Background and problem statement
Higher education is essential for fostering innovation and developing human capital, significantly contributing to the success of the knowledge economy Over recent decades, it has gained prominence on national agendas and experienced substantial reforms globally, as highlighted in a recent OECD review of tertiary education policies Today, universities prioritize student-centered services to enhance customer satisfaction However, students' expectations are evolving, with a growing demand for courses that allow them to continuously update their knowledge throughout their careers Additionally, learners increasingly prefer to select specific courses from various providers to meet labor market needs, rather than adhering to traditional, rigid programs at a single institution.
Market pressures from parents and students compel universities to enhance both their quality and reputation to attract new enrollees The International School of Business (ISB), as a newly established educational institution, faces the challenge of improving service quality to establish a competitive edge in the educational market As an MBA student at ISB, I conducted this study to contribute to the institution's future development and to elevate ISB's image and reputation in comparison to other universities.
To evaluate the perception of educational service quality among current ISB students, a survey was conducted This exploration aims to identify existing challenges in the delivery of educational services, allowing the institution to recognize areas for improvement Enhancing these aspects not only addresses student concerns but also boosts the institution's image and reputation, ultimately increasing the value of its degrees.
Background information of ISB
The International School of Business (ISB), a division of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), was founded in 2010 to provide a modern and dynamic educational environment where English is the primary language of instruction The school boasts a diverse faculty that includes both experienced Vietnamese lecturers and professors from renowned global universities, offering students a wealth of practical experiences.
The institution offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs, while also maintaining strong partnerships with various international universities, providing students with opportunities to study abroad and earn international degrees.
Survey objectives
Specifically, the topic set out the following objectives: i) Identify the real problems that existing in The International School of Business
The ISB is committed to enhancing its MBA program by assessing student satisfaction regarding service quality This involves identifying key issues and proposing effective solutions tailored to each challenge Furthermore, an actionable plan will be developed in collaboration with ISB to ensure continuous improvement in educational services.
Scope of survey
The survey focuses on the perception and satisfaction of MBA students regarding the current educational service quality at ISB, targeting students in the 6th and 7th courses of the MBA program This selection is ideal for the research purpose, as these students have sufficient experience to make informed decisions about their education Additionally, the survey encompasses two distinct systems of ISB's MBA program: ISB-MBA and WSU-MBA, to analyze the varying factors influencing students' perceptions of ISB's service quality.
Survey design and findings
Educational service quality
Research by Parasuraman (1985) highlights that service quality is determined by the comparison customers make between their expectations of a service and their actual perceptions of how that service is delivered.
In the education sector, educational service quality is defined as the overall evaluation students make regarding the services they receive throughout their educational experience This perspective positions students as clients whose needs and expectations must be effectively met.
Survey design
A quantitative approach was employed to collect data assessing ISB students' satisfaction with the service quality of the institution's ISB-MBA program, aiming to identify areas for improvement.
Measuring educational service quality is crucial as it directly influences student satisfaction and attitudes towards the institution's offerings Data for this analysis were gathered from online databases like Emerald and Science Direct by searching for terms such as "scales for service quality of higher education" and "scales for service quality of MBA programs." The findings are summarized in the table below.
Table 1 – List of scales used for measuring service quality
Q (service quality) = P (service performance) – E (client’s expectation)
Business economics, Computer Science, Information science library science, social science, engineering, educational research …
Business economics, Computer science, Engineering, educational research …
Include 5 dimensions: “Non-academic aspects”, “Academic aspects”,
Include 5 dimensions: “Academic quality”, “Administrative services quality”,
“Library services quality”, “Supportive services quality”, “Quality of providing career opportunities”
SERVQUAL and SERVPEF are two scales frequently utilized in various research studies, including those in the educational sector However, they have been found to inadequately measure students' satisfaction with MBA programs, as they fail to accurately capture students' expectations regarding the quality of educational services offered by institutions.
HEDQUAL was developed based on HEdPERF with its’ target in MBA programs
The survey conducted for this research is specifically targeted at current MBA students at ISB, who have not yet graduated Consequently, the dimension of "Quality of providing career opportunities" from HEDQUAL is deemed unsuitable for this context.
The HEdPERF model encompasses five dimensions that were utilized to create scales for assessing student satisfaction with the educational service quality at ISB Specific observations were evaluated using a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 for "Strongly disagree" to 7 for "Strongly agree." A detailed description of the HEdPERF scale can be found in Table 2 below.
Table 2 – Five dimensions of HEdPERF scale
This aspects show the instructors’ responsibility such as knowledge, experience, teaching methods, problem solving in learning, the instructors’ communicative attitude to the learner
Essential elements for students to meet their educational obligations include service delivery procedures and academic or career counseling These important activities are managed by the non-academic staff at ISB.
3 Reputation “Items that suggest the importance of higher education institutions in projecting a professional image”
4 Access “Items related to accessibility, ease of contact, availability, and convenience”
“Items that emphasize the importance of providing a wide range of programs that are reputable and have flexible structures and study plans”
The author conducted in-depth interviews with two ISB students to gain insights into their experiences with the institution's educational services, aiming to accurately reflect each aspect of the HEdPERF scale Following these interviews, it was crucial to refine and adjust the scale to enhance the survey questionnaires The detailed questionnaire guides used for the interviews can be found in Appendix 1.
