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group assignment solutions to deal with the threats and the way to promote strengths of coca cola

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I.General introduction to The Coca-Cola Company...3II.Basis for argument...3III.SWOT analysis of Coca- Cola...41Strengths of Coca Cola...42Weaknesses of Coca Cola...53Opportunities of Co

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Group Assignment.Class: MKT1706Teacher: Tran Anh Phuong

Subject: MKT101Team member: team 3

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I.General introduction to The Coca-Cola Company 3

II.Basis for argument 3

III.SWOT analysis of Coca- Cola 4

1)Strengths of Coca Cola 4

2)Weaknesses of Coca Cola 5

3)Opportunities of Coca cola 5

4)Threats for Coca - Cola 6

IV.Solutions to deal with the threats and the way to promote strengths of Coca-Cola 8

1)Solutions to deal with the threats 8

1.1.Effects of Coca-Cola on health: 8

1.2 Increase in competitors 9

1.3 Plastic bottles waste 9

1.4 Water scarcity and poor quality 10

2)Some recommendations to promote the strengths of Coca-Cola: 10

Conclusion 11

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 Today's society is developing, towards the trend of industrialization, modernization, complexissues increasingly explode uncontrollably With the economy improving, there are manyinnovations, bringing opportunities and challenges for businesses To be successful, organizationsmust grasp tastes to adapt to these transformations Marketing is not a factor that is not lacking inthe business process and brand positioning of the business To analyze and better understand eachbusiness's chosen marketing issues, Team 3 will study this topic along with the practical contactabout the Coca-Cola Company.

 The Coca-Cola Company is a beverage company and an American multinational manufacturer,retailer, and advertiser of non-alcoholic beverages and syrups With more than 2,800 productspresent in more than 200 countries, Coca-Cola is the world's largest beverage manufacturer anddistributor and one of the largest corporations in the United States Coca-Cola is headquartered inAtlanta, Georgia and was founded in Wilmington, Delaware.

 Coca-Cola Vietnam currently has factories in Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and Hanoi, creatingabout 4,000 direct and indirect jobs 6 to 10 times more in its supply chain The company ispositioned as a synthetic, consumer-oriented beverage company that is constantly improving andoffering a wide range of premium and diverse beverages, including low-sugar and sugar-freeproduct lines, while diversifying its model and expanding its business reach.

II.Basis for argument

1 SWOT stands for 4 English words: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats - is a famousbusiness analysis model (or matrix) for businesses

The SWOT model is a well-known business analysis model (or matrix) for all businesses that want toimprove their business situation with the right direction and build solid development foundations.

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In which strength and weakness are considered as two internal factors in an enterprise For example, thereputation is called an internal factor of Coca Cola and opportunities and Risks are two external factors.For example, the supply of Coca Cola because it is difficult to control.

2 Market Strategy: The marketing logic by which the company hopes to create this customer value andachieve these profitable relationships The company decides which customers it will serve (segmentationand targeting) and how (differentiation and positioning) It identifies the total market and then divides itinto smaller segments, selects the most promising segments, and focuses on serving and satisfying thecustomers in these segments

III.SWOT analysis of Coca- Cola

As a globally renowned brand, present in many countries around the world, Coca- Cola isresponsible for environmental issues and the health of consumers as consumers are moving towards ahealthy lifestyle and environmental protection Coca- Cola company is constantly trying to research anddevelop to produce drinks that match the desires of consumers to become a brand that is loved byeveryone and creates growth opportunities

Coca- Cola has a lot of unique marketing and advertising strategies It has helped Coca- Cola earnlarge revenues and gain global recognition As Coca- Cola grows and has a presence in most countriesaround the world, Coca-Cola Inc must carefully consider the opportunities and challenges However,behind the success of marketing strategies, Coca- Cola has experienced a lot of problems.

1)Strengths of Coca- Cola

Brand equity: Coca- Cola is one of the famous brands with high brand value Coca- Cola was

presented with the award of the highest brand equity in 2011 According to Interbrand annualreport, Coca Cola is ranked 6th best global brand in 2021.

Company value: Coca- Cola is a well-renowned industry worldwide, and it is considered one of

the most valuable companies across the world at 79.2 billion dollars, the company's valueincludes numerous operations, assets, profit cost of Coca- Cola, and its brand name

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countries with 1.9 billion servings per day of Company products You can go anywhere aroundthe globe and you will find Coca- Cola Coca- Cola's brands can reach every lifestyle anddemographic.

