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Class : MKT1716

Lecturer: Phạm Khánh Huyền.

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IV Service Organization’s Situation Analysis

1 Primary Research of the consumer and customer profile2 Key insights

3 Challenges and problems that the service provider is facing

V Analysis and Evaluation of Current 7Ps Marketing Strategy1 Product Strategy

2 Pricing Strategy3 Placement Strategy4 Promotion Strategy5 Physical Evidence Strategy6 Process

7 People

VI Recommendations and Conclusion.

AssignmentI Executive summary:

● Beta Cinemas is known as one of the units providing entertainment services atreasonable prices, suitable for students and people with low to moderate income BetaCinemas is a unit specializing in motion pictures, including theaters, film productionand film distribution In this report, we will overview the organization as well as thecurrent situation In addition, we also conduct consumer surveys, plus research andanalyze businesses' current 7Ps strategies Based on that, we will make suggestionsand recommendations to improve and develop Beta Cinemas.

II Service organization’s Introduction:

● Beta Media Joint Stock Company, formerly known as Beta Media Company Limited,was established on September 8, 2014, headquartered at 3rd Floor, No 595, GiaiPhong Street, Giap Bat Ward, Hoang Mai District, Ha City Noi.

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● Beta Media was established with the goal of providing customers with the best qualityproducts and services at the most reasonable prices; with two main business segments:Food and entertainment service complex and communication service provision Theyset out to bring the best cultural and entertainment experiences to Vietnamese people,especially young people

● Beta Media's logo has 5 colors with the main color being blue to bring a feeling ofpeace and comfort, while also expressing trust, certainty and assurance, sustainabilityand responsibility, and at the same time creates a peaceful and welcoming feeling,with the word "Beta" stylized from the shape of a headphone The three blocks ofsquare, circle, and triangle are combined with an arrangement and an upward tilt of 15degrees, the symbols bear the image of a heart and an upward direction that representsthe constant development and creativity and brings out the mischievous, dymatic andkind Beta

III Service Organization’s Situation Analysis:1 Business/company Context

- Core services:

Beta Media's activities include: +

➢ Movie screening activities

➢ Movie, video and television program production activities➢ Movie, video and television program distribution activities➢ Restaurants and mobile food services

➢ Advertisement

- Geographic presence:

➢ Beta Cinemas' theater chain is divided into 18 facilities spread throughout Vietnam

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- Mission

➢ With the mission of bringing modern cultural values and quality, Beta always listens,researches customer comfort and needs, is creative in each product, and dedicatedlycares for service quality surrender.

2 SWOT Analysis - Strengths:

➢ Diverse movie selection: Beta Cineplex offers more than 160 movies per year at eachtheater, giving customers a wide variety of movie choices.

➢ Affordable ticket prices: Ticket prices are lower than other theater companies, so theyattract middle-income customers, especially students.

➢ Established brand: Beta Cineplex is a famous mid-range cinema system in Hanoi andneighboring provinces, with more than 3 years of operation.

➢ High student ticket prices: Evening and weekend ticket prices for students remainhigh, making it difficult to attract this audience.

➢ Ineffective advertising and marketing: Cinemas have not invested enough inadvertising and marketing, leading to limited awareness and few discount programs.➢ Lack of attractive lobby: The lobby area of the theater does not create an attractive

check-in point on social networks, indirectly affecting advertising effectiveness.➢ Low staff salaries: Staff salaries are below the industry average, affecting morale and

potentially leading to comparisons with other theater brands.

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➢ Late entry into the market: Beta Cineplex entered the market after established andreputable brands, potentially influencing customer preferences.

➢ Dependence on film sources: Cinemas still rely on renting films from otherdistributors, leading to limited control of screening schedules and availability ofblockbuster films.

- Opportunities:

➢ The entertainment industry is growing: The entertainment services market isexperiencing strong growth as people seek more entertainment in their evolving lives.➢ Increasing movie watching habits: Movie watching habits are increasing, especially

among students, who are willing to pay for quality entertainment services.

➢ Attract students: Beta Cineplex's affordable prices attract students, especially thosenear schools, ensuring a steady stream of customers.

➢ Improved brand recognition: Beta Media and Beta Cineplex brand awareness isincreasing, which can lead to more customers and higher brand awareness.

- Threats:

➢ Fierce competition: The cinema market is becoming competitive with theparticipation of many competitors, including CGV, Lotte Cinema, Dabaco andMegastar's restructuring into CGV, putting pressure on Beta Cineplex.

➢ Highly demanding customers: Customers are increasingly demanding and have greatexpectations in choosing entertainment services, especially in terms of quality andvalue.

➢ Price and quality expectations: Despite growing revenue, customers still seekreasonable prices and excellent service quality, posing challenges in managing pricingpolicies and promotions

3 Competitor Analysis- Rạp Chiếu phim Quốc gia:

➢ National Cinema Center is one of the first modern cinemas in Hanoi Built andestablished on December 29, 1997, under the Ministry of Culture, Sports andTourism.