After about 30 minutes for discussion, the scale was modified as follow:
Discussions revealed that students were keen on participating in group discussions during classes, expressing a desire for more engaging and diverse topics to enhance their practice Consequently, an important addition was made to the academic framework: “The teaching staff fosters inspiration for students to engage in group discussions.”
These 2 students confirmed that they didn’t need the recreational facilities Their target was completing the MBA program as soon as possible, which was a difference between students’ perceive from under graduation and higher education Therefore, the statement
“The recreational facilities are adequate and necessary” was cut from the questionnaire guide
The phrase "The institution’s graduated students are easily employable" fails to create a strong association between the university and its graduates in students' minds Instead, it prompts students to consider the practical benefits of the university's training services post-graduation Consequently, this statement was removed from the questionnaire guide.
These 2 students from in-depth interview confirmed that they didn’t need the health care services because they only take about 2 or 3 hours a day for studying at institution, which was too short time for experiencing every services not related to their education
Therefore, the statement “The health care services provided by the institution are adequate and necessary” was also cut on the questionnaire guide
The results of scale adjustment were expressed in the table 3 below:
Table 3 – The scale for measuring educational services quality of ISB
1 The teaching staff is knowledgeable for answering my questions regarding course syllabus
2 The teaching staff assists me in a careful and polite manner
3 The teaching staff is never to busy to refuse my requests for assistance
4 When I have a problem, the teaching staff is sincerely interested in solving it
5 The teaching staff has a positive attitude towards students
6 The teaching staff communicates well in the classroom
7 The teaching staff is highly qualified and experienced in its respective field of knowledge
8 The teaching staff creates inspiration for students to join the group discussion
9 When I have a problem, the institution's clerical staff is sincerely interested in solving it
10 The institution's clerical staff provides individual attention
11 Questions and complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively
12 The clerical staff is never to busy to take my requests for assistance
13 When the clerical staff promises to do something within a certain time, they do it
14 The working hours of administrative services are convenient
15 The clerical staff has a positive attitude towards their work and the students
16 The clerical staff communicates well with the students
17 The clerical staff is knowledgeable of its systems and/or procedures
18 I feel secure in my relationships with this institution
19 The institution provides services within the expected deadlines
20 The institution has a professional appearance and/or image
21 The academic facilities are adequate and necessary
22 The institution executes programs of excellent quality
23 The sizes of groups allow personal classroom assistance
24 The students are treated equally and respectfully by the institution
25 The students are free to express their opinions
26 The clerical staff respects the confidentiality of information I disclose to them
27 It is easy to contact the clerical staff by telephone
28 The institution appreciates feedback from students in order to improve the delivery of services
29 The institution has a standardized and simple procedure for providing services
30 The institution provides programs with flexible structures and study plans
31 The institution provides an excellent counseling service
To conduct this research, primary data was collected through questionnaires distributed to 100 students in the ISB-MBA and WSU-MBA programs, aiming for 60 to 70 valid responses The questionnaires were created using Google Forms and distributed via email Once all necessary data is gathered, Excel software will be utilized to analyze the findings.
Data analysis and findings
Out of 100 questionnaires emailed, only 59 were returned and analyzed, providing valuable demographic insights into students' primary majors, MBA programs, and genders The results are summarized in the table below.
Figure 1 – Main major of ISB students
Table 4 reveals that out of 59 interviewed students, a significant portion is pursuing majors related to the economic sector, with 27.29% studying Business Administration, 25.42% in Finance and Banking, and 16.95% in other related fields.
The accounting sector has seen a diverse range of students pursuing MBA programs, with engineering students representing 6.78% and other fields contributing a minimal share This trend highlights that interest in MBA programs extends beyond economics, attracting individuals from various disciplines.
Figure 2 – MBA program pie chart
The data analysis focuses on descriptive statistics across five key factors: academic aspects, non-academic aspects, reputation, access, and program issues Following Sekaran's (2006) rule of thumb, the mean values are interpreted as follows: a mean above 6.9 indicates a high level of agreement from respondents, while a mean between 4.9 and 6.8 suggests slight agreement A neutral attitude is represented by mean values ranging from 3.9 to 4.8, whereas means from 2.0 to 3.8 reflect slight disagreement Lastly, a mean value below 2.0 signifies a high level of disagreement among respondents.
Table 8 illustrates the quality of ISB services, highlighting that academic aspects, reputation, access, and program issues received favorable mean scores of 5.5, 5.24, 5.36, and 5, respectively In contrast, the non-academic aspects, while rated neutrally at 4.7, were notably lower than the other factors, indicating a need for increased focus and improvement in this area.
