Contents Fiedler’s Contingency Theory, also known as Fiedler’s Contingency Model or Fiedler’s Theory of Leadership, statesthat there is not one best style of leadership.. Asana, 2022What
Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business
Unit number and title Unit 4: Leadership and Management
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Trang 5I Introduction
II Leadership theories
Management is commonly defined as the execution of fundamental functions such as planning, organizing,coordinating, and controlling activities to accomplish organizational goals Consequently, managers primarilyfocus on short-term objectives and the efficiency of achieving them
In contrast, leaders adopt a broader perspective, encompassing tasks such as defining a vision for theorganization, setting long-term goals, emphasizing communication, motivation, promotion, and attractingemployees to achieve those goals Essentially, managers enforce compliance through their positional authority,while leaders inspire others through sharing, communication, motivation, and attraction Additionally, leaderscan emerge not only within formal groups adhering to a management hierarchy but also within informal groups.Leaders and managers employ distinct approaches to attain their objectives For instance, managers emphasizeadherence to rules and procedures, while leaders thrive on challenging the status quo and breaking norms Thishighlights the inherent differences between leadership and management
The study of leadership and management has evolved since the early 20th century, yielding numerous theoriesthat have found application in various sectors, including corporate, business, government, and social spheres.Leaders draw upon these ideas and theories to build and develop their staff, particularly senior officials,recognizing the importance of integrating leadership theory into contemporary strategies Among the manyemerging theories, six popular ones can be identified: Trait approach, Functional approach, Contingency theories
of leadership, Transformational and Transactional leadership, Inspirational leadership, and Servant leadership.The following section will provide a more specific analysis of Contingency Theories of Leadership
1 Favourability of leadership situation – Fiedler
1.1 Contents
Fiedler’s Contingency Theory, also known as Fiedler’s Contingency Model or Fiedler’s Theory of Leadership, statesthat there is not one best style of leadership Rather, the most effective leadership style for any given situation is
Trang 6one that aligns with the situation at hand.
The theory was developed in the 1960s by Austrian psychologist, Professor Fred Fiedler He studied leaders’personalities and characteristics and came to the conclusion that leadership style, since it is formed throughone’s life experiences, is incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to change
For this reason, Fiedler believed the right leader must be chosen for each job based on their skill set and therequirements of the situation In order to best match leaders with situations, each leader must first understandtheir natural leadership style Then, they need to evaluate whether their leadership style is right for the situation
To put it simply, Fiedler determined that a leaders’ ability to succeed rests on two factors: Natural leadershipstyle and Situational favorableness (Asana, 2022)
What are the elements of Fiedler’s Contingency Model?
Fiedler's Contingency Model is a relatively simple theory that focuses on the comparison between anindividual's leadership style and the requirements of the situation To understand one's leadership style,
Trang 7Fiedler introduced the concept of the Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) scale This scale prompts individuals
to describe the coworker they least prefer to work with
By evaluating how positively or negatively one rates their least preferred coworker across various criteria,their leadership style can be determined If someone rates their least preferred coworker more positively,they are considered to be relationship-oriented On the other hand, if they rate them less favorably, theyare considered to be task-oriented
Relationship-oriented leaders excel in building strong relationships, fostering team synergy, and effectivelymanaging interpersonal conflicts They prioritize creating a positive and supportive work environment,valuing the satisfaction and well-being of team members
Task-oriented leaders, on the other hand, are skilled at organizing projects and teams in order to achievetasks efficiently and effectively They prioritize goal attainment, productivity, and the successful completion
of objectives
Fiedler's Contingency Model emphasizes the importance of matching a leader's style with the demands ofthe situation It suggests that different situations may require different leadership approaches Byunderstanding one's leadership style and assessing the situational factors, leaders can adapt their approach
to maximize effectiveness
Trang 9Source:
Trang 10Figure 1: Least preferred coworker (LPC) scale
The rationale behind the relationship-oriented and task-oriented leadership styles in Fiedler's Contingency Model
is quite straightforward When someone rates their least preferred coworker favorably, it indicates that theyhave a tendency to see the best in people, even those whom they may not naturally choose to work with Thissuggests that they possess a relationship-oriented leadership style, where building positive relationships andvaluing interpersonal dynamics are important to them
Trang 11On the other hand, rating the least preferred coworker unfavorably indicates a focus on efficiency andeffectiveness over other attributes This suggests a task-oriented leadership style, where the leader prioritizesorganizing projects and teams to accomplish tasks most efficiently and effectively possible, often placing lessemphasis on personal relationships.
