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faculty of business management department of multimedia communication

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1.1.About Motives International CompanyMotives International Company is a global family with generations of excellence and innovationin apparel production.. According tothe firm''''s busine

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Group member

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TABLE OF CONTENT1 Introduction

1.1 AboutAbout Motives International Company1.2 About the interviewed manager

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1.1.About Motives International Company

Motives International Company is a global family with generations of excellence and innovationin apparel production Operate as a responsible, humane organization that benefits the generationsto come Their product range includes men's tailored suits and sports jackets, men's outerwear,women's tailored suits, women's outerwear, dresses, children's clothing, shirts, PPE and uniforms.

Company welfare is based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a motivational theory According tothe firm's business success, the company has given the following advantages and bonuses:premium health insurance, advanced health check-up package, parent appreciation party, teambuilding, family trip, year-end, ability promotion, and increased income.

Motives core production facilities are based in Vietnam, China, Cambodia and now Ethiopia Theyhave more than 10,000 factory operators dedicated to customers’ production on a monthly basis Toensure they are able to deliver on this promise we have over 120 quality control experts on staff toensure a consistent, disciplined product of the highest standards Independent quality control teams arecontinuously monitoring all of their factories, in order to ensure that all criteria are maintained

1.2.About the interviewed manager

Mr Nguyen Ba Le is a Purchasing Manager at Motives International Company He was theyoungest manager at the company without a supervisor position, from the senior position down.He is currently a lecturer in the economics sector at FPT University.

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Mr Le has experience in Sourcing Management with working history in the Fashion/Textile industryand many designers of big famous brands in the world such as Mango, Zara, Next UK, Matalan, ElCorte Inglés, on trends and developing styles for men's clothing retailers, women and children.Sourcing manager is in charge of analysing and directing the costs and expenditures related to acompany's procurement They source a company's strategic supply partners and develop sourcingpolicies Sourcing managers also create cost estimates and forecasts for the procurement andnegotiate reasonable and cost-effective contracts.

Furthermore, he and his team have handled the work of catching up with the new lifestyles of fashionweeks and deepening their understanding of materials from fabrics/ decorations to Coordinatingdifferent teams (QC/ QA/ Purchasing/ Planning) to solve the problems in bulk production withsuppliers Building and developing supplier management indicators (suppliers Selection, Analysis,Evaluation by visiting factory or suppliers mill) Furthermore, providing training courses for the team(Negotiation/ cost-saving method/ Problem-solving/ Team-work communication).

2 Challenges

2.1 Challenge in human resource management

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The challenge is that only the best staff will be kept Employees who do not do well will be givenopportunities to improve, but if they do not improve after a period of time, they will be sent to the HRdepartment for further action The following are some potential therapy options: change ofdepartments or dismissal Although it is a difficult time to decide to fire an employee, not only explainbut also determine why that sort of individual was chosen above others Although the organisation hasa process for newcomers to be laid off or placed on the leave list, not all workers are aware of theleave The Motives International Company does not want to exert too much influence over long-termemployees because they have contributed to the organisation Even when they are performing well, theyoung people must take time off for this reason.

The second difficulty is although having worked at the firm for many years, the manager's perspectivehas not changed, and there is no innovation in terms of knowledge and expertise: the manager'sworking style is conservative as well as tackling challenges in everyday life Some employees who areelderly work in the company for many years, but do not work hard, and their output is low, despite theManager's repeated requests for improvement, but they do not believe they will succeed Moreover,they were seasoned employees and they do not think that they will be replaced or dismissed Almostall of them think that Mr Steven is inexperienced and lacks the capacity to advise and guide theinterns and themselves, despite the fact that the manager has had numerous open discussions withthem Other employees in the organisation have said negative things about him, and they believe hismanagement approach is ineffective After considering, he fired those individuals for failing to satisfythe company's demands despite having been offered several chances and instructions to boostproductivity.