Table 5 – Statistics of describing students’ perceptions about ISB services quality
1 The teaching staff is knowledgeable for answering my questions regarding course syllabus 5.814 0.880
2 The teaching staff assists me in a careful and polite manner 5.492 1.006
3 The teaching staff is never to busy to refuse my requests for assistance 5.424 1.037
4 When I have a problem, the teaching staff is sincerely interested in solving it 5.153 1.014
5 The teaching staff has a positive attitude towards students 5.695 0.895
6 The teaching staff communicates well in the classroom 5.627 0.889
7 The teaching staff is highly qualified and experienced in its respective field of knowledge 5.729 0.868
8 The teaching staff creates inspiration for students to join the group discussion 5.068 0.962
9 When I have a problem, the institution's clerical staff is sincerely interested in solving it 4.932 1.298
10 The institution's clerical staff provides individual attention 4.593 1.261
11 Questions and complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively 4.373 1.564
12 The clerical staff is never to busy to take my requests for assistance 5.017 1.320
13 When the clerical staff promises to do something within a certain time, they do it 4.153 1.659
14 The working hours of administrative services are convenient 4.424 1.354
15 The clerical staff has a positive attitude towards their work and the students 4.797 1.229
16 The clerical staff communicates well with the students 4.814 1.345
17 The clerical staff is knowledgeable of its systems and/or procedures 4.831 1.354
18 I feel secure in my relationships with this institution 5.153 1.297
19 The institution provides services within the expected deadlines 4.610 1.260
20 The institution has a professional appearance and/or image 5.169 1.220
21 The academic facilities are adequate and necessary 5.169 1.085
22 The institution executes programs of excellent quality 5.254 0.958
23 The sizes of groups allow personal classroom assistance 5.373 1.097
24 The students are treated equally and respectfully by the 5.593 1.002 institution
25 The students are free to express their opinions 5.797 0.943
26 The clerical staff respects the confidentiality of information I disclose to them 5.424 0.951
27 It is easy to contact the clerical staff by telephone 5.203 1.270
28 The institution appreciates feedback from students in order to improve the delivery of services 5.119 1.176
29 The institution has a standardized and simple procedure for providing services 5.051 1.238
30 The institution provides programs with flexible structures and study plans 4.898 1.185
31 The institution provides an excellent counseling service 5.102 1.199
Figure 3 – ISB’s services quality elements
In the evaluation of non-academic aspects, most observational variables scored below 5, with notable exceptions for statements regarding clerical staff assistance and security in relationships with the institution Specifically, three statements concerning non-academic staff received the lowest scores: "When the clerical staff promises to do something within a certain time, they do it" (mean value of 4.1), "Questions and complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively" (mean value of 4.3), and "The working hours of administrative services are convenient" (mean value of 4.4).
Descriptive statistics indicate that non-academic aspects, particularly concerning the staff at ISB, require greater attention The average score for these non-academic factors was 4.7, reflecting a neutral stance To gain deeper insights into the participants' perspectives and their dissatisfaction with non-academic staff, I plan to conduct in-depth interviews with survey respondents.
Chapter conclusion
A recent survey assessing ISB students' satisfaction with the institution's service quality revealed significant non-academic issues related to the non-academic staff These professionals play a crucial role in the success of ISB by supporting institutional knowledge, providing essential resources, and collaborating with academic staff to fulfill the institution's mission Their contributions are vital in enhancing the overall educational experience at ISB.
To enhance the quality of services at ISB, it is crucial for the leadership to address non-academic issues promptly By focusing on resolving these challenges, ISB can significantly improve the overall experience for students and deliver more professional service quality.
Problem identification
Despite the descriptive statistics in Chapter 2 indicating that non-academic aspects require greater attention, their mean value of 4.7 on a 7-point Likert scale suggests they are still significant To gain a more objective perspective on these issues, the author conducted in-depth interviews with five MBA students—one from WSU-MBA and four from ISB-MBA—representing three distinct groups based on years of work experience: 1-5 years, 6-10 years, and over 10 years.
The in-depth interview focused on understanding the initial expectations of MBA students at ISB, exploring their reasons for selecting this institution for their master's degree, and evaluating the services provided by ISB This approach aimed to uncover the differing perspectives and expectations among three distinct groups based on their work experiences, thereby facilitating the identification of key insights and trends.
The interview results highlighted three primary complaints from students Firstly, students expressed dissatisfaction with the "unprofessional attitude of staff," citing a lack of enthusiasm, insufficient understanding of student needs, and inadequate subject knowledge Secondly, the issue of "late responses" was raised, with students frustrated by delayed answers to their inquiries and the inconvenient working hours of non-academic staff, which hindered effective communication Lastly, students reported receiving "not accurate solutions from staff," noting the vague and inconclusive responses they encountered.
The details of in-depth interview with students were shown in Appendix 2.
Initial cause – effect map
The author conducted an in-depth interview with the ISB Student Services Manager to create an initial cause-and-effect map based on previously identified symptoms Three primary symptoms were found to influence student satisfaction with non-academic staff.
Students have expressed concerns regarding the unprofessional attitude of ISB's non-academic staff, citing a lack of understanding of their needs and insufficient knowledge about student issues This has resulted in delayed responses and unconvincing answers Most communication occurs via email, which has created a gap in face-to-face interactions, making it challenging for staff to fully comprehend students' needs Additionally, the inconvenient working hours of administrative services, which coincide with evening and weekend master classes, further hinder students' ability to meet with staff to address their concerns.
Several factors contributed to the delayed responses of non-academic staff, including poor communication with students and inconvenient working hours Furthermore, insufficient internal communication hindered staff from acquiring the necessary knowledge and information, resulting in their inability to respond to students effectively and promptly due to delays from relevant departments.
The institution lacks a proactive system to identify potential issues in customer support services, making it challenging for administrative staff to address students' complaints and needs promptly and effectively.
In the results, late responses have made students feel dissatisfied with non-academic staffs
(3) Not accurate solutions from staffs
The symptoms identified resulted in ineffective solutions from non-academic staff, highlighting issues such as inconvenient administrative service hours and poor internal communication These factors, along with a lack of communication between staff and students, directly and indirectly impacted the quality of responses provided by staff.