It is important to note that there is no one "right" way to lead While a task-oriented approach may be preferred
by the organization as a whole for its focus on productivity, it is often found that teammates themselves tend toprefer a relationship-oriented approach This is supported by the fact that a significant number of individuals whodecide to leave their jobs cite a lack of appreciation as a primary reason for their departure
Understanding the preferences and needs of both the organization and the team members is crucial for effectiveleadership A balance between task orientation and relationship orientation can lead to a positive workenvironment, where productivity and interpersonal dynamics are harmoniously integrated (Asana, 2022)
Task structure refers to the clarity and structure of the tasks required to complete a project A higher level of taskstructure indicates a more favorable situation When tasks are well-defined, specific, and clear-cut, it enablesteam members to understand their roles and responsibilities more easily This promotes efficiency, reducesambiguity, and enhances productivity
Trang 12Position power relates to the authority and influence that a leader possesses over their team Leaders with highposition power have the ability to reward or punish team members and have clear decision-making authority.When a leader has higher position power, it creates a more favorable situation as they can effectively guide anddirect their team, ensuring tasks are accomplished and objectives are met.
By considering these situational factors - leader-member relations, task structure, and position power - leaderscan better understand the context in which they are operating This understanding allows them to adapt theirleadership style to the specific demands of the situation, maximizing their effectiveness and the overall success ofthe team (Asana, 2022)
1.2 Pros and cons
Fiedler's leadership style based on the "Favourability of leadership situation" has notable advantages anddisadvantages This model emphasizes the fit between the leadership style and the nature of the situation,helping the leader realize the importance of adapting and adjusting the style to suit the specific environment andrequirements This facilitates leadership to create maximum performance at work and achieve goals
Trang 13However, leadership styles based on the Favourability of leadership situation also have drawbacks Determiningthe degree of "favourability" of a situation can be difficult and prone to subjective judgment This can causeinaccuracies in evaluating and applying appropriate leadership styles In addition, changing leadership styles isalso not always easy and may require time and effort The model is also limited in considering other factors such
as individual competencies, personal characteristics, and cultural factors, which reduces the holism andapplication of the model in practical leadership situations
In summary, Fiedler's leadership style based on the Favourability of leadership situation has advantages such as afocus on fit and performance, however, it also has disadvantages such as difficulty in evaluating and changingleadership style To apply this model effectively, leaders need to carefully consider and evaluate the nature of thesituation and be ready to adapt and change leadership styles when necessary
2 Path-Goal Theory – House and Dessler
2.1 Contents
The path−goal theory of leadership says that a leader's style, traits and behaviors influence team productivity,motivation and satisfaction This theory comes from expectancy theory, which is the assertion that individuals act
in a certain way based on the expectation of a desirable outcome
Path−goal theory assumes that a leader complements their employees and can compensate for theirshortcomings Effective leaders, according to this theory, give their employees a clear path to follow to achievegoals, removing challenges and obstacles The theory provides guidance for ways leaders can encourage andsupport employees in reaching their goals (IET, 2023)
Path−goal theory identifies four main types of leadership behaviors: Directive leadership, supportiveleadership, participative leadership, and achievement-oriented leadership First of all is leadership behaviorLeadership directs In directing leadership, the leader provides employees with clear instructions about theprocess and expectations for them, as well as how they should best perform the task This leadership style aims
