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general information and financial data about mobile world joint stock company

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The background information1.1 History of establishment and development of Mobile World Joint Stock Company.- 2004: Mobile World Joint Stock Company was established with an initial capita

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1 The background information 3

1.1 History of establishment and development of Mobile World Joint Stock Company 31.2 Main Brands 4

1.3 Main Activities, Mission And Core Value 8

2 Position and market share of the MWG in the market .8


1 Analyze In Detail The Changing Of Financial Statements 18

1.1 Income statement 18

1.2 Balance sheet 20

1.3 Statement of cash flow 21

2 The Activity Brings The Largest Revenue And Profit 22

3 Comment to the effectiveness of the company in 2021 22

4 Recommendations For The Accounting Department Of The Company 23




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Mobile World JSC is a leading technology firm based in Vietnam Founded in 2008, MWGis one of the largest retailers in the country, selling an array of electronics, mobile phones, andservices As the leader in the Vietnam telecommunications sector, MWG is committed toproviding innovative and reliable products and services to customers With over 600 exclusivestores and 5,000 agents nationwide, MWG serves its customers with a wide range of productsand services that meet their needs From low-cost, basic phones to the latest high-end models,MWG is a preferred provider for those seeking the latest technology and services Thecompany is dedicated to the highest levels of customer service, with many highly trained andexperienced customer service specialists at every store MWG also offers a wide range ofvalue-added services such as mobile accessories, repair services, and more As a company,MWG is continuously investing in the research and development of new products and services,as well as expanding its customer base With its expansive presence throughout Vietnam,MWG is well-positioned to capitalize on the vibrant and growing mobile market.

The purpose of an essay researching the business activities of Mobile World JSC in Vietnamis to gain a better understanding of the company's operations, its strategies for success, and itscommitment to excellent customer service The essay should include an overview of thecompany's activities, an exploration of the company's competitive advantage, and an analysisof the company's market position The essay should also include a detailed analysis of changesin financial statements, and an evaluation of the company's strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats in the context of the mobile technology market in Vietnam Fromthere, make comparisons and comments on the company's business performance in 2020 and2021.


1.1 History of establishment and development of Mobile World Joint Stock Company.- 2004: Mobile World Joint Stock Company was established with an initial capital of about 2billion VND according to the e-commerce model but failed.

- October 2004: Transforming business model, investing in retail stores of mobile devices.- March 2006: Mobile World has a total of 4 stores in Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh.- 2007: Successfully calling for investment capital of Mekong Capital, developing scale.- 2009: Reaching the scale of 40 retail stores.

- 2010: Expanding business into consumer electronics with the brand Dienmay.com (laterchanged to Dienmayxanh.com).

- 2012: Reached 220 stores in Vietnam

- May 2013: Mobile World received investment from Robert A.Willett – former CEO of BestBuy International and CDH Electric Bee Limited.

- 2017: Conducted merger and acquisition of Tran Anh electronics retail system.

- March 2018: Acquired 40% capital of Phuc An Khang pharmaceutical chain Then changedits name to An Khang Pharmacy

- October 2018: The merger was completed, a total of 34 Tran Anh supermarkets werereplaced with Dien May Xanh sign.

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1.2 Main Brands

Mobile World is a leading retail company specializing in mobile devices and electronics inVietnam The company was founded in 2004 by Mr Doan Van Hieu, and started its businessby selling mobile phones.

Over the years, Mobile World has expanded its product line to include other electronicdevices, home appliances, and accessories It has also acquired and developed several well-known brands such as Thegioididong, Dienmayxanh, and Bachhoaxanh.

Bach Hoa Xanh is a retail chain specialising in organic, natural products that do not containharmful chemicals Green department store essentials typically include:

Fresh vegetables and fruits: Bach Hoa regularly has fresh vegetables and fruits grown byorganic methods, without using chemicals, pesticides and chemical fertilisers.

Functional foods: Bach Hoa Xanh provides functional foods such as green tea, Ganodermalucidum, ginseng, vitamins and minerals.

Laundry products: Bach Hoa Xanh has a variety of cleaning and cleaning products madefrom natural and environmentally friendly materials.

Canned foods: Bach Khoa Xanh also offers canned foods such as instant noodles, soups,

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The mobile world is a very large and diverse industry that has many different essential items,depending on the market and needs of each country or region However, here are somecommon essentials of the world mobile industry:

Mobile phones: This is the mainstay of the world mobile industry, including smartphonesand feature phones.