The initial cause-effect map was shown in the diagram below:
Diagram 1 – Initial cause-effect map
Problem identification
Besides all the symptoms that mentioned in initial cause – effect map above, author continued to collect more symptoms to complete clearly and fully the map based on literatures:
A study on workplace conflict highlights that poor communication often leads to misunderstandings and conflict, as illustrated by a team leader who fails to define roles, resulting in missed deadlines and blame-shifting among team members Additionally, lack of coordination between departments on major projects can cause miscommunication, hindering progress and fostering internal disputes.
Indeed, the workplace conflict can make employees feel stress with working environment, which affects on their performance as well as organization’s success
According to [22], ineffective internal communication would result in decreased employees’ innovation levels, loss of productivity, absenteeism, sabotage…, which reduced employees’ performance or turnover
Workplace conflict and a decline in employee innovation can significantly hinder staff performance, ultimately leading to demotivation within the organization Research indicates that when employee performance suffers, it can lead to poor decision-making, resulting in customer dissatisfaction and damaging the organization's reputation.
Diagram 2 – Updated cause-effect map
The recent cause-effect analysis highlights that ineffective internal communication is a primary factor contributing to student dissatisfaction with non-academic staff Interviews with the ISB Student Service Manager and two staff members revealed challenges in inter-departmental interactions, largely due to the distribution of staff across three separate locations This geographical separation hampers timely communication and problem resolution Furthermore, staff often struggle to identify the appropriate contacts at UEH for addressing specific issues, exacerbating the communication challenges faced by the institution.
The lack of internal communication is a critical issue that the ISB institution must address promptly to enhance the quality of services provided to students.
(2) Lack of communication between staffs and students
In an in-depth interview with the ISB Student Service Manager and two staff members from the Student Service Department, it was revealed that a lack of interaction between staff and students hindered their understanding of student needs This disconnect was largely due to the differing schedules of staff and students, despite ISB's stable working hours, making it challenging to address the issue effectively.
Improving internal communication at ISB can effectively address the issue of inadequate communication between non-academic staff and students Many students have expressed dissatisfaction due to unprofessional attitudes, delayed responses, and inaccurate solutions from non-academic staff By fostering efficient internal communication, ISB can enhance staff performance and ultimately improve the student experience.
Summary, the inefficiency of internal communication is the potential central problem that led to issues about non-academic aspect in institution ISB.
Problem justification
Problem definition
Internal communication is crucial for the success of any organization, as it encompasses both official and unofficial exchanges among members According to the study on internal communication challenges, official communication typically manifests through policies and procedures, highlighting its significance as the foundation of organizational effectiveness.
Internal communication, including communiques, reports, bulletins, and newsletters, is essential for fostering collaboration and connection among employees across all departments Recognized as a strategic priority for organizations, effective internal communication cultivates a shared identity among staff, enhancing loyalty and motivation Conversely, poor internal communication can lead to significant workplace inefficiencies, making it a critical concern for businesses aiming to optimize their operations.
Postmes & Tannis (2001) identified two primary forms of internal communication within organizations: horizontal communication, which involves informal interactions and socio-emotional exchanges among colleagues at the same level, and vertical communication, which pertains to the interactions between managers and their subordinates.
Internal communication encompasses four key dimensions: Firstly, "internal line management" refers to the communication between supervisors and their subordinates during briefings and appraisals Secondly, "internal team peer communication" occurs during team discussions, facilitating interaction among colleagues Thirdly, "internal project peer communication" involves communication between employees working on the same project Lastly, "internal corporate communication" describes how top management engages with all employees across the organization.
Hargie & Tourish (2004) and Johnson (2001) identified four key elements for measuring internal communication in organizations: assessing employee needs and preferences, evaluating the communication department's outputs against expected outcomes to justify investments, tracking the use of communication channels, and analyzing whether the content is received, understood, and prompts action Effective internal communication fosters a deep understanding among all staff and occurs in a rhythmic, actionable manner.
Problem existence
At ISB, internal communication is defined as the personal interactions among staff members and between departments This effective collaboration at all stages of the process is essential for minimizing work delays and enhancing overall efficiency.
In an interview with an ISB-MBA managerial staff member regarding student complaints about delayed responses and inaccurate solutions, she explained that her department only addressed basic issues outlined in ISB's operating regulations For more complex requirements, her team needed to consult other relevant departments Consequently, the resolution of student problems often relied on the input from multiple departments involved.
During a discussion with the Student Services Manager, it became clear that inter-departmental communication issues were affecting student satisfaction at ISB Complaints regarding the institution's facilities had to be escalated to the management department of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) for approval, as ISB lacked the jurisdiction to make immediate decisions This reliance on UEH for approvals has hindered ISB's ability to respond promptly to student needs, resulting in dissatisfaction among students due to delayed responses to their concerns.
To cut story short, the efficiency of interpersonal interaction is the main issue lead to problems about non-academic aspect in institution ISB.
Problem importance
In addition to the previously mentioned consequences illustrated on the map, further impacts of the "Lack of Internal Communication" issue were identified through literature review to assess the significance of the problem A summary of the validation for these consequences in the ISB context is provided in Appendix 4.
By theory, “Lack of internal communication” affected on:
Gray and Laidlaw (2002) and Bartoo and Sias (2004) established a connection between internal communication and employee job satisfaction and performance Effective communication enhances not only employee satisfaction and productivity but also fosters positive contributions from well-informed employees to a company's external public relations efforts.
In an interview with three non-academic staff members from ISB, they expressed their satisfaction with the working environment despite facing challenges in interdepartmental interactions They highlighted the flexibility in work hours and the minimal presence of work-related stress as key factors contributing to their job satisfaction.