to reduce ambiguity in job functions and clarify work processes With this leadership style, the leader supervisesemployees closely, which is best suited for inexperienced employees who need to be guided and checkedregularly The second leadership behavior mentioned is supportive leadership With supportive leadership, the
Trang 14leader is attentive to the needs and well−being of his employees and makes work pleasant for them by beingfriendly and empathetic Leaders who operate in this style treat employees with respect and support whenneeded This management style is useful when employees have personal problems or need a boost of motivation
or confidence Next is participative leadership This type of leadership behavior involves advising employees onimportant work−related decisions, mission goals, and pathways to achieving goals, allowing employees to bedirectly involved in the process make decision This often results in employees putting in more effort to achievethe goals they have chosen Leaders often use this leadership style when employees are actively involved or havespecialized knowledge In these situations, their insight can be invaluable to the leader And ultimately,achivement−oriented leadership With this leadership style, the leader focuses on encouraging excellence bysetting challenging goals Leaders encourage employees to pursue their highest performance and the leaderbelieves in their ability to handle this Leaders encourage employees to demonstrate excellence at work andcontinuously improve Employees who are comfortable working completely independently and have goodproblem−solving skills will suit this type of management
Trang 15The Path−Goal Theory identifies two distinct situational factors – the individual characteristics of the subordinateand the nature of the task These factors directly affect the best leadership style to use with team members Thefirst situational factor mentioned is the subordinate's personal characteristics Depends on personality of eachperson, how subordinates react to the manager's activities, and to what extent they are perceived as sources ofimmediate or potential need The next situational factor is the nature of the task It concerns how often it isregular and structured or how irregular and unstructured it is In addition, this situational element refers towhether the work is streamlined, streamlined, and easy to understand.
2.2 Pros and Cons
Path−goal theory also has its own advantages, the most obvious of which is that employees are resultsmotivated When team members understand what they do and why they do it, they tend to be more productive.This theory also provides some flexibility in choosing the right leadership style depending on the situation Thisseems to be a positive feature as there seems to be no universal approach to team management and many tasksrequire different operating models As a tool designed to help leaders become more effective, the theoryprovides a useful insight into how different leadership styles can be applied to team members depending on theircharacteristic and the results they will achieve
The theory also has certain disadvantages The main downside is that it can be quite complicated to put intopractice as it includes many management and leadership concepts to consider Furthermore, the effectiveness ofthe theory is difficult to measure, and therefore, it is not widely accepted in the managerial society Another flaw
in the theory's design is that it deals only with the influence of a leader over an employee, with little attention tothe reverse process
In my view, House and Dessler's Path−Goal Theory is a fallback theory because it takes into account differentsituational aspects It offers 4 different leadership behaviors suitable for each situation that the leader faces sothat they can easily choose More specifically, this theory has a strong focus on set goals and how to find themost effective way to accomplish them As for the downside, House and Dessler's Path−Goal Theory focuses toomuch on rewards and punishments for subordinates rather than on goals In addition, this leadership styleemphasizes how leaders lead interaction with subordinates rather than between group members and with the
Trang 16The authors argue that one of the most important tasks of a leader is decision-making, effective leadership iseffective decision-making, so the authors developed a decision-making model.