Huge market share: Coca- Cola and Pepsi are the largest manufacturers of soft drink in this

segment and Coca- Cola has the largest market share All other soft drinks such as sprite, dietcoke, and coke thumbs up are the highest growth drivers for Coca- Cola.

Good marketing strategies: Coca- Cola knows how to win the hearts of people to apply different

strategies Its competitor's target is continuously changing, Pepsi mostly targets youngsters, andCoca- Cola is not restricted, and it targets people of all ages They also target people by usingcelebrities in their commercials and advertisement campaigns.

Customer Loyalty: Coca- Cola has a lot of customers' loyalty because of their reliable products.

Coca-Cola has a huge fan following because of its taste.

Distribution network: Coca- Cola has an extensive network of distribution because of its demand

for the product and fulfills people's needs.

2)Weaknesses of Coca- Cola

Low Product Diversification: Pepsi diversified its business into a new segment: snacks they

introduced lays and kurkure It gives Pepsi leverage over Coca- Cola This new segment is a greatdriver of revenue for the company

3)Opportunities of Coca- Cola

Diversification: Coca- Cola has to diversify its business in the health and food segment In this

way, the company will get more revenue and profit.

Developing nations: Although the trend is changing in developing countries and shifting towards

healthy drinks, many regions with hot climates have the highest consumption for cold drinks.

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Coca- cola introduced packaged water, Kinley There is great potential to expand this segment forCoca-Cola There is an opportunity to expand and bring more healthy drinks to the market. Improvement in supply chain: The supply chain causes high costs for the company, and Coca-

Cola’s business is entirely dependent upon logistics and supply chain Thus, coming up with someadvanced and improved systems for distribution can be an opportunity.

Market the lesser selling product: There are many products under Coca-Cola so the company

should Market the products that are not selling by spending on the advertisement for theseproducts This will increase the sale of the product, and it raises the revenue of the business.

4)Threats for Coca- Cola

Effects of Coca- Cola on health:

- Without beneficial nutritional components, the main ingredients in Coca are mainly refined sugarand filtered water Causes impaired liver and kidney function Weight gain, obesity: Consuminglarge amounts of fructose causes Leptin resistance, which is one of the leading causes of fat gain,leading to obesity in humans.

- Diabetes: Aspartame, one of the main sugar substitutes currently found in Coca-Cola, can cause hyperglycemia and thus increase insulin levels similar to real sugar A study that followed the diets of 350,000 people in eight European countries: the UK, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Sweden,France, Italy, and the Netherlands found that for every can of carbonated soft drink, the risk of heart disease was increased by 22%.

- Risk of osteoporosis and weak bones: According to studies by scientists from Tufts University, Massachusetts (USA), drinking Coca- Cola every day will reduce bone density in women and thus increase the risk of osteoporosis muscle.

- Increased risk of stroke and dementia.

- Tooth decay and tooth wear.Damage to the kidneys.

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Increased blood pressure and dehydration.

- Soda (Coca- Cola) increases cancer risk: A study of 60,000 adults found that those who drank 2 or more sugary soft drinks per week had an 87% higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer Compared with non-drinkers, sugar-sweetened beverage drinkers were associated with cancer recurrence and mortality in colorectal cancer patients.

 Increase in competitors:

- The beverage industry is highly competitive as more non-alcoholic beverage industries arecoming into the market The main and closest competitor of Coca- Cola Company is PepsiCowhich was born 12 years after Coca- Cola Coca- Cola and Pepsi have similarities However,Pepsi has a competitive advantage over Coca- Cola because it diversified into the snack businesscombined with the sale of soft drinks other than Pepsi This has helped PepsiCo grow in sales andrevenue

 Plastic bottles waste:

- Plastic pollution is, as we all know, one of the most serious environmental issues Although itappears that there will always be a huge quantity of plastic garbage in the world we live in,knowing the consequences of plastic pollution and taking steps to decrease waste will help toalleviate the problem of plastic pollution Plastic packaging is also a part of the current wasteproblem Several corporations with well-known goods have credit for assisting in the resolutionof this issue

 Water scarcity and poor quality

- Water shortages and poor quality are developing at alarming rates in many parts of the world as aresult of increased industrial demand, and this has major ramifications in some markets Forexample, according to the World Bank, all of India's existing water supplies will be depleted by2050 if no technical advancements or new inventions are made Coca- Cola Company hasoperated 24 bottling plants in India since 2007, contributing to water scarcity Residents andofficials in India began to resist the Coca-Cola Company's activity in bottling plants, citing a lack

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of usable water as a reason The Coca-Cola Company's reputation is being harmed by this openopposition.