According to Allen & Meyer(1990, 1996), Meyer & Allen (1991, 1997), Meyer &
According to Herscovitch (2001), there are three forms of commitment within organizations: affective commitment (AC), normative commitment (NC), and continuance commitment (CC) Affective commitment is characterized by an emotional attachment and identification with the organization Normative commitment reflects a moral obligation to remain with a particular course of action Lastly, continuance commitment involves an attachment based on the perceived costs associated with leaving the organization, highlighting what one would sacrifice by departing.
According to Gallicano (2008) in [4], internal communication could help draw people into an organization as well as motivated them to stay in the organization Jo & Shim
(2005) in [4] also found that effective internal communication created trust in management and managers’ efforts to enhance interpersonal relationships with the purpose of contributing significantly to organizational trust
Recent changes in staff at ISB have hindered internal communication, as confirmed by non-academic staff members Many employees have sought new job opportunities within similar environments that offer better salaries and promotion prospects Additionally, a lack of strong workplace interaction has contributed to their disinterest in their current roles.
Therefore, the consequence of “reducing employees’ commitment” was happened in the cases of ISB
According to Howard (1998) in [7], “Employees can be an organization’s best ambassadors or loudest critics, depending whether and how they get information”
Effective internal communication could enhance corporate reputation and credibility because employees were viewed as particularly credible sources by external stakeholders
Morgan (2004) identified a symbiotic relationship between employees' perceptions and a company's organizational image, suggesting that a positive reputation can enhance the self-concepts of employees This, in turn, leads to positive perceptions that help maintain the company's favorable public standing, as employees share their positive experiences with others Conversely, employees associated with a poor organizational image are more inclined to share negative stories, which can further damage the company's reputation.
According to a non-academic staff member at ISB, the institution offers a comfortable working environment, making it an attractive option for many individuals As a part of the renowned UEH university, ISB maintains a positive reputation, which remains unaffected by internal issues.
Causes validation
4.4.1 Causes informed by the theory
Organizational culture, as defined by Needle (2004), encompasses the foundational beliefs, assumptions, values, and interaction styles that shape an organization's distinct social and psychological environment It includes essential elements such as the organization's vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, and habitual practices, all of which contribute to its unique identity.
Organizational culture plays a crucial role in shaping internal crisis communication, as it influences how organizations respond during crises When an organization's vision and values are not clearly communicated, the effectiveness of internal communication diminishes, leading to potential misunderstandings and inefficiencies.
(2) Lack of Top management support
Top managers are essential in establishing the tone for internal communication, as highlighted by Schein (2000) and Tourish & Robbon (2003) Their strong personal influence significantly impacts employee attitudes and job satisfaction, ultimately shaping how employees perceive and communicate about the organization to external stakeholders.
Internal corporate communication is essential for aligning employees with the company's goals, objectives, and new developments, as highlighted by [22] Effective communication from top management not only enhances employee performance but also fosters a culture of commitment and engagement Conversely, a lack of support from leadership can create ambiguity in institutional strategy, leading to poor coordination among departments Thus, the manner in which top management communicates significantly influences overall organizational performance.
Leaders serve as guiding forces within organizations, making their communication with subordinates crucial to effective leadership A leadership style that resonates with employees enhances productivity, while poor communication can negatively impact performance When leaders articulate a clear and persuasive vision, they foster trust and confidence among their followers, ultimately driving better outcomes.
Leadership is a process where an individual influences a group to achieve common goals (Northouse, 2010) Transformational leaders play a crucial role in making their subordinates aware of the importance and value of their work, encouraging them to look beyond their own interests Additionally, an effective leader not only inspires their team but also empowers them to work efficiently while addressing their needs in the pursuit of organizational objectives (Chuang, 2009).
Diversity in the workplace is a valuable asset for companies, but it also presents challenges in communication due to varying cultural styles Simple interactions between individuals with different communication approaches can often result in misunderstandings and negative feelings, highlighting the importance of effective communication strategies.
The growing diversity in the workforce presents significant communication challenges, stemming from varying skills, traditions, backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and attitudes toward work According to Lieber (2009), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has reported over 80,000 lawsuits related to diversity issues, indicating that organizations that overlook diversity are at a higher risk of facing legal actions, negative sentiments, and decreased employee morale.
In today's digital landscape, technology has evolved from being a common internet tool to a vital asset within organizational intranets By empowering employees to share knowledge and information, these tools enhance company strengths, foster collaboration, and stimulate innovation Ultimately, leveraging such technologies not only boosts competitiveness but also drives profitability for organizations.
However, in some organizations, technologies was not updated normally some reasons, especially company’s leaders viewed them as nothing more than diversions
(6) Lack of internal communication channels
In today's world, technological advancements are making the globe feel smaller, as highlighted by [22], which states that "the introduction of more advanced technology and advancing of existing ones introduces organizations to different channels of internal communication, spanning both time and geographical distance." Among the various communication methods available today, four fundamental channels stand out: "Face-to-face meetings," "Telephone exchanges," "Video conferences," and "Computer-based text transfers."
Organizations utilize various internal communication channels to facilitate interaction among team members The choice of communication method often depends on the specific context of discussions or projects, allowing individuals to maintain effective contact with one another.
Ineffective internal communication channels within organizations create significant barriers that hinder employees from conveying information accurately to their project teams This breakdown in communication not only leads to decreased employee performance but also jeopardizes the achievement of the institution’s objectives.