Vroom-Yetton's decision-making model suggests that there is no one-size-fits-all leadership style for everysituation On the contrary, the leader must develop a system of styles and choices, using the right style for everyparticular situation
Trang 17One of the problems that needs to be solved in a leader's performance is that he must know when to consult
Decision-making styles
Victor Vroom and Philip Yetton developed a decision-making model that consists of five different decision-makingstyles These styles range from authoritarian decisions to more team-based and participative approaches Thedecision-making styles identified by Vroom-Yetton's model are as follows:
Autocratic Type I: In this style, the leader makes decisions alone using the information available to them at thattime They do not consult with others or seek input from their team members
Autocratic Type II: Here, the leader collects the necessary information from their followers or team members,but ultimately makes the decision alone They may seek input and perspectives, but the final decision rests withthe leader
Consultative Type I: The leader shares the problem or issue with the individuals involved and seeks their ideasand suggestions However, the final decision is made by the leader alone after considering the input received
Consultative Type II: This style involves the leader sharing the problem with relevant individuals as a group Theleader seeks their ideas and suggestions, but ultimately makes the decision alone, taking into account the inputprovided by the group
Group II: In this style, the leader discusses the issue with individuals as a group and collects their opinions Thegroup then works together to come up with a final solution through a collective decision-making process.The Vroom-Yetton decision-making model provides leaders with a framework to determine the most appropriatedecision-making style to use in a given situation It takes into account factors such as the availability ofinformation, the level of involvement desired from team members, and the need for collaborative decision-making By understanding these different styles, leaders can effectively organize and navigate the decision-
Trang 183.2 Pros and Cons
The Vroom-Yetton decision-making model has been developed to evaluate and select the best decision-makingmethods in management situations This model provides flexibility for managers by allowing a choice betweendifferent approaches, from unique decision-making to inter-collaboration and discussions with the team Thishelps to respond well to a variety of management situations
Another advantage of this model is that it requires managers to thoroughly evaluate factors such as theimportance of the decision, the certainty of the information, the necessity of reaching consensus from the team,and the team's ability to solve problems This helps the manager have an overview of the situation and choosethe most appropriate decision-making method
Team involvement is an important aspect of the Vroom-Yetton model This participation can create greaterconsensus and commitment to the decision being made, and provide opportunities for everyone to comment
Trang 19and contribute their opinions This helps create interaction and shared responsibility in the decision-makingprocess.
However, the Vroom-Yetton model also has some drawbacks First, it can become complicated by therequirement to evaluate multiple factors and choose between a variety of methods This requires understandingand appreciation skills from the manager
Second, accurately assessing the factors in this model can be difficult, especially when the information isincomplete or inaccurate If the assessment is incorrect, the final decision may not be appropriate to the actualsituation
Finally, applying the Vroom-Yetton model requires time and effort to gather information, assess situations, andselect decision-making methods This can reduce efficiency and the ability to make quick decisions in someurgent management situations
III Management Theories (P2)
1 Fayol's Administrative Management Theory
1.1 Contents
The main concept of Fayol's theory is to analyze management challenges within the entire organizationalstructure of an enterprise It involves considering management activities from a top-down perspective andplacing emphasis on the higher leadership apparatus responsible for overseeing the fundamental functions of thecompany Fayol attributed the effectiveness of management not solely to the qualities of individual managers,but primarily to the principles that guide their actions and the methods they employ While senior managersneed to possess a broad range of abilities, lower-level managers should prioritize expertise in their respectiveareas
Henri Fayol's Theory of Administrative Management is a comprehensive management framework based on thecreation of organizational structure, management hierarchy, and assignment of tasks and responsibilities.According to this theory, administrative management focuses on enhancing the effectiveness of seniormanagement to ensure the production of lower-level managers
Trang 20g p g
Management functions according to this theory include planning, organization, orders, coordination and control.Planning involves forecasting future events and setting goals Organization is the building of organizationalstructure and the assignment of tasks to individuals Orders involve giving instructions and orders tosubordinates Coordination ensures coordination between organizational elements Control continuouslyevaluates performance and makes adjustments to ensure goals have been set (Mahesh, 2023)
In addition, administrative management theory divides business activity into six categories: technical,commercial, financial, security, accounting, and management Each category refers to specific activities such asproduction, purchasing, collection and use of funds, protection of assets and employees, inventory inventory,cost statistics, and management functions that were mentioned earlier
The theory of administrative management of Henri Fayol made an important contribution to modernmanagement literature and is considered a revolutionary step It provides a comprehensive management
Trang 21framework applicable to various organizations and emphasizes the importance of enhancing the effectiveness ofsenior management to achieve organizational success.
Certainly! Let's delve into each of the 14 principles of administrative management as outlined by Henri Fayol:
Division of Labor: This principle involves breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts By
assigning specific tasks to individuals with specialized skills, productivity and efficiency can be increased
Authority and Responsibility: According to this principle, authority and responsibility should go hand in hand.