IV.Solutions to deal with the threats and the way to promote strengths of Coca- Cola1)Solutions to deal with the threats

1.1.Effects of Coca-Cola on health:

Coca- Cola Company can focus on overcoming this problem by implementing the followingsteps: no sugar availability, product placement, packing size reduction, and shoppercommunication.

No sugar availability: Coca-Cola can create a sugar-free version so that customers can choose

from a variety of refreshing beverages Coca-Cola Company can produce a wider range ofbeverages than Diet Coke and Coke Zero Sugar For example, low- or no-sugar beverages such assparkling water, teas, and yogurt drinks.

Product placement: A product's placement can be strategically placed to affect consumer

behavior By placing no sugar beverages in a prominent area, consumers are more likely to noticethem and try to purchase them Furthermore, by positioning no-sugar Coca-Cola just beneath therefrigerator handles, more customers are likely to buy it.

Packing size reduction: Next, Coca-Cola Company could improve its manufacturing of smaller

size packaging, such as 150 mL bottle drinks, as opposed to the standard size that Coca-ColaCompany produces As a result, customers have the option of selecting what is best for them.

Shopper communication: Coca-Cola should hold more event sampling at every market to raise

awareness of the no-sugar Coca-Cola Consumers now have the opportunity to try new flavorsand discover the appropriate beverage to meet their needs Additionally, this can raise customerknowledge of the new flavor and encourage them to try it.

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 The Coca-Cola Company was affected by profits quite a lot because it had to share the marketwith other competitors Therefore, The Coca-Cola Company should adopt a structure such as adecentralized structure to speed up the whole process Coca-Cola can empower each segmentand let them decide for themselves according to customer needs The company can alsodiversify products, meet all customer preferences to attract customers to buy products Thecompany's brand is also an important factor to create a reputation about the company so thatpeople know and trust the product.

1.3 Plastic bottles waste

 To address this issue, the Coca-Cola Company may invest in packaging innovation that will assistto reduce global packaging waste Sneha Shah, Group Director, Packaging Innovation, Coca-Cola North America, said, "Designing our packages to reduce the amount of raw materials usedand incorporating recycled and renewable content in our bottles to help drive a circulareconomy for our packaging is a vital part for us to operate our business in the right way.

 The World Without Waste goal is the next step in addressing the problem of plastic pollution witha proper strategy, not simply a quick fix The corporation and its bottling packaging partnerswere able to meet their objectives five years ahead of schedule The Coca-Cola Companyemploys its global marketing strategy to help people understand what, how, and where they mayrecycle, hence raising recycling rates.

 DASANI, America's most popular water brand, has revealed a solid pipeline of sustainablepackaging innovation to help Coca-Cola achieve its worldwide "World No Waste" objective By2030, its average bottle and can manufacturing will have increased to 90% In the United States,DASANI's packaging line-up has been revised to minimize plastic waste and enhance the usage

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of recyclable and renewable materials, while guaranteeing that all DASANI bottles remain100% recyclable.

1.4 Water scarcity and poor quality

 The Coca-Cola Company's answer is to conduct research into a system-wide water stewardshipplatform in order to address the issues of water scarcity and low quality by reaching waterneutrality The amount of water returned to the environment and communities will equal theamount of water consumed in all products and industries by 2021 This method can helpmanufacturers increase their efficiency by reducing water waste and allowing them to reusewater waste in boilers, chillers, and evaporators The Coca-Cola Company can work withgovernments and non-governmental organizations to fund the construction of water treatmentfacilities, dams, and water restoration.

2)Some recommendations to promote the strengths of Coca-Cola:

 Entering the food market – Coca-Cola needs to introduce new products in the snack and food segment.

 Focus on health-related issues – Need to bring some solutions to address growing health concernsfrom activists.

 Improve water management systems and deal with criticism from environmental authorities.

 Expansion to developing countries with humid temperatures – Many Coca-Cola products such as Fuze Tea, Dasani and Hi-C are not distributed in many developing countries Coca-Cola needs to increase distribution of those products.

 Increase distribution of packaged drinking water like Kinley.

 Working on sustain ability and green marketing It can improve its brand image in the market.


Ngày đăng: 10/05/2024, 21:43