Through an in-depth interview with a staff from control department, there was an existence of 3 issues which had been occurring in ISB:
Organizational culture encompasses the attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and values shared among members of an organization, guiding their interactions with one another and stakeholders It establishes a framework of values and rules that influence how employees collaborate and pursue common goals These organizational values shape the standards of conduct expected from each member, evolving into rules and guidelines that dictate behavior in various situations, ultimately ensuring alignment with the organization's objectives.
ISB's administrative processes are largely dependent on the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), which limits its autonomy and requires adherence to UEH's rules and guidelines This dependency has resulted in delays in project execution and responses to student inquiries, as ISB's operational mechanisms differ from those of UEH Additionally, a lack of clarity regarding the responsibilities of various UEH departments has created significant barriers for ISB staff in terms of communication and information exchange.
ISB's organizational culture has posed significant challenges for the institution, as its managers are unable to effect change due to a reliance on established mechanisms Consequently, the author did not identify "poor organizational culture" as a potential issue affecting ISB However, the author suggests that addressing this problem could be partially achieved with strong support from ISB's top management.
(2) Lack of top management support
Unclear job description of staffs
Conclusion and Recommendation
Recommendation for the issue “Lack of Top management support”
According to Shim & Rhee (2011), two key internal communication strategies—symmetrical and transparent communication—are linked to positive employee outcomes Symmetrical communication fosters job satisfaction, loyalty, and strong relationships by promoting mutual understanding and collaboration Meanwhile, transparent communication enhances employee trust and organizational credibility, ultimately driving engagement Together, these strategies create a supportive environment that benefits both employees and the organization.
Top management support in business vision and strategic:
(1) Communicating and disseminating the goals, vision and strategies of the organization yearly
Employee job satisfaction is crucial for organizational performance To enhance this, institutions should ensure that top management actively communicates the organization's vision, responsibilities, and strategies to all employees on an annual basis This clear communication fosters a better understanding of the institution's direction and boosts employee self-motivation Consequently, by providing timely, accurate, and balanced information, organizations can cultivate positive attitudes among employees, ultimately benefiting overall performance.
(2) Building strategies year by year for each department which base on the available strategies of the organization
Each department, under the guidance of its team leader, establishes specific tasks and objectives aligned with the organization's annual goals and strategies This approach ensures that all employees have a clear understanding of the overall goals and direction of the organization.
Top management support in staff training about functions and duties:
At ISB, the lack of clear job descriptions and specific departmental functions has led to ineffective organizational performance To address this issue, it is essential to establish well-defined job roles and responsibilities tailored to the organization's needs Additionally, regular annual training for all staff members is crucial to ensure a thorough understanding of their job descriptions and departmental duties, enabling smoother operations during challenges.
Purposes: Staffs can deep understand their job descriptions and their department’s functions and duties
Participants: staffs in departments with ISB
Training time: 5 days, including 4 days for training and 1 day for doing test
Training form: Internal training within each department with the supervision of leader
When recruiting new employees, the training process should align with that of current staff, allowing for simultaneous training sessions Department leaders may also conduct specialized training for new hires to ensure they grasp the institution's goals, vision, strategies, and working processes Additionally, leaders play a crucial role in helping new employees connect with their colleagues and adapt to the working environment.
Recommendation for the issue “Poor internal communication channels”
At the start of each week, department leaders hold briefings to communicate important news and weekly tasks to their teams This ensures that all employees are informed about the previous week's business results and performance, allowing them to update their responsibilities and plan effectively for the current week As a result, the execution of weekly duties within each department becomes more organized and efficient.
Implementing team-building activities fosters a strong connection among employees, enhancing their understanding of each other's characteristics and responsibilities within the organization Additionally, recognizing outstanding employees through rewards and awards acts as a motivational catalyst, boosting their commitment to organizational performance This approach also allows employees to express their attitudes, opinions, and aspirations, leading to greater satisfaction as they feel heard by top management Research supports that organizations promoting a symmetrical communication system—where employee voices are valued and diverse opinions are encouraged—tend to achieve greater transparency in their internal communications.
Establishing a project team with relevant individuals and departments is crucial for effective idea exchange and improving inter-departmental communication Each team member is assigned specific tasks under the guidance of a team leader, ensuring accountability and focus Regular team meetings are held to monitor project progress, address challenges, and encourage active participation from all members.
ISB's software, EGOV, has the potential to enhance communication among staff, yet its usage remains limited due to a lack of understanding and perceived necessity As a relatively new and small organization, ISB has primarily engaged in straightforward projects, which may contribute to the underutilization of EGOV However, leveraging this tool can significantly improve personal interactions within the organization To address this, ISB's management should develop a user guide and policies to encourage regular use of the software among all employees Effective communication of these benefits, whether through email or direct interactions like face-to-face meetings and team-building activities, will foster goodwill and motivate staff to embrace the software in their daily work.
In today's digital landscape, free communication apps like Zalo, Viber, and Skype enhance interaction within organizations, particularly among project teams These platforms enable team members to share daily updates on project progress and performance, ensuring everyone stays informed about the latest developments and challenges Consequently, issues can be addressed promptly through online discussions, allowing responsible individuals to tackle related tasks effectively.
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I am conducting a survey on "Students' Expectations with the MBA Program at the International School of Business (ISB)." Your participation in answering the questionnaire would be greatly appreciated and will take less than a few minutes of your time.