Tablet: Tablet is a product that is considered special, especially in the field of education andentertainment.

Headphones and speakers: Headphones and speakers are indispensable accessories whenusing mobile phones and tablets.

Backup battery: A backup battery is a product that saves the pin code of a mobile devicewithout having to be connected to a power source.

Cases and cases: Leather cases and cases are accessories that help protect your mobiledevice from bumps and scratches.

Other sub-conditions: There are many other types of sub-conditions such as charging cables,bands, screen protectors, tempered glass and mobile apps that are also considered essentialitems of the world mobile industry.

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An Khang pharmacy is a chain of retail stores of pharmaceuticals and healthcare products,focusing on products useful for human health Essential items of An Khang pharmacy include:

Medicines and pharmaceuticals: Drugs and pharmaceuticals include medicines, nutritionalsupplements, pain relievers, induction drugs, diabetes drugs and other health-related products.

Functional foods: An Khang pharmacy provides functional foods such as skin beauty pills,vitamins, digestive enzymes, probiotics and other products to help promote health.

Health care products: Includes health care products such as sunscreens, lotions, oral careproducts, weight loss products, immune boosting products, vitamins and medicines and painrelief.

Home care products: Includes household care products such as tissues, sanitary napkins,breast pumps, bottles and other products.

Medical equipment: An Khang pharmacy provides medical equipment products such asblood pressure monitors, blood glucose metres, thermometers and other products.

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Dien May Xanh is a chain of retail stores specialising in providing electronic products,computers, household appliances, mobile phones and other technology products Essentialitems of green electronics include:

TV and audio: TV and audio are the best-selling products at green electronics stores This isa basic home entertainment product, used daily for watching movies, listening to music andplaying games.

Mobile phones: Mobile phones are an essential item of green electronics With thedevelopment of technology, mobile phones are becoming more and more intelligent andfeature-rich, and are used every day for communication, entertainment and work.

Computers: Computers are also an essential item of green electronics With the popularityof information technology, the demand for using computers is increasing, from work, study toentertainment.

Household appliances: Household appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, airconditioners are also an essential item of green electronics These products make people's liveseasier and more convenient.

Household electronics: Household electronics such as microwave ovens, hair dryers,vacuum cleaners are also considered an essential item of green machines These productsmake household chores simpler and more time-saving.

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1.3 Main Activities, Mission And Core Value

Mobile World's main business activities include retailing and distributing mobile devices,electronic devices, home appliances, and accessories through its extensive network of over3,000 stores and service centers across Vietnam It also operates e-commerce websites andmobile apps to facilitate online sales and delivery services.

The mission of Mobile World is to bring customers the latest technology products, highquality and best service to meet all needs of customers And provide customers with perfectservice at an affordable price The company's goal is to continue to expand its retail networkand provide a wider range of products and services to customers.

Mobile World cores values include:

Dedication and enthusiasm: Mobile World is committed to always being dedicated,enthusiastic and putting customers first The company always listens to customers' opinionsand tries to solve all customer problems quickly and efficiently.

Quality and innovation: Mobile World always provides products of the highest quality andinnovates continuously to meet customer needs in an increasingly competitive market.

Professional staff: Mobile World always attaches great importance to the training anddevelopment of professional staff to ensure that customers are served the best.

Honesty and transparency: Mobile World always upholds the value of honesty andtransparency in all business activities The company is committed not to sell fake, imitation orunknown origin goods.

Respect and accompany customers: Mobile World customers always respect their interestsand accompany them at all times.

In short, The Gioi Di Dong is not simply a technology retail company but also a brand withthe mission and core values of bringing satisfaction and trust to customers.

2 Position and market share of the MWG in the market.2.1 The position

Mobile World Investment Corporation (MWG) is the No.1 company in mobile andelectronics retailers in Vietnam, with market shares of 45% and 35% respectively in 2021 Thecompany currently has 2,500 stores all over Vietnam Additionally, since last 2020, MWG hasexpanded its business scope to groceries and FMCG retailing The company businessoperations can be divided into 2 main segments: (1) Mobile phones, tablets and laptops withthegioididong.com (TGDD); (2) Electronics, air conditioners, and household appliances(Consumer electronics) with Dien May Xanh (DMX) (including Tran Anh store chain); (3)Groceries and FMCGs with Bach Hoa Xanh (BHX) In addition, MWG owns BigPhone.com,a store chain retailing mobile devices on international markets with 10 stores concentrated inPhnom Penh, Cambodia.