Managers should have the authority necessary to carry out their responsibilities effectively, while also being heldaccountable for their actions
Discipline: This principle emphasizes the need for employees to adhere to established rules, regulations, and
procedures Discipline ensures that work is carried out in an orderly and consistent manner, promoting efficiencyand preventing conflicts
Unity of Command: This principle states that each employee should have only one direct supervisor or superior.
This helps avoid confusion and conflicts that may arise from receiving conflicting instructions from multiplesuperiors
Unity of Direction: The principle of unity of direction emphasizes the importance of having a single, unified plan
and direction for the organization All activities and efforts should be aligned towards achieving commonobjectives
Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest: This principle highlights the need for individuals to
prioritize the goals and interests of the organization over their personal interests It emphasizes the importance
of teamwork and collaboration for organizational success
Fair Remuneration for Personnel: According to this principle, employees should receive fair and equitable
compensation for their work Fair remuneration helps motivate employees, improves morale, and enhances theircommitment to the organization
Trang 22Centralization: This principle suggests that decision-making authority should be appropriately centralized at the
top levels of management While some decentralization may be necessary, ultimate decision-making powershould remain with top management to ensure consistency and strategic alignment
Scalar Chain: The scalar chain represents the formal chain of command within an organization This principle
emphasizes the importance of clear lines of communication and authority, with messages flowing through theestablished hierarchical structure
Order: The principle of order focuses on organizing resources, both human and material, in the most efficient
manner It involves assigning the right people to the right tasks, ensuring proper allocation of resources, andmaintaining a clean and orderly work environment
Equity: This principle promotes fairness and equality in the treatment of employees It emphasizes that
discrimination based on factors such as race, religion, or personal relationships should be avoided, and allindividuals should be treated with respect and impartiality
Trang 23Stability of Tenure: This principle highlights the importance of providing employees with job security and
stability When employees feel secure in their positions, they are more likely to be loyal, committed, andmotivated, leading to increased productivity
Initiative: The principle of initiative encourages managers and employees to take the initiative in carrying out
tasks and achieving organizational goals It promotes a proactive and innovative mindset, empowering individuals
to contribute their ideas and efforts for the benefit of the organization
Esprit de Corps: This principle emphasizes the importance of fostering team spirit and camaraderie among
employees When there is a sense of unity, cooperation, and shared purpose within the organization, it can lead
to improved collaboration, morale, and overall organizational performance
These principles provide a framework for effective management and serve as guidelines for managers to create aproductive and harmonious work environment Applying these principles can help organizations achieve theirobjectives and enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of their operations
(Mahesh, 2023)
1.2 Pros and Cons
Fayol's administrative theory offers several advantages that managers can leverage Firstly, it emphasizes thevalue of teamwork, fostering creativity, and motivating individuals through cultural and well-being aspects.Additionally, it provides a comprehensive and systematic framework for understanding managerial functions androles across different levels and divisions within an organization
On the flip side, critics argue that the strict application of all 14 principles may lead to managerial dominance,inflexibility, and a lack of adaptability Moreover, Fayol's principles do not address the relationships with externalstakeholders such as partners, competitors, and customers
In my personal opinion, Fayol's management theory has the advantage of highlighting the significance ofrationality, efficiency, and order in achieving organizational goals It acknowledges the need for adaptation andflexibility to respond to changing external environments and internal circumstances Furthermore, it promotes
Trang 24values such as discipline, solidarity, stability, and cooperation between employees and managers.