30 minutes I guarantee to use this information only for studying purpose and keep all the data private especially your personal information
Meeting place for interview: The coffee shop
Month/date/year: August 12 th , 2018
Q1: Do you know what the term "educational services quality" includes through your MBA program at International School of Business (ISB)?
Q2: How do you evaluate the educational services quality provided by ISB?
Q3: These statements relate to your university – ISB Please let me know:
Do you understand all the statements? If no, why?
Do you want to change the statements to easier to understand?
Do you want to add any more statements?
1 The teaching staff is knowledgeable for answering my questions regarding course syllabus
2 The teaching staff assists me in a careful and polite manner
3 The teaching staff is never to busy to refuse my requests for assistance
4 When I have a problem, the teaching staff is sincerely interested in solving it
5 The teaching staff has a positive attitude towards students
6 The teaching staff communicates well in the classroom
7 The teaching staff is highly qualified and experienced in its respective field of knowledge
8 The teaching staff creates inspiration for students to join the group discussion
9 When I have a problem, the institution's clerical staff is sincerely interested in solving it
10 The institution's clerical staff provides individual attention
11 Questions and complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively
12 The clerical staff is never to busy to take my requests for assistance
13 When the clerical staff promises to do something within a certain time, they do it
14 The working hours of administrative services are convenient
15 The clerical staff has a positive attitude towards their work and the students
16 The clerical staff communicates well with the students
17 The clerical staff is knowledgeable of its systems and/or procedures
18 I feel secure in my relationships with this institution
19 The institution provides services within the expected deadlines
20 The institution has a professional appearance and/or image
21 The academic facilities are adequate and necessary
22 The institution executes programs of excellent quality
23 The sizes of groups allow personal classroom assistance
24 The students are treated equally and respectfully by the institution
25 The students are free to express their opinions
26 The clerical staff respects the confidentiality of information I disclose to them
27 It is easy to contact the clerical staff by telephone
28 The institution appreciates feedback from students in order to improve the delivery of services
29 The institution has a standardized and simple procedure for providing services
30 The institution provides programs with flexible structures and study plans
31 The institution provides an excellent counseling service
We would like to express our respectfulness to your sharing today Wish you have a nice day Thank you very much!
Hi! I am a student from International School of Business (ISB) I am conducting a survey about “Students’ satisfaction with MBA program – Case of International School of Business (ISB)”
Please take a moment to complete the questionnaire below; it will take less than 10 minutes of your time I assure you that the information collected will be used solely for research purposes, and all your personal data will be kept strictly confidential.
Sincerely thank you for all your time
Please evaluate your experience at ISB by circling a number from 1 to 7 for each statement, where 1 means "Strongly disagree" and 7 means "Strongly agree." Your responses will help us gauge your perspective on various aspects of the university.
1 The teaching staff is knowledgeable for answering my questions regarding course syllabus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 The teaching staff assists me in a careful and polite manner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 The teaching staff is never to busy to refuse my requests for assistance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 When I have a problem, the teaching staff is sincerely interested in solving it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 The teaching staff has a positive attitude towards students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 The teaching staff communicates well in the classroom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 The teaching staff is highly qualified and experienced in its respective field of knowledge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 The teaching staff creates inspiration for students to join the group discussion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 When I have a problem, the institution's clerical staff is sincerely interested in solving it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 The institution's clerical staff provides individual attention 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11 Questions and complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12 The clerical staff is never to busy to take my requests for assistance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
13 When the clerical staff promises to do something within a certain time, they do it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 The working hours of administrative services are convenient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
15 The clerical staff has a positive attitude towards their work and the students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
16 The clerical staff communicates well with the students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
17 The clerical staff is knowledgeable of its systems and/or procedures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
18 I feel secure in my relationships with this institution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
19 The institution provides services within the expected deadlines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
20 The institution has a professional appearance and/or image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
21 The academic facilities are adequate and necessary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
22 The institution executes programs of excellent quality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
24 The students are treated equally and respectfully by the institution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
25 The students are free to express their opinions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
26 The clerical staff respects the confidentiality of information I disclose to them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
27 It is easy to contact the clerical staff by telephone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
28 The institution appreciates feedback from students in order to improve the delivery of services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
29 The institution has a standardized and simple procedure for providing services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
30 The institution provides programs with flexible structures and study plans 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
31 The institution provides an excellent counseling service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Your major in university (not ISB):………
Your Master program at ISB: ISB-MBA WSU-MBA
Xin chào! Tôi là sinh viên tại Viện đào tạo quốc tế (ISB) và hiện đang thực hiện một cuộc khảo sát nhằm đánh giá mức độ hài lòng của sinh viên đối với chương trình đào tạo thạc sĩ tại trường.
Chúng tôi rất mong bạn dành chút thời gian để hoàn thành phiếu khảo sát này Xin cam kết rằng kết quả khảo sát chỉ được sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên cứu và mọi thông tin cá nhân của bạn sẽ được bảo mật hoàn toàn Chân thành cảm ơn sự hợp tác của bạn.
Các tuyên bố này liên quan đến ISB Vui lòng trả lời bằng cách khoanh tròn một số từ 1 đến 7 trên mỗi dòng, trong đó 1 là "Hoàn toàn không đồng ý" và 7 là "Hoàn toàn đồng ý".