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2.2 Competitors

Facing very strong competitors The competitor in the field of retailing mobile phones anddigital devices cannot fail to mention Mobile World's FPT shop In addition, there are stillother competitors such as Telecommunications A, Viettel Store and other small stores thatalso do the same business According to recent years, the company's retail phone market shareis larger than that of other companies For example, in 2015, the company accounted for 30%of the mobile phone retail market share in Vietnam, ranked second by FPT Shop with 10% ofthe nationwide market share, Viettel Store and Vien Thong A also followed closely at 9% Therest are retail stores with 42%.

2.2.1 About the phone segment: FPT SHOP VS MWG

MWG and FPT Shop are considered the two biggest names in Vietnam in the field ofretailing phones and electronics In terms of scale, MWG is more dominant But, FPT Shop isshowing that they have an advantage in IT and behind is the support of FPT Corporation, theleader of the ICT market from research, software, education

The retail system of FPT Shop is a retail chain of mobile digital products including mobilephones, tablets, laptops, accessories and technology services While, the items of the MWGchain are similar They are considered the mobile device retail chain with the number onemarket share in Vietnam.

Recently, the competition has increased even more in the pieces that are considered the"private domain" of these two "giants" In the middle of the year, FPT Shop entered thehousehold appliances and smart electronics segment with the support of Xiaomi to distributethe entire Mi Eco ecosystem This is the field that is considered as the "home ground" ofMWG with the Dien May Xanh store chain.

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2.2.2 Food and consumer goods: WinMart VS BHX

WCM's revenue is currently 1.2 times that of Bach Hoa Xanh, however due to the variety ofproducts (dry, fresh, frozen ) it is impossible to evaluate this number based on customer sizebecause each party is different .

WCM's revenue is currently 1.2 times higher than that of Bach Hoa Xanh, but this numbercannot be assessed on the size of the customer base due to the product structure in the stores(dry goods, fresh goods, frozen goods, ) of each party is different.

For example, Bach Hoa Xanh has a higher proportion of fresh products, while WCM has anadvantage with more exclusive products.

Currently, VinMart and VinMart chains have about 3,000 stores Meanwhile, Bach Hoa Xanhchain has about 1,600 stores and orders.

Competition from switching costs in using products is not high and customers tend toreplace popular products with high-quality product lines due to the increasing economicgrowth rate Therefore, the variation between product lines is quite large The correlationbetween price and quality of substitutes is high because of the need for improvement oftechnological development Therefore, the intensity of competition in the industry is quitehigh.

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3 Corporate Organization And Shareholders Structure3.1 Coporatin Organization

Organization structure: Mobile World Joint Stock Company has an organizational structurein the form of a corporation with many subsidiaries and branches Subsidiaries are

geographically divided and specialize in different areas, such as VinPro, the company'selectronics supermarket chain.

Centralized management: Mobile World Joint Stock Company has a centralized

management model in which all major decisions are made from the head office This helps thecompany to have flexibility and synchronization in business activities.

Advantages of the organizational structure of Mobile World Joint Stock Company:Flexible and responsive: The company's corporate structure allows its subsidiaries andaffiliates to operate independently, and to interact and support each other when needed Thisgives the company the ability to respond quickly and flexibly to market changes.

Efficient management: The centralized management model helps the company to make bigdecisions quickly and efficiently, and helps to ensure the synchronization in the company'sbusiness activities.

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Wide sales network: The company has a nationwide sales network, helping to ensure accessto customers all over the country This increases the company's product reach and marketingrates.

Customer focus: The company focuses on providing the best products and services tocustomers, helping to create long-term relationships with customers and increase sales.

Investment in human resources: The company invests heavily in employee training anddevelopment, helping to create a professional and dynamic staff, and helping to retain goodemployees.

Some disadvantages of the organizational structure of Mobile World Joint Stock Company are:Unclear division of power: Due to many subsidiaries and branches, the division of powerand responsibility between departments in the company is unclear, causing difficulties inmanagement and slowing down the decision-making process.

Lack of synchronization between subsidiaries: Subsidiaries of the company can developindependently without having to follow the common process, resulting in asynchronousoperation of the company.

Requires administrative costs: Because there are many subsidiaries and branches, thecompany has to spend a lot of money to manage and maintain the operation of these divisions.

