Thai Duong Cream, Thai Duong Shampoo, Rocket 1h (Sao Thai Duong, 2021)

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1.2 Products

Not stopping at the success of Thai Duong 7 Shampoo, 2020 marks Sao Thai Duong's breakthrough when launching the Thai Duong 7+ medicinalshampoo line

According to Science and Life Newspaper (2019), in 2017, the Thai Duong 7 Shampoo brand was proudly voted by consumers as "Top hair care product." There are no side effects that do not affect blood formula,liver function, kidney when using the product; Thai Duong 7 Shampoo

is very satisfied by 98.39% of users

Thai Duong 7+ cleanse hair and scalp, treat dandruff, itchy fungus, andhelp hair be healthy, beautiful right from the inside, smooth, strong, butwithout using a rinse (Industry and Trade Newspaper, 2021)

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1.3. Current communication direction

a PR

Sao Thai Duong mainly PR in

newspapers such as Dantri,

Vnexpress, Giadinh

b Facebook

Hire PR posts on community

sites about women Strong

focus in early January 2017

Information on Sao Thai

Duong's official Page does not

show much that Sao Thai

Duong has not focused on

developing a separate page

for Thai Duong Shampoo

The main content is

introducing the product's use,

with several posts sharing hair

care tips

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Television is the primary communication tool for Thai Duong shampoo.The advertising media trend of Thai Duong shampoo is similar to pharmaceutical brands rather than other shampoo brands

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The analysis below is all related to marketing analysis

High awareness in Vietnam

"Pure Vietnamese" product

b Weaknesses

The price is relatively high

Communication activities are not effective

Ads with less creative content

Ineffective social media: 48,546 people liked the page, 50,040followers of the page but the actual likes were from 10-400 likes, the highest was 1200 likes (Thai Duong medicinal shampoo, 2021)

c Opportunities

The tendency to use products of natural origin

Expanding the market towards young people

d Threats

Image impact: when expanding sales promotion, it may not bemanageable, avoiding all the risks of providing too many salesopportunities

The advertisement fails, fail insight: The image does not getattention, love, or reach but not enough motivation

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2.2 Macro-environment

a Targeted customer

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According to Forbes (2019), Millennials often choose to follow their instincts

or follow friends but have become quite wary of parents and experts' financialadvice in the field They also enjoy personal connections with their money managers, who reflect their trustworthiness, authenticity, and choice.When they shop, Millennials focus on discounts They value the

recommended price, brand reputation, and even product quality They track brands online to find discounts 66% of millennials will switch brands if they get a discount of at least 30% and only a third look at brands to look at product trends or updates (Forbes, 2019)

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b Characteristics of Media classes in VietnamINTERNET

According to Statista (2021), a survey among Internet users in Vietnam, 84% of respondents said they have searched online for a product or service

to buy The data also shows that 75% of respondents visited an online retailstore on the web

Vietnam has seen an exponential climb up in Internet users and Mobile shopping is especially popular (Statista, 2020)

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According to VTV (2021), the average Vietnamese spend 5 hours a day onsmartphones in Vietnam About 30% of users spend more than 7 hours perday, mainly using Facebook, YouTube, Messenger, and Zalo

Facebook and Zalo are mainly used to track brands and inquire about brand services YouTube is mainly used to stream kid’s videos and music channels and follow YouTube celebrities' channels (Statista, 2021)

According to a survey conducted by Infocus Mekong to track changes in consumer behavior caused by COVID-19, 34% of Facebook users are most interested in advertising on the platform, while 13% of TikTok users will pay attention to the ads on it (Statista, 2021) According to a survey conducted by Infocus Mekong to track changes in consumer behavior caused by COVID-19,34% of Facebook users are most interested in advertising on the platform, while 13% of TikTok users will pay attention to the ads on it (Statista, 2021)

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c Competitors

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3.1 Objectives – smart goals

Apply Hierachy of effects model b

They were transforming into a "younger" image and receiving positive feedback from young people After eight months of campaigning (ending 2021), Facebook followers will increase by over 200,000, Instagram followerswill reach 20,000 Summing up, in 2021, revenue will increase by 30% compared to 2020

3.2 Idea

Create a campaign lasting eight months (from May 2021 to December 2021)Using a famous male artist with great charisma and popularity in the showbiz world to bring a new approach to a woman's hair through the man'sfeelings

Not wanting to let anyone touch their hair, that is the mentality of all the unfortunate women with broken hair However, stroking hair is also an act of showing love and affection for the person they love So, Thai Duong Shampoowill help women bring more vital, more perfect hair so that a man's caring andloving gestures towards them become perfect

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c Immediate interaction

Customers need to get immediate information and responsive support todrive their buying action

d Relevant to young people

Ad content must be optimized in line with the interests and interests ofthe customer target

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3.4 Influencer marketing

According to Statista (2021),

more than two- thirds of

respondents have followed at least

1 Influencer on social media

Influencers' content and products

are diversified and highly reliable,

so the influencer marketing

campaign always brings persuasion

and effective buying decision

(Statista, 2021)

Therefore, Influencer campaignsalways bring outstanding efficiency and optimal budget

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3.5 Selecting media within classes

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3.6 Media use decision

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Start: 01/05/2021

End: 30/12/20221

Time takes place: 08 months

Implementation schedule:

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4.2 Evaluation

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5 Conclusion

Despite its advantages and disadvantages, using six media classes will helpThai Duong Shampoo reach its awareness and purchase goal

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Ngày đăng: 13/05/2024, 14:52