1 Giảng viên có kiến thức để trả lời các câu hỏi của tôi về giáo trình khóa học 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 Giảng viên hỗ trợ tôi một cách lịch sự và tỉ mỉ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 Giảng viên không bao giờ từ chối việc giúp đỡ tôi trong quá trình học 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 Khi tôi gặp vấn đề, giảng viên quan tâm và cùng tôi giải quyết 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 Đội ngũ giảng viên có thái độ tích cực đối với sinh viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 Giảng viên giao tiếp tốt với sinh viên trong lớp học 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 Đội ngũ giảng viên có trình độ cao và giàu kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực kiến thức tương ứng 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 Giảng viên tạo cảm hứng cho sinh viên tích cực tham gia thảo luận nhóm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 Nhân viên hành chính của ISB rất quan tâm đến việc hỗ trợ sinh viên giải quyết các vấn đề gặp phải 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 Nhân viên hành chính của ISB luôn quan tâm đến sinh viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11 Các câu hỏi và khiếu nại được nhân viên hành chính của ISB giải quyết nhanh chóng và hiệu quả 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12 Nhân viên hành chính của ISB không bao giờ từ chối yêu cầu giúp đỡ của sinh viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
13 Khi nhân viên hành chính của ISB hứa sẽ thực hiện điều gì đó trong một thời gian nhất định, họ sẽ làm điều đó 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 Giờ làm việc của các dịch vụ hành chính thuận tiện 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
15 Các nhân viên hành chính của ISB có một thái độ tích cực đối với công việc của họ và các sinh viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
16 Các nhân viên hành chính của ISB giao tiếp tốt với các sinh viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
17 Các nhân viên hành chính của ISB có kiến thức về thủ tục của trường 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
18 Tôi cảm thấy an toàn trong mối quan hệ của tôi với tổ chức này 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
19 ISB cung cấp dịch vụ trong thời gian dự kiến 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
20 ISB là một tổ chức có hình ảnh chuyên nghiệp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
21 Các cơ sở học tập của ISB đầy đủ và cần thiết 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
22 ISB thực hiện các chương trình có chất lượng tốt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
23 Số lượng sinh viên của các nhóm dễ dàng cho việc giảng viên có thể hỗ trợ từng cá nhân 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
24 Các sinh viên được đối xử công bằng và tôn trọng 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
25 Sinh viên được tự do trình bày ý kiến cá nhân 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 nhân của sinh viên
27 Việc liên lạc qua điện thoại với nhân viên hành chính dễ dàng 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
28 ISB đánh giá cao phản hồi từ sinh viên để cải thiện việc cung cấp dịch vụ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
29 ISB có quy trình cung cấp dịch vụ đơn giản 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
30 ISB cung cấp các chương trình nghiên cứu với cấu trúc và kế hoạch linh hoạt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
31 ISB cung cấp dịch vụ tư vấn tốt cho sinh viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Xin bạn cho biết một số thông tin cá nhân dưới đây:
Chuyên ngành chính của bạn (chuyên ngành đã học tại trường đại học của bạn): ………
Chương trình thạc sĩ của bạn tại ISB: ISB-MBA WSU-MBA
Interview guide to clarify symptoms
Data for the study were collected using in-depth interview and unstructured interview guide that allowed for open-ended responses Probes were used to elicit further information from respondents
4 students from ISB-MBA and 1 student WSU-MBA
Participants will be interviewed regarding the symptoms related to the issue of "non-academic staff" highlighted in the recent survey results from ISB The interviews will be recorded by the interviewer and subsequently transcribed for further analysis.
The author analyzed the data after dividing people into 3 category of working experience: 1-5 years, 6-10 years and more than 10 year
Q1: What is your expectation of joining MBA programs?
Q2: Why did you choose MBA program of ISB?
Q3: How do you evaluate the non-academic services provided by ISB?
(Probe): Could you explain more about “unprofessional non-academic staffs”?
(Probe): Which expressions did make you think they are not professional?
(Probe): Which expressions did make you think non-academic staffs didn’t keep their promises?
(Probe): Did your problems be solved? Why?
(Probe): Did you satisfied with the way they solve your problems? Why?
1-5 years of experience 6-10 years of experience
More than 10 years of work experience
1 What is your expectation of joining MBA program?
- Collect more knowledge and experience from lecturers to solve real problems in business
- Improve professional skills to solve problems
- Applying the practical knowledge (marketing, management, HR ) to apply in business environment
- Good environment and opportunities to build relationships with many people from different areas
- Have opportunities of promotion in work
- Qualification of ISB is valuable
- Reasonable tuition compared to other educational institutions
- ISB’s commitment about lectures (50% native lecturers and 50% foreign lecturers)
- Reasonable tuition compared to other educational institutions
- Reputation of UEH (University of
- Qualification of ISB is valuable
3 How do you evaluate the non-academic services provided by
Non-academic staffs’ styles haven’t been professional:
- They are not too enthusiastic and does not quickly recognize to help students solve problems
- They don’t keep their promises: late responses; the way they answer weren’t persuasive
In the second semester, the institution offered only one class for all students I expressed my inability to attend this class and requested the possibility of opening another session on a different day However, they informed me that if I could not join this class, I would need to postpone the subject and enroll in the next semester's class.
Non-academic staffs’ styles haven’t been professional
- They didn’t deep understand our needs and problems
- “Their responses weren’t something that I need”
- Enthusiasm of non- academic staffs
- Non-academic staffs’ styles haven’t been professional
- Slowly in solve problems for students.