However, in my view, Fayol's management theory has certain limitations Firstly, it may overlook the human andsocial aspects of organizational behavior, such as motivation, communication, leadership, culture, and conflict, aswell as the influence of power and politics on decision-making and organizational outcomes Additionally, it maynot be applicable to all types of organizations, such as nonprofit, public, or voluntary organizations
2 Mintzberg's Theory of Management Roles
2.1 Contents
Being a manager can perform many different roles every day For example, in addition to leading his or her team,
a manager can resolve conflicts, negotiate new contracts, represent his or her department at board meetings, orapprove requests for a system new new computer system Simply put, a manager is constantly switching roles
as tasks, situations, and expectations change Management expert and professor Henry Mintzberg recognizedthis, and he argued that there are ten key roles or behaviors that can be used to categorize the differentfunctions of a manager The 10 roles are divided into 3 groups and presented as follows
Trang 25The first group is Interpersonal Management Roles including: Figurehead role, leader role, liaison role First of all
is the figurehead role As a manager, you have social, ceremonial, and legal responsibilities The manager will be
an inspiration People respect the manager as an authority and as a puppet Next is the leader role This iswhere a manager provides leadership to a team, department, or possibly an entire organization, and it's a place
to manage the performance and responsibilities of everyone on the team The ultimate role in this team iscontact The manager must communicate with internal and external contacts Managers need to be able tonetwork effectively on behalf of their organization (John, 2020)
The second group is Informational Management Roles including: Monitor role, disseminator role, role role Thefirst role in this group is supervisor In this role, the manager regularly searches for information relevant to his orher organization and industry, looking for relevant changes in the environment Managers also keep an eye ontheir team, both for their productivity and well−being The next role is that of dissemination This is where amanager communicates information that may be useful to his colleagues and team And the last role in thisgroup is the spokesperson Managers represent and speak for their organization In this role, you are responsiblefor communicating information about your organization and its goals to outsiders (John, 2020)
The third group is Decisional Management Roles including: Entrepreneur role, disturbance handler role, resourceallocator role, related role First of all is the entrepreneur role As a manager, you must create and control changewithin the organization This means problem solving, generating new ideas and implementing them Next is theproblem−solver When an organization or team encounters unexpected roadblocks, the manager must be heldaccountable Managers also need to help mediate disputes The third is the resource allocator The manager willalso need to determine where the organization's resources are best applied This involves allocating funds, aswell as appointing the organization's staff and other resources And finally, the negotiator A manager may need
to participate in and direct important negotiations within his or her team, department, or organization (John,2020)
This group of ten roles is an arbitrary division of the manager's activities It presents one of many possible ways
to categorize perspectives on management roles These ten roles are not easily isolated in practice but form aunified whole If any of the roles are removed, this will affect the overall performance of the manager As a result
Trang 26of describing the nature of management in terms of a set of ten roles, Mintzberg suggests six basic goals of amanager or why organizations need a manager The first purpose is to manage to ensure that the organizationserves its basic purpose − the efficient production of goods or services Next is management to design andmaintain the stability of the activities of the organization In addition, management is responsible for strategicplanning and for adjusting the organization in a controlled manner to changes in the organization's environment.Fourth, the manager helps ensure that the organization serves the ultimate purpose of those who control it.Next, the manager serves as the primary communication link between the organization and the environment.And finally management is the official body to operate the status system of the organization.
2.2 Pros and cons
In terms of advantages, Mintzberg's management theory has the following advantages First of all is that itprovides a comprehensive and realistic view of what managers do in different contexts and levels It then helpsmanagers identify and develop the skills and competencies they need for each role Plus it helps organizationsdesign and structure management systems and processes according to their needs and goals (Peak, 2023)
Trang 27On the downside, Mintzberg's theory of management has the following limitations It may at first be toocomplicated and ambiguous to put into practice, because managers may have to perform many opposite roles atthe same time In addition It may not account for individual differences and preferences among managers, assome may be more suited for certain roles than others And finally It may not reflect the changes and challenges
in the contemporary business environment, such as globalization, digitalization, diversity, and challenges (H.E.T,2020)
From my perspective, Mintzberg's management role theory offers several advantages Firstly, it takes intoaccount the observation of actual managerial behaviors rather than relying solely on theoretical expectations ofwhat managers should do This approach provides a realistic understanding of the roles that managers play inorganizations Additionally, the theory allows managers to assess their current capabilities and develop a plan forimprovement based on a clear understanding of their observed roles
