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Review exercises 1-4-TATQ3-UFM

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Đầy là bài tập TATQ3 trường ÙM. Các bạn khoa thương mại trường Ufm hãy follow mìn để có tài liệu hén

Trang 1

1 Choose the correct option a, b or c

People think my life is 1 because I travel a lot for work But it’s not true Business travel can be quite 2 and stressful For example, I get very tired when I travel on 3

flights to Australia Last month, I took a 4 to Moscow I arrived late at the airport I almost missed my 5 because I went to the wrong 6 Now I have a(n) 7 on my phone to check the 8 information! In a new country, I always travel by taxi because it’s easy Sometimes it’s difficult to use public 9 in a new city So, as you can see my life is not as 10 as everyone thinks!

1 a excitingb boring c difficult2 a important b easyc boring3 a long-haul b localc landing4 a boat b taxic plane5 a locationb flightc reservation6 a gateb lounge c vehicle7 a stayb appc ridesharing8 a arrivalb overseas c departure9 a ridesharingb vehicle c transportation10 a interestingb badc difficult

2 Complete the sentences with one word

1 I can’t connect/acess to the intranet

2 How do I set up my email account?

3 I’m having finding Kim’s extension number 4You need to use your login details.

5 I don’t know how to log on.

3 Choose the correct option a, b or c.

HanTech is expanding its business to Asia to get 1 to new customers So, it’s important to think about where to 2 the new buildings HanTech would like the company 3 to be in a small city 4 are not too expensive in these places compared to offices in capital cities There are also good 5 like restaurants and shops in the area These things are 6 for workers HanTech wants good transport 7 on both land and sea It wants to build a 8 and some warehouses near a 9 so it can ship products all over the world It’s much cheaper if the warehouse is 10 to the sea

1 a transportb locatec access

Trang 2

2 a locateb convenient c access

3 a headquartersb factory c studio4 a Transportb Car parks c Rents

5 a linksb facilitiesc headquarters6 a accessb convenient c close

7 a linksb motorways c ports8 a factoryb car parkc lab

9 a studiob portc motorway10 a closeb convenient c access

4 Choose the correct option a, b, c or d.

1 Yesterday my manager paid the lunch for all the team.

a profitb charge c VATd bill

2 These days many people prefer to online

a shopb costc spendd serve

3 It’s very difficult for clothes stores to make a because of the internet

a money b profitc charge d order

4 Shopping centres are usually full of the same international .

a branchesb chains c services d departments

5 We don’t our customers for water with their meal.

a charge b orderc costd spend

6 Linda loves going to look around stores

a branch b shoppingc chains d department7 International clients usually by credit card

a serveb charge c payd spend

8 It’s important to check if the price includes

a VATb profitc charges d bill

9 I need to go to the to buy some medicine.

a butcher’ sb bakery c pharmacyd bookshop10 David likes to food online at weekends.

a payb charge c orderd spends5Choose the correct option a, b or c.

Yesterday I went to your café for a business lunch I often take 1 there because the2 is very convenient The food and the service are also 3 very good However, yesterday the service was too 4 and when the food arrived it was cold

Unfortunately, I cannot 5 your café until this situation improves

Trang 3

2 a locationb viewc situation3 a sometimes b alwaysc never4 a wonderful b slowc expensive5 a arriveb recommendc eat

6 Complete the gaps with one word

Dear Ms Lee,

I am writing to 1 asking for information about your conference room We are 2

for a venue for 100 people We 3 would also like to have wi-fi and lunch provided Please 4 could you tell me if this is possible?

I look 5 forward to hearing from you.Kind regards,

Jane Davies

7 Write one word which best fits the space 1 The final date is to be confirmed (TBC).

2 For your information (FYI), there is a new Sales Manager.

3 Email me the report as soon as possible (ASAP).

4 I’ll send the details by the close of business (COB) 5 By the way (BTW), the meeting time is 9.30 a.m.

8 Choose the correct option.

1 We haven’t got enough time / time enough to visit all the attractions in the city 2 It’s much / too hot to go for a walk in the park.