Difficulty in managing product quality: Because subsidiaries and branches have

independence in business activities, it is difficult for the company to ensure consistent productand service quality across the company.

Reputational Risk: If one of the subsidiaries or affiliates has a problem related to the law orproduct quality, this can affect the reputation and reputation of the whole company.3.2 Shareholders Structure

Mobile World JSC is a leading Vietnamese retailer of mobile phones, consumer electronics,and household appliances The company is publicly traded on the Ho Chi Minh City StockExchange (HOSE) under the ticker symbol MWG.

As of 2021 Mobile World JSC has a total of 713.065.495 outstanding shares with thenumber of shareholders is 20,628 (Financial statement, 2021) The company's shareholders aredivided into two categories: domestic shareholders and foreign shareholders.

As of 2021, domestic shareholders own the majority of shares of Mobile World Joint StockCompany The largest shareholder in the country is the family of Mr Nguyen Duc Tai,owning 97,361,997 shares, equivalent to the rate of 13,654% Nguyen Duc Tai is also the

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the investment management arm of Norway's central bank, and Fidelity is a global assetmanagement firm based in the United States.

Key Personnel

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Source: Annual Report 2021

Some disadvantages of the shareholder structure of Mobile World Joint Stock Company(MWG) include:

Centralization of power: The company has a large group of shareholders owning a majorityshare, leading to excessive concentration of power in the hands of a few shareholders Someshareholders hold the majority of shares of the mobile world joint stock company such as:Arisaig Asia Fund Ltd holds a number of shares of 103,750,588 equivalent to a rate of 7.09%,Nguyen Duc Tai Chairman The Board of Directors holds 35,129,892 shares, equivalent to2.40%, Tran Huy Investment Consulting Co., Ltd holds 32,269,518 shares, equivalent to2.20%.

Lack of Diversification of Shareholders: Due to the small number of shareholders, MWGlacks diversification of shareholders and is easily influenced by the decisions of a few largeshareholders.

Risks related to major shareholders: If some major shareholders decide to sell shares orwithdraw capital suddenly, it will cause negative impacts on the stock price and stability of thecompany.

Difficulty in attracting investment: Due to concentration of power and lack ofdiversification of shareholders, MWG may find it difficult to attract investment from otherinvestors.

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Some advantages of the shareholder structure of Mobile World Joint Stock Company (MWG)include:

Concentration of power: A large group of shareholders owning a majority share can helpMWG make decisions more quickly and efficiently Besides, power of major shareholders:Major shareholders can have great influence over company policy and operations, and canprovide opinions and participate in corporate governance.

Increase in share value: If major shareholders share the same long-term goals as MWG,they can positively impact the company's share price, increasing value for other shareholders.

Easy to manage: Due to the small number of shareholders, MWG can easily manage andmake important decisions.

Increased transparency: Since only a large group of shareholders make major decisions, thecompany can increase transparency in decision making and public financial information, toensure transparency and trustworthiness company with investors.

4 Strategic Planning

- Define strategic business activities (SBU):

1/ System of mobile retail supermarkets - digital devices.2/ Electronic electronics retail supermarket system.

- Strategic vision: Mobile World is the leading and most innovative retail group in Vietnamthat always gives customers an enjoyable and friendly experience and is a testament to ourIntegrity wherever we go presence that makes a difference for Vietnam.

- Strategic goals of the business in the next 3 to 5 years:+ Listing shares on the stock exchange.

+ Continue to expand supermarket chains in big cities and test presence in remote areas andsmall towns with up to 700 to 1000 stores and supermarkets.

+ invest and promote development in many business items in the retail sector such aselectronics, laptops, not only mobile phones.

- Status of business activities: According to market research firm GFK, Vietnam's electronicsand electronics market has seen a growth rate of more than 22% in the entire market It is oneof the two leading enterprises in the market for many years Mobile World Investment JointStock Company (MWG) improved its tax position when recording a growth of 29% inrevenue, reaching approximately VND 9,500 billion.

- During the year, Mobile World took seven major actions, some of the achievements thatMobile World has achieved in the past 10 years:

+ Top 500 retailers of copper goods in Asia-Pacific+ Top 5 fastest growing sellers in Asia-Pacific

+ Top 500 Fast Vietnam 2010 (Thegioididong.com is in the top 4)+ Most trusted retailer for 4 consecutive years (VietNam Mobile Awards)

- Evaluate: The company's strategic vision creates fundamental value for the development of

Ngày đăng: 09/05/2024, 11:02
