Introduction : • Current state of natural resources• Causes of environmental pollution• Effects of environmental pollution• Solutions to protect natural resources... Natural resources ar
Trang 1Report on natural resource
Table of contents
Protecting natural
I Introduction :
• Current state of natural resources
• Causes of environmental pollution
• Effects of environmental pollution
• Solutions to protect natural resources
II Survey Findings
1 How important do you think it is to protect natural resources?
2 What do you think are the main threats to natural resources?
3 What do you think are the benefits of
protecting natural resources?
4 What have you done to protect natural resources in recent years?
5 What do you think the government can do to protect natural resources?
III Conclusion
Trang 3Natural resources are invaluable
resources that nature bestows on
humans Natural resources include mineral resources, water resources, land resources, forest resources,
biological resources, etc Natural
resources play an extremely important role in human life and developement of society However, in recent years,
natural resources are being exploited and used indiscriminately, leading to environmental pollution and natural resource degradation This causes
Trang 4negative impacts on human life and the environment
Current state of natural resources
Currently, natural resources are being exploited and used indiscriminately, leading to degradation and depletion.Specifically: • Mineral
resources: Mineral resources such as coal, oil, gas, are being over-exploited, leading to
depletion and environmental pollution
• Water resources: Water resources are seriously polluted due to industrial, agricultural and
domestic activities
• Land resources: Land resources are being
degraded due to erosion, leaching, pollution,
• Forest resources: Forest resources are being cut down indiscriminately, leading to deforestation, forest land degradation,
• Biological resources: Biological resources are being reduced due to hunting, overexploitation, environmental pollution,
Trang 5Causes of environmental pollution
There are many causes of environmental pollution, some of which include:
• Exploiting and using natural resources
indiscriminately: Exploitation and use of natural resources such as mining, construction,
manufacturing, etc are causing negative impacts
to the environment
Trang 6• Production and business activities: Production and business activities of enterprises often generate waste that pollutes the environment
Trang 7• Daily activities: Human activities are also one of the causes of environmental pollution
Effects of environmental pollution
Trang 8Environmental pollution causes negative impacts
on human life and the environment, specifically:
• Effects on human health:
Environmental pollution
causes many diseases in
humans such as respiratory
diseases, cancer, skin
• Effects on biological life:
Environmental pollution
affects the lives of
biological species, leading
to biodiversity loss
• Effects on the living environment: Environmental pollution causes habitat degradation, leading to disasters such as floods, droughts,
Trang 91 How important do you think it is to protect natural resources?
80% of people said that protecting
natural resources is very
20% of people said that protecting
natural resources is important
2 What do you think are the
main threats to natural resources?
overexploitation, and
climate change
55.6% of people chose
invasive species and
11.1% of people chose other threats
3 What do you think are the benefits of protecting natural resources?
88.9% and 77.8% chose to protect human health and protect the environment
Trang 104 What have you done to protect natural resources in recent years?
88.9% choose to save energy
100% choose to save water
77,8% choose to recycling
66,7% choose to minimize waste
What do you think the government can do to protect natural resources?
77,8% choose to Promulgate laws and regulations
22,8% choose to Invest in research and development
Trang 11
Protecting natural resources is everyone's responsibility Each of us needs to raise awareness of the importance of natural resources and