3 There are too many / much people here – let’s go to another café 4 Is there too / enough room for another desk in the office?

5 Stefan hasn’t got enough experience / experience enough for this job

6 I don’t want to go to the museum because it’s too expensive / enough expensive.7 A new printer costs too many / much money

8 Jaime’s boss gave him too much / many work last week.9 The office isn’t big enough / enough big; we need more space.10 Is the journey too / much long for children?

Trang 4

9 Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form Use the and than when necessary

1 Saturday is the most popular (popular) day to visit New York

2 This conference is better than (good) last year’s conference.

3 These shoes are the cheapest (cheap) ones in the shop.

4 Organising a wedding is harder than (hard) planning a birthday party.

5 The worst (bad) suggestion was to have a picnic in the garden in winter! 6 My co-workers are more interesting than (interesting) my manager.

7 A barbecue is the easiest (easy) meal for a party with lots of people

8 The kitchen is the smallest (small) room in the apartment

10Choose the correct option a, b or c.

Yesterday I went to your café for a business lunch I often take 1 there because the 2

is very convenient The food and the service are also 3 very good However,

yesterday the service was too 4 and when the food arrived it was cold Unfortunately, I cannot 5 your café until this situation improves

1 a workersb employers c customers2 a locationb viewc situation3 a sometimes b alwaysc never4 a wonderful b slowc expensive5 a arriveb recommendc eat

11 Choose the correct option a, b, c or d

For 10 years, I had a 1 job as an accountant The company had about 250 2 and I liked being a(n) 3 of a large company My working 4 was very traditional I startedat 9 a.m., had a lunch break at 1 p.m and finished at 6 p.m One day, I decided I wanted to do something with a more 5 schedule Now I have my own company and I’m 6 I sell music equipment online My working 7 is very different now I work 8 – in the mornings only I have a(n) 9 for the next six weeks She’s helping me make a new website for my business I want to be 10 when I am about fifty years old.

1 a permanentb temporaryc fixed d self-employed 2 a employersb interns c jobs d staff

3 a retiredb employeec staffd employer

Trang 5

5 a fixedb flexible c set d permanent

6 a temporaryb retired c staff d self-employed7 a lifeb jobc hours d patterns

8 a temporaryb full-timec part-timed permanent9 a employer b worker c staffd intern

10 a staffb retired c fixedd temporary

12 Complete the dialogue with the correct Present Perfect form of the verb in brackets.

A: Martin, why 1 have you been (you / be) so successful in your job?

B: Maybe because I 2 have read (read) a lot of books by people like Bill Gates These books 3 (make) me think about business a lot

A: That’s interesting 4 (you / ever / speak) at a conference?

B: No, I 5 (never / give) a talk at a conference But I 6 (see) many great talks in recent years.

A: What important things 7 (you / learn) in your working life?

B: Well, I 8 (meet) many people and I think it’s necessary to listen to

everyone, and my sister 9 (work) in the same area as me for many years – she gives me excellent advice I think I 10 (have) a lot of interesting experiences inmy working life so far

13 Choose the correct option a, b, c or d.1 Thanks for being so .

a flexible b busyc convenientd sorry2 Do you want to our meeting until

a confirm b fixc suitd set

14 Choose the correct option a, b or c.

Dear Ms Sharma,

Trang 6

1 thanks for your email I am 2 to confirm that I can 3 the meeting at your officenext Wednesday morning I will send you some information about our new products before Feel 4 to call me if you have any questions

I very much look forward to 5 you next week.Kind regards,

Alma Fernandes

1 a Thisb Muchc Many 2 a delighted b meetingc sorry3 a contact b attendc stay4 a freeb delightedc able5 a attending b confirming c meeting

Ngày đăng: 08/05/2024, 16:09