However, the theory does have a limitation The fact that managers engage in certain behaviors does notnecessarily mean that those behaviors are the most effective or aligned with what managers should ideally do.Mintzberg's management role theory does not provide explicit guidance on how to improve skills or developcapabilities for each specific role The responsibility for skill development and improvement lies with theindividual manager
In summary, Mintzberg's theory offers the advantage of being grounded in observed managerial behaviors,enabling managers to assess their current roles and plan for improvement However, it does not provide directguidance on skill enhancement, which is a task that managers need to undertake themselves
Impact of The Application of Leadership and Mangament Theories on The Effectiveness of Organisation (M1)The Impact of Application Fayol's administrative management theory on Apple
Fayol's administrative management theory is one of the classical approaches to management that emerged in thelate 19th and early 20th centuries The theory aims to provide a comprehensive framework for understandingand improving the functions and roles of managers in organizations Fayol identified five key elements ofmanagement: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling He also proposed 14 principles of
Trang 28management that guide managers in applying these elements effectively Fayol's theory is still relevant andinfluential today, as it offers a rational and systematic way of managing complex and dynamic organizations.(Patrix, 2021)
First of all, I will present information about Apple corporation Apple Inc is an American multinational technologycompany that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronic devices, software, and online services It is one ofthe most valuable and influential companies in the world, with a loyal customer base and a reputation forinnovation and quality Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, whowanted to create personal computers that were easy to use and accessible to everyone Since then, Apple hasexpanded its product portfolio to include smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, music players, laptops, desktops,TVs, and more Apple also operates various online platforms, such as the App Store, iTunes Store, Apple Music,Apple TV+, iCloud, and Apple Pay Apple's mission is to empower people with technology that enriches their livesand inspires creativity Apple is also known for its social and environmental responsibility, as it strives toreduce emissions carbon, protect user privacy, support education and diversity initiatives, and contribute to
Trang 29various charities (Steven Levy, 2023) Steve Jobs is widely regarded as one of the most influential and visionaryleaders of the 21st century He co− founded Apple in 1976 and transformed it into one of the most valuable andinnovative companies in the world But how did he manage to achieve such remarkable success? Below I willanalyze how Steve Jobs applied Fayol's administrative management theory at Apple.
See how Steve Jobs applied these functions at Apple The first is planning Steve Jobs is known for his foresightand strategic planning He had a clear vision of what he wanted to create and how to achieve it He set highstandards and ambitious goals for himself and his team He also anticipated the needs and desires of thecustomers and created products that met or exceeded their expectations He was able to foresee the futuretrends and opportunities in the market and adapt accordingly For example, he launched the iPod, iPhone andiPad, which revolutionized the music, phone and tablet industries (Isaacson, 2011) Next is organization Steve Jobswas also skilled at organizing his resources and activities He has hired talented and passionate people who sharehis vision and values He assigns tasks and responsibilities to them according to their strengths and abilities Healso established a simple and flat organizational structure that fostered creativity and collaboration He reducedbureaucracy and hierarchy, giving his employees more autonomy and flexibility (Lashinsky, 2012) Then there'sthe command Steve Jobs was a charismatic and influential leader who inspired and motivated his followers Hecommunicated his vision and goals clearly and convincingly using stories and metaphors He also challenges andempowers his employees to do their best work, giving them feedback and recognition He is demanding but fair,setting high standards and expectations for himself and others (Sinek, 2009) Fourth is coordination Steve Jobswas very good at coordinating his team's efforts and ensuring harmony and cooperation He fostered a culture ofinnovation and excellence at Apple, where everyone is encouraged to share their ideas and perspectives He alsofosters cross−functional collaboration, bringing together different departments and disciplines to create productsthat integrate hardware, software, design, and marketing (Kahney, 2019) And finally control Steve Jobs was ameticulous and detailed leader who monitored and evaluated the performance of his team and product He used
a variety of control methods, such as budgets, schedules, quality standards, and customer feedback He alsointervenes when necessary to correct errors or problems, making adjustments or changes as necessary He isalways looking for ways to improve his products and processes, striving for perfection (Schlender & Tetzeli,2015)
Trang 30In addition to applying management functions, Steve Jobs also applies a set of 14 principles and is shown asfollows The first is the principle of division of work Jobs gave each employee a task at which they could becomeproficient, and he expected them to deliver high−quality results He also empowers his subordinates and truststhem to make decisions in his area of expertise (Jason, 2022) Next is the principle of authority and responsibility.Jobs had the power to dictate and make the final decisions, but he also realized that authority comes withresponsibility He holds himself and his employees accountable for their actions and results (Jason, 2022) Thenthere is the principle of unity of direction The work ensures that those engaged in similar activities are allpursuing a common goal that aligns with Apple's overall vision He communicated his vision clearly and inspiredhis team to follow it (thebusinessprofessor, 2022) And finally the initiative Jobs encouraged his employees to beproactive and creative He values innovation and originality, and helps his team experiment with new ideas andsolutions.