➢ National Cinema has been growing strongly, improving quality and services to meetcustomer needs This is the first cinema in our country to meet international standards.The rooms at the National Cinema are equipped with modern equipment and standardsound systems, evoking authenticity in every sound Wide format LED projectionscreen, some rooms also have the most modern curved LED screen.

➢ Ticket prices at the National Cinema are the cheapest among cinemas in Hanoi Withprices ranging from 45,000 - 70,000 VND for 2D movies and from 70,000 - 110,000VND for 3D movies

- Lotte Cinema:

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➢ Established in 2008, with the first cinema complex at Lotte Cinema Diamond - HoChi Minh City, up to now, Lotte Cinema Vietnam has opened 31 large-scale cinemacomplexes, using the most advanced technology.

➢ The space is large and airy, with separate areas for waiting to buy tickets and waitingto watch movies The cinema room has a moderate size, comfortable aisles and seats.The seat and screen arrangement is quite reasonable, so whether you sit in the first orlast seat, the corner seat won't be too skewed when looking at the screen In addition,the image and sound quality here is quite good The staff is agile, professional andserious Book tickets online without payment, just arrive 30 minutes - 1 hour early.Drinks and food are also quite good and acceptable.

➢ With prices ranging from 55,000 - 80,000 VND for 2D movies and from 80,000 VNDto 120,000 VND for 3D movies.

- Galaxy Cinema:

➢ Galaxy Cinema is one of the first private cinema companies established in 2003, andhas affirmed its brand as one of the 10 most popular entertainment venues In additionto the modern cinema system, attracting millions of people to watch, Galaxy Cinemaalso attracts audiences with its friendly atmosphere and top service quality The spaceat Galaxy Cinema has a modern, luxurious, youthful and impressive style Comparedto other theaters, Galaxy Cinema is commented by people to be spacious and superbeautiful because of its unique, hard-to-miss design At Galaxy Cinema Mipec, thereare many movie theaters with spacious, high-quality space from the aisles and seatsarranged with a high slope that does not block the view to the wide projectionscreen and modern sound Ticket prices at Galaxy range from about 45,000 - 95,000VND/ticket depending on the show time, show date.

4 PESTLE Analysis

a Political:

The cinema market and cinema system are an entertainment service model licensedfor circulation and legal business by the State Therefore, it must follow specific Statepolicies as well as be sponsored so that the market is more harmoniously regulated,ensuring fair operations and healthy business Typically, issues related to brand,trademark, advertising, copyright must be publicly listed, without any acts ofappropriation and must be implemented in the strictest manner Comply with taxregulations and investment regulatory policies in Vietnam to be able to do businesstransparently and clearly.

b Economic:

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Our country's economy has been recovering strongly after the pandemic It is the leverto develop many different economic sectors, including the entertainment serviceindustry.

Box Office Vietnam

In the post-Covid-19 period, the growth rate of the Vietnamese film market reached78% compared to 2019 (a glorious year of cinema with the appearance of manyblockbusters - Avengers: End Game, Godzilla, Kingsman) 3, ) In the first half of2023, the situation is more positive when the total number of customers in the marketreaches nearly 25 million people, an increase of 60% over the same period last year.This proves that the Vietnamese market has a good recovery speed and developmentpotential.

c Social

Vietnam is a country with a young population structure, the average age is 33.3 yearsold (Source: danso.org) The characteristic of Vietnamese youth is their preference fornew and dynamic services and entertainment activities that must be cheap and ofguaranteed quality Therefore, this is a potential market for cinema businesses to havethe opportunity to develop However, businesses also need to ensure the quality ofservices and facilities to bring the best experiences and retain customers.

d Technological

➢ Customers' choice to use the service depends greatly on the cinema's amenities andtechnology Developments in cinema technology and special effects, including 3Dand 4D technology, help cinemas attract more customers There are also opportunitiesto improve customer experience through mobile apps, websites and online ticketingsystems.

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➢ Besides, in the current era of technological development, many online moviewatching services are developing strongly In March 2020, Statista conducted asurvey showing that FPT Play was the most used online platform (39%), Netflix(23%) Therefore, cinema businesses need to have the right strategies to compete withonline pay TV service businesses.

➢ Comply with regulations on copyright and broadcasting rights of films.➢ Regulations on safety, resistance and protection of customer rights.

e Legal

BETA needs to comply with regulations related to movie screenings and use ofcopyrighted works, especially safety rules for both customers and employees (escape,fire alarm) There are also a number of regulations on protecting customer rights,taxes, finance, and human resources Vietnam has a stable political system comparedto other countries in the world The State has issued many policies to encouragegrowth in economic sectors Developing the movie theater market is a difficultproblem, so this is a quite fiercely competitive market For a service market tofunction well, the government needs to map out an integration roadmap, whichrequires specific legal documents to regulate the rights and obligations ofparticipating parties On the other hand, the government also needs to have policiesand regulations to protect the safety of participants and constraints between relatedparties.

f Environmental

BETA or cinemas in general today face pressure to increase environmental protectionand energy savings in cinema operations such as waste management and energyconservation Cinema operations require a lot of energy and resources, so BETAneeds to consider optimizing energy use to reduce negative impacts on theenvironment In addition, managing a large amount of waste and complying withenvironmental protection regulations also need attention Potential impact of climatechange and changes in weather conditions on cinema operations

IV Consumer Research

1 Primary Research of the consumer and customer profile

❖ Question:1 How old are you?