Solution by the firm

Before the pandemic broke out, the company could still handle these employees But in terms ofCovid-19 pandemic, Motives International Company has reduced the number of sales Therefore,they have to decide what is the best solution for them; minor staff and wage cuts or even both Theyrestructured by narrowing the apparatus to reduce cumbersome and unnecessary positions Bycombining and leaving multiple responsibilities and tasks for one person to handle to avoid incurringcosts The second is to reduce salaries; according to the interviewer, within a few months, thedirector's salary was decreased by 30 percent, and the manager's salary was reduced by 20 percent.Besides that, accelerate sales of new products such as masks, protective gear,etc to increase revenue.

In this case, his behaviors matches "work-centred leader behaviour" in Michigan Studies (RensisLikert) As a result, regardless of the fact that it is a crucial situation - Covid 19 the Management hasdevised a strategy to decrease staff and salaries.This is a leadership theory centred on paying carefulattention to subordinates work, clarifying work procedures, and keeping a strong interest inperformance It partly fits the principle introduced by Frederich W Taylor (1856-1915), an Americanengineer, that people labour for no other reason than to generate money This is also a widely heldbelief in wealthy Western countries, but it is no longer valid.

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2.2 Missing information from the interviewer’s team and the manufacturer

The first downside was that there was an order from Zara that needed the utilization of property rawmaterials, that required the creation of work This can be conjointly a demand that the manufacturingplant should meet so as to satisfy Zara' needs Despite previous coaching from Zara, the interviewer'team was unable to produce the provider with precise information, leading to the suppliermisunderstanding from there and also the inferior material being selected Therefore, the manufacturerset to forge the paperwork to influence Zara that the merchandise was qualified, however Zara stillfound errors within the remainder of the details, forcing them to declare themselves again.

Solution by the firm

In terms of a difficult decision situation when the factory does not fully fit the qualified requirementsthat Zara has set forth Therefore, there will be 3 ways, one is to continue to falsify documents that thefactory has submitted to the team- completely wrong and should not be applied, the other is to open toshare with Zara- leads to the possibility of decrease in customers with breach of trust in businessrelationships and further risks, last solution is Eto suffer a loss of $200.000 due to goods burst with thefactory Based on a certain decision, the manager chose the second option The manager had to reportthe current difficulties, and know how to speak properly to Zara that the supplier was wrong, not theteam's fault Thus, Zara accepts this reason and will support the difficult part of the order due to theconditions that the documents must be relatively complete and orthodox.

He utilised “Douglas McGregor's theory”, which is a dynamic and optimistic view about people andhuman behaviour, in this solution He has resorted to honest methods to fix the problem, despite thefact that the worst-case scenario is that he loses clients and suffers up to $200,000 in damage as aresult of bursting items According to this notion, managers think that providing pleasant workingcircumstances and engaging individuals in work they enjoy would result in significant contributions.As a result, managers do everything they can to help employees overcome the obstacles that hinderthem from reaching their full potential.

The ethical question of commercialising higher education is equally intriguing, but it appears thatthose who are noisily clamouring for it have not considered it Let me tell you about the example ofUniversity of Toronto medical professor Nancy Olivieri, which is both intriguing and typical(Canada) The corporation Apotex supported the study of GS.Olivieri on a novel medicine(deferiprone) used in the treatment of thalassemia Prof Olivieri discovered that deferiprone was notonly clinically unsuccessful, but also caused liver and cardiac damage in children over the studyperiod GS Olivieri informed the corporation of the discovery and requested that patients be told ofthe truth in accordance with ethical standards But within 72 hours of receiving information from GS.Olivieri, the Apotex company decided to stop the research, recalled all the drugs in the hospital, andthreatened to put Prof Olivieri on court!

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The University of Toronto's board of directors sided with the firm since the university is justnegotiating a 25 million dollar grant from this company Under duress from the firm, the principal ofthis institution went even farther and requested that Prof Olivieri take a leave from work! GS.Olivieri, on the other hand, is adamant about fighting to the last end In the end, the truth won out:she not only kept her job, but she also told the world about her finding.

3 Recommendations from group3.1 Short-term: Downsizing position

Target Those who fail KPI with regular frequency, violate the company’s labourcontracts, useless positions and alleged embezzlement or corruption

Purpose Restructuring and reducing cost

Advantages Time-saving, avoiding risk in management

Disadvantages Reduced productivity, managing multiple tasks led to pressure

Although the company has given a number of benefits to motivate employees, if the employee stilldoes not fulfil their obligations well, the dismissal is obvious.