In conclusion, Steve Jobs was an exemplary leader who applied Fayol's administrative management theory atApple He performed the five functions of management effectively and followed the 14 principles of management
Trang 31consistently He created a culture of innovation and excellence at Apple that led to its success and growth SteveJobs' application of Fayol's administrative theory has brought about remarkable effects such as: The first isinnovation Apple is known for innovation and creativity in developing products and services that meet customerneeds and expectations Apple leaders challenge and motivate their employees to pursue excellence excellenceand innovation, and engage them in the process decision making and problem solving For example, Steve Jobsencouraged his employees to "think differently" and create products that are not only functional, but alsobeautiful and intuitive (, 2020).The next goal that Apple achieves when applying this leadershipdoctrine is about sustainability Apple is committed to being 100% carbon neutral across its entire business,manufacturing supply chain, and product lifecycle by 2030 The third goal is about organizational structure.Apple is organized to innovate by having a functional structure that allows collaboration and coordination amongexperts in different fields Apple leaders have built trust and loyalty among the employees and customers, andfoster a sense of belonging and community.
In my personal opinion, Steve Jobs' application of administrative theory to Apple has allowed the company tocreate innovative and high−quality products that meet or exceed the needs and expectations of customers Byhaving a clear vision and direction, Steve Jobs was able to inspire his employees to pursue excellence andcreativity in their work By organizing and coordinating the work of different teams and departments, he canensure that products are consistent and consistent across different platforms and devices By controlling everyaspect of the product development process, he was able to maintain high standards and control qualitythroughout And by communicating his ideas and expectations effectively, he was able to create excitement andenthusiasm among his employees and customers Another positive effect of Steve Jobs' application ofadministrative theory to Apple is that it helped the company gain competitive advantage and a dominant position
in the market By planning and setting ambitious and challenging goals, Steve Jobs was able to create a culture ofinnovation and risk taking at Apple that allowed the company to explore opportunities and markets new school.However, its application still has its own limitations In my view it lacks participation and empowerment Jobs isoften criticized for being too autocratic, controlling, and demanding He doesn't listen to much feedback orsuggestions from employees or customers, and he makes most of the decisions on his own He also doesn'tdelegate much authority or responsibility to his subordinates, which can limit their growth and motivation This isfollowed by a lack of flexibility and adaptability Jobs was stubborn and confident in his ideas and opinions, and
Trang 32he did not accept dissent or criticism He also resists changing his plans or strategies even in the face of newchallenges or opportunities Sometimes he ignores market trends or customer needs that don't align with hisvision These restrictions can damage Jobs' and Apple's reputation, relationships, and effectiveness, and can alsoaffect employee morale, satisfaction, and performance To overcome these limitations, I offer some solutions asfollows First, encourage participation and empowerment Jobs could have included his employees more in thedecision−making process, while giving them more autonomy and ownership over their work He can also solicitmore feedback and suggestions from customers and stakeholders, and incorporate them into his product orservice Next is to embrace flexibility and adaptability Jobs could have been more open and willing to learn fromother people's perspectives and experiences He can also adjust his plans or strategies according to changingmarket conditions or customer needs By implementing these solutions, I believe Apple can enhance itsperformance and efficiency as a company, while improving employee satisfaction and retention.
Impact of Applying Transactional Leadership on Microsoft