2 Your average monthly income is approximately?3 How often do you watch movies at your THEATER?

4 How much money are you willing to pay to watch a movie at the theater?5 Which cinemas have you seen in Hanoi? (Beta, CGV, Lotte Cinema, )6 Have you ever seen a movie at any Beta facility in Hanoi?

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7 Do you feel the entrance to the theater (Thanh Xuan, My Dinh, Dan Phuong, GiaiPhong) is easy to recognize?

8 Is buying tickets quick and convenient and takes little time?Quality evalution:

- The design in the theater is eye-catching and attractive- Quality of facilities

- Movie image quality- Cleanliness

- The theater's waiting area has full seats and electrical outlets- Burnt, watery taste

- Easy to find areas to buy tickets, popcorn, water, screening rooms, andrestrooms

- Can move back and forth between areas easily

- You can easily find information about promotions running at the theater- The movies shown at the theater have rich, interesting and highly entertaining

- The enthusiasm and friendliness of the Staff

9 How do you feel about Beta's price? (Rating from 1-5)

10 How did you learn about Beta's advertising and promotional programs?11 How do you rate Beta's advertising and promotional programs?

- Content- Image- Promotions

12 How do you rate the staff at the theater?- Friendliness, openness, politeness- Be enthusiastic when you need help- Agile

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➢ All Beta theaters in Hanoi make it difficult for customers to find their way to thetheater (Beta 68.3%, My Dinh 78.3%, Dan Phuong 72.2%, Beta 84%)

➢ The design in the theater is eye-catching and attractive: they all received a lot ofreviews at a fairly high average level.

➢ Quality of facilities: average reviews account for a large percentage, and there areeven bad reviews.

➢ Cleanliness level: most of the reviews are bad to normal, but there are still some verybad reviews.

➢ Image and sound quality: rated from normal to poor, but mostly poor.➢ Comfortable seats: many reviews are bad and average, a few are good

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➢ Promotional programs are not highly appreciated in terms of both content and images

➢ The staff at the theater are not really enthusiastic and agile.

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- Truth:

➢ Entertainment is an essential aspect of both study and work There are many differentforms of entertainment and watching movies, especially at the cinema is one of them.Movie theaters with affordable ticket prices are a great choice for students and peoplewith limited income who want to experience this form.

3 Challenges and problems that the service provider is facing

➢ Through the survey, we can see that Beta is facing the first major problems in thetheater's facilities The second is about the problem of the path to the theater, the thirdis about the staff and finally the problem of communication (Content and images arenot attractive)

→ These problems cause Beta customers to have bad experiences and gradually lose brand

***Core products:

➢ Movie service is the core product that the Beta cinema system has been implementing.Since the opening of the first cinema complex in Thai Nguyen in 2014 until now, BetaCinemas has built 15 cinema complexes spread across the country, including: Ho ChiMinh City, Hanoi, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, attracts millions of audiences everyyear.

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➢ To achieve this number, Beta has invested in extremely modern facilities The theateris equipped with a silver curved projection screen system and the most modern digitalprojector according to Hollywood standards, 100% imported from abroad Eachscreening room is installed with a Dolby 7.1 sound system and international standardsoundproofing system The light of the laser projector at Beta is highly appreciated,possessing great light intensity and sharp images Therefore, every movie shown intheaters is the clearest, with the most vivid sound and effects.

a Information

❖ Operating in the cinema model, BETA must regularly provide information tocustomers about its products and services so that they can learn, refer to and accessthe services Includes offline and online information methods.

+ Banners, outdoor billboards and LED screens inside the cinema area:introducing hot movies, newly released movies, incentives, etc.

+ Consultants directly at the theater or via hotline provide information andresolve customer questions

+ Beta cinemas website and mobile application: provides information aboutmovie showtimes, list of currently showing movies, theater addresses,information and incentives, etc.

+ Social network channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok are alsoattractive and interesting information channels that many customers areinterested in.

b Consultation

+ Direct consultation: Equip a team of consultants at the ticket and food countersto introduce services, help customers choose easily and apply incentives forcustomers such as membership incentives and special offers pupil, student,etc There are also other staff departments to assist customers in checkingtickets, finding screening rooms, and finding seating positions.

+ Consulting on website and mobile application: automatic chat system withpre-installed answers for quick consultation Prepare a team of onlineconsultants to answer and resolve customer questions.

+ Telephone consultation: provide a hotline for customer support, wherecustomers can receive detailed information, help with ticket booking andresolve service-related issues.

+ Customer support system via email: customers can contact via email to askquestions, request information or technical support.

+ Consulting via social networks: always ready to advise customers throughsocial network channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok

c Order- taking

Ngày đăng: 08/05/2024, 19:40