According page 237 of “Fundamental of management” book: To find out those who fail the KPIwith regularly frequently we use Judgmental Appraisal Methods: Compares each employee with afixed standard; Uses graphic rating scales of job performance dimensions to be rated on a standardscale; Behaviorally-Anchored Rating Scale (BARS); A sophisticated rating method in whichsupervisors construct a rating scale associated with behavioral anchors

According to article 36: An employer has the right to unilaterally enter into a labor contract in thefollowing cases: The employee who regularly fails to complete the work under the labor contract isdetermined according to the criteria for assessing the level of work completion in the employer'sregime Regulations on assessment of job completion are promulgated by the employer, but mustconsult the representative organization of employees at the establishment for employees organized atthe establishment; The employee voluntarily ignores it without a valid reason for 05 consecutiveworking days or more

According to clause 1, Article 3 of the 2018 Law on Anti-Corruption as follows: Corruption is anact of a person with a position or power who takes advantage of that position or power for personalgain In there: Cadres, civil servants and public employees are one of the subjects of persons withpositions and powers This subject is a person who is appointed, elected, recruited, contracted, etc.,with or without salary, and has certain powers in performing certain assigned tasks and public duties.

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According to article 126: Disciplinary application of dismissal: Disciplinary action for dismissal isapplied by the employer in the following cases: Employees commit acts of theft, embezzlement,gambling, intentionally causing injury, using drugs within the workplace, disclosing business secrets,technology secrets, infringing on property rights intellectual property of the employer, committing actsof causing serious damage or threatening to cause particularly serious damage to the property andinterests of the employer.

For instance:Lufthansa announced on September 21 that it is further shrinking its global fleet andworkforce The airline did not announce how many job cuts to expect, but noted that it had a personnelsurplus of more than 22,000 positions.

As of September 21, Carnival Cruise Line is laying off an unspecified "small number" of its crew as itreduces the size of its fleet The cuts mark the company's second round of layoffs this year.3.2 Long-term: Performance evaluation by giving task every month

Target Those who are senior, intern, bad feedback and examineprofessional expertise

Purpose Increasing the company's sales, giving another chance to prove self talents andhaving a contribution to the company

Rules Group work but evaluation criteria based on individual work, which will benoted by the leader and reviewed every week Therefore, in the first case,those who have qualified will be kept, the second case is that in the first monthemployees who do not contribute anything to the group work that will lead tothe next month's salary will be deducted by 20% They still have theopportunity to work harder next month, if they don't want to be laid off Eventhose who contributed last month, can’t be 'lazy' this month because this is stillgroupwork.

Advantages Creativity and innovation, adaptability, communication, accountability,productivity and quality of work, interpersonal skills, etc

Disadvantages Long period, rater bias, sampling error

For a business to operate professionally, all processes need to be methodical With any decision,businesses also need to evaluate based on the most objective attitude and view Initially, managersneed to carefully evaluate the benefits and losses that the employee brings to the company through acomparison table with other employees in the same position Besides, consulting with group leaders toget the most objective information.

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For instance: In 2015, Deloitte was the first big name to announce it was scrap ping once-a-yearperformance reviews, 360-degree feed back and objec tive cas cad ing This change occurred after thecom pa ny cal cu lat ed these process es were con sum ing a remark able two mil lion hours a year across theorganisation.

Adobe was the fore run ner of the amendment once they aban doned annu al per for mance appraisalsback in 2012 They felt that whereas they were forg ing ahead and evolv ing as a com pa ny, theirper for mance man age ment sys tem was archa ic and inef fec tive It had been a waste of your time andhad, ulti mate ly, become a box-ticking exer cise Adobe esti mat ed annu al appraisals consumes 80,000man age ment hours every year This was the equiv a lent of near ly forty full-time employ ees work ingyear-round Clear ly, a change was needed.

4 References

1 Bose, D., n.d List of Major Company Layoffs Due to the Coronavirus [ONLINE] Business Insider.Available at:List of Major Company Layoffs Due to the Coronavirus [Accessed 16 March 2022].2 Indeed Career Guide n.d 32 Performance Review Phrases By Skill (With Examples) | Indeed.com.

[ONLINE] Available at:32 Performance Review Phrases By Skill (With Examples) | Indeed.com.[Accessed 17 March 2022].

3 Chand, S., 2014 Advantages and Disadvantages ofPerformanceAppraisalofEmployees.[ONLINE]Your Article Library Available at:Advantages and Disadvantages of Performance Appraisal ofEmployees [Accessed 17 March 2022].

4 vietnambiz 2020 Cắt giảm quy mô (Downsizing)làgì?Đặcđiểm.[ONLINE] Available at:Cắt giảmquy mô nhân sự (Downsizing) là gì? Đặc điểm [Accessed 17 March 2022].

5 Thuy Le, S., 2018 Sathảinhânviênvànhữngđiềudoanhnghiệpcầnlưuý.[ONLINE] JobsGO Blog.Available at:Sa thải nhân viên và những điều doanh nghiệp cần lưu ý [Accessed 21 March 2022].6 Luatminhkhue.vn n.d Please Wait |Cloudflare.[ONLINE] Available at:Quyền lợi của người lao

động khi bị đuổi việc không có lý do chính đáng? [Accessed 21 March 2022].

7 Snv.bacgiang.gov.vn n.d Thamnhũnglàgì?Côngchứcthamnhũngbịxửlýthếnào?-Chitiếttintức-CổngthôngtinđiệntửtỉnhBắcGiang.[ONLINE] Available at:Tham nhũng là gì? Công chứctham nhũng bị xử lý thế nào? - Chi tiết tin tức [Accessed 21 March 2022].

8 Oecd.org n.d [ONLINE] Available at:Các Nguyên tắc Quản trị Công ty của OECD [Accessed 21March 2022].

9 Luatminhkhue.vn n.d Please Wait | Cloudflare [ONLINE] Available at:Lời dạy của đức KhổngTử - Giá trị cốt lõi của đạo đức [Accessed 21 March 2022].

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The difficult decision for me is whether or not to open at Zara to find out if the factory is not qualified or notbecause the factory does not meet the requirements of Zara One continues to falsify documents, this cannot bedone; Two has to open with Zara; Three issold out and suffers a loss of $200,000 If we open, it is possible tolose customers and violate honesty in business relations The risk is that I have to explain what difficultiesthere are, tell Zara wisely because the supplier is wrong, not the only one Zara accepts, if the order is toodifficult, it will take care of it, but the remaining documents must be relatively complete.”

Question 2:Did the company ever face the risk of using contingency plans?To this question, Mr Le answered that:

“Normally, I don't have to employ all of my backup plans because, depending on the situation, Ialready have one Not to the point that there isn't a back-up plan in place.”

Question 3: Do you think that IQ and EQ are the factors necessary for managers?Mr.Le answered this questions that:

“I think that a manager definitely has to have IQ and EQ, but from my perspective, IQ helps us toreason logically, analyze problems comprehensively and reasonably However, EQ is one of thefactors that help people become a successful manager because EQ is emotional intelligence,having ways of behaving Working in a company is not only about solving problems, but alsoabout working with people, working with subordinates, colleagues around you, your boss, andexternal partners EQ (Emotional Intelligence) behavior is one of the factors of well-being and isdirectly related to the success of leaders IQ also contributes but not too much, but EQ is animportant factor.”

Question 4:Did you solve something that was affected by the eq too much?To this question, Mr.Le answered that:

“I had to downsize the personnel during the epidemic, which is also a fantastic formula in the task thatmust be managed by employees Because it is difficult to determine who has been laid off previously,those who have been judged favorably are retained, and those who have not been rated favorably aregiven assistance to help them improve If they do not improve, I will return them to personnel andtreat them as if they are still employed by the company but in a different department or are alwaysunemployed.

In the job for kernels, the time point is quite difficult since I have to explain why someone else picks.Employees have no idea what it means to leave him or her, despite the fact that the corporation has asystem in place that puts newcomers at the top of the list for people to leave Because long-servingemployees have made significant contributions to the organization, the company does not want toexert too much control over them.”

Ngày đăng: 12/05/2024, 